
How to fix MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen errors (0x0000001A). Eliminating BSoD error: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT Memory management windows 10 error what to do

No user can be 100% protected from errors while using the operating system. The most annoying kind of crash is Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD or Blue Screen of Death). Such errors are accompanied by OS freezing and loss of all unsaved data. In this article, we are going to show you how you can get rid of the BSOD called "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" in Windows 10.

The problem described in practice looks like this:

Unfortunately, a variety of factors can cause this message to appear. Most often, the error occurs due to a conflict between Windows and third-party applications. But sometimes a similar failure occurs due to the following:

  • Damaged or incorrectly installed driver
  • System files crash
  • The negative impact of virus software
  • Power plan setup problem
  • Physical malfunction of RAM

We will tell you about two powerful methods to use first when a message appears. "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT".

Method 1: Launch the OS without third-party software

First, you need to find out which files are interfering with the correct operation of the OS - system files or files of third-party software. To do this, we do the following:

  1. Run the system utility "Run" using the keyboard shortcut Windows + "R".
  2. In the only field of the window that appears, enter the msconfig command, and then press the button "Enter" on the keyboard or "OK" in the window itself.
  3. A window will open "System configuration"... In the first tab "General" check the box next to the line "Selective launch"... Make sure the line Load system services also marked. Moreover, from the position Load Startup Items the tick should be unchecked.
  4. Next, go to the tab "Services"... In the lower part of the window, activate the checkbox opposite the line "Hide Microsoft Services"... After that, the list of services will noticeably decrease. It is necessary to disable them all. Just uncheck each line or click "Disable all".
  5. Now you should open the tab. In it you need to click on the line "Open Task Manager"... Then press the button "OK" in the window "System configuration" to apply all changes. After that, a window will appear prompting you to restart the system. Do not press or close anything in it yet.
  6. "Task Manager" you must turn off all programs. To do this, right-click on the element name and select the item "Disable"... After disabling all applications, close "Task Manager".

  7. Now go back to the system reboot window and click the button in it.

After rebooting the system, you should perform the actions that led to the appearance of the blue screen and the error "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT"... If it does not happen again, it means that one of the previously disabled services or programs in startup was to blame. In this case, you will have to repeat all the steps described above, but at the same time enable services and startup items one by one. When the culprit is found, you should update / reinstall the detected program or driver. If you run into problems while uninstalling a software component (for example, the application refuses to uninstall), our article dedicated to solving them will help you:

Method 2: Determining the code and name of the problem file

If the first method did not help, or you simply do not want to use it, then you can go the alternative way. Next, we will talk about how to find out the error code, since by default this information is absent on the blue screen of death. By the found value and its description, you can accurately determine the cause of the BSOD.

  1. First, you need to boot the OS in safe mode, while enabling command line support. One way to do this is to actively press the button during Windows startup. "F8" on keyboard. In the window that appears, you will need to select the line with the same name.

    You can learn about other methods of starting the OS in safe mode from a separate article.

  2. After performing the specified manipulations, you need to run Command line as administrator. In the search box on "Taskbars" enter command "Verifier"... Click on the name of the found program RMB, then from the context menu select the item "Run as administrator".
  3. If you have User Account Control enabled, the following window will appear:

    Press the button in it "Yes".

  4. In the window that appears, you need to put a check in front of the line "Create custom parameters (for program code)"... Then press "Further" in the same window.
  5. The next item will be to include certain tests. It is necessary to activate those of them that we have marked with a tick in the screenshot below. After the required items are marked, press the button "Further".
  6. In the next window, set the marker opposite the line "Select driver name from the list" and press again "Further".
  7. Wait a few seconds for all the information about the installed drivers to load. In the new window, click on the line "Provider"... This will sort the list of software by manufacturer. You need to put a checkmark in front of all lines in the column "Provider" which is not worth Microsoft Corporation... We recommend that you carefully scroll through the entire list, as the required elements may be at the very end of the list. When finished, you must press the button "Ready".
  8. As a result, you will see a message stating that you need to restart your computer. Click the button in this window "OK" and reboot the system manually.
  9. Then there are two options for the development of events - either the system will boot normally, or you will again see the blue screen of death with a familiar error. Stable loading of the OS means that no driver problems were found. Please note that when an error with BSOD appears, the system may start to reboot cyclically. After two attempts, additional download options will be displayed. First of all, select the item "Troubleshooting".
  10. Next open the tab "Extra options".
  11. Then you need to click on the line View other recovery options.
  12. In conclusion, press the button Boot options.
  13. In the next window, click "Reload".
  14. A list of boot options will appear. Should choose "Safe Mode with Command Line Support".
  15. After booting the system in safe mode, you need to run Command line with administrator rights. To do this, press the key combination on the keyboard Windows + R, type in the window "Run" cmd command and after that press "Enter".
  16. V "Command line" you must enter the following commands one by one:

    verifier / reset
    shutdown -r -t 0

    The first will allow you to disable checking and looping the system, and the second will reboot it in normal mode.

