
How to create a home group in Windows 10. How to set up a homemade group of Windows. Create and configure

Hello everyone! This article is a logical continuation of the story about creating a home network. Who has not read the past material yet, we strongly recommend that it.

There we climbed on dusty floors and paved the cable. Today, there will be noble work on the agenda. Namely, setting up a local network in Windows 7 and 10. Wow, no longer wailing to start.

So, friends, let's not breed a blank chatter for a long time, so let's right away. We remember that you need to organize a local network in such a way that the Internet is in all computers.

To do this, we need to configure PC network cards by one template. And in fact, it is a pretty simple procedure. Especially since this was already talking on the blog earlier. Here is a link to the desired publication:

We remember that there are already nine cars in our network. It will be logical if you assign them an IP addresses ascending. That is, the following values \u200b\u200bwill be inscribed in the settings of the network cards of the first and last computers:

We pay attention to the fact that the first computer has the value of the IP address equals "". Made so because in our scheme is already present, which is the default address "".

That is why this value is specified in the "Main Gateway" field. Thus, each PC is given the possibility of accessing the Internet. If this count is empty, then there will be no exit to the global cobweb.

It is also important to know that two identical IP addresses should not be in one local network. Now on Windows 7 and 10 you need to do the following important settings. We go to the "Network and Common Access Control Center":

We follow in the "Change Advanced Sharing Options" section:

And in it for all network profiles, activate the options indicated in the figure below:

After that, we definitely select the "All Network" profile and activate the string "Disable common access with password protection":

This measure will allow access over the network to other computers without entering any incomprehensible passwords. Now we can say that setting up the local network in Windows 7 and 10 is almost over. Only the smallest thing remained.

The final stage will be the transfer of all computers to one workgroup. This will avoid various conflicts and inexperienced users will be less confused when working.

Therefore, you need to open the System tab:

And look at what is indicated in the column "Working Group":

Usually there by default the value "Workgroup" is written. In principle, let it remain. But remember that all computers must have exactly the same group. If you want to rename it, then we click "change the parameters".

In the window that opens, choose the "Change" item:

And now you can make the necessary changes:

By the way, pay attention to the "Computer Name" field. In His Latin desire to enter such a name that would allow other participants in the local network to understand what kind of computer and whose he is.

Well, okay, what's for a long time to explain. We reboot all computers after the changes made and on the desktop we click on the "Network" label:

And here they are, our ducts:

And now try to figure it out, whose computer is highlighted in the screenshot above. Well, oh well, friends, at this step, you can safely say that the setting of the local network in Windows 7 and 10 approached the end.

It remains only to open shared resources on the PC and you can use. But let's talk about this in detail in the next article. In the meantime, ask your questions in the comments to the article and see the next very cool video.

The local network allows you to establish a connection between multiple computers in one room, simulates sharing files. As a result of setting up the home network, users get the opportunity to work on different computers to work on one document or play together in the game.

Local network capabilities

Setting up the Windows 10 network allows you to get a number of convenient features that will be useful users who have access to several computers at once.

  • Sharing files from different computers. Fast data transmission regardless of volume.
  • Sharing printer, scanner or other network device.
  • Setting up network games and entertainment.

These are the main directions, each of which contains a number of possibilities. For example, quick data transmission allows you to back up important information, so if one machine stops working normally, the information you need will remain available from another computer.

To start using all these functions, you first need to properly configure the local network in Windows 10. You can connect the machines on which the same versions, a PC and a laptop are installed with different versions of Windows - in the interval between the "seven" and "dozen" compatibility restrictions.

Creating a network

First of all, you must install on all computers you are going to connect to the network, the same name of the working group. On Windows 10 and other versions, this is done equally:

  • Click Win + R. To call the window " Perform».
  • Enter " sysdm.cpl"To open the properties of the system.
  • The "" tab will immediately appear. See what name the working group is wearing. To put the same name on other computers, click " Change" Use only Latin letters!

