
What is the information container at the hard disk. HDD container. Maximum HDD Capacity

Learn Capacity hard disk It is possible on the sticker on the case. And how to see the volume already installed storage? Under Windows 10, the amount of memory can be found through the "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Administration" - "Storage devices" - "Disk Management". Thanks to the last item, you can see the entire volume of the hard disk, how many drives are connected on the device and which sections they are broken.

In the world of computing equipment, the volume of HDD is considered a bit different as in mathematics. So, 1 TB is not 1000 GB, but 1024 GB. How to find out the volume of the hard disk on which 250 GB is indicated? In reality, its capacity is 250000/1024 \u003d 244, plus the correction division on the coefficient 1.05 to obtain more accurate data. As a result, we have 244 / 1.05 \u003d 232.5 GB - this is the maximum disk capacity with the inscription 250 GB. What is actually the volume of the hard drive by 500 GB? Approximately 465 GB, and version of 1.5 TB is just 1.395 TB. The top 2 TB models in reality have 1860 GB. Marketing stroke Manufacturers have succeeded, users have to pay in reality for a much smaller amount of data. In addition, it is worth considering the HDD markup for a specific file system with which OS works. Although there are small losses, but they still make up dozens of megabytes. And no matter what type of medium is used - HDD or SSD.

Most often, the information container misleads newbies. Programmers are aware of such a situation and always buy media with a margin. It is worth understanding that the HDD capacity may vary depending on its condition. For example, in workshops sometimes hide sections with bits of a magnetic disk.

Hard disk memory

To check the hardware capacity on the laptop, you need to go to "My Computer" or "This Computer" (in various versions of Windows OS). Sometimes the computer is incorrectly determined by the hard disk volume. But you need to know that the reason here is only one: or the manufacturer (it is extremely rare), or the repair shop has reduced the size of the drive to hide the non-working sections. So, the worn SSD gradually loses its size, and automatically (non-working memory cells are simply disconnected). In the HDD magnetic drive, the situation is a bit different - the magnetic properties of the surface are often lost, and individual sectors or clusters are simply not overwritten, causing failures. Usually, the "restored" disk can work for many years, but its capacity will be less. The main thing is not to put in markup and do not try to restore HDD yourself. But there are cases when the laptop comes across after an amateur, just incorrectly host the drive, leaving unsubstantiated whole arrays hard disks. In this case, you can really increase the maximum amount of available disk space.

HDD verification methods

The easiest way to increase the volume of the hard disk with the removal of hidden partitions or the reworking of logical volumes in a particular file system. For "Windows" is NTFS (from Windows 2000 and to 10), for Linux - EXT4 or 3 ( outdated versions). From file System The stability of data security, the speed of their recording and reading depends. Each operating system has its own methods for finding out the available disk space. Even BIOS shows what data is available.

By pressing the Del or F1 / F2 key when you start the computer, you can enter the BIOS and, finding the appropriate menu item (usually at the beginning), view information about installed disks.

Often, users are wondering how to increase the volume of hard drives on a PC? Tips on the type remove unnecessary, re-place the volumes are useful only when the HDD is really large, 500 GB and more. But what to do SSD owners with 60 GB of memory?

Usually an increase in the additional place is possible when the drive is replaced. Without violation of the existing system, you can simply choose outdoor hard disk and with it to gain access to additional space.

Gradual reduction in free space

The hard disk of the computer is a limited size that is constantly trying to take operating system. PC regularly download updates: browser, antivirus programoperating system. In Windows 10, each accumulative update exceeds the volume of 500 MB. Greatly decrease the volume of the hard disk and from frequent viewing of films online in high quality HD (one film requires up to 5 GB).

So, it can be determined in the BIOS 54 GB ( SSD Disc at 60 GB), and freely after the installation of the system and all programs, resource-intensive games are not more than 10 GB. If you do not clean the disk, then over time, the reduction of free space is inevitable. This is especially critical for EMMC drives, in which volumes rarely exceed 64 GB. As a result, choosing such a drive, you have to come to terms with the fact that there will be few places on it.

