
Polyclinic of the regional hospital to them Burdenko. Regional hospital. N. Burdenko (Penza). Other medical institutions

State budgetary health care institution Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. N.N. Burdenko , is a medical and diagnostic and advisory center.

It has an outpatient polyclinic (both planned and emergency), and a round-the-clock - stationary, corresponding to the most modern medical standards, the help of residents of Penza and the region.

On the base regional hospital Burdenko Provided both free, as part of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees and paid medical services. As part of paid medical services, you can make a certificate for the management of the vehicle, get therapeutic services, diagnostic, making a radiograph.

The institution constantly introduces the achievements of modern science and technology, preventive techniques. Hospital Burdenko , Penza, equipped with modern therapeutic and diagnostic medical equipment. Maintenance lead highly qualified specialists.

Pube them. Burdenko - Constantly developing and improving therapeutic and prophylactic institution. The organization's work uses the most advanced information technologies, as well as modern telemedicine approaches to carry out remote advice from doctors and their patients who are in the most remote areas.

In addition, for the convenience of patients, the work is widely used by the possibility of electronic recording to the doctor online through an international Internet network using the "Electronic Registry" service.

The largest neurosurgery hospital in the world is in Moscow, and it is called the Burdenko clinic. An experienced staff, excellent service, the latest equipment has made their business - the most severe operations on the head and spinal cord daily are successfully held in this medical organization. People from all over the country and even other continents arrive here for successful treatment and rehabilitation. Today I will find where this institution is located, which doctors work in it, and also that the patients themselves think about this organization.

Short description

Institute or Clinic Burdenko - a institution that began its activities in 1932. Today, this medical institution is the oldest in the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is the largest institution in the world that assist people having problems with the nervous system. The structure of the institute includes such divisions:

Operating unit.

Two neurosurgery compartments for children.

Four neuroncological divisions.

Department of problems with the back, brain, spine.

Resuscitation unit.

Office with computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

Division of vascular neurosurgery.

Where is the institution?

The address of the Burdenko clinic is as follows:

  1. Moscow, Street 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya.
  2. Moscow, Alley of the 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya.

Why two addresses, you ask? The institute is located in 2 buildings. The first on the list is a new institution, the second - the scientific and diagnostic department is in the old building.

Doctors medical institution

The Burdenco Clinic is a huge institution in which 323 doctors work. Specialists of this medical institution:







Anesthesiologists-resuscitative studies;
















What services are provided?

The Burdenko Clinic in Moscow takes Russians and helps them:

Remove neurosurgical diseases.

Prepare for surgery.

Get rid of the illness surgical or medication.

Transfer the moral and physically postoperative period.

By the way, this medical institution provides diagnostic services for residents of other countries.

To get into this clinic, you need to have a passport with yourself.

What diseases are treated in the institution?

The provision of qualified medical assistance to people with diseases of the dorsal and brain is the main task of the Burdenko Institute. Neurosurgery is the main activity of the institution. This clinic helps to get rid of brain tumors, skulls, spinal cords, as well as peripheral nerves. Meningioma, neuromes, Nesters, cysts - Dr. institution confirm every day, and they successfully conduct operations so that the person re-starts to live fully.

Paid or free services?

The Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician N. N. Burdenko takes both residents of Moscow and other cities of Russia and foreign citizens. The only question is who has the right to receive free assistance, and who will have to lay out a certain amount for surveys and consultations.

Only citizens of Russia can get to the doctor on a budget basis on a budget basis, if they provide the following package of documents:

The direction from the city's Moscow polyclinic at the place of registration (registration) or the direction from the Ministry of Health of another region of the country.

Written conclusion of an ophthalmologist and neurologist.

MRI and / or CT, made within a month before handling the clinic.

Medical insurance policy.

If at least one document from the list is higher in the patient, it will have to be examined on a paid basis.

Paid services: Cost

They are provided:

Foreign citizens.

Russians who have not collected a complete set of documents for free assistance in such a place as the Burdenko clinic.

Prices for some services are presented below:

Primary consultation - from 2 to 8 thousand rubles, depending on which physician conducts it (Academician, Professor, Doctor of Science).

