
As in the BIOS, set the download from the flash drive. We load with a USB drive on a computer with a UEFI BIOS. If you have Bios UEFI then everything is easier than simple

If you decide to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, then one of the steps to be executed is and in the download settings, indicate that the computer should be loaded from the flash drive. So, the question is as follows: how to download the boot from the USB flash drive?

In fact, nothing complicated here is not, with the exception of only the fact that your BIOS from my own can be a little different and you have to look for similar buttons.

So, the first thing we need to get to the BIOS. To do this, turn on the computer or reboot it if it is already on and immediately after the start start pressing the Delete key. Click several times, until I see the BIOS program. It can look like this:

On different computers and laptops, the BIOS entry button may differ. For example, on my laptop you need to use the F2 key. It can also be the keys F1, F8, ESC and others. Of course, in most cases, so that we need to use Delete or F2. Everything else is less rare cases.

When the BIOS is running, you can start settings. Using the arrows on the keyboard, go to the BOOT tab and click ENTER. There we will need to choose the second point Hard Disk Drives. Open it by pressing the key ENTER.

As you can see, we are now specified in the first place HDD.

We go there and in the menu that appears, specify your flash drive. In my case, this is USB: Corsair Voyager.

By choosing it, it will come first, instead of a hard disk. Now return one level above press the ESC key.

We are in a familiar window. Go here to the next Boot Device Priority point and open it.

Become for the first point and click Enter.

We again choose your USB flash drive, and it becomes in the first place in the priority. Excellent

In others BIOSA DOWN LOADING WITH USHA can be a little different. For example, on my laptop on the BOOT deposit, you need to open the boot device priority and then using the keys F5 / F6. Raise a flash drive to the first place.

On my new computer is still easier! There everything is in Russian and you can use the mouse. In my case, you need to open the Settings section and go to the tab.

In a new window, choose your flash drive.

After we delivered the download from the flash drive remains to be preserved by the method already known to us ( key F10).

Today I have everything today, I wish you successfully download the download from the flash drive and install Windows 10 or any other system to your computer or laptop.

The world does not stand still. Sometime, the peak of popularity was to store information on the disk or on a diskette. Now preference is given to more convenient and spacious flash drives.

To load into the BIOS through a flash drive, you must consider several features:

  • removable disc is recommended to connect to the connector located on the reverse side of the system unit. It is he who is on the motherboard;
  • connect a storage device before switching on or restarting the computer.

Regardless of the BIOS manufacturer, the following steps must be done to make Windows loading from the flash drive:

  1. Open the BIOS. To do this, click Delete. or ESC. The call key keys may differ in different versions of the program. Usually they are prescribed at the bottom of the screen immediately before loading the operating system.
  2. Next, you need to enable the USB controller.
  3. After that, the USB flash drive must be transferred to the first place in the list of devices from which the download is made.
  4. Save the changes made.

Run from a flash drive in Award BIOS

This version of the program is called by a button. Del. or a combination of keys Ctrl + Alt + ESC (in older versions).

Go to the tab "INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS"To enable a USB controller. Near the inscription "USB Controller" and "USB Controller 2.0" Set the value "Enable". To do this, use the button. ENTER. Return a step back by clicking ESC.

Now we need to directly adjust the download from the flash drive in the BIOS. To do this, go to the tab "Advanced Bios Features". Choose a section "Hard Disk Boot Priority". Here the name of the memory card must be indicated in the first row. By default, this position occupies a hard disk. Using the key «+» , move the required string to first place. Return to the previous menu.

Pay attention to the string FIRST BOOT DEVICE. Near this inscription should stand "USB-HDD"What does loading from a flash drive or an external hard disk. Sometimes the installation process may not go. In this case, select an external diskette indicator for floppy disk - "USB FDD".

A Hard Disk should be specified near the Second Boot Device.

After making changes, you can exit BIOS, while maintaining changes. Press ESC to exit the main menu. Then click "SAVE & EXIT SETUP".

