
How to run Windows UEFI for BIOS. Loading in UEFI mode or in BIOS mode for previous versions. From UEFI in BIOS

With the release of Windows 8, the manufacturers have become more active in implementing the BIOS successor - the UEFI interface, which during its existence has already managed to deliver a lot of trouble. We will tell, despite this, take advantage of it.

The mass transition to UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) has already begun. Microsoft requires to use this interface on all computers that will be supplied with Windows 8. More specifically, we are talking about UEFI with the Secure Boot function. At the same time, without problems, only the "eight" can work on such a PC: nor Windows XP, nor "seven" can be installed on a UEFI machine without additional manipulations.

With the Linux Live or Windows flash drive, it will not be possible to boot too. What exactly can happen if you try to start with the installation flash drive on the Sony VAIO laptop, shown in the picture at the top. And on this problems with UEFI do not end. Each manufacturer of hardware components at its discretion configures UEFI, thereby creating unnecessary difficulties for the user. Laptop IdeaPad from Lenovo and could not recognize the same flash drive as a bootable media. In this case, Lenovo is nothing to reproach: The fact is that the loading flash drive is formatted in the NTFS file system, and the UEFI does not support the load from such carriers. If you connect the same drive to the ELITEBOOK laptop from HP, it will boot without problems and allows you to install Windows. The problem is that all data that occurred on the ELITEBOOK disk would be removed after installation.

Each configures in its own way.

Are you confused? Nothing amazing: UEFI with the Secure Boot function sets new rules for installing and loading operating systems, and hardware manufacturers interpret these rules in their own way, which creates additional difficulties for the user. Therefore, within the framework of this article, we set a goal to eliminate confusion around the UEFI. On the example of laptops from the main manufacturers, we will tell you how the UEFI works, which role is assigned the Secure Boot features, how to bypass the "traps" set by the new interface and what is needed to use the boot flash drives without fear of any devastating effects.

How UEFI works

UEFI is loaded strictly in accordance with the established rules. If the OS does not support UEFI, the BIOS emulation mode is activated. The BIOS-based PC boot process is fairly simple: after pressing the power button, the BIOS starts, which checks the equipment status and loads the firmware - simple drivers for individual hardware components. After that, the BIOS performs the OS bootloader search and activates it. That in turn loads the operating system or displays the list of available OS.

UEFI-based computers are loaded in a similar way only until the download parameters are found. After that, everything happens otherwise. UEFI has its own OS bootloader with integrated start-up managers installed systems. For him, a small section (100-250 MB) is created on the disk, formatted in the FAT32 file system, which is called Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition (system section of the expandable firmware interface, ESP). It contains hardware components drivers to which the running operating system can access. The general rule is: with the exception of DVD, UEFI can only be loaded from the media formatted in the FAT32 file system.

UEFI - Complex mechanism

ESP has its advantages: thanks to the UEFI drivers and the OS bootloader, Windows starts faster and more adequately responds to critical drivers. But the UEFI interface imposes and restrictions: it allows you to install OS only on hard drives that are marked according to GPT. The latter is not supported by any BIOS version, since, in contrast to the traditional markup scheme (MBR), uses the address sectors 64 bits long. In addition to Windows 8, the UEFI interface is supported only by 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and 7, as well as Linux with a kernel 3.2 and higher. Moreover, for PCs certified to work with the "eight", Microsoft prescribes the use of the Secure Boot option. In this mode, UEFI launches only the confirmed OS loaders that contain the Microsoft digital signature drivers.

Along with Windows 8, only the shim loader (Linux) has drivers with the necessary for Secure Boot signatures. In other OS, they are missing. Therefore, if you want to install on a similar computer, in addition to the "eight" also Windows 7 or Vista, you must open the UEFI menu and disable Secure Boot. If you select an incompatible with UEFI, you will need to use Compatibility Support Module (Compatibility Support Module, CSM), which can be enabled in UEFI. Unfortunately, manufacturers use various UEFI versions, and sometimes it is difficult to understand how to disable Secure Boot and go to BIOS emulation mode. We will consider these questions further.

