
Installation disk Windows 8 for laptop. Expcoming download order in BIOS

Installing Windows 8 is a very simple process. During the existence of the operating windows systems Developers have significantly improved and simplified the installation process. Now everything you need to do for windows installations It is inserting the disk and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. In this article, we will consider the most detailed as possible all the steps of installing Windows 8.

Preparation of disk to install Windows 8

The first thing we need is a disk with Windows 8. If you don't have it, you have to write an ISO image to clean DVD Disc. About Tom, we have already told in one of our articles. But in order for this Windows 8 installation manual to be complete to affect this topic.

To create a boot disk from ISO Image We need any program to record disks. For example, take the ImgBurn program. It can be downloaded on the official website

Run the program and select Write Image to Disc.

After that, the new window will start. Here you need to choose the ISO image that we want to write, for this you need to use a special button. After the disk image is selected, you can write the disk. No other settings need, work with ImgBurn is very simple. Before recording, do not forget to insert a clean DVD disk into the drive. The following picture shows a button to select an ISO image and start button.

BIOS setup

After the program finishes work and you will have a ready-made disc to insert the disk and start installing Windows 8. As before installing any other operating systemFirst you need to make sure that the download from the optical disk is installed.

If you have AMI BIOS, then these settings are on the BOOT tab. As can be seen on the screenshot opposite the 1s boot item, the CD / DVD value is set, and opposite the 2s boot value Hard Disk. This means that the computer will first try to boot from the CD / DVD disk, and if it fails, then the download will start hard disk.

Getting Started Windows 8

So, insert the disk from Windows 8 and reboot the computer. If in the BIOS settings, everything is true, the computer will start loading with installed disk. "Press Any Key .." will appear on the black screen. "We click on any button. After a few seconds, we will see Windows inscription, and the first installer window will appear.

Here you can select the language, time format and input method. If "Russian" is specified by the default values. If other countries are indicated, choose the necessary and click the "Next" button.

On the next screen, the installer offers to go to restore the system or installing Windows 8. Click on the "Install" button and go on.

On the next screen you need to enter a key for activation of Windows 8. This key is placed on a disk box or as a sticker on your computer if you purchased a computer with pre-installed Windows 8. If you have this key, most likely placed on the bottom of the case.

After you entered the key, press the "Next" button. The following installation screen is dedicated windows licenses 8.

Here we put a tick opposite the item "I accept the terms of the license" and click the "Next" button.

Windows 8 installation type and disk selection

There are two options "Update" and "Selecting Installation". The first item is designed to update previous version Operating system to Windows 8. Use this method Installations are not recommended. As a rule, after such installation, Windows is not working too stable. Therefore, choose the "Selective Installation" item.

In the next window, we offer to choose a disc to which you plan to install Windows 8. If you have new computerFor which Windows has never been installed, most likely, here you will have only one item "unoccupied space on disk". In this case, you need to click on the "Configuration" link and create two partitions. One for Windows 8 and one for your data. Under Windows 8 it is better to leave no less than 25 GB if hDD Large size is better to leave with a large margin, for example 100 GB. The remaining free place is assigned under the second section.

If you have already been installed Windows, then you will look like this window as in the following picture.

In this case, you you need to select a section on which Windows used to be installed before. As a rule, in the system, this disk is called "Local C:" disk. There is no this name here, so you need to know the disk on the size and its location relative to other disks. For example, in our case it is "Disc 0 Section 2".

Disc on which was installed old version Windows needs to format, for this, highlight disc and click on the "Format" link. It should be understood that all data from this section will be deleted and on top of them will be recorded windows files 8. If on a C drive: you have important data that you do not want to lose, they must be copied before installing Windows 8.

This process can take from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the performance of your computer.

When copying is over, your computer will reboot. The black screen will be the inscription "Press Any Key ..". Do not press anything, wait until the computer does not boot yourself. After that, the computer screen will become completely black several times. Do not panic, it should be. We wait until I see the inscription "Personalization".

Initial setting up Windows 8

Everything, now installing Windows 8 is practically complete. It remains to perform its setting and you can proceed to work with the new operating system.

First screen windows settings 8 is "personalization". Here you need to choose a color gamut that will be used for the Metro interface and enter the computer name.

If you really want to quickly go to work with the system, you can shank and click on the "Use Standard Parameters" button. But we are not looking for easy paths, so we click on the "Set up" button.

After that, the system offers several screens with settings.

Working with these screens is very simple, specify the desired parameters and click "Next".

