
What does SAFE MODE mean. We enter into the "safe mode" via BIOS. F8 entrance

If the computer, by the next launch, stubbornly does not want to load or the operation of the OS has become unbearable due to the presence of constant failures of the system and softwareThis panacea can be the loading of the OS using the so-called "secure mode".

What is "Safe Mode"

Work operating system In safe mode, it is a PC functioning using only the most necessary drivers and services. This alignment allows, in case of need, eliminate existing system errors that violate the operation of the computer's problem, after which you start the PC in ordinary mode and continue using.
The launch of the operating system allows you to cope with such problems:

  • availability on a computer viruses and other similar malware;
  • the appearance of various errors of the system, registry (for example, the well-known "blue death screen");
  • the existence of errors due to the functioning of certain programs that impede the normal operation of the PC.
  • In addition, the improper functioning of the computer may be a consequence of technical malfunctions. In this case, the safe regime is unlikely to help cope with an existing problem, but thereby pay attention to the need to verify the health of the structural components of the PC.

    Varieties of safe regime

    There are three main options for running a computer in the specified mode. The choice of a specific type of download will depend on the goals that the user pursues resorting to the safe operation of the system:

    The procedure for running a secure mode on different versions of Windows

    Windows XP.

  1. The input to the secure mode is possible only when you turn on, so you should either run the PC, or restart the already working computer.
  2. During the start of the system, it is necessary to hold on the "F8" keyboard and hold in such a state until the corresponding window appears on the monitor, in the header of which (placed on top and centered) contains the name "Additional download options" ("Advanced Boot Options ").
  3. Using the "Up" and "Down" keys (the so-called "arrows" on the keyboard), you must select the desired PC launch option in safe mode ("Safe Mode"). When the required option is dedicated (using a gray rectangle), press the "ENTER" button.
  4. After a minute later, the computer will start taking into account the restrictions provided for in one way or another the selected mode.

Windows 7.

There are several ways. The simplest is the previously described method for Windows XP, which is applicable to this version.

In addition, often users resort to another procedure:

ATTENTION! By resorting to such a procedure, each subsequent PC load will be carried out in safe mode. When the need for one will disappear, it is necessary to simply implement all the actions described above and uncheck the lettering box " Safe mode».

Windows 8.

Two options written earlier in the article are suitable for this type of OS. Nevertheless, there are two more effective ways.

ATTENTION! Activation of buffer format (only subject to normal operation of the PC)

  1. On the sidebar of the standard interface, you must press the "Parameters" button where to find and select the "shutdown" item, after which the SHIFT key immediately is clog.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, you should choose the "Restart" option.
  3. The diagnostic screen will pop up on the monitor. You must select the section "Diagnostics", then " Extra options", After that, go to" Download Options ". In the lower right corner will be placed the "Restart" button, which you want to click.
  4. Next, a window appears in which the system will propose to choose the appropriate boot option. In the list, as a rule, 4, 5 and 6 positions will assume the download specifically in one of the options for the safe mode. You must select the desired and press the key respectively: "F4", "F5" or "F6", after which the OS starts using the selected parameters.

Loading from a DVD or boot USB flash drive containing Windows installation files

  1. After inserting a disk or connecting a flash drive, you need to start the load from the media (in "My computer" just click on the disk icon or flash drive) if it does not start automatically.
  2. The monitor will pop up the date and time parameters window, where below must click the "Next" button.
  3. The window will then appear for installing the system where you need to select the "System Restore" item.
  4. A screen will appear on the screen for diagnosing, where you need to select one after another: "Diagnostics" - "Advanced Parameters" - "Command Line".
  5. When the input field appears on the monitor, it is necessary to register "BCDEDIT" or "SET GLOBALSETTINGS", then press the Enter key.
  6. After the procedure for eliminating existing system errorswhich works independently, in the same command line field, you should enter "BCDEDIT" or "DELETEVALUE (GLOBALSETTINGS) ADVANCEDOPTIONS" and press "ENTER" to cancel the automatic transition to the diagnostic screen when the PC is turned on. Next, on the window that appears, click on the "Continue" button.
  7. The reboot of the system will begin, during which the user will be prompted to select the desired type of loading. Now you just need to press the "F4" key and wait until the PC starts in safe mode.

Windows 10.

This operating system can be launched in safe mode using all the 4 methods described earlier throughout the article.

