
Speed \u200b\u200b1 megabit. What is the speed of home Internet you really need. Why during video calls a picture and sound from the interlocutors to me is normal, and from me to them - no

Modern users of telecom-equipment are often seen in the characteristics of the equipment and tariff plans for data transmission, the conditional designation and are asked by the issue "MBPs - what does this mean?". MBPS (megabit per second, or Mbps) is a unit of network bandwidth. Each megabit is equal to 1 million bits. MBPs refers to the family of indicators used to measure the bandwidth and data rate. Megabit is a million binary impulses, or 1,000,000 pulses (bits). For example, the operator's telephone line line supports the data transfer rate of 1.544 megabits per second - this means that the line can transmit to 1.544 Mbps.

Mbps - What does this mean for data transfer rate?

An important characteristic feature is that adding an additional bandwidth does not guarantee faster network transmissions that include loading speed. The bandwidth is a measurement of network bandwidth, that is, the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in one second. Factors such as overload and latency can reduce the speed of the connection or cause oscillations. Internet service providers and network equipment suppliers often advertise a certain amount of Mbps, which indicates a theoretical maximum that will be achieved at any time outside the laboratory.

MBPS - What is it? Conversion of indicators

File download time can be defined using the formula. For example, to download 100 MB of audio files via an Internet connection 100 Mbps, you need to carry out the following calculations that help determine the approximate time of the audio file loading:

Convert megabytes in the file size (100 MB) to megabit: 100 × 8 \u003d 800 megabit.
Split this amount on the connection speed (100 Mbps): 800 ÷ 100 \u003d 8 seconds.

How are MBPS network connections are classified?

Different data rate features in MBPS - What does this mean? Among Internet services providers are the most common formats are 8, 16, 32, 50 and 100 Mbps.

Among the network equipment suppliers, devices such as switches are often advertised as "10/100 Mbps" - this means that its ports can support 10 and 100 Mbps.

Question from the user


Please tell me, I have an Internet channel 15/30 megabit / s, the files in UTorrent are downloaded at speeds (approximately) 2-3 MB / S. How can you match the speed, does the Internet provider do not deceive me? How many megabytes should be at a speed of 30 megabits / s? Confused in values \u200b\u200b...

Good day!

A similar question is very popular, asked him in different interpretations (sometimes, very terrible, as if someone was deceived by someone). The bottom line is that most users confuse different units : as grams and pounds (also megabit, and megabytes) ...

In general, to solve this task will have to be resorted to a small tour of the informatics rate, but I will try not to be bored ☺. Also, in the article, there is a difference of all the questions regarding this topic (about speed in torrent clients, about MB / C and Mbit / s).


Internet speed leaf

And so, from any Internet provider (at least, personally, I did not see others) the speed of connecting to the Internet is indicated in Megabit / S. (and pay attention to the console "BEFORE" - no one gives a guarantee that the speed you will always have a constant, because it's impossible).

In any torrent program (In the same UTorrent), default, the download speed is displayed in MB / s (megabyte per second). That is, I lead to the fact that megabytes and megabit are different values.

Usually enough declared speed in the tariff of your Internet provider In Mbit / S divided into 8 to get the speed that UTorrent will show you (or its analogs) in MB / s (but for this, see even lower, there are nuances ☺).

For example, the rate of tariff at the Internet provider, according to which the question was asked, 15 Mbps. Let's try to translate to normal way ...

Important! (from the computer science rate)

The computer does not understand the numbers, only two values \u200b\u200bare important for it: there is a signal or no signal (i.e. " 0 " or " 1 "). Here are these or yes, or not - then you mean" 0 "or" 1 "called" Bit"(Minimum information unit).

In order to be able to write some letter or a digit - one unit or zero will be clearly not enough (it's not enough for the whole alphabet). It was calculated to encode all the necessary letters, numbers, etc. - a sequence of 8 Bit.

For example, it looks like the code of the English capital "A" - 01000001.

And so the code code "1" - 00110001.

These ones 8 bits \u003d 1 byte (i.e. 1 byte is the minimum data element).

