
The disk section was RAW. How to convert "RAW" disk to "NTFS" and restore data from it? Check for errors

Almost every user faced the error of the RAW file system, and wondered how to return NTFS. To begin with, I would like to dwell on the reasons for the appearance of this RAW itself and bring some terminology.

So, RAW is not the file system at all. In this way, the OS identifies an unknown structure. By the way, RAW is translated from English - raw material / raw material. NTFS - NEW TECHNOLOGY File Systemtranslated from English - file system new technology.
You can call a series of features that will help identify the problem when accessing it or its partition. Windows can return the following dialog boxes and messages:

Resetting the disk structure to the RAW type from NTFS and the appearance of such errors may contribute to the following factors:

  • sharp voltage jump;
  • incorrect power discs from nutrition;
  • incorrect update OS at any stage;
  • bad sectors;
  • unstable work motherboard;
  • damaged cables;
  • viral attack;
  • if the error occurs at a USB screw / flash drive, it is necessary to check the connector itself.

There are a number of ways to return the file system in NTFS from RAW, but we will start with the one that minimizes the risks and helps save the data structure and the data itself. So, how to return the disk in rAW format In NTFS without data loss? Consider several ways in order, starting with the simplest.

Classic Restart.

No matter how trally sounded, but a simple reboot sometimes helps to return the file system from the RAW in NTFS. This is due to the temporary failure. If this method does not help, go further.

Check connections

  1. If you have a desktop PC and it is not on warranty - open the system unit and carefully check the integrity of all wires, connections and their dense adjacent. Check did not find anything, try simply to reconnect the disk into the free connector on the motherboard.
  2. If netbook / laptop, regardless of warranty or not - contact the SC.
  3. If we are talking About removable media, reconnect it in another USB connector. If the situation is repeated, check the USB performance by another device - mouse, keyboard, other media, etc.

First need to exclude a physical malfunction, and after switching to software decision. The above methods did not help return the file system from the RAW in NTFS? Go ahead.

Check DISK will help with NTFS

Checks hard drives and removable media for the presence of bugs in the file system with further correction. In some cases, this will help return the PC to the working condition.
Run CMD with elevated privileges:

No access to cmd?

There are absolutely different situations: if Windows does not load, then there is no access to the command prompt. Naturally, the Check Disk Utilities with SFC is not possible.

  1. Use live discs On CD / DVD / Flashke.
  2. Use boot disk or Flashka to restore NTFS:

To avoid errors, use the DiskPart utility:

After rebooting, do not forget to return the boot device - set the system disk.

If you have a desktop PC, the hard drive can be turned off and connect to another and already from another operating system to start the check.

Antiviruses will be returned NTFS

Check the system for viruses. Such as:

  • MalwareBytes - Trial version works fully for 14 days, you can download from the official site.;
  • Dr. Web Cureit.! - Free to use the house, you can download from the developer's site by moving on the link.
    By excluding a viral attack, and if you failed to return the normal file system, go to further instructions.

Formatting or how to return NTFS

One of simple ways Return the normal state of the hard drive is the formatting of the disk, but this can be done only if nothing is important is stored on it. Convert RAW to NTFS can be built-in utility Windows - diskmgmt.msc.

Third-party funds to help the NTFS file system

Return the File System with RAW in NTFS can and proven third-party funds that have proven themselves from the best side.

Recuva - from the well-known developer Piriform, they also created CCleaner.

We will download the program from the official website and choose a version with a free license.

A number of users may encounter with the inability to gain access to your hard disk (or flash drive). In the operating system, such devices receive the status "RAW", and their file structure becomes inaccessible to the user. In this article, I will consider this dysfunction in detail, I will tell you what to do in a situation when the RAW file system, as well as how to return NTFS, FAT32, which tools will help us, and how to use them.

To understand that this is a RAW file system and how to return the NTFS, FAT32 format, it is necessary to determine the sense load of the term "Raw". Translated from the language of Shakespeare Lexeme "Raw" means "raw", "raw material". Accordingly, in our case, this term denotes disks that or are not yet formatted, or the data structure is damaged on them (errors in the table sections MBR and the MFT file table, viruses, PC hardware problems and so on.).

Speaking easier, RAW discs are discs that are not recognized by WINTOVS OS for various reasons. Usually, in this case, Windows recommends formatting such a disk, which should not be done, since due to the formatting the data available on the disk will be lost.

