
Causes of the blue screen of the death of Windows 10. Blue Death Screen (BSOD) - We are struggling with errors. Causes of the appearance of the "Blue Death Screen"

The performance and capabilities of the system are caused by its complexity. The harder the structure, the greater the components of the mechanisms, and this entails the appearance of various problems. Each of the gear is potentially vulnerable, and if one fails, the system will not function normally, failures will begin. Windows 10 is a vivid example of how the entire OS responds to any fine problem.

For what reasons may not be loaded Windows 10 (black or blue screen and various errors)

The reasons for which Windows 10 may not start or "catch" a critical (semicritical) error are very diverse. This can provoke anything:

  • unsuccessful update;
  • viruses;
  • hardware errors including voltage jumps;
  • poor-quality software;
  • other sorts of malfunctions during operation or shutdown and much more.

If you want your computer or laptop to work correctly as possible for a long time, you need to blow up dust. And both in direct and figurative sense. This applies to the use of old system units with poor ventilation.

Software reasons

The program causes of Windows failure are leaders in the number of possible options. Errors can appear in each area of \u200b\u200bsystem operation. Even a minor problem can lead to serious breakdowns.

The most difficult to get rid of the consequences of infection with viruses. Never proceed by links from unfamiliar sources. This is especially true of email letters.

Viruses can be stirred all user files on a carrier, and some have the ability to cause even hardware breakdowns to the device. For example, infected system files can give the Winchester command to operate at speeds higher than it is provided. This will result in damage to the hard disk or magnetic head.

Install another operating system

Each operating system from Windows has a certain advantage compared to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that part of users do not neglect the ability to use several OS on one computer. However, the installation of the second system can damage the boot files first, which will lead to the impossibility of running it.

Fortunately, there is a method that allows you to recreate the bootable files of the old OS on the condition that Windows itself did not suffer during installation, was not seer or replaced. Using the "command line" and the utility in it, you can return the necessary files to the bootloader:

Video: How to change the order of downloading operating systems in Windows 10

Experiments with disc partitions

Loading problems may also result in different kind of manipulation with the sections of the hard disk. This is especially true of the section on which the operating system is installed.

Do not carry out actions related to the compression of volume, with the disk to which the operating system is installed, as this may lead to failures.

Any actions related to volume compression for saving space or increasing other sections can lead to the OS will experience failures. The action with a decrease in size is not welcome if only because the system may need much more space than it takes.

Windows uses the so-called swap file - a tool that allows you to increase the volume of RAM due to a certain volume of the hard disk. In addition, some system updates occupy a lot of space. The volume compression may result in the "overflow" of the permissible amount of information, and this will cause problems when requests for files will be formed. Consequence - malfunctions during system launch.

If you rename (replace the letter), all paths to OS files will be simply lost. The bootloader files will literally access the emptiness. You can correct the situation with renaming only if there is a second operating system (for this it will suit the instruction above). But if only one Windows installed on the computer and the second cannot be installed possible, only flash drives with an already installed boot system can help with great difficulty.

Unqualified Edit through the System Registry

Some instructions on the Internet offer to solve some of the problems through the registry edit. In their excuse, it is worth saying that such a decision can really help in certain cases.

But the trouble is that the Windows registry is a delicate sphere of the system: one incorrect removal or editing of the parameter can lead to sad consequences. The paths in the registry are actually identical in their names. To get to the search file and correct it correctly, add or remove the desired item is almost surgical work.

Imagine the situation: all instructions are copied to each other, and one of the authors of the articles accidentally indicated the wrong parameter or the incorrect path to the search file. The result will be a fully paralyzed operating system. Therefore, it is not recommended to make edits into a system registry. The paths in it may differ depending on the version and the discharge of the OS.

Use of various acceleration and system decoration programs

There is a whole market cluster of programs that are created to improve Windows operability in many directions. They are also responsible for the visual beauty and design of the system. It is worth a confess that they perform their work in most cases. However, if in the case of the decoration of the system, it is simply replaced by standard textures with new ones, then to speed up such programs disable "unnecessary" services. This can be fraught with the consequences of various kinds depending on which services were disabled.

If the system needs optimization, it must be carried out independently to know what and for which it was specifically done. In addition, knowing that we disconnected, you can easily enable the service back.

As a result, the disconnected services will stop running and operating. It will save processor and RAM resources, and your computer will work faster.

