
Remote computer control chrome. Remote access to the computer via the Internet. Remote access via ID

Since our site is designed for the average users, inside the team of there were some disagreements regarding the utility of this article. Usually, such a material is submitted for more experienced users, at least quite well knowing Windows.

On the other hand, where to go to the novice user who only distantly represents what RDP, TCP, UDP is? But I really want to know? Again, is it necessary for the average user? Maybe he is just one simple program?

Difficult situation.

Explain in one article What is remote access to the computer via the Internet, but so as not to sigh the visitor.

We decided to experiment. Share about the difficult one as possible. We will focus on your comments.

What is this article about?

This article will tell you about two types of remote connection, briefly will tell about what Id. Tell about programs Remote access and Remote desktop. We also try to configure your computer in order to get remote access to it without using third-party programs. Sophisticated terms in the article are isolated brown, and are supplied with explanations in the form of pop-up tips.

The concept of remote access

Remote access to the computer via the Internet is called the operating system tools, or a third-party program that allows you to get visual or file access to a computer located at a remote distance, but at the same time connected to the Internet.

How is the necessary computer on the Internet?

Conditionally, all remote access programs, in connection type, can be divided into two groups:

  • Using Id
  • Using IP addresses and domain names

Remote Access Programs Using ID

Great interests are presented using programs Id (unique identificator). Method of receipt Id Approximately this: when the computer is planned on the computer, the remote access program is launched, it sends a request to your server through which connection will occur.

Having received this data, the server generates for a computer unique identification numberId. This number is assigned to the computer. In the screenshot below it is highlighted in red.

Knowing this identification number and password - you can connect to a computer from anywhere in the world Id.

It remains unchanged until the equipment is replaced or the OS has been reinstalled.

So the use of such programs is very convenient. When changing the provider of the Internet, city, and even the country, from your computer Id Will not change.

Lack of programs used Id One - they are paid or conditionally free. Condition - You should not use the Program for commercial purposes.

Example of programs used Id - TeamViewer, AMMY ADMIN. But these two list is not limited. They are just the most popular and always on rumor from users.

We will not spend a lot of time on these programs, since their interface is simple, and allows you to study the program for 5-10 minutes. In the future, we may consider each of them.

With these programs, you will not have any problems. Use on health, not abusing. If TeamViewer will connect to a large number Id - It is sooner or later, the communication session will be limited to five minutes.

Remote Access Programs Using IP Address, or Domain Name

With this category, everything is more complicated. They need a static IP address or domain name. Connecting to IP addressThis is a classic connection type. It does not give such flexibility in the location of the computer and most often used in the "office space".

In order to use it, you need to do the following.

Connect a fixed IP address or domain.

You need to connect an additional service from your provider - Fixed IP Address . This service provides many providers, including mobile. This service will assign your home network an external IP address of the format

It is this address that allows you to find your computer from outside.

An alternative to a fixed IP address can be service Dyndns.. When registering, you will be given an individual domain, for example:


Next, you simply install a program on a computer that, when turned on, track your current IP address and send it to the server. Dyndns.which in turn compare your current dynamic IP address with address

Thus, wherever you are, the services of which provider did not use, how often your Ipishnik would not change - the address of your computer -

We will not argue to say, but get a fixed IP address from the provider is somewhat easier and cheaper than using Dyndns.. For example, at the time of writing this article, the cost of the allocated IP address was only 20 rubles. / month.


Opening the port on target - remote computer.

Even now, knowing our IP address or assigned to us Dyndns. Domain, we can hardly connect to a computer - the firewall will not miss us. Most likely port 3389 Used program Remote Desktop. Which we tame in this article will be closed. So that everything worked as it should - we will have to open it and redirect to the desired computer on the network.

Complicated? Not at all. Let's try to figure it out in practice.

Remote access to the computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop

So, first What we did is have received a fixed IP address from our provider. We remember, write, sketch it.

Second. Let's find out intrahet IP address Our computer. To do this, pass on the next way: Network and Common Access Control Center \u003d\u003e Local Network Connection \u003d\u003e Information
As can be seen on the screen, the address of our computer inside the network

Third item will open the port 3389 to the above address. To do this, go to the router. In our case, it ADSL modem TP-LINK.. We will show everything on his example. There's nothing to do anything here, but without the instructions, it is not necessary if you do not know how to configure the modem on your own.