Then the setting continues in " Network and Common Access Control Center", Which is started through the control panel or the connection icon in the notification area. Next, go to a change in additional parameters.

On Windows 10, you can still get here through the section " VPN.»On the tab" Network and Internet»In the system parameters.

Here it is necessary to enable network detection with automatic configuration, sharing files and devices, as well as allow the system to manage the connections of the home group.

ATTENTION: Enable Network Detection and Sharing without a password is necessary for all profiles! First you set up a home or worker profile, then a common profile and all networks.

This operation should be repeated on all computers. As a result, the local network members should be:

  • One name of the working group is assigned.
  • Auto detection is allowed.

If the home network in which computers are connected, built on the basis of one router, then the listed actions are sufficient for normal operation of the local network. If the computers are connected directly using the CROSSOVER cable or on the router, the DHCP service is disabled, independently distributing the IP address machines, then additional setting should be carried out.

  • Open " Network Management Center", Then go to the section" Change adapter settings».

  • Select a network card to which the CrossOver cable is installed and open its properties.

  • Mark " Use the following IP"And" Use the following DNS" Fill in the strings with the values \u200b\u200bshown in the screenshot.

On the second computer it is necessary to add such data:

On different computers the IP address will be different. If on the first car you wrote, then the second address will be and further depending on the number of network participants. The remaining data remains unchanged.

Inclusion of general access

The local network is created, but to use with one computer with programs and files that are stored on another machine, you must still set sharing for them. Setting up Windows 10 network On this, essentially ends. We will make a shared folder with documents:

  • Click the Right-click folder, open the properties.
  • Go to the tab " Access", Click on the" button " Extended setting».

  • Put the mark " Open sharing" Click on the button " Permissions».

  • Set permissions. If you want the directory from another computer only to open and see its contents, then check the item " Reading"In the column" Allow" To provide full access, check the corresponding paragraph. Save the configuration by clicking " OK».

Then it is necessary to return to the folder properties and go to the " Safety" Here you should click the button " Change».

The window will appear. Permissions for group" Under the field " Groups or users"Click" Add».

Enter your name " Everything"(Quotes are not needed), click" OK».

Set the same permissions that you have done earlier when setting up access.

After the overall access permission is recommended to restart the computer to setting up Windows 10 network ended correctly. The next time you turn on the conductor will appear " Net"In which computers will be displayed, between which the connection is established.

Inside the directory in the name of another computer, you will find folders for which the sharing is configured.

Inside the folder there will be the same documents that are stored on another computer. If you have provided full access in the settings, you can calmly edit them from another machine.

Accessing Internet access

If the local network is built without a router, using a direct wired connection of computers, and on the same machine there is access to the Internet, and there is no access to another, it is quickly corrected. The actions described are performed on the computer on which there is a connection to the global network.

  • Click the connection icon in the notification area. Open " Control center"And go to the change in the adapter parameters.

  • In the list of available connections, locate the connection to the global network. Open its properties, click right-click.

  • On the tab " Access»Allow other participants in the home network to use this connection to the Internet.

Now from one computer, the Internet will be distributed on other participants online. This will affect speed, but when accessing from different devices through a router, the speed is also divided in proportion to the load, so this is the usual practice of working together on the Internet.

Microsoft makes sharing files, including photos, video and music and connecting a network printer easier with its network service.

The home group is a password-protected home network service that allows you to exchange material with other PCs that are currently working and connected to the network. This is especially good if you are connected not only to computers (for example, Xbox One), because you can configure the "home group" to be able to transmit files from a computer to a TV or a gaming console.

You can create one home group per network. This is how it is done.

1. Right-click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the pop-up menu.

2. In the control panel, click on the "Home Group" (you can also search for a phrase "Home Group" in the Windows Search Row).

3. Click the "Create Home Group" button to create a new home group.

4. A window will appear. Click the "Next" button again to get started. Select the types of files you want to share with other members of the group: Images, video, music, documents, printers and devices. You can set different levels of permissions for each type of file. Click "Next" to continue.

