
How to unlock system recovery in Windows 7. Restore Windows system. Restoration with a flash drive or disk

Does the computer or laptop started to bother? Or does not turn on at all? First of all, try restoring the Windows 7 system system. Operation for 10-15 minutes is performed, but it can actually help. After all, in this case, rollback is performed. wINDOVS systems 7 a couple of days ago, when a PC or laptop worked very well.

This is an operation during which all parameters are restored and system files from the created windows backup. That is, if you accidentally deleted important files Or changed the settings (for example, installed new Driver), And after that, the computer began to slow down (or does not turn on at all), then this can be corrected. At least, it is worth trying.

Restoration previous version Windows is carried out with checkpoints that are created every week, as well as after making any changes (installation or removal of programs). As a rule, this feature is automatically enabled. Plus you can create control points manually.

There is at least 3 ways:

  • means of windows;
  • through safe mode;
  • using a flash drive with windows 7.

Consider each of them in more detail.

For rollback of Windows. 7 All your personal files will remain in place. Therefore, you may not worry about this.

But there is one nuance here. When restoring, the files recorded in the interval between today and the afternoon to which you decide to roll back can be disappeared. Therefore, if you recently (today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.) I discard important documents to PC, it is better to save them on the USB flash drive. Just in case.

How to return the system back tools for Windows 7?

The first way to roll back the Windows 7 back system is tools. But it is suitable only if your PC or laptop turns on. It does not matter whether it is buggy or hangs, most importantly - so that you can download the desktop.

So, do the following:

After that, the windows system rollback will begin to roll back. When the operation is completed, the computer or laptop will restart, and you will see a message that everything has passed successfully.

If this does not help, try to enable Windows 7 recovery by selecting another checkpoint. But in this case it will be necessary to put a tick in the "Select another point" point and click "Next". And then a familiar window will appear from paragraph 4.

OS restore via Safe Mode

If the PC or laptop does not turn on at all, then you can try recovery windows startup 7 B. safe mode. To do this, when you turn on (or reboot) the PC repeatedly press the F8 key until the menu appears. Next, select the "Safe Mode" item and click ENTER.

However, there are some nuances associated with different versions of windows. Therefore, so that it does not arise difficulties, I recommend to get acquainted -?

We are waiting for the computer or laptop to turn on, and then perform all the same steps as in the previous version. That is, to roll back the Windows 7 system, execute from the 1st to the 7th items described above.

And the third way: recovery from the flash drive (or disk) with installation files

The minus of this option - you need to write to the Windows USB flash drive, which is on a computer or laptop. A plus is that in this way you can try to return the Windows 7 system, even when the PC does not turn on and the secure mode does not start. That is, this is your last chance.

If you are all done correctly, a window will start with installation of Windows 7.

We are waiting until the procedure is completed and click on the "reboot". Then immediately pull out the flash drive from the connector (or disk from the drive), after which the PC should be engaged in the usual way.

By the way, Windows restoring on a laptop and computer is equally. So you can try any way to choose from.

That's all. Now you know how to roll back windows systems 7. I hope one of 3 ways will work, and you can restore the performance of a PC or laptop.

Operation of the system recovery function. Whenever changes are made to the Windows system, this feature creates a system recovery point. In essence, this is an image of the system at the time preceding the change of change (installing / deleting the program, updating drivers and so on). If, after making changes to the system, you encountered a problem, you can use the recovery points of the system to return it to the original state.

  • Although the system recovery does not affect your personal files, it is better in case something goes wrong.
  • If the system is not loaded, go to troubleshooting.

Create a password discharge disk (optional). It is recommended if you recently changed Windows password, since the system recovery process can cancel the password change.

Click "Start" and enter the system recovery in the search bar. In the search results, click "System Restore".

Select the desired recovery point. By default, the point created by the latter will be offered. If you want to choose another point, click "Next".

  • Check the checkbox to "show other recovery points" to view all available recovery points. Recovery points There are no many, since the system automatically removes old recovery points.
  • For each recovery point, you will find a description of the reasons why this point was created.
  • By selecting the recovery point, click "Find Affected Programs". A list of programs and drivers will be displayed, which will be deleted or reset as a result of the system recovery.

    • Any programs installed after creating a recovery point will be deleted, and programs deleted after creating a recovery point will be reset.
  • Before running the system recovery process, once again review the changes that will be entered into the system as a result of this process. Then click "Finish" to start the recovery process.

    Wait for the recovery process. The computer will restart and start the recovery process of the system, which will take at least a few minutes.

    Upon completion of the recovery process, Windows will boot, and a message appears that the recovery has passed successfully. Check if the problem is eliminated. If not, restore the system again by selecting an earlier recovery point.

    • If, as a result of the recovery system, the computer's performance only worsened, you can cancel last restoration. To do this, run the system recovery utility and select "Cancel System Restore".