Installation of download from a flash drive in AMI BIOS

Exit to AMI BIOS is carried out when keys Del. or F2..

The USB controller settings are in the tab. "Advanced", In chapter "USB Configuration". Indicator "Enable" Must be near "USB FUNCTION" and "USB 2.0 Controller".

Return to the previous menu (ESC) and go to the tab "Boot"section "Hard Disk Drives". The name of the flash drive must stand first. Click "ENTER" On the first line and in the new window, select the desired item.

In the previous menu, go to "Boot Device Priority". The top should be a flash card.

After that, you can return to the main menu and exit the bios by saving the settings.

Loading from a flash drive in Phoenix-Award BIOS

Press F1. or F2. You can open the BIOS versions of "Phoenix-Award" .

The USB controller section can be found in the tab. "Peripherals". Indicator "USB-HDD" need to put in the string FIRST BOOT DEVICETab "Advanced". Do not forget to save the settings.

Set up loading from a flash drive in BIOS UEFI

New laptops issued no earlier than 2013 have a special version of BIOS. One of its features is the presence of protection against the installation of Operations from any media except the licensed disk. To install the download from the flash drive in this version of the BIOS, you must first turn off this protection and set the compatibility mode with other operating systems.

Entering BIOS, go to the tab "Security"section "Secure Boot" and set the value there "Disabled".

In chapter "Boot", in line "BOOT MODE" Set value "Legacy Support". In line "Boot Priority" Must stand "LEGACY FIRST".

CD / DVD discs today are outdated. A USB drives came to replace them.

The need to load from a flash drive may occur when solving a variety of problems:

  • install the new operating system;
  • launch in Live CD mode;
  • for the treatment of a computer from viruses and malicious programs;
  • to correct errors that occur when booting the operating system;
  • preliminary installation of additional drivers;
  • scanning hard disk for problem sectors;
  • starting the operating system installed on the USB flash drive.

In many default systems, the download from the USB drive is disabled. Because of this, the user who wants to use the loading flash drive may arise problems with changing settings.

Features download from flash drive

The selection of devices for starting is determined by the BIOS settings - a built-in firmware designed to provide access to the operating system to the API devices.

To download the system from a flash drive, you need to go to the BIOS and change the start order, or use a special boot menu. But it is not always easy to do, because the versions and types of firmware may differ in different motherboards.

If you need to boot from a USB or any other drive, you must perform the following steps:

  1. insert disk or flash drive;
  2. enable your computer or restart it;
  3. log in to BIOS or Boot Menu and select USB device;
  4. if the connected devices are several, the system will automatically offer you a list to select the necessary one.

Most modern motherboards work through technology called UEFI. This is not just a more convenient graphics shell for the BIOS firmware, and new software with more opportunities and flexible settings.

Motherboards working with UEFI received many new abilities, for example:

  • monitor the temperature of different devices and in connection with this increase or decrease the speed of fans;
  • regulate the frequency of overclocking the central and graphics processor on the motherboards, where it is provided by the developer;
  • work with many BIOS settings from special Windows operating system.

Video: BIOS Select the boot device

Motherboard ASRock H77M-ITX

The easiest way to download the system from the flash drive is to use the Boot Menu (Download menu). For each modern motherboard there is such an opportunity. To find out which combination or key you can do this, most often enough to read system messages. In extreme cases, you need to refer to the board documentation.

ASRock H77M-ITX allows you to select a startup option using the "F11" button. From the first attempt may not get to get into the menu, so the key must be pressed several times. In case of failure, simply restart the computer and try again.

As a result, you should see a blue-blue background with the inscription ASRock UEFI Setup Utility. In the "Please Select Boot Device" menu, you need to select the desired device for download.

To configure the order of launching devices in the BIOS of the ASRock H77M-ITX motherboard, the following steps:

After restarting the computer, you must see the start of the launch from the flash drive.

Motherboard ASUS P8H77-I

It is possible to be in the BIOS on computers with the ASUS P8H77-I motherboard in the same way as described in the previous section using keys "DEL" or "F2". In the device selection menu, you can get using the "F8" button.

