
Install windows 10 on a clean comp. Installing the second Windows to another section or disk from the first Windows using WinNTSetup. Than burn installation disk

It happens that if necessary, install Windows 10 at hand, flash drives of the desired size is not detected, and the drive has evoked its own and has not been used for a long time, because of which the installation "dozens" from the disk is unreal. In this case, the method of installing the operating system from hard disk. Yes yes, one of hard sections The disk will serve as a boot device with Windows 10 distributions.

What do you need

To installing windows 10 From another HDD or partition was successful, the following tools are needed:

  • windows loader management program (we use EasyBCD with a graphical interface);
  • utility to unpack the image;
  • free section on Winchester, at least 4-5 GB (for recording installation Files);
  • ISO-image satisfying edition or build Windows 10.

Preparation for installation

In principle, the installation of the "dozens" from the hard disk is carried out in the same way as the installation of the preceding OS from Microsoft. Consider how this is done, on the example of using the EasyBCD and Daemon Tools utility.

Deamon Tools We will use only to copy the contents of the disk image, with which any archiver is perfectly coping with file managerSo if you do not use this program, there is no sense to establish it. Its functional in our case will completely replace 7z or Total Commander.

Many users recommend creating new section (or bite about 8-10 GB of free space from an existing) to record installation files on it, in order to protect yourself from loss important informationstored by boot section. So do, implying that you do not have a small free partition created to install "dozens" from a hard disk.

  • We go to "Management" using the context menu of the "My Computer" folder.
  • Go to the section "Disk Management" section.
  • Select the section from which you need to cut off a bit of unoccupied space to create a new one, call its context menu and click "compress Tom".

  • We enter the size to which we will climb the space, and click "compress".

This amount will be used to form a new partition, which will later copy the Windows 10 setting distribution. Therefore, the size should be at least 15% of the image.

  • Create a "simple volume" on the site of an unblocked area by calling its context menu.

  • Indicate the Tom Tag, His file System (Preferably NTFS), standard cluster size and press "ready."
  • Now copy the contents of the ISO image to the newly formed section. You can do this by unpacking the ISO using an archiver or, for example, through Daemon Tools.
  • Run DT and add to its ISO with distribution of Windows 10 By dragging the icon or by the "Add" button.

  • We allocate the added document and click "Mount".

  • Copy all the contents of the disk mounted into the virtual drive to the new partition of only the created hard disk.

It remains to create new boot record To start a computer using a unpacked image as a bootable media.

  • Run EasyBCD and click on the Add Record button located on the left side of the interface.

  • In the "Removable / External Drive" section, go to the "WinPE" tab and set a name similar to the name of the created partition.
  • Click on the icon with three points, located right of the "path" form, and specify the file "boot.wim" located in the "Sources" directory.

SSD solid-state disk differs in its properties and method of work from hard HDD. Disk, but the Windows 10 installation process will not be very different, there is only a noticeable difference in the preparation of the computer.

Preparation of disk and computer to install

Owners SSD discs know that in previous versions OS for correct, durable and full-fledged work Disk It was necessary to change the system settings manually: Disable defragmentation, some functions, hibernation, embedded antiviruses, paging file and change some other other parameters. But in Windows 10, the developers took into account these shortcomings, all the disk settings system are now performed by itself.

It is especially necessary to stop at defragmentation: before it harmed the disk very much, but it works differently in the new OS, without damaging SSD, but optimizing it, so it is not necessary to disable automatic defragmentation. The same with the other functions - in Windows 10, you do not need to customize the operation of the disk system manually, everything is already done for you.

The only one, when breaking the disk to the sections, it is recommended to leave 10-15% of its total volume as an unallocated space. This will not increase its performance, the recording speed will remain the same, but the service life can extend a little. But remember, most likely, the disk and without additional settings will last longer than you need. You can free up free interest, both during installation of Windows 10 (during the process in the instructions below, we will dwell on this) and after it using system utilities or third-party programs.

Preliminary configuration of PC

In order to install Windows on the SSD disk, you need to switch the computer in aHCI mode and make sure that the motherboard supports sATA interface 3.0. Information on whether SATA 3.0 is supported or not, can be found on the company's official website that has developed your motherboard, or through third-party programs, such as Hwinfo (

Transition to SATA mode

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. As soon as the power process starts, press the special key on the keyboard to go to the BIOS. DELETE, F2 or other hotkeys are usually used. Which one will be used in your case will be written in a special footnote during the inclusion process.
  3. BIOS BIAS interface different models Motherboards will be different, but the principle of transition to AHCI mode on each of them is almost identical. First go to the "Settings" section. To move on blocks and items, use the mouse or arrow with the ENTER button.
  4. Switch to additional settings BIOS.
  5. Go to the "Built-in Peripheral Devices" subparagraph.
  6. In the SATA Configuration unit, find the port to which your SSD disk is connected, and press ENTER on the keyboard.
  7. Select Mode aHCI works. Perhaps he will be selected by default, but it was necessary to make sure. Save the settings made to the BIOS and exit from it, download the computer to proceed to the preparation of the media with the installation file.

