
Copy and paste buttons on the keyboard. Methods Copy and insert text from the keyboard using the mouse. Where you can use keyboard shortcuts

While developers work on the future in the future, we can manage a computer with gestures, we will tell you about 20 key combinations in order to quickly manage with a computer of today. Useful commands allow not only "cut" and "insert" text, but to navigate the computer and configure the Windows 7 interface. Why do you need to click on the mouse and search for the menu item, if you can activate it with only one keystroke? Examine.


Do you work with documents, photographs or music, these combinations at the same time pressed keys save you a lot of time:

  • Copy dedicated: Ctrl + C
  • Cut allocated: Ctrl + X
  • Insert dedicated: Ctrl + V
  • Cancel Action: Ctrl + Z
  • Allocate all: Ctrl + A
  • Print: Ctrl + P

Manage open software windows

If you perform many tasks on your computer at the same time, these combinations will help you navigate in space:

  • Collapse window: key with Windows logo + down arrow
  • Open window: key with Windows logo + up arrow "up"
  • Switch between open windows: Alt + Tab
  • Show Desk: Key with Windows + D logo

You might think that on this window control capabilities using key combinations ended. But this is not so, there are still many interesting features:

  • Work on two monitors at the same time - transfer the open window to another monitor using a combination: a key with the Windows + SHIFT + Logo logo or "right".
  • Work in two windows at the same time - see the video and place notes without switching between windows, compare the documents by placing them along different sides of the screen using the keys: key with the Windows logo + arrow "Left" or "Right".

Manage computer tasks

You are probably familiar with the Ctrl + Alt + Delete command to access the tasks of the computer. Here are some more useful key combinations in order to immediately go to the desired task:

  • Open Windows Task Manager: Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • Block your computer or switch the user: key with the Windows + L logo

Work with taskbar

  • Start a new document in any program attached to the taskbar: SHIFT + Silk the program icon on the taskbar. You can also open the pure page in Internet Explorer.
  • View the documents opened in the same program: Ctrl + Click the program icon on the taskbar. Each click will show you the following document - this is especially convenient when you have a lot of documents or windows in one program.

Demonstrate in seconds

Running documents via the projector in Windows 7 is a pleasure, especially with quick access keys:

  • Select the display mode via the projector: key with Windows + P logo
  • Close, remove to view details: Key with Windows logo + Minus key or plus

And ... Get help when necessary!

F1 - the simplest "fast key" will cause help, in which Microsoft program you would not be.

By default, when the insertion operation calls, all the initial range attributes will be distributed, namely: formula, format, value, note, conditions. Sometimes a complex description of the rules for copying the formulas is given, since they seem to be automatically converted when the addresses of the receiver range changes. In fact, the formulas are copied in the format R1C1 and in this case remain unchanged (you can check by switching the view of the Excel sheet in R1c1). The mapping in the usual A1 format simply converts the formula in new coordinates.

Cutout operation, in contrast to copying, clears the original range after the insertion. If the insert has not been executed, no action will be made.

Special insert

  • value
  • format
  • formula
  • note
  • conditions for value (data verification)

The drag and drop operation of the cells using the mouse in most cases is an analogue of copying and inserts for adjacent cell ranges. From a technical point of view, the main difference is that when dragging the mouse, no data in the clipboard is not saved. Excel performs only an internal insert procedure, after which it clears the copy source information. From the point of view of the user interface, the distinguishing feature of drag and drop is the ability to fill the cells based on the automatically defined numerical series in the dedicated range. Many people think that Excel can continue only a consistently increasing row, adding a unit. This is not the case, the program itself generates a zoom coefficient as an average value in the dedicated range. In the pictures of the example this number 2.

If in all dedicated cells before the start of dragging contains formulas, then the procedure will be completely identical to the operations of copying and insert. In addition, using a special pointer, you can explicitly start the copy operation without changing the values \u200b\u200b("Copy cells" option):

It can be said that dragging on small data ranges is performed faster, but in the general case, the copy-insert operation has more flexible capabilities.

