
Secure Windows XP Mode Blue Screen

Often, users face a problem when you cannot upload a computer, a laptop that function on Windows 7 is not only in the usual, but also in safe mode. Similar problem Can be caused by the most various reasons. Systemic, hardware malfunctions often lead to the fact that the operator cannot perform the download or spontaneously goes to the reboot or after turning on the PC appears blue screen of death. What if Windows 7 does not enter safe modehow to decide this problem and restore the performance of PC. In this article, let's try to solve these tasks.

What is and for what is necessary safe mode

Safe mode SAFE MODE - Special diagnostic mode of operation of the operating system, which is used to detect, eliminate errors in the OS registry. If you run Safe Mode, the default will be disabled extra components Systems. In other words, when you enable a computer, the laptop with this option will only be loaded with the most necessary system components of the device, important drivers.

If in the PC on which Windows 7 is installed, any malfunctions are detected after switching on, you can try to start the device through a secure mode with a basic set of services. After the system is loaded in Safe Mode, the user can perform the same actions as in the usual launch Windows 7.

Such a loading method will help detect the presence in the system of viral, promotional, spyware, which impede the normal functioning of a stationary computer or laptop.

If Windows 7 is loaded only in safe mode immediately after turning on the PC, this indicates that there is a problem that prevents the normal start of the operating system. In this case, the reason, as a rule, lies in the newly installed software.

To solve the problem, you can try to restore the system. To do this go to " Start» - « Control Panel» - « System Restore».

But what to do if the device with Windows 7 does not enter not only in the safe mode, but does not want to run even in the usual one. Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

The reasons for which it is impossible to download Windows 7 in safe mode

As already noted, most often the need to log in to the safe mode on any version of Windows, including the "seven", is due to the need to scan, check the PC to viruses, the presence of viral software. Of course, if the computer does not turn on in the usual mode.

Despite the fact that Windows 7 on this moment occupies a leading position among all submitted operating systems, it is impossible to say that this version OS is an outlinder of absolute quality. Unfortunately, Windows 7 has many mistakes and shortcomings, which is reflected in the stability of your device. Especially if you neglect the installation of licensed software.

If safe Windows 7 mode does not turn on, this problem may be called:

  • the presence of viral, potentially dangerous software (viral advertising, software);
  • hardware failure;
  • damage to the file system;
  • technical failures.

As a rule, if Windows 7 does not want to be included in safe mode, according to experts, this problem lies in the presence of "evil" viruses in the registry due to the installation of applications, software with unverified dubious sources. Most likely, under the influence of spy modified programs in system files, the registry branches that are responsible for the input to the safe mode were removed.

How to upload a PC in safe mode

Everyone knows that you can upload a PC in safe mode by pressing the F8 key immediately after the PC is turned on. But not always the press of this key contributes to calling the secure mode menu, which can be caused by a number of problems.

If Windows 7 is not loaded in safe mode, then you can fix this problem in several ways:

  • reinstalling OS;
  • by changing the system configuration;
  • using a special AVZ utility.

The most radical method is complete reinstalling OS. The only thing that should be noted is that this option is suitable only if you have a removable medium in your hand, distributing with this version of the Ourser. That is, the one that has already been installed on the PC. This will require " System recovery point" The last saved system recovery points will open in a special window when the function is activated.

It should be noted that if there are important files in the system, and there is no possibility to establish a system from the installation disk, this option cannot be called the best solution Problems.

Sometimes, if the enable computer is not possible in sAFE mode Mode, you can perform the so-called "pump" ( system rollback) - a process that is identical to a complete reinstalling OS, which allows you to save all previously established important programs, applications, software. If necessary, you can do backup data, important information on PC.

In the case of a complete reinstallation of the system, the registry data can be restored by the service application, namely the system restoration. But it must be remembered that the use of this console is not effective in all cases. To be guaranteed to return the OS boot option in Safe Mode mode, we need a REG-file restoring, which fully corresponds to this OS.

The optimal option that will help if Windows 7 does not want to load, run in safe mode - utility AVZ.which can be downloaded without problems with the official web portal. In addition to restoring PC performance this program will help to eliminate various threats, malware in the system of your laptop or personal computer. To do this, you need to perform a sequence of actions:

To upload Windows 7 in safe mode, you can also try change the configuration of the OS.. At the same time, the main thing is to prevent errors in its actions, adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Go to the menu " Start", Click" Perform».
  2. In field " Open»We are prescribed command msconfig Press the OK button. After that, you can see the window that appeared " system configuration", As well as other active tabs in the upper part.
  3. ", After which the string should appear" Safe mode».
  4. I celebrate the checkmark " Safe mode"I confirm the action by pressing OK.

