
The blue screen of Windows 7 constantly appears. What to do when the blue screen or automatic restart of the computer appears. What do we have to do

Hi friends! If you do not know what is the blue screen of death, and what is even worse, often meet him, then this article should help you. Now I will try to write in detail about why can blue screens often appear death, I. how to check the rapid memory for errors Standard Windows Memory Valid.

You ask why I am writing about blue screens and diagnostics random access memory In one article? Yes, because, the RAM, more precisely, the problem with it is very often accompanied by blue screens, with different errors, and at different times. This is of course my opinion, but approximately 60% of the appearance of blue screens, problems with rapid memory.

What should be done if blue screens often appear?

As they say, a real story :). My friend is almost new computerAnd he was already going to do on the destination. They appear at any time, that is, some particular pattern, which made something and the error, no. It can jump out a blue screen once a day, can immediately turn on the computer, and maybe after several hours of operation.

As he has already noticed, most often these screens appear with errors 0x0000000A. and 0x0000008E.(There may be other error codes). Saves of course, only reboot. But saves for a while.

It is almost impossible to work at such a computer, you do not know when this error will pop up.

I advised to scan the RAM for errors, at least standard windows tools. After he launched the test, it did not pass 15 minutes (and the RAM is tested for a long time), as a message appeared that problems with the RAM has been detected. In fact, if at least some errors with memory are found, then it makes no sense to continue scanning. Here is the cause of errors, in the form of blue screens.

I will immediately say that it would not be forgotten later, it will not work out somehow the RAM. It can only be replaced. And utilities like standard remedy Memory diagnostics and utility, for example, Memtest86 + I will write about in the hotel article, makes only diagnostics, but not repair.

Check the memory standard utility in Windows 7

Now I will write about how to check the RAM of the standard utility that is already in the operating room windows system. I'll show you on the example of Windows 7. It is called.

Open the "Start" and in the search string type:


Press "Run a reboot and check".

The computer will restart, and automatically starts the scan of the RAM.

Immediately I warn you, check can last long. After checking, the computer will turn on and the test result will appear. That window appeared after checking the RAM from a friend.

After such messages, you need to change the RAM. If you have two (or more) RAM bar, then you can leave for example only one and perform the check again, well, to find a problem module.

You can also lend from a familiar RAM and work with it for a while. Whether blue screens will appear. If so, then look for other reasons, if everything is fine, but most likely it will be, then buy new RAM.

That's all, I want to wish you good luck, in this matter, it will come in handy :). And congratulate you on the upcoming New Year holidays!

Good afternoon friends! Today I want to talk about such an interesting and at the same time a frightening topic as " Blue screen Death "(English Blue Screen of Death, Blue Screen of Doom, BSOD). With this phenomenon, they faced or at least heard many users. The name of the blue screen of death is truly frightening and memorable.

So what is this sinister phenomenon - blue screen windows death 7? Many people when they appear such a screen, fall into a stupor and do not know how to do. Let's look at this problem calmly and without panic.

Windows operating systemas a result of any problems in the system or in the gland, if not able to solve the problem independently, simply restarts the computer. Does it automatically, in connection with which the documents with which the user worked on this moment, do not have time to persist. However, Windows has time to record information in the log and create a dump file.

Dump keeps in itself information about what happened and what caused a failure, which allows you to diagnose the problem and eliminate it. In this situation, this is a faithful way out.

What does the blue screen of Windows death show us

Looks like in BIOS it like this:

Now I think you clear the origin of this name, at least the words - blue. The operating system was forced to stop work, i.e. No matter how the symbolic death of the system has come. Hence the name "death". I would like to note that in most cases the system is not necessary to reinstall, with a rare exception.

Let's consider in more detail what inscription on the screen means (for convenience the most important I highlighted the frame:

  • The first part of the inscription states that due to an unforeseen error and preventing damage to the computer, the system has been forced to stop work.
  • Next should indicate errors that exist a certain amount of And for each specific error you can find out without any problems on the Internet the cause of the failure.
  • The following should be a message about the alleged causes of the problem and the recommendations of its elimination are given.
  • Following, after the word STOP, follows the chestteric error code.
  • Then, in brackets, error parameters are indicated (this data is sometimes very important).
  • The driver name is indicated below (usually has ending .sys).
  • In the end, follow electronic address Errors.

After you read this information About the blue screen of death, you need to understand what the error has occurred and in which file, at what address.