List of services that can be disabled without harm to Windows operability:

  • "Fax";
  • NVIDIA STEREOSCOPIC 3D DRIVER SERVICE (for NVIDIA video cards, if you do not use 3D stereo imageries);
  • "Net.tcp General Access Service";
  • "Work folders";
  • "The Alljoyn router service";
  • "Application Certificate";
  • "BitLocker disc encryption service;
  • "Bluetooth Support Service" (if you do not use Bluetooth);
  • Customer License Service (Clipsvc, after disconnection can not work the Windows 10 store application);
  • "Computer browser";
  • DmwappushService;
  • "Geographic State Service";
  • "Completion Service as a guest (Hyper-V)";
  • "Pulse Service (HYPER-V)";
  • "Hyper-V virtual machine sessions;
  • "Hyper-V time synchronization service";
  • "Data Exchange Service (HYPER-V)";
  • "Virtualization Service of the Hyper-V remote desktops";
  • "Sensor Observation Service";
  • "Sensor data service";
  • "Sensor service";
  • "Functional features for connected users and telemetry" (this is one of the items to disable the following Windows 10);
  • "Common access to the Internet (ICS)." Provided that you do not use the internet access functions, for example, to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop;
  • "Xbox LIVE network service";
  • SuperFetch (provided you use SSD);
  • "Print Manager" (if you do not use print functions, including a print in PDF built in Windows 10);
  • "Biometric Windows Service";
  • "Remote Registry";
  • "Secondary entry into the system" (provided you do not use it).

Video: How to manually disable unnecessary services in Windows 10

Incorrectly inserted Windows Updates or Turning off PC during installation of updates

Material on Windows update theme can be measured by gigabytes. The reason for this is an ambiguous user relation to system updates. Microsoft actually causes users to update the "top ten", in return to ensure the performance of the system. However, not always updates lead to improving Windows. Sometimes an attempt to make the OS better turns into large problems for the system. The main reasons are four:

  • users themselves who neglect the message "Do not turn off the computer ..." and turn off your device during the update process;
  • small-sector equipment faces: old and rare processors, on which Microsoft developers simply cannot simulate the behavior of updates;
  • errors while downloading updates;
  • force majeure circumstances: voltage jumps, magnetic storms and other phenomena that can affect the computer.

Each of the above-described reasons may entail a critical error of the system, since the updates are replaced by important components. If the file has been replaced incorrect, an error appeared in it, then an attempt to appeal to it will result in OS freezing.

Viruses and Antivirus

Despite all protection measures, continuous user warnings about the rules of security on the Internet, viruses are still beaches in the work of all operating systems.

In most cases, users themselves admit malicious software to their devices, and then suffer. Viruses, worms, Trojans, encrypters are far from the entire list of types of threatening to your computer.

But few knows that antiviruses can also damage the system. It's all about the principle of their work. Program-defenders operate on a specific algorithm: they produce search for infected files and in case they are found, try to separate the file code from the virus code. It does not always work, and damaged files are often insulated with an unsuccessful attempt to cure them. Options for removing or transmitting antivirus software programs for cleansing from malicious code are also possible. But if the viruses damage important system files, and the antivirus is isolated, then when you try to restart the computer, the likelihood of obtaining one of the critical errors is greater, and Windows will not boot.

"Damaged" autorun applications

Another cause of Windows loading problems are low-quality or containing autorun program errors. Only unlike damaged system files, autoload programs almost always allow you to start the system, albeit with some time delays. In cases where more serious errors, the system cannot boot, you must use the "safe mode" (BR). It does not use autorun programs, so you can easily load the operating system and remove poor software.

In the case when the OS does not work, use the "safe mode" using the installation flash drive:

Entering the BR, delete all dubious applications. The next restart of the computer will be held in normal mode.

Video: How to enter "Safe Mode" in Windows 10

Hardware reasons

It is much less likely to have a hardware reasons for the Windows immunity. As a rule, if something broke inside the computer, it will not be possible to even run it, not to mention the operation of the OS. However, small problems with different kind of manipulations with equipment, replacing and adding some devices are still possible.

Changing the order of polling of bootable media in the BIOS or connection of the hard disk not to your port on the motherboard (error inaccessible_boot_device)

During surface home repair, computer cleaning from dust or add / replacement of operational or hard drives or hard drives, an Inaccessible_Boot_Device error may occur. It can also appear if the BIOS menu has been changed to load the operating system.

Methods of combating the above error Multiple:

The problem should disappear after the search wizard finishes its work.

Video: How to set the focus of the download in the BIOS

Malfunction of RAM

With the development of technologies, each individual element of the "filling" of the computer is becoming less, easier and more productive. The investigation of this - the details lose their rigidity, become more fragile and vulnerable to mechanical damage. Even dust can negatively affect the work of separately taken chips.

If the problem concerns RAM planks, then the only way to solve the problem will be the purchase of a new device

RAM is no exception. The DDR-strip then and then come into disrepair, errors appear that do not allow you to download Windows and work in correct mode. Often, the breakdowns associated with the RAM are accompanied by a special signal of the dynamics of the motherboard.

Unfortunately, almost always errors of memory planks are not subject to any repair. The only way to troubleshoot is the change of device.