The microprogram interface is very different from the previous version. But the names of the various settings menu are practically identical.

To simplify actions, the primary setup mode is provided and optional. In the primary setup function, that is, in the main window in which you get when booting BIOS, it is possible to select a start priority. In the picture USB it is designated as with UEFI.

If, after restarting the system, the loading from the flash drive did not start, you need to go to the "Advanced Mode". This can be done using the "Advanced" button or by pressing the "F7" key.

Photo: Advanced UEFI BIOS Setup Mode on ASUS P8H77-I

To configure the priority, you must perform the following steps:

  • find the "USB Support" item and assign it to the "Full Initialization" parameter;

    Photo: Enabling full initialization support for USB devices

  • go to a priority change by activating the "Download parameter No. 1", where you need to select a USB device;

  • if your device has not been determined as a boot, then it may not be listed. Then it is necessary to find the section "Prior to loading hard drives" and change the start priority from here;

    Photo: Menu "Loading hard drives"

  • if you changed the sequence according to paragraph 4, you need to make sure that the priority has changed. If this is not the case, choose the device itself;

    Photo: Referring priority after changes in hard disk loading lists

  • now you need to save the parameters and exit that you can make the "F10" key.
  • The computer will reboot, after which the launch from USB should start. If this did not happen, try changing the port and repeat the operation.

    How to boot from the boot flash drive in the Award BIOS

    New motherboards working with UEFI is much easier to configure. However, the need to boot from the flash drive may occur on older systems. Settings To use a bootable USB drive can be slightly different, at least the principle of the operation, considered earlier, the same.

    One of the most famous versions of BIOS is Award. There is no possibility of calling the menu to select the start priority. Therefore, we immediately go to the configuration of the bios.

    In order to download the system from a flash drive on a computer with a motherboard running Award, you need to perform the following steps:

    If the launch from the required drive was not performed, you need to check another parameter: the USB controller must be turned on in the Integrated Peripherals menu.

    Photo: Checking the activation of the controller

    Ami Bios.

    This firmware management system is more modern, so there is already a launch sequence selection menu. It is activated by the "F11" button. You can get into the BIOS setting using the "DEL" or "F2" buttons.

    To select the load priority you need:


    Phoenix-Award BIOS is rare enough, and his firmware is a bit unusual. There is support for the output to the screen of the quick selection menu of the boot drive, it is called by the "F11" key.

    What is interesting, in the PHOENIX-Award menu you will not find USB-HDD. But the choice of gadgets connected in this way, for example, ZIP, CDROM and FLOPPY are provided to the selection. To start the flash drive, select Hard Disk, and then the required USB-HDD appears in the list.

    As for the priority management through the BIOS, it is done almost identically AMI.

    The difference is that in the "BOOT" menu you need to select the following parameters:

    • using the "+" and "-" keys, we change the order. The first must stand the removable device (Removable Device);
    • by activating the Removable Device and pressing the "ENTER" button, select the flash drive from the drop-down list.

    Photo: Removable Device Making the first in the Launch Priority list

    The ability to download the system from the flash drive gives almost any BIOS microsystems. Knowing key combinations and the necessary menu items, you can quickly change start priorities.

    More modern motherboards with UEFI give much more opportunities in managing your system. If necessary, you can run different operating systems from different flash drives to manage any software.

    Most often, we remember about the BIOS (Basic I / O System) only when we need to reinstall the operating system and you need to set the boot from the disk or flash drive in it. I often wrote about it in these articles like: and others. Now I want to gather together and refer only to this article if necessary. This article will be useful for all versions of bios and for different firms. Single unified reference book

    The first thing you need to know - BIOS is divided by manufacturers and versions.

    To change the boot method in BIOS - You must first enter it.
    You can, of course, find out what version and manufacturer of your bios, from the manual going with the computer.
    Also, it is possible to learn looking at the string at the top on the black screen when loading (the manufacturer will be indicated).
    Well, then enter BIOS, knowing what you have.

