
Safe OS boot mode is used. How to go to safe mode. # 3 system configuration

Hello, today we will talk about " safe mode"Window and how to run it. For starters, let's figure it out why and for what you need safe mode In Windows.

Safe mode may be needed to eliminate failures in WINDOVS, virus removal, to reset Password WINDOVSfor windows recovery system, error correction blue Screen and etc.

How to run a secure mode on a computer or laptop? For this, there are several ways that differ very different from each other - it depends on the problem that needs to be corrected through a safe mode.

if you need to reset the password or restore the systemYou need to run safe mode precisely during the inclusion of the laptop, since you cannot fully run Windows to make the start of the secure mode from it.

To do this, after pressing the PC or laptop's power button, we immediately press it repeatedly key F8. The secure mode start menu will not appear.

If the Internet is needed to solve your problem, then you should choose the item " Safe download mode network drivers ", Then you can connect to the Internet while in safe mode.

Unfortunately this method Not working on Windows 10, to start a secure mode on this version, see the instructions below!

Turn on the computer, waiting for the desktop boot, open the command line using the "Win" + "R" keys (The "Win" button is between "Ctrl" and "Alt"). Next, in the window that appears, enter the command " msconfig"And press the button" OK".

Next, in the new window, go to the "" tab, choose the necessary windows if they are set somewhat and lower the checkbox " Safe mode", in subparagraphs choose" Mining"(Standard) or" Net"(To connect to the Internet). Press" OK"I. reboot your computer or laptop.

Now your computer will always be loaded in safe mode with specified parametersTherefore, after eliminating errors, do not return to the Windows start settings and uncheck the safe mode for full use of Windows!

This method loading windows In safe mode, suitable for the following versions Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10.

If your computer can not download the desktop for some reason, then only the first method specified above will come true!

If your windows 10 can boot to the desktop, you can use the above method. But sometimes it happens that Windows 10 does not want to load and safe mode through the key F8. Unable to run for the 10th version. Exit only one is.

Before turning on the computer insert blood flash drive With Windows 10, and configure it so that and not from the hard disk.

When Windows 10 booted from the flash drive click " Shift." + "F10"The command line should be opened in which we enter" bCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) SafeBoot Minimal"And press" Enter ". Next reboot the computer, Windows 10 should be booting in safe mode!

So that Windows 10 constantly started in safe mode, start windows from the flash drive and enter the following on the command prompt. bCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (DEFAULT) SAFEBOOT", Restart the computer!

Video. How to open a secure mode in Windows XP, 7, 8, 10?

That's all, now you know how easy and quickly run PCs in safe mode when the computer is turned on or from Windows itself! Good luck and success!

Apparently, any user knows that it is sometimes recommended to download the system using a special start-up option called. Safe Mode. (so-called safe mode). For what needs to use, and how to enable the computer in a safe mode, then we'll see. Immediately it is worth noting that the actions performed differ quite strongly, depending on the modification of the Windows operating system, which runs the computer or laptop running. However, despite this, you can offer and common decisionwhich applies to any of the well-known versions.

What is a safe mode, and what is it used for?

First, let's briefly focus on what kind of mode, and for which it is sometimes so important to use it. In most cases, it is used in the unstable operation of the operating system or if it is impossible to download it in normal mode to eliminate all sorts of problems. Usually users do not pay attention to the starting options of the system and choose standard mode Safe Mode, but it is not always advisable, because in this case network drivers are completely ignored, and access to the Internet, for example, to download some important components of the system itself is not available.

Some situations may require support command lineSince it is its tools that make it possible to eliminate possible malfunctions and malfunctions when booting Windows is as efficient as possible. Actually, most users have seen such prescriptions in the start menu of some Windows modifications, but simply ignored their application, but when choosing an incorrect start method, some operations were impracticable.

How to start a computer in a secure start mode in Windows 7 and below?

We now turn directly to the activation of this start. How to run the computer of the seventh version and earlier modifications, probably not to explain particularly. Probably everyone already guessed that we are talking About calling a special start menu in which you can select several types of action.

Access to it is activated by pressing the F8 key at the very beginning of the system loading (after transmitting the loader control from the BIOS, but even before the Windows logo appears). In some cases, you may need to press the key several times, since the one-time effect may not give (the main thing is not to sleep). On some non-standard keyboards on which function keys Combined with digital buttons, you may need simultaneous pressing additional keys It seems to be alt, fn or shift.

How to enter the secure mode of the computer in the eighth and tenth versions of the system?

The output of the eighth version, its varieties 8.1, and then the tenth modifications were marked by indignation of users, since the use standard call The boot menu has disappeared into them, although it may be left itself, which will be mentioned a little later. In them, the computer is activated in a safe mode using a plurality of additional actions, and without the use of removable media with a distribution or restorative disk to get to such an ordinary user with an ordinary user is extremely difficult.