The failure of the elements of the video subsystem

Diagnose problems with any element of the computer video system or laptop is very easy. You hear that the computer turns on, and even the operating system is loaded with characteristic welcome sounds, but the screen remains deadly black. In this case, it is immediately clear that the problem is in the computer's video dear. But the trouble is that the video video signal system consists of a complex of devices:

  • video card;
  • bridge;
  • motherboard;
  • screen.

Unfortunately, the user remains only to check the contact of the video card with the motherboard: try another connector or connect another monitor to the video adapter. If these simple manipulations did not help you, you need to contact the service center for a deeper diagnosis of the problem.

Other equipment malfunctions

If you think about, any equipment malfunctions inside the computer will result in errors. Even violations in the form of a keyboard breakdown may contribute to the fact that the operating system will not boot. Other problems are possible, and each of them is characterized in its own way:

  • the malfunction with the power supply will be accompanied by a sudden shutdown of the computer;
  • full drying thermoplastics and insufficient cooling of the system unit elements will be accompanied by sudden Windows reboots.

Some ways to combat program reasons of Windows 10

The best way to renoving Windows is the recovery points of the system (TVS). This tool allows you to roll back the OS at a certain point in time when the error has not yet existed. By this action, you can and prevent the occurrence of the problem, and return the performance of your system to its original position. In this case, all your programs and settings will be saved.

Restoration of the system using TVS

To use the system recovery points, they must be enabled and set some parameters:

  1. Call the context menu of the "Computer" icons and select "Properties".

    Call the context menu icons "This computer"

  2. Click on the "System Protection" button.

    The "System Protection" button opens the recovery point settings

  3. Select a disk with the signature "(System)" and click the "Configure" button. Rearrange the checkbox to "Enable System Protection" and move the slider at the "Maximum Use" setting on a convenient value. This parameter will specify the amount of information used for recovery points. It is recommended to choose 20-40% and not less than 5 GB (depending on the size of your system disk).

    Turn on the system protection and adjust the allowable SWC save

  4. Apply the changes to the "OK" buttons.

  5. The "Create" button will save the current configuration of the system in the TVS.

    The Create button will save the current configuration of the system in TVS

As a result, we have a fixed workable OS, which can be subsequently restored. It is recommended to create recovery points every two or three weeks.

To take advantage of TVS:

Video: How to create, delete recovery point and roll back Windows 10

System Restore Using the SFC / ScanNow command

Taking into account the fact that the recovery points of the system are not always convenient in the creation plan, and they can also "eaten" viruses or disk errors, it is possible to restore the system to a software method - SFC.EXE utility. This method works both in the system restore mode using the loading flash drive and using the "secure mode". To start the program to run the "Command Line" program, enter the SFC / SCANNOW command and start it with the ENTER key (Suitable for BR).

Performing a task for finding and correcting errors for the "command line" in the recovery mode looks different due to the fact that on one computer, it may be installed more than one operating system.

You must monitor the letter of the disk if the OS is installed not in the standard Disk Directory of C. After the utility is completed, restart the computer.

Video: How to restore system files using the "command line" in Windows 10

Restore using the system image

Another opportunity to return the Windows performance - recovery using the image file. If you have a "dozens" distribution, you can use them in order to return the OS to the original state.

Restart the computer and enjoy the work system in which all damaged and incapacitated files have been replaced.

Video: How to create a Windows 10 image and restore the system with it

Ways to combat Windows 10's hardware reasons

Qualified help with the hardware breakdown of the system can only be provided by a service center specialist. If you do not have an electronic equipment skills, unwind, remove, to solder something is not recommended.

Hard disk malfraction

It should be noted that most of the hardware reasons for the invasion are associated with a hard disk. Since most of the information is preserved on it, the hard drive is often attacked by errors: the files and sectors with the data are damaged. Accordingly, the appeal to these places on the rigid disk leads to the system hangs, and the OS simply does not load. Fortunately, Windows has a tool that can help in simple situations.

Cleaning a computer from dust

Overheating, bad contacts of connections of tires and devices can be provoked by an abundance in the dust system unit.

  1. Check the connections of the device with the motherboard without resorting to the use of excessive force.
  2. Clean and blown all the dust, which can only be reached, while use soft brushes or cotton wands.
  3. Check the states of the wires and tires, whether they are defects, bloats. There should be no painful parts and plugs without connecting to the power supply.

If the cleaning from dust and checking the connections did not give results, the system recovery did not help, you need to contact the service center.

Video: how to clean the system unit from dust

Windows may not start for different reasons. Possible both software and hardware errors, but neither the others are not critical in most cases. This means that they can be corrected without the help of specialists, guided only by simple instructions.

For many years of Windows users pursued BSOD (or blue screen of death) - an indicator that something is wrong with the computer and it needs to be reinstalled or its operating system requires reinstallation. Soon everything will change.

Microsoft employee with hard-acting name Matthijs Hoekstra talked In his twitter that in the wind of Windows 10, a green screen will be used instead of the blue screen of death (GSOD).