The reasons for which the disk from NTFS and FAT32 becomes RAW

The reasons for the appearance of RAW disks instead of the usual NTFS and FAT32 file systems:

  • Sudden disconnection of such discs (loss of voltage in the network, physical disconnection by the user, problems in the operation of the power supply, etc.), as a result of which the integrity and structure of data available on disk are violated;
  • Problems with cables connecting the motherboard and hDD;
  • Work of viral programs that violate the integrity of the bootloader, partition table, file structure, and so on;
  • Bad sectors on the Winchester, as a result of which the structure of the system on the hard disk is damaged;
  • Error installing or updating the operating system;
  • Errors when working with various partition managers hard disk;
  • Not a dense flash drive connection with a USB-connector PC (in the case of a flash drive);
  • Problems in the computer's motherboard and so on.

How to return NTFS, FAT32 from Raw

  • Try simply reboot your computer, the problem may have a random character;
  • Check the cable connection density to the Winchester, try using another connector for connecting the hard drive on the motherboard, as well as another PC software connector when connecting an external flash drive;
  • Use the capabilities of the built-in CHKDSK () utility. Run the command line on behalf of the administrator, and type it

chkdsk x: / f (where x is the letter of the RAW disk)

The "F" parameter means the correction of disk errors, that is utility Chkdsk. Not only is looking for problems, but also corrects them.

I also note that this command is relevant, first of all, for those discs that were formatted in the file nTFS system. At the same time, if you can't load the operating system, then boot using a boot system disk or flash drive (you can use different builds "Live CD"), select "Restore System", go to " Extra options"And then in the" Command String ", and there type the above command.

If you can't access the command line from your PC, then it is recommended to connect your hard disk to another computer, and check for your disk errors already from it.

  • Use the capabilities of another SFC system utility created to test integrity system files. Also run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator, write in it:


and press Enter.

  • If you have access to the operating system, then you should check your computer to viruses using special antivirus software (for example, Web Cureit! or Malware-Antimalware);
  • If there is no problem disk important information (or it is not essential), then a problem disk (or a flash drive) can be formatted. Press the "Start" key, and in the search string, type diskmgmt.msc, the disk control panel will appear. Click the right mouse button on the RAW disk and in the menu that appears, select "Format".

If you have a RAW file system, return NTFS, FAT32 - using third-party programs

If you want to restore the NFTS and FAT32 file system, then you should use the functionality special programswhich will help us. I offer programs like Recuva and Testdisk.


One of the popular programs for restoring lost files is Recuva. Download, install and run this product, select the option to restore all files, specify a problem disk, use the in-depth analysis option and click on "start".

After the verification is completed, the program will display a list of found files, mark them with checklocks and click on "Restore".


The second program capable of helping the RAW file system is TestDisk.

  1. Download and install this program, Run it on the name of the administrator.
  2. Select the "Create" command and click Enter, select RAW Disk and press ENTER.
  3. After selecting the desired section of the partition table, press Enter, then select Analyze and Quick Search (a quick search for problem sections will be implemented).
  4. After TestDisk finds problem volumes, click on "Write" to record the structure of the found partition.

How to change the file system flash drive [video]

The problem was analyzed above when the RAW file system was analyzed. The most optimal tool for the return NTFS, FAT32 is to use system Team Chkdsk, as well as special programs capable of restore file structure problem disk. If not one of the Soviets proposed by me was not effective for you, then I recommend contacting service center - Perhaps your hard drive has problems not software, but hardware, character, and it needs a solid repair.

In contact with

Many users have come across a problem when without any prerequisites, the hard disk stopped displayed as a local and issued a message that it is not formatted and works as the RAW file system. In panic, people formatted media, losing important data. If you encountered the same error, you do not need to agree with Windows offer and format disk. It can be restored.

Why does the RAW file system appear?

In theory, the RAW file system is initially installed on a rigid disk and indicates that it is not marked, that is, clean. After installing it in the system unit and formatting, it is suitable for installing the operating system or storage. However, even formatted discs can be defined as RAW. The result of this may be the following factors:

  • Sharp power off (voltage jump, emergency shutdown from the socket).
  • If during data copying has been disabled uSB cable Or deposited the SATA connector.
  • If this external diskThis error can happen with a non-safe removal of the device, that is, without using the system tray options.
  • Connecting to TV that formats the device under its format.
  • Defeat by viruses.
  • Physical breakage of the hard drive.

In the event that the cause of the disk conversion under the RAW file system has become a power off, incorrect device extraction or emergency shutdown, data can be successfully restored. Otherwise, repair the disk is possible, only without saving information.

Method number 1. Disk recovery without data saving. Windows is loaded

Most fast way Return the system's performance, it agrees with Windows offer and format disk.

Format the disk drive through the disk control panel. To do this, carry out the following:

  • Click "Start", "Control Panel", "System and Security", "Administration" and select "Creating and formatting partitions of hard drives".
  • A new window will open. Select the disk that displays the RAW file system. Click on it with the right mouse button and choose "format".