In the working system, you need to enter the parameter menu, select the recovery section, and then use item special options Downloads, after which via the diagnostic and additional options, select the download parameters and click the Restart button.

Only after that, the computer or laptop restarts, and the starting menu appears on the screen, containing items to select the necessary action (the menu itself is made in blue color and is somewhat different from the fact that the user sees in Windows 7 and below).

Loading in Safe Mode: General settings for all systems

Now a few words about how to start the computer in a safe mode, based on the general methods that can be applied, regardless of set version Windows. To do this, any OS has a special configuration tool caused from the "Run" Console with the msconfig command.

After entering the configurator, you must go to the downloads tab and simply mark a safe start point with the minimum configuration. But there are your pitfalls. The fact is that when you activate this type of start, loading in sAFE mode Mode will be done constantly. How to disable secure mode on the computer, it seems already clear. In the downloaded system, you need to simply go to the configuration again and uncheck the checkbox from the above item.

Start of safe load using removable media

Finally, let's see how to start the computer in a safe mode if the system does not load in general and under any pretext. To select the desired action, you can use the bootable media (for example, installation disk With any last version Windows), after selecting language parameters, go to restore, and then call the command line, for which you can use either the corresponding item of the main menu, or a quick combination of SHIFT + F10. In the console, you should enter the command "BCDEDIT / SET (GLOBALSETTINGS) ADVANCEDOPTIONS TRUE" (without quotes). To cancel a secure start in the downloaded system, call the command console and perform the above command, but without an additional operator "True" at the end. After that, the start will be produced with normal loading.

How to return the start menu for windows 8 and 10?

Naturally, many users of the last two system modifications would like to return the use of the F8 key to call the start menu, as it is easier, and more practical.

You can make it absolutely simple if you run the command line (required on behalf of the administrator), and then execute the BCDedIt / SET (Current) command BootMenupoCy Legacy (again, without quotes at the beginning and at the end). Upon completion of all actions, restart is made, and pressing the F8 key gives the same result as in the seventh modification systems and below. By the way, this option is also good because you can not abandon the use of special starts of the start, which was mentioned above. It is mainly intended for a more convenient menu call when the operating system starts, and even if the system is not loaded at all, and it is impossible to get to the desired item.

Operating system Windows for personal computers To date, unconditional leader in the global market. One of the main reasons for such the popularity of this OS is often called the convenience of working with it for simple users.
However, in addition, the Windows is still built into the Windows system. administrative diagnostic Opportunities, as well as means to carry out elementary actions to restore computer work. About one of these "Secret Rooms"in Windows and will go further.

Secure Windows mode

When working S. computer programs Different emerging situations may occur. They may be caused as instability of the system itself, so I. errors in the work of a specific application. In addition, sometimes, due to certain specifics of some computer SofttaIts installation and removal is possible only in a strictly regulated environment. This may be due, for example, by the deep integration of the application with the system.

To solve many problems and eliminate failures in the system, experienced users use Safe windows mode .

To begin with, we denote what is a safe mode.

Secure Windows mode - This is a way to launch the operating system and the following work in it, which is autoloading the drivers, services and applications only to operate.

Simple words, Safe mode - This is loading a computer with a minimum set of programs.

Running system in safe mode It can be useful in case of unstable operation of the system in regular mode for various reasons. And, often, if the computer does not turn on in conventional method, That is, the probability that in safe mode it will still be run. In addition, this version of the OS work is perfectly suitable for removing some viruses from the computer and their traces of their existence.
But, for the same reasons for which the work in safe mode can be very useful, this method of turning on the computer is not suitable for everyday use. Too cut off windows functionality at the exit. Although, of course, in an emergency situation, it is possible to make an exception for undemanding operations.

Running Windows in safe mode

Now it would be useful to know how to enter the safe mode of Windows.

Options and ways of getting into safe mode may differ depending on the version of your operating system. Consider the mains methods input to secure Windows mode.

Ⅰ Enter safe mode with hot keys

This method is suitable for old versions of the Windows system (in the case of Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10, the method will work only if the system is installed on the Legacy BIOS, and not to the new UEFI BIOS). They can use if you need get into the secure mode of Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7either Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10.with Legacy BIOS.
Turn off the computer. Press the power button and then repeatedly knock on the key F8. (or F4.More raid - other options, depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard / laptop) on the keyboard. In the case of Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10 on UEFI BIOS, you can try to use the key F8. (F10, F4. or others), but we will talk about it below.
Before us will appear menu with additional download options

Press the up / down arrow buttons on the keyboard, get to the point Safe mode and press the key ENTER

Ⅱ Enter secure mode through the system configuration

This option is suitable for logging into the safe mode of all existing operating systems Windows.
On the computer run the utility Perform Crossing B. Start - All programs - Standard (in Windows 10 utility Perform Located in the catalog Service), either holding the key on the keyboard Start (on some keyboards it is marked as WIN.) I. R.In the window that opens, drive the team


and click on the key ENTER.