  17. When the OS reboots, you need to go to the next path to "Explorer":

    C: \ Windows \ Minidump

  18. In folder "Minidump" you will find a file with the extension "DMP"... It should be opened with one of the specialized programs.

    In the lower part of the window, the names of the files that were the cause of the error will be highlighted in pink. "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT"... You just have to copy the name from the column "Filename" to any search engine and determine what software it belongs to. After that, it is worth removing the problematic software and reinstalling it.

On this, our article has come to its logical conclusion. We hope that one of the suggested methods helped you get rid of the problem you encountered. If the attempts were unsuccessful, then it is worth trying to follow such a standard procedure as checking the operating system for the presence of malware and errors.

For laptop owners in case of a message "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" it is also worth trying to change the power supply scheme. As a last resort, you need to pay attention to the RAM. A physical malfunction may have caused the problem.

It looks like a terrible, but quite treatable error. Terrible because it causes a "blue screen". And curable, because there are several solutions that help get rid of it.

As a rule, after carrying out the activities described below, you do not have to reinstall Windows 10.

MEMORY MANAGMENT WINDOWS 10 - error and its reasons.

There are several main reasons why the ill-fated screen of death appears. Here are the most common ones:

  • Recently installed hardware problem;
  • Recently updated driver crash;
  • A virus or malicious utility sitting in memory;
  • Damage to system files by a virus or malicious utility;
  • Old equipment problem;

Below we will try to save you from the error. MEMORY MANAGEMENT by following the steps in sequence. All that is required of you is attentiveness and accuracy.

All actions. that you produce on Windows and your computer, you do at your own peril and risk, and only you and no one else are responsible.

1.0 Problem with recently installed hardware

Everything is simple here. If you have recently installed new equipment in the system unit or connected through any interface, the most correct solution would be to disconnect the recently connected device.

If the error reappears, go to the next step. But if it disappeared - most likely the fault is the driver of this very equipment. It needs to be updated. You will learn how to do this below.

1.1 What if there are several new devices?

In this case, disconnect one device at a time each time after MEMORY_MANAGMENT Windows 10 errors. Thus, you gradually identify the device that generates the crash.

2.0 If you recently updated your driver

If you recently updated the driver of a video card, USB device, sound card, it is quite possible that the new driver was the cause of the failure.

In this case (of course, if you know the updated driver), you should try to roll back the driver, i.e. return it to its previous version. This can be done through Device Manager... It's easy to get into it: press the keyboard shortcut + and paste the following line into the opened window after copying it from here:

mmc devmgmt.msc

Click on or .

Will open Device Manager... Find and right-click on the device whose driver you updated, and in the drop-down menu, click Properties.

Switch to tab Driver... Pay attention to the version and date of the driver. This will help to compare versions after rollback.

There are several buttons in the same window: <Сведения> , <Обновить> , <Откатить> , <Удалить> , <Отключить> ... We need a button only a button <Откатить> which we will press.

As soon as you press the button <Да> , vigorous activity will begin on the computer. A couple of times it may seem that the computer is frozen (depending on the driver). It is worth a little wait, and everything will be restored.


You will never know that the rollback has passed. The only sign that everything is over will be the calm state of the computer.

Now, if you look again at the version and date of the driver, you can see that they have changed to earlier ones.

Observe the state of your computer. If the error stops bothering you, then everything went well.

2.1 What if you need a fresh driver?

You should wait until a new version of the driver for your hardware is released. If the next version of the driver is not expected, contact your hardware manufacturer for a solution. If the hardware is old, you will most likely get a response that it is not compatible with Windows 10.

3.0 If you haven't updated anything, but you are haunted by a Memory Managment error

If in the previous example the fault was a fresh driver, then in this, we will make the culprit outdated... Therefore, if we rolled back the driver, now we need to update it.

3.1 Which driver need to be updated?

Many respected sites tell you how to catch a bad driver using effective but complex actions, and thus "hit the bull's eye". We will go with simpler steps, and we will shoot in small fractions at the "sparrows", trying to catch everyone at once. That is, we will update everything.