  • Select the format and click "OK". After formatting the disk will be ready for operation.

Method number 2. If the RAW system appeared not on the disk with

If the D disc was displayed as the RAW file system and you need to restore lost data, it is necessary to check it on errors. To do this, carry out the following:

  • We go into drives control and see the letter of the disk, which is displayed as RAW.
  • Open the command line with administrator rights and enter "CHKDSK D: / F", where "D" is a disk with the RAW file system.

  • Often, after fixing errors, the disk returns its previous NTFS file system.

Method number 3. Windows does not boot. Local disc with became RAW

If the operating system does not load, it is necessary to withdraw a hard disk from system Block Or a laptop, connect it to the work computer and check for errors via the command line. If it helps, the disk will be restored.

If you have an installation disk with the version and the discharge of your OS, it is worth starting the system recovery.

We enter the "CHKDSK D: / F" command, where you specify the drive letter.

You can see the letter disk through a notebook. In the command prompt, enter "NotePad". Next "File", "Open". A conductor will appear in which you can see the drive letter.

After checking and correcting errors, the old disk format can be restored.

How to restore data from a disk or partition file system which is defined as RAW?

To begin with, you should reply, what is the RAW file system?

In fact, the RAW file system does not exist, and the definition of the file system of the partition as RAW means that none of the file systems installed in the operating system has not been recognized by the name of the disk or partition file system.

If the disk file system is recognized as RAW, the data reading, the assignment of the volume tag and other operations with this section becomes impossible.

In this case, the operating system displays the size of the partition and when contacting it offers to format it.

Raw Hard disk

Fig. 1 Hard disk displays like Raw

If the operating system cannot recognize the hard disk file system, it will appear it as RAW. In this case, the user will not have access to data or disk partitions.

However, its capacitance, free and used space will be displayed as "0" (zero). This means that all the data from the disk is lost.

They are not available to the user for viewing or copying.

Raw Section Hard Disk

There are cases when as a result of viral attack or damage, only one of the disk partitions will be displayed as Raw.

When trying to open such windows disk will report on the error and the need for formatting it.

Formatting such a partition will make it available for further use, but will lead to the loss of all data stored on it.

The reasons for which the hard disk or section can become RAW

The reasons may be the most diverse, but if they are generalized, the main things can be called the following.

For the whole disk:

  • Connection problems or disk cable. Sometimes a hard disk can be defined as RAW if the cable of connecting it is damaged or there is a bad contact in the connector.
  • Bied sectors. The presence of a large number of broken sectors on the disk may damage its file system.
  • Damage to the structure of the file system. In addition to a large number of broken sectors, the file system may also be damaged for other reasons.
  • Damage to the partition table. Regardless of the causes of damage to the partition table, in case of damage, the entire disk will be defined as RAW.
  • Reinstalling or restoring the operating system.
  • As a result of the effects of viruses. Malicious software can change or delete important parameters or rigid disk information.

For the disc partition:

  • Viruses. Viral programs can, for example, damage the part of the table of the hard disk partition, which indicates the beginning and termination of the section.
  • Reinstalling Windows.
  • number hard disks and sections. Too a large number of Discs and partitions on the computer can lead to the occurrence of RAW sections.

RAW disk recovery methods

If Windows is loaded, and data from the RAW disk does not have any value for the user.

This is the easiest and fastest way to restore the efficiency of the RAW disk or partition.

In this case, it is sufficient to simply format it to be able to use in the future.

Of course, it does not imply saving or recovering data, but the user must understand that there is such an opportunity.

If Windows reports an error and need to format it, simply click the "Format disk" button.

Fig.2 Disc formatting

If the operating system does not report an error user, but checking the disk properties, you can see the lack of file system or the disk is not displayed in the "Computer" folder, you can format it using the Disk Management menu (Fig. 3).

To do this, go to drive control that right-click on the Start menu.

In the window that opens, find the disk with the RAW file system (it will be signed), click on it with the right mouse button and select Format.

If Windows is loaded, and the data from the RAW disk is important not to linger.

If the disk or partition is important for you, which is defined as RAW, then do not rush to format it.

First, try to check such a disk for errors and correct them. It can restore its performance.

For this:

  • Go to Drive Management (see above).
  • Remember the letter of the disk with the file system RAW.

Note: If the disk does not have the letters - assign it to it. To do this, click on the desired disk Right-click and select "Change the drive letter or path to the disk" (Fig.4).

  • Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. To do this, right-click on the Start menu and select "Command Line (Administrator)".
  • Enter the CHKDSK D: / F command (instead of D: - specify your drive letter) and press ENTER (Fig. 5).