UEFI-based PC boot process

Depending on the configuration, the UEFI either independently loads the computer or switches to the standard BIOS emulation mode. Only after that the Windows boot manager is launched.

Installing Windows on a PC with UEFI and the Secure Boot function on a PC with Windows 8 based on UEFI Secure Boot, other version of the OS can be installed only under certain conditions. The user must select the correct loading mode in advance and prepare the installation flash drive appropriately.

Enable BIOS emulation mode Full confusion: The transition method to the BIOS emulation mode depends on the UEFI version. On Sony Vaio (1), you must activate the "Legasy" option, on ASUS Zenbook (2) - "Launch CSM".

UEFI Setup

Each manufacturer uses its version of UEFI in laptops and ultrabooks. At the same time, it opens access not to all the necessary functions. Often, when the PC or Lapplet is loaded, the button is not displayed, with which you can call the UEFI settings menu. We offer to do as follows: In the Metro interface, go to the "Parameters | Changing computer settings »On the sidebar and activate the" General | Special download options. After restarting, the OS boot manager will appear, which will allow you to open the UEFI menu. An exception is UEFI from HP, where this option is absent. The following will help here: While booting, hold down the "ESC" key. In any case, it is necessary to inquiry at first which button allows you to enter the UEFI menu. If you change the download mode to CSM or Legasy BIOS to boot from the emergency flash drive, after the recovery operation, you must again switch from CSM to UEFI, otherwise Windows 8 will not start. But here there are exceptions: Aptio Setup Utility on ASUS computers activates the UEFI automatically in the absence of a bootable carrier compatible with the BIOS, so it is enough to disconnect the USB flash drive.

SECURE BOOT Turning off if in addition to the "eight" you want to set the 64-bit version of Windows Vista or 7. Sometimes the so-called hybrid mode is maintained, as in HP devices, in which the UEFI can be downloaded from all loading media and, if necessary Switch to BIOS mode. In a widespread version of UEFI InsyDeh2O, it depends on whether the laptop manufacturer has the ability to disconnect the Secure Boot or not. In Acer Aspire S7, this function is not available, and to deactivate it, you need to switch from the UEFI to the BIOS mode and back.

This video shows how to restore Windows 10 * x64 (BIOS-LEGACY loading mode) from the image of Acronis (MBR disk partition circuit) to a hard disk with GPT partition scheme (UEFI loading mode)
(or how to transfer Windows 10 * from the MBR disk to the GPT disk using Acronis True Image).

To perform this task, AdminPE X64 UEFI and Acronis True Image will be used, as well as Bootice and the standard BCDBoot.exe utility from Microsoft (BCD Recovery Function for Autonomous System in AdminPE).

* The described method can be transferred to Windows 7 ** / 8/8.1 / 10 (x64) operating systems from the MBR disk to the GPT *** disk by creating an image from the MBR disk system partition using Acronis True Image and then restoring it from the image image GPT for download in UEFI mode.

** To transfer Windows 7 x64 from the MBR disk to the GPT disk, you will need to turn on the BIOS compatibility module of old systems (CSM)
If this module in BIOS is lacking - Windows 7 x64 is most likely not loaded on this computer, hanging at the download stage.

*** To create an EFI bootloader and booting Windows (restored from the image) in UEFI mode, you need the "EFI System Partition" (ESP) section on the GPT disk (FS FAT32, 100MB size)
With its absence it needs to be created manually.
This was withdrawn separate video instructions.

Transferring Windows from the MBR disk to the GPT disk (conversion of the section circuit):

Saving data on all sections and performance of the system, to download in the UEFI ** environment.

Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2015 will be used to change the partition schemes,
and Acronis Disk Director 12 to resize the system partition.