Act Keyboard shortcut
Creating an inseparable space. Ctrl + SHIFT + Space
Creating an inseparable hyphena. Ctrl + Defis
Adding a bold stitching. Ctrl + B.
Adding an intersection. Ctrl + I.
Adding an underscore. Ctrl + U.
Reducing the size of the font to the previous value. Ctrl + SHIFT +<
Increase the size of the font to the next value. Ctrl + SHIFT +\u003e
Reducing the font size per 1 point. Ctrl + [
Increase font size per item. Ctrl +]
Removing paragraph or symbol formatting. Ctrl + gap
Copy the selected text or object to the clipboard. Ctrl + C.
Deleting the selected text or object to the clipboard. Ctrl + X.
Insert text or objects from the clipboard. Ctrl + V.
Special insert. Ctrl + Alt + V
Insert only formatting. Ctrl + SHIFT + V
Cancel last action. Ctrl + Z.
Recent action. Ctrl + Y.
Opening the Statistics dialog box. Ctrl + SHIFT + G

Working with documents and web pages

Creating, Viewing and Saving Documents

Search, replacement and transitions

Act Keyboard shortcut
Search for text, formatting and special characters. Ctrl + F.
Repeat search (after closing the search and replacement window). Alt + Ctrl + Y
Replacing text, formatting and special characters. Ctrl + H.
Go to page, tab, footnote, table, note, drawing, and other document elements. Ctrl + G.
The transition between the last four changes in changes. Alt + Ctrl + Z
Opening the search parameter list. To select a parameter, use the arrow keys, then press the Enter key to start searching in the document. Alt + Ctrl + Home
Go to the place of the previous change. Ctrl + Page UP
Go to the place of the next change. Ctrl + Page Down

Changing view mode

Structural mode

Act Keyboard shortcut
Putting paragraph to a higher level. Alt + Shift + Arrow Left
Transfer paragraph to the subordination level. Alt + SHIFT + Arrow Right
Paragraph conversion to the main text. Ctrl + SHIFT + N
Transfer of selected paragraphs up. Alt + shift + arrow up
Transfer of selected paragraphs down. ALT + SHIFT + down arrow
Deploy text under the heading. ALT + SHIFT + plus sign
Collapse text under the heading. Alt + shift + minus sign
Deploying or coagulation of the entire text or all headlines. Alt + SHIFT + A
Hiding or displaying sign formatting. Decorate (/) on the numeric keypad
Display the first line of the main text or the entire basic text. Alt + SHIFT + L
Displaying all headlines decorated with "Title 1" style. ALT + SHIFT + 1
Displaying all headings before the title decorated "Title n.". ALT + SHIFT + n.
Insert the tab symbol. Ctrl + Tab.

Print and preview of documents

Review of documents

Full-screen reading mode

Links, footnotes and end footnotes

Work with web pages

Edit and moving text and drawings

Delete text and drawings

Copying and moving text and drawings

Act Keyboard shortcut
Microsoft Office Exchange Buffer Output Press the ALT + keys to go to the Home tab, and then press the A, N. keys
Copy the selected text or selected drawings in the Microsoft Office clipboard. Ctrl + C.
Deleting a selected text or picture to the Microsoft Office clipboard Ctrl + X.
Insert the last addition to the Microsoft Office exchange buffer. Ctrl + V.
One-time movement of text or pattern. F2 (and then move the cursor and press the Enter key)
Single copying text or pattern. SHIFT + F2 (and then move the cursor and press the Enter key)
Opening the Create New Standard Block dialog box when the text or object is selected. Alt + F3.
When a standard block is highlighted, for example, Figure SmartArt, displaying the associated context menu. SHIFT + F10.
Removal to the piggy bank. Ctrl + F3.
Insert the contents of the piggy bank. Ctrl + SHIFT + F3
Copying the top or bottom footer from the previous section of the document. Alt + SHIFT + R

