
The camera does not focus on close objects. Quick solution if the smartphone camera does not focus. Possible reasons why autofocus does not work

Pretty a large number of The immediate owners of Samsung smartphones after one week of using the phone of this model are faced with a problem in the form of a breakdown of the camera. When it is turned on, an error occurs. The chamber crashes on the Samsung is quite common, so this factor must be considered. More detailed about problems with the camera on the modes mentioned will be described further.

In order to prevent the camera failure on the Samsung, you are provided 4 ways to fix this error do it yourself.

Method number 1: data cleaning

This method, like its other analogues, is simple and does not require something supernatural. It consists in cleaning data, as well as liberation internal drive This camera. The chamber failed to "Samsung Grand" may be due to its overflow.

The first step in this situation will be a restart of your smartphone. First you need to turn it off, and then turn on. This procedure Easy, and solve its user is capable of independently.

Next, you need to go to the settings, and there to find the application manager. How do you remember, you need to find a camera. Open this application And we carry out the cleaning of garbage, uninteresting photos and other material.

Next, you need to restart the gadget and see whether the problem associated with the camera was decided. If you decide, we congratulate you, and if not, then see the following way to eliminate this problem.

Method number 2: Cleaning the internal drive

The chamber crawl on the Samsung is bad, so it is better to rather eliminate this drawback. The second way is to clean the internal information drive in the camera application method recovery.. Just like the previous way, consider all the details step by step.

First you need to turn off your device. Next you need to press and keep on a certain time Three buttons on your phone. These buttons are:

  • The button that is responsible for turning on and off.
  • Button called Home.
  • And the button for increasing the phone volume.

When you hold the buttons for a few seconds, your phone will provide the "Android" system parameters.

In order to clean your device, you need to flitches the lines using the volume buttons. To fall down, use the loudness button.

You need to find a line called WIPE CACHE PARTITION. Next, your task is to restart the device.

In the event that the camera fails to "Samsung Grand Prime" stopped - this is good, and if not, it is worth contacting the next way.

Method number 3: File Manager

This method also consists in cleaning the material, but in another way. In this case, this method has a goal to remove the camera failure on "Samsung Galaxy" and is as follows. We resort to using the file manager.

  • The first step is to attach the device to the computer using a USB cord.
  • You need to find and open the memory folder. this smartphoneAnd then go to the "Android" folder. There will be another folder with dates. You need it.
  • There you can find the archive folder, where there will be a storage of the cache of your smartphone. You will need to remove it.
  • Specialists in this case advise to delete all files from this folder, as they are completely useless on your device and only bring problems with memory.
  • After you complete your action, you need to restart the device. We hope this method You helped troubleshoot, if not, then go to the latter method.

Method number 4: Deleting an alternative camera

This is the last way that can help you prevent the camera failure on the Samsung.

This method is also deleted, but this time the so-called alternative camera is removed.

Your task is that you need to find all applications that use the camera services, as well as after you find them, your task will be removed. After this action, we definitely restart the smartphone.

One of the above methods will certainly eliminate the problem with the camera, and it will continue to work efficiently. If nothing helped, it is necessary to contact service center - So the problem is much more serious.

When shooting video iPhone Can't focus. Is this a marriage of a phone or a problem with settings?

Hello, Alena.

The problem with focusing sometimes appears at the owners of the iPhone, more often it occurs in the PLUS models with an optical image stabilization system.

First you need:

1. Reload the smartphone.

2. Make sure the camera lens is not closed completely or partially. On or sub safety glass Can get a small garbage or the module itself can move a little to the side.

3. Various accessories, for example, a metal case, an overhead lens or magnetic case may prevent correct image stabilization. Remove all additional accessories.

4. Try manually focus on a specific object, tap this object on the screen before shooting.

5. Try any third-party camera from App Store.For example, Camera + FREE.

If problems are observed only when using accessories - you have to use a smartphone without them if third-party application Everything works fine - you need to restore the firmware on the iPhone via iTunes.

If problems disappear during manual stabilization or do not disappear at all, you will have to contact the service center. Most likely, the case is in defective or failed the camera module.

Sometimes it works so straight out of the box, sometimes begins to get closer over time or after the fall of the gadget. In the first two cases, you are guarantee repair or a replacement of a smartphone, and in the latter will have to pay for the repair of the device.