The green screen of death can already be detected in the Windows 10 test assembly with a number 14997, which is a few days ago. Better, of course, so that such a screen does not appear on your computer, but if you still see it, let him not surprise you and does not scare.

It is possible that the blue screen of death will still be used in Windows 10 release assemblies, and the test assemblies will receive a green screen. Why Microsoft chose exactly green color, it is not clear, perhaps this solution does not have a logical explanation (as well as the transition from Windows 8 immediately to Windows 10).

Recently, the QR codes began to be displayed on the death screen of death. They can be scanned using smartphones and switch to the Microsoft website, where one or another problem causing the operating system or a computer is described in detail.

Microsoft took a small break for holidays and disabled servers with Windows 10 test assembly updates. They are temporarily not produced, and even those that have already come out cannot be installed. This is due to the transition to a new update dissemination technology, thanks to which the updates will simultaneously come to different types of devices. In early 2017, the next test assembly will be released, created as part of preparation for the release of Creators Update. It will contain many innovations that we have already written. In addition, it contains "tracks" of the game mode, which will allow the computer to highlight the games maximum resources, that is, working just like the game console.

Another innovation, which is expected to be implemented in Windows 10 Creators Update, is the ability to postpone the installation of updates for a long time (up to 35 days). At the same time, some important updates (for example, a viral base in Windows Defender) will still be installed. You can find an option that allows you to install "pause" updates, you can in the Advanced Settings section of Windows Update in the "Parameters" application. This innovation will be guaranteed to be implemented in Enterprise SKU (Windows 10 versions for corporate users), and its appearance in the versions of this OS for private users (home or pro) is still questionable.


What is bsod

BSOD - Blue Sceen of Death, Blue Death Screen. It appears in the most critical situations when it is impossible to get closing the failure program.

Windows operating system has several levels of working programs. We are visible only the most upper - open software windows and running services. It is their task manager that shows them. When one of the programs makes a mistake that is not able to process and get around, it, as many users say, "crashes". You can start and work on again.

Software modules operating at a lower level (driver), if errors, will not be able to restart. The Windows operating system is trying to protect the user from many errors, but it does not always work and it capitulate, showing a sad face or a set of characters on the computer screen.

It should be understood that the driver is an intermediary between the software and hardware of the computer. You can pick up as drivers (programmers, too, people can not consider something or mistaken) and the iron part of the computer.

Symptoms BSOD.

1. The appearance of a blue screen with incomprehensible symbols or sad emoticon.

In 99% of cases, the computer reboots itself due to a critical error (BSOD), but sometimes the situation is worse: problems with the power supply or motherboard. If you have a desktop PC, check if you did not decide somewhere.

Causes of blue screen

1. Overheating. Overheating of the video card, the processor leads to a blue screen of death.

By the way, In Windows XP, the video card has always occurred by BSOD, in Vista and the newer video driver simply reboots. If you see the inscription "The video driver stopped responding and was restored," then this overheating the video card:

The newer of Windows, the perfect protection against failures. Let's hope in some Windows XV instead of the blue screen we will see an error notification that does not interfere with the work.

2. RAM failure. You can, but in order not to get a finger into the sky, first read further - perhaps the reason for your blue screen of death in something else.

If you have installed a new RAM into your computer and received frequent BSODs, change in the store on a good one. Other ways to overcome blue screens of death when replacing RAM not.

3. Failure of another iron. Maybe the "seats" voltage in the power supply. Maybe a contact disappears somewhere. Maybe your computer does not like the full moon. There are many reasons, you can guess infinitely.

If after you analyzed the minidamp (about it below) and excluded errors, the blue screen does not go anywhere, it is necessary to replace all the components in turn. It is impossible to just take and determine the cause of BSOD if every time the error codes are different.

4. Replying. If you are an advanced overclocker, you know what kind of computer overclocking has to BSOD. If not - do not accelerate the computer.

5. Driver failure (s). The cause of the BSOD will not necessarily be a hardware problem. Unstable running drivers - a frequent guest on computer computers. How to identify a failed driver will continue.

6. Viruses. Be sure to check the computer some or.

I do not get tired of wondering the self-confidence of users who declare " I have no viruses and antivirus too! I have straight hands / sit only on proven sites / sometimes checking a disposable antivirus and therefore everything is fine!". Leaving the debate on how to live without antivirus, think about it: if a person sees BSOD, he has not a normal situation. How can you declare that there are no viruses and is it not the reason for the blue screen?

Also, it is not necessary to think that if you have an antivirus with the finest bases, there can be no viruses. Check out others to completely eliminate the likelihood.

7. Antiviruses. It's funny (and sad) that antiviruses cause a failure. Remove antivirus for a while. Blue death screens stopped appearing? Put a new one that the blue screens do not appear due to # 6.