On the last screen with the settings, we are offered to enter Microsoft account. It is needed to synchronize data and download applications from the built-in Windows 8 store. It is also possible to log in to the system without login.

But in the future, in order to fully work with Windows 8, you still have to enter account data microsoft records. Therefore, we enter data if you do not have such an account, click "Register".

After manipulations with the account, the computer will think for a few more minutes, after which it will boot startout screen. All, installing Windows 8 is complete, you can start work.

Windows 8 - Lightweight in the development of the modern operating system. However, it is easy for it not only to enjoy - even such a stage, how directly the installation of Windows 8 x64 rarely causes problems with users, because at all stages it is necessary to work with intuitively understandable graphical interface.

Windows 8 is equally installed from the disk and flash cards, since the system is as optimized as optimized as possible to work with laptops, and not even actuators for optical disks. However, the installation in both cases passes almost the same - it differs only preparatory stage Adjustments to the first in the queue of the boot device.

We prepare the computer to install Windows 8

To do this, you will first need to log in to BIOS, for which in the first seconds the download you need to press a specific key. Most often it is Del, F8, F2 or ESC. However, at the initial moment of the computer loading, the key for logging in BIOS is usually indicated on the screen.

So, insert a flash card or optical boot disk In the appropriate drive, restart or enable your device, log in to the BIOS. In the graphical window that opens, you will need to successively go through the Boot, Boot Device and Priority tabs. In this section, you will see your drive, hard disk, USB flash drive, after which the desired drive can be assigned the first number when loading.

It is clear that if you plan to produce from the disk, then the first in the loading queue needs to be putting the optical disk drive. On the contrary, if installing the Windows 8 x64 system will be made from the flash drive, then the flash drive will need to be specified (FLOPPY-DRIVE). Depending on the versions bios. and models of devices The order described above may be somewhat modified, but general principle Everywhere the same. Almost always to set the download parameters, you need to select a tab with the word boot in the title.

Save the changes (the F10 key or go to the Save and Exit Setup tab and press ENTER), restart the device, as a result of which it starts uploading data or with optical driveor from the flash card. On this, in fact, you can consider all preparatory activities.

Start of installation

From the first minutes of installing Windows 8 x64, a pleasant impression is formed - the user immediately starts working with a full-fledged graphical interface. The first window allows you to select the keyboard layout, set language, time format and date.

Click "Next" and go to the window, in the very center of which the button is offering to start installing Windows 8 x64. By the way, in the same window in the left corner there is an inconspicuous line "Restoration of the system", the click on which provides the user with the opportunity rapid recovery OS after a critical failure.

Tell a little about this functionality. Going on this tab, the user falls in the "Select Action" menu through which you can open the Diagnostics window, which represents the user to select the following features:

The last item opens a new window in which such actions as a system recovery using the recovery point, the system image, command line, as well as automatic elimination of errors leading to the impossibility of loading the system.

But since our task is to install the system from scratch, press the "Installation" button and go to the window in which the installer offers to enter license keyAnd then - agree with the terms of use of the software product.

The most responsible stage of installation

  1. We just need to update the system while saving OS settings and personal files (this requires a supported Windows version installed on the computer).
  2. We will re-install Windows 8 x64. At this point for users, a mark is made, stating that this option is suitable only for experienced users. But let it do not embarrass you - it will only be necessary to split the disk to the sections and format them (if rigid or solid-state disks New), as well as select a partition to install the OS.

So, choose the second point, the window will open in which users are invited to select the installation partition. If you want to use your disk to install Windows 8 x64 and have purchased for example for this, for example, new SSD.You need to simply select it in the section Manager (there it will be specified as an unbalanced space on the disk) and click "Next", the setting will begin.

However, this method of installing the system experienced users try to avoid not to mix in the process. windows uses 8 x64 Personal files with systemic.

So, press "Disk Setup" (the button is slightly below the selection selection windows), after which we will open the menu in which such work options are selected as formatting, extension, deletion. But they are still not available, since the disk sections are not yet broken. All that now need is just to specify the size of our new partition in a special line of input and apply changes.

As a result, we will receive our new system partition, a special section of several hundred megabytes that OS reserves for their systemic needs, as well as the remaining unoccupied space. Note that for Windows 8 x64 requires at least 20 GB of free space, but it is better to reserve a slightly larger volume. All that after that remains is to choose a system partition and click "Next" to start the installation process.

Finishing stage

Further installation is made in automatic mode, And after its completion, the computer reboots. Immediately after that, the system finds and installs the necessary drivers, sets up devices, etc. Upon completion of these actions from the user, you will need to enter the computer name and select the optimal interface color scheme for it.