Now you need to restart the PC and check the operation of the secure mode. To do this, in the process of rebooting at the very beginning of the system boot, click. " Now it is necessary to re-log in " system configuration» - «» - « Safe mode" Remove a tick near the item " Safe mode", Press OK.

As we see, if Windows 7 does not load in safe mode, it is possible to solve this problem with several of the above methods. The main thing to adhere to the established sequence. If the system further works unstable, the computer does not turn on in safe and in normal mode, the system spontaneously reboots, possibly the main reason is technical issues. In this case, qualified specialists will help eliminate problems after the comprehensive diagnostics of a laptop or PC.

Video on the topic

Safe mode (English - Safe Mode) - Diagnostic mode, which disables all unnecessary drivers and windows functions. It is used to eliminate the problems arising in the PC. Just run safe mode and eliminate errors, after which the PC will work again as it should.

In which cases may you need to enter a secure mode? For example, to solve the problem when.

In this way, you can remove viruses, reset the password, correct errors (including blue screen of death), restore the system, etc.

There are several ways. Plus they differ somewhat depending on what you have operating system. Therefore, we will look at everything. available methodsHow to go to secure Windows mode.

There are 2 universal methods that work on all versions of Windows - XP, 7, 8 and 10. In addition, they are the most simple. Perhaps with them and let's start.

Logging through the MSCONFIG utility

The first method is through a special utility. To do this, you need to fulfill an easy instruction:

  1. Press Win + R (Button between "Ctrl" and "Alt") and enter the word "msconfig".
  2. In a new window, select the "Load" tab, specify the required OS and put the bird in the "Safe Mode" paragraph. There is a pair of subparagraphs here - it is recommended to choose or "minimum" ( standard option) or "Network" (in this case, there will be access to the Internet).
  3. Press "OK" and restart the PC - now it will turn on in safe mode.

When you eliminate the errors, do not forget to return the usual computer start mode! This is done in the same way - using the msconfig utility (only now you need to remove a tick).

There is a small nuance: in this way, you can enable secure mode in Windows OS only, provided that the OS is loaded normally. If it does not even work out to load the desktop, then use the second method.

F8 entrance

This method is suitable for those who do not turn on the PC or laptop (the desktop does not load, the monitor is not loaded, etc.). In this case, do the following:

  1. Turn on a PC (or laptop) and immediately press the F8 key repeatedly until the menu appears (in some cases you need to press SHIFT + F8).
  2. If the Windows Logo appears or the woofer - you did not work. Wait until the system is fully loaded, then restart the PC and try again.
  3. When you do everything correctly, the menu will open, where you select the "Safe Mode" item with the arrow (optimal option).

P.S. On Windows 10, this method does not work! This feature Disabled by developers.

Special download options for windows 10

If Windows starts, then the following must be performed:

What if Windows 10 does not start? If the PC is loaded until the input screen, then " Special options Downloads »can be opened in a different way. To do this, click on the power button icon (in the lower right corner), clamp SHIFT and select the "Reboot" item.

Use a disk or flash drive

This is the most reliable way to upload Windows 10 in safe mode. But in this case you need a DVD or (they can be written on any PC or laptop).

Connect the USB media or insert the disk, load them (), and then perform the following:

  1. After download, click Shift + F10.
  2. After opening command line Enter - BCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) SAFEBOOT Minimal.
  3. Then you close it and reboot the PC. It will turn on.

To return the usual PC launch, prescribe on the command line as follows: BCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (Default) SafeBoot.

You can perform it in the same way (or on behalf of the administrator ) .

Enable mode in Windows 8, you can also 4 in different ways.

The first two are painted in detail at the beginning of the article. The remaining two are quite similar to the options that are suitable for Windows 10, but we still consider them in more detail for you to easily navigate.

Diagnostic tools

So, the first method is the activation of the buffer format (suitable only under the condition that the OS is working normally). To do this, carry out the following:

PC will start in Safe Mode, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

And one more simple option to launch a secure mode in Windows 8 - by boot flash drive or DVD disk with wINDOVS files. The procedure is as follows:

How to be on windows 7 and xp

Go to secure Windows 7 or XP mode one of universal waysdescribed at the beginning of this article. The first option is suitable in cases where the OS is working normally, and the second - if the PC or laptop does not turn on.