8. Windows updates. The developers in Microsoft sometimes poorly test updates. Some due to this are completely disabled Windows and sit without updates, although this is not an output. Control Panel - Programs and Components - View installed updates - Right-click - Delete Upon updates set by recently, then check the Windows operation. All normalized? Just do not put up the updates for a couple of weeks - usually during this time some correcting update update comes out and everything becomes good.

9. Failure of programs. It happens, but rarely. If you see BSOD during a game or when working some specific program, I advise you to check the computer for overheating, because most of the programs are not able to call a blue screen, except for installing drivers to the system (antiviruses, virtual disk emulators, game protection systems like PunkBuster, Accounting programs working with digital keys).

10. File hard disk file system errors. Not superfluous

We learn the cause of bsod.

As you can see, the reasons are quite a lot and it does not make sense. Fortunately, the blue screen of death contains prompts about what it is suddenly Windows began to climb. Among the incomprehensible text there will be error codes containing a direct indication of what caused failure.

Most often bsod you will not seeSince the Windows settings are turned on by default, a reboot of a computer during critical errors.

You can disable automatic Windows restart so: Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Parameters - put / remove the daws as on the screenshot below:

Pay attention to the "Small memory dump" item - also place it.

Thug the error code from the Windows log

Galka "Write an event in the system log" is set by default, it means - error codes will be in Windows log.

Go to Control Panel - Administration - Event View - System - and look for a line in the list, which coincides with the appearance of a blue screen or a reboot of a computer:

Look for an error code (in the screenshot above it is 0x0000009F) in Google and read the first few sites in the issuance, follow the recommendations that helped others. If the driver is specified (the word with the end .sys That is generally wonderful - the likely culprit is found immediately, you need to install the driver for this device is an older / new version. If there is no clear and clear indication of the cause of BSOD on the specified error code, read my instructions on.

If there is nothing in Windows log, wait for the blue screen and see the error there:

Just search for information on the error code and recommend recommendations.

Analyze minidamp

Unfortunately, if the problem is in the failed drive, it is not always displayed on the blue screen. The error code is also not always informative. You need to analyze the MiniDUMP file created during the appearance of BSOD and containing information about the failure, in particular, which drivers reported error. There are two programs for analyzing a minid: Windows Debugging Tools and BlueScreenView. Unfortunately, the first is too complicated for novice users, although it gives a more informative result. In 99% of cases, there is enough second, simple and free BlueScreenView.

The BlueScreenView installer is available on this link.

After starting the program, you will see a window in which the mining cards created by the system, information about them, at the bottom - the driver list. Favoring drivers will be marked.

Example №1 - the video card is to blame

A blue screen with the text attempted_write_to_readonly_memory appears. We watch minidamp:

ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error, judging by the googling, is called by some driver. Probable culprit in this case - nv4_disp.sys. There are others, but this is part of the system, it is statistically unlikely that the reason for them. Google search has shown that NV4_DISP.SYS is a video card driver from NVIDIA. Three steps:

1. Checking the video card for overheating.

2. Installing the older video card driver (new, if it is old). So come with any drivers, not only video cards.

3. Installing the video card to another computer.

4. If the blue screen appears on another computer - carry the video card to the service center. If the guarantee is still valid, you can replace free for free.

5. On another computer, the blue screen does not appear? Try to install another power supply to your own - the reason may be in it.

6. Does not help? Reinstall Windows perfectly.

7. If it does not help, bring to the service center for diagnostics.

Example number 2 - Not really what was expected

Blue screen with an inscription Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area accompanies a variety of problems:

If the probable failure driver was NTFS.SYS, I would recommend checking the hard disk on errors, as well as replace the loop, which comes from the hard disk to the motherboard. In this case, BlueScreenView indicates the USB port driver and it could be true, but where I took a dump for an example, a man's motherboard is to blame - the capacitors sank on it. The solution is a system unit in hand and to the service center.

Example number 3 - Antivirus is to blame

Found on the Internet of the Internet here is such a minidamp:

The culprit was srtsp.sys - an antivirus component from Norton. It is solved by removing it.

Example №4 - "BATTY" RAM

Blue screen with Memory_Management - a sign that RAM is unsuitable for use:

Reinstall Windows

I thought for a long time - to advise it. However, a quick jogging on popular forums showed: many users still use pirate Windows assemblies. So, if you have:

  • build Windows
  • it is necessary or a lot of optimizers were installed,
  • the computer is loaded more than ten minutes,
  • programs are often closed with errors,

reinstall Windows though! And put the normal, original Windows. If you have a laptop, on the hard disk there will be a recovery partition with a Windows manufacturer - read the instructions and put it (restore) it!

Installing Windows is not a matter of five minutes, but if you wish, even a beginner user can cope.

Where you can get help

Nothing helps? There is an excellent forum branch: elimination of critical Windows errors (read the rules first).

Only first make sure that you have done everything possible:, analyzed the minidamp, updated the failed driver. If the problem is in the gland, the only way out is to contact the service center.

