
Delete Kaspersky Administration Agent 10. Deploying anti-virus protection: Installing administration agents, compatibility check. Did you like the video? We are also engaged in the delivery of Kaspersky products. and even more - we carry out technical

Yes, we provide. Corporate licenses for government agencies are provided at special prices.
Educational institutions can take part in the promotion :.
Within which educational government agencies are provided:

  • discounts up to 80%;
  • "First Aid" for state school and pre-school institutions 188 rubles;
  • acquisition of workstation solutions, file Servers, postal systems and Internet gateways institutions;
  • extending a subscription to the purchased product on preferential terms;
  • technical support.
Promotion is available for medical institutions :.
Within which medical institutions Provided:
  • extending the subscription to the purchased product on preferential conditions (with a 30% discount from the standard cost of the extension specified in the official price list);
  • technical support.
Scientific institutions can participate in the promotion :.
Conditional support in the framework of the Program can organizations engaged in the following activities:
  • research;
  • training and retraining of personnel;
  • additional education and advanced training;
  • institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
As part of this program, it is provided:
  • supply of products Kaspersky Security for business and, and with a 30% discount from the cost specified in the official price list;
  • extending the subscription to the purchased product with a 30% discount from the standard value of the extension specified in the official price list;
  • technical support.

Yes, the use of home licenses to protect the organization is possible. But if this organization has 2-3 devices. If the number of workstations, servers and mobile devices More than 5, it is recommended to use a small business product - Kaspersky Small Office Security. Use of home versions in educational institutions is possible.

Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows XP is possible locally and remotely:

To obtain branded gifts from the Kaspersky Lab, buy licensed products for business and houses involved in stocks. Anyone who wants to participate in the promotion. If you are a sysadmin in one or several organizations and annually update server protection and workstations, then you should not lose the possibility of receiving gifts.

The fastest and easiest way is to contact the consultant to the dialog box or number 8-800-250-16-03. If you have purchased a license earlier, then be prepared to report her number consultant.
We will also promptly create price proposals to public organizations, to form a maximum initial price when planning public auctions.

To receive updates for version 6.0, it is necessary in addition to the license to purchase the position "Kaspersky extension of the license for previous versions Applications * "on the required number of nodes. The end date of this license will be December 31, 2017 or leveled from the date of the end of the KES license (if they ends in 2017).

From January 1, 2018, support for version 6.0 will be finally discontinued, the FSTEC also issued an official letter about the need to migrate with KAV6 to other products. You can get acquainted with the letter you can link

On the this moment On request in Media Pack Customized has the opportunity to order distributions with formulas for 6.0, but certificates FSTEC There only before 01.01.2018 and will not be extended:

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Strong Encryption from Lite has encryption attendance. But the difference is noticeable only for license owners and, and there are no distributions for license authorities in distributions. IN Lite version Encryption is 56-bit, and in Strong - 256-bit. But for russian organizations It is necessary to use 56-bit encryption according to the 2012 law.

Computers on which the Administration Server component is installed is called administration servers (hereinafter also servers).

The administration server is installed on a computer as a service with the following attribute set:

  • under the name "Server kaspersky administration Security Center ";
  • with automatic startup type at the start of the operating system;
  • with a local system or a user account in accordance with the selection made when installing the Administration Server.

Administration Server performs the following functions:

  • storage of the structure of administration groups;
  • storage of information on the configuration of client computers;
  • organization of repositories of distributions of programs;
  • remote installation of programs for client devices and remove programs;
  • update the databases and modules of the program of Kaspersky Lab;
  • management of policies and tasks on client computers;
  • storage of information about the events that occurred on client devices;
  • formation of reports on the work of the program "Kaspersky Lab";
  • distribution of keys to client devices, storage of key information;
  • sending notifications about the progress of tasks (for example, virus detection on the client computer).

In the enterprise's network, you can install multiple administrative servers that can form a hierarchy of the "Main Server-Scroll server". In addition, each administration server may have several subordinate servers.

Administration Server Management is carried out through the Administration Console installed on any network computer.