IMPORTANT! The only thing to pay attention to is the features of the activation procedure of the buffer format. In order to reach the diagnostic screen, you must select "All Parameters" item, then press "Update and Security" in the pop-up window, where to go to "recovery". Next, click on the "Restart" button. Following actions are to reproduce accordingly described in 3 and 4 points for running a secure mode, using the buffer format to activate Windows 8.

How to be if it is impossible to start a PC in safe mode

There are two main reasons for such a "failure":
Computer infection with the most dangerous viruses or other malicious programscausing numerous system failures.
Solving Options:

technical issues

  • In this case, you should check all the structural elements of the PC for health, the presence of mechanical damage.

ATTENTION! Sometimes even the elementary cleaning of the PC from dust and dirt can be carried out, which can be carried out both at home and in specialized service centers.

And finally

Safe mode helps solve many problems and errors that violate the computer. However, it is not necessary to neglect the help of specialists in constant failures of the PC functioning, since in such cases only the corresponding knowledge and skills are able to provide normal operation of the computer.

This article for those who ever in the computer sphere I heard the concept of "safe windows mode"But not aware that it means at all, for what you need and how to enter this very mode. A thing, actually, is very sometimes useful and can help in case of troubleshooting in your computer. He, in general, is made as a diagnostic mode and, moreover, it is not entirely difficult to run this mode. Consider in detail that this is for the mode of such a thing for what is needed and how to run it!

What is a safe mode and what it may need

Safe mode is available in each Windows operating system and during normal operation of the system, without any failures, you will not see this mode and anywhere. Just so, accidentally go to it will not work. This mode is one of the diagnostic modes of Windows, which has several.

Running Windows in safe mode, you will see the usual operating system, but with a simplified graphic shell, i.e., all sorts of decoration themes, desktop background and other complex graphics will work. But the most important thing is that in this mode only the most basic, vital for Windows serviceAnd they will also be turned off all automotive when starting Windows programs. Here sample Windows 7, launched in safe mode:

In others windows versions There will be no fundamental differences.

What will the system start to launch in this mode with a strong functionality restriction? After all, most of the services will not work, and therefore, and even many programs will not be launched. And everything you need in the event that in normal Windows mode you do not start. Causes of N. windows startup In standard mode, it can be completely different, from the usual errors in the operation of the system, up to any virus infection and glitches / failures. Computer components. If Windows does not start due to a malfunction or failure of a device inside the computer, then the safe mode is unlikely to help you, because it also does not likely start it. However, it's still worth trying, especially since it is immediately not to determine what is a problem: an iron of a computer or its software part!

In cases of failures in the software part of the computer, the safe mode can very often help. Suppose you installed some incompatible driver for some device and after the reboot, you stopped running Windows in standard mode, for example, issues blue screen death (so usually refer to the blue window with incomprehensible inscriptions when trying to download Windows) or something else. In this case, first of all, you can try to download the computer in safe mode, because, as above already wrote, it will only be launched everything the most basic and necessary for the system and as a result of Windows can start in this mode. Well, then it remains only through this safe mode to find the reason why in standard Windows mode refuses to start. For example, remove a failed driver or some kind of program, viruses clean and so on.

In safe mode, you can start your anti-virus scanner in order to clear your computer from viruses, you can run the program built into Windows to restore the system to one of the earliest states (for example, a few days before the failure has happened), as well as take advantage of other programs and built-in Windows tools.

How to enter the safe mode of Windows

Now that you understand in general, for which you need a safe mode, it's time to go to the process at the entrance to this mode. Here, in principle, nothing is complicated, but the entry process in this mode may differ depending on the version of Windows that you use.

Usually safe modes have 3 types:

    Safe mode. it standard option safe mode in which the most necessary for windows work Services and programs and even the network drivers are not loaded, i.e. in this mode you will not be able to enter the Internet;

    Safe Mode with Network Driver Download. Differs from the standard secure mode by the fact that the network drivers are additionally downloaded, which will provide you with Internet access through this mode;

    Safe Mode with Command Line Support. From the standard secure mode, it differs only in that immediately after its launch will also be launched command line Windows (i.e. console).

I recommend using in case of problems in the case of a problem, first of all, the standard safe mode (in the window and will be called "Safe Mode"), since the network support mode may again cause a failure, because you do not know exactly the case, it can be just in network Drivers. Well, the launch of the command line can help, it will be able to use it, perhaps, only administrators who know most of the service teams.