It is worth noting that the operating system is in no way connected with the BIOS. It also does not matter what your laptop brand has - Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, etc.

What if Safe Mode does not start?

Sometimes a PC or laptop stubbornly does not want to include a secure mode. Cause Banal - Viruses damaged the Windows registry. In such situations there are only 2 options:

  • restoration of the PC (system rollback to the checkpoint);
  • installation special programs.

The optimal, of course, will be the first way - restoring the computer from the control point. If you are not survived (for example, disabled), then only the option with installing recovery programs will remain. registry windows. In this case, you can use free Safe Mode Repair or SafeBootKeyrepair.

Question: Blue screen (in safe mode something namudril)

After loading Windows 7 knocks out the death screen,
In safe mode, something namudril now I can not install Windows 7 if you know tell me how to remove drivers on the video card for a week I suffer

Answer: Well, set the third, with full formatting system partition

Question: Blue screen on Windows 10 Pro, at any time

Hello. Today it seems like a blue screen happened. I opened the computer to measure the ruler there. When finished, and began to close the computer cover, heard a peak as when turned on. And yes the computer has repaired. As a result, I opened and looked at MiniDUMP what the blue screen had happened. Maybe I started something, and maybe it's just a coincidence, but look please. Just somewhere a couple of months ago, the blue screen also happened, but with another mistake, although the complaints were all on the same file of usbport.sys and ntoskrnl.exe as I understood this core system (photo of the screen itself in the application). When Win 8.1 was standing, never there were blue screens.
Here I posted my minidamp well and just in case the screenshot from BlueScreenView in the application

How I found out this driver (usbport.sys) uses this device - Intel (R) 7 Series / C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E26 and Intel (R) 7 Series / C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E2D I decided to simply delete, then after rebooting everything was restored

MY Iron:
Intel Core i7 2600
Maternal aSUS board B75M-Plus.
GTX 980Ti.
AEROCOOL 600WT Power Supply
OC Windows 10 Pro x64 genuine license with all the latest updates
Also very recent Drivers On the video card, motherboard and other USB things.
Plus add a DXDIAG file to this
SSD verification for bied sectors and verification random access memory Memtest did not give results. Everything is perfect. Look please, maybe I'm in vain pan

Answer: The topic can be closed. The problem was decided after full formatting SSD and subsequent clean installation OS. I left the computer for the whole night, and after another it used (the total time of work is about 14h) and did not observe any problems. If you just pull out SSD and put OS on HDD

Question: Blue screen BCCode: F4. What to do?

Event Name Problems: BlueScreen
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1058

BCCode: F4.
BCP1: 00000003.
BCP2: 877E08D8.
BCP3: 877E0A44.
BCP4: 8326F3B0.
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Product: 768_1

I can not download Windows as usual, only in safety. Constantly blue screen. I checked the screw Victoria did not find anything, I tried to change the power supply unit of the system ... Dances with a tambourine do not help. Vinda licensed. Before that, the only problem ... YUSB constantly turned off that incl. What is the problem? Help!!! In the investments of the Vial Dump and ..


Message from Zaroza.

yusb constantly disconnected that incl

This happens when the southern bridge is bad ...

Question: There was a blue screen, now it is not! Just reboots the computer!

Hello everybody! I have such a problem! Began to fly blue screen. Before the screen crashes, an incomprehensible sound is happening in the system. A couple of seconds, everything hangs and gradually begins to close the turns, the game of the program. After 15-30 seconds, the company is rebooted

What took:

1) Opened Systemster Proter Contacts The loop that connects the mother with the screw. (Did not help)
2) Drunk screw via Victoria for the presence of broken screw sectors, the screen will appease at thenime.

For incomprehensible reasons, the computer is now rebooting in the same plan only without a blue screen.
Tell me what to do? Tortured these reboots.