Kaspersky Lab specialists do not recommend installing two versions of the console on the administration server. For example, if you installed new versions of the administration server and console, but for any reason also left the previous version of the console, the joint work of the consoles different versions may result in problems in work.

How to install and configure Kaspersky Security Center Administration Agent

Administration Agent can be installed and configured as follows:

  • Locally, running the installation file (default is: \\\\<Адрес сервера администрирования>\\ Klshare \\ Packages \\ NetAgent_10.1.249). After launch, you must follow all the steps of the installation wizard.
  • Remotely, through the Administration Console using the installation package.
  • For system administration, you need to install.

    If you already have a license to Kaspersky Lab corporate antivirus and you use the Kaspersky Security Center solution for centralized management, you do not need to install anything.

    Kaspersky System Managment is a set of system administration functions, which is included in the Kaspersky Security Center application.

    This functionality is available when you activate licenses for solutions, and a separate solution of Kaspersky System Managment, which can be used without antivirus or additionally to the main license of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for business starter or.

Purpose of work.

Laboratory work is devoted to the issues of automated deployment of anti-virus protection tools in computer network. The tasks of installing the administration agent and computers for the presence of software incompatible with the Kaspersky Lab products are considered.

Work description.

In the course of the previous laboratory work Administration Server and Management Console were installed. Administration Server Communication with client computers provides administration agent. Therefore, it must be installed on each client computer, which will be connected to the system of centralized anti-virus protection management. At that computer where the administration server is installed, the agent is not required separately, since the server version of the agent was automatically installed (its feature is that the agent interacts only with the administrator server installed on the same computer).

Let's start everything virtual machineswhich make up our laboratory stand, and consider the process of automated deployment of administration agents. On the AvServ server, you will start the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console (you can also manage the server with workstation Station 1, to which the Administration Console was installed during the first work). To begin with, you will get acquainted with the list of managed computers, where the agent is already there. Overlook the node Managed computers, let's go to the tab Computers(Fig. 5.47). In the displayed list, only one computer is displayed - the AVSCRV on which the server version of the administration agent is installed. The status "Critical" is established due to the fact that antivirus software this computer While there is no.

Fig. 5.47.

The first thing to be done during the deployment of the agent is to detect computers. In the administration console, we turn to the node Unallocated computers (Fig. 5.48). Search can be performed by interviewing computers in windows networksusing service information Active Directory. or in the range of IP Adrss. A specific way depends on the organization of a protected STI. For example, if there are computers not included in the Windows domain, the search in the IP address range may be preferable than obtaining information from Active Directory.

In our example, all three above-mentioned methods are suitable. We use the search on the Windows network - in the appropriate section in the Administration Console window, click the link Poll now.

Fig. 5.48.

After the survey is over (the process of its passage is illustrated by the "status ruler"), reveal the node corresponding to the found Labs domain, and we see all discovered computers. Highlight them and click the link. Institute of program (Fig. 5.49). This will launch the remote installation wizard.

Here you need to explain some features related to the remote installation using Security Center. Before starting the deployment of the program, you need to create an installation package. It is done through the knot Storage-\u003e Installation Packages(Fig. 5.49). You need to start the wizard that requests the name of the installation package and the path to distribution files.

Fig. 5.49.

In our case, the installation of Kaspersky Security Center 9.0 was made from full version Distribution and both installation package - for admiranship agent and for antivirus Product Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows - were automatically prepared. So in the first window of the installation wizard you will only need to specify the desired package (Fig. 5.50).

The next step is the choice of a method that will be used to install the distributed package. Due to the fact that an administration agent on client computers not yet installed, leave marks Windows tools from the folder general access and Do not install the program if it is already installed(Fig. 5.51).

Fig. 5.50. Remote Setup Wizard: Selecting the Installation Package

Fig. 5.51. Remote installation wizard: installation of installation method

In order to install windows tools passed correctly, on the client computer it is necessary to open tCP ports 139 and 445, UDP 137 and 138. By default, this setting is made on all client computers included in the Windows domain (in the case of a client with Windows 7 there are some features that are described below). If there are computers not included in the domain, an attempt automatic installation Administration agent on them may end out unsuccessfully. In this case, you can use the computers preparation utility to the remote RiprCP.exe setting, which will make all the necessary settings (see below).