    In some versions of the bios, there is no such screen with a lines. There simply stands the logo and the bottom is written in the bottom. Something like "Press F2 to Enter Setup" means and press F2. If it is just a logo and there are no inscriptions - press ESC and then Del or F2

    Here is a small list of manufacturers and shortcuts of keys to enter the BIOS:

  • AMI BIOS -\u003e Del or F2
  • Award BIOS -\u003e Del
  • Award BIOS (old ver.) -\u003e Ctrl + Alt + ESC
  • Phoenix BIOS -\u003e F1 or F2
  • Dell BIOS -\u003e F2
  • Microid Research BIOS -\u003e ESC
  • IBM -\u003e F1
  • IBM Lenovo Thikpad -\u003e Press and hold the blue ThinkVantage key
  • TOSHIBA (laptops) -\u003e ESC then F1
  • HP / COMPAQ -\u003e F10
  • Also at the bottom of the black screen, the keys are written to enter the BIOS and to display the list, which contains the available devices for download and so that you can boot from it. But about him at the end of the article.

    As you can see - most often you need to press the key F2. or Del..

    Now you need to put a flash drive or disk.
    Consider on several examples different from the BIOS manufacturer.

    Setting up Award BIOS to download from a flash drive or disk:
    The main window is this kind in which we need a second point:

    Further depends on the firmware version. In one case, you will need to go to the item similar to "BOOT SEQ & FLOPPY SETUP"

    in another case, it is not necessary to go anywhere - everything will be so before our eyes

    Schelkov on First Boot Device. (First boot unit), click ENTER and such a window will appear

    in which you need to select a disk or flash drive that will be started first. You can specify the second boot device, for example, but usually the BIOS itself fills this data.

    On a note:

  • First Boot Device - a device from which the computer will be loaded first
  • Second Boot Device is the second device from which the computer will be loaded if "First Boot Device" will be not bootable or inoperable.
  • Third Boot Device - the third device from which the computer will boot if the "Second Boot Device" does not turn out to be bootable

    If you choose a USB flash drive, then, among other things, you need to go to the item "Hard Disk Boot Priority" and move our USB flash drive to the very top with the "+" and "-" or "pagep" and "PageDown" buttons:

    It is also worth remembering - that in order for BIOS to see the USB flash drive, you need to connect it until you turn on or before rebooting

  • Then click "F10" (see the exact key in the prompt at the bottom of the screen with the name "Save", "Exit") or exit the main menu of the bios and select the "Save and Exit Setup" item. In the red window, select "YES" with the "Y" button on the keyboard and press "ENTER"

    The computer reboot and when downloading from the installation disk with Windows, there may be such a request for a few seconds "Press Any Key to Boot From CD or DVD ..."

    What is translated as "Press any button to boot from CD or DVD".
    This means that if at this moment you do not press any button on the keyboard, then the computer will continue to load from the following device list.

    Another variety of this bios:

    I met only on the old computers of the decade ago until 2003. The main menu looks like this:

    To customize the load order, you need to go to the menu Bios Features Setup.:

    At this point, we just select the Pageup and Pagedown buttons (or ENTER and arrows) what to set first - CDROM or USB flash drive. Do not forget about the second and third device

    And further:

    How to choose where to boot in ami bios
    If, entering the bios, you see such a screen, then you have Ami Bios.:

    The button on the "Arrow right" keyboard is moving to the Boot tab:

    We go to the "Hard Disk Drives" and in the "1st drive" line (may be called "First Drive") select the disk or flash drive:

    Next we go to "Boot Device Priority", go to "1st boot device" and select from the list what has been chosen in the previous tab (i.e., if you choose a flash drive in Hard Disk Drives, then you need to specify it. This is important! )

    To boot from the CD / DVD disc, you need to select "ATAPI CD-ROM" (or just "CDROM") in this menu, while there is no need to enter the previous menu "Hard Disk Drives".
    Now we save the results with the "F10" button or go to the "Exit" bios section and select "Exit Saving Changes".