Microsoft also has several simplified the process of completing Windows 8 x64 settings for beginners, offering to choose by pressing only one button standard settings For many system components. This is I. automatic installation Updates and Protecting Computer, Troubleshooting Problems local network etc.
We agree with the choice of standard parameters, or configure each of them. Next, go to the next window in which you are invited to create an account.

The latter can be local and "Microsoft account."
The latter is selected by default and is used to download applications from Windows Store 8 and synchronization of the main parameters of the system to work on different devices Under its accounting record in the usual environment. For this you need a valid electronic address Outlook. If not, you can register directly in the installer.

While the system parameters are adjusted, the program will show you a small film about the possibilities and advantages of Windows 8 x64, on what, in fact, the installation will be completed. After that, start to master this new and excellent system in all respects.

This article will demonstrate clean installing Windows 8 Pro 64-Bit Rus on a computer from the disk, with detailed description Each step.

Installing Windows 8 is simplified, requires minimal computer knowledge and takes an average of about 20 minutes. We will tell you how to highlight free space on your hard disk, create a "Microsoft account" and much more. The operating system is working great from the application from the seven, any on this moment Critical comments and negative reviews are not observed.
Completely forgot about pro system requirements - Most. important informationthat you should know before installing. However, there are almost no changes here.
Minimum windows requirements 8 The same as for Windows 7: 1 GHz processor, 1 (32 bits) or 2 (64 bits) GB of RAM and 20 GB on the hard disk. And yes, a video card with DIRECTX 9 support and WDDM 1.0 drivers are required. However, the last one was inherited from Vista.
But something new is. For example, Metro applications require a minimum resolution of 1024x768 points, and even better - 1366x768. At the same time, the requirements for tablets are also distinguished. They should have a video card with DIRECTX 10 support for which drivers compatible with WDDM 1.2 are released. They also require the presence of a camera with a minimum resolution of 1280x720 points, the presence of five buttons, touch screencapable of recognizing up to 5 touches at the same time.
In general, nothing unusual. On the other hand, it has long been rumored that Microsoft seriously simplified the classic windows interface 8, refusing the resource-intensive AERO. This is true - Aero is not. Yes, and the speed has increased. Windows users 8 can really count on a free increase in performance. Although it will mostly be expressed in the smooth operation of the interface and its lesser voraciousness to random access memory. However, you should not forget that the WinRT libraries on which Metro works, also require its part of RAM.

Installing Windows 8 Professional 64-Bit Rus (OEM).

Insert the disk into the drive drive, pre-exhibit in BIOS Download From the disk, in most cases you can press F8, a boot menu appears on the screen, in which you select the drive and confirm by pressing the "ENTER" button.

If everything in the BIOS is set correctly and in the drive disk with Windows 8, then when you boot a computer, we must see such a message "Press Any Key to Boot from CD or DVD".

Press any key on the keyboard and go to the Windows 8 installation process.

1. On a black background will appear windows logo 8. A few seconds, we will see a familiar installer on the previous version of the OS.

2. By default, there are already exhibited: language, time format, monetary units, as well as input language (keyboard). We agree and click Next.

3. After installing the necessary regional settings, we only have to click the "Install" button.

4. We enter our license key, which is in the middle of the packaging box.

5. We accept license terms.

6. Select the second option "Selecting Installation".

7. The next step needs to highlight the space under the operating system. We have a small disk - 20 GB, but it is enough. Click - "Disc Setup"

8. Indicate the required size of the new section of our future disk C: to which our OS will be installed. For Windows 8 (32-bit), it is necessary to highlight at least 16 GB, and no less than 20 GB are required for 64-bit) and click Apply the changes.
Note: As practice shows, a very fast disk C: clogged under the string of unnecessary trash: downloaded movies from the Internet, installed default toys and eventually the computer begins to slowly slow down. If you have children school age And you work for PC not alone, put the size of at least 100 GB.

9. Window will inform us about "To ensure the correct work of all its capabilities, Windows can create additional sections for system files".
Take note and click "OK", this section will serve to protect the operating system loading and in the future, if necessary windows restoration 8.

We agree and click OK, so this hidden section we need necessarily, it contains in itself and protects the Windows 8 operating system download files.

10. We highlight our system DiskTo which we install the system and click "Next".
ATTENTION: There are other disk management features in the partition manager: formatting, deleting and expanding sections. We need to use them carefully if there is already data on the disk.

