
Windows 7 boot recovery program. Boot files are damaged

The Windows operating system is equipped with huge amount built-in means to ensure protection against damage and loss of information. Despite this, it is not uncommon for the OS to stop starting correctly. Most often this happens due to damage to the special boot record The MBR on the hard disk that stores the Windows 7 startup data. This article describes in detail how to repair the boot loader.

Bootmgr program

BootManager or Bootmgr - special program, which is located in a special service sector hard disk called MBR. It takes over control of the computer after the BIOS checks that all installed components and connects the HDD.

The manager reads data from a special table located in the very first or boot sector of the disk. This table shows where the files needed to start the system are located. When all the required information is collected - the computer starts loading Windows.

If the program cannot find any necessary information- this will lead to the fact that the personal computer will not be able to boot Windows and will give the user an error message. As a rule, it is a blank black screen with a single static inscription: "bootmgr is missing".

Similar consequences will arise if the entire boot sector of the hard disk is damaged. In this case, the address table may be in perfect order, but the manager program itself will not work as expected. In this case, restoration is required.

Virus attacks

There are three main reasons why the Master Boot Record can be damaged: virus attacks, system crashes or power outages, and improper OS installation.

While surfing the Internet, users can accidentally download some dangerous virus, which can change the MBR of the hard disk, which will damage the operating system installed on it.

To counteract malicious scripts, there are special applications- antiviruses. It is highly recommended that you install one of these on your computer. For example, you can use the free software developed by Microsoft - Security Essentials.

The program is freely available for download at

HDD problems

Another common cause of problems is system crashes. If you turn off the PC with the Power button and unplug it from the power supply while the operating system is running, the files stored on the hard disk may be damaged. The same will happen if, while the system is performing some tasks, the voltage in the network suddenly disappears.

In order to protect your personal computer from such emergencies, you should use the feeder uninterruptible power supply, and also turn off the PC using the Start menu, and not the button.

Also, the loader program can be damaged if you have installed multiple copies of operating systems on the same hard disk. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to install each copy of Windows into a separate logical partition. To fix the problem, bootloader repair is used.

Creating a bootable USB drive

Before repairing Windows 7 bootloader, users need to find an installation DVD or create a custom one. To do this, you need an ISO of the Windows installer, a USB flash drive and a specialized software... The UltraISO program is most often used for these purposes.

With its help, you need to burn the downloaded ISO image to the storage medium, after which you can start the recovery process.

Boot sector recovery

Microsoft has been improving the operating system recovery system for many years. Windows systems, and in Windows 7 and Windows Vista it works practically in automatic mode... If you boot from the Windows 7 installation disc and click " System Restore" ("Repair Computer"), Windows Recovery will start and try to fix any errors it finds on its own. a large number of problems, however, it is quite possible that the bootloader is damaged, and the recovery system cannot cope with this problem. In this case, you can manually restore the bootloader using the Bootrec.exe utility.

The Bootrec.exe application is used to fix errors related to a damaged bootloader and, as a result, the inability to start operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Vista.


Description of startup keys for the Bootrec.exe utility

Bootrec.exe / FixMbr

Launched with the / FixMbr switch, the utility writes a Windows 7 and Windows Vista compatible Master Boot Record (MBR) to the system partition. Use this option to troubleshoot a corrupted master boot record or if you want to remove non-standard code from it. Existing table partitions in this case are not overwritten.

Bootrec.exe / FixBoot

Launched with the / FixBoot switch, the utility writes a new boot sector compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista to the system partition. Use this option in the following cases:

  1. The boot sector of Windows Vista or Windows 7 has been replaced with a non-standard one.
  2. The boot sector is corrupted.
  3. Was established previous version Windows operating system after installing Windows Vista or Windows 7. For example, if Windows XP was installed, NTLDR (Windows NT Loader) will be used, the NT 6 boot loader (Bootmgr) code will be overwritten by Windows XP Setup.

It should be noted that a similar effect can be achieved using the bootsect.exe utility, also available on the Windows 7 bootable media. To do this, run bootsect.exe with the following parameters:

Bootsect / NT60 SYS

The boot sector of the system partition will be overwritten with BOOTMGR compatible code. You can learn more about using the bootsect.exe utility by running it with the parameter / help.

Bootrec.exe / ScanOs

Launched with the / ScanOs switch, the utility scans all disks for installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. this moment are not registered in the Windows Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Store.

Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd

Launched with this key, the utility scans all disks for installed operating systems Windows Vista or Windows 7. Found operating systems are displayed in a list from which they can be added to the Windows Boot Configuration Data Store. Also use this option if you want to completely rebuild the boot configuration data store. Before that, you need to delete the previous store. In this case, the set of commands can be as follows:

Bcdedit / export C: \ BCDcfg.bak attrib -s -h -r c: \ boot \ bcd del c: \ boot \ bcd bootrec / RebuildBcd

In the above example, the current boot configuration repository is exported to the file C: \ BCDcfg.bak, the system, hidden, and read-only attributes are removed from it, after which it is deleted with the DEL command and rebuilt with the bootrec / RebuildBcd command.

