
How to start secure Win 7 mode. Secure Windows mode. Safe Mode. If Windows is loaded

Question from the user


Tell me, I can't go in any way safe mode On my laptop HP.

Windows 10 installed. I tried the F8 button - does not work, I tried to create blood flash drive - But the laptop does not start with it. Tell me, is there a working 100% method?


Good day!

Generally, for different problems With Windows - it is often necessary to download it in safe mode . For example, your OS has ceased to boot, the black screen appears before you, the critical error has got out, the conflict of drivers, etc.

But it is not always possible to enter it. (like the user who asked the question) - Often the computer / laptop simply does not respond to your F8 button pressed (before it was the base button to call the download selection menu).

In this article, I will consider several ways that you can go to secure mode in various versions of Windows.

If Windows is loaded

Method number 1 - with MSCONFIG

In order to change the type of download - open system configuration : To do this, press the combination of the Win + R buttons, then in the string "Open" Enter the command msconfig And press ENTER.

Next, open the tab, and check the box in front of the item "Safe mode" . By the way, note that there are several download options: minimum, other shell, with network support, etc.

Save the settings and restart your PC, laptop. Windows must start in safe mode. To start the Windows again to boot in normal mode - use the reverse procedure (remove the checkbox in the tab

The method also works in Windows 8, and in Windows 10. Just clamp the SHIFT key and restart the computer using the button in the Start menu (in Windows 8 on the slave. Table).

The computer will start to reboot and the window should appear with the proposal to select one of the options: in our case, choose "Troubleshooting" " , then B. "Diagnostics" Choose "Add. Parameters" (See photo below).

Then you need to open the section .

And restart the computer.

Actually, after rebooting, you will receive several options for safe mode: with download network drivers, with the support command line. Buttons for selecting: F4, F5, F6.

Method # 3 - Using F8 (for Windows 8)

In general, according to the development of Windows 8 developers - in safe mode, you can enter with the help of the same "old" key F8. (on PCs / Laptops - SFIFT + F8 ). But the problem is that Windows 8 is loaded faster than older OS. Because of what the user simply does not have time to have time to press the key on time.

Especially if you have a modern PC with SSD disk and UEFI instead of BIOS. On older PCs with HDD and the classic BIOS - the F8 key, you can have time to press, and this way is quite worker!

If Windows does not load

If, instead of the usual desktop, you watch the black screen or the appearance of some critical errors, or the PC immediately freezes and becomes the "dead" as soon as the desktop appears and you do not have time to activate another type of download - then you need to have a boot CD | DVD disk or USB flash drive.

If you do not have a flash drive, just below I bring a link to a relevant article. If your flash drive was not recorded ahead, and you do not have a second working PC, you will have to ask for help to your neighbor / friend ☻.

Big instruction on creating loading flash drives for windows installations XP, 7, 8, 10 (UEFI AND LEGACY) -

Next you need to boot from this media. To do this, you need to go and configure the BIOS appropriately, or call the boot menu (note: Boot menu with a selection of media) . These are vast and in this article do not stop on them, I will bring links to your instructions below.

How to enter the BIOS (BIOS) on the computer / laptop -

Hot keys to enter in menu Bios., Boot menu, recovery from the hidden section -

How to configure BIOS to download from a flash drive or disk (CD / DVD / USB) -

Then follow the next way: Action Selection / Diagnostics / Advanced Settings / Command Line .

After that, enter the command: bCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) SafeBoot Minimal And press ENTER. Next, close the command line and click "Proceed". The computer must boot in safe mode - the mission is fulfilled ...

Note! If you need to download Windows in a secure network support mode (SAFE MODE with Networking) - use the command:
bCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) Safeboot Network

In Windows 7.

Actual also for Windows XP

In Windows 7, to open the menu with download options - enough after turning on the computer / laptop Press sequentially several times key F8. - until you see the screen of additional options windows downloads (Example below).

If the F8 key does not work, or in the "unknown" reasons, it is still not possible - you can resort to one way. Wait until Windows starts to boot and at this point click on the reboot button on system block - RESET (on laptops you need to press the inclusion button by 5-10 seconds.).

As a result, the PC will be rebooted, and you will see the secure mode menu (it appears automatically). But in general, to use this method to enter without. Mode - not recommended (in order to avoid the appearance of additional problems ☻).

On a laptop

In general, the laptop runs in a safe mode similarly to what is described above (use the method, depending on your Windows OS).

Laptops asus : Actual recommendations above (F8 or SHIFT + F8).

Acer laptops: Actually all that is higher. True, there are some models (old), where the method was quite unusual: Ctrl + F9..