Inserting special signs and elements

Inserted sign Hotkeys
Field Ctrl + F9.
Rule string SHIFT + input
Page break Ctrl + input
Column rupture Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Long tire Alt + Ctrl + minus sign
Short Tire Ctrl + Minus sign
Soft transfer Ctrl + Defis
Inspetent hyphen Ctrl + Shift + Defis
Inspetent gap Ctrl + SHIFT + Space
Copyright sign Alt + Ctrl + C
Protected trademark Alt + Ctrl + R
Trademark Alt + Ctrl + T
Dot Alt + Ctrl + point
Opening single quotation Ctrl + `(single quotion),` (single quotion)
Closing single quotation Ctrl + "(single quotion)," (single quotion)
Double opening quotes Ctrl + `(single quotion), shift +" (single quotion)
Double closing quotes Ctrl + "(single quotion), shift +" (single quotion)
Element of autotex Entering (after entering several first signs of the element of the autotext and the appearance of the pop-up tip)

Inserting signs using signs

Selection of text and drawings

Act Keyboard shortcut
Enable selection mode. F8.
Allocation of the nearest sign. F8, and then press the left or arrow right
Expansion of the selection. F8 (press once to highlight the word, twice to highlight the offer, etc.)
Reducing the selection. SHIFT + F8.
Disconnect the selection mode. ESC
Expansion of allocation to one sign to the right of the cursor. SHIFT + Arrow Right
Expansion of allocation to one sign to the left of the cursor. SHIFT + Arrow Left
Expansion of the allocation to the end of the word. Ctrl + SHIFT + Right Arrow
Expansion of the selection before the word. Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Expansion of the allocation to the end of the line. SHIFT + END.
Expansion of the allocation before the row start. SHIFT + HOME.
Expansion of allocating one line down. Shift + down arrow
Expansion of the allocation to one line up. SHIFT + arrow up
Expansion of the selection to the end of paragraph. Ctrl + SHIFT + down arrow
Expansion of the selection before the beginning of the paragraph. Ctrl + SHIFT + Arrow Up
Expansion of allocating one page down. SHIFT + Page Down
Expansion of single page up. SHIFT + Page UP
Expansion of the allocation before the start of the document. Ctrl + SHIFT + HOME
Expansion of the allocation to the end of the document. Ctrl + Shift + End
Expansion to the end of the window. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Allocation of the entire document. Ctrl + A.
Selection of the vertical block of text.
Expansion of the selection to a certain place in the document. F8, and then use the cursor move keys; To exit the selection mode, press the ESC key.

Selecting text and drawings in the table

Act Keyboard shortcut
Allocation of the contents of the next cell. Tab.
Selecting the contents of the previous cell. Shift + Tab.
Selection of several adjacent cells. When the SHIFT key is pressed, press the corresponding cursor move key
Select column. Use the arrow keys to move to the upper or lower cell of the column, and then do one of the following:
  • Press the SHIFT + ALT + PAGE DOWN keys to highlight the column from top to bottom.
  • Press the SHIFT + ALT + Page UP keys to highlight the bottom column up.
Expansion of the selected fragment (or block). Ctrl + SHIFT + F8, and then use the cursor move keys; To exit the selection mode, press the ESC key.
Allocation of the entire table. Alt + 5 on the numeric keypad (when the NUM LOCK indicator is turned off)

Moving according to the document

Move Keyboard shortcut
On one sign left Arrow left
One sign to the right Arrow to the right
On one word left Ctrl + Left Arrow
On one word to the right Ctrl + Arrow Right
On one paragraph up Ctrl + Arrow Up
One paragraph down Ctrl + down arrow
On one cell to the left (in the table) Shift + Tab.
On one cell to the right (in the table) Tab.
To the previous line UP ARROW
To the next line ARROW TO DOWN
At the end of the line End.
To the beginning of the line HOME.
To the beginning of the screen Alt + Ctrl + Page UP
At the end of the screen Alt + Ctrl + Page Down
On one screen up Page Up.
On one screen down Page Down
At the beginning of the next page Ctrl + Page Down
At the beginning of the previous page Ctrl + Page UP
At the end of the document Ctrl + End.
To the beginning of the document Ctrl + Home.
To the previous correction SHIFT + F5.
To the position in which the cursor was located during the last closing of the document (after opening the document) SHIFT + F5.