Enlarge drawing

Of course the utility Bootrec.exe very functional, however, it will not help if, for example, the Windows bootloader file bootmgr damaged or physically missing. In this case, you can use another utility that is also included in the Windows 7 distribution media - bcdboot.exe.

Restoring the boot environment using BCDboot.exe

BCDboot.exe is a tool that is used to create or restore a boot environment located in an active system partition... The utility can also be used to transfer boot files.

The command line in this case may look like this:

Bcdboot.exe e: \ windows

Replace e: \ windows with the correct path for your system.
This operation will repair the damaged Windows boot environment, including the Boot Configuration Data Store (BCD) files, including the bootmgr file mentioned above.

Bcdboot command line parameter syntax

The bcdboot.exe utility uses the following command line parameters:

BCDBOOT source]

a source

Specifies the location of the Windows directory to use as the source when copying boot environment files.

Optional parameter. Specifies the language of the boot environment. The default is US English.

Optional parameter. Specifies the drive letter of the system partition where the boot environment files will be installed. By default, the system partition is set by the BIOS firmware.

Optional parameter. Turns on the mode of verbose logging of the utility operation.

Optional parameter. Combines the parameters of a newly created and existing storage boot record and writes them to a new boot record. If the operating system loader GUID is specified, merges the loader object with the system template to create a boot record.


The article discussed the principles of working with the bootrec.exe and bcdboot.exe utilities, which are used to resolve problems associated with the inability to start the Windows 7 operating system due to a damaged or missing bootloader.

The windows 7 bootloader stops working for many reasons - when the boot.ini is damaged or when you try to install XP along with the "Seven", after which the latter does not want to boot. This is due to the fact that XP is rewriting the Windows 7 MBR boot record. Usually, Windows 7 boot loader recovery is carried out using standard system tools. You can also use another tool, such as Bootice.

The easiest way to restore the bootloader

If pressing F8 does not open additional ways launcher and troubleshooter, you will need to use a disk or flash drive windows recovery 7. From this drive, you will need to boot the computer into the recovery environment by clicking on the system recovery link at the bottom of the OS installation window.

  1. The computer will automatically try to find a solution to the problem, and notify you in the window that opens.
  2. If the recovery utility copes with the task, all that remains is to reboot.

If you failed to restore the windows 7 bootloader after XP, use the startup repair tool, which, along with others, is part of the installation disk or flash drive. Usually these simple ways can handle simple problems launching the MBR.

Editing boot.ini

Boot.ini is responsible for starting the system by default. If one of the operating systems is incorrectly installed or uninstalled, its record in an inoperative state will be stored in the same boot.ini. It is located at the root of the system partition, so to edit it, the computer must be configured to show hidden files.

Sometimes boot.ini can be corrupted by a virus or some program could contribute to it, after which the OS does not start on its own.

The fix is ​​simple - boot from the LiveCD and edit boot.ini with a regular notepad. There are only two sections - the boot loader, which controls the boot and the operating systems. There are several parameters to remember:

  • timeout = 10 - time in seconds during which the user can choose the OS to start;
  • multi (0) and disk (0) - parameters that must have zero values;
  • rdisk (0) - number of the disk with the system partition (counting from zero).

In general, boot.ini with one OS should look like in the picture.

Using the command line capabilities to restore the MBR sector

You can get into the command line mode from the same boot disk or flash drive by opening the system restore tool and selecting the most recent command line item.

  1. Enter the Bootrec command and press Enter after that, a complete list of features will appear;
  2. Write down the MBR sector, for which there is a command Bootrec.exe / FixMbr;
  3. After pressing Enter, the computer will notify the user about the successful completion of the operation in the next line;
  4. Next, follow the procedure for recording a new boot sector, for which enter Bootrec.exe / FixBoot;
  5. All that remains is to enter Exit and try to restart the computer.

  1. Enter the command line from the installation disk or flash drive;
  2. Enter Bootrec / ScanOs, after which the utility will scan your computer for an operating system;
  3. Write the command Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd in the next line, the program will prompt you to add all found versions of windows to the start menu, including XP, etc .;
  4. It remains to agree with this by pressing successively Y and Enter, after which, when the system boots, you will have a choice of which OS to load - XP or 7.

You can also fix the problem with the MBR with one more command. To do this, enter bootsect / NT60 SYS at the command line, then Enter. Enter Exit to exit. As a result, the master boot code is updated and your systems appear in the list at boot time.

If there are serious problems with the described methods, it may not be possible to restore the MBR, so it is worth trying to overwrite the files in the download store.