Answer: Yes, and avast, too, with loading windows. Maybe not correctly expressed to the account closing of programs. They get started cut off slowly in the browser goes out of music, disappears windows panel While downstairs, the error errors of the torrent files are popped up by distribution if Lineage is loaded, then it crashes and an error window appears. All these glitches will take place within 15-20 seconds then the blue screen. Right now I generally just lay on the couch played calmly music how to hear this sound again from the system and again a blue screen with an error 0x00000007a, what to smalle how to solve that problem? (((
This is what DRVREB shows: I scanned another hour ago, I clicked neutralize, the problem did not solve

Question: The blue screen jumped up, before that, sometimes, then once a week, and once every three months there was a hanging

Good time day!
Tell me, please, what is the problem. Jumped blue screen.
Prior to that, sometimes (without explicit periodicity, then once a week, then once every three months ...) There were two types of hanging: 1. The computer did not react about a minute (work already running programs At the same time continued) And the HDD LED is not buried, after it released and worked in the usual mode; 2. Fully depended (mouse, keyboard - zero reaction, buzzing in the speakers for which he reacted to hang if it was not near), rebooted the button and the work continued almost from the shutdown room. It is not yet lit Power LED (she worked at first as usual, at some point he became not stable, after which he stopped to light up at all). And today BSOD.
I do not argue that it is all connected, but outlined all the symptoms at the moment.
In the subfolded archive, the MiniDUMP folder and AIDA 64 report. Separately flooded (size is large for attachment).

Answer: Look in the event magazine that happened at the time of hanging

Question: Windows XP. Blue screen does not allow the computer to boot

Hello everyone!

I need help knowing, as I encountered the problem of the blue screen.

Will start with what I used trial version Kaspersky 2015. When a period of 30 days ended, and it was a couple of days ago, I decided to look new key. Today I deleted Old Kaspersky, downloaded and installed on a new one. Introduced a new key, the license passed. Checked fast check For viruses - purely. Then I launched one of the poker programs that issued an error, although before it was always all right. I found out what it happens when installing a new antivirus, which blocks the program. He brought it into trust in Kaspersky - did not help. Then I decided to try another one an effective way Through Start - Standard - service - restoration of the system. The date set yesterday. The computer went to the reboot, but it was not possible to turn on. Now when booting Windows turns on automatic reset And there is a blue screen that does not give to work in Windows. I tried to go through the "normal load" - blue screen. I tried through the "secure modes" - blue screen. Through the "last success" I also tried. Everywhere blue screen. With Help Holding F8, the STOP number was used: 0x0000007B (0xF789E524, 0xC0000E, zeros, zeros).

I think everything is because of Kaspersky. The system, apparently, did not accept it. Additional information can also be something that the computer has been tested for viruses. They were not. Disc from 14.6 GB; Free was at the time of collapse of 1.7 GB. If it were possible to go through a safe regime, I think it would be possible to remove Kaspersky. Or somehow roll back through the restoration of the system. Maybe this is the problem. But the blue screen does not allow anyway through the safe mode. What to do, please tell me.

Answer: in Bios Load Default, then take boot disk And move towards:

Message from i am bad

In Windows XP, just start the installation, and when you reach the screen shown in the figure below, click

Complete recovery procedure.

Q: Blue screen 0х00000018

Good day, gentlemen. The essence of the problem is this: a laptop is not a new long ago. Information from BSOD collector is applied. History began four months ago. They climbed the blue screens of the most different sewing. Since the experience in solving such problems I did not have (for I do not mean anything in system administration and, even more than programming), in September, the laptop surrendered to the diagnosis. It was cleaned, the thermal blocks / thermal chaser changed, after which, until the very beginning of December, the problems disappeared (and experts said that iron in an acceptable condition). Now again someone Bid. Stably a couple of times a day climbs a blue screen. Memtest has shown that the RAM is in perfect order, hard, too, so far (broken sectors of pieces 3, the rest are still plowing). Reinstalling the system did not set up the problem, viruses were found and cleaned by two different antivirus for funny confidence, Aida said that there was no overheating (and could not dry so quickly, or? Taking into account the fact that the laptop on the coolant stand). The drivers in the measure of the forces are checked according to GOST (that is, according to the instructions in this section), nothing was found. CCleaner for 1 day solved the problem after cleaning the registry, which he did not lead to all of the BSOD all sorts of BSOD, and only to one with a stop 0x00000018 reference_by_pointer, a particular culprit on the screen was not listed, BlueScreenView swears only on one ext experiencer: ntoskrnl.exe.

Separately confuses that this evil exe climb even before I passed the laptop to diagnose. And here, either specialists in the repair broke something with iron, my hands from priests. The second most likely.

In any case, the question: what to do?

Everyone known (and the only) certificate of error 0x18 is not to offer, for I do not understand a word there.