You can update the driver one by one ad infinitum, but still not "hook" the faulty one. It will be much more efficient to use the so-called "driverpack". Driverpack is a set of the freshest drivers collected in one package. Often with automatic installation.

Proponents of "clean installation" of drivers very often criticize such packages for driver instability, for modified driver versions, for viruses in the package, and the like. Criticism is not without reason. All of the above took place some years ago.

Now driverpacks are programs that have reached a completely new level. They are constantly being worked on, Deficiencies are being eliminated. Deficiencies and bugs in the manufacturers' official drivers are also eliminated.

Run the downloaded file. it online version package. Its difference from the full-fledged one is that it downloads only the necessary drivers during their installation.

As soon as the program checks the hardware configuration, you will be prompted to install everything in automatic mode. In this mode, not only drivers will be installed, but also many related programs. Review the list of software to install.

If this arrangement does not suit you, find the button at the bottom of the window <Режим эксперта> and click it. This will allow you to configure everything yourself.

Switch to the tab for selecting software for installation, uncheck the boxes that you do not want to install.

Then switch back to the driver settings tab and start the installation.

This method affects and updates almost all drivers. Therefore, the chances of a faulty driver being replaced is very high. After the update, restart your computer.

This driverpack is far from the only one. You can use any.

4.0 Actions of viruses and malware.

There is a possibility that viruses coexist along with programs on your computer. They can also call out the blue screen MEMORY MANAGMENT.

Even if you have an antivirus installed, a complete scan of your computer with auxiliary tools will not hurt.

Check the system with two utilities - Dr.Web CureIT! and Malwarebytes.

The complete process of checking and treating cannot be included in a whole article. We also recommend that you read the article ““. It contains a lot of useful information.

5.0 Damage to system files

If viruses have already been on your computer, there is a possibility that as a result of their activity, system files could be damaged.

To check and restore these files, you need to use the SFC utility.

Click on + and the drop-down menu, click the item Command Line (Admin).

A window will open Command line, in which we enter the following line and press :

sfc.exe / scannow

After scanning, the sfc utility will tell you if any corrupted files have been found. Be sure to restart your computer after scanning.

6.0 Defective Hardware

And another possible reason for this error is faulty (malfunctioning) equipment.

Anything can be attributed to this point - a malfunction of the hard disk, RAM, sound card, motherboard, video adapter, in general, almost everything.

All of this equipment requires careful testing. The process is quite complex and the results may vary. Some equipment defects can be corrected without replacing some no. For more information about equipment diagnostics and about, you can read the article of the same name.

We hope this post helped you get rid of Memory Managment in Windows 10.

P.S. If all of the above methods turned out to be ineffective, write about it in the comments and we will tell you how to find out in detail which driver failed.

Needless to say, unforeseen failures may occur in the system in the event of an excessive load on physical and RAM memory. One of these failures is labeled "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT".

It is this failure that is accompanied by the appearance of the "blue screen of death". Let's look at what the occurrence of such a failure can be connected with, and how you can try to fix the situation.

What does the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error mean?

First of all, it is worth starting by considering the interpretation of these types of failures. It's not hard to guess what the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error means. It is enough just to translate the displayed message. In simple terms, this is a kind of problem that arises in the process of managing and allocating memory. On the whole, the situation is rather unpleasant. The appearance of such a message indicates the presence of certain conflicts at the physical level of interaction between the operating system and memory.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: reasons for the appearance

If we talk about the reasons that can cause such a failure, then it is worth noting that you can find quite a few of them. However, the main reasons include the following:

- infecting the system with computer viruses;

- failure of memory strips;

- overestimated power supply characteristics;

- errors on the hard disk;

- conflicts with outdated BIOS firmware or drivers.

Now let's take a closer look at each situation and try to identify universal ways to fix the problem. In the future, this will help to avoid repetition of failures.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: how to fix by system means?

It should be noted right away that a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure can occur in any version of the Windows operating system, regardless of its modification. In this case, consider the "eight", but only solely as an example. All the solutions that will be discussed here can be used in other versions of this operating system. Since the failure itself is related to memory, the first step is to scan this component. To do this, it is advisable to boot into safe mode. After that, you can use the computer administration section. You can call it from the standard "Control Panel". In the list of available tools, you need to go down and select a memory check method. After that, you need to use the OS reboot. During the reboot process, a memory test will be performed. Based on the results of the scan, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the causes of the problem. If at the time of testing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error appears again, then there will be no other options but to change the faulty memory sticks. At the same time, it is advisable to first remove all of them from the slots, and then insert them one by one into place and check the system's performance. The bar on which the failure will occur is out of order.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: using special programs to test memory