Constantly increase free space can be regular tools of the system. To do this, it is enough to click on the disk icon with the right mouse button and select "Properties" - "Cleaning the disk" (relevant for Windows OS from 2000 to 10). For Windows 10, you can select the "Start" menu: "Parameters" - "System" - "Storage". Next, you need to select the disk of the folder and perform the folder cleaning: "Temporary Files", "Other".

SSD feature level

Since the industry and computing do not stand still, the user every year becomes available disks with an increasing amount of information. Not so long ago, the largest SSD disk had 1 TB size, now this indicator is 10 TB, and manufacturers claim that this is not the limit. Therefore, in the world of computational technology, development occurs instantly, which makes it possible to reduce the cost every year.

If you buy a netbook for games, then specify immediately, how the disk is installed in it and is it possible to expand the memory. The usual laptop uses drives with the extension of the SATA 3 standard, you can pick up both SSHD and HHDD hybrid systems and the classics - mechanical HDD. Also the market will offer volumetric but slow solid State SSD drives with TLC memory type. In addition, MLC SSD storage devices are slowly cheap.

Remember: as soon as the SSD drive brings down to determine less than it was earlier, it will indicate its wear. From this moment to failure, its volume can decrease as many times. Most of all load SSD drives torrent clients, so, using cheap wheels with tLC memory, it is better to refuse to download movies.

Mechanical budget

Samoa frequent cause PC failure is hard disk problems. BIOS motherboard The devices do not see the entire amount of the drive, there are failures when downloading data. If the volume of the hard disk decreased, then it is necessary to diagnose.

It is best not to "repair" the disk, and immediately change it to a new one, even if less by volume. A new device will work at least a couple of years, and during this time you can change the laptop several times. The quality of modern hard drives is at a very satisfactory level. To choose optimal option drives to their capabilities, it is worth considering:

  • the cost of the device;
  • data volume;
  • form factor.

To make the correct replacement of the broken HDD, it is better to ask advice from professionals from service Center or computer technology store.

The market of computing equipment offers a wide variety of devices:

You can get a reliable, voluminous and relatively fast drive with a hybrid device (includes two devices: as a solid-state chip and classical HDD with a large and fast buffer).

How to restore volume

If your computer begins to slowly load and work, it often hangs even on simple, everyday operations, then the problem is either in a small volume random access memory and a weak processor, or in HDD. Moreover, the errors and overloadability of the last data directly affect the efficiency of the entire system. The drive to which there are no complaints, works quickly and does not heat. If it was installed in the PC new, then the amount of available space shown in the BIOS and is its "native", which was laid from the factory.

The actual volume of the drive can show and special programs, such as AIDA, HDD LIFE, service programs for SSD drives. Usually prominent volume in these programs is real, taking into account all hidden sections (sometimes they are used on laptops for reserve recovery operating system). If the system you have licensed (Windows Vista and newer 7, 8, 8.1, 10), you should not touch this section. It is also not necessary to touch the hidden sections on old laptops after repair or used, with pirated systems, since it is not physically broken to restore these sectors - they are broken.

Greetings all guests site site, today we will talk about what actually the real capacity, size and volume of the hard disk are. Have you ever wondered where the difference in the volume of hard drives arises between the value indicated by the manufacturer and data in the operating system? This is not an error in any of the parties, but only the difference in the calculation system.

You may have to pay attention to the fact that after purchasing a 750 GB drive (as indicated on the label) and its connection to the computer, the system showed only less than 700 GB of volume. It's not about fraud, but in the measurement system.

In fact, everything is not so simple. If we buy a drive for several hundred gigabytes, then loss in a couple of dozens of GB space is not so sensible. It is quite another thing, if necessary, on which the fixed size data must be loaded (4-8 GB), in this case, the loss even in 100 KB can become a significant problem.