After selecting installation packages and installation method, you will need to specify account, on behalf of which will be set. This stage can be skipped if the computers already installed an administration agent. In our case, you need to press the button Add and specify an entry that has administrator rights (Fig. 5.52). If computers are not included in the domain, there may be several entries.

Fig. 5.52.

The following window defines how the computer will be rebooted if it is necessary as a result of the installation of the package. The default setting is to request a reboot permission from the user.

For the purposes of our laboratory, the option will be more preferable. To restart a computer. And when deploying a new software in acting network Enterprises when the installation is made on servers, it is worth choosing Do not restart the computer and reboot manually later.

Fig. 5.53.

In the following wizard windows, you will need to press the button several times. Further, To confirm your choice and run the created task. Turning to the knot Tasks for computers, You can track the installation process and evaluate its result. In the example presented in Fig. 5.54, on one computer, the installation has passed successfully, on two - failed.

Fig. 5.54.

If in the presented in Fig. 5.54 Window with a report. Skip by reference Read more then we will see that the installation of the agent has successfully completed server Serv, And the NB1 and Station 1 computers failed to install the program due to the fact that the computer is disabled from the network. " This may occur due to the fact that the computer is turned off, problems occurred in the network infrastructure or configuration of the firewall on the computer do not allow remote installation. In our example, the reason for failure is the displacement screen tincture.

In such cases, when installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus on computers with Windows 7, it is recommended to pre-configure sharing to network folders.

In case the computer with Windows 7 is included in the domain, you need to open Control Panel -\u003e Network Management Center and Common Access, Next choose Change extra options General access And in the block Access to shared folders choose Enable shared access, to network users can read and record files in public folders (Fig. 5.55). Such a setting must be made on NB1 and Station 1 computers.

Fig. 5.55.

Fig. 5.56.

In a more general case, the problem with windows settings You can solve using the RiprCP.exe utility on computers. On the AVSERV server, it is located in the folder where Security Center was installed: C: Program Files (x86) Kaspersky Labkaspersky Security Center. You can copy the utility to the shared folder and run from there by machines where the installation has not passed. By running the utility, you need to dismiss the necessary changes (Fig. 5.56), and after their introduction it may take a reboot. For a large network, such a task can be automated using administrative scripts.

After the changes made, I will restart the setting of the administration agent setting (Fig. 5.54, button Rundownstairs to the right). Now the installation must go successfully.

Exercise 1.

Exploray Security Center Administration Agents virtual machines Laboratory stand.

After installing administration agents in the group Managed computers All 4 virtual laboratory stand machines should be. If only one AVSERV server is displayed, perhaps it is just old data, and you need to execute the command Refresh From the context menu.

The following task in preparation for the deployment of antivirus software is a search for programs installed on computers that are incompatible with LC antivirus. Such programs will have to uninstall.

Conduct remote uninstalling programs from client computers, you can run the task of remote uninstalling. Security Center allows you to create tasks of the following types:

  • - Group tasks that are created for client computers selected administration groups;
  • - Tasks for sets of computers that are created for the selected client computers in VGGA dependence on whether these computers belong to any administration group.

But before the program to uninstall, it should be found. This can help create a report on incompatible programs.

To do this, go to the knot Reports and notifications, Choose there And, if necessary, select the item in the context menu Refresh. The report will be found by the Administration Agents of the Program, which are known to the Security Center as incompatible. First of all, these are other antivirus products.

In our case, the report indicates the presence microsoft programs Security Essentials 2 x64 on the NB1 computer (Fig. 5.57).

Fig. 5.57.

We find NB1 in the group of managed computers and create the task of uninstalling antivirus Microsoft. Security Essentials (Fig. 5.58). Please note that after starting the master, the node became active Tasks for computers sets.

Fig. 5.58.

Fig. 5.59.