Move on the table

Insert paragraph marks and tabs in the table

Formatting signs and paragraphs

Copy formatting

Changing the font or text size

Formatting of signs

Act Keyboard shortcut
Opening the Dialog box Font to change the formatting of characters. Ctrl + D.
Change the letter of letters. SHIFT + F3.
Convert all letters to uppercase. Ctrl + SHIFT + A
Application of bold. Ctrl + B.
Application underline. Ctrl + U.
Stressing words (not gaps). Ctrl + SHIFT + W
Double text underscore. Ctrl + SHIFT + D
Convert to hidden text. Ctrl + SHIFT + H
Application of consistent drawing. Ctrl + I.
Transformation of all letters to small capital. Ctrl + SHIFT + K
Applying the formatting of the lower index (automatic intervals). Ctrl + equality sign
Applying the formatting of the Padded Index (automatic intervals). Ctrl + Shift + plus sign
Removing additional formatting with selected characters. Ctrl + gap
Registration of highlighted signs with Symbol font. Ctrl + SHIFT + Q

View and copy text formatting

Setting the rope interval

Alignment of paragraphs

Application of paragraph styles

Merge and fields

Performing merger

Work with fields

Act Keyboard shortcut
Insertion fields DATE. ALT + SHIFT + D
Inserting ListNUM fields (numbering). Alt + Ctrl + L
Inserting field Page. ALT + SHIFT + P
Insert Time fields (current time). Alt + SHIFT + T
Blank field insert. Ctrl + F9.
Upgrading related data in the Microsoft Office Word source document. Ctrl + Shift + F7
Update selected fields. F9.
Breaking Communication with the field. Ctrl + Shift + F9
Switching between the code of the selected field and its value. SHIFT + F9.
Alt + F9.
Activating Gotobutton or Macrobutton field codes in the field with values. Alt + Shift + F9
Go to the next field. F11
Go to the previous field. SHIFT + F11
Lock field. Ctrl + F11
Removing the field lock. Ctrl + Shift + F11

Language panel

Recognition of handwriting input

Function Key Handbook

Function keys

SHIFT + Function key

Act Keyboard shortcut
Conclusion of contextual help or information about formatting. SHIFT + F1.
Copying text. SHIFT + F2.
Change the letter of letters. SHIFT + F3.
Repeat actions to find or go. SHIFT + F4.
Transition to the last change. SHIFT + F5.
Switch to the previous window area or frame (after pressing the F6 key). SHIFT + F6.
Select the Tezaurus command (Review Tab, Group Check). Shift + F7.
Reducing the selection. SHIFT + F8.
Switch between field values \u200b\u200band their codes. SHIFT + F9.
Display context menu. SHIFT + F10.
Go to the previous field. SHIFT + F11
Select the Save command (Microsoft Office button). SHIFT + F12.

Ctrl + Function key

Ctrl + Shift + Function key

Alt + function key

Act Keyboard shortcut
Go to the next field. Alt + F1.
Creating a new standard block. Alt + F3.
Exit from Office Word 2007. Alt + F4.
Restoring the previous size of the program window. Alt + F5.
The transition from the open dialog box to the document (for such dialog windows as a search and replacement that support such behavior). Alt + F6.
Search for the following spelling or grammatical error. Alt + F7.
Launching macro. Alt + F8.
Switch between the values \u200b\u200bof all fields and their codes. Alt + F9.
Deploy the program window. Alt + F10
Displaying Microsoft Visual Basic code. Alt + F11

Many PC users are used to performing all tasks using computer Mouse or Touch Pad laptop. However, at any time, the mouse may not be at hand or it will come into disrepair, there will be knowledge of the keyboard to help here - the use of hot keys to perform various tasks, which, in turn, will help improve performance.

If you spend quite a large amount of time to copy and paste text, resorting to the use of the mouse, we will teach how to make it much easier and faster. After reading this article, you can purchase a lot of keyboard skills, without resorting to the use of a computer mouse. So, the main task is to teach you how to copy and paste with the keyboard.