Currently, tight and SSD discs, memory cards or flash drives, most often indicated in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB). For example, buying solid-state disk 500 GB, theoretically, we must have so much available data. After starting the computer, it turns out, however, that the total size of the hard disk is 465 GB. Where does such a big difference come from? Everything comes down to the method of calculation. Every day we use a decimal system where the basis is the number 10. The computeter uses a binary system, where, as follows from the name, the basis is the number 2, and for the recording of numbers there are enough two values \u200b\u200b- 0 and 1.

Since the computer uses a binary system, then the manufacturer declared is actually less. The explanation of this question is very simple. For calculations, we will take a capacity of 500 GB to accumulator.

The main unit of the memory of the computer is byte. In accordance with the SI system, the consoles are consistently look like: kilo (K) - for thousands, mega (M) is a million, gig (d) for a billion and tera (T) for trillion. So, we have respectively kilobyte (1000 bytes), megabytes (million bytes), gigabytes (billion bytes) and terabytes (trillion byte). In theory, hDD A capacity of 500 GB should have a capacity of 500,000,000,000 bytes (500 bytes x 1000 x 1000 kilobyte megabyte x 1000 gigabyte).

The computer calculates, however, the values \u200b\u200bare slightly different. Here 1 kilobytes is not equal to 1000 bytes, only in 1024 bytes. Megabyte has 1048576 bytes (1024 x 1024), and gigabytes 1073731824 bytes (1024 x 1024 x 1024).

Equating, thus, 500 GB, calculating the capacity of such a hard disk, according to the decimal system to binary, we get a value of 465.66 GB. We share 500,000,000,000 bytes (500 GB) three times by 1024, and not 1000. The action looks like this: 500,000,000,000 / 1024/1024/1024 \u003d 456.66 GB.

There are also other reasons for the smaller size of hard drives than it follows from the above calculations. Thus, manufacturers of laptops use the so-called additional, hidden disk partitions, due to which it is possible to restore the operating system to a state after purchase - in case of, for example, damage caused by viruses. Then the total size of the hard disk capacity decreases, for example, by 10 GB, which were booked for a copy of the system with drivers and necessary software. Capacity can also be limited to the partitions created, the write buffer area or damaged sectors.

How to calculate the real hard disk volume

As we remember from computer science lessons, all computers work in a binary (binary) number system. All data is stored in the format of units and zero. The minimum unit of information is one bit, eight bits constitute one byte. Next, follows the following mathematics:

  • 1 Kb (kilobyte) \u003d 1 024 B (byte)
  • 1 Mb (megabyte) \u003d 1 024 Kb (kilobyte) \u003d 1 048 576 B (byte)
  • 1 GB (gigabyte) \u003d 1 024 MB (megabyte) \u003d 1 073 741 824 B (byte)
  • 1 TB (Terabyte) \u003d 1 024 GB (gigabyte) \u003d 1 099 511 627 776 B (byte)

While the computer works in a binary number system, a person usually thinks in a decimal number system. If we look at the SI units, then we see that the prefixes used to measure the memory are exceeded:

  • kilo \u003d 10 ^ 3 \u003d 1 000 (thousand)
  • mega \u003d 10 ^ 6 \u003d 1 000 000 (Million)
  • giga \u003d 10 ^ 9 \u003d 1 000 000 000 (billion)
  • tera \u003d 10 ^ 12 \u003d 1 000 000 000 000 (trillion)

Just as a person, it also thinks the hard disk manufacturer - for example, 5 GB, according to this system, the real volume of the hard disk will be 5,000 MB.

And here we have a core problem. On the drive box, you see an inscription of 1,000 GB, but after connecting to a computer, it will show the real size of the hard disk size of only 931.32 GB. The difference was not obtained by deception, but using other calculus systems - binary on the side of the computer and decimal on the person's side (manufacturer).

