
How to open BIOS on Windows Laptop 8. Special download options

BIOS (eng. basic Input / Output System - « basic system I / O »), also BSVV, - Part of the system software implemented as firmware, which is intended to provide the operating system API access to the computer hardware and devices connected to it.

In this article, we tell you how to go to BIOS in Windows 8 and 8.1. For this there are several proven ways. Let's look at them.

Special download options

In order to go to the BIOS on a computer or laptop with the Windows 8 operating system, you need to use special system boot options. Also, they will be useful to you when booting from a flash drive or disk, without entering the BIOS.

1. We carry the mouse cursor to the lower right corner, and then up. Thus, we call the panel that hides on the right.

2. In it, we choose "Parameters".

3. Then "Changing Computer Settings".

4. Select "Update and Recovery".

5. Now you need to open "Restore" and in the "Special Download options" to select "Restart Now".

At the very bottom, choose "Restart Now"

6. Here is the menu you will see after reboot. If you want to boot from the flash drive or disk and simply open the BIOS, then select "Use the device". If you need to go to the computer settings, click on the "Diagnostics" item.

Using the "Diagnostics" parameter, go to the next window

7. On this screen, select " Extra options».

8. It remains to click on the "UEFI embedded parameters" and confirm the reboot to change the BIOS settings.

After that, you will immediately see the BIOS UEFI computer interface.

Using the command line

Let's consider another way with which you can go to the BIOS in Windows 8.

1. Press the right-click on the Start icon and select the "Command Line" menu. You need to introduce into it - shutdown.exe / r / o .

BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is part of the software built as a set of basic commands. The BIOS task is to provide API access to equipment and connected devices for the operating system.

BIOS is needed in cases where you need to perform a number of low-level tasks. These tasks include: reinstalling the system, setting up loading priorities, as well as testing the performance of slots and ports. As an example, let's try to go to the BIOS on Windows 8.

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Login to BIOS on Windows 8

In some cases (on some laptop models), the boot screen may not appear. In the Windows 8 operating system, it is possible to go to UEFI (BIOS) directly from the "desktop". For this you need:

  • Open the settings panel - for this you need to spend your finger to the edge of the screen (in case of working with the touchpad), or move the mouse cursor to the right edge of the desktop ( alternative way - simple pressing of the key combination "Win" + "C");
  • Select "Settings" -\u003e "Change PC Settings";
  • In the "PC settings" that appears, click on "General";
  • Go to the "Advanced Start" section -\u003e "Reboot";
  • After rebooting the system, a menu will appear with three options. You need to select "Downloads" -\u003e "Troubleshooting" (in another version of "Diagnostics") -\u003e "Advanced Settings" (in another embodiment "Advanced Options") -\u003e "Setting up the UEFI firmware" ("UEFI" parameters " );
  • To enter the UEFI (BIOS) will remain click "Reboot".

Normal input

The easiest way to enter menu Bios.Using the built-in motherboard resources. This method Suitable for almost everyone personal computers and most laptop models. To enter the BIOS follows:

  • To restart a computer;
  • In the process of loading (after characteristic sound signal) a black screen with system information and a report on installed devices (for example, mouse, keyboard, hard drives, etc.). For some developers (such as ASUS), the appearance of the initial blue screen screen is characteristic;
  • It should be carefully clicked for inscriptions on the monitor. The desired key to enter the BIOS, as a rule, appears after the words "Press% the desired button% to ENTER SETUP";
  • If the key did not work out, you need to use one of the standard: "Delete" (DEL), "F1", "F2", or "F10";
  • When the boot screen appears, press the desired button several times;
  • If everything is performed correctly, the BIOS tab opens.

Refinement: Press the desired key is needed for 3-4 seconds, immediately after turning on the computer (without waiting for the operating system boot), that is, after a second after pressing the power button.

Sometimes in the instructions for solving any problems associated with the functioning of a computer or laptop, it is written that you need to enter the BIOS WIN 8. But not always mentioned how to open it. There is also such a situation that the described method does not help. Most often, this is speech About pressing a button when rebooting PC.

Transition to bios.

Basically, the described methods are associated with pressing the key on the keyboard at the time of booting the computer. But this article will talk about software methodsHow to open this menu from the system.

Method 1: Special Download Option

The first method, how to open the BIOS on Windows 8 is associated with special options for downloading a computer. Call the menu "Parameters"with a new panel Charms.Clinate "Change settings…" and go to the section "Update and Restoration". Then click on the graph "Restoration" and select "Reload now".

Wait for the PC restart and click on the button "Diagnostics", and then - "Extra options".OTDeid available to the BIOS.

Method 2: Command Line

The command line opens access to large quantity system functions that are invoked by special requests without graphic interface. This is associated with another option, how to enable the BIOS on Windows 8. Run the desired item will turn out from the search. Open menu "Start" And there click on the magnifying glass icon. In the text graph, enter "Command line".
Click on the desired PCM element and select Run with administrative rights.

In the Terminal window, enter the following query:

shutdown.exe / r / o

This will automatically call the computer to restart in various modes. From the window that appears it will turn out to go to the BIOS.