Copying and inserting text by using hot keys

Text selection:

  • to begin, you need to select the desired text fragment (this function can be made using a mouse);
  • if you need to copy all the contents (that is, copy all the material), you can use the following key combination - "Ctrl + A";
  • if you need to highlight a specific text fragment without using a computer mouse, you should hold the shift button and using the arrows located on the keyboard moving in the text;
  • highlight a string before the cursor will help the "CTRL" + "Home" combination;
  • select the string after the cursor can be using "Ctrl" + "END".

So you have dedicated fragment The text that further needs to be copied to the clipboard for the subsequent insertion into the required document.

Copying text:

  • to perform the function copying text, you should resort to the use of keys to copy - "Ctrl + C" (you need to press the "Ctrl" button, and then "C");
  • as well as the copy function, you can implement using the following key combination "Ctrl" + "Ins" (Insert) by pressing the "Ctrl" and "Ins" keys.

So, using the above actions, all the necessary text is copied to the clipboard, which next must be inserted into the right place.

Text insert:

  • copy text (text that is in the exchange buffer) should be placed in the location you need, that is, use the insertion function. Without resorting to the use of a computer mouse, this function can be performed using a combination of two keys - "Ctrl" + "V";
  • as well as the insertion function of the text, you can climb "SHIFT" and "INS" (INSERT).

After executing the described commands, the fragment you need will appear in the right place.

There is another very useful team. "Copy everything and insert into a new document", which is performed by pressing the following key combination "Ctrl + A + C + N + V", which will allow you to copy all the material into the clipboard and immediately insert it into a new document.

Thus, you have completed 2 tasks set in front of you - copying and inserting text without mouse. You can also perform many other useful functions using the keyboard and without the mouse, which can later serve as excellent helpers for you. So, consider some of them.

Creating a new document:

  • the key combination "Ctrl" + "N" will create a new document in MS Office.


  • in order to cut a specific part of the document, it must be highlighted, and then resort to the use of hot keys "Ctrl" + "x".


  • you can cancel an incorrectly performed action using the CTRL key combination or "Ctrl" + "Y". These two combinations will help to cancel the last changes you produced, and if you need to cancel several actions, one of the combinations should be repeated several times (as much as you need to cancel).


  • you can delete the word before the cursor using the "Ctrl" + "Delete" keys;
  • delete the word after the cursor will help the combination of the "Ctrl" + "Backspace" keys.


  • to find the desired value in the text (digit, word, phrase or a whole sentence), use the following combination of the "Ctrl" key + "F", which will allow you to find the desired text fragment.

Window switching:

Saving a document:

  • there are situations where you need to save a document (for example, on the outcome of the laptop battery), in this case the combination of the "Ctrl" keys + "s" will help;
  • to execute the "Save As" command, you must press the "F12" button.


  • using the key combination "Ctrl" + "P" will allow you to open the preview window of the current browser page, and in text editors this combination will allow you to open the print window of the document used.


  • to close any program, it is enough just to click "Alt" + "F4".

To rememberThat when using hot keys, you must first clamp the "CTRL" key, and then other keys, otherwise the execution of the functions you need may not be able to.

We hope that after reading this article, you have acquired a lot of work skills with the material (copy the text and insert, as well as the execution of other commands) using the keyboard without using the mouse and touch pad laptop, it will help you increase your performance by shorting your time.

The operating system offers the user a lot of opportunities to make work in the devices quick and comfortable. Just not everyone knows about them. To copy / paste a text or image on the keyboard, there is at least a dozen ways, but everyone usually use the Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V combination.

Why do you need other ways and combinations? For example, if you want to use both hands for speed. Sometimes it is more convenient to apply a combination because these keys are on the right side of the keyboard, and you will make the Alt + Tab to the left hand between the windows. The combinations of Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V are more convenient for those who are used to driving the mouse.

If you absolutely do not know how to copy and manage with keyboard shortcuts, we remind you that first press the first combination key and holding it, second. Before this it is necessary to highlight the object intended for copying. This is usually done with the mouse, but special keyboards will be useful and here. To highlight the text fragment in length in several pages, you can click on the beginning of the fragment and press SHIFT by holding the key, scroll through the document before you need a place and click on the end of the fragment.