    Another AMI BIOSbut everything is clear here:

    Setting up Phoenix-Award BIOS to download from a flash drive
    If, entering Bios, you see such a screen, then you have a Phoenix-Award BIOS:

    We go to the "Advanced" tab and opposite the "First Boot Device" exhibit what you need (USBA or Disk):

    Save the key F10.

    Configure EFI (UEFI) BIOS with a graphical interface for download from a flash drive
    Now you will not surprise anyone. Almost all new computers are supplied with a similar shell. You can read more about it in the article.
    When loading, at the bottom of the screen there is a section "Boot Priority", where you can use the mouse (dragging) to set the desired load order.
    You can also press the "EXIT / ADVANCED MODE" button in the upper right corner and select the Advanced Mode in the Advanced Mode window that appears.

    Next, go to the tab "BOOT" and in the section Boot Option Priorities. In the "Boot Option # 1" field, install the default flash drive device, a DVD-ROM, a hard disk or other device available.

    How to boot from the flash drive or from the disk without entering bios
    This is what I wrote about almost at the very beginning of the article.
    This is when you need to press the key once and the window will appear with the download selection. This method does not change the BIOS settings.
    Usually Award Bios. Offers to click "F9" to call the boot menu, and AMI asks to click "F8". On the Not Bugs, this can be the "F12" key.
    In general, see the bottom line and look for Press F8 for BBS Popup or Press F9 to Select Booting Device After POST.

    Why can't boot from flash drives in BIOS?

    Possible reasons:

    On ancient computers, there is no possibility to load from USB flash drives. If there is no more than new bios, then the project can help.
    1) Download the "Plop Boot Manager" above the link above and unpack.
    2) There are files in the archive: plpbt.img is an image for a floppy disk, and plpbt.iso is an image for a CD.
    3) Record the image on the disk and load from it (or from the diskette).
    4) A menu will appear in which you choose your flash drive and already load from it.

    Little decoding of disk designations when choosing:

  • USB HDD is a flash drive or an outer hard drive
  • ATAPI CD is a CD or DVD-ROM
  • ATA HDD or just HDD is a hard drive
  • USB FDD is an external diskette disk
  • USB CD is an external drive for disks.
  • Do not forget after you have done what they wanted (namely - why change the download in the BIOS) - return the download settings back to the computer loaded from the hard disk.

    Hi friends! Today I will tell about how in BIOS Configure download from a flash drive, and what to do if this shortcut is not displayed in the BIOS settings. I already wrote an article about, but today I want to write more detail about how to boot from USB driveAfter configuring the BIOS.

    What is it for? Well, if you read it, then I think you already know what it is for you. Well, if not, I will reveal the secret to you, you can create bootable flash drives and install operating systems from them or run other images of loading disks, for example. It is very convenient, flash drives are more resistant to mechanical damage compared to discs, and the amount of memory can be more.

    Before you start writing the instructions, be sure to read the article, it is written in it how to enter the BIOS.

    So, you have already created a bootable flash drive and ready to boot from it. First of all, we need to configure the system so that our flash drive stood in the first place, and the system started at first. There is one joke, through which type questions arise and the BIOS settings do not display a flash drive.

    In BIOS no download from a flash drive?

    Everything is very simple when the USB device is not connected to the computer, it will not be displayed in the download options.

    Exhibit download from a flash drive in bios

    We do this: We connect the USB flash drive, go to the BIOS (if you do not know how to read the article above, usually the DELETE or F2 keys). And go to the page with setting up the order of boot devices. I just show the screenshots. Remember, you can all look different, and menu items can be called otherwise. Look for the item with the word "boot".

    If the flash drive is connected, we will see it in the list.

    Now we need to install a flash drive on the first place in the download list. Click to this "Enter" and choose "".

    We save all our changes by pressing the F10 and reboot the computer. If everything is done correctly and the USB drive is created correctly, the download and USB drive will begin. It may indeed be that the USB is not displayed in the setup, then most likely because you have an old computer and it does not support this feature.

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    Updated: January 12, 2015 by the author: admin.

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