11. Windows 8 installation process continues: copy is going Files, install, set up and install updates. After performing operations, the computer will reboot.

12. Do not press anything, waiting.

13. Device Preparing Process: Installing Drivers, Configuring Computer Components.

14. We will be offered to install several personal parameters of the computer: the color scheme of the Metro interface and specify the computer name. To switch the keyboard at the bottom there is a choice "English or Russian"

15. Now you need to decide whether to leave some default settings or still change them at your discretion. Most users will use the "Default" option (later you can then change it) By this press, the "Use Standard Parameters" button.

15.1. Well, and those who have chosen to "configure" will be offered in the process of installing Windows 8 activation general access On the local network.

15.2. The next step will provide some settings "Center windows updates"as well as for Internet Explorer. Set privacy parameters. Click "Next".

15.3. "Sending data to Microsoft to improve the system in the future" All default settings are disabled, but if you have a desire to participate in improving Windows 8, you can enable reports that you consider it necessary to send to Microsoft.

15.4. Search for solutions on the Internet - the default is all inclusive, as well as at the final stage, it is proposed and providing data on the name, avatar and location to other applications.

16. After setting the parameters, go to an important step - creating a user account. The Windows 8 operating system has two types of accounts: "Microsoft Account" and "Local Account".
Microsoft account - was often used by many in games supporting Games for Windows Live.For example, Batman Arkham City. But the spectrum of the "Microsoft account" in Windows 8 has become even more, combining access to many services: Hotmail, Windows Live, SkyDrive, Windows Phone, Xbox Live. This allows you to synchronize the settings on different computers And quickly access Microsoft services.
We introduce your email and click Next.

If there is no mail, you can create it right during Windows 8 installation. Click to the item
"Register a new address email". Requires Internet connection.

16.1. The program will check whether such an email address is free, will suggest to come up with a password and fill the remaining fields. Otherwise, we will be waiting for a re-completion of the account profile. Data mailbox We enter the real (preferably write) if they do not often use it.

16.2. After installing Windows 8, check mail, the box should have a letter from Microsoft, to confirm the creation of Microsoft account. Click the "Check" button.

17. If you create a local account, click on the "Login without a Microsoft account" button.

18. Fill the card, responding to questions (username, password, etc.). Data Introduce and preferably record them.

19. We enter the captcha.

20. At the final stage, during the creation of an account and installation of programs, the screen will demonstrate the possibility of a new interface using the screen angles to call the main panel.

21. Well, that's all the Windows 8 is installed.

Windows 8 Loader 5 is a new offline activator for all editors of the new Windows 8 operating system. After applying the activator, you get a permanent activation (not as through KMS for 180 days, and on always). All activation goes into one click, that is, it is enough to run an activator, wait for the reboot and you have activated Windows 8. After you activate Windows 8, you can not be afraid to set all updates (activation does not flit).
You can bite it

That's all. Thank you for reading an article. I hope she was helpful to you.

"Thank you all have everything!"
"No, no, all the best"
"You got with your updates!".

It is with such opinions in their surveys faced Microsoft managers. Interested in why users do not want to change, new, more beautiful and fast Windows 8.

What to say, even today, "seven" is installed on computers nearly 60% of Windows users. And yet, there are people enthusiasts. People who are not accustomed to enjoy the "familiar" versions. People for whom experiment is more important than the result. Subjectively, I'm for everything new, even if it is not familiar at first, it seems not very convenient. Yes, let me notice exactly "it seems." Often it is convenient for us what we are accustomed to. And on the contrary, it is inconvenient what is not used to. So that's why Windows 8 has become not very popular, probably because of its innovation, to which people were simply not ready.

Where to download windows 8

You will be surprised, but it can, without any problems, to do on the official website of Microsoft. Of course, as I always, I am for the installation of licensed OS, so in this article we are not talking about krysaki, kagemen, etc. If you have already purchased the key for Windows 8, well, or somewhere they took it 🙂 This article will be very useful to you. (Although often the process of installing the license and pirate OS is practically no different).

In this article, we will talk about installing Windows 8 from scratch or reinstalling the system. If you want to update Windows 7 to Windows 8 I will write about it separately. (Updates in this article we will touch only casual).

If you installed Windows 8 simply because you have a license key based on this version, the update will be good decision. Still, Windows 10 is already thoroughly finalized. If for some reason you need the Windows 8 from the update refusing. By the way, the update can be done by itself later.

Our Windows 8 is successfully installed. Congratulations! Installing any OS has its own nuances and the framework of one article is difficult to predict all possible difficulties. If such arose, do not be discouraged, and below in the comments, be sure to describe them and get help.