    1. Make sure the system restore is enabled. If the system recovery does not start, make sure that this feature is activated.

    2. Run the system recovery from the command line if Windows does not boot.

      • Restart the computer and hold the F8. The menu will open Additional options Downloads. "
      • In this menu, select "Safe Mode with Command Line Support". Windows will load required files And opens the command line.
      • Enter rstrui.exe and press ENTER. The system recovery utility will be launched. Follow the instructions described above to restore the system. When recovering a system from a secure mode, you will not be able to cancel this recovery.
    3. Run the utility to check the availability of hard disk problems. False hDD It may be caused by the system restoration.

      • Click "Start", right-click on " Command line"And select" Run from the administrator. "
      • Enter CHKDisk / R and press ENTER.
      • Confirm that you want to restart the computer. Utility hard checks disk scatters disk for errors and try to fix them to windows downloads.
  • The method is suitable if the system is stable running and included The function of creating points without user participation or there is a backup collected by the system independently.
    To start the process, you need to open a special software utility. To run it, use the instructions:

    In the window that opens select Discunder protection against data loss. It is usually chosen by the one on which the OS is installed.

    After, you need to press the button "Restoration ..."

    A program will open to restore the previous OS state. Click the button " Further"And we see the menu in which you want choose a point Recovery. The menu presents those that were created by the operating system independently.

    To see all the available kickback points, check the tick " Show other recovery points»

    Follow further instructionsagree to S. reboot Systems and the fact that it will be impossible to cancel the recovery in the future. System reboot And there will be a rollback.

    It should be remembered that after the rollback will be exposed passwordwhich was used at the time. To avoid problems with the entrance, take care of you have utility password reset. When will occur return OS To the previous state, previous points will disappear, but a new one, created immediately before attempting to reset, will appear.

    Return of source settings

    If paragraphs recovery missing, or return to previous states did not help, then you should try to return the PC in factory condition.

    Often, such an opportunity is available from most laptops on Windows, regardless of the version, the instruction can be found at the manufacturer.

    If you are owner stationary PC, S. installed windows 7, it is unlikely that the way will be efficient, since it is usually in this case the OS requires a disk.

    For newest Windows, beginning with the eighth version, You can use the following algorithm:

    Open the menu " Parameters»- Go to section" Update and security» — « Return computer B. the initial state »→ Button" To begin»

    System rollback with disk

    This option is suitable if the OS is categorically refused to start. A disk can be almost any external data warehouse, even a USB flash drive.

    For create The recovery carrier will need to go to control Paneland in category " system and safety»Select item" Archiving computer data". After that click on the inscription " Create a recovery disk". In a new window, select the disk you want to use, and then click " Create disk».

    Now you will always have the opportunity to correct the system problem without resorting to a complete reinstall.

    Creating an image

    This method is also suitable for those who have lost the possibility of launching OS, important honors this option from the previous one is that with full image Disc, absolutely all user settings, files and applications are restored. Recommended Making the image at the moment when all the basic drivers and programs are on the PC, but there is no unnecessary software.

    To create an image, follow the same instructions as described in the previous method. Only at the last stage should go on the link " Creating a system image«.

    In the window that opens offered Select the location of the image. A typical saving place is a DVD, since it can be used when damaged hard diskthat is very convenient. Best way Is record B. network storageIt would be better to use this particular item, since in this case, the probability of losing the image will be reduced to zero.

    The restore itself begins while restarting the computer: " Diagnostics» — « Extra options » — « Restoring the image image».

    If there are problems with the operating system, sometimes such situations occur at which the system recovery does not work. Many of us got into such situations where for some reason we needed to make restoration operating system.

    This is the easiest way to correct any problems in the computer operating system or problems associated with the work of some programs.

    You run the recovery process of the operating system and see that the system does not work in Windows. The process of restoring the operating system starts, all steps of recovery passes, and in the completion of the process you see, instead of a window with information that the system has been successfully restored, a window with information that the system failed to recover.

    Why the system restore does not work

    If the system recovery is not disabled, then the reason why the system restore does not work, can be installed on the computer antivirus.

    To solve this problem, it is necessary to turn off the self-defense of the antivirus. I also had such a case with me. I also need to restore the operating system, but the restoration of the operating system did not happen. In my case, the cause was Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012. With more early versions This antivirus did not arise such problems.

    Restoring the operating system works only if it is performed in "safe mode". If you do the restoration of the operating system in normal mode, if you simply pause the protection of the antivirus, it will not work, at the very end of the operating system recovery process you will see a message that the operating system failed to restore the earlier state of the system.

    To solve this problem in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, you must enter the "Settings" \u003d\u003e "Advanced parameters" \u003d\u003e "self-defense". In the "Self-Defense Settings" tab, you must select the box next to the "Enable Self-Defense" item, and then click on the "OK" button.