In our case, we go through Google Chrome. by the address and under the combination admin / Admin. . We get to the page of information.

We go B. Advanced Setup \u003d\u003e Nat \u003d\u003e Virtual Serversand press the button (Add).

Here you can select ready-made services or create your own.

We will create our own and call it. Udalenka.But the name can be completely anyone. We prescribe the local address of the computer, the one that was spied earlier. In the table we prescribe a port everywhere 3389 And the protocol is chosen TCP / UDP.. All this we do in the calculation of the standard Windows application Remote Desktop.. For other programs, ports can be different. A good list of applications and ports used are given. (What we study can come in handy even for games).

If for example you want to use not Remote Desktop., and advanced Radmin.You will have to register another port for him: 4899 .

Click the button to save.

Point fourth, we will run on the computer who are going to manage - Server service Terminal. There is something to clarify something.

Use the method described below is not recommended from the point of view of licensed cleanliness, if you do it in an organization where you work. Not sure about Windows 10., BUT B. Windows XP - 7The license was not broken if only one user was connected to the computer.

We, do it all in order to familiarize yourself and in order to find out the principles of remote access to the computer via the Internet.

So to run on the computer Server service Terminal. In Windows XP, it was just done - went to AdministrationServices and applicationsServices They found it and just turned on. This gave the opportunity to connect to a computer to a computer. At the same time, the user who was sitting locally, disconnected.

In Windows 10, we need to go a little differently. We need a special patch. You can download it from here. This patch will allow you to run on the system. Windows 10. Terminal service.

Recently, Google's search engines and Yandex began to consider this file as a viral threat. In fact, the file was lying on the site for two years, and never a single scanner considered it for malicious software. Nevertheless, now the file is kept outside of - you swing it on your own fear and risk.

Unpack the downloaded file to any place. For example on Desktop. Run on behalf Administrator file install.bat.

On a successful result, the black command line window is informed with this content:

Fifth We will task the password for your user, as well as add it to the group.

To do this on the icon A computer and right-click choose item Control.

In the window that opens, in the left of it, we need to reveal the list Local users and groups, highlight subparagraph Users.

In the list of users, you need to find yourself and right mouse button.

Enter the password twice, click And the system will confirm that the password is installed.

Now we need to add our user to the group Remote Desktop users.

In order to do this:

Right-click on the User - Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Group membership and click on the button <Добавить…>

Next, do everything in the same in the screenshot:

As the result of the work done - Remote Desktop users Must appear in the overall list of groups to which the user belongs.

We want to draw your attention to the following. The above is described how to assign a password to your user. But it is better to still create a new one and already to attach it to the groups. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will lose some data. For example, we are divided everywhere where it was possible. I had to drive all passwords again.

Check whether we managed to get remote access to the computer via the Internet with Remote Desktop..

We go to another computer, go to start menu \u003d\u003e All programs \u003d\u003e Standard And launch the program "Connect to a remote desktop".

We enter the IP address assigned to us earlier by the provider earlier, click the button <Подключить> .

If all that we did earlier, we did right, then we will almost immediately ask Name and Password User by Remote Machine. Enter them and do not forget to put a tick to remember the credentials.

And the last "stroke security" will be checking the certificate of the remote machine. Here, too, you need to agree with everything. And also put a tick.

That's all. If everything works as it should, you can climb the Remote Desktop settings. Here you can enable / disable sound, change the quality of the picture, connect local resources to a remote machine.


First, activate the desired operating system parameters on the computer to which the connection will be performed. In Windows XP, to do this, open the "Start" menu and right-click on the My Computer icon. Select "Properties". All operations described must be performed using the administrator account.

Open the Remote Use tab. Activate the "Allow remote access to this computer" To do this, check the box next to the item of the same name.

Now create a list of accounts, with which remote users will be able to access this computer. Click the Select Users button. Go to "Add".

Enter account names that can use remote access to computer. Remember that these accounts must be present in the operating system used. Create new accounts if they are missing.

To configure the connection to computer In Windows Seven, use the Remote Access item located in the System menu. Access to it can be obtained through the control panel.

Connect to your computer. In Windows XP, open the Start menu and go to the list of utilities located in the Standard catalog. Click on the icon with the "Connection to the Remote Desktop" header.