Log in to secure mode on old versions of Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

In order to enter safe mode on Windows XP, Vista or 7 systems, you need to restart the computer first. If off, just turn it on.

In this window, the mouse will not work for you and you can only move through the window only with the arrow on the keyboard. Thus, with the "Up" and "Down" keyboard arrows, select "Safe Mode" and press the Enter key to start.

After a few seconds, the safe mode will be launched!

Log in to secure mode in Windows 8 and 10 systems

On Windows 8 and 10, the input to the safe mode is implemented a bit differently. If something happened to your computer and it does not load in normal mode, then the system data will automatically offer one of the solutions, among which will be just running in safe mode. Those., For example, the system of your suddenly started in the standard mode. In this case, the computer will reboot and start a special service windows programWhere to start a secure mode you need to select "Download Options":

In this window you have to work the mouse, so you can choose the menu items to it.

In the next window, press the reboot button:

The computer will reboot and the window will appear where you need to select the desired start mode using the F1-F9 keys.

Safe mode is under the number 4, so for its start, respectively, press F4.

Here is the whole process of running a safe mode if your windows system 8 or Windows 10 something is wrong and it does not boot in standard mode.

But you can also need to start secure mode for some purposes even when your system is successfully loaded and in standard mode. For example, you want to check the computer for viruses from a secure mode, which is a more reliable method of checking or want to delete something that cannot be deleted through the standard mode. In this case, you need to activate the launch of special options. windows downloads right from its interface.

Activating special download options in Windows 8

Click the Win + I key combination. The settings panel will appear on the right, where at the bottom click "Changing Computer Parameters".

In the next window, select "Update and Recovery".

In the next window, on the left, select "Recovery" (1) and on the right, click "Reboot Now" (2) under the heading " Special options Downloads. "


Now you have learned that it is a secure mode in Windows and how to run it on different versions This operating system. This mode can sometimes be very helpring, because in it you can try to correct anything if the system is not loaded in normal mode.

Have a nice day and excellent mood! Until;)

The system begins to constantly bite, and some applications are generally refused to start? Think that such lags occur due to new installed utilities, but do not know how to check and remove them? To eliminate such problems in the phone and existSAFE Mode.But not everyone knows how to enable secure mode on android and that it is generally present.

What is it and what is needed safe mode

Safe Mode is special regime on smartphones and tablets under android managementat which only system and system and required programs. For example, messages, calls, phone book, browser and settings.

But third-party widgets, icons, games, launchers and tools are inaccessible for operation, but labels have. This allows you to remove the program without any problems, because of which the failures, lags and permanent reboots Devices.

Most often, the user faces such trouble after downloading unknown sourcesIt is also fraught with the hit.

Incorrectly edited system files after receiving ? Do not despair, SAFE MODE comes to the rescue, allowing you to return resources required for the operating system to its original state.

You can also test how "naked" android, not loaded by additional software.

If in the security mode, the phone literally "flies", and with normal startup, even the screens turn with difficulty - the problem is precisely the quench-grade installed content. Now let's go to the most important thing - as it is to go to a safe mode.

4 ways to reboot Android 7.0+ in safe mode

On our site there is an article that tells, and if there, in most cases, there is enough banal reboot, then with the entrance sometimes there are real problems. For this, there is a large range of methods that will talk below.

Note! On some mobile devices In general, there is no possibility to go to Safe Mode. These are usually little-known, poor-quality and fairly cheap Chinese devices with an overly modified system.

Method number 1: via the standard shutdown menu

Take a try to start a basic method promising to work on such versions of Android: 5, 6, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1. If you have a clean operating system operating without a special firmware, this option should work with a high probability.

  1. Click the on / off button until the menu appears with such points: "Turning off", "Restarting the device" and "silent mode";
  2. Click "Disable"The dialog box appears. Now we hold the power key and wait for the vibrootklik.
  3. Request is displayed, whether we want to go to security mode. Agree.
  4. The phone begins to reboot. If you have successfully done the entire procedure - a water-bearing label will be located at the bottom of the screen. "Safe mode".

In case the smartphone simply turns on and all programs work as usual, or the window with a proposal to go to Safe Mode does not appear at all - try other ways, since the above, unfortunately, is not suitable for your device.

Method number 2: through other key combinations

Now we describe in detail what kind of models are possible problems with the standard input to the safe mode. If your smartphone is available in the list - we recommend to follow the recommendations below.