To create the ESP boot partition (EFI System Partition) uses the DiskPart script (GPT_ESP_DISK0.DPS),

P.S.: After transferring OS with MBR to GPT, you must enable / switch in the BIOS download in UEFI mode

Transferring Windows from the MBR disk to the GPT disk (+ Creating EFI loaders):

In this video, it is shown how to transfer Windows (7 * / 8/8.1 / 10 x64) from the disk with the MBR section circuit to disk with the GPT partition scheme,
Saving the data on all sections and performance of the system, to download in the UEFI ** environment using the Script "Convert Disk0 from MBR in GPT (+ EFI)".

To change the section schemes will use the script using the GPTGEN utility,
and Acronis Disk Director 12 to resize the system partition and delete the active boot partition to 100MB (if available).
For the correct connection of letters for sections, Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2015 is used.

To create the ESP boot partition (EFI System Partition) uses a DiskPart script (MBR2GPT_ESP_DISK0.DPS),
(Extension. DPS is used only in AdminPE!).
To create downloader and BCD files to boot from the GPT disk in UEFI mode, the built-in BCDBoot utility from Microsoft is used.

Conditions for work script:
1. Download in AdminPE x64 in UEFI mode
2. Hard disk in MBR markup with installed Windows 7 * / 8/8.1 / 10 x64
3. Free space at least 100MB in front of the section from the installed OS after conversion in the GPT markup (to create an ESP partition).
4. Availability of the DiskPart script in the PEADDONS folder (MBR2GPT_ESP_DISK0.DPS / MBR2GPT_ESP_DISK1.DPS) - creates the ESP section (EFI System Partition)
5. The right choice of the folder of the installed system (C: \\ Windows for example) before starting the script
6. The correct choice of the number of the physical disk for work (0/1, for example) (see the disk number in the "Disk Management)".

Script Procedure:
1. Pause before starting to confirm the conversion
2. Conversion of the specified (No.) of the physical disk from MBR in GPT using GPTGEN
3. Removing the physical disk (programmatically)
4. Returning a physical disk (programmatically) (this is required to update the disk status with the MBR on the GPT)
5. Creating an ESP section (EFI System Partition) size 100MB in free space before partition with Windows installed
6. Creating a booter configuration (BootMGR / BCD) on the ESP system section (BCDBoot starts for the selected autonomous system)

* Transferring Windows 7 is possible if the UEFI BIOS supports the CSM module (LEGACY load). Make sure your computer has a Legacy mode in the BIOS.
** To work properly, BCDBoot must correctly select the folder of the installed Windows, and boot into AdminPE in UEFI mode.

P.S.: This script is available in Adminpe starting from version 3.8 and AdminPe10 2.0
P.P.S.: After transferring OS with MBR on GPT, you must enable / switch in the BIOS load in UEFI mode

This task appears not often, but still, you need to convert the already installed system loaded into the BIOS (or UEFI mode) in the UEFI mode (in BIOS, respectively).
Who is interested, read further:

Fortunately, Windows 7 and older, initially ready to load in any of the modes, you only need to change the structure of the partitions and the bootloader.
For this we need:

  • Installation disk with Windows (or any other working installation media).
  • systemRescuecd.
  • A new disk, which we will migrate (will be converted, if there is no disk)

Loading with SystemResCuecd and view our discs:


You have a situation that can be slightly different, in my case, / dev / sda is the source disk, and the / dev / sdb to which we carry the system.
Let's start creating partitions (use GDisk to mark up GPT, and FDISK for MBR):
GDisk / Dev / SDB

Creating sections in GDisk

Some sorrow our original FS on section / dev / sda2 (so that it exactly climbs into a new section).
Cloning the section, and expand it to all available space:
Partclone.ntfs -B -i -S / DEV / SDA2 -O / DEV / SDB4 NTFSRESIZE -F / DEV / SDB4
Now download the installation media in UEFI mode, select the system recovery, and start the command line.
DiskPart utility will help us find our wheels:


Be careful by choosing not that disc, you can do it very painfully and insult.
In my case, the new disk has a digit 1. Select it, select the second partition and format it in FAT32 (for the system section of the UEFI), at the end we assign it the letter of the disk S:
Format Quick FS \u003d FAT32 Label \u003d "EFI" Assign Letter \u003d "S"
More complicated with sections where Windows is installed. After cloning, they are the same volume labels (it was possible and change them in Linux). But again, diskpart will help us, we will simply choose the volume, and let's see its detailed parameters.

Select a disk with a copy of Windows

An interesting section with the letter E, it needs to install boot files:
BCDBoot E: \\ Windows / S S: / F UEFI
Then, check that the bootloader configuration is true, and if it is not so, we write the correct data (in my case, the download indicated an incorrect volume, and I overdered it, in the example of an identifier starting at 586).

Adjusting BCD.

That's all, after restarting, the system should boot.


In the opposite direction, everything is about also (remember about the types of markup), but you need to create one boot partition with NTFS (100 meters) and the section for the system itself. Make an active boot partition, and then install the bootloader and boot information on it (the boot section with the letter S):
BCDBoot E: \\ Windows / S S: / F BIOS BootSect / NT60 S: / MBR
Further rules boot configuration, and that's it.

Today we will deal with how to install any modern version of Windows (including Windows 7 or Windows 10) on the hard drive, with the GPT partition table on an outdated computer with a BIOS that does not support modern. The need to perform such a trick occurred while trying to install Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 on the HP DL380 G8 server (HP DL server is not yet supported by EFI) with local disks, the total capacity of which in RAID 5 exceeds 4 TB. With the standard installation of Windows on the MBR markup disk, only 2 TB are available in the system. Place or access the remaining 2 TB space on the disk from under Windows will not work. The only way to take advantage of all available disk space is to convert the disk markup to the format GPT..

This article describes how to configure Windows download from the hard disk marked in the GPT partition table on a computer with a classic BIOS (in which there is no UEFI) or in Legacy BIOS mode. The Windows operating system does not know how to load with GPT disks on old BIOS systems. To bypass this restriction, we will use the Windows loader transfer method to a separate small USB flash drive (or HDD disc) with a MBR table. This flash drive will only be used to start the Windows bootloader, which then must transfer to the main image of Windows located on the disk with GPT markup. The manual is universal and should work both in Windows 7 and Windows 10 and any other 32 and 64 Windows editions supported.

Advantages GPT in front of MBR

What advantages uses GUID PARTITION TABLE (GPT) - new format for placing partition tables on the hard disk. The GPT partition table allows you to bypass a number of limitations of the classic MBR partition table. We list the main points:

  • Support hard drives for more than 2.2 TB(Maximum available disk size for GPT- 9.4 Zetabyte (9.4 × 1021 bytes))
  • Support up to 128 sections On the disk (in the MBR only 4 partitions)
  • High reliabilityachieved through the duplication of the partition table in several disk places and checking the partition table using a cyclic verification of reducing parity (CRC). Thus, the structure of the disk partition will not be lost when damaged the first disc sectors.
  • No need to use logical sectionsvarying

Loading Windows with GPT disk

According to the official Microsoft documentation, all of its OS, starting with Windows Server 2003 SP1, maintain volumes with GPT marking as discs with data, but boot With GPT volumes, only 64-bit versions of Windows installed on motherboards with support for the new UEFI specification (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) will be able. Thus, it will not be possible to install or download Windows from the GPT disk on old computers with classic BIOS.