Specify the IP address of the desired computer. If your PC gets Internet access via a VPN connection, enter an external IP address. Click the Connection button. Wait until the username and password entry menu appears. Fill in the available forms and click the Next button.

When working with the Windows Seven system, you can send an invitation to a specific user. Use this feature if you want to connect to your PC without using an existing account.


  • how to make remote access to the computer
  • ST DVR 1604 how to configure remote access

ADSL- modem It can be configured as a router (router) or Bridge. IN mode Bridge modem Serves an adapter between the computer's network adapter and the telephone line - in this case, all network connections are configured on the computer. IN mode routher. ADSL- modem - This is a mini-server that provides network services to a computer. This mode is most safe and, in most cases, is preferred.

You will need

  • Computer, Network Adapter, Splitter, Modem, Ethernet Cable, ADSL Cable, Power Adapter, Driver Installation Disc


Video on the topic

If your dynamic IP address is available, then you can use the following proposal. Go to Dyndns. Enter the host name (HostName), which is convenient for you. Select a domain that will be your statistical address. In order to create an address, click the following phrase "Your Current Location's IP-Address IS ...". At the bottom, click "Add to Cart" and register. The activation letter will come to your electronic. In the Account menu, click on the Count "Dynamic DNS HOST". In the "Details" clause on the CHECKout to Activate column. Install the client "DNS UPDATE" to a computer. In order to enter the program, you will need to enter a login and password.

Video on the topic

Tip 6: How to connect to a remote computer via the Internet

Due to the high level of development of modern computer technology, today you can easily connect to the remote computer. To do this, you will need to connect to internet and the fulfillment of a number of simple actions.


This connection can be organized by using the standard Windows procedure: "Connecting desktop".
If the remote connection receiving receipt is configured, then a remote desktop will appear on your desktop (before you you need to enter a username and remote computer).

In addition, you can use the extended connection setting when connected to the remote computer. To do this, click on the "Parameters" button.

Next, choose the extreme left tab "General". Here you need to enter the username in the "User" line, this name will be used when connected to the remote computer. Save the selected settings for further repeated use in the "Connection Settings".

The "Screen" tab is designed to change the parameters of the remote desktop, such as the size and depth of the color palette.

Connecting to remote computer, You can run any program, this program is specified in the "Programs" tab. Check and specify the path to the program and the working folder.

Last, extreme right, - "Connection" allows you to make sure that you really connect to the remote remote you computer (authentication), as well as perform additional connection setting (connection parameters through the service gateway).

Remote access is a very convenient feature for those who work in the office and at home. Configure remote access to the desktop of the second computer can be very simple and fast. For this purpose, there are a large number of special programs. Consider the process of connecting remote access by example one of them.

You will need

  • You will need a TeamViewer utility, a computer ID, which you are going to connect to the desktop, as well as password access to it. Let me remind you that the process of connecting remote access is possible only with the consent of the owner of the second computer (if you, for example, connect to the PC of your colleague or friend). Otherwise, this will already be considered as an attempt of unauthorized access.


TeamViewer freely distributed utility, download it and install it on your PC. With this task, you can cope easily and simply: the program weighs very little and extremely easy to install.

After starting the utility, the dialog box appears before you. In it, you will see not only the data, but also the string in which you need to enter the ID of the second computer to which you connect. This ID should provide your colleague / friend. In the event that you are connected to your second PC, these data are known to you.

Go to the next step - the choice of connection method. The program will offer several options, select one of them and click the Connect button.

If this action is successfully completed, the second panel will appear on your desktop - this is the desktop of the second remote PC. The task is completed, remote access is installed.


When you connect remote access, you can download any information from the second PC to your computer.

Helpful advice

You can choose any other program, the TeamViewer utility is one of the easiest and easy-to-use.


  • Windows, Microsoft Corporation

To get remote access to another computer, you need to use special programs. They will greatly facilitate the process of managing other PCs in comparison with the standard Windows function.

You will need

  • - TeamViewer.


Download and install the TeamViewer program. Select the version of this utility that is suitable for work in your operating system. Install this program on both computers. Run it first on the PC from which you will connect. The system will automatically give you an identification code. Write it down and leave the first PC for a while.