Good afternoon friends. Blue Windows 10 Death screen How to fix? In 2013, I wrote an article " How to remove the blue screen of death" It was about Windows 7. And this year, already in the Windows 10 system, I have something.

I first did not understand what it was. After all, in the seven blue screen looks completely different. And signs are similar. Among the work of the computer lights blue screen, with Russian inscriptions, sad smile and inscription:

I will say honestly, I did not understand what it was. After all, I know what the blue screen of death looks like. The computer rebooted and began to work again, and somehow sluggish.

The next day again fails. I had suspicions. I decided to check the causes of the failure using the BlueScreenView program. This program shows when and what kind of failures occurred and gives its designations to these failures.

Then, these designations can google and find out what causes and how to deal with them. From the testimony, I realized that it was the blue screen of the death of Windows 10, with which I have not come across.

Blue screen of death Windows 10 how to fix

First thingHow it is not trite, you need to update the driver of your video card. What I did, the computer began to work faster. But I had suspicions that the system fails remained. I spent a small test (about it later), and I realized that it was true.

Also, you can go from the opposite. The system fails may occur due to the wrong driver installed. View all programs in autoloading and disconnect extra.

Second business, you need to scan the entire computer with your antivirus. If there is no antivirus, then I always recommended Dr.Web Curelt. This is a disposable antivirus, created only for scanning. On an ongoing basis, it does not protect the computer. It is considered one of the best.

At the same time, there is one condition - this utility needs to download exactly on the day of scanning, so that there are fresh databases. After that, I would recommend to clean the registry with any program for cleaning the registry that you have installed.

For example, now for tens I use Windows 10 Manager. Only she paid. You can use free CCleaner.

ThirdlyAnd this is one of the most important things - after removing viruses, you need to restore the system to the state when it worked fine. Quite often system recovery is enough. But it often happens that the recovery points are not, it turns out.

Therefore, I always said - make sure that you existed the recovery points, or make them the system create them itself. For example, every 4 days. To do this, on the disk with the restoration of the system will have to allocate more space.

FourthYou need to scan and restore the damaged file system. To do this, you need to run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.

To start, on the "Start" button by clicking the right mouse button and select the "Administrator's Command Line".

We offer a black command line window where you need to enter:

Press input. We have damaged sectors begin to recover. I did not have this command and recording appeared:

If you have no such team, we go into service (in the top ten it is enough to start the task manager) and turn on the service:

Windows Module Installer

Windows installer.

We try to start our team again. If the command line does not work further, check Windows updates and, if new updates, update.

Fifth - Check hard disk and RAM. To check the hard disk, I recommend a simple HDTune 225.exe program. Download it from a separate table with a similar inscription. Install and run. In this case, we are worried about the ERROR SCAN menu.

Clean the tick over Quick Scan, if she stands there and press Start. The program begins to scan the sectors of our hard disk. Sectors should be all green. If there is a lot of red, then this disk is replaced.

Also, in the Heaith menu, we look so that there are no yellow stripes. If they are - nothing terrible, but this is already a warning. Read what the yellow rows and google are called, you will find a table with a description of the names of the titles. And, of course, pay attention to the temperature. It should not exceed 54 ° C.

Regarding RAM cards, just remove them from the slots, sniff. They should not blame Garoy. Places where there were fees wipe with alcohol, and the fees themselves will not hinder with alcohol. Put them again and check the mount. Boards must be sitting like gloss. Also, you can take out the turns each of the boards and check how the computer will work. It is possible that the case is in one of them.

How can I check the operational memory board? There is a similar opportunity in the Windows operating system. To do this, you need to enter the following value in the search string:

We launch this file and we have a new window:

Next, select "Run Reboot and Check" and our computer will start to reboot to check the RAM (in Windows 10 the window will be almost the same, therefore, we will not focus on this).

During the download process, the system is looking for issuing problems. What we see inscriptions on the screen. With this verification, if errors are detected, the system will write about it. This means that the problem is in the most physical memory card. At the same time, only two options are possible:
 Take a fee to a service center for analysis and repair;
 Replace the RAM for a new one.
In my case, the problems were not found, therefore, with the RAM, everything is in order.

Sixth - I would put in the first place. This is a recovery from the previously created backup. That way I cured my computer. I created a backup copy of the system two months ago, I made a system rollback tw hundred months ago, and my system was fully restored to November.

Blue screen of Windows 10 disappeared. The system has become such as it was two months ago, i.e. - Healthy! In my opinion, this is the best and fast way to restore the system. A program by which backup is free - free!

I recommend to do this copy once a month. How to make copying system, I wrote an article: -. I advise it to carefully study and apply in practice and no blue screen of the death of Windows 10 during work will not be terrible! Especially if you copy to a replaceable carrier. Successes!

We all faced with those or other problems when working at a computer. Hanging programs, graphic or sound problems - sooner or later everyone will get acquainted with them. But the most frightening experience is always becoming the appearance of the "blue screen of death".