Like any automatic, automatic focus does not always work perfectly. Sometimes, the autofocus system can focus perfectly not on the site of the frame where you want to focus on you, in your photo.

Do not understand us wrong: today's mirror and mirror-free cameras are capable of focusing as fast as never before. However, to create truly creative and artistic photos, you need to customize the focus.

In what cases autofocus will work incorrectly?

Your camera can be mistaken in automatic focus when it lacks light or when shooting monochrome objects, for example, when photographing a brown dog in a clean field. In this case, the camera simply will not be able to determine the point for the focus.

In such situations, the lens will move back and forth, trying to fix at least at some point. If in this case, there is some kind of foreground object - a bush, a branch, etc., then, most likely, the camera will focus on it.

Moving objects may be very problematic shooting objects for automatic focus. For such a shooting, you must make sure that the correct focus mode was selected, only so there is a chance to make beautiful, clear and sharp images.

What focus modes are worth using and when?

The first thing to decide whether you want to use autofocus or switch to manual focus mode. There are several situations where manual focus is the best option. In order to make sure that you are working in automatic mode, see what an AF value is set to the lens, and not MF.

Autofocus offers two different modes, one of which must be installed on the camera. This is one-shot AF (Canon) / Single-Servo AF (Nikon) and AI SERVO AF (Canon) / Continuous-Servo AF (Nikon). One-shot / Single-Servo is the best option for shooting fixed objects. After the system focuses on the desired object, you can safely make your picture.

As the name follows, in the AI \u200b\u200bSERVO AF / CONTINUOUS-SERVO AF mode, the camera continuously focuses on the object, this mode is more convenient for tracking the movement of the object. In this case, you can take a snapshot at any moment of shooting, even if the object is not in focus. This is provided for faster and productive work.

Many cameras offer another autofocus mode: AI Focus AF (Canon) or AUTO AF (Nikon). In this mode, the camera automatically determines whether the object is fixed or moving, and depending on this switches to the appropriate mode.

Do not confuse the choice of autofocus mode with the selection of the focus zone, which can also be installed automatically or manually.

What is the difference between autofocus mode and focus zone?

Focus mode defines how the lens will focus, and the autofocus zone determines where the camera focuses. Focus zones can be different on different models Camera, and from different manufacturers.

Working with the camera, the photographer has the opportunity to choose whether it will focus on one point, or several. Looking into the viewfinder and holding the shutter button on half the shutter button, you will see how the camera focuses. When focusing at one point, you can move the point.

How many autofocus points are worth using?

It all depends on what you take off. If you install the focus on multiple points, the camera automatically selects which to be used to focus on the object.

At the same time, if the subject is large enough, then you may not arrange how the camera focuses. For example, when shooting a monument, the camera can focus on the legs of the statue, while I would like to focus on your face. In addition, in this case, there is a risk of focusing on the objects of the foreground, while the shooting object is in the background.

In the same time, automatic focus on multiple points may be more productive when shooting an object on a monochrome backgroundFor example, when photographing birds against the blue sky. The more autofocus points in the chamber, the more precisely it will focus and better follow the object as it moves in the frame. In other cases, it will be preferable to use the focus on several points.

Of all available autofocus points, The central point provides the best accuracy. It is best to focus on this point, and then, fixing the focus, move the camera so that it would be composite to create an attractive photo.

When to use manual focus?

Manual focus can be useful when the focal length remains unchanged. For example, by photographing the auto racing, you can automatically focus on the track, and then when the machine will approach switch to manual focus and, watching the car, focus manually.

Manual focus is also the only option when the camera cannot concentrate independently. Some lenses allow you to constantly adjust the camera focus manually, for this you do not have to switch all the time from the manual mode to automatic.

How to focus with Live View

Live View perfectly focuses in manual mode. When moving B. auto mode Focus, do not expect miracles from your camera.

Automatic focus

Automatic mode in Live View can work differently, in each camera model. Most chambers have the ability to quickly automatically focus and a slower, but more accurate mode with the possibility of finding persons.

Our whole life consists of memories. We carefully keep them in memory, periodically leaning the most pleasant and positive moments. For a long time, cameras and cameras help us in this matter. A well-made picture is able to convey to us a variety of sensations: Thin emotions of man, the beauty of nature or the rust of the elements. An important help in this case is the ability of photographic equipment to focus, i.e. To the highlight of the sharpness of some kind of zone or object. But what if your camera suddenly stopped "catching focus", and the whole image looks muddy and lubricated?