Run TeamViewer on the second computer. Open the "Connection" menu and select "Invite a partner". In the window that opens, enter the number you have previously recorded, and set the password. Now open the "Advanced" menu and go to the option "Options".

Open the Safety menu. Find the "Permanent Password to Access without confirmation" item. Enter two times password. Now you can remotely connect to this computer even if no one confirms a deleted access attempt.

Now go to the "Remote Control" menu. Check the box near the "Hide Wallpaper on the Working Machine" item. In the "Quality" menu, select the "Optimize Speed" option. This will make it possible to slightly increase the performance of the program. Now in the Access Control Point, select the appropriate mode, for example, "full access".

Open the Safety menu. Click the "Configuration" button located next to the Black and "item. Check the box near the option "Allow access only for the following IDs and partners". Enter the identification number of another computer and click the Add button.

Now go to the first computer. Open the main menu of the program. Enter the identification number of another PC in the right column. Select the connection type, such as VPN. Click the Connect to Partner button. Note that the TeamViewer program must be launched on both computers to receive remote access.

Video on the topic

Related article

Adjusting the configuration of the remote report server implies a preliminary change in the Windows Firewall operation parameters and permission from the use of requests for ports participating in the selected server.


Call the Main Menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system by pressing the "Start" button and go to "All Programs" to execute the configuration setting operation to the report server database.

Specify the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 item and expand the "Setup Tools" link.

Go to the SQL Server Configuration Manager section and expand the SQL Server Network Configuration node with double mouse click.

Select "Protocols" and enable TCP / IP protocols and selected channels.

Re-send the SQL Server service to apply selected changes and return to the Start Main Menu to activate remote administration in Firevol.

Call the context menu of the "Command Line" element with the right mouse button and specify the "Run on the Administrator" command.

Enter the value: netsh.exe Firewall SET Service Type \u003d RemoteAdmin Mode \u003d Enable Scope \u003d All
in the command line text box and press the ENTER softkey to confirm the execution of the service start command.

Return to the Start Main Menu Once again and go to the control panel item to perform the DCOM permissions setting the remote access to the WMI utilitis.

Specify the "Administration" item and select "Component Services".

Open the Computers node and specify the "My Computer" item.

Open the Action menu and specify the "Properties" item.

Select the COM Safety section and click the "Edit Restrictions" button in the "Start and Activation Permissions" section.

Specify the username and confirm your choice by pressing the OK button.

Apply checkboxes on the "Remote Access" fields and "Remote Activation" in the "Allow" section "Permissions for a user or group" node and confirm the application of the selected changes by pressing the OK button.

Return to the Computer Management menu and expand the "Services and Applications" link to implement the procedure for changing the parameters of the WMI server namespace.

Call the Context Menu of the WMI Control Menu by clicking the right mouse button and specify the item "Properties".

Select the Safety tab of the opened dialog box and sequentially expand the folders:
- root;
- Microsoft;
- SQL Server;
- MSSQLServer;
- V10.

Specify the Admin folder and press the Safety button.

Use the Add option to define the name of the user intended for the server management and apply checkboxes on the fields:
- "Enable Account";
- "Enable remotely";
- "Read safety."

Confirm the application of the selected changes by pressing the OK button.


  • How to configure report server for remote administration

You can connect the computer to server through the Internet With VPN (Virtual Private Network). This will allow you to correctly distribute the resources of the remote network, as well as correctly configure the server operation.


Configure Windows to connect to server properly. Usually the software required to create a VPN is included in the Windows Server operating system. Better install it in order not to acquire any additional network equipment.

Upload Windows Server and click the Start button, select "Programs", "Administration" and "Server Setup Wizard". Open "Remote Access / VPN-North" in the list of services.

Press the circle to the left of the "Virtual Private Network VPN and NAT" option. Select a network adapter connecting the computer from the Internetohms if it is available.

Select the option to automatically assign an IP address. Specify "No, use routing and remote access to authenticate connection requests" to go to the "Manage multiple remote access servers" page.

Click the Start button, select "Programs", "Administration" and open "Active Users and Computers". Go to the "Remote Access" section and go to the "Properties" tab. Specify "Allow access" for each of the users you want to open access to server via VPN.

Go to the computer name you wish to connect to server through the Internet. Press the Start key, open the control panel, then "Network and Internet", "Network and Switching Center" and "Setting up a new connection or network".