Because of what a blue screen of death appears

  1. This drivers can be incompatibilities of drivers, driver conflict, incorrect drivers, all kinds of driver failures, etc.
  2. Incompatibility various devices with each other (if you collect a computer in parts, do it better with a professional, do not rely on friends and acquaintances).
  3. All sorts of iron failures (quite often, hard drives and RAM cards come out).
  4. Various viruses - After the blue screen of death, the computer is advisable to fully check good antivirus (by the way to say the cause of the blue death screen this type Errors are rare).
  5. There may be a conflict of various and applications (quite often in the conflict, different armatures are entering the conflict, the firewalls installed on the same operating system, so it is desirable to establish one but a good antivirus).
  6. Overheating different computer devices (Checked by various programs, like - Spessy and AIDA).

The blue screen of death may appear by different reasons And it is desirable to eliminate them as quickly as possible, without postponing in a long box. Otherwise, some device and your computer can simply fail.

What do we need to do when the blue screen appears

a) Need to stop the automatic reboot of the computer (Windows is configured so that the blue screen of death appears only for a few seconds and after the computer begins to automatically reboot and you just do not have time to write data from the screen). To do this, we enter the "Control Panel", then "System Properties", select "Advanced", we go to the inscription "Download and Recovery" and click the "Parameters" button. Then go to the inscription "System Failure" and remove a tick from the inscription "Perform an automatic reboot", click OK. Then check the Count "Write a Debug System". It must be exhibited as in Figure:% Systemroot% this is: \\ Windows \\, \u200b\u200bwhere C: \\ is a system disk.

b) Do not panic. Carefully look at the blue screen of death and rewrite all the data on the sheet of paper.

c) Get started directly to the search for the reason why you have a blue screen of death.

The blue screen of the death of Windows 7 appears quite often due to inept user actions. Suppose you delete some kind of system file or driver and the blue screen of death appeared. What do we need to do in this situation? We need to restore the system, make it such as she beat to your inept action.

To do this, we introduce the inscription "System Restoration" in the search bar. Click on the file that appears. Next, select the recovery point to the actions that led to the problem. Everything, the problem must be solved.

If you are any system files And the driver did not remove, then you need to solve the problem to another way. Carefully examining the inscription from the blue screen of death, try to understand exactly what kind of driver or file led to this problem. After we understood the problem, enter the file name or driver in the search string and find a description of our problem. Drivers or files that led to a blue death screen are removed, and install the new ones on the Internet. It is advisable to take drivers from the official website of the device manufacturer, which led to the problem.

If the problem "Blue Death Screen of Windows 7" fails to solve and in this way, check the temperature of the computer components using the Spessy or AIDA software. Programs data indicate which temperature is critical for this part of the computer. In case the temperature is above critical this device It is necessary to repair or replace.

I hope my article about the blue screen of the death of Windows 7 helped you in solving your problems, if not, consult a professional. Let it carefully examine your computer. To consolidate information from this article, I propose to watch the video.

Happy viewing!

Another toast:

"In a nutshell", the blue screen appears at the time of the occurrence of the stack of error (kernel errors operating system) In which the system can no longer continue its work. The problem is characteristic of any failures - from software incompatibility until the temperature of the processor is exceeded. To, more or less, to accurately determine the cause of the failure, the analysis is necessary on the basis of the text and the code of the error itself. Desktop computer Or a laptop - no matter, the approach to solving problems is the same.

Disable automatic reboot

Analysis of the problem by code

Having received the code, we will be able to find information from the description of the cause of the problem and how to solve it.

Getting code in Windows 8 and newer

More modern codes have less than a description and technical information, and the code itself is presented with a sad emoticon and a text description, for example, clock_watchdog_timeout:

also, in addition to the error (sometimes, without inscriptions and text), the QR code may be present:

Codes in windows 7 and older

When the blue screen appears, you need to find an error code. It has a view of 0x0000 ..., for example, 0x0000008d:

* Codes in brackets are additional parameters and serve to clarify the error localization. They can be individual and, as a rule, are not taken into account with further analysis.

Analysis online

Now open sites with error codes, for example:

You can also enter the error code directly to the search. google string or Yandex. And if there is a QR code, you can consider it a reader and go to the description of the problem.

Solving the problem, you must carefully read about the causes of the failure and make recommendations.

Analysis of dumps

In the case when an automatic reboot is enabled or we analyze the problem later, you can use the dump - a special file that contains information about last state Systems before an error with all the necessary descriptions and codes.

Default, this file It is on the path% Systemroot% \\ Memory.dmp (as a rule, it's C: \\ Windows \\ Memory.dmp). You can see or change the path in the same place where the automatic restart is turned off - right-click on This computer - Properties - Extra options Systems -

You can read a dump with a special utility, for example, BlueScreenView. You can download it on the official website.

After starting the utility, we must see (if there were problems) a list of stop errors with codes, reports and additional information:

Having received the error code, we carry out the analysis using search engines or specialized sites by the method.