No contrast - 5 thousand rubles, with contrast - 7 thousand rubles.

MRI brain - 6 thousand rubles.

MRI brain and spine with contrast - 26 thousand rubles.

Radiography - from 800 rubles. up to 3500 rubles. Depending on the body under study.

Ultrasound - from 1100 to 3500 rubles. Depending on the place of the examination.

Taking primary analyzes for neurosurgical operation - 8400 rubles.

Medical physical education - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. Depending on the severity of the patient.

Massage - from 1200 rubles. For 1 session.

You can pay for medical services by cash, as well as non-cash payment.


In this institutional block, consultations are held for people with neurological and neurosurgical ailments. In addition to considering complaints of the patient himself, doctors additionally can conduct research such as computed tomography, MRI, ECG, etc. It is within the walls of the Polyclinic on the results of the doctor's surveys and decide on the operation. Reception here is carried out from Monday to Friday from 9 am and up to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Moreover, depending on the diagnosis, a specific day of reception is appointed. So, Monday is the day of reception of patients having brain tumors. On Tuesday, specialists are ready to take patients with the diseases of the pituitary gland and the chiasmal area. On Wednesday, according to Plan, consultations are held on the brain injuries in the Burdenko clinic. Neurosurgery, spinal pathology, spinal tumors - all these problems are also discussed on this day. On Thursday, patients consult about pathologies in children. And on Fridays, people come with vascular problems of the central nervous system.

Vertebrological department

Spinal neurosurgery in the clinic them. N. N. Burdenko is the priority direction of the Institute. The specialists of this department are adopted on the stationary treatment of patients with neurosurgical diseases:

Spine, peripheral nerves.

Degenerative damage to discs, spinal canal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, etc.).

Congenital spinal abnormalities.

Consequences of the injuries of the ridge, nervous plexuses.

Vascular branch

Vascular neurosurgery is another important activity of the Burdenko clinic. In this department, professionals are working with tremendous experience in the therapy of various diseases of the vessels of the central nervous system: cavernous angiomes, malformations, hemorrhagic stroke, etc. Each year surgeons perform over 500 operations. This department has already introduced new methods in the treatment of high severity vascular diseases.

Pediatric office

Children's neurosurgery - another direction in which the specialists of the clinic are working. The main goal and the work of this separation is the treatment of tumors of the head and spinal cord in boys and girls. The clinic conducts operations to remove benign and malignant tumors. Also, the specialists of the institution are developing new methods of operational intervention with congenital defects of the development of the central nervous system. Since the branch is taken by small patients who have a really formed psyche yet, other doctors: pediatricians, oncologists, psychologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, radiologists, etc. are connected to therapy.

Department of functional neurosurgery

The task of this medical unit of the Institute is to successfully monitor the violations of the tone of muscles tremor, muscle dystonia, children's cerebral paralysis), spastic syndromes, neuralgia of cranial nerves and other ailments. This separation is widely used method of stimulating the deep structures of the brain.

Operating unit

He is a "heart" of the clinic. The operating unit is represented by 14 rooms, of which 3 are specialized X-ray, 1 - emergency. Daily at the Institute is held up to 30 operations. Each room has an air conditioning and air ventilation system. Due to this, a high level of comfort is ensured, as well as sterility. The operating rooms have an autonomous power supply system. Why does the operations in the clinic successfully carry out operations? Of course, the human factor goes into account. But even it does not always can help in severe cases. The latest modern equipment: special microscopes, tools, high-speed bours, lasers help carry out an operation at the highest level. In addition to serious and dangerous surgical interventions, in this institute, the minimum invasive operations are conducted - intravascular, endoscopic, etc.

Types of therapy

The Burdenko Clinic in Moscow applies 4 types of treatment:

  1. Simple observation.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Neurosurgical operation.
  4. Chemotherapy.

What kind of treatment to choose, is solved on the consultation of doctors.

Positive assessments of people

Clinic Burdenko Reviews of patients who visited there, gets different. Those people who liked this institute are celebrating such positive moments in it:

Team of professionals. Many patients noted that doctors in this clinic from God. In addition to professionalism, thanks to which they save the lives of many people, doctors are also kind and generous by nature.