Given everything above, you can easily find out the real size of your hard disk of the computer. So, 1000 GB, this is 1 TB, which in the human calculus system contains 1 trillion byte. The computer also uses machine arithmetic, and divides everything at 1024, as a result:

  • 1 000 000 000 000 000 bytes / 1024 \u003d 976 562 500 kilobyte
  • 976 562 500 kilobytes / 1024 \u003d 953 674,316 megabytes
  • 953 674,316 megabytes / 1024 \u003d 931,322 gigabytes

As with all over the world, even in the display of the actual capacity of the hard drives of the computer, there are exceptions - some computer and operating systems work in different ways; The usual user, however, with the above problem occurs almost always.

For clarity, consider the table for quick Review On the specified and real capacity of the hard disk of the computer:

Specified Size (GB) Real Size (GB) Difference (GB)
1 0,93 0,07
4,7 4,38 0,32
80 74,51 5,49
120 111,76 8,24
160 149,01 10,99
200 186,26 13,74
250 232,83 17,17
300 279,39 20,6
320 298,02 21,98
400 372,53 27,47
500 465,66 34,34
750 698,49 51,51
1 000 931,32 68,68
1 500 1 396,98 103,02
2 000 1 862,98 137,35
3 000 2 793,96 206,03

Now let's get by passing to the next part of the article, which will make it possible to figure out more detail not only with the real capacity of the computer's drive, but also with other aspects of measurement.

Real capacity of the hard disk of the computer and the speed of the Internet

This topic is great for discussion in long-term autumn evenings, and, as a rule, is shrouded in many disputes and hypotheses. Arguing, mostly, can not come to a single input. It all starts with the fact that the size of the memory or the real capacity (size, volume) of the hard disk of the computer in the world is calculated in bytes. What is quite simple, byte is a pretty simple thing (in English byte). One byte contains eight bits (bit, the main information block that can take value 1 or 0) and there is nothing complicated. Only further all this is complicated.

  • Memory is more than a few bytes, so then kilobyte, megabytes, gigabytes, terabyte, petabyte (and some more greater values, which I no longer remember) is released on the scene. And then the problems of the real capacity of the size of the hard disk of the computer begins.
  • The classic (original) kilobyte contains 1,024 bytes. Yes, not a thousand, but a thousand twenty-four. This is because everything in computers is, so to speak, binary, not decimal. And therefore eating 1 024.

But ... For some hard drive manufacturers, it was more practical to set another kilobyte, which would contain 1,000 bytes in himself. Maybe but this is definitely bad ideabecause it will allow manufacturers to deceive the buyer with respect to the real capacity of the size of the hard disk of the computer. And the difference will succeed in significant, given that measurements go to megabytes, kilobytes and even terabytes. But, manipulations exist, and it is important to look at the real position of things.

However, trick relative to the actual volume and size of the hard disk of the computer can be determined by labeling. Let's look at the following example, it uses the labeling of the container for a decimal and binary system:

  • b, bit (bit, binary digit) \u003d basic information.
  • Byte, b (b) - 8 bits.
  • Kilobyte, KB (KB) - 1000 bytes (10 ^ 3)
  • Cybiket, Kib (Kib) - 1024 bytes (2 ^ 10)
  • Megabyte, MB (MB) - 1,000,000 bytes (10 ^ 6)
  • Mebibate, MIB (MIB) - 1 045 576 bytes (2 ^ 20)
  • Gigabyte, GB (GB) - 1,000,000,000 bytes (10 ^ 9)
  • Hibibait, Gib (G.) - 1 073 741 8224 bytes (2 ^ 30)

Attention, KB is a kilobit, in KB is kilobyte

Similar retreats are also related to kbps \u003d kilobit per second (data transfer rate on the Internet) against KBPS \u003d kilobyte per second (possibly KIBPS and KIBPS). And this is a significant difference, since the classic Ethernet Internet has a speed of 10 MBPS (Mbit / s) \u003d 10 million bits per second, or 1,250,000 BPS or bytes per second.