Council. There are several bypass solutionsallow you to download Windows 10/7 x64 on BIOS systems with a GPT disk. To do this, use the boot disk containing the Emulator of the UEFI development environment - DUET (Developer's UEFI Environment), imitating EFI. In this configuration of the computer, the computer starts uploading from the installed SYSLinux, which loads the UEFI emulator (DUET). DUET in turn causes a standard Windows bootloader - bootx64.efi. It is also possible to transfer the disk to hybridMBR mode (Hybrid MBR) With the Linux-utility GDISK. However, in both cases, the procedure is satisfied complex and requires a good knowledge of Linux OS.

Once again, we note an important fact that you should first assimilate: Windows X64 loading with a GPT disk is possible only on a UEFI system.

Thus, if your computer runs on the BIOS database, and you need it to contain the GPT partition table, the easiest way to add another hard disk (normal or SSD) to the system with MBR markup, install Windows to it and in the future loaded already from him.

We will try to modify this technique slightly. To do this, we need a USB flash drive or SD small volume card (at least 64 MB) with MBR markup, on which we place the Windows boot manager - bootmgr. This loading flash drive will ensure the initial loading of the system and transmit the control of the main system loader located on the GPT volume.

Important. The system should at the BIOS level to support the download from the USB flash drive or SD card.

Thus, we can provide the download of any (both 32 and the 64 Bit version of Windows !!! ) With the GPT disk on a BIOS system that does not support EFI.

Installing Windows on a GPT disk on a computer with BIOS

Suppose we have a computer with a BIOS (without UEFI), on which the new GPT partition table is used on the hard disk. When trying to install Windows on the GPT disk such a computer, Windows installer will issue an error:

Windows Cannot Be Installed to This Disk The Selected Disk Is of The GPT Partition Style

In the Russian version, an error:

Council. You can convert a disk from MBR to GPT with the loss of all data by clicking on the Windows Installation Screen combination SHIFT + F10. And after performing the following commands on the command line:
SELECT DISK 0 (if one hard disk is in the system)
Clean (Clean the disk contents)
Convert GPT (convert partition table in GPT)

Install Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 directly on the GPT disk in such a situation is possible only in UEFI mode through the emulation of this environment using DUET. But in this mode it is possible to install only 64 bit versions of Windows, and the procedure itself, as we have spoken above, quite complicated.

In this case, it is much easier to install Windows on the MBR disc, and then convert it to GPT using the utility gPTGEN..

GPTGEN - Converting a disk partition table from MBR in GPT without deleting partitions

Windows Console "Disc Control" allows you to convert the disk from the MBR markup in GPT only "clean" unblocked discs. The console will not allow the partition conversion on the disk on which the OS is already installed.

You can use a small utility that allows you to convert the partition table format without having to delete all sections (without loss of data) to the GPT online conversion.

Important. Before performing the conversion, it is strongly recommended. copy all critical data on external carrier. And though, I have not come across the incorrect work of the utility gPTGEN.which would have led to a complete collapse of the file system, I recommend all users to still save your important data before converting the partition table, so that there are no complaints about the author of the article 🙂.

Download the GPTGEN utility, and unpack it into an arbitrary directory (for example, C: \\ Tools \\ GPTGEN-1.1).

So, the transformation of the partition table in GPT was successful!

Windows loader transfer to USB USB

Reboot your computer and make sure that the BIOS system cannot boot from the hard disk with the GPT table. So it should be! Connect to the system a small USB flash drive or SD card. Loading from the installation CD / USB disk with Windows (suitable as the installation disk with Windows 10 and Win 7, as in our case) and on the installation screen, click SHIFT + F10., Opening the command line console:

  1. Run the command: diskpart
  2. Withdraw the list of disks in the system: List Disk. In this case, there are two discs in the system: Disk 0 - a hard disk with a system of 40 GB (* in the GPT column indicates that this disk contains the GPT partition table) and Disk 1 - USB flash drive size 1 GB.
  3. We will deal with sections on the disks and letters that are assigned to them. Choose a hard drive: Select Disk 0 and bring partition list on it: List Volume
    Based on the sizes of partitions, it can be understood that the system is set to 2 sections (VOLUME 2), which is assigned the letter D: (This letter may not match the system disk letter, which is displayed in Windows itself)
  4. Create the necessary partitions on the flash drive:
    SELECT DISK 1 (choose a flash drive)
    Clean (Cleaning the Disk Content)
    CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY SIZE \u003d 1000 (Create a basic partition on a USB flash drive, in this case, 1 GB size)
    Format (format it in the FAT32 file system. Do not use the NTFS file system for a USB flash drive, because it will not work with such a partition)
    Select Partition 1 (Select the first partition on the flash drive)
    ACTIVE (We note as active)
    List Volume (withdraw the list of sections again. In this example, it can be seen that the section created by us has index 3)
    SELECT VOLUME 3 (choose it)
    Assign Letter \u003d G (assign it a free drive letter, for example G)

    List Volume (make sure that the partition on the flash drive is assigned the letter G)

    EXIT (Exit DiskPart Utility)
  5. Copy the downloads files from the system disk to the USB flash drive: BCDBoot D: \\ Windows / L EN-US / S G:
  6. We write to the USB flash drive to ensure bootmgr (Windows Download Manager): BootSect / NT60 G: / MBR / Force
  7. Reboot

Go to the BIOS and set the maximum load priority to your USB (SD) to the storage. Save the changes. If you are all done correctly, the system should boot correctly. Make sure that your Windows is on the GPT disk can be in the disk manager ( diskmgmt.msc.), opening the properties of the system disk. On the Volumes tab, it is indicated that the type of partition table - GPT (Partition Style - GUID PARTITION TABLE)

Such a loader transfer technique to a separate USB flash drive will benefit all the advantages of the GPT partition table and use the entire hard disk capacity (more than 2.2 TB) on BIOS systems (without a UEFI environment). Such a trick can be done with the following (even 32 bit versions) Windows:

  • Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 8, Windows 8.1
  • Windows Server 2012/2012 R2
  • Windows 7.
  • Windows Server 2008/2008 R2
  • Windows Vista.
  • Windows Server 2003 SP1 / 2003 (64-bit)
  • Windows XP x64.

Disclammer. The article is offered as it is. All specified operations were tested on a virtual machine - testing was not conducted on real machines. If someone tested a similar configuration and system work on the physical gland and will unsubscribe on the results - I will be very happy. According to the available information, some old computers with BIOS are in principle do not allow working with GPT disks, such discs are simply not defined.

You also need to understand that every time you turn on / reboot the system your USB flash drive with the MBR table and the bootloader should be connected to a computer, otherwise Windows will not be loaded.

Meets with BIOS each. When you turn on the message machine on the black screen to the sound signal and starting the OS boot - the result of the execution of one of the procedures of this program. Not very experienced users of the PC about him, maybe know, but never tried to go to BIOS and did not conduct any manipulations. Let's tell about everything in detail.

What is bios

Without software, the computer is just a bunch of iron. In order for it to start functioning, it must initially be initially at startup, some kind of software stored in a constant storage device (ROM) is launched. Windows or other any operating system occupy too much space. Initially, the car must run the BIOS. The name of this program in the transcription of the English-speaking abbreviation " basic I / O system».

When the machine is turned on, it checks all its components, sets the modes and starts the operating system bootloader. Replace the BIOS version is simply so impossible, it is stored in the non-volatile chip on the motherboard. True, it can be reflashing, but this is a rather complicated procedure. We also note that on old cars, many operations could be made even without OS, for example, listen to music. Yes, and Windows itself first versions was only an add-in on the BIOS, expanding its capabilities.

What can go to BIOS

We list the reasons why you need to go to BIOS:

This is an incomplete list. Managing a computer not only from Windows, but also through the BIOS menu, you can increase the efficiency of the computer and performance of the computer.

Bios varieties

Today you can distinguish the three main types of BIOS:

  • Award;
  • UEFI.