Service. Patients note that, hitting the hospital in this medical institution, you never think that you will sleep on orthopedic beds, in wards with good repair. Each Chamber has a button for urgent doctor call. To walk along the corridors to people is convenient and safe, as special handrails are mounted, so that the patients keep them. Large windows from the very ceiling to the floor are imparted by a lot of light, so the hospital does not seem sad and gray. Many people celebrate that in this clinic you feel like at home.

Free assistance. Of course, not everyone is lucky to get any such people. But the most pleasant thing is that even if you do not pay money, no one will demand them with you. Nurses and doctors of this institution will never even give up about bribes or material thanks.

Negative people's assessments

The Burdenko clinic does not always receive approving responses. There are a certain number of people who did not like to be treated in this medical institution. His dissatisfaction with the work of the personnel and, in general, the entire organization is discussed in many forums. These are some negative moments, people say:

Lack of free places. The Burdenko Name Clinic is a famous institution in which people direct from all regions of Russia. As the country is large, then many patients. Despite the fact that the clinic occupies a large territory, accommodates a huge number of people, still there is enough space not everyone. Many have to wait for the turn to the operation for 2 weeks, month.

Horregious. Patients note that the usual Russian is treated in this clinic without quota for free help is unrealistic. The cost of consultation, various diagnostic procedures, the operation itself is so high, which is not allowed to be treated in this organization. And getting permission to free help is very difficult.

The speed of extracts after the operation. Some patients write on the forums that those operated ones in this clinic are prescribed almost on the second day. They say, there are not enough places in the wards, hundreds of patients are treated to the institute every day. In order to help all the patients, the administration of the institution tries to write as early as possible as soon as possible, which have already been operated on and the operation has passed successfully. It also happened that the person was discharged on the 4th day after the most complex operation on the skull. At the same time, the patient could not their independently rise, but he already prepared all the documents for extracting.

Do not do a doctor and professor, but young graduate students. This fact does not like many patients. People have to trust young students. Although in a special room and sit some professor and follows the actions of their subordinates, it would still be better to operate. This is how many patients consider. Maybe then there were no cases of unsuccessful operations, after which people either remained crippled, or were sent to the morgue?


Clinic Burdenko - a medical institution, which is imposed on the hopes of millions of Russians, as well as citizens of neighboring states. After all, it is here that real professionals are working - neurologists, neurosurgeons of the country. These doctors daily conduct operations on the head and spinal cord of a person, returning people to normal full-fledged life. This establishment gets both positive and negative people's feedback. But if it were not on the expanses of Russia, the people remained himself to himself with their troubles. The Burdenko Clinic is the real God of the Temple, which is free, as well as on a paid basis, consultations are provided, operations are carried out.

The date of application of the operator in the registry: 26.11.2008

The basis of the application of the operator in the registry (Order number): 257

Operator name: State budgetary health care institution "Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. N.N.Burdenko "

The location of the operator: 440026, PENZA, ULMMONTOVA, 28

Date of commencement of personal data processing: 07.02.2002

The subjects of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which the personal data is processed: Penza region

Purpose of personal data processing: providing medical care, conducting personnel and economic work

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Local acts on personal data processing are developed. Internal control of compliance with the processing of personal data to this federal law and adopted in accordance with it regulatory legal acts, requirements for protecting personal data. Employees who directly carry out personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including with the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the policy of the organization regarding personal data processing, local acts on personal data processing. Published and posted on the stand of the Organization, a document defining a policy for processing personal data to information on the requirements for the protection of personal data. The organization's website published a document defining policies for personal data processing using information and telecommunication networks, and information about the requirements for the protection of personal data. A model of security threats in the information system has been developed. Conducts accounting of machine carriers of personal data. The restoration of personal data, modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them is ensured. The rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system are developed, as well as registering and accounting for all actions made with personal data in the personal data information system.