As for the prefixes (and derivatives):

  • 1 kilobyte \u003d 1024 bytes (well, or 8 * 1024 bits)
  • 1 megabyte \u003d 1024 kilobytes (or KB / KB)
  • 1 gigabyte \u003d 1024 megabytes (or MB / MB)
  • 1 terabyte \u003d 1024 gigabytes (or GB / GB)


  1. One megabit is 0.125 megabytes.
  2. To achieve a transmission rate of 1 megabyte per second, a network connection will be required at a speed of 8 megabits per second.

In practice, usually do not resort to such calculations, everything is done easier. The declared speed of 15 Mbps is simply divided by 8 (and from this number takes ~ 5-7% on the transfer of service information, network load, etc.). The obtained number and will be considered a normal speed (the approximate calculation is shown below).

15 Mbps / 8 \u003d 1.875 MB / s

1,875 MB / s * 0.95 \u003d 1.78 MB / s

In addition, I would not drop the network of the Internet provider in the peak hours: in the evenings or on weekends (when a large number of people enjoys a network). It can also seriously affect the speed of access.

Thus, if you are connected to the Internet at a tariff of 15 Mbit / s, and you have a download speed in the torrent program shows about 2 MB / s - everything is very good with your channel and the Internet provider. Usually, speed is less than the stated (this is my next question, a pair of strings below) ...

Typical question. Why the speed of connection is 50-100 Mbps, and the download speed is very low: 1-2 MB / s? Is the Internet provider? After all, even by exemplary addiction, it should be no lower than 5-6 MB / s ...

I will try to disassemble the items:

  1. first, if you carefully look at the contract with the Internet provider - then notice that you promised you "Up to 100 Mbps" ;
  2. secondly, in addition to your access speed, it has very important where do you download file (s). Let's say if that computer (from which you download the file) is connected by low-speed access, say at 8 Mbps - then your boot speed from it in 1 MB / s, in fact, maximum! Those. Try to start downloading a file from other servers (torrent trackers);
  3. thirdly, perhaps you already have some kind of pc the program downloads something else. Yes, the same Windows can download updates (if you are in addition to the PC, there is a laptop, smartphone, etc. Devices connected to the same network channel - Look at what they are busy ...). In general, check what your Internet channel is downloaded;
  4. it is possible that in the evening clock (when the load on the Internet provider increases) - there are "drawdowns" (not you alone at this time decided to download anything interesting ☺);
  5. if you are connected via the router - check it. It often happens that inexpensive models will cut speed (sometimes just reboot), in general - simply do not cope with the load ...
  6. check out driver on your network card (for example, on the same Wi-Fi adapter). I came across a situation several times: after the network card (Drivers on a network adapter in 90% puts Windows itself when installing it), Access speed increased significantly! Default drivers going with Windows - Do not panacea ...

Nevertheless, I do not exclude the fact that the culprit of low access speeds can be your Internet provider (with old equipment, clearly overestimated tariffs, which are only theoretically available on paper). Simply, I wanted to pay attention to the above moments ...

Another typical question. Why then indicate the speed when connecting to Mbit / s, when all users are focused on MB / s (and in programs indicated in MB / s)?

There are two points:

  1. when transmitting information, not only the file itself is transmitted, but also other service information (part of which is less than byte). Therefore, it is logical (and indeed, historically it happened) that the connection speed is measured and indicated in Mbit / s.
  2. the more digit - the stronger advertising! Marketing either no one has canceled. Many people, they are far enough from network technologies, and seeing that somewhere the figure is more - they will go there, and connect to the network.

My personally, my opinion: for example, it would be nice if providers would point out next to Mbit / with a real speed of downloading data that the user sees in the same UTorrent. Thus, and wolves are full, and sheep are intact.

By the way, all who are unhappy with their speed of access to the Internet - I recommend getting acquainted with this article: .

Supplements on the topic are welcome ...

At higher levels of network models, as a rule, a larger unit is used - byte per second (B / c or BPS.from English b.ytes. p.eR s.eCOND. ) Equal 8 bits / c.

Derived units

For the designation of high transmission rates, larger units formed using SI system consoles are used. kilos, mega-, giga etc. Getting:

  • Kilobits per second - Kbps / C (KBPS)
  • Megabits per second - Mbit / C (MBPS)
  • Gigabits per second - GD / C (GBPS)

Unfortunately, there is ambiguity in relation to the interpretation of the console. Two approaches are found:

  • kilobit is interpreted as 1000 bits (according to C, as kilogram or kilometer), megabit as 1000 kilobit, etc.
  • kilobit is interpreted as 1024 bits. 8 kbps / c \u003d 1 kb / c (and not 0.9765625).