Top error codes

  • 0x00000109. Total errorcaused by incorrect operation of RAM or disk carrier. Sometimes, due to the virus.
  • 0x00000050. Problem with device driver or incorrect hardware.
  • 0x0000007b. It is necessary to check the media and the order of loading the system in the BIOS.
  • 0x0000007E. General code combining a large number different problems. Read below on the article about typical problems and methods of solving them.
  • 0x00000012. The system failed to understand the cause of the failure. To solve, also use the text below.

Typical reasons that lead to the appearance of errors and methods to eliminate them

Consider the top problems due to which the error of the operating system core appears, as well as the methods of their solution:

  1. Problem with device driver. If the error appears after installing the new driver or its update, you must roll back the driver to the previous version.
  2. Unsuccessful Windows Update. It happens, as a rule, when setting a large number of updates or installation of a poor-quality patch. Solved by rollback of installed packages.
  3. Incorrect work equipment. To find out, it is necessary to conduct a stress test program AIDA64 or analogs. It is also necessary to test the RAM and the operation of the disk carrier.
  4. Reset BIOS settings. When changing the drive mode (AHCI, IDE, RAID), the system will stop loading, issuing the stop error. The parameter can be stamped due to the BIOS Sorted Battery or manual reset.
  5. Viruses. They can write off many problems. But check the computer is worth it, for example, the Cureit program.
  6. Incompatible software. If installing or updating any programs led to a problem, reinstall software Or install the previous version.
  7. Violation of the license agreement. In some cases, the blue screen can appear every hour - two. As a rule, this is due to the fact that not activated Windows is used.
  8. Problem in the video card or overheating. As a rule, it is observed in games or when watching a video. To diagnose, you need to update the driver and conduct a stress test. Also worth paying attention to the temperature of the video card.

If the system does not boot

In some cases, BSOD appears when download windows. This greatly complicates the diagnosis. In the case when you cannot load the system, and the blue screen appears for a moment, or does not appear at all, you need to turn off the automatic reboot when turned on.

Another option is to use the Windows LiveCD bootable, which contains a large number of utilities for diagnosing the problem.

If the operating system on the computer becomes unstable, it annoys, because it is not realistic to do something. Pops up blue screen and computer reboots what to do?

Something on your computer running under windows control wrong. It works, and then suddenly reboots. This cycle is repeated continuously in random order. The computer is thus almost unsuitable for use. What to do if a blue screen appears and a computer reboots?

Introduction and editing Windows settings

Do not know what to do if the blue screen and the computer reboots Windows 7, 8, 10? You can do something with this, although there is never a certain solution. In Windows, there is a possibility that at least indicate you, what could be the problem.

Let's take a look at where you can find information about possible reasons Crash operating system.

1. Go to the window windows search and enter sysdm.cpl . Find the program with the same name in the results, and then run it.
2. Go to the tab Additionally . click Setup. (Parameters)
4. In the dialog box, which then appears, uncheck the checkbox Performautomatic reboot.
5. Make sure the option Write an event in the system magazine Included.

Now, when the operating system fails, the computer will not reboot independently. After falling the operating system, a blue screen with white letters will appear. Very often called it - bLUE SCREEN OF DEATH (Bsod.) or blue screen of death .

Something on your computer running Windows is incorrect. It works, and then suddenly reboots, and then again during operation and suddenly reboots. This cycle is repeated continuously in random order. The computer is thus almost unsuitable for use. What can be done?

BSOD and BFod.

If you look at the text on the screen, it may come to mind the question, what does it mean? First of all, you will be interested in the second paragraph, in which the text is written in large letters. Write it down. Also pay attention to the section " Technical information", Which is located at the bottom of the screen.

In Windows 10, the blue screen of death differs, on design, from older versions. We are interested in text written at the very end, large letters. This is the name of the error.

After you recorded the name of the error, restart the computer. Now you need to take advantage of any search engineOr try to find a solution on our website. Write the name of the error in the search, and you will see detailed solution This problem. I would like to say that very often the cause of the blue death screen is the drivers of your computer. It is advisable to download them, only from the official website of the manufacturer of your PC / laptop. Second, frequency, reason - RAM. Check the service life of the RAM of your computer, you can use a special third-party software.

In contact with

The death screen is called in Windows 7 system errors belonging to the category of critical. OS hangs, and last changes The user is not saved.

The situation is not the most pleasant, but often found in computers with the "seventh" modification of the system.

The general algorithm for the elimination of this problem does not exist, as it depends on the causes that caused its causes. Below are the specific recommendations that should be taken to effectively resolve the situation.

Why does the screen of death appear?