Select "Connect to Workstation", "Use My Connection to the Internetu "and enter the IP address of the router to connect the server to it. To find out this address, open the router configuration page.

Hello everybody! Imagine you leaving. It does not matter: to the office on the next street for several hours, on a business trip or on vacation. But you know for sure: you may need data that is stored on your home computer. For some reason, you can not take them with you: for example, you do not know exactly what books from your huge library will you need or what samples you want to insert into the song that you write on the islands. But you need access to the home computer.

Good news for you: humanity has long come up with how to remotely connect to the computer via the Internet. True, it will be necessary to prepare for this case in advance. In the article below we will tell you how.

2 ways will be involved. The first is using standard Windows applications, and the second using third-party programs.

How to prepare your computer to a remote connection to the Windows

Remember the lines included in the anecdote from the old Nokia instructions? Well, yes, "To use this function, the phone should be turned on"? You will laugh, but we will also play the captain an obviousness: so that you can be remotely connecting to your computer, one must remain enabled and connected to the Internet.

But this is an obvious consideration. There are not so clear: for example, the interaction between two computers - your home and themes through which you will connect - based on the "client-server" scheme, and the server will act your home computer, and the client is the one that you have with by itself. Before connecting to another computer over the Internet, you must prepare both.

Let's start with a home computer. Suppose on it. It must be said that the version of the Home is not suitable for the work of this function: you need to have at least Windows 10 Pro.

First of all, you need to resolve the remote connection to your computer. This is done by the system: Go to the Control Panel / System / System Protection / Remote Access, find the "Allow Remote Connection" line there and check the checkbox there.

The second thing you need is a static IP address. In the same control panel, you need to go to the "Network and Internet / Network Connections" section, find the adapter, which is currently used, and call it with the right click.

Click on "Properties", select the "IP version 4" string and click "Properties" in the same tab. Here you need accessible locally, but not involved in the router (the busy range can be found in the router itself). The "Subnet Mask" line is usually entered "", And in the line "Main Gateway" - IP of your router. It can be entered and as a DNS server, however, options are possible. So, for example, the addresses of the public DNS Google are allowed: and

For example, it may be like this:

The router will also need to configure port 3389 (how to do it - read the instructions for the router or thematic discussions).

However, all manipulations from this point can be avoided if, leaving, you generally disconnect the router and leave the computer connected directly to the provider's network. Then you need only to know your own and make sure the provider is that it will remain unchanged.

How to prepare a terminal with Windows tools

Under the "Terminal" we understand that computer from which you will connect to your remote. All you need for this is an application with the name "Remote Desktop". Perhaps in your version of Windows it is already there. And if not, you can download it from the Microsoft Application Store.

The application is made in the Modern-style, with the calculation of sensory displays, but it is convenient to work with it and in a traditional way. To add your home computer, you need to press the "Plus" button in the upper right corner of the window. In the drop-down menu, select Desktop, and enter the data for access - the local IP address, if the computer is on the same network with you, or external if you connect via the Internet.

To access your PC, you will need an account data. If you use Microsoft account, enter its data. If you are local - enter the username and password. Click "Save" to not enter the data when connected. Of course, if you use the "Remote Desktop" application on someone else's computer, you do not need data to enter it.

With the correct configuration, after connection, you can see in the program desktop desktop your computer and run any programs or open files from it.

We only reviewed the option when Windows 10 Pro is installed on a remote computer. Other versions of Windows do not possess such functionality or need more subtle settings. However, the remote control of the computer via the Internet is possible through universal solutions that will look below.

Third Party Remote Access

Although Windows has its own organization of remote access, there are third-party programs that make it better. Consider some of the most famous of them.


One of the first programs about which more or less dedicated people at the sight of the header are TeamViewer. Naturally, we will start with it.

The advantages of this program are not only well known and popularity (and as a result - commercial success, demanding users and attentive developers plus support). TeamViewer - solution is sufficiently simple, flexible and multifunctional. By and large, you do not even need a second computer to connect to your home: enough iPhone, iPad or device on Android. Customers exist for most mobile platforms, plus Windows, OS X and Linux.

In addition to the remote desktop, the application supports voice and video calls. So, for example, if someone from your relatives or colleagues save access to your computer and needs your help, you can communicate in the course of work right in TeamViewer, without stopping the session and without using other programs.