Answer: Updated: put new HDD.So far, the flight is normal, Windows Seven has been set up without problems. The laptop now thinks slightly faster than before, even the assessment service slightly raised (which indirectly confirms the assumption of TUROK123, since the new hard is practically identical to the old one by the parameters, therefore the old man has been removed). Thanks for solving the problem)))

Question: Missing Operating system Windows 7, miraculously went into a safe mode, what can be done?

Good day!
(Windows7. full laptop Acer)

Fixed the error 0x0000005. I did not find malicious KB ... and therefore deleted all updates from the moment this error appears. Not for a long time Laptop worked.
There was a terrible "Missing Operating System".
Miraculously managed to enter the safe mode. Not by simply pressing F8, and it is a miracle .. somewhere when leaving Biosa by pressing some keys, I can not repeat it.
Now copy information.
Please tell me what should be my further actions for windows7.
Most likely I deleted myself boot files. I do not have a disk. But there is another com with access to the Internet.
There is no opportunity to turn to a specialist, I am in Ceremni.
Please, help.

Answer: LiveCD would you, with a bootloader recovery utility. They are on the Internet Million)

Question: BSOD (blue screen of death) during installation drivers NVIDIA

Hello everyone)
Here is my problem: when installing drivers on a video card computer. Gives a BSOD (blue screen of death).
what to do?
Thank you)


Message from Sanya.

Well, then it remains to check by throwing another Wyjiushki. If it works, then your end of earth life comes.

Everything in this light will ever come to the end)
And there, behind the turn)

Question: Blue screen when starting Windows7

Hello, I had a problem with launching Windows. The fact is that when starting the blue screen of death appears, and immediately goes a reboot. On blue screen error Stop.: 0x0000007E (0xc00005.0x84217328.0x807866c0.0x807862a0). Safe mode and last successful configuration are also not started. Installation disk Lost. Help please, what can be done

Added after 1 hour 41 minutes
There is an assumption that Avast is to blame, but how to remove it?

Answer: Found here on the site.

Information Applicable to the following systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

"STOP 0X0000007E" Error Message After You Upgrade to Windows XP

After upgrading to Windows XP, you can get the next stop:
Stop: 0x0000007E (0xc0000005, 0x804e518e, 0xfc938104, 0xfc937e04)
Note: Four parameters in this message may vary, depending on the system configuration.

This may happen when the systemic generates an exception that error support (Error Handler) cannot catch.
This may happen when one of the following statements are true:
Lacks disk space. If the error appeared after the first reboot during windows installations Or immediately after the installation is completed, there may not be enough space on the hard disk to start Windows.
BIOS incompatibility. If the error appeared after the first restart during installation of Windows or immediately after the installation is completed, the BIOS may be incompatible with Windows.
Incompatible adapter video drivers.
Damaged Random Access Memory (RAM).
Damaged hardware driver or system service.
Incompatible program of a third party remote control. If the error is associated with a win32k.sys file, it may be due to a third-party program of the remote control of the computer.
Use one of the proposed methods to solve this problem:

Method 1:
Make sure that the disk is enough free meta. Delete unnecessary files with hard: temporary files, temporary files (Internet cache files), backups from programs ,.chk files that contain fragments of files from scanning a disk. You can also use other HDDs with a greater tank.

Method 2:
Update BIOS. Contact the manufacturer of motherboard and find out updates for BIOS. You can temporarily disable features in the BIOS as caching or shadowing.
65416 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, A-K
60781 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, L-P
60782 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, Q-Z

Method 3:
Check out Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) list to find out whether your PCI equipment is compatible with Windows XP.
314062 The Latest Windows XP Hardware Compatibility List
Update the latest adapter video drivers. If the driver is specified on the Stop screen, disconnect or delete this driver.
Disable or delete all drivers or services that you have added last. If the error appears during Windows loading and the partition on which the system is worth using NTFS, it is possible to use a secure mode ( Safe Mode.) To rename or delete a defective driver. If the driver is used as part of the system during boot, then you must boot in Recovery Console to access the file.
If the problem is associated with win32k.sys file, the cause of the problem can be in the program remote access Third party. If such a program is installed, you can delete the service booting in Recovery Console and delete a specific system service file.