Preparation of installation media

If you have ready installation diskYou can skip this step and immediately start installing the OS. If you do not have it, then you will need a USB flash drive, at least 4 GB of memory. Creating on it installation program It will look like this:

  1. Insert the USB port flash drive and wait until the computer recognizes it. Open the conductor.
  2. First of all, it is important to format it. This is done for two reasons: the memory of the flash drive must be absolutely empty and divided into the format you need. Being on main page Explorer, click right-click on the flash drive and select "Format" in the menu that opens.
  3. Select mode nTFS formatting And we start an operation that can last up to ten minutes. Note that all the data stored on the formatted carrier will be irretrievably erased.
  4. Go to official windows page 10 ( and download the installers.
  5. We run the downloaded program. We read and accept the license agreement.
  6. Select the second item "Create installation carrier"Since this method of installing Windows is more reliable, because at any time you can start everything first, as well as in the future to use the created installation media for installing OS to other computers.
  7. Select the language of the system, its version and bit. The version must be taken by the one that suits you more. If you are an ordinary user, then you should not load the system with extra functions that you will never be useful to install, install hOME windows. The bit depends on how much kernels work your processor: in one (32) or two (64). Information about the processor can be found in the properties of the computer or on the official website of the company that has developed the processor.
  8. In selecting the media, mark the USB device variant.
  9. Select a USB flash drive from which the installation media will be created.
  10. We wait until the media creation process is over.
  11. Reboot your computer without removing the media.
  12. During inclusion, we enter the BIOS.
  13. Change the procedure for downloading a computer: In the first place should be your flash drive, and not a hard disk so that when you turn on the computer, it starts to load from it and, accordingly, launched the Windows installation process.

Windows 10 installation process on SSD

  1. The installation begins with a language selection, set the Russian language in all lines.
  2. Confirm what you want to start the installation.
  3. Read and accept the license agreement.
  4. You may be asked to enter license key. If you have it, then enter it, if not, then so far skip this step, activate the system after it is installed.
  5. Go to manual installation, since this method will allow you to configure the disk partitions.
  6. The window opens with the setting of the disc partitions, click on the "Disk Settings" button.
  7. If you install the system for the first time, then all memory SSD Disc will not be distributed. Otherwise, you must select one of the sections for installation and format it. Retained memory or already existing discs. We follow as follows: to the main disk on which the OS will stand, take more than 40 GB so that in the future do not encounter the fact that it is clogged, 10-15% of the overall disk memory. Leave retained (if all Memory is already distributed, delete the sections and start forming them again), the rest of the memory is given under an additional partition (usually disk D) or partitions (wheels E, F, G ...). Do not forget to format the main section given under the OS.
  8. To start the installation, select the disk and click the Next button.
  9. Wait until the system is established in automatic mode. The process can take more than ten minutes, in no case are not interrupting it. After the completion of the procedure, the creation will begin account and setting the main system parameters, follow the instructions on the screen and select the settings for yourself.

Video Tutorial: how to install windows 10 on SSD

Installing Windows 10 on SSD is no different from the same process with an HDD disk. The main thing, do not forget to turn on the ACHI mode in bIOS settings. After installing the system, you should not customize the disk, the system will do it for you.

Many sophisticated computer users believe that for better speed and more quality work The operating system must be performed periodically. It is clear that such users will prefer to put a "zero" dozen, and not to put it on top of the old operating system. Leave aside the reasoning about how much such an opinion is and to what extent is justified to spend time on clean installation Windows 10 from the official site Microsoft Instead of simply installing the "top ten" on top of the "seven" or "eight" - after all, here, as they say, how many people, so many opinions. There is no right answer, so everyone does, as it considers correct. And if someone with foam at the mouth proves that it is correct or wrong, then, for my taste, it does not mean that this person is right. If it seems to you that a clean image mounted on a formatted hard disk is faster and more stable, then why look for other ways. I will add that I think this very much. I don't have any logical evidence of the advantages of clean installation of Windows 10, as in many other users of Windows, only many years of experience, intuition and subjective feeling.

So, what to do if you do not want to update your Windows 7 or 8.1 to the "dozens", but want to clean and format your hard disk and then install clean Windows 10 on it?