For the unequivocal designation of the console of multiple 1024 (and not 1000), the international electrotechnical commission was invented by the prefixes " kibi"(Abbreviated Ki-, Ki-), « mebi"(Abbreviated Mi-, Mi-) etc.

  • 1 byte - 8 bits
  • 1 Kibibit - 1024 bits - 128 bytes
  • 1 Mebibyt - 1048576 Bit - 131072 byte - 128 KB
  • 1 Hibibit - 1073741824 Bit - 134217728 Byte - 131072 KB - 128 MB

In the telecommunications industry, the system was adopted to designate the kilo console. That is, 128 kbps \u003d 128000 bits.

Frequent errors

  • Beginners are often confused kilobitsa C. kilobytes, waiting for the speed of 256 kb / c from the channel 256 kbps (on such a channel, the speed will be 256,000 / 8 \u003d 32,000 b / c \u003d 32 000/1 000 \u003d 32 kb / s).
  • Often (erroneously or intentionally) confused bodies and bits / c.
  • 1 CBD (in contrast to Kbps) is always equal to 1000 bodes.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Megabit per second" in other dictionaries:

    megabit per second - Mbit / C data transfer unit \u003d 1024 kbit / with subjects Information technology as a whole synonyms MBIT / s en Mbit / Smbpsmegabits Per Second ...

    encryption of data at a speed of 1 megabit per second - - [] Subjects Protection EN Megabit Data Encryption ... Technical translator directory

    The amount of information, 106 or 100,000,000 (million) bits. The abbreviated designation MBIT or, in Russian designation, Mbit (megabit should not be confused with the MB megabyte). In accordance with the International Standard of IEC 60027 2 Units of Bit and Byte ... Wikipedia

    Bit per second, bit / s (eng. Bits Per Second, BPS) Base unit of measurement of the information transfer rate used on the physical level of the OSI or TCP / IP network model. At higher levels of network models, as a rule, ... ... Wikipedia

    Bit per second, bit / s (eng. Bits Per Second, BPS) Base unit of measurement of the information transfer rate used on the physical level of the OSI or TCP / IP network model. At higher levels of network models, as a rule, is used more ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Evolution Data Only) data transmission technology used in CDMA cellular networks. 1x EV DO is the phase of development of the CDMA2000 1X mobile mobile communication standal, and refers to the second generation of mobile communications. EV Do ... ... Wikipedia

    - (English Cellular Phone, mobile radio relay), type of radiotelephone communication in which the end devices are mobile phones (see mobile phone) are connected to each other with a cellular network of a set of special transceivers ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    8p8c connector. Information transmission rate of data transfer rate, pronounced in Number ... Wikipedia

    - (from lat. video I look, see) Electronic technology for forming, recording, processing, transmitting, storing and playing image signals based on the principles of television, as well as an audiovisual work, recorded ... Wikipedia

    Video (from lat. Video Watch I see) under this term understand a wide range of recording technologies, processing, transfer, storage and reproduction of visual and audiovisual material on monitors. When in everyday life, "video" usually have ... Wikipedia

In today's article we will deal with the measurement of information. All pictures, sounds and videos, which we see on the screens of monitors, are no more than figures. And these figures can be measured, and, now, you will learn to translate megabits to megabytes and megabytes in gigabytes.

If you are important to know how much in 1 GB of MB or how many in 1 MB of KB, then this article is for you. Most often, such data is needed by programmers that estimates their volumes occupied by their programs, but sometimes does not interfere with private users to assess the size of the downloaded or stored data.

In short, it is enough to know this:

1 byte \u003d 8 bits

1 kilobyte \u003d 1024 byte

1 megabyte \u003d 1024 kilobytes

1 gigabyte \u003d 1024 megabytes

1 terabyte \u003d 1024 gigabytes

Generally accepted cuts: kilobyte \u003d KB, megabyte \u003d MB, gigabyte \u003d GB.

I recently got a question from my reader: "What is more KB or MB?". I hope now, everyone knows the answer to him.