  • After starting the command, the process of checking and correcting errors will begin. Often, after windows checks Reports the correction of all errors. After that, try moving to your disk again, the RAW file system must change to the one that was initially (FAT or NTFS).

If Windows is not loaded, and the disc to which the operating system is installed is defined as RAW.

In the absence of a user installation disk:

  • you must turn off the hard disk from the computer and connect it to another. Using another computer, this hard disk can be checked for errors using the method described above or scan using a data recovery program.

If there is an installation disk:

  • Load your computer using the installation disk and instead of installation, select the computer restore function.

  • In the Recovery menu, locate and select Command Line. Run it with it to check on the disk errors on which Windows is installed.

For this:

  • Enter B. Command line NotePad command. As a result of the execution of this command, the notepad window will open in the new window.
  • Select File / Open and Check the presence and letters of the disks.

  • Run on the command prompt checking and correcting the disk errors on which the operating system is located.

Fig. 8 Start checking and execution and disk errors with command line

Restore data from the RAW disk using data recovery programs

If none of the described methods restored the health of the hard disk or partition, then there are also programs for recovering data to recover data.

Programs for data recovery and files today have a large set and variety.

But in this case, only that of them will suit the user who, by the forces, will restore the information from the RAW disk or partition.

That is, from the disk or partition from the missing or damaged file system.

Here you should pay attention to the so-called Raw Recovery. or Partition Recovery. programs.

The principle of their work is similar to differences in some functions and interface.

For clarity, consider the data recovery process from the RAW section using Hetman Partition Recovery.(The program can be downloaded on the developer's website).

After the user launches the program, it will be given a list of all disks and partitions of the computer. You must select the RAW section and click on it twice.

In our case, this is a disk (E :).

The feature of the program is that it restores data from disks or partitions with any file system, which is automatically, without the need for an additional settings by the user.

That is, the user must simply select the necessary type of analysis in the next window and wait for its ending (in this case it is recommended that it is "full analysis").

Depending on the volume of the scanned disk, the analysis process can take from 15 minutes to several hours.

As a result, the program displays all detected files and spread them to folders, in accordance with the extensions of the found files.

Transfer required files In the recovery list and click "Restore", if you wish, viewing or listening to them in the preview window.

Also on how to restore data from other media.

Hard disks (Hard Disk Drive - HDD), which for various reasons are not defined operating system, Get the status of RAW, and access is stopped. When you try to open such a disk, Windows advises to format it, but if you follow this recommendation, all recorded information will disappear. It is advisable to restore an acceptable format: NTFS or FAT32.

Sources of problems with HDD may be different, and, before anything to take to restore the format, it is worth identifying them. Here are the most common:

  1. Failures in connection. For example, the user incorrectly turned off the disk or the electricity supply stopped and the file system was broken.
  2. Cable breakdown, which connects the disk with the board.
  3. Malicious software that violates the data structure.
  4. Errors encountered when reinstalling or updating OS.
  5. In the case of flashing, the reason for the change of format on the RAW may also be a violation of USB connectors.
  6. Functioning of the PC motherboard.
  7. Errors when working with Acronis DISK. Director.

Restoration of format

To restore NTFS format from RAW, try the following:

Restore format using special programs

If you try to check the HDD described above, a message appears: "CHKDSK is unacceptable for RAW disks", you can use programs to restore NTFS format from RAW. Consider the most popular of them.


DMDE is a utility that searches for damaged partitions in the file system and helps return the NTFS status disk. After downloading and installing the program, you need to do the following:

  1. Run the application.
  2. On the left, check the box opposite the phrases "physical devices" and "show sections".
  3. Select a damaged disk and click OK. After that, the utility will find the RAW section and denotes it with a crossed icon. If this did not happen, spend full scan (the corresponding button is located below the window).
  4. Now try to open the RAW and click "Restore", and then "Apply Parameters."
  5. After that, as a rule, the HDD format changes to NTFS.

DMDE program window

IMPORTANT. If you are trying to return the status of NTFS system disk And you do it from another PC, then upon completion of the operation and return the HDD in place the former computer will be displayed in the RAW format, so it is advisable to first restore the Windows bootloader.


Simple and understandable to use a program that can fix RAW disks and flash drives. The procedure for action is:

  1. Run the application, select "Restore all files", check the damaged disk and click "Start".
  2. The utility will detect files with a broken structure and fix the format on NTFS.

Piriform Recuva


The third utility restoring the disk format. Just download and run it, and then:

  1. Select "Create", press ENTER.
  2. Then click on the problematic HDD, then again ENTER and ANALYZE and Quick Search items.
  3. After executing the command, select Write to restore the information structure.

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