On Windows XP in a new window, go to the Boot.ini tab and in the field Download options We put a tick opposite item / Safeboot. Click the OK button.

On the new versions of the operating system, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10 window System configurations will look a little different

Now reboot your computer. The system will start in safe mode.
Just need to keep in mind that after that windows reboot will start in safe mode. To avoid this, you need to go again in System settings and remove a tick from the point Safe mode

Ⅲ Enter safe mode through recovery options

This path is suitable in order to produce start in safe mode Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10.

So, first, we need to enable the system recovery mode. Make it can be like from windows settingsand from the completion menu:

After that you will see the window of choosing the action where you will need to go to Fault search and correctness

Download options

And click to restart the button

We wait for the computer to restart and see the window with the launch options.

F1-F12. F4.

Ⅳ Enter secure mode from the command line

The following method is suitable for users who are not afraid to use windows Command Line. It also works on all versions of the operating system, up to the latest today - Windows 10.

Run a command line on behalf of the administrator

In the current console we enter the command

And press the key ENTER

We reboot the car, wait for the switching on and see already familiar to us from the previous way the window with the launch options.

Here you see a scheme matching line buttons F1-F12. on the keyboard and options windows startup. To get into safe mode, we need to press the key F4.

To disable the appearance Download options Each time the system starts, you need to execute the command on the command line on behalf of the administrator.

Ⅴ Enter secure mode from the Windows installation disk

This method can also be implemented on any version of the OS from Microsoft. But, in contrast to all described above, we will need not only already mounted copy Systems, and also installation windows disk the same version installed on the PC, or Windows recovery disk

We insert into the computer / laptop drive Available disk and load from it (you can use a USB carrier with a boot copy of Windows). In the first window, choose the language and your region and click Next. In the next window you not Click on the Install button, and click on System Restore

In the command line, we perform a well-known team now

BCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions True

And click the button to continue. The system will restart with the selection of the launch mode.

To disable this option, on the command line on behalf of the administrator perform

BCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions

Ⅵ Enter secure mode through incorrect completion of the system

This method can also let you enter secure mode on any version and edition of the Windows operating system, but we we do not advise to resort to it while you have other options. It can be called undesirableor extreme.
The essence is that you need essentially complete the computer:

  • or long press the power button on the PC or laptop housing;
  • or build a computerby pulling the PC power wire or disconnecting the laptop from charger, disconnect the battery from it.

The next system launch after such an abnormal shutdown should begin with offers download options Computer.
Resort to so radical measures makes sense only if in the usual mode windows work You do not have the opportunity to use one of the ways described above.

Work in safe mode Windows

We reviewed the basic ways that can help you. open Windows in Safe Mode. Next, you already need to act depending on the reasons forcing you on the launch of the system in a similar way.

If you have any problems turn on the computer after installing some kind of program or device driver, then you need to remove the problematic software from the car windows downloadsHow to do it in detail is described in the record: Autoload. Adding applications to Windows Startup. Perhaps you will have to remove the unstable program from the computer according to the instructions set out in the record Remove programs in secure mode Windows

If the system failures are caused by a viral attack, then you need to scan the computer with an anti-virus utility and get rid of the found malicious programs.

All stable Systems and good luck in mastering the subtleties of Windows

Any computer with the Windows operating system can be run in safe mode. In this mode, only the main components of the operating system are loaded. This allows you to start the computer even in case of serious software conflicts Or troubleshooting. From the secure mode, you can delete programs that block the operation of the operating system or cannot be deleted under normal operation.

If you have any problems and you need to run a computer in safe mode, this material should help you. Here you can find out how this is done in the Windows 7 operating system, as well as new operating windows systems 8 and.

How to start a computer in secure mode (Windows XP or Windows 7)

If you use Windows XP or, then run the computer in safe mode will be quite simple. To do this, you need to restart the computer (if the computer is turned off, just turn it on) and at the time starting the computer boot, press the F8 key on the keyboard. Press the F8 key must be prescribed until the Windows boot methods appear on the computer screen.

IN this list We are only interested in the first three points. Consider them in more detail:

  • Safe mode - Standard Safe Mode. In this mode, the computer will start using only the most necessary components. In most cases, this particular version of the secure mode is used.
  • Safe Mode with Network Driver Download - Safe mode similar to the previous one, but with downloading network drivers. When loading in this mode you can work with local Network and the Internet.
  • Safe Mode with Command Line Support - Safe mode without graphic interface. After downloading in this mode, a command line appears on the screen, with which you can interact with the system.