BOOTMGR is missing

A computer usually displays such a message on a black screen when the MBR sector is damaged or deleted. The reason may not be related to the MBR, for example, if the BIOS has flashed the settings of the Boot tab and the system is trying to boot from the wrong disk. But more often it is the bootloader that is to blame, so we will describe how to restore the windows 7 boot.

A disk with windows 7 always has a small 100-megabyte reserved hidden partition for writing OS boot files, including the damaged BOOTMGR. You can simply copy BOOTMGR from the installation media and write to this section. For this:

  1. Go to the command line from the recovery disk.
  2. Enter the diskpart and list volume commands in sequence, after which a list of your disks and the letters that the system assigned to each of them will appear on the screen. We are interested in a 100 MB reserved partition and an optical drive - drives C and F, respectively, as in the picture.
  3. Type Exit and press Enter to exit.

Enter the drive letter followed by a colon and the command to copy the bootmrg boot loader to the reserved partition. It will look like this:

  • F: and then Enter;
  • copy bootmgr C: \ and press Enter;
  • Exit, the utility will exit.

If copying to a hidden partition fails, the download store can be completely overwritten. Restoring the windows 7 bootloader is performed with the bcdboot.exe N: \ windows command, where N is the letter of the OS drive. After you are informed that the files were created successfully, you can exit the tool with the Exit command and restart your computer.

  • write in the command line the line diskpart, which invokes the utility;
  • to list all available physical disks write list disk;
  • selected desired disk sel disk 0 command, where 0 is the number of the only installed HDD;
  • to display all partitions of the hard drive, enter list partition;
  • to choose reserved section write the command sel part 1, where 1 is the section number;
  • make it active by typing active;
  • exit the application by writing exit.

As a last resort, you can completely manually delete and format the system partition by starting from some LiveCD, and then re-creating the sector with the bcdboot.exe command.

Using Bootice

If windows XP was installed after "Seven", because of the overwritten MBR sector, only XP starts and you have no choice of system after you turn on the computer. At the same time, both systems are completely functional, and you can very easily return the startup menu, for which the Bootice utility is used:

In the new Bootice window on the left you will see the OS boot list, in which you will need to add the missing "Seven" to windows XP:

  • click "Add";
  • in the list that opens, select the line of the new windows 7 entry;
  • on the right side, in the upper input field, select the hard disk;
  • in the field below, indicate the section with the "Seven";
  • click on save basic settings.

The program will notify you about the successful change of this element in Boot and you can exit Bootice. The next time you turn on your computer, you can already choose which OS to boot from the hard drive - windows 7 or XP.

Windows 7 boot repair

Friends, many of you have had problems with loading the operating system more than once and you asked the question of how to restore the boot of windows 7 and make operating system loaded fine. In this article, we will look at the most common Windows 7 boot loader repair methods that help in most cases.

Boot from the installation disk or flash drive with your version of windows 7.

If you don't have a suitable flash drive, then it's time to get one.

The main thing is that the bitness of the system matches (32-bit or 64-bit). Also, it is desirable that the edition coincide (Home, Professional, Ultimate).

Select "System Restore" instead of installing.

Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Startup Repair tool.

After that, the recovery program will search for errors in the boot sector and boot partition windows 7 and will try to fix them if found. After that, you will need to reboot the system and perhaps windows 7 will boot normally.

If the first time it was not possible to restore the boot using the windows 7 recovery tool, then try repeating this process 1-2 more times. This often helps, as the repair tool cannot always fix multiple problems in a single pass.

2. Restoring boot windows 7 using the command line

If you were unable to restore the Windows 7 boot using the automatic recovery tool, then try to do it using the command line, it's easy. If your computer is not as fast as you would like, install SSD disk and you will get a significant performance boost! ASP900S3 75E120BW F120GBLSB

Boot from the installation disk or flash drive with your version of windows 7 and select "System Restore" instead of installation.

Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Command Prompt recovery tool.

After that, a window with a black background will appear, in which you will need to write several commands.

Enter the following commands in turn:

bootrec / fixmbr
bootrec / fixboot
bootsect / nt60 ALL / force / mbr

Language switching is performed by the "Alt" + "Shift" key combination. After entering each command (line), press the "Enter" key.

Then restart your computer.

After that, in most cases, problems associated with the boot sector and bootloader windows 7 will disappear and the operating system will boot normally.

If after using the command line, windows 7 still does not boot, then try again using the automatic boot repair tool, as we discussed above.

3. Windows 7 boot recovery with system reinstallation

If you were unable to restore the boot of the operating system using the methods described above, then most likely you will have to reinstall windows 7 with the removal of partitions.

Before reinstalling windows 7, copy all important files from your hard drive to an external drive or USB flash drive. This can be done using any LiveCD bootable disc. Please note that an external drive or flash drive must be connected to the PC before starting to boot from the LiveCD, otherwise they may not be detected.