In order for all users to calmly install windows 10 full, Microsoft has created a tool that allows you to record an operating system image on DVD Disc or USB drive. Download this free program may with official Site Companies.

But be careful! If you select the "Update Now" button on this page at the top, the program will boot to the computer windows updates 7 or 8.1 on Windows 10. For the same to download program for writing a clean image "Tens" We'll have to go down down and choose the blue button " Download the tool now ».

The mediacreatortool.exe file will be loaded. At the end of the download, you need to run it, like any other program and choose the item " Create an installation media for another computer. " Choose it even if we need to clean Windows 10 on the same computer. Otherwise, if you choose "Update this computer now", the new OS will be recorded on top of the old, and not completely. (In general, it would be more logical to call these items "update the operating system" and "create an image of Windows 10", but here, apparently, as it often happens to software, increasing literal translation from English to Russian).

One time when you start the MediaCreationTool utility was observed error 80072F76 0x20017. It was associated with the "jambs" solely on the side of Microsoft and arose everywhere around the world from September to December 2017. On the this moment The problem is solved, but in such cases for downloading image of windows 10 From the official site, you can use the "crutch". You can download the dozen directly by replacing the User Agent on Apple Safari in the browser. Everything is simple: I press the F12 in the Edge browser - Next, go to the "Emulation" tab, change the user agent string at Apple Safari (iPad) - Download the desired images with official site micoscoft. (described in more detail here in English). If you don't have access to the Edge browser, you don't have anything for the cooling of Windows 10 somewhere and you decide to trust me (by the way, it is completely in vain - for you can not trust anyone on the Internet), then here I have links to ISO files in cloud storage MEGA with the latest on December 2017 versions of Windows 10: 32 bits and 64 bits. I will say right away, downloading from there is most likely to be slow. Faster to take advantage of the official site and the change agent in the browser. After downloading ISO Image With Windows 10, any of the described methods should be created blood flash drive From this installation image. This can be done with the utility Rufus..

In the Windows 10 pure image recording program, it is possible to create it both on the USB drive and on the DVD disk.

But first, you need to select some parameters of the created image of the Windows 10 operating system (this must be done if the default parameters are not satisfied with you, as you are going to install a clean image of Windows 10).

First of all, this issue (Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Professional), and then architecture (32-, 64-bit or both immediately). For the release, I will say this: Choose Windows 10 Home, if we do not understand what the difference is.

As for the 32- or 64-bit version, then you need to know the size of the computer to which you want install a clean image of Windows 10. How to determine this read in the article ". If you need a disc from which you can install different versions Windows 10 immediately to several computers, then we boldly choose the option "both". If no needs in both images are not, then you should not choose a double option, since the weight of the installation disk will increase smoothly twice and amount to about 8 GB instead of 4 GB.

After all necessary parameters installed, you need to choose which carrier you want write a clean image of Windows 10. If this is a USB drive (USB flash drive), the image will be recorded immediately to it.

If you choose a DVD disk, the program will be offered first to select a place to save the program on your computer or laptop - you can make it right on the desktop. Only then you can write the created image of a clean Windows 10 to the DVD disk. One of the ways exactly how to do it is discussed in detail in my article " How to burn an image on a DVD disk in Windows 10».

Setting the clean image of Windows 10

Consider the question of what exactly can be installed clean Windows 10 I do not see sense to your computer. If you generally wondered about the net installation of "dozens", then you clearly know how this process occurs when windows installation 7 or 8. With 10 Version "Windows", nothing new in this process has appeared. As for the choice of individual parameters, I personally prefer to install the "dozen" with the default settings, and only later, if necessary, change something on a working operating system.

According to comments and personal messages, I realized that many people still arise from installing Windows 10. Posted by a very detailed article "".

I foresee a question about activation of Windows 10. I will not advertise pirate methods - if you wish, you will easily find their great set. I assume that you are going to install clean Windows 10, already having a license on it. If the licensed "dozen" was installed on the computer at least once, the key is already tied to it and after the clean installation of the operating system it will be activated automatically. If you do not have a license and use pirated activation methods you (absolutely correct) do not want, then I advise you to read my article " How free and legally get a licensed version of Windows 10 after July 2016».

P.S.: Just in case I will add that find item activation In parameters, via the search (magnifier on the control panel). Starting to type the word "Activation ..." in the search string, you will see the point "Activation. System Parameters. Its necessary to run, just pressing ENTER.