Windows' native testing tools are usually not as effective as we would like. It so happens that the search for the cause of the failure may lead nowhere. For this reason, in order to determine the cause of the problem as accurately as possible, it is better to use the special utility Memtest 86+. It works much better than the built-in system tool, and also gives more information on damage.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Updating BIOS firmware and device drivers

The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error can often appear in case of conflicts between installed drivers and BIOS firmware. How to be in this case? First of all, do not go into the BIOS, it is better to first try to install the "native" drivers. They must be on a special disc that comes with the purchase of the device. If the user has in his hands a list of devices that are installed on his computer, then you can try to download the latest drivers from the Internet. In this case, the system must be booted from any Windows installation disc or LiveCD. You can do it even easier and use the latest DriverPackSolution disc. The required content can also be downloaded from the Internet, and then burned to optical media on another computer or laptop. When updating the BIOS firmware, you should exercise the utmost care. First of all, when starting a laptop or computer, you need to enter the BIOS and determine its developer and version. Only then will you be able to find the firmware yourself on the Internet. However, it is better not to do this without special skills and knowledge, but to use the services of a service center. Otherwise, you can accidentally ruin the entire system.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: hard drive scan

Another reason why the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error can occur is the presence of critical failures on the hard drive. It needs to be checked. However, the standard validator, which can be invoked from the property bar in the context menu, will not work in this case. The best way to do this is to use a boot disk. After starting from the disk, you will need to call the command line. Here you need to register the sfc / scannow command. Testing the hard drive can take a long time. As a result, all failures will be eliminated, and the download will be restored.

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Change Power Options

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT messages may be due to incorrect power settings. This is particularly true for the better performance mode and can cause a serious load on system resources. In this case, you need to go to the appropriate section and set the economy mode with reduced energy consumption or balanced mode. It's worth noting that glitches due to incorrect power settings are most common on low-cost laptops. In addition, the system itself consumes a lot of resources, and the optimization of processes and programs can cause additional load.


As you can see for yourself, there are many reasons for a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure. Practice shows that replacement of memory strips is most often used as a solution to this problem. Some related errors, for example, in logical partitions or on hard drives, can be fixed quite easily. This review did not specifically address the impact of viruses. As a test tool, you can recommend such software products as KasperskyRescueDisk or something similar. This software product is loaded before the start of the operating system and scans all its elements, identifying even such threats that a regular scanner can miss. In some cases, you may need to remove recently installed programs. Perhaps conflicts occur at this very level. Or maybe there is undervoltage in the power grid, the contacts are loose or dirty - in general, there are enough possible reasons. To make a decision on the use of this or that method of correcting the situation, you must first determine the cause.

Many users, having seen a memory management error, go to the Internet and see what it is called Blue screen of death... The person begins to panic, but in fact there is nothing terrible. Quite a few people have encountered this error and their personal computers have continued to run smoothly. If you have such a problem, then you do not need to run to the service center, you just need to disassemble the causes of its occurrence and eliminate them.

What does memory management error mean?

Sometimes this error occurs due to certain programs, but in most cases it is a computer memory problem. Perhaps the reason is RAM or maybe lack of free space on your hard drive.

Most likely, this error was formed due to a conflict between the operating system and the RAM or memory on the hard disk of a personal computer. In simple terms, this is a misallocation of memory when launching various software components.

However, it is not a fact that the cause of the error is related to memory. Memory is just the primary reason that is emphasized in the first place. Apart from this, there are a number of various other reasons.

Reasons for the error

Memory management Windows 10 error can occur due to many reasons:

  • malicious software;
  • high load on the hard disk;
  • some hardware drivers are missing or damaged;
  • old BIOS version.

Since the causes of the error, memory management can be different, therefore, a unique method of correcting the error is used for each case. Let's consider each of them separately.

Malicious software

It is necessary to check the Windows file system for virus programs. Many users use unlicensed antiviruses or do not use them at all. One of the best virus detection utilities is Dr.Web Cureit... On the official website, you can download the antivirus installation file and run a full file system scan.

If the RAM is updated every time the computer is restarted, then the virus files remain in the system until the user deletes them. Therefore, it is worth checking the file system periodically for malware.

Correcting the error without using additional programs

In some cases, the error can be corrected without installing additional software. In the Windows 8 and 10 operating system there is built-in memory diagnostics.

In order to open it, you need to go to Control Panel and go to the tools section Administration... After the transition, you need to open Memory diagnostics... After the diagnostics, in accordance with the results, the cause of the error is identified.