The first two are a bit different with the interface not only among themselves, but also depending on the versions, but the principle of operation in them is almost the same.

UEFI - An innovative product that emerged relatively recently. It has its own graphical interface, it is intuitive and allows you to work in it with the mouse. In addition, with its help, OS is loaded much faster.

Standard ways of entry

Without a difference, the computer works in Windows 7 or Windows XP, or in an older version. By default, most machines imply that it is possible to enter the BIOS by pressing when loading (during the POST diagnostic procedure, before the audio signal), the F1 or Delete keys. But some of the manufacturers of motherboards are prescribed other keys or their combinations, you can definitely find out the login method in the documentation for it or a computer. If there are no paper instructions, you can always find an electronic version, but not always in Russian. Also during the download process, the hint is displayed if you have time to read it. As a rule, this is something like " Press F1 to Enter Setup"Indicates that you need to press F1.

If they still did not find the key or their combination, and there is a question, how to enter the BIOS, then we list their basic options for the most popular and distributed companies that produce PCs and motherboards. How to enter the BIOS is not in the desktop, but on a laptop - the procedure is the same, only on some of them can additionally use the FN key, which is not in the desktops.

  • Acer. - F1, F2, CTRL + ALT + ESC.
  • Dell. - F1, F2, F3, DELETE, FN + F1.
  • Hewlet-Pacard. - F1, F2.
  • Sony - F2, F3.
  • Toshiba. - ESC, F1.
  • ASUS - F2, Delete, Ctrl + F2.
  • Lenovo. - F1, F2, F12.
  • COMPAQ. - F10.

Less common brands use the same options to enter the BIOS. As you can see, they are not very much and you can easily go through.

In order to have time to press the key or their combination when you start the system, almost all users use the following method: begin to quickly repeat pressing simultaneously with the turning on the machine. Sometimes, especially when you need to press the keyboard key, it helps pressing the PAUSE suspending load, but not in all systems. If you did not have time, then you can boot the OS, run the reboot and repeat all operations again. But another difficulty may arise, we are talking about below.

If even the right pressing does not work

Sometimes you know exactly from the manual for the motherboard, how to open the BIOS, but it does not work. Most likely, you have a USB keyboard, and it is blocked by another device connected to this port.

Output two:

  • we free all USB connectors and leave only the keyboard;
  • if there is a connector, connect the usual PS / 2 device.

After that you should get into the BIOS.

How to go to the BIOS if the system is loaded very quickly

This problem occurs on modern computers with Windows 8 and above, which installed UEFI, and instead of ordinary hard drives a solid-state disk. In them, the system is loaded instantly, and it is impossible not only to read the prompt, but also press the key.

But there is a way out, since in these OS you can go to the BIOS when the system is loaded.

Login in Windows 8

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Press Win + C. The WIN key is most often indicated by the OS logo, wavy windows.
  2. Choose " Parameters"May be indicated" Setting."Or just a gear.
  3. Find " Change parameters».
  4. Choose " General».
  5. Then stop the choice on " Special download option"I. Reload now.
  6. After it, in the window that opens, choose " Diagnostics».
  7. Then find " Extra options».
  8. Stop the choice on "".
  9. Press reboot again.

After performing these actions, you will get in the BIOS menu on Windows 8 UEFI.

Login from Windows 10

The procedure for action is almost similar as in the G8:

  1. Click on the notification icon.
  2. In the open window, choose " Parameters", and then " Update and security».
  3. Find " Restoration».
  4. Stop the choice on " Special download parameters"I. Reload now.
  5. After rebooting in the window that opens, choose " Diagnostics».
  6. Find " Extra options».
  7. Stop the choice on " UEFI built-in parameters».
  8. Reboot again.

And after it, you will fall into BIOS.


In this article we told how to run BIOS, about its capabilities and features. We will be glad if you, read our article and entering this program, learn it and you can improve the work of your car.

Video on the topic

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