  • Brand Xiaomi: Turn off the phone, we are waiting for two or three minutes, then turn on. Before the logo appears, you clamp all three available buttons: the volume swing on both sides and the power key. As soon as the Zaita image appears - the switching button is released. It works almost on all smartphones of this company.
  • Brand Samsung: turn on the android device despite the "Home" button, "Menu" and "Turning off the power" until it appears main screen. Sometimes it helps just clamp "Menu". Please note that this method is relevant for the Galaxy series models.
  • Brand Meizu: Use the power button until the logo appears, then immediately hold the volume swing. Similarly, on some LG and Lenovo smartphones.

Method number 3: via the Reboot Options application (root)

Reboot Options is a special utility designed for the main fraud with the phone: Reboot, turning off the smartphone, recovery, Safe Mode, etc. This is the perfect option, if, for example, the physical buttons have broken or you need to diagnose the operating system.

Opportunity to go to Safe Mode

Interface, despite English, intuitively understanding and does not accommodate unnecessary designations and functions.When the application is started, the list automatically appears. available options. That's just there is a small minus for beginners: program need root rights, Without them, you will not be able to perform any action.

Failures in the OS most often occur after incorrect settingInstallation of flawed programs or infection with viruses. Loading in safe mode will show whether it really is in these problems, and, if so, will help eliminate them.

How to start secure mode in windows

1. Using hot keys

  • Suitable for Windows 7, Vista and XP.

Restart the computer and, as soon as the system starts to boot again, press the F8 key until the menu appears. additional options Downloads. When this menu appears on the screen, select the "Safe Mode" option (or Safe Mode) and press ENTER.

To exit the secure mode, restart the computer, and it will start as usual.

  • Suitable for Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista and XP.

Use the Windows + R keys combination. In the window that appears, enter the command. msconfig And press ENTER. When the system configurator window opens, go to the "Load" tab (or boot) and check the Safe Mode (or SafeBoot) item. Click OK and restart the computer.

To disable the download in safe mode, call the configurator window again, remove the daw from the "Safe Mode" item and restart the computer.

Click on the notifications icon in the lower right corner and go to the "All Options" → "Update and Security" section → "Restore". Under the "Special Download options", click "Reload Now".

After hitting the "Selecting action" screen, select "Troubleshooting" (or "Diagnostics") → "Download Settings" (if this item is not displayed, click "Advanced Parameters") → "Restart". On the next screen, press the 4 key to select "Enable Safe Mode".

To exit the secure mode, it is enough to restart the computer.

  • Suitable for Windows 10, 8 and 8.1.

This method is a simplified version of the previous one. Hold down the SHIFT key and click on the program button to reboot, which you use for the usual restart system. When you get to the "Select Action" screen, follow the steps specified for this window in the previous method.

To exit the secure mode, simply restart the computer.

How to run safe mode in macos

1. Using the Shift key

Hold down the SHIFT key immediately after turning on or restarting the computer until you see the login window.

To exit the secure mode, simply restart the Mac without pressing any additional keys.

Open the Finder → "Programs" → "Utilities" and run the Terminal utility. Enter the Sudo NVRAM Boot-Args \u003d "- x" command and press ENTER. After that restart the computer.

To disable the download in secure mode, start the "Terminal" again, enter the Sudo NVRAM Boot-Args \u003d "" command, press ENTER and restart Mac.

What to do next

In safe mode, along with the system is loaded only standard set Services, drivers, settings and programs. If, while everything works fine, it means that something is not so with third-party programs or recently modified OS parameters.

In this case, you need to check the computer with antivirus and remove suspicious software directly in safe mode. If this does not help, it is worth thinking about recovery or MacOS to a normal state.

If the problems with the computer arise and in safe mode and the situation does not even change the restoration of the OS, most likely, something is wrong with the hardware. First of all, that components do not overheat and clean the computer if necessary. If everything is fine with the temperature, contact the service center.

Being a special type of computer diagnostics, the safe mode involves the work of the operating system to start with the exception of actually unnecessary components. This mode is very common during the recovery of performance. custom Computer After the appearance of certain breakdowns and malfunctions of various character. The problems in the operation of the system are pretty often, therefore, due knowledge of the safe mode start procedure will become a significant advantage of the computer owner.