Your connection will be protected by 256-bit AES encryption, so it is almost useless to intercept it.

The most valuable program of a program that cannot be overestimated is the ability to enable your home computer over the Internet. If many hours of meals occurred in your absence, no UPS will help. But TeamViewer will allow your computer to turn on on the outside.

And one more plus - the program is not divided into the client and server part. It is enough to establish a single option on both computers. And then everything is configured in several clicks.

Lack of the program, by and large, only one: the cost. A single copy license for a private user costs about 200 dollars. But if timely access to the computer is worth it - why not?


The name of this product means "Remote Administrator", which immediately transmits its purpose. In terms of its functionality, it approximately corresponds to Team Viewer: You can receive remote access to your computer, turn on and disable it with network commands, run programs, open files and move data between the remote PC and the terminal.

Radmin is inferior to TeamViewer only in some aspects: does not offer applications for mobile devices, does not provide simultaneous access to a computer from several terminals, not so common.

One of the main advantages is RADMIN - price. A single license for accessing one computer will cost only 1250 rubles - this is a little more than $ 20: ten times cheaper Team Viewer! At the same time, you will get all the advantages of commercial programs: permanent support,

However, if you need a completely free solution - it is also there.


Yes, it exists! A free application that works on the same principle as the above. But remote access to the computer via the Internet it represents quite high quality.

Yes, in some aspects of Ultravnc inferior to commercial solutions. So, to provide 256-bit encryption, you will need to install a special plugin. The desktop client is only for Windows, and mobile clients exist only for Android and iOS. There is no built-in voice communication, so you have to be remotely supported using Skype or a regular phone, or a built-in text chat.

But, on the other hand, a remote access tool is free - not so frequent pleasure. Therefore, we recommend using ultravnc first, and then if some important functions are sharply missed, refer to commercial products.

Remote computer management programs allow you to remotely manage another computer via the Internet or on the local network. It is convenient when it is necessary to help not a very experienced user, for example, a relative or a friend, a badly dismantling in a computer something to do something on it, without going from his cozy chair and not spending his nerves and time for telephone conversations. Such programs are still convenient to use for remote work, for example, from home to connect to the office and on the contrary - to access your home PC, for system administration of a whole Park of computers and servers.

We will conduct a comparative analysis of remote control programs, select their advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most popular programs for remote access, you can quickly download and install it or immediately run, without installation, it will not even be able to cope with this not a very experienced user. When starting, the program displays the ID window and password to access this computer, as well as TeamViewer allows you to connect to another computer by setting its ID and password.

The program has several basic modes of operation. This is remote control, file transfer, chat, demonstrating your desktop. The program allows you to configure round-the-clock access to the computer, it will be convenient for system administration. The speed of operation is quite worthy, there are versions for all mobile platforms, for various operating systems, which is very pleased. A simple and fully understandable interface plus a number of additional utilities to extend the program functionality will be useful for remote support services.

Although the program is free, but only for non-commercial use, as well as when working with it, more than 5 minutes there is a number of difficulties, such as TV can block a remote connection session, recognizing it as commercial use. For round-the-clock remote access or administering multiple computers, computer network, you will have to pay for additional program modules. The cost of the program is high.

This program is ideal for a one-time remote connection or use of its short periods of time. It is convenient to use from mobile platforms, but do not administer a large number of computers. For additional modules will have to pay extra.


Simple, but quite a powerful software program, consists of two parts, the first server that needs to be installed or run on a remote computer and viewer that allows you to manage another computer. For work, the program requires a little more skills and experience from the manager, although the server work is even easier than in TeamViewer, the server can be installed once and no longer you need from the user, the ID will always be permanent, it can even be set in manual that Very convenient for memorization. The LiteManager Free version is free for personal and commercial use.

In the program, in addition to the main remote access modes: Remote Control, File Transfer, Chat, Task Manager, Registry Editor, There are unique features, for example: inventory, screen recording, remote installation. The program is free for use on 30 computers, it can be used for round-the-clock access without any additional modules. There are no restrictions on time. It is possible to configure your own server ID to configure the corporate support service. The program does not have any restrictions on time and locking.