Prefix decimal / binary Decimal Binary
terabyte / Tebybate TB (10 ^ 12) TIB (2 ^ 40)
petabyte / Pebibyt. PB (10 ^ 15) PIB (2 ^ 50)
exbate / Exbibate EB (10 ^ 18) EIB (2 ^ 60)
zettabyte / Zebibyte ZB (10 ^ 21) ZIB (2 ^ 70)
iottabyte / Yobibayte YB (10 ^ 24) Yib (2 ^ 80)

Perhaps it is even good to know that the memory of computers today is calculated in gigabytes, the real capacity of the hard disk of the computer - from hundreds of gigabytes to terabyte. Memory cards in phones (tablets) - in dozens of gigabytes. The phones themselves, as a rule, have a gigabyte of RAM - and in general, the more, the better.

How to find out the actual hard disk size using programs?

The fact that the operating system is always showing the volume of the hard disk is less than indicated on the package (this also applies to memory cards and flash drives), I'm already used to it. But here, I decided to test several Aida64 and Crystaldiskinfo programs that I looked at the article to see what they would show. For understanding, the sticker from the manufacturer on my laptop says that I have a hard disk of the size of 250GB, exactly 250, no longer, nor byte less.

First of all, I decided to take advantage of my favorite program Aida64. . If you run the program, then in the main window on the left there will be an extensive list that allows you to get detailed information on system and equipment. To view the real capacity and size of the hard disk, and not its marking, you can look into one of two points:

  • Data Storage / Physical Disks - In the right area at the top, the name of the drive will be displayed, and its size that is 232GB. As we understand, 17 GB producer has overshaded.
  • Computer / Total Information - In the long list, you need to find partitions / total volume, according to the program, the size of my hard disk is 232.9 GB. Apparently, in the previous tab, AIDA64 cuts off the decimal value.

Well, let's try to use the program Crystaldiskinfo. , given the name, this tool should also show the actual size of the hard disk. The main window of the program displays the labeling of the drive, and ... 250GB. What is pretty unpleasant.

Remember to view the actual sizes of the hard disk in Windows, simply by clicking the right mouse button on the drive, and select the Properties tab. If the disk was divided into partitions, then we look at the property for each partition, and then we summarize. Although here, too, can be your catch, because when creating sections, some volume of the disk can go into consumption, but this value is not too large.

Information container

The tank of the hard disk is its most important parameter. It defines the amount of information that may be recorded on it. Capacity is measured in bytes and multiple units: megabytes, gigabytes. In this case, manufacturers use the prefixes of the degree 1000, that is, 1 gigabyte of the hard drive tank is exactly 1 million bytes. This contradicts a computer tradition to use degrees 1024, so it can be misleading - the disk marked as a 100-gigabyte is displayed on a computer as a 93-gigabyte (although it is more correct to call 93-hibibate).

The hardware container is determined by the following parameters:

§ The size of the plate is a parameter defined by the geometric dimensions of the hard drive, usually diameter is 1-2 cm less width.

§ Record density per unit area - Determined by the disk manufacturing technology. It is usually indicated in gigabits per square inches or a square centimeter. Typically, the disks of one series have the same recording density.

§ Surface volume - a parameter depending on the density of the recording and size of the plate.

§ The number of work surfaces is the same as the number of physical heads. Depends on constructive execution. Within the series used to vary the container.


Winchesters can have different interfaces.

§ MFM and ESDI - almost extinct, used on the first hard drives.

§ IDE / ATA - for a long time held absolute leadership in prevalence due to the simplicity of sales and low cost. Normal interface for workstations. Technically is a partially derived 16-bit ISA bus. The development of standards on the IDE led to a gradual increase in the exchange rate on the tire, as well as the appearance of work through the PDP (DMA) and some other service functions.