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If due to boot errors you are unable to reinstall windows 7, then remove all partitions from the disk using third party utility, for example, an Acronis Disk Director boot disk. After that, try again to install windows 7 with the creation of new partitions.

If at per installing windows 7 at the stage of setting up the disk (creating partitions, choosing a partition for installation) or when you restart the computer during the installation process, you will encounter the same boot errors, then run the command line and run the commands that we discussed above.

The command line at the disk configuration stage can be launched using the Shift + F10 keyboard shortcut.

If you have any other installation problems:

  • windows does not see the disk
  • Can't install windows to this drive
  • The selected disk has a GPT partition style

read our articles on installing windows 7, windows 8.1 and windows 10. There are also tips for partitioning a disk and describes the nuances of installing windows on large disks (3 TB or more).

4. Causes of problems with loading windows

Most common reasons windows boot failures are:

  1. Crashes in work hard disk and power supply
  2. Errors when installing multiple operating systems
  3. Errors when using disk utilities
  4. Incorrect activators
  5. Installing windows on an existing partition along with the bootloader

In order to prevent future boot problems, you need to determine what exactly caused the problem and not repeat these errors.

If you find another reason that caused the problem with loading windows, or another way to fix the problem, please write about it in the comments.

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How to restore windows 7 startup via command line

Remediation tools windows errors are constantly improving, offering users more and more automated solutions that allow you to quickly fix various problems. If you connect the installation media to your computer and select the Startup Repair option in the System Restore section, you can fix many errors that prevent windows from starting. However, if the bootloader is damaged, this method will not work, so if you encounter such a problem, you will have to restore the MBR via the command line.

Run command line

You will need boot disk with a distribution kit of the same system that is installed on the computer. Not only the version, but also the bitness of Windows must match, otherwise the recovery will fail.

With the list of available tools open, first fix the startup errors. If the problem with the damaged bootloader cannot be resolved, go back to the list of tools and select Command Prompt.

Bootrec utility

To overwrite the MBR (data required to boot Windows) and fix bootloader errors, we will use the built-in windows utility... Enter the "bootrec" command in the interpreter window. After launching this utility, a list of supported commands will appear - execute them in order.

Reboot your computer. The bootloader repair is done, the MBR is overwritten, so Windows should start without problems. If overwriting the MBR did not fix the startup problem, try the remaining two commands:

The utility will start scanning your hard drive trying to find installed systems... When windows 7 is detected, execute "Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd". Found systems will be recorded in the boot menu. Exit the utility using the "exit" command and restart your computer. You no longer need to overwrite the MBR - Windows will start without errors.

BCDboot utility

If you still cannot fix the MBR error, try performing a boot loader repair using the BCDboot utility. This tool allows you to create or restore a boot environment located in active section hard drive. If, as a result of a system failure, the boot environment has been moved to another partition on the hard disk, then using BCDboot.exe you will return it to its place.

Open a command prompt and enter "bcdboot.exe e: \ windows" (attributes are optional). Instead of "E:" you need to put the letter of the section where the Windows files... If in windows environment this section is marked with the letter "C", then here it can be displayed as "D" - keep this in mind when executing the command.

After the operation is complete, restart your computer and try to start windows again. The damaged boot environment will be repaired and the system will start without error.

How to repair the bootloader windows 7 and windows 8

What is windows bootloader? In simplest terms, this is a program that loads the operating system immediately after turning on the computer. If we consider the evolution of windows operating systems, then in windows 2000 and windows XP the windows loader was NTLDR (NT Loader), which can load other operating systems by setting the corresponding boot sector in separate file... But with the advent of a new system BIOS- EFI and UEFI - the old NTLDR was no longer compliant. From windows Vista onwards, a new Boot Manager (Boot Manager) - BOOTMGR was introduced in windows 7, windows 8 and windows 8.1. His work is closely related to the Master Boot Record (MBR) or Master Boot Sector (MBS). When the computer boots, after checking the hardware, the BIOS reads the first sector from the boot hard disk - 512 bytes of data. MBR can occupy more than one sector, but that's not about that now. The MBR contains the primary loader code and the table partitions hard disk.

In case of damage to the bootloader or boot record, your operating system - be it windows 7, windows 8 or windows 8.1 - will display the error BOOTMGR is missing - press CTRL + ATL + DEL to restart.

In some cases, a BOOTMGR is corrupt error is thrown. The system cannot boot:

In this case, you will no longer be able to start the windows operating system in normal mode.