Information about the "blue death screen"

When an error appears on the computer, the message appears on the screen, after which the device usually continues to work. But at some point, any PC may encounter a contradiction, for example, when two teams reveal him to make mutually exclusive actions. In this and other cases, the computer could fail due to contradictions in his own logic, which would lead to serious damage in the system. So that this does not happen, all processes are forcibly stopped, and the very "blue screen of death" appears. It displays codes with which the user can find out with what mistake he encountered, and fix it.

In the new version of Windows, the blue screen does not look so frightening

The blue screen has changed with each version of the operating system. And in modern Windows 10, it is no longer so frightened: users see a sad smiley, an error message and QR code, which when scanning from the phone opens the official Microsoft website with more detailed information about the current problem. It turns out that in itself the "blue screen of death" is not dangerous at all, it only signals a serious problem with a computer that needs to be solved and protects it from the damage of system data.

The "blue screen of death" in the original is called Blue Screen of Death and is often reduced to BSOD abbreviation. BSOD itself is not dangerous: it only signals a serious problem with a computer that needs to be solved, and protects it from damage to system data.

Causes of the appearance of the "Blue Death Screen"

There is a lot of reasons for the appearance of a blue screen. As already mentioned, any disagreements in the logic of the computer can become a reason, but these disagreements themselves arise in different situations. Consider the main problems that can cause a "blue death screen" on your monitor:

Table: Decryption of specific errors

Error nameCause of appearance
Nvlddmkm.sysNVIDIA driver error. It is required to completely reinstall the driver.
dxgkrnl.sysDIRECTX error. It will help reinstall the driver or directly directx.
dxgmms1.sysDIRECTX error. It may occur in case of dispersion of the equipment.
ntoskrnl EXEProblems with the kernel of the system. It may be caused by both the registry damage and files. Corrected by the restoration of the system.
dxgmms2.sysAnother driver error or DirectX. It often occurs during the driver boot. It is recommended to check the registry for damage.
BT878_B3.SYSDamage to drivers or their conflict. With some probability, a similar error may be associated with a hard disk malfunction.
Netio.sys.The problem with reading the file. The problem is either at the hardware level (RAM, hard disk), or arose due to damage to a specific system file segment.

Video: Causes of the appearance of the "blue screen of death" and their elimination

Solving problems that cause "blue screen of death"

Now that you figured out the reasons for the appearance of a blue screen, it is worth trying to understand and solve these problems.

Removal from computer viruses

Viruses are the most common problem. It is easier to prevent them from your computer than getting rid of them. But for this enough:

  • do not visit dubious sites - catch viruses are completely easy on sites with pirated software or moving on advertising links, but on the official websites of program manufacturers or in popular hostings you simply do not find them;
  • do not establish unverified programs and expansion for the browser - almost a similar situation. Use what you trust, and you will not have problems;
  • install anti-virus protection - Windows 10 has a built-in antivirus. Do not disconnect it or immediately set the analog. It is recommended to use antivirus programs of well-known firms, such as DOCTOR WEB or Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

But if you have already caught viruses? Then the system needs urgent cleaning. It is possible to perform it as follows:

Rollback and restoration of the Windows 10 operating system

If system files have already been damaged, and the blue screen appears permanently, the only correct solution will be their recovery. This can be done in several ways.

Rollback to the recovery point

To restore damaged files in this way, you needed to create a system for restoring the system in advance as follows:

  1. Open the "System Properties" and go to the "System Protection" tab. You can get there by choosing the "Restore" section on the "Control Panel" or another way convenient for you.
  2. Go to the settings of the current tab by clicking the "Configure" button. Open the "System Protection" tab and click on the "Set" button
  3. Make sure that the system protection is activated, and there is enough space to save the recovery points. It is advisable to leave at least five gigabytes. Make sure the system protection is enabled or independently turn on it.
  4. Return to the "System Protection" tab and click on the "Create" button. The menu will open where to enter the name. It is necessary so that you can remember what time you created this point. Come up with the name for the recovery point and click on the "Create" button
  5. In the future, in the same time, you can run the system rollback to previous values. After starting, you need to choose which point to make rollback.
    Select the recommended point or specify the necessary independently
  6. Wait for the end of the procedure. The process of returning the system to the old state will be automatically executed, but may take a long time.

If you are not concerned in advance about creating a recovery point, then this method will not suit you.

It will be effective to create a point to restore the system before each installation of drivers or programs.