In the first window of the wizard, you must specify the name of the task being created - "Delete Security Essentials". Next, you need to choose the type of task: we are interested in remote uninstallation of the program, which relates to the tasks for the application Administer Server Kaspersky Security Center, subgroup Additionally (Fig. 5.59).

Fig. 5.60.

Fig. 5.61.

We also know that this program Locked in the list of incompatible LC antivirus. This is specified when selecting the type of program deleted (Fig. 5.60).

In the next window, click the button Add and in the list of incompatible programs will find Microsoft Security Essentials 2 x64 (Fig. 5.61).

In the next window, the task creation wizard will need to specify the way that will be booted to the client computer uninstall utility. Administration Agent to the NB1 computer is already installed, so you can leave the default settings (Fig. 5.62). Next will be a request to restart the computer after uninstalling, select the option To restart a computer.

Fig. 5.62.

The following wizard window allows you to specify the used account. This is necessary if the Security Center Administration Agent on the client computer is unavailable. In our case, this window can be skipped, since the agent on the computer NB1 is present.

In the launch schedule, choose the option Immediately And in the last window, confirm the creation of a task.

Now select the created task in the node Tasks for computers and wait for the end of it to fulfill what it may be necessary a certain time. The report showed that the task was completed, and a reboot of the computer is required (Fig. 5.63). After automatic rebootThe task will be marked as successfully completed. Thus, we performed the necessary actions preceding the deployment in the network of anti-virus protection.

Fig. 5.63.

Task 2.

Check the computers for incompatible applications and delete the detected antivirus programs.

We continue the cycle of articles about Kaspersky Security Center.

Today it will be about one specific issue that may occur when administering the KSC.

The fact is that periodically the Kaspersky Security Center server can lose communication with workstations. This may occur due to a failure of the administration agent.

In this case, you can observe the following picture:

As you can see, on one of the computers on the Administration Agent Kaspersky Security Center. Such a computer will not receive updates through group tasks and will not provide reports to the KSC Server.

As a rule, the problem spontaneously appears and also spontaneously disappears (as I have already said, Kaspersky Security Center has a lot of bugs in itself). The reason here is that the roots of the problem are in the administration agent service. Therefore, the problem leaves with a reboot of the computer and, as a rule, remains unnoticed.

However, servers are another story. They are able to work without rebooting weeks and months. Sometimes the server restart is simply not an option.

In this case, it is worth opening the services that are in operating system (The method is equally suitable for both server and desktop OS), and find the service Administer Agent Kaspersky Security Center.

Most likely, you will see that the service works quite well. Do not believe this statement. Open service properties and press the button first. Stop, and then Run.

Thus, you restart the administration agent on the computer and the problem with it, for sure, will decide.

If the Kaspersky Security Center administration server has retired

Another thing is if the KSC administration server is reinstaling with the database saving. In this case, you can observe the massive appearance of the status that the administration agent does not function. Even if the server name and IP address did not change. As far as I know, the problem lies in the administrative server certificate, which changes after reinstalling.

The solution to the problem suggests itself - reinstall the agent of administration on client machines. But you will most likely face the fact that the server will give you a message waiting for the connection without making the installation. In this case, you need to open the properties of the Administration Agent Installation Tasks, go to the section Parameters And refuse to install via the administration agent, hovering the download by the Windows tools. You can leave both options as in the screenshot, or try any of the two. In addition, remove the checkbox from the parameter Do not install the program if it is already installed. This will provide forced installation.

Please note that the installation should go from an account with the rights of the local administrator on client machines.

First Installing Administration Agent for Popular Computer

The first setup of the administration agent can be performed using a wizard. Wizard remote installation. By default, the master offers to use the options of the forced installation.

But at the first installation, it makes sense only in the option Means Microsoft Windows. from the total access folder. Rather, it would be to say with Microsoft Windows tools from the shared folder in the folder<имя_компьютера>\Admin $ On the target computer. Of course, you need to use an account included in the Administrators Local Security Group on the target computer.

Installation at the Administration Agent

To reinstall the administration agent, you can use the master Wizard remote installation. First you need to disable the option Do not install the program if it is already installed. Further two options are possible.