Method 4:
If you have the opportunity to boot in safe mode (Safe Mode), delete all drivers that do not have Digital Signeture. For for more informationHow to do this, refer to the article:
316434 How To: Perform Advanced Clean-Boot Troubleshooting in Windows XP

Method 5:
In rare cases, you can identify a faulty third party driver. You can try to solve this problem, moving all third-party drivers from WindowsSystem32DRIVERS to another directory. To implement this, boot into the Recovery Console or to another installation of Windows, if available. Just make sure the folder in which you move these files is not created - 8/13/2001. If the computer running the third-party IDE or SCSI controller driver, you must install these drivers and leave them in WindowsSystem32DRIVERS. Restart the computer and continue the installation. For more information, how to disable the service that prevents windows downloadContact your next article:
310602 How to Disable A Service OR Device That Prevents Windows From Starting

Additional Information
If you got a stop 0x0000007e, when you first download the computer after installation and you have not installed any drivers 3 sides during Windows installation, then the problem may be in the equipment unsupported windows XP. And this is just due to the fact that the XP still tries to install its drivers.
If you got this stop after the upgrade with Windows 2000 or you just connected new equipment, the problem may be an incompatible driver or equipment itself. For more information:
315222 A Description of the Safe Boot Mode. Options in Windows XP
314058 Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console
308041 Resources for Troubleshooting Startup Problems in Windows XP

Also for more information you can refer to Article 0x0000000a

Yes, it is unpleasant. But not deadly. From the message about the error, it is clearly not understood as the reason and how to fix it. Nevertheless, there is a sequence of actions and methodotov, which should be performed first, as they are universal and in most cases will help to eliminate the critical error.

Diagnosing a problem

That you changed recently

Try to remember that you changed in the computer, its configuration and settings. The most common reason is a recent change in the settings of both software and hardware of the computer. This includes the installation of new drivers, receiving OS updates.
Driver is softwarewhich allows the computer installed in the computer to interact with Windows and work correctly. Iron manufacturers and driver developers to them cannot take into account all possible options for possible configurations as hardware so the software part of the PC. In this connection, there is a possibility that the installed or updated driver causes a critical error.

Check the internal computer hardware

In some cases, a bad connection, bad contacts inside the computer can cause a blue screen. Open the housing and check the connection of all cables, make sure that all wires are securely secured, and all existing equipment boards are tightly installed in their connectors.
If for a personal computer to check everything will not be difficult, then the owners of laptops do it problematic. But you can check hDD and RAM to make sure that they are connected correctly. Remove, with a small cruciform screwdriver, removable panels in the back of the laptop, under which the hard disk is hidden and the RAM or plus the whole motherboard, as in the photo below. Check the density of plug connections.


Check the temperature of the computer: processor, video cards, hard disks. Overheating can lead to equipment failures. One of the most common overheating is overheating the video card. The second most likely culprit can be a processor.
Temperature can be checked in most modern BIOSs or using Special Windows Speedfan Programs.

Memory check

A frequent cause of failures is a firefight bar of RAM. When the RAM starts to collect, it leads to unstable operation of the system.
You can check the prompt memory using the program called "Memtest86". The program is free and free to download. You can run it by writing it on the boot CD. You need to restart the computer and boot from the disk. Memtest will automatically start the computer's operational memory test, which may take a long time. You need to wait for the results.

Run the "CHKDSK" feature is used on the hard disk for scanning for errors and eliminate possible problems. A faulty hard disk can lead to a blue screen from - for damaged files. To start Chkdsk, open the computer / My computer and right-click the disc that you want to scan. Select Properties.
On the Properties screen, select the Tools tab.
Click the Check button in the error check section. Your computer will ask to restart the disk to scan.

One way to determine the cause of the failure is that the search for the search is necessary. To do this, turn off everything without which the computer will be able to work, without which it can start. Thus, if the error disappears, you will know that the reason is in one of the disconnected devices.

  • To start a desktop computer, you need: motherboard, hard disk, power supply, RAM, video card and keyboard.
  • If in motherboard There is a video connector, we connect the monitor to it, and turn off the external (optional) video card.
  • If there are several RAM schedule, it is better to leave one of them, then alternate when loading options with different slots in the motherboard and memory dies.
  • If the PC is running without errors, we try to connect across one device and run the system until an error message appears. This is allowed to find exactly what kind of equipment causes a failure.
  • Unfortunately, this method is not applicable to laptops, there is no possibility to turn off the device (at least for the novice user).

Information about bsod.