CTRL + C / CTRL + V and CTRL + INSERT / SHIFT + INSERT combined in any applications, including if you are going to copy text from the Internet browser window. You can also apply Ctrl + C / SHIFT + INSERT and CTRL + INSERT / CTRL + V if you want.
Consider now how to copy the text directly in Word and Excel, within a single document. In Word, you can do it dragging if you hold the Ctrl. In Excel, any unprotected contents of the upper cell in the lower can be copied on the keyboard using Ctrl + D, and from the left to the right - pressing Ctrl + R.

Usually, when copying text or cell, the fragment is transferred with source formatting. That is, if the text has been highlighted in bold or italic, in the same form it will be copied. Please note that during the insertion, a small icon appears next to the insertion parameters. By clicking on it, you can choose whether to keep the original formatting. In the advanced applications settings, you can also set how to copy text fragments - with or without formatting.

When you need to often copy the text and make it later in a single style, you can use macros - special which you specify yourself. Using the macro, you can copy / paste the text on the keyboard even from another application, while it immediately acquires the desired view: the color, font and font size, alignment will change, and so on For information on how to make a macro, you can refer to Word and Excel help system.

How to copy images, we will not disassemble separately, because it is performed according to similar rules.

Finally, I must say that modern multimedia keyboards sometimes have special keys that allow you to start certain applications and perform copy / insert, some other actions are just one touch. And on some keyboards, in addition to letters and numbers, you can find tips about the "hot" key combinations, although they are not difficult to remember.

what buttons on the keyboard execute commands to copy-insert? without use mouse and got the best answer

Answer from AlexanderR1 [Guru]
Ctrl + Ins \u003d Copy
SHIFT + DEL \u003d Cut
SHIFT + INS \u003d Paste

Answer from Ekaterina Shashkin[newcomer]
Ctrl + C - copy
Ctrl + V - insert

Answer from Angelina Volkov[newcomer]
ctrl + V insert

Answer from Not Mandarin[guru]
Ebaaaaa * aaaat, it's b * yat 10 fucking years ago

Answer from Evgeny Zaporozhets[newcomer]
Allocate everything - CTRL + A copy - Ctrl + C insert - Ctrl + V.

Answer from Dima Dima.[newcomer]



Read more:

Answer from Arey.shitov 2003 Arey.shitov 2003.[newcomer]
cTR + C cut CTR + V insert, plus do not need to press

Answer from Dasha Zaitseva[newcomer]
Any user will be useful to know that you can copy the text without a mouse. To do this, highlight the desired text fragment. You can do this as holding down the left mouse button and hold down the shift key and moving the text using the arrow keys.
Now, to copy the selected text, press the two keys: CTRL and C or CTRL and INS (INSERT). Selected text will be copied to the operating system clipboard.
Move the cursor to the desired location and paste the text using the following keyboard combination: Ctrl and V or SHIFT and INS (INSERT). A previously copied text fragment will immediately appear.
Read more:

Answer from Elena.[guru]
Yes, all this is.
But it is important to remember that the keyboard combination (SHIFT + DEL) can be used
in applications (MS Word, Notepad, etc.)
And when operating with files in OC Windows (SHIFT + DEL) deletes files directly without a basket!

Answer from Alexander Dashunin[active]
Copy: Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Insert if the keyway multimedia then the icons with two sheets on each other or
Paste: Ctrl + V, SHIFT + INSERT if you have a key murmime with a folder.
And the real thing is cut Ctrl + x

Answer from Mikhail _[active]
Ctrl + C - copy
Ctrl + V - insert
and Ctrl + X - Cut
even combinations - similar, respectively
Ctrl + Insert
Ctrl + Delete.

Answer from Elena Avakimova[guru]
Ctrl-C, then Ctrl-V

Answer from Max[expert]
Ctri + Ins - copy
SHIFT + INS - insert

Answer from Ladan79.[active]
ctrl + C & Ctrl + V respectively

Answer from User deleted[active]
ctrl + C Copy
ctrl + V insert

Answer from Magical.[guru]
ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, respectively))

Answer from Yona Animal[guru]
Counter + C and counter + V

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V

Answer from User deleted[active]
ctrl + C - copy
ctrl + V - Insert

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