5. The next screen will appear the password of your new home group. On any device you want to attach to your home group, you will need to enter this password to gain access, so it is desirable to print or write this password.

The domestic group password is generated automatically in Windows, but you can change it to something more understandable to users in the home group settings menu. To do this, open the menu of the home group settings (Control Panel\u003e Home Group) and click the "Edit Password ..." link in the "Edit Password" window that appears again.

6. You can take another step, allowing other devices in your home group to play the contents of your multimedia files. To do this, open the home group settings menu (Control Panel\u003e Home Group) and click the "Allow all devices in this network, such as TV and game consoles, reproduce my general content."

5 years ago, the organization of a local connection between multiple computers implied the acquisition of special equipment (switches or hubs) to be configured and prepared for the successful network functioning. Today, when in almost every apartment there is a router, or a router, with which a wired or wireless connection is organized between a number of systems, the need to buy third-party equipment disappeared by itself, because in the event of a communication configuration between computers, it is possible to organize file sharing between computers. using a local connection.

What is the local network? In such a network you can exchange movies, music, pictures, play three-dimensional games with alive rivals. All these opportunities in the aggregate constitute a great help to organize and configure the connection, and the probability of the game with real people by multiplayer immediately reduces all temporary and moral costs of customization of communication, as well as dissatisfaction from the appearance of possible pop-up pitfalls when setting up, no.

In this material, I will tell you how to generate and outtuning a wired / wireless connection between multiple nodes on the local network, and what is needed for this.

The required prerequisite for organizing a local connection in Windows 10 through the router is already. This article does not affect the router setting, since we have already described the configuration process in a separate article (reference above). We assume that your router works properly and stable, and no problems (such as periodic loss of the connection or communication) are not observed. Also, using the instructions given, you can organize a wired connection by posting Wi-Fi.

Setting the LAN Connection - Detailed Instructions

The first thing we need to do is attach all computers on the network to one working group. To see which working group you have the PC you choose, perform the right click on the start button "Start" and check the "System" item in the pop-up menu.

In the system properties that opens, click the "Create Parameters" button in the section where the name of the computer and the domain to which this node belongs is shown. The "Computer Name" tab opens, where among other information there is information about the Working Group.

As you can see, my PC belongs to the group "Workgroup". Alternative way to get into the same form - use the "Win + R" buttons sequence and enter the SYSDM.CPL command. As a result, you will also fall on the same form.

What if the names of the working groups on different computers are different, and you need to change the group on one or more of the selected machines? On the same form, press the "Change" button and in the new form that opens, we enter the name of the group we need.

When entering the name of the working group, you should not use Cyrillic, use Latin characters only.

Here I celebrate the option "View the status of tasks and network" in the "Internet and network connection" category.

On the form that opens, you open the subsection "Change Advanced Sharing Options".

Activate the OS permission to manage the working group connections, sharing printers and files, automatic setting and detecting a PC on the network.

Select "All Network Connections" and place the "Disconnect password protection" option. After that, save all changes by clicking on the button to save.

Do the same operations on all the systems that you want to connect to the local network, then we can follow.

How to configure access to file facilities and catalogs on PC

To organize a common access to the network folder, you need to right-click on the corresponding directory and select the "Properties" item, after which you should click on the "Access" tab and further - "Extended Settings".

To open a common access to the catalog, check the box to open access to the general type directory and click the "Permissions" button. Here, select those users with access for which you want to provide, and specify which access you want to give. The most preferable is the "read only" option, because if you open access to other users to change, in the near future you can notify several dozen files in your directory.

Now go to the "Security" tab in the directory properties and for the User "All", set access only to read the contents of the directory and on the launch of the files in the specified folder, so that you could watch movies on any computer at a local connection, without copying them to your PC . To change the rights, click the Edit button for the relevant user.