Note: First of all, before resorting to drastic actions, check if the hard disk boot sequence is simply incorrectly set, or the BIOS settings were simply reset to default (this happens when the CR2032 battery on the motherboard runs out). This is especially common on computers with 2 or more hard drives installed. You just need to go to Computer BIOS and check which one is uploaded. To do this, at boot, when the primary diagnostics of the hardware is in progress (white letters on a black background), press the Delete button several times. The BIOS screen should open. We look for the item "Hard Disk Boot Priority" or simply "Boot Device Priority" in the BIOS sections and select it:

Before changing anything, you need to know which of the disks the operating system is installed on. If you don't know, put each of the hard drives first in turn, press the F10 button to save and try to boot. The main thing is to remember which disk was the first and, if changing the sequence does not bring results, return everything as it was.

How to repair windows bootloader.

There are two ways to restore: using standard tools from Microsoft and with the help third-party programs... In the first option, you will need a bootable disk or a USB flash drive with the original windows way 7 or windows 8. Third party build windows may not work, since on many assemblies everything starts right from the beginning of the installation of the operating system. In case of using third-party programs - the Hiren’s Boot CD is suitable for you.

Repairing the bootloader using Microsoft tools.

Method for windows 8 and windows 8.1

Step 1. Restart the computer, press the Delete button at boot time and enter the BIOS. In the "Boot Device Priory" section, set the CDROM value in case of a disk or USB in case of using a bootable flash drive.

Step 2. When booting from the disk, the Install windows window should open:

At the very bottom, select the "System Restore" item. The hard drives will be scanned and a list of available operating systems will be displayed. Often there is one item in the list, and you need to select it:

The Select Action window will open:

Click on the "Diagnostics" icon - the section menu will open:

We select the item "Additional parameters".

Step 3. Select the item "Automatic recovery":

System diagnostics will start. If any error is found, you will be shown a message about it. Then you will need to click the Fix button and wait until the fix is ​​completed and the computer restarts.

Step 4. If automatic recovery did not reveal any problems in the diagnosis or did not help and at startup all the same windows 8 does not load and the error "Bootmgr is Missing" appears, then we boot from the disk again and in the "Additional parameters" section of the diagnosis select the item "Command line":

A windows 8 or windows 8.1 command prompt will open.

Step 5. In the Team windows prompt 8 we enter the command: bootrec.exe / FixMbr Press Enter. The "/ FixMbr" switch is used to write the master boot record to the system partition, which is compatible with windows 8 and windows 8.1. This option does not overwrite the existing partition table. Then we enter the command:

bootrec.exe / FixBoot

And press Enter again.

The "/ FixBoot" switch is used to write a new boot sector to the system partition using a boot sector compatible with windows 8 and windows 8.1.

We reboot the computer and check the loading of windows 8.

Step 6. If after restarting the error "BOOTMGR is missing - Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" is not eliminated, run the command line again, where we type the command bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd The key "/ RebuildBcd" is used to completely rebuild the configuration data. The result of executing the program with this key will scan the hard disk for the presence of the windows operating system and a request to add it to the boot list.

Click - Yes (Y) and restart the computer and check.

After the above operations, it is usually possible to restore the windows 8 and windows 8.1 bootloader. If the above methods did not help, then you need to try to restore the download using third-party programs. And if they do not help, reinstall windows 8, since most likely nothing else will help.

Method for windows 7.

Step 1. Restart the computer, press the Delete button at boot time and enter the BIOS. In the "Boot Device Priory" section, set the value "CDROM" in case of a disk or USB in case of using a bootable flash drive.

The parameter "1st Boot Device"Assign the value" CDROM "(or USB-HDD for a flash drive). Press F10 to save the BIOS configuration. We reboot the computer.

Step 2. When booting from the disk, you will see the following window for starting the installation of windows 7:

Here you need to select the "System Restore" item. After checking the hard drives, you will be shown a list of available operating systems:

As a rule, there is only one system in the list, although there are users who have 2, 3 or even more operating systems on the screw. But this is less common. We click the Next button and the "System Recovery Options" window opens.

Step 3. Select the "Startup Recovery" item. The system will be diagnosed. If an error is found, you will see the message:

You will need to click the Fix and Restart button. After that, the system should boot normally.

Step 4. If, after restarting, normal loading of windows 7 has not been restored or no problems have been identified during system diagnostics:

Then you need to select the "Command line" item in the "Recovery options" window of the system:

Step 5. In the windows command line, enter the bootrec.exe / FixMbr command and press Enter. Then we enter the bootrec.exe / FixBoot command and press Enter. I already wrote above what the / FixMbr and / FixBoot keys mean.

We reboot the computer and check.

Step 6. If, after restarting the computer, the bootloader did not recover and the BOOTMGR is missing error did not disappear, run the command line again and type the command: bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd

The / RebuildBcd switch searches for installed Windows 7 compatible operating systems and performs a complete rebuild of the boot configuration data. The result of the program will be scanning the hard disk for the presence of the windows operating system and a request to add it to the boot list. Click - Yes (Y) and restart the computer.