    After these actions, you can start restoring the operating system.

    After completing the operation of the operating system, the antivirus turns on automatically.

    Keep in mind that this is only one of the possible causes.

    Conclusions Articles

    The system recovery may not work because of the self-defense of the antivirus installed on the computer.

    Your the computer is not loaded, what to do? In the process of operation, this is possible due to the harmful effect of various viruses, your erroneous actions during the operation of the device, or using incorrect drivers. But do not despair, let's learn to get out of this unpleasant situation with dignity.

    Need to insure themselves for the future from sudden problems using the built-in recovery functions and reserve copy. Thus, you can restore Windows 7 without applying third-party special programsEven when it is impossible to download the "System Recovery Settings" and the F8 key during the download process does not have any influence.

    So let's learn to insurance.

    It is known that Windows 7 is equipped with a powerful tool " Recovery environment"Which is created in automatic mode When installing this operating system. It happens in a hidden section containing five additional tools To solve problems with faults and malfunctions.

    Remember that if you develop these means of restoration, it will not be necessary in additional paid programs Backup data.

    Running the recovery tools is carried out by the F8 key, click on which you need to immediately after starting the computer. The "Additional Download Options" menu will be displayed:

    • Safe mode;
    • Safe mode with downloading network drivers;
    • Etc.

    Choose "" ...

    ... and get into the menu "". Just what we need. We have the opportunity to choose the "System Recovery Tool" from five presented to us:

    Note: During the installation of the Professional or Ultimate OS, the recovery medium is created in automatic mode in the Recovery folder located at the C: Root. In the "Disc Control" window, a hidden is visible separate section 100 MB Winchester, which is designed to store the BCD configuration download files and the system bootloader as a bootmgr file. To see these resources you need to go through the computer -\u003e Control -\u003e Disk Management. This section cannot be deleted categorically, otherwise you do not download the system.

    There are cases when there is no partition with the recovery environment by pressing the F8 key, you see the "Additional Download Options" menu without a "computer troubleshooting" menu. What to do?

    You need a Windows 7 installation disk. Run the loading of the original disk and select "":

    The monitor will appear menu "System Recovery Settings":

    However, if the original installation disk No or it is spoiled, then the output from the situation can be "Windows 7 Recover".

    Note: Looking at the screenshot, you see another hidden section of about 10 GB, it should not be deleted too. In this case we are talking About the laptop and in this section stored its factory settings. This is another of the system recovery options.

    So, in the recovery tool selection menu, let's try to deal with the " Launch restoration" We click and see that there is an analysis of the faults with further elimination. The computer warns that problems are found in the parameters and you must select "Fix and restart".

    Now we will deal with the "" tab. This feature It will help to choose a system recovery point created earlier. Works if the function has not turned off when system settings. There is a rollback back to the time when the system operated properly.

    The following option is the "" tab. When used using this tool, there is no need for paid programs for data reservation. This is a real assistance in case of lack of an original installation disk with Windows 7 or if you accidentally deleted a section with factory laptop parameters.

    And there are still problems when the action of the virus does not allow the operating system to boot. An excellent output from the situation will be the archive image of your system on the hard disk, which was created when windows installation 7 On your computer before using the "System Restore Restore" function. It must be preserved.

    In the Commonwealth with the "Windows 7 Recovery Disk", the image will help to quickly restore the OS in the absence of the "Additional Download options" menu.

    So, Start -> Control Panel — > .

    Select the tab "":

    I choose it " Local disk For storage of the archive. " The best option when it is possible to place it on another hard disk, without an installed operating system.

    Click "Archive" - \u200b\u200band the process went.

    The created archive with Windows 7 will look something like this:

    Having such an archive, you can deploy it in case of need very quickly. And if the same archive you will have copied on a portable hard disk, then you doubly secure yourself from trouble.

    Now if you inability to run Windows 7 activate " Repair means"By pressing the F8 key on the keyboard immediately after turning on the computer. In the open menu "Additional download options", select "":

    Then choose "" ...

    ... and in the menu that appears " Use the latest available system image».

    Well, another version of the system recovery is " Disk recovery" To this disc, write the recovery tool to eliminate the OS load fault or to restore the system from the previously created archive copy.

    Create such a disk. For this, we enter "" ...

    ... and in the menu that appears, choose "" ...

    ... insert a DVD drive and click " Create disk».

    Created in this way "" put in a safe place.

    To restore Windows 7 from the recovery disk, there are practically no other tools. To troubleshoot problems, you need to install a priority drive in the computer's BIOS, insert the disk and restart the computer.

    This disc will help you avoid full reinstall The operating system from zero, at which all data and information will be destroyed in the installation section, and this is very undesirable. With a disk, you simply restore the Windows 7 boot process.

    Good luck to you, I hope the article will help you solve the problems that have arisen.

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