Units of measurement of information in details

In the information world applies not familiar to us, a decimal measurement system, and binary. This means that one digit can take value from 0 to 9, but from 0 to 1.

The simplest unit of measurement of information is 1 bit, it can be equal to 0 or 1. But this value is very small for the current amount of data, so bits are rarely used. More often used bytes, 1 bytes are 8 bits and can take a value from 0 to 15 (hexadecimal calculus system). True instead of numbers 10-15 letters from A to F.

But these volumes of these data are small, therefore, the coil-(thousand), mega-(million), giga- (billion) are used.

It is worth noting that in info, kilobytes is not 1000 bytes, and 1024. And if you want to know how much kilobytes in Megabay, then you also get the number 1024. To the question how many megabytes in Gigabay you will hear the same answer - 1024.

It is also determined by a feature of a binary calculus system. If, when using dozens, every new category we get multiplication by 10 (1, 10, 100, 1000, etc.), then in the binary system, the new bit appears after multiplication by 2.

It looks like this:

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024

The number consisting of 10 digits of the binary system may have only 1024 values. This is more than 1000, but closest to the usual console kilo. Mega and Gig and Tera are used in the same way.

Anyone who has interacted a little with computers is familiar with such terms as "gigabyte", "megabyte" and others.

They denote the volume of physical media, such as a flash drive, hard disk, or the volume of any file stored on the computer.
Simply put - this value denotes how many places on the computer takes any file, or how much in the amount of the media is able to accommodate information.

If you read this article to transfer one unit of measure to another, then I recommend immediately use the free online calculator at the bottom of the page.

Enter in the field any value, select the value and calculator from the list will make conversion.

What is byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

Several dozen years ago, the memory of the computers was small, and was not more than a dozen bit or pairs of bytes. It could be stored there several formulas, a couple of examples or mathematical expressions.

Now the volumes of hard drives are several terabytes, and the sizes of files are calculated by gigabytes. Therefore, with the progress of computer progress, a problem appeared in the record of how much the document is occupied.

It was then that other values \u200b\u200bwere invented, which were completely out of the term "bits".

In other words, terms "byte", Kilobyte, "megabyte" and Gigabyte - These are universal units for measuring the amount of information that indicate how much the location files occupy on the hard disk.

How does it work?

All hard drives, SD cards, flash drives can be combined under one common name - physical media.

In simple language, all these physical carriers consist of small cells for storing information.

In them, through a binary code, data is recorded that is transferred to it. These cells are called bits, and they are the smallest magnitude of computer information.

When you transfer information to the media - it seems to be written in these memory cells and begins to take place.

Actually, the file size and denotes how many bytes will be involved when storing a specific file. This is the principle of the designation of volume.

In addition, the data that is used in the system is temporarily recorded in a special area of \u200b\u200bmemory - operational.

They are present there until necessary, and then unloaded. The data is recorded in exactly the same cells, so Ram has its own volume designation, even less than hard drives.

What is more - megabit or megabyte

Often, on the description of the USB ports of the motherboard, as well as in the characteristics for flash cards and other portable media, the speed of transmitting information is indicated.

It is indicated as GB / s or MB / s, however, it is not necessary to confuse them - this is not a gigabyte / second and not megabytes / second.

In this case, other units of measurement - megabits and gigabites are denoted.

With their help, the speed of information transfer is measured.

These values \u200b\u200bare much smaller than megabytes and gigabytes, and they are calculated, in contrast to the above volumes, in a decimal number system.

One megabit is approximately a million bits. One gigabit is equal to billions of bits of information.

Almost always, these designations can be seen in the speeds of Internet providers.

Therefore, if the speed of your network is 100 Mbps, then 1,000,000 * 100 bits of information will go to your computer in one second.

Internet connection technology make it possible to offer users no longer megabit, but gigabit connection options.

USB ports 3.0 ports allow you to transfer information at 5gbit / s speed, and this is not the limit - after all, already in the motherboards there are connectors of higher and high-speed versions.

It is worth noting that the question is that more: megabit or megabytes - incorrect and cannot be answered.

These are different values, different methods of measurement. Although they are compared among themselves, however, no one does this, as it does not make sense and practical benefit.

How many megabytes in Gigabay

Increasingly coming out of the smaller. Thus, a group of eight bit cells creates one large byte cell, that is, 8 bits \u003d 1 byte.