Step 7. If the error loading windows 7 has not been eliminated, then there is another, method from Microsoft - BCDBoot utility which is used to create a system partition or restore the boot environment located on the system partition. At the command line, you need to type the command:

bcdboot.exe c: \ windows (If you have windows installed on a different drive, correct the path in the command, for example, to d: \ windows).

The result will be the message "Boot file successfully created". We reboot the computer and check.

Restoring normal boot windows using Hiren's Boot CD.

Unfortunately, there is not always an original bootable windows disk 7 or windows 8 at hand, and downloading it from the Internet can be very problematic. In this case, various small bootable assemblies usually come to the rescue - the so-called liveCDs, which can also be written to a disk or flash drive. In my opinion, the most optimal, convenient and lightweight service set for restoring the operating system windows 7 or windows 8 is "Hiren's Boot CD". There are a lot of utilities for restoring the windows bootloader on the disk, so I will show the ones that system administrators use most often: graphics program Paragon Hard Disk Manager and console utility MBRfix. First, you need to download "Hiren's Boot CD", burn it to a USB flash drive or CD-disk and set the BIOS to boot from CDROM or USB-HDD, depending on whether you are booting from a disk or flash drive.

If everything is done correctly, you will see the "Hiren's Boot CD" start menu:

Option 1. Paragon Hard Disk Manager.

To start the Paragon Hard Disk Manager you need to select the item "DOS Programs" or "Run DOS Programs (alternative method)", and then the subsection "Disk Partition Tools" and, accordingly, the item "Paragon Hard Disk Manager" ...

Now you need to select the "Wizards" => "Windows Boot Recovery" menu item in the main program window:

The "Windows Boot Repair" menu will open:

We select the first item - "Search installed copies windows "and click Next.

The program scans disks and displays a list of operating systems, which usually contains only one item. Check the box "Change boot record" and click Next.

Paragon Hard Disk Manager will overwrite the boot record (MBR). Click the Finish button and restart your computer.

Option 2. MBRFix utility.

To start the MBRFix utility, select “Mini windows XP” in the Hiren’s Boot CD start menu. After the operating system is loaded, you must press the "Start" button => "HBCD Menu".

In the HBCD menu that opens, select the item "Partition / Boot / MBR" => "Commandline" => "MBRFix":

To repair the windows boot record (MBR) and windows bootloader on the C: \ drive for windows 7, the command parameters must be as follows: MBRFix.exe / drive 0 fixmbr / win7 / yes. To view information about the disk, you can enter the command:

MBRFix.exe / drive 0 driveinfo.

I have not tested this utility on windows 8 and windows 8.1 yet, so I cannot recommend it.

Repairing the Master Boot Record (MBR) in windows 7

After the channel "Video Tips" was told about easy way installing two or more operating systems on one computer, reasonable questions rained down, what would happen if the second system got bored and there was a desire to remove it. Most likely, the bootloader will fly off (in the language of motorists, it's like a starter in a car) and you will see a black screen. Many may think, "Well, that's it, the computer has broken down again." In fact, the system is installed and fully functional, but it cannot start.

It can also happen if you install systems on a computer in a chaotic order and do not adhere to the correct installation order: (C :) windows XP, (D :) windows 7, (E :) windows 8.1 (F :) windows 10).

In a word, “bootloader” can “fly” for various and more exotic reasons, but you shouldn't be afraid of that.

  • The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the first sector on the hard disk, which contains the partition table and a small loader program that reads the data in this table from which partition of the hard disk the system boots and then the information is transferred to the partition with the installed operating system, for its downloads (something like that 🙂).

Today we will talk about windows 7 (although the steps for restoring the "bootloader" in other systems are the same). For this you need or installation disc with an operating system, I hope you haven't thrown it away yet or a USB flash drive (if you don't have either one, read the article below). We turn on the computer. Press the button responsible for entering the boot menu and set the boot priority from the drive or from a USB drive. Let's imagine that we are loading from optical disc... An inscription appears during loading.

1. Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. We reach the "Install windows" window and click the "System Restore" button.

Probably problems will be immediately discovered. We press the button "Fix and restart".

2. If it does not help and the system still does not boot, go back to the "System Recovery Options" window and click the "Next" button.

We select the item "Command line".

Enter the first bootrec / fixmbr command

  • The utility writes a Windows 7 compatible Master Boot Record (MBR) to the system partition. This option will solve problems associated with damage to the master boot record, or if you want to remove non-standard code from it. The existing partition table is not overwritten in this case.

Second bootrec / fixboot command

  • The utility writes a new boot sector compatible with windows 7 to the system partition.

We leave by writing exit and restart the computer.