BIOS (BIOS) is a fundamental component of any computer. This is fundamental softwarewithout which there would be an agreed job of all components computer system. As a rule, in order to get into the BIOS settings, you need to click when the computer is booting a definite key - what exactly, it is reported on the screen and in the instructions for a specific motherboard. Most often it or. But in Windows 8 it became possible to boot into the BIOS directly from the operating system, and how to do it, we will tell in this article.

How to go to BIOS on Windows 8: Instruction

Immediately draw attention to the fact that the method described below is relevant only for computers on which Windows 8 is installed in UEFI mode. If you bought a PC with the pre-installed "eight", most likely, it is UEFI that is used on it and is used. But if you put the operating system on your own on "naked iron" and did not choose the UEFI mode, you can only enter the BIOS only traditional way - By pressing the appropriate key in the process of downloading the computer. Just do it will have to be very quickly, because Windows 8 is loaded literally in seconds.

So, to go to the BIOS UEFI on Windows 8, lay the cursor to the right side of the screen and press the "Parameters" button in the appeared panel. Then clamp the key, click the "Off" button and select "Restart". Another option - after pressing the "Parameters" button, select the "Changing Computer Settings" item, on the screen you open to the "Upgrade and Recovery\u003e Recovery" section, and then click "Restart Now" button under the "Special Download Options" header.

In any case, the computer will start rebooted, and then show you a screen with several options for further action. Select "Diagnostics", and in it, click the "UEFI" options. Then click "Restart". The reboot process will continue, after which you will see the BIOS screen with all its settings.

Actually install win 7 on new laptop With Win 8.1, not converting hDD The MBR is not so easy because of the UEFI interface, and the protocol safe download Secure Boot. Revolutionary BIOS UEFI was not designed for Windows 7, but for the latest operating windows systems 8, 10, but despite this, the seven works perfectly on GPT disks and install its second Windows to a new laptop can still be.

We solve the task like this.

1. Create a section to install Windows 7 on a new hard disk.

2. Install Windows 7 to this section directly in the Windows 8.1 running winNTSetup programs, ISO is needed - the image of Win 7.

3. Download windows 7 with hard disk GPT will not work, so we will create a Win 7 and Win 8.1 boot manager with using diskpart On the flash drive and work it will be in Légacy. Both download oS Will be without unnecessary manipulations with bios.

We also need another flash drive with Windows 7 or installation disk Seven.

Before you work, you can reinstate and create a BCD boot storage backup.

Preparation of flash drives with load manager (1 stage)

Turn on the laptop with Windows 8.1, connect the USB flash drive

and run command line On behalf of the administrator, enter the team:



In this window, select a flash drive to create a Win 7 and Win 8.1 boot manager. In my case, the Silicon Power flash drive with a volume of 4 GB (3822 MB) is marked as a disk 1, accordingly, enter the command

sEL DIS 1.

Selected disk 1.

Diskpart: Cleaning the disc is successful.

convert MB.r.

Diskpart: The selected disk is successfully converted to the MBR format.

create Par Prim.

Diskpart: The specified section has been successfully created.

format Quick FS \u003d NTFS

Completed (in percent): 100

The DiskPart program successfully formatted volume.

Diskpart: Section is marked as active.

Diskpart: Assigning a disk name or connection point is successful.

For a while, disconnect the flash drive from the laptop.

Installing Windows 7.

Now Introduced the Windows 7 installation queue. I propose to do it directly in Windows 8.1 using the WinNTSetup class program, download and run.

On a laptop with Windows 8.1, I previously created a section (D :) to install Win 7.

In WinNTSetup, we specify:

Way to installation Files Windows - Click on the button Choose and specify the install.wim file located in the SOURCES folder of the Win 7 distribution, in my case the system distribution is in virtual drive H:.

The disc on which the bootloader will be installed - Nothing change.

The disk to which Windows will be installed is to select the previously created section and click Installation.

Choose Do not update boot code and press OK.

The installation of Windows 7 begins on the disk (D :) laptop with Windows 8.1.

We reboot, we enter the BIOS laptop.

We switch the UEFI interface to the advanced load mode LEGACY OS and turn off the Secure Boot option,

Click F10 (we save changes to the BIOS) and reboot.

In the menu that appears, select Windows 7

and immediately get into the final phase of the Win 7 installation.

You think you know how to finish the installation of the system.

Loading workers windows table 7.

We go to drive drives and see that our seven, as we planned, was installed on the disk (D :), which is natural here (C :).

Preparation of flash drives with load manager (2 stage)

There are a few more steps. Connect both of our flash drives to the laptop, first with windows files 7 (You can be set. Disk), and the second (Silicon Power of 4 GB) with the download manager, which we started to create at the beginning of the article.

Download Laptop S. boot disk or Win 7 flash drives. When the first window appears Windows installations, Press SHIFT + F10, opens the command line.

We complete the creation of the download manager for Win7 and Win8.1 on the flash drive (Silicon Power volume 4 GB).

We enter the commands:


Completion of work Diskpart ...

Please note both operating systems are installed on discs (C :) and (D :), and the letter of the flash driveSilicon Power Volume 4 GB (3822 MB)with the future load manager (f :), accordingly, enter the command

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