All abundance of reasons causing bsod., classified into two large parts:

  1. Software;
  2. Hardware.

The first includes malfunctions in system services, incorrectly installed software (including providing the normal functioning of equipment - driver), viral infection of PCs, conflict software, etc.

The second part of the reasons causing the blue screen in computers on Windows 7 lies in the "hardware". Recordsmen in popularity are such essential components of PCs as Winchester and RAM.

Often, after introducing the user in the PC an additional RAM bar or because of its poor contact in the slot, the blue background with white letters will not slow down to greet the owner of the computer. Also, not rarely a hardware with the hard drive is the causes of the critical error and hanging OS.

Blue screen itself in Windows 7 is informational. Its text contains recommendations for troubleshooting and notify the user about specific error codes that caused its occurrence.

That is why it is necessary to carefully examine all the launched screening screen. By rewriting or remembering the error codes from the bottom of the screen, it is possible to surgically to diagnose and quickly get rid of the problem.

Unfortunately, the user often does not have time to familiarize themselves with the displayed report, so this manual begins with the admission of the abolition of the automatic restart of the PC after an error occurs.

Computer settings

If the user did not have time to fix necessary information From the screen, then a small setup of PCs will be required.

After that, you can, having learned the code, to find an effective "medicine", capable of curing an iron friend.

Next steps:

It is recommended on the resource "" to explore the value of the error code. For example, "0x0000004e" may appear due to the incorrectly installed driver.

To find out what accurately caused a problem in the system, you should use the "BlueScreenView" application, which automatic mode Resets files for which a critical error occurs. From the user only to install and open the application.

By a detected file, you can find out for what equipment it is necessary to reinstall the driver. From the above figure, it can be concluded about difficulties with a graphics accelerator, since "ATI2DVAG.DLL" is associated with the video card.

In this case, the installation of the correct software for the video screen will make rid of the death screen.

After reinstalling the driver, you need to restart the PC. If you failed to correct the problem, then there are still other reasons.

Often an error occurs after updating or installation new programAt the same time, the optimal output from the situation is the implementation of the OS rollback.


The new program or the game also serve as often culprits of system failures. In order to return OS to working condition It is necessary to fulfill such consistent steps:

Installing OS updates

Microsoft professionals do not remain aside and make their efforts to troubleshoot BSOD.

They continue to support the already outdated "seven" and produce upgrades that have "fixes" in their composition, correcting system errors, due to which the blue screen occurs.

To update, you will need to perform the following steps:

The next reason for the problem is the trial lack of memory in the system terder section disk. Checking this version does not take a long time.

Lack of memory

On the official resource of the developer of Windows 7, it is written that it requires no less than 100 MB of free space on the system volume, however, practical experience has proven that for the normal work "seven" requires a free fifth of the system volume.

To make sure there is a sufficient location in the section, you just need to open the computer in the conductor.

Making sure to have the sufficiency of the OS functioning, should go to the analysis of availability system errors Through the log of events.

Analysis of the event log

To do this, make the following steps:

Antivirus and viruses

Often a simple disabling of the antivirusman leads to troubleshooting. If, after deactivating the protective application, the blue screen has stopped appearing, it will take full removal Antivirus.

Malicious utilities also cause critical errors, and regular PC scans are required for their presence. Many developers of antivirusers have versions functioning with removable media.

For example, "AVZ". After writing an application to a CD or flash drive, you can carry out the treatment of a PC from malicious utilities.


Incorrectly entered parameters in the BIOS also often cause failure. Correct the position. You can reset the bios settings to the initial state - "Default".


The simplest revision of the flap wornity and the correctness of their connection sometimes allows you to quickly identify the cause of the failure.

If the user has the appropriate experience, the open system unit (Sat), check the connections of all components of the computer.

For example, when, on the results of attentive viewing of information displayed on the blue screen, the lack of access to RAM, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  1. Turn off the PC;
  2. De-energize the computer by turning it off from the power supply;
  3. Remove the SAT cover and disconnect the RAM cards;
  4. Wipe with a dry cloth contacts and insert equipment into place;
  5. Run PC;
  6. Make sure to eliminate the problem.

Similar activities can be made with other PC components, such as Winchester and Sound - video cards. If there is no positive result, it is possible to fail this component and a replacement for a new one is required.

Diagnostics of equipment can be performed using special utilities. For instance, " Windows Memory. Diagnostic »Allows you to identify problems with RAM.

The application writes image boot disk. This ISO must be cut into a CD and load a PC from it. The program will be tested in cyclic mode.

To stop the analysis, you must reboot. Also in Windows 7 there is a built-in program for analyzing RAM. In order to use it, the following steps must be performed:

To minimize the risk of the emergence of the BSOD, the following is recommended:

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