3. In principle, these actions should "cure" the computer. But there are still commands if the dark clouds continue to gather overhead. We enter the bootrec / ScanOs command, the hard drive is scanned for operating systems, and if any are found, a corresponding warning will be issued. Then the command bootrec / RebuildBcd, this utility will offer to add the found windows to the boot menu, agree and enter Y and press Enter. windows has been successfully added to the boot menu.

4. In addition to the described methods, you can use the bootsect / NT60 SYS command, the main boot code will also be updated. Then exit and reboot.

5. If nothing further helps (although it's hard to believe), restore the boot environment using the BCDBoot.exe utility, it is used to create a system partition or restore the boot environment located in the system partition. The command line looks like this: bcdboot c: \ windows If your system is installed on a different partition, you need to correct the path in the command, for example, to bcdboot e: \ windows

Thus, we have successfully restored the "bootloader" in windows 7 and there is no need to drag the computer to the workshop. What if there is no installation disk or flash drive. Download at least this program in advance. Upload it to a disc or USB stick. By the way, remember we already had a post on how to create a multi bootable USB drive... When we happen to see a black screen, we recall this program, there are many interesting things, including the command line interpreter cmd.exe.

That's probably enough, although the inability to start the windows 7 operating system due to a damaged or missing bootloader can be solved using programs such as Hiren's Boot CD, Paragon Hard Disk Manager, MBRFix and many other useful gizmos 🙂.

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How to disable User Account Control in windows 7

Quite often, personal computer users are faced with the problem of loading Windows. When you start a computer running the Windows 7 operating system, the following message appears on a black screen:

This issue is related to boot record MBR which is located on your hard drive. At startup, the system cannot find the MBR boot record, which is why this message is displayed. Where could this boot record go, you ask? There are several answers to this question. The most likely one is virus attack, at which your bootloader crashed, or even completely erased. The second reason could be system failure... For example, while the computer was running, the power went out. In this case, the files stored on the HDD or SDD, which are responsible for loading the operating system, may be damaged.

Repairing the windows 7 bootloader using an installation disk or flash drive

At the very beginning, we need a DVD with a licensed Windows version 7. This disk contains all the necessary tools that will help us restore the Windows 7 bootloader. What if your PC does not have an optical disc reader? In this case, a bootable flash drive with Windows 7 will help you. Microsoft released a corporate program “ Windows USB / DVD Download Tool", With which you can create an installation USB flash drive. To create a bootable USB drive, you will need ISO image licensed Windows 7 and a 4GB flash drive.

If you have prepared a bootable USB flash drive or installation disc, then you can proceed to restore the bootloader. In our case, the bootable media is a flash drive. The computer used to repair the bootloader includes motherboard MSI A55M-E33 which has UEFI BIOS support. To boot from a USB flash drive, you must press the F11 key at system startup. After pressing the key, the boot menu will open, in which you must select a bootable USB flash drive. You can do the same if you boot from a DVD drive.

After booting from the USB flash drive, after a while the start installation window will appear.

In this window, we should select the item " System Restore", After which we will be taken to the" "menu.

Next, we will use the simplest system recovery option and select the item " Launch recovery". After that, troubleshooting and recovery of the Windows 7 bootloader will begin. If the boot record is successfully restored, you will see the bootloader window, in which your restored OS will be, as in the figure below.

Pressing the Enter button will boot the OS as before.

The above method does not always work. For those who failed to restore the bootloader using the above method, you should use the command line. To do this, in the menu " System recovery options"Select the item" Command line».

Now you should run this command: bootrec / fixmbr from the command line.

By executing this command, there will be overwrite the MBR boot sector... But there are times when malware can completely overwrite the bootloader and the rewrite command will not help... If you have such a case, then use the bootrec / fixboot command in the command line, which will register a new bootloader on your system.

To see all the commands you can do with the bootloader, type bootrec at the command line.

As you can see, if the MBR record has flown, then restoring the Windows 7 bootloader is a fairly simple task that most PC users will figure out.

Prevent MBR Boot Record Erasure

Having successfully restored your bootloader, the next step is to ensure that it is secure so that the overwrite situation will no longer occur.

Most often, viruses and various malware are the main culprit in erasing bootloader files. Therefore, you should install antivirus software.

The best comprehensive antivirus products are:

  • Bitdefender Internet Security;
  • Kaspersky Internet Security
  • ESET Smart Security;
  • AVG Internet Security;
  • Outpost Security Suite Pro.

Complex antivirus products due to their modular structure, they are superior to conventional antivirus. Judge for yourself, by installing a comprehensive anti-virus package, you will receive:

  • Antivirus;
  • Firewall;
  • Proactive defense.

The main purpose of an antivirus is to search for and neutralize malicious programs. At that time for the firewall and projective protection, the main task is to protect against network intrusions and new types of threats... That is, to put it simply, a firewall and proactive protection prevent malware from entering your computer.