What are the signs of violation of the camera's focus?

Symptoms associated with this are known to any photographer. This breakdown is accompanied by:

  • Lack of sharpness in the pictures;
  • The inability to "catch the focus" both in automatic and manual mode;
  • In some cases, the lens is not removed to the end when the device is turned off.

Any of the above signs - the reason to beat the alarm. This feature - The most important attribute of any camera, without it it is impossible to get a high-quality shot.

The main causes of breakdown

The failure of this function is possible for two main reasons: software and hardware. The first includes a change in device settings, and the second is a violation of the integrity or performance of individual parts of the camera. First of all, make sure that you happened happened to manual mode Focus installations and all device settings correspond to that before breakdown. Another reason why focus does not work is in violation of various parts of the device. Of the mains, you can allocate:

  • Hitting sand or other small particles into the lens;
  • Focus motor failure (lubrication thickening, water entering, etc.);
  • The focusing lens position sensor is not operating or the lens position sensor.

The elimination of these breakdowns is more laborious and requires special training of a specialist. Motor focusing and focusing lens - parts of one complex system. They are extremely small, and eliminate such a breakdown on their own, without the help of a professional, very difficult. The principle of their work is as follows: the lens is located on a rotating shaft, which is adjustable using gears connected to the engine. Depending on the position of these components, the focal length is changed to the object.

Eliminate breakdown

What to do in the current situation? If we talk about program violations, then everything you need to take is to look prettier in the focus settings and lead them to normal. Elimination of hardware problems requires great effort. If the focus motor fails, you need to fully disassemble the mechanism, make it washing and replacing the oil. Inoperable sensors of the position of the focusing lens and lens are subject to mandatory replacement. When sand, under the lens, you will need to move the mechanism with subsequent cleaning.

All of these manipulations cannot be carried out at home - they require the intervention of the wizard. We have high-class specialists who will run fast and your device.

Photos taken on the camera of the smartphone can be beautiful. We understand this, looking at beautiful imageslaid out on the network by our comrades. And only at themselves, all the time it turns out something wrong: then the lighting is bad, then the excerpt "strung up", then the snapshot is overshadowed by the imposition of all sorts of shades. Then we try to correct the situation with filters, but we are doing only worse. So how to photograph to the camera smartphone Android triggered at the most suitable moment?
First of all, it is worth noting that while the person does not learn to take pictures, even with the professional device the quality will be terrible, while beautiful pictures can be obtained even on the most simple chamber, regardless of "beams" and the number of megapixels.

Rule number one: As you can easily use the flash. It was invented for extreme cases when for any reason other light sources could not be organized.
The best pictures are obtained in the conditions of natural lighting. This is how it is possible to achieve the maximum expressiveness of the object and the minimum imposition of foreign shades.
The light should fall on the subject of the shooting, and not in the lens.
Exposure affects the brightness and clarity of the image. However, you manually configure it to the factory on Android does not allow. Special applications Open access to wide settings, allow you to set the necessary camera sensitivity.
White balance allows you to customize the color gamut of the future photo. Adjust this parameter and change automatically specified values, too, using various applications.
Focus. Android-smartphones focus automatically, but it is necessary to ensure the camera stationary at the time of shooting, and make sure that the focus is that the object on which you want to focus.
Composition. Golden Rule Any self-respecting photographer is to divide the space into 9 equal parts, and arrange the object or objects of shooting at the intersection of lines, or along them. At the same time in the settings of the Android smartphone camera, it is necessary to have the ability to show these lines on the screen, so it's small.

Special applications for photographing

In order for the final result to please your eyes, let's look at the software for shooting from the Android phone.

Google Camera is one of the most adapted applications for a simple application user. Opens access to many useful parameters, differing from this understandable and simple interface.
Filters and opportunities to edit the photo here is not, but in a set with another software, like Photoshop Express, for example, Google Camera shows itself as it is impossible. In her arsenal: Bokeh effect, or "Lens Blur" mode, the ability to configure the exposure, with bad lighting, the HDR mode is turned on.

This application is characterized by the following advantages:
Grids for cropping and composition (several options).
Manual setting Focus and exposure.
Balance blocking white before shooting.
Independent adjustment of shadows, brightness, color temperatures.
Wide variety of filters.

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