It is possible that the RAM bar itself is damaged. In this case, it is necessary to replace it with another one. If several bars are used, then you need to start the computer one by one, turning off each bar. If the error stops popping up when one specific bar is disconnected, then it is damaged and must be replaced. It may also be that RAM from different manufacturers conflict with each other.

Additional software for scanning RAM

Some users do not trust the results of the built-in utility for scanning the RAM and recommend using additional programs. One of these programs is.

It describes the diagnostic results in more detail, so you can accurately determine the cause of the error. It has a very simple interface and fairly small functionality, so you won't have to understand this program for a long time.

If no virus software was found, and the RAM diagnostics showed positive results, then it is likely that the solution to the problem lies in the hard disk.

You don't need to download additional programs to scan your hard drive. To scan, you need to call the command Execute and use it to open Command line... V Command line you need to write sfc / scannow It checks the hard disk and fixes any errors that have occurred.

Also pay attention to the free space on your hard drive. It is believed that for normal operation, the hard disk must have more than 10% free memory. If there is not enough space on your hard drives, then it is worth deleting unnecessary files. To do this, you can use a special program CCleaner... It is very popular among the programs for cleaning the operating system.

Updating Drivers

It is possible that when purchasing a computer or reinstalling an operating system, the user did not have licensed drivers at hand, so they were installed automatically. The operating system may automatically install drivers for some devices, but this does not mean that they are ideal and will fully function.

Drivers can always be downloaded from the manufacturer's official website. But not all computer users know their hardware well. It is for them that there are various programs that themselves determine the components of a personal computer and offer to update drivers for them. One of these programs is.


It may also be that the computer has an old version BIOS... It can always be updated. How to do this, you can find out from the articles and our site.

Power supply

If the error appears on laptops, then the reason may be in the power supply. To solve it, you need to go to the section " Power supply", which is located in Control panels and choose "balanced type".


So, we have considered possible solutions to the problem for Windows 8 and 10. Do not be alarmed when errors occur on your personal computer and take it immediately to the service center. Everything can be solved thanks to helpful white papers and videos that thoroughly describe the solutions to the problem. Even the most ordinary user who does not understand the components of a computer can handle some of them. One has only to take a little time to make attempts to solve the problem.

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In any software, flaws are found in the process of use. This fact also applies to the Windows operating system. But errors that occur in it, including a blue screen with the inscription Memory Management, will not be a problem if there is an instruction for further actions.

What is the error, why does it occur

Memory Management with code 0x0000001a belongs to the category of "Blue Screen of Death" errors, or the so-called "blue screen of death". The most common cause of error are the drivers... It arises in cases when system files are corrupted, there is a conflict in device drivers, due to the installation of new software, virus activity, installation of new devices in the computer, as well as due to problems with RAM or hard disk.

There is a "child" error - Video memory management internal... She says that the problem lies in the drivers for the video adapter and they need to be reinstalled.

Solution methods

How to troubleshoot Memory Management error code 0x0000001a in Windows 7, 8, 10 will directly depend on the cause of the occurrence.

New software installed

In this case, you need to remove recently installed programs, and roll back to previous versions of the device driver. You also need to make a "clean" start of the system. For this:

If stop error 0x0000001a does not appear, start all services, applications, and update drivers one by one to identify the faulty component.

System files damaged

System files should be checked for integrity. For this:

Driver conflict

Windows 7

For Windows 7, the procedure for fixing a blue screen with a memory management error is as follows:

Windows 8 and 10

In Windows 8 and 10, to fix the Memory Management error, we adhere to the following algorithm:

Viruses in the system

The most commonplace, but from this and the most serious problem. It is worth installing an antivirus, for example, using the “Dr.WEB CureIT! ".

Checking your RAM and hard drive

Consideration should be given to storage devices. It is desirable to create bootable USB drive and write programs "memtest86" and "VictoriaHDD" on it to scan the RAM and hard disk.

Checking the power supply

Sometimes, transferring the PC to balanced mode of operation... To do this, go to " Control Panel"And find the item" Power supply". Set up a balanced mode.

New equipment was installed

If a new RAM strip, a new hard drive, or a peripheral device has recently been installed on the PC - you should turn it off... Often, a Memory Management error occurs due to incorrect interaction between the device and the motherboard. Before reinstalling the device - disconnect the PC from the power supply and execute reset BIOS settings before the initial ones by closing the corresponding contacts on the board, or removing the battery for a few minutes.

Other possible problems

Last but not least, the problem may appear due to outdated versionBIOS motherboard. It should be updated by first downloading the latest version on the official website of the manufacturer.

Cleaning the registry with utilities such as "

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