There is not enough customer under mobile platforms or other systems, there are restrictions on 30 computers in the free version, to administer more of more, you need to purchase a license. Some specific work modes are available only in Pro version.

The LiteManager program is suitable for providing remote support, to administer multiple dozen computers absolutely free to configure your own remote support service. The cost of the program is the lowest in its segment and the license is not limited to time.


The program is mainly similar to TeamViewer, but a simpler option. There are only the basic modes of operation - view and control, file transfer, chat. The program can work without installation, free for non-commercial use.

A simple and easy program, you can work both on the Internet and on the local network, has minimal settings and does not require any special skills and skills. By comparison with TeamViewer, a softer licensed policy.

Minimum features for remote control, administer a large computer park will be difficult, with a debt of use, more than 15 hours per month, the work session may be limited or blocked, paid for commercial use,

This program is more suitable for a single connection to a computer and not highly complex manipulations, for example, as providing assistance not to an experienced user in configuring a computer.


One of the first remote control programs and known in its circle could not be mentioned, more intended for system administration, the main focus was on security. The program consists of two: server component and client. Requires installation, not an experienced user will not just understand with it, the program is designed mainly to work on the IP address, which is not entirely convenient to provide those. Support via the Internet. The program is paid, but has a free test period.

The program has a high speed of work, especially in a good network, thanks to the video driver capturing the desktop, increased reliability and security. Intel AMT technology is built-in, which allows you to connect to a remote computer BIOS and adjust it. Implemented only the main modes of operation Remote control, file transfer, chat, etc.

There is almost no possibility to work without an IP address, i.e. Connect by id. There is no client for mobile systems. There is no free version, only a test period of 30 days. For working with the program you need an experienced user skills. When you connect a video driver can turn off the AERO graphic shell, sometimes the screen flashes.

The program is more suitable for system administrators to administer computers and servers on the local network. To work via the Internet, you may have to configure the VPN tunnel.

Internet-ID is the name of the technology with which you can connect to the host, bypassing network screens and NAT. To connect to a remote computer, there is no need to know even its network name or IP address. It is enough just to specify its identifier (ID). No additional settings for network equipment are also required. Port Forwarding or Port Mapping is no longer needed to set the NAT-to-NAT connection. This functionality is very useful, first of all, technical support services that work with a large number of clients who have no opportunity to provide an external static IP address.

What is the function of the Internet-ID function?

The main task that Internet-ID technology solves is to simplify the procedure for connecting to a remote computer as stronger. Previously, a fine configuration of routers, port forwarding, port mapping, or a configuration of the "reverse connection", was previously required. All these manipulations are very complex for simple users and sometimes cause problems even with advanced system administrators. Internet-ID allows you to avoid everything.

How it works?

The Internet-ID technology is based on the fact that a network connection with a remote host is installed through special dedicated servers of Tektonit (or corporate mini Internet-ID server). In turn, the remote host also constantly automatically supports connection with these servers.

The principle of work is very similar to how popular messaging services are working like ICQ or Skype.

Configuring the Internet-ID connection.

In order to connect to a remote host using the Internet-ID connection, you need to receive an identifier on the host. This automatically activates the Internet-ID mechanism and establish communication with our servers. Right-click on the host icon, near the system hours. In the menu, select "Configuring Internet-ID Connection".

Host icon in the field of notifications

In the window that appears, click on the "Get New ID" button.

Remember, write this identifier to the clipboard to the clipboard. It is useful for accessing this host.

Now the host is ready to accept connections from the client (Viewer), access to the computer is configured. On the client side, when creating a new connection or in the settings of the existing, specify the host identifier to which you want to access the ID field. Now the client, when connected, always use the "Internet-ID" module.

To use Internet-ID for an existing connection, in its properties ("Basic Settings" section) specify the desired ID and select the left checkbox.

To connect directly and disable the use of the Internet-ID mechanism, simply remove the checkbox that on the left of the ID in the connection settings.

If the Internet-ID mechanism is involved on the host, this does not mean that it is impossible to install a direct connection to this server. Internet-ID does not cancel The usual way of compound, incl. Does not cancel the "reverse connection" mechanism. Internet-ID is just a convenient addition.

Mini Internet-ID server.

System administrators have the opportunity to deploy its own corporate Internet-ID server so as not to depend on Tektonit servers. You can find out the details about the Mini Internet-ID server.

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