How to run safe Windows 7 mode

There are two frequently used options for opening a secure mode in Windows 7. The first assumes the input during the system launch, the second is turned on in the process of its operation. The first option will even be operational even in cases of serious computer malfunctions, because there is no need for a full-fledged OS load, the user enters the safe mode and performs the required repair and rehabilitation manipulations. The prerequisite for the second option will be the running and active OS, because this method is not applicable in all situations, consider how to start the secure mode of Windows 7:

  • When the computer is enabled, you should restart it (if the PC is in the off state, it is necessary to turn it on).
  • Before starting the operating system, the display of the BIOS version is displayed on the display, it is at that moment you need to press the F8 key several times (pressing more than two-three times are recommended).
  • A screen will open with the option of selecting additional OS boot options.
  • Through the arrow keys, the "Safe Mode" section is selected and the "ENTER" button is pressed.

When, instead of a special window with a choice of system startup options, "Windows 7" appears, which means the usual OS boot, the user should be repeated to an attempt to log in to security mode. It should be noted that the F1-F12 keys may be disabled earlier, in this case, the F8 button should be pressed while holding the Fn key (often happens on laptops).

Consider the launch option during the active medium OS:

With the operating OS, press the "Win + R" key combination, enter the "msconfig" request.

The above settings will display the user interface in which it will be proposed to restart the PC. The owner of the computer can enter the safe mode by pressing the "Restart" item. If you select "Exit without rebooting", the input to the desired mode will take place after turning off / on PC or after its first restart.

1. Features of Windows 10, how to go to safe mode?

The innovative modification of Windows 10 did not include an outdated method of opening a secure mode by applying the F8 key. There are three ways to activate it, the first pair of which is used during the OS boot. The last option involves the failure of the system to start in the user-friendly working mode.

Starting a secure mode using the "msconfig" configuration:

Secure mode can be run and using the command line:

If the PC fails to be loaded, you can activate the safe mode as follows:

  • You must have a boot disk or a USB flash drive from Windows 10.
  • Download S. of this disk Or flash drives, select the desired language of the interface and other parameters.
  • In the window that appears, which will be offered to install the OS, you need to press the "System Restore" key, located at the bottom of the window.
  • Go to "Diagnostics" and in the "Advanced Settings" subsection, run the command line.
  • In the window that opens, enter "BCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions True".
  • Wait for the message that the operation is performed successfully and deactivate command lineby clicking after that "continue."
  • After restarting the PC, the menu will be displayed with available operation modes, select "Safe Mode". (It is turned off using the "BCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions") command.

2. Windows 8, how to log into a secure mode for correct troubleshooting?

Specificity windows interface 8, implies not the most familiar method of running a safe mode against the background of other systems. Consider the main entries in this mode.

The first option is the input using the F8 button.

However, such a method can not work on all modifications of computers, its sequence is as follows:

How to start Windows 8 secure mode by changing the download parameters?

The method is considered to be quite effective, the following series of actions use to implement it:

  • Press the combination of the "Win + R" buttons, enter the "msconfig" command.
  • Go to the section called "Download". In the "Load Settings" item, check the box opposite the inscription "Safe Mode".
  • Set the selector in front of the recording "minimum", and then click OK.
  • A window opens in which the user needs to confirm the restart of the OS.
  • After rebooting, the secure mode will be active. After solving and troubleshoot, it is important to remove the check box for the "Safe Mode" checkbox in the settings of the download itself.

Another common way to activate the secure mode in Windows 8 includes the following steps:

Using bootable media.

Of course, including the possibility of full failure of the operating system, there is an entry option to safe mode with boot disk either flash drives:

  • Insert blood flash drive In the PC and run the launch from it.
  • Select a date, time and other parameters.
  • In the setting window that appears, click on the "System Restoration".
  • Go to "Diagnostics" and select a section called "Advanced Parameters".
  • In the "Command Line" section, enter the "BCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings)" AdvancedOptions True "task, then click" Enter ".
  • Close the command line, and then press the "Continue" key.
  • After rebooting the OS, in the window that opens, click the F4 button.
  • Log in safe mode. To window S. possible options The system startups did not appear after each subsequent shutdown / on or restarting the PC, you must enter the following to the command prompt: "BCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions".

3. How to go to Windows XP secure mode?

Considering although outdated, but still currently relevant for many users version of Windows XP, consider the startup process on it safe mode:

How to run safe Windows XP mode from the system? In some cases, this option can become an alternative to the above. Consider the sequence:

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