Personal data categories: Surname, Name, Patronymic, Year of Birthday, Birthday, Birthday, Place of birth, Marital status, Social situation, Property, Education, Profession, Revenues, National Affiliation, Health Categories, Personal Data Categories: Surname, Name, Patronymic, Year birthday, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, education, profession, income, national affiliation, health, place of work, place of study, wage information, personal account number in the establishment of a savings bank, Information on payment for treatment, information on military accounting, INN, the number of insurance certificate of state pension insurance, series and number of the medical policy, the insurance number of an individual personal account in the system of personalized accounting of the FIU, data of the identity document, information about the treatment in the LPU, diagnosis of the disease .

Subject categories whose personal data are processed: Employees of the institution, working in labor relations, hospitals patients who have addressed medical care.

List of actions with personal data: Processing the above personal data will be carried out by means of: Mixed, with the transfer of an internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, a mixed processing of personal data is carried out using PEVM, transmission over the network and manual filling forms

Personal data processing: Mixed, with transmission on the internal network of a legal entity, with transfer over the Internet

Legal foundation of personal data processing: Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 41, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (Article 85-90), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", by Federal Law of 27.07. 2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technology and information protection", from July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1 "Basics of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens", Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326 -FZ "On compulsory medical insurance in the Russian Federation", federal law of 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering the appeals of citizens of the Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 12.02.2007 No. 110 "On the procedure for appointing and prescribing medicinal drugs, medical products and specialized drug food products ", Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.1997 No. 330" On measures to improve accounting, storing, writing and using narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances ", Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.08.2007 № 514 "On the procedure for issuing medical organizations of disability", Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 04/26/2011 No. 347n "On approval of the form of a form of disability sheet"

The presence of transboundary transmission: not

Information about the location of the database: Russia

Hospital. Burdenko, founded in Moscow in the thirties of the last century, it is considered not only one of the largest medical institutions with a neurosurgical profile of work, but also the most authoritative of them.

Priority areas for medical services

Use within the framework of the preliminary diagnosis of the latest developments in the field of laboratory and clinical techniques allows the doctors to them. Burdenko provide medical services in such directions: Therapy of diseases of the vascular system with localization in the spine and brain; First aid and elimination of the consequences in the case of cranial injuries; Treatment of oncological diseases, affected by CNS; children's and functional surgery; Working with pathological conditions of spinal and peripheral nerves - congenital and acquired; Radiosurgical and radiological treatment.

Hospital structure

Burdenko clinic is divided into specialized branchesIn each of which the patient is needed by the necessary assistance depending on the diagnosis supplied to it. Here are just some of them:


Advising patients on neurosurgery and neurology are being received here. In Moscow, in Moscow, in Moscow, according to patients reviews, you can make an appointment in a telephone or online mode, doctors accept and without approval. All applicants are held full examination, and after doctors, patients are directed to further treatment in one of the profile departments of the hospital.


It is intended for carrying out the operations of the neurosurgical plan when identifying malignant neoplasms in the brain.


Children under three years with neurosurgical pathologies are sent to the pediatric compartment for complex treatment. The methods of functional neurosurgery can achieve progress in disease therapy associated with impaired muscle tone, neuralgium, chronic pain syndrome.

Radiological, radiosurgical

Since radiation therapy gives a tangible result in the treatment of neurosurgery pathologies, the clinic operates a separation equipped with high-precision radiotechnical equipment. The use of such equipment makes the method affordable for people of any age, regardless of the volume of tissue damage.

Technical base

Polyclinic and hospital them. Burdenko are located at different addresses. Despite this, each branch is equipped with modern equipment, which allows the minimally invasive interventions of varying degrees of complexity. Application in the diagnosis of equipment of such leading manufacturers of medical equipment, as Philips, GE, Siemens, makes it possible to achieve accurate diagnosis, which has a positive effect on the forecasts of the treatment of the disease. In the clinic, all jobs are computerized, and patient information is stored in a special e-database, which significantly simplifies the service process, allows you to maintain the confidentiality of the data. Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician N. N. Burdenko in Moscow has a formal site, which has detailed information on the activities of the clinic, the location of its departments and the operation of each of them. The pages posted a list of doctors in specializations, lists the disturbances of the peripheral and central nervous system with which they work. You can make an appointment with specialists on our website or by phone. Operators will receive an application for reception, record online operates around the clock.

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