Now, if you did everything correctly, the folders shared by you will be visible on other computers united to connect to a single local network.

Thus, you can freely use common resources, stored on other PCs, thereby saving the valuable disk space, not duplicating the same files on several nodes. To use the local connection is incredibly convenient, and I dare to hope, you will also appreciate all the advantages and advantages of this approach to the storage and use of data.

It is no secret that many connected two PCs with XP through a regular cord or by Wi-Fi modems, but the local network setting in the Windows 10 operating system has changed, and significantly. Still, the home network is possible. Almost every home is now a router, because some computers are somewhat, and we will see how settings are set in this case. Before creating connections, put in touch, and then find out what you need to successfully complete this procedure. Because many already at this step will decide all their problems.

The topic of today's review is not just setting up the network in Windows 10, but ensuring the interaction between the two PCs. Although with the development and reduction of service providers, it is more profitable to download files to network storage facilities instead of transmitting data over the local network. The very concept of Local comes out of fashion. When we even play now in diabolo on pirates, but in CS (sometimes, truth, with bots). The configured PC pool is bad that hackers can detect it. And this is not necessary for us.

Before starting work

It is generally recognized that Windows is one of the worst platforms to create a network. Therefore, try to act as close as possible to the regulatory framework. For example, a working group refer to the workgroup. We somehow did not see the PC even myself because it was not, it is a church on laughter - that one of the shared folders ... was empty. Following this, the laptop disappeared from the field of view of the entire group. And when we recorded the text into an empty folder, I saw myself, but in the field of view the rest of the network did not appear.

Hackers call the Microsoft product, not otherwise as Mustdie, which translates from English is translated as unable to exist. But we are not important all these features. Instead, it will try to configure the network, because the bad dancer has all the floor is uneven. And one more comment: the easiest way to connect homemade versions of Windows is the easiest. Why? But Pro is for smart, let the head break!


Pinging Allows you to establish that a certainly configured subscriber is ready for a serviceable cable. In this case, the operation is successfully executed when access to files and folders on the network is enabled. Let's check:

PC name and group

The requirements of previous generations are preserved on Windows 10. However, we disagree with the fact that the PC must still enter into one group. Here is a screen from the first:

... and from the second.

The names of the working groups do not coincide. So, nonsense is that it is necessary to edit the names. But it can be done for reasons to perform a larger number of actions or compliance with the proforming.

Create folders for access

Create folders because it is still good that in the process of this OS itself knows how to configure, and automatically installs how it is necessary.

Now everything will work out. The case is done, and do not need to restart anything. Here is a screen from one of the PCs located on the local network. Even two scropies.

So, if it does not work, write personally Billy Gates and tell everything about the fact that his OS is called Masters, but - "TCC ...!" - Not a word about us. The network can be combined without any problems even virtual PCs (and with real). This is the easiest way to transmit a large amount of information:

  1. Between two virtual PCs.
  2. Between the real and virtual PC.

My password is asked ...

In visibility settings, at the bottom there is an option where you need to disable common access by password (Win + I, Network, Ethernet, changing extended parameters ...). Here is a screen for those who do not find.

After that, the password will stop will stop.

Via wi-fi

We openly do not know what to write in this section:

  1. Turn on the router power.
  2. Through the local address (usually, go to the device's homepage.
  3. Enter the username and password of the admin.
  4. Start distribute Wi-Fi and write it down the password.
  5. Connect with wireless adapters to the router.
  6. All other do exactly the same.

That is, there is no difference, configure Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

How to split the folder

2 PC cable

The cable patch cord should not be common to which we connect with the router, and cross. Then you should configure the local network as it was shown above. The feature is that usually the IP addresses assigns a router. But since we dropped it, I had to do this work independently. Connection is carried out in the same manner (setting up folders, network visibility, and so on).

On the wireless protocol, now create a local network cannot be created. But you can try to configure the access point and connect to it. It is quite real, though long. We have a separate overview on this topic.

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