§ Serial ATA - Designed as Ide Replacement. Physically, there are two unidirectional sequential data lines. At the program level, when working in compatibility mode, the IDE is largely similar, in "native" mode provides additional features.

§ SCSI - a universal interface to which not only hard drives are connected, but many other devices. Actively used in servers. Despite the greater technical perfection compared with the IDE, it was not common, since relative to the roads. Can be used for external hard drives.

§ SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) - SCSI serial version.

§ USB - interface used by external hard drives. A USB Mass Storage protocol is used to exchange, universal for any numerical media.

§ FireWire - like USB, used for external hard drives.

§ Fiber Channel - high-speed interface for high-class systems.

Winchesters installed in external containers with USB interfaces, FireWire usually have an IDE interface. In this case, the container contains an interface resource (adapter).


High-speed characteristics of hard drives have important meaning:

§ Spindle rotation speed (eng. rotational Speed., spindle Speed.) It is usually measured in revolutions per minute (rpm, rpm). It does not give direct information about the actual metabolic rate, but allows you to distinguish more speed from less. Standard rotation speeds: 4800, 5600, 7200, 9600, 10 000, 15,000 rpm. Slow usually used on laptops and other mobile devices, the most speeds - in servers.

§ Access time - the amount of time required by the Winchestera from the moment of receiving the command before the issuance of data on the interface. Typically indicates the average and maximum access time.

§ Head positioning time (eng. seek Time.) - The time for which the heads move and are installed on the track from another track. There are positioning time on the adjacent track (Track-to-Track), average (Average), maximum (maximum).

§ data transfer rate or bandwidth - Determines disk performance when transmitting successively large data volumes. This value shows the steady transmission rate when the disk heads are already on the desired track and sector.

§ Internal data transfer rate - data transfer rate between controller and magnetic heads.

§ Exterior speed Data transfer is the data transfer rate by an external interface.

Energy consumption

Power consumption is an important parameter, especially in portable systems. It determines the necessary characteristics of the power supply and the time that the system can work from the autonomous power supply. There are energy consumption in various modes:

§ Peak power consumption - the power limit is usually achieved at the time of turning on and promoting disks. Pink power consumption must withstand the power supply. As the parameters of peak power consumption usually indicate the maximum current over power bus.

§ Energy consumption of the active mode is determined during the active work of the drive. This is an extreme power consumption achieved for a long time. It should be borne in mind that almost all the energy consumed by the hard disk is highlighted in the form of heat, therefore the power consumption of the working mode also determines the necessary intensity of heat removal. The main article of energy consumption is here - the servo drive of the head, the power of which determines the speed of the hard drive in the case of arbitrary access, and therefore fast hard drives require significant cooling.

§ Energy consumption of standby mode - during downtime, when the disk is ready to execute commands.

§ Sleeping power consumption is the minimum power consumption of the enabled hard drive when the spindle engine is stopped.

§ Average power consumption - an integral parameter showing how long the disk from batteries can work.

Other parameters

§ Reliability. Standard reliability indicator - average time trouble-free work Or the average time of operation for failure.

§ Resistance to mechanical effects - vibro- and impact resistance of the device. The impact resistance of the drive in the working and transport condition is greatly different. In working condition, the hard drives are very sensitive to shocks and vibrations - the maximum overload is made up of only a few g.

§ Noise level - rather aesthetic parameter than functional.

It has many some features that will be very useful to learn novice users. Yes, and advanced does not hurt. Now we will stay in more detail on this parameter as the HDD container. Any PC user should know it. Just below, we will analyze what is the maximum, the claimed and real capacity of the HDD. We will also describe the reasons for which the size of the hard disk may decrease. SSD is also obtained - solid-state information drives in which there are no mobile parts, as in the usual "hardhams". But so far the price of them is pretty high, although the trend towards falling.