Have time to read an error message

Often, the computer will reboot faster than you have time to read the error message, not to mention that write something. It's all about the Windows OS settings that are installed on an automatic reboot.
In order to read the message all the same, boot in safe mode and squeeze the checkbox on ""
If you briefly, then:

  1. Properties of the system\\ Extra options Systems
  2. Optional tab
  3. Remove the checkbox from the item to perform an automatic reboot

Press the Apply button and restart the system.

If it does not work in safe mode, it remains to have time to read the code on the screen (about 1 s)

Code and name BSOD

When a blue screen appears before you, you will have enough time to study it on the screen, as the computer will now reboot only on your initiative.

What exactly is important and you need to rewrite from the screen in detail described in here section
Error code always starts with symbols 0x
Always located after the Stop phrase:

Then go to the description page bSOD errors and enter the recorded code in the search form, you will be found a description of the error and possible options elimination.

BSOD solution

If the operating system cannot start, try to boot in safe mode.
Safe mode is truncated windows versionIn which only the necessary components are left to download, which in most cases allows you to boot during failures.
To do this, while downloading a computer, press the F8 button until the download menu appears in which you want to select a secure mode with downloading network drivers.
This will allow you to access device dispatcher, drivers, autoload.

Check for viruses

Viruses and other viruses malicious programs may damage windows files As a result, they may cause the system collapse. Always use the antivirus. Well, if the computer does not boot, that is, two options:

  1. Use anti-virus scanners in safe mode.
  2. use LiveCD (LiveUSB) with antivirus (this is such a boot disk from which you can boot and check the non-working system on the hard disk antivirus). Almost every manufacturer of antiviruses also distributes the version of LiveCD.

Check the integrity of system files

Using the built-in SFC utility http: // Website / SFC-EXE / you need to check the integrity of all system filesProtected by Windows File Protection.
To do this, launch the cmd.exe command line on behalf of the administrator
Enter cmd.exe and press ENTER
In the black screen that appears (which is the command line) enter SFC.EXE / SCANNOW
System check and modified files will be restored from the backup source.

Rollback Drivers

If the cause of the problem in the equipment, the first thing you need to try to do is rollback of drivers. Especially if you installed a new piece of iron before the failure new Driver in the system.
This process will restore more early version Drivers with which the system worked without failures.

  1. Open Device Manager. To do this, you can press a combination windows keys + Pause or opening the Start menu Right-click on your computer (or on the desktop label with the name of my computer). Select Properties. Then the device manager.
  2. Select the equipment whose drivers you want to roll back. It is possible to reveal the subgroups by clicking on the plus icon. Right-click on the equipment icon and select Properties.
  3. Go to the Driver tab. Select roll back and confirm.
  4. Try to restart and check how it influenced BSOD correction

Rollback of Windows changes

If the driver rollback did not help, the next to the turnback of Change Windows changes. In other words, it is a rollback to the state of the system when she worked correctly.
In the search bar, enter the phrase Recovery Open the found program and select the date preceding the error appearance.
This will lead to the restoration of the computer's status to the selected date, all that you were installed later or updated, all these changes are canceled. They seemed like no one and did not do, as we can say that we returned to the past.

Lack of hard disk space

If Windows lacks the disk space on the system disk (on which it is installed) it can lead to system errors. Remove unnecessary files and programs S. system DiscIf there is a free space on it less than 15% of the total volume.

Update System and Drivers

If the rollback of the drivers and changes does not work, you can try to install new versions of the drivers (if they were not installed earlier) it is possible that the developers have already eliminated the error and remains only to be updated.

  1. Click the Start button and in the search bar, enter Windows Update.
  2. Click Check updates.
  3. Next, follow the instructions.

Reinstalling Windows

The extreme option to which you can resort if the previous ones did not help - this is complete reinstalling Windows.
Make sure all your important files are saved in a safe place, as the hard disk during the installation will be formatted and your data will be lost.

If the Windows reinstall still did not solve the problem and the blue screen still appears, then the reason is still in the equipment. You need to find and replace the faulty part of the computer.

Replacing faulty equipment.

  • On the laptop, the replacement of everything except RAM or hard disk May be difficult and expensive.
  • If RAM tests show the presence of errors, change the failed bar.
  • If the hard disk tests reveal errors, first create backup Your data and replace on new hard disk.
  • If the malfunction in the video card, then its replacement can cost much. And it is almost impossible to replace it in most laptops. For desktop computers everything is easier to find working video card, replace it for a while and see how the system behaves.

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