Note, the F8 key must be pressed immediately after starting the computer. If a little late, then the list of boot methods will not appear and the computer will start as usual.

How to run a computer in safe mode (Windows 8 and Windows 10)

If you use Windows 8 or, then start the computer in safe mode using the above method, it will not work. The computer simply will not respond to the F8 key. In this case, you need to run a secure mode using the msconfig command or using boot disk With Windows. Then we will look at both of these options.

Option number 1. Run a computer in secure mode using the msconfig command.

If your computer is in working condition, then you can use the msconfig command. Press the combination windows-R keys And in the window that appears, enter the msconfig command.

After that, a window opens with the name "System Configuration". In this window, you need to go to the "Load" tab and put a tick there opposite the "Safe Mode" item.

After that, close the window by pressing the "OK" button and restart the computer. The next time you download the computer, the safe mode must start. In order for the computer again booting in normal mode, you need to once again go to msconfig and take a tick.

In principle, this version of the launch of the computer in safe mode works in Windows XP, and in Windows 7. But, it is not so convenient to use it as started through the F8 key.

Option number 2. Run a computer in secure mode using a Windows boot disk.

The second option is the start of the secure mode using a Windows boot disk. This option will be useful if your computer does not start at all, and use the msconfig command is not possible.

For this download option, you need with that windows versionwhich is installed on your computer. If this is Windows 8, then you need a boot disk with Windows 8, if Windows 10, then Windows 10.

Insert the boot disk with Windows and boot from it. At the very beginning, you will appear with a language selection. Here simply click on the "Next" button.

And open the subsection "Advanced Parameters".

After that, open the command line.

As a result, before you should appear. In this line you need to enter the command " bCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions True" After entering this command, simply close the command line by pressing the button with the Red Cross.

After closing the command line, the "Selecting action" menu will appear. Here you choose the option "continue."

After that, the computer must reboot. After rebooting, load the computer in normal mode (not from the boot disk). As a result, when you start a computer, a list of Windows loading methods will appear on the screen, with which you can start the safe mode.

It should be noted that now every time you start the computer will appear a list of boot methods. In order to disable it, you need to download it once again from the disk, go to the command line and execute the command " bCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions».

In Windows7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Log in to Windows 7 secure mode when the system is started.
2) input to safe mode from wednesdays Windows 7 (from the operating OS by changing the download in the system configuration).

Log in to Windows7 secure mode when running the system.

Turn on the computer and during the system boot, press the F8 key several times if the greeting window appears ( windows logo 7) - So you did not have time to press the F8 key, in this case, it is necessary to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and when loading, press the F8 key again. In trying to get into a safe mode, it is necessary to take into account:
- On some keyboards, F1 - F12 soft keys are always disabled by default. To turn on them, you must press a special key (usually fn) and hold it down to press the F8 key.
- If there is two or more operating systems on a computer, select the desired arrow keys, and then press the ENTER key.
- To use the arrow keys on numeric keypad Num Lock Mode must be disconnected.
In the window Additional options Downloads choose " Safe mode"And press the" ENTER».

After a few seconds, the system boot in safe mode.

Log in to secure mode from Windows 7 environment.

Press the button " Start"And in the search string we write msconfig and press the " ENTER»

In the window that opens system configuration, go to the "" tab, install a tick " Safe mode"And choose" Mining».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimum - download the graphical user interface of Windows OS ( Windows Explorer) In safe mode with the launch of only the most important system services. Network components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Other Shell - Loading command windows strings In safe mode with the launch of only the most important system services. Network components and graphical user interface are disabled.
Safe Mode: Recovery Active Directory. - Downloading a graphical interface windows User. In safe mode with the start of only the most important system services and the Active Directory directory service.
Safe Mode: Network - Download the Windows graphical user interface in secure mode with the start of only the most important system services. Network components are included.
Without GUI - During download Windows screen. Welcome is not displayed.
Loading Log - All information relating to the boot process is saved in the% Systemroot% NtBTlog.txt file.
Basic video - Loading a Windows user graphical interface in the minimum VGA mode. In this mode, standard VGA drivers are downloaded instead of the screen drivers that match the computer video equipment.
OS information - Displays the names of the downloaded drivers during the system loading process.
Make these download parameters permanent - Changes made to system parameters are not tracked. Parameters can be changed later using the system setup program, but manually manually. If this option is selected, then rollback changes by selecting the "General" tab of the "Normal Start" mode will be impossible.

After that, it will be prompted to restart the computer to get into the secure Windows7 mode. If you want to boot now in safe mode, click ", if you want to do it later select" Exit without reboot"And the next time you will restart or include a computer / laptop - automatically boot in safe mode.

With the next download of Windows7, the system is booting in safe mode.

To do not be loaded in safe mode, you need to go back to the system configuration and remove the checkboxes.

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