Maximum container of modern HDD

Once users were glad to "Winchesters" with a volume of 40 GB, but these times have already been rushed into the fly. Volume modern HDD. It is now measured in terabytes. One terabyte is approximately 1000 gigabytes. Agree, it is a lot. But this is only at first glance. Gradually, the HDD is "clogged with" movies and music, and there is not enough places catastrophically. If you decide to assemble a new PC, you should pay close attention to the volume of HDD. In this case, "more means it is better." Nowadays, the maximum HDD capacitance available for purchase is 8 TB. With such a parameter, you can safely pump whatever. And a couple of such "hard drives" in the PC will allow you to forget about problems with a free place for a long time. Of course, the price of these monsters is noticeably different from the cost of budgetary "two-track" (koi much more).

Some problems with old PCs

Owners of old PCs will be useful to find out that if they want to replace their old "Winchester" to anything more, then some problems may arise. The fact is that some old motherboards categorically refuse to support HDDs of more than 138 GB. This is due to the mistake of popular for such bIOS boards Award. In such a situation, you can try Award long ago released a patch for this error. In any case, the ATA interface will not be able to support high capacity HDD (terabyte and higher). Here you will need to replace the entire motherboard. And if you need to change the "motherboard", you will have to update all other components of the PC, including the housing and power supply. So it's easier to buy a new "systemist" immediately.

HDD for laptops

With laptops, it turns out not such a rainbow situation as with PC. Install the hard drive of a larger volume on the laptop, of course, it is possible. But you will not notice a special increase in free space. The fact is that at this stage the maximum container is only 2 TB. Maternal laptop mini-cards are simply not supported by those containers that are available to PC users with full-size "motherboards". Only purchase can save here external HDD.. Of course, according to him far to the inner. But still some kind of free space.

HDD Capacity Reduction

Due to some reasons, the maximum can decrease over time. This is mainly due to external factors. Supporters of the popular myth that the volume of the disk may decrease from frequent formatting. HDD capacitance can only fall from physical impact. This includes a blow, a strong shake (only when working), a voltage jump from the power supply. Due to the effects of these factors on the disk surface, "broken" clusters appear. Of course, that the loss of the volume is noticeable, you will have to "kill" a considerable amount. But in this case, the disc will just stop working. It can be thrown out, as it is absolutely impossible to "revive" such a device.

The claimed and real volume of HDD

Hard drive manufacturers usually proudly write on their devices the amount of space for storing data in integers. However, the real capacitance of HDD is often different from the claimed. What is it connected with?

First, manufacturers declare the maximum volume "on the eye", guided by the fact that the table of the international measurement system 1 GB is 1 billion bytes. In fact, a gigabyte is 107 billion. The greater the maximum amount of HDD, the more "Gigs" in it lacks. For example, if you have "Winchester" with a declared capacity of 200 GB, then its real capacity will be 186 GB. And it is impossible to do anything with it. Measurement table is certified by GOST.

Secondly, each HDD has system section To record debug information. It also limits the maximum HDD container, although not much.


In general, the question of the maximum volume of the hard disk is quite extensive and one article is not enough here. Nevertheless, some common aspects were considered. Now it is much easier to understand what the maximum volume depends on. Also, many were interested in the question of what the real volume from the stated and for what reasons can decrease the HDD container. What are these reasons, we disassembled. Watch your HDD and everything will be fine with him until he "dies" with his death.

During the assembly of the computer, it is necessary to deal with a huge array of information. The choice of components is influenced by many factors. But there are elements that remain unchanged anyway. For example, it will not affect the choice of video cards, motherboard and other PC parts.

But it can affect the operation of the system. This is due to the fact that an insufficient amount of memory leads to lags and failures of different processes. Therefore, it is important to know what a container with a hard disk.