Video: How to create a Windows 10 system recovery point

Restore and reinstall Windows 10

Reinstall the system using a similar version of Windows. You can download it from the official site Microsoft. The main thing is to choose the same bit and system language. After downloading the Windows Installation Assistant, do the following:

  1. Run Windows Installation Assistant and select Windows Update at the moment.
    Select a computer update to access the system recovery.
  2. Select the data in the first window, which corresponds to your system, and click Next.
    Specify the discharge of the system that matches your, and click "Next"
  3. Click on "System Restore" in the corner of the screen.
    In the first installation window, click on the "System Restore" button.
  4. Go to the "Diagnostics" menu. Since we do not install the system from scratch, but reinstall it, the easiest way to do this through the current menu.
    Go to the "Diagnostics" menu of the system on the action screen
  5. Select the return device to the original state.
    Click on the "Return Computer to Source" button in the "Diagnostics" window
  6. Specify whether you want to save the data (programs and games, one way or another, must be installed again after reinstalling Windows).
    Specify whether you want to save data that you are on your computer
  7. Click on the operating system you want to restore.
    If you have several systems on your computer, select the one that needs restore
  8. Specify the disk to install the system.
    Specify the disk or disks that will be affected when restoring the system
  9. If you want to delete files, the wizard will ask how to do it. The item "Just delete my files" means quick formatting, and it will be enough.
    Specify a way to delete files if you have previously selected their removal
  10. Confirm reinstalling by pressing the "Return to Source" button.
    Click on the "Return to Source" button.
  11. A Windows reinstall will begin. The computer can be restarted in the process of not once.
    The operating system files will be replaced by initial: wait for the end of the process
  12. Wait for the end of reinstalling. You can track the installation process in percent
  13. Specify the current user of the device by hitting the primary settings screen.
    Specify your account and click "Next"
  14. Enter the product key or skip this step.
    Enter the Windows license key or skip this step
  15. Explore and accept the Windows 10 license agreement.
    Explore the license agreement and click "Accept" to continue the installation
  16. After completing all the settings you will see the Windows desktop. Reinstalling is over.
    After successfully completing the recovery, you will see the desktop Windows 10

If your computer does not even turn on, with the help of the same installation assistant, you can create an installation media from another device. Connect the media to the computer and do the following:

After creating the setting drive, insert it into your computer and do the following:

And you can also recover the system without installing it. To do this, do the following:

Video: How to restore Windows 10 from a backup copy of a system disk

Update and install drivers

Installing fresh versions of drivers should be made automatically in the Windows 10 system. But this may not be due to problems or incorrectly settings. The device without a driver, in turn, will work incorrectly, so to install its latest version, do the following:

  1. Open the Device Manager. To do this, right-click on the Start menu icon and select Device Manager. Press the left right corner of the screen with the right mouse button to appear the quick access menu and select Device Manager.
  2. If an exclamation mark is worth next to the device, and its name is incorrect - the device driver is incorrect or not installed at all. But fix it is absolutely not difficult if there is an Internet connection. Devices that have trouble detection problems will be marked with an exclamation mark
  3. Select the right-click device and click "Refresh Drivers ...". Right-click on the driver and select Refresh Drivers
  4. Select an automatic search.
    Specify automatic search for drivers on the Internet
  5. Wait for the search for the desired driver.
    Wait until the required drivers are automatically found.
  6. Wait for the driver download. When the driver is set, you will receive a device update message.
  7. The computer will issue a restart notification. It must be done that the new driver began to work.
    Accept the reboot of the computer to change the changes to enter into force

Similarly, you can update the drivers of all equipment on your computer.

Video: How to update drivers in windows 10

Reset Windows 10 to factory settings

Resetting the operating system to the factory settings will help return it to the original state. It will fix errors and restore system files. To make a reset, follow these steps:

Video: How to reset Windows 10 to factory settings

Dispute troubleshooting in computer hardware

If you suspect that the "Blue Death Screen" appears due to problems with the hardware of the computer, then you should perform the diagnostics of the system. Consider the diagnostic process using the AIDA 64 program. This convenient and comprehensive utility will help determine a weak place in the system. If the "blue screen of death" appeared right during the test of this program, it means that it is for sure in the hardware, and you should check which device was tested before the appearance of a blue screen. By itself, the test is very simple:

With the help of such a check, it is easy to identify problems in the operation of a hard disk or the operational memory of your system, and in fact it is most often the reason for the appearance of the "blue death screen".

Video: AIDA64 Program Review

Causes of blue screen when starting games

The reason for the appearance of a blue screen when you start the game there may also be several factors:

  • the game works incorrectly - if the game is amateur or has a serious failure, her work can cause conflicts in the system. This happens extremely rare in large projects, because the developers thoroughly test them. Nevertheless, if this happened, it is better to leave attempts to start and wait for the patch;
  • the problem in the equipment - the game has a load on the computer hardware, and if your hard disk or other device has problems, you can see the blue screen of death. This is the most common reason for its appearance when playing games. Diagnosing equipment, as mentioned above;
  • Hello everyone! I like to write for people, about the computer sphere - whether it is a job in various programs or entertainment in computer games. I try to write only about things with whom the sign personally is familiar. I love to travel and believe that only in the way you can truly know yourself.

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