Perhaps the time to write about how to install windows 8. In general, this version of the OS is quite versatile: it can work both on familiar PCs or laptops and on tablets. In this article, we will deal with how to put Windows 8 on a computer or laptop. About the details of the purchase of Windows 8 Pro with a discount.

A new version Windows gives the user even greater protection, modern design and technology. Refusal to the Start button is perhaps the most important visual innovation in the desktop versions of Windows 8.

So, are known four windows editions 8:

  • Windows RT.
  • Windows 8.
  • Windows 8 Pro.
  • Windows 8 Enterprise

Desktop owners should only be interested in versions with "8", since Windows RT is designed for mobile devices.

Preparations for the proper installation of Windows 8

Before installing the new operating system, you must perform a number of preparatory activities - create a DVD disk, or Flash bootloader, or boot from a hard disk with unpacked installation files OS. The disc can be bought in the store, or you can buy a digital version of Windows 8 and writing to a disk or create a bootable flash drive.

Before installing Windows 8, you need to save data and settings from the disk S.

If you have a new hard drive, there is nothing to copy.

Insert the disk / flash drive from Windows 8 to the / USB drive and reload the computer.

To download from the disk and install, you need to go to the BIOS of your computer, for this you need to restart and almost immediately press the DEL button, on some maternal it is replaced with the F2 button.

After the BIOS has opened, you need to download the download from your media to which OS is recorded (DVD or Flash - depending on which carrier you use to install Windows 8). This section may be in different places - depends on the manufacturer motherboard And BIOS, but it necessarily contains a BOOT word: Look for First Boot Device, Boot or Boot Device. As soon as they found, install your medium or DVD or Flash.

Windows 8 installation steps

If you do everything right, "Press Any Key .." appears on the black screen, which means - press any button. Press any button (except for the shutdown or reboot button) to go further. The updated Windows 8 logo will appear, followed by the first installer window.

At this stage, you must select the language, time format and input method. Choose or leave the default and press the "Next" button.

Press the "Install" button. After that, you can breathe calmly - almost all important in order to correctly install Windows 8 you have already done. In the next window, you need to enter a key to activate Windows 8. This key is placed on the disk box or in the form of stickers on your computer. On laptops, the key sticker is placed on the bottom of the case. After entering the key, click the "Next" button.

We accept the terms of the license agreement, for this we exhibit a tick opposite the item "I accept the terms of the license." Click "Next".

In the next window, the installer is interested in how we install Windows 8.

Two options are offered: "Update" and "Selecting Installation". The first is designed to update the previous version of the operating system. We recommend choosing the "Selective Installation" item. About refreshments from other versions of Windows We will tell in the following articles. Keep in mind that the information contained on your information will be deleted, because take care of the preservation of important information on interchangeable media.
In the next window, select the disc on which the operating system is planned. If the computer is new and not yet installed Windows, most likely, there will be only one "unoccupied disk space" item.

In this case, you need to go to "Disk Settings" and create two partitions: the first - for the system, the second - for the data. For Windows 8 it is better to highlight at least 35 GB, plus do not forget about the place for programs. So as not to face the problem of lack of space in the future, leave system section 70-90 GB, Breeding the hard disk space is now cheap. Leave the remaining place to the second and subsequent sections. If there is no sense on the hard disk, there is no point in breaking it on the sections, so it is better to highlight all the free space for one section. This may be, for example, if you install Windows 8 on an SSD disk.

If any system has already been installed, then the window will look something like this:

You can overcome the hard disk to the number of sections you need or leave both and simply select the partition on which another system was installed before. As a rule, this disk is called " Local disk C: " Here the letters of partitions are not displayed, but the desired disk is easily calculated by specified sizes. In this case, it is "section 0 section 2".

When copying is over, the computer will reboot. On the black screen will again be the inscription "Press Any Key ..". The computer will restart and during the boot screen of the computer can flash and become completely black. So it should be. We are waiting for the appearance of the inscription "Personalization".

Installing Windows 8 to your computer is almost completed. It remains only to perform initial setting And you can proceed to work. On the first setup screen, you must select a color gamut that will be used for the Metro interface and specify the name of the computer. Click "Next".

The next screen suggests to go to the settings or use standard parameters.

Parameters can be configured later and immediately go to work by clicking the "Use Standard Parameters" button. On this installing the Windows 8 system will be completed.

Now you you know how to install Windows 8 on your computer, It remains only to perform the steps above the installation and install manual new system on practice.

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