  • 1024 byte \u003d 1 kilobyte,
  • 1024 kilobyte \u003d 1 gigabyte,
  • 1024 gigabytes \u003d 1 terabyte.

Large volumes are not used in the home PC, so there is no particular sense to talk about them.

An ordinary user will immediately rise by a natural question - why is the calculations and gradation so strange?

It was not easier to make 10 bits equal to 1 byte, and 1 gigabyte matched 1000 megabytes?

Yes, indeed, it would be much easier. However, it is easier to the usual number system.

The thing is what. In the real world, we use the range of numbers from 0 to 9. This is called a decimal number system. But computers think differently: they know only two numbers - 0 and 1, that is the system of their computing binary.

These numbers are conventionally, denoted "yes" or "no." In this case, they are shown, the storage cell is filled out, or not.

Without going into mathematics, it is worth saying that when transferring numbers from a clear computer of the binary system to our, a decaratus, two is built into a certain degree.

And in the degree of two there is no numbers, multiple 10. That is why the calculations are so strange: 1 byte in this case is 2 to 3 degrees of bits and so on.

Thus, gradation is carried out from two, and the number is the greater, the larger the number of times it is prolonged by itself.

Why HDD in 1GB is not equal to 1000 MB

Based on the explanation above, one gigabyte is greater than a thousand megabytes exactly 24 units. Therefore, in characteristics on hard drives they write exactly - how much is their volume. It is also impossible to round these quantities.

Accordingly, 8 gigabytes of RAM is not 8000 megabytes, but 8192.

It is for the same reason that sometimes when buying a carrier of information, its volume is slightly less than what is written in characteristics.

It simply can not be even, so it is often often nine instead of the promised ten gigabytes.

Where are these values \u200b\u200bused?

As mentioned above - these terms apply in the computer IT-sphere.

For example, when designating the HDD capacity. Modern hard drives already have a capacity of more than one terabyte, and continue to expand.

With flash drives and other portable media, everything is modest - their maximum volume can reach 128 gigabytes.

The same terms indicate the volume of files.

The scatter in this plan is much more, there are cases where there are several gigabytes, or a large layer of information, or a text file that occupies a couple of kilobytes.

It is even more interesting things with the computer's RAM.

Its volume is also measured in memory cells, and now many professional machines are equipped with several RAM dies, the total size of which can reach 128 gigabytes.

This is due to the fact that the processing of information requires more and more resources - and in order for the program to work stably, there should be a lot of space in temporary memory.

Is there any more?

Are there more values \u200b\u200bthan terabyte? Yes, of course, they are.

  • 1024 Terabyte is 1 petabyte.
  • 1024 petabytes - 1 exam.

The fact is that modern technology has not yet reached the creation of media and certainly files, the volume and size of at least close to these values \u200b\u200b- therefore in everyday life they are used extremely rarely.

However, they are widely used for computer calculations in science and high technologies.

Given how quickly technological progress is now - it is possible that after a couple of years, hard disks in 1024 terabytes will appear on the counters

Translation Table Values: Bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB

There is a table of all values \u200b\u200bthat are used in modern hard drives, other media, as well as files.

It is created specifically for the convenience of accurately determining the amounts of information and is given below. It includes only those units of measure that can be seen and apply in real life.

After terabyte, the measurement is though maintained, but at the level of science and high technologies, not everyday life.

It is enough to simply determine how many bits per second is transmitted to you on your computer, obtained to divide by 8, and then at 1024.

For example, at a speed of 100 MB / s per second, approximately 12 megabytes of information will be transmitted.

The disadvantage of the table lies in the fact that it can only be determined to determine the even values, which can be infrequent.

In order to accurately determine the weight of the file or the volume of the hard disk, you can use the online converter, which is shown just below.

Online magnitude converter

Of course, the information presented in the table of magnitudes is not enough for comfortable calculations.

Very few files whose weight will be exactly equal to one gigabyte or hundred megabytes, and therefore even having this reference information at hand will hardly calculate the carrier of what volume is needed in order to fully transfer a large document.

It is for this site and an online magic converter is installed on this site.

It works very simply - you specify the volume and the amount in which it is expressed. Next, you need to select the value in which you want to translate the number - and the converter will give you the exact value.

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