Option A.

We establish an administration agent forces by the administration agent itself on the target computer. At the same time, you do not need to use an account included in the Local Security Group Administrators (Administrators) on the target computer.

Option B.

If the administration agent has dysfunction on the target computer, you can install it with Microsoft Windows tools from the shared folder in the folder<имя_компьютера>\Admin $ On the target computer. At the same time, you need to use one or more accounts included in the local Administrators security group on the target computer.

Kavadmkit platform

Kavadmkit, she is Kaspersky AdminStration Kit, 8.0.2163.

She is Kaspersky Administration Kit. 6.0 mp2, but with installed update categories Patches for Kaspersky Administration Kit.

Manufacturer for some reason removed access to the package on the page

This material was prepared for specialists involved in the management of anti-virus protection and security in the enterprise.

This page describes and disassembled the most interesting functionality of the latest versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 and the Central Management Console Kaspersky Security Center 10.

The information was selected on the basis of the experience of communicating with NOVATIC specialists, with system administrators, heads of IT departments and security departments, which only go to Kaspersky anti-virus protection, or pass the process of transition using the 6th version of the antivirus on client computers and console. administration management Kit 8. In the latter case, when anti-virus protection against Kaspersky Lab is already used, it is also often found not to know the IT specialists of the most interesting moments in the work of new versions of products that actually help ease the life of the same IT professionals, and at the same time increase The level of security and reliability.

After reading this article, and watching the video, you can briefly familiarize yourself with the most interesting feature that provides latest version Management Console Kaseprky Security Center and Kaspersky Endpoint Security and see how it works.

1. Installing the Administration Server Kaspersky Security Center 10.

You can find the necessary distributions on the official website of Kaspersky Lab:

ATTENTION! In a complete distribution kaspersky versions Security Center already enters the Kaspersky Endpoint distribution Security Latest versions.

First of all, I would like to talk about how to start installing anti-virus protection against Kaspersky Lab: not with antiviruses themselves on client computers, as it may seem at first sight, and from installing the Administration Server and Central Management Console Kaspesky Security Center (KSC ). With this console, you can deploy anti-virus protection on all computers of your institution much faster. In this video, you will see that after installing and minimal configuration of the KSC administrator server, it is possible to create an anti-virus solution installer for client computers, which can even put a completely unprepared user (I think each administrator has such "users") - the installation interface contains all 2 buttons - "Install" and "Close".

Administration server itself can be put on any computer that is always enabled or the most available as possible, this computer must be visible by other computers on the network, and it is very important for it to have access to the Internet (for downloading databases and synchronization with the KSN cloud).

Check out the video, even if you used to install the central console, but previous versions - perhaps you will hear and see something new for yourself ...

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We are also engaged. delivery of Kaspersky products. And even more - we carry out technical support. We care about our customers.

2. Setting the centralized management on computers with already installed Kaspersky.

Often meets that in small organizations, system administrators Install and configure antivirus protection to each computer manually. Thus, the time they spend on the service of anti-virus protection increases and they lack time for some more important tasks. There are cases when administrators are simply due to lack of time, it is elementary not to know that in corporate versions of anti-virus protection against Kaspersky Lab, there are generally centralized GovernanceAnd do not know what kind of miracle of civilization, nothing needs to pay.

In order to "link" already installed client antiviruses with the Administration Server, you need quite a bit:

  • Install the Administration Server (the first section of this article).
  • Install on all computers Agent Administration Server (NetAgent) - On installation options, I will tell you in the applied video.
  • After installing the Administration Server Agent, computers, depending on your settings, will either in the "Not Distributed Computers" section, or in the "Managed Computers" section. If computers are in "not distributed computers" - they will need to be transferred to "Managed Computers" and set up a policy that will be distributed on them.

After these actions, your computers will be visible to you from the central console, users will no longer be able to host with antiviruses installed on their machines and as a result - less infection and less headaches to the administrator.

In the given video, I will try to describe the NetAgent installation scripts to client computers, depending on how your network is arranged.

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