Not even advanced windows users Surely once heard that there are several ways to reinstall this operating system: using a DVD and a USB drive. These two options are now most common among users. However, there is another one that allows you to implement a "clean" installation of Windows or its update to more new version Using the hard disk section. It can help in cases where there is no USB drive, no DVD to which you can write the image of the operating system. If you are interested to know how to install windows 10 from the hard disk partitionWe recommend that you read this instruction. Perhaps it will come in handy in the future.

Make sure you have:

  • ISO file with Windows 10 operating system.
  • EasyBCD and Ultraiso programs.
  • At least 5 GB of free space on the system section.

Installing Windows 10 from Hard Disk

  1. Install EasyBCD and Ultraiso programs on your computer.
  2. Start the "Disk Management" console. To do this, click on the Win + R keys, enter the DiskMgMT.msc command and press the ENTER key or on the OK button.
  3. Highlight the system partition by clicking on it with the right mouse button and select "SHAT TOM" in the drop-down menu.
  4. In the field opposite the item "Size of the compressible space (MB)" enter 6000, and then click on the "Compress" button. After that, in the "Disk Management" window, a new space should appear.

  5. Click on the new space by right-click and in the context menu, select "Create a simple Tom".

  6. In the wizard window, click on the "Next" button.

  7. At the section "Formatting section" in the field opposite "Tom Tag" enter the name winsetup. And then click on the "Next" and "Finish" buttons.

  8. After that, open the "Explorer", go to the "Computer" and make sure that it appeared a new section with the name that you were asked and the volume of 5.86 GB.
  9. Mount the ISO file of Windows 10, open the new section and copy files from the mounted image into it. If Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 is installed on your computer, you can click on the ISO file twice to mount it. If Windows 7 is installed on your PC, you need to use the Ultraiso program in order to open the system image and copy files from it new volume.
  10. Run EasyBCD program.
  11. In the Program window, select the Add Record section.
  12. Click on the "WinPE" tab.
  13. Opposite the inscription "Type" Select "Wim Image (Ramdisk)".
  14. Opposite the inscription "Name" enter winsetup. .

  15. Specify the path to the file "boot.wim". To do this, open the "Explorer" window by clicking on the icon with binoculars and the folder opposite the "path" field, expand Tom WinSetup, go to the "Sources" directory and already select "boot.wim".

  16. Return to the "EasyBCD" program window and click on the "Add" button.

  17. Go to "Edit Download menu" and click on the Save button.

  18. Click on "Tools" and "Restart Computer".

  19. On the OS selection screen, click on winsetup. , to start it windows Installer 10.

It is interesting, so you can install not only Windows 10, and also Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. If you have a desire to establish any of these OS, you will be enough to remove windows files 10, copy the files of the preferred system and specify the path to "boot.wim".

The problem with the storage of data over time arises from each user, and many solve it by purchasing an additional hard disk. HDD carriers are inexpensive, and they are great for storing a large amount of information. You can easily install several computers hard disksTo increase the available space, but it is necessary not only to insert a new solid carrier, but also to competently configure it. The computer does not see hDD Immediately after it connects to wires to motherboardand in the operating room windows system It is necessary to make several actions to fix the current situation.

Why does the computer sees a new hard drive

Windows 10 operating system does not allow you to install new hard Disk to computer and immediately start working with it. Before you start using a new drive, it is necessary to check whether it works and is determined by the system. You can call a few reasons why the computer does not see a new hard drive:

  • The disc is incorrectly installed or incorrectly connected to the motherboard and power supply;
  • Hard disk does not work because of mechanical damage;
  • There are problems when determining the device by the operating system.

Make sure that the Windows 10 operating system sees the hard disk and you can proceed to its setting, quite simple. To do this, right-click on the Start button in the lower left corner and select the Lock Device Manager. Next, the menu opens in which you need to click on the left mouse button on the "Disk Devices" section.

Find the new ones in the list of available disks, which was connected to the computer, and check its status:

  • If it is not displayed, it is necessary to verify the correct connection of HDD wires with other components of the computer;
  • If it is standing red or yellow exclamation point, therefore, there have been problems with identification of the media, and they should be eliminated (most often in such a situation you will need to download individual drivers for your hard disk model);
  • If near new hard There is no extra bad icons, it means that it is connected normally and no problems were detected.

When the hard disk is connected normally, and the information about it is available in the device manager, you should switch to its configuration.

How to set up a new hard drive in Windows 10

Configure a new hard disk in the Windows 10 operating system is quite simple. If it is correctly determined, it is necessary to draw the following actions so that the drive becomes available for data storage:

If you plan to regularly use a new hard disk, be sure to do so that when working, otherwise the drive will quickly come into disrepair. If desired after initial settings You can always return to the "Disk Management" menu and create a new tower on the hard disk, format it to another file system or change the drive letter.

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