WITH antivirus protection figured it out, now let's figure it out preventing file corruption bootloader in case of a sudden power outage. So that the computer does not turn off while the light is turned off, it must be connected to uninterruptible power supply... All uninterruptible power supplies have a battery that keeps the computer running after a power outage. The most high-quality uninterruptible power supplies are models of such companies:

  • LogicPower;
  • Powercom;
  • PrologiX.

Choosing high-quality uninterruptible power supplies, you protect the Windows 7 bootloader from being overwritten, and also extend the life cycle of HDD and SDD disks.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if a high-quality new hard drive is installed on your PC, good antivirus and the power of the computer will pass through a high-quality UPS, then you will not have a problem with the bootloader.

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Before figuring out how to restore Windows 7 to start, you need to understand what the cause of the problem is. For this it will be useful to know a little general information about how the download takes place, and what stages it includes.

General download information

Conventionally, the launch of Windows 7 can be divided into three stages, which, in turn, are divided into several phases.


This is the first stage of system startup, which starts immediately after the BIOS code is executed. First, a small group of drivers starts to work to read data from the hard drive. Then the Windows 7 bootloader (winload.exe) starts initializing and loading the kernel. V RAM the "SYSTEM" registry hive and another group of drivers are loaded. The first stage lasts about 2 seconds and ends with the appearance of the operating system logo on the screen.


The main and longest stage of the system launch. Visually, it continues from the appearance of the logo to the start of loading the desktop. It consists of several phases, the duration of which can be different - from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.


During this phase, the Windows kernel is initialized, the plug and play device manager starts running, and the remaining drivers are started. Errors that occur at this point are usually associated with malfunctions of the main components of the computer or incorrect work their software.


The visual start of this phase is difficult to determine, but it is already part of the blank space that appears between the splash screen and the appearance of the welcome screen. The system at this moment performs the following actions:

  • Initializes the registry.
  • Launches the next wave of drivers that are not marked "BOOT_START".
  • Starts subsystem processes.

The most common problems during this boot phase are related to the graphics card drivers.


WInlogon.exe is the file that launches the welcome screen, so the "WinLogonInit" phase starts at this point. During this stage the scripts are executed group policies, the services are started. The duration of the phase varies greatly depending on the power of the processor.

Failures at this stage are often caused by incorrect work third party applications, including antivirus.


Begins with the start of the shell and ends with the start of the window manager. During this phase, program icons appear on the desktop, and services continue to start. These processes are accompanied by an increase in the load on the computer hardware - processor, RAM, hard drive.

Malfunctions at this stage are usually associated with insufficient equipment power or its malfunction.


The last stage, which begins with the appearance of the desktop and ends after loading all the autorun components. At this stage, all applications that start with Windows begin to work. After the end of the "PastBoot" stage, the system goes into idle mode.

Problems that arise at this stage are usually associated with viral activity or incorrect operation of automatically loaded programs.

Crashes at different stages of loading

Problems at different stages of Windows startup manifest themselves differently: some are related to hardware, others are related to the registry, others are related to drivers or important system files... Therefore, it is so important to understand what processes occur when the system starts up so that you can quickly determine the cause of the problem.

Hardware problems

It is often difficult to determine what is not working - a particular hardware or operating system. However, according to some signs, certain assumptions can be made about which device has failed:

All described errors are usually related to the computer hardware, however, there may be exceptions.

Damaged boot files

The appearance at an early stage of the system startup of a message like "Bootmgr is missing" indicates the absence of critical files, without which Windows boot impossible.
However, sometimes no notifications appear - the cursor simply blinks on the screen, but no progress occurs.

Bootmgr is a standard Windows boot loader that is not available to the user, as it is stored on a separate hidden partition. You cannot accidentally delete it, but you can unknowingly format the hidden volume using external media.

When booting from external media, the hidden volume with the bootloader looks like this:

Other important startup files are stored on the system drive in the Windows directory. The system registry data is also stored here.

Damaged registry

If the registry is damaged or unavailable, Windows boot may not even start. In this case, the system usually diagnoses the error on its own and prompts you to run the recovery tool.

Often, the built-in system restore tool can help fix a problem with the registry by copying its configuration files from the backup storage. However, there are situations when there are no registry files on the hard disk or they are inoperative. In this case, the user must manually perform the procedure for restoring the system registry.

Startup Repair Tools

The easiest way to restore startup is to use the built-in Windows tools:

A list of system recovery tools will appear, in which you must select "Startup Repair".
It will scan and automatically fix the detected errors, if possible.

If nothing happened with the launch, you can try to restore the system by rolling it back to its previous state. Everything is standard here: you select a checkpoint with a working configuration and return the system to that period.

Another way that often helps is repairing the Windows bootloader via the command line. You can also launch it through the "Recovery options" menu. On the command line, you need to enter several queries (all commands are entered without quotes):

After successful implementation all commands and a report appears Windows 7 should start to start normally.

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