Hard disk, or hard drive is a device that saves information, gives arbitrary access to it. Basic train on magnetic record. On the this moment This is the main drive in consumer systems. Although they are actively starting to change the faster devices - SSD.


The hard disk capacity is one of its characteristics. It describes the amount of data that can be stored on specific device. In addition to this parameter, the railway is characterized by the interface - the conditionally technical interaction of two devices. Modern models received many modifications of interfaces, so at that moment it is important to pay attention when choosing.

Next Winchester differ in physical size. Although it is currently unfair to say that, since from a certain point, most manufacturers adhere to standardized 3.5-inch form factor for stationary PCs and 2.5 - for a laptop. The characteristics should include spindle rotation indicators, arbitrary access time, the number of operations and energy consumption.


We now turn directly to the hard disk tank. It is not difficult to guess that with the advent of the first railway a lot of time passed. Accordingly, this indicator grew in geometric progression. Now you can find drives with any volume up to 10 TB, if we talk about the form factor 3.5. It is also important to remember that the disks always have a capacity of multiple 1024. Although the manufacturers themselves always indicate the parameters of multiple 1000. If you see that the drive has 200 GB, in fact its capacity is 186.2 GB.


Of course, if you bought an independently hard drive, most likely you know its volume. It is also in the store, and on the package, and even on the sticker on top of the device itself. In this case, you can only double-check the hard disk capacity. Also to understand this issue may be needed to those who ordered equipment from third-party resources. For instance, chinese online shopping It has long been famous for the submenu of parameters. So, customers come devices not the company or not with those characteristics. To do this, you may need a similar analysis of the container.

So, the equipment can be installed in the housing and see its characteristics through the system. To do this, click on the "My Computer" icon. A new window opens. We will be one or more disks. It is not necessary to take only a drive and a flash drive if it is installed.

Usually, when installing a system, the railway is divided into several parts. The C disk is placed the entire system. It is recommended to install anything else. On disks D, E and so on, the user's personal data is located. The total amount of their volume is the capacity of the railway. To fold it, you need to click on each disk the right mouse button, and then go to "Properties". A new window will appear in which you will see a diagram, as well as digital values. It is indicated how much free and busy, as well as a total volume. When counting, do not forget to make a discount on the fact that the manufacturer indicates the "beautiful" numbers. But instead of 500 GB, you will have only 452 GB.


There is a chance that you just bought or dressed you a railway. Before connecting it, you can check the container. But for this you will need a special box. This is due to the fact that not all devices have uSB interface. To us, it is necessary to check the railway to be connected through this connector. After you connect the hard drive to the system, it can be checked in the one described above.


You may, for some reason, does not suit the system check method through "My Computer". In this case, can help third-party program. For example, Aida64 Extreme Edition. It is enough to download it and install on the test railway.

After starting the software scanning the system. By the way, it shows not only the information on the Winchestera, but for all other components. Therefore, after scanning, you will have to find specifically the parameters of the railway. After moving to the "Storage of Data" section, and then - "Total". Immediately you can learn about the drive model and other useful information.


When buying, it is better to know the maximum hard disk information capacity. Of course, you are unlikely to need the most voluminous hard drive, but at least to understand the scale of the development of this device is worth it. So, the oldest used volume was 8 MB drive. Now there will not fit the photo from some smartphones. The most chassis now became the railway from 500 GB. Although in some old models of laptops there are variations from 128 GB, etc.

It is known that the high capacity of the hard disk almost does not affect the performance of the system. Sometimes you may not find places for your data and files, since the PC may not withstand such volumes. It will require more memory for temporary system files. From here there will be noticeable "brakes" of the system.

The most capacious at the moment is a gigant-drive of 10 TB. Such a disc can cost about 25 thousand rubles. But it will definitely be much for an ordinary user. There is also a model for 6 TB. Its price is just below - 14 thousand rubles. It is very good that manufacturers, in addition to increasing the tank, also take care of good speed, wear resistance and quality materials.

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