Lenovo laptops : Typically, when loading, it is enough to press the F8 button (for Windows 7). If you have Windows 8, 10 - use the option with the command msconfig.

HP laptops (entry in without. Mode is not from the Windows environment)

If there are no options proposed above, try the following:

  1. Turn on the laptop;
  2. Immediately press the ESC button until the start menu opens;
  3. Press the F11 key (system recovery begins);
  4. Next, run Windows in safe mode (similar to the 2nd method at the beginning of this article).


Note that on laptops function keys F1-F12 can be disabled in BIOS (or they can be used while pressing the Fn key (F-KEY)) . We are talking About HotKey Mode mode (and similar to it). That is why, sometimes on laptops it is impossible to enter the secure mode in Windows 7 by pressing the F8 button.

Setting BIOS laptop in pictures -

For additions - thanks in advance.

Good luck!

Safe mode or Safe Mode - special regime The computer works, which uses a very limited set of drivers and files required to start the system. In safe mode, you can find the reasons for the incorrect behavior of your PC and eliminate malfunctions that caused a failure in windows work. Safe Mode. It has a much more limited set of functions than the full version of the operating system, since only basic drivers are involved in the case of loading the secure mode. In addition, for sure to get into it for the first time, will cut the eye unusual low monitor resolution. But do not hurry to get upset, you are here only to detect the cause of the failure, eliminate it and return to normal comfortable use by your computer.

List possible causes Forced you to run safe mode can be extremely varied: violation of the normal functioning of the system after an attack of viral software, loading dubious advertising applications or installing unsuitable drivers that have entered the conflict with the "iron" of your computer. In order to get into SAFE MODE there are several ways.

This method is the easiest solution for most standard problems.

    1. To enter safe windows mode 7, to start a computer you need to restart or turn off. Make it easier to pull the "POWER" button for a few seconds (if the PC is in operating condition). If the computer is turned off, then it must be enabled using the same button.
    2. Immediately after the reboot when the BIOS initialization is already completed, and screensaver Windows 7 has not appeared on the screen, you need to hold the F8 key. Considering the fact that it is not always done from the first time, then you can reboot from the very beginning when you hear sound signal, Press the F8 key every half a second. The manufacturers of some laptop models make changes to their models, and instead of the F8 button, in rare cases, various keys from F1 to F12 are used.
  1. If everything is done correctly, then you should see a menu with options for choosing the most suitable download option. In this case, there is no practical use in this case, so you will have to choose only with the keyboard arrows. We are interested in the launch of the directly safe mode, but to know what other options will be odd. "Safe mode with downloading network drivers" is almost similar to Safe Mode, the only difference in which is in downloading network drivers, so that you can work in local network And on the Internet. But here, of course, do not forget that the entrance to the network in this mode is far from comfortable at least because of the extremely low screen resolution. "Safe Mode with Command Line Support" - downloading this mode will allow you to interact with the system through the command line. Habitual graphic interface absent.
  2. Selecting the keyboard arrow safe mode using the keyboard arrows, confirm your selection by pressing the "ENTER" key. If all the steps were executed correctly, then you must successfully enter the SAFE MODE, which will be confirmed by the black screen screen with the inscriptions "Safe Mode" at the screen corners.

Note: After you press the input key, SAFE MODE boot will begin. The list of the most important system drivers will appear on your monitor. If an error occurs when loading a specific file, you must pay special attention to it, and the best way to write down its name on the paper sheet, it is likely that the problem is related to it.

The second method is somewhat more complicated and suitable for more advanced users.

In order to start a safe mode, it is not necessary to knock on the F8 key repeatedly, but the input to it is possible only if Windows 7 does not contain critical errors and you can start full version operating system on your computer.

What if the computer is independently loaded in safe mode?

If neither of this PC is loaded in safe mode, then the reason is most likely in the newly installed equipment, or in the software downloaded from unreliable sources. In the case of questionable, the problem is easily solved using the "Installation and Delete Programs" section, which is in the "Control Panel". All applications installed for latelyYou must delete. In the event that the recently installed equipment or drivers conflicting from your OS are guilty, then you need to go to the "control panel" again and delete the device itself, or, accordingly, its drivers itself. If after deleting a dubious device or windows drivers It is loaded normally, then the problem was directly related to the conflict of hardware type. If, after all the listed manipulations, the problem is not solved, it is possible that there is a registry damage. In this case, only re-installing the operating system will save you.

To begin with, we will define what secure mode in Windows 7 and what is it needed for? SAFE MODE or secure computer start mode is the diagnostic mode of the operating system loading mode necessary to troubleshoot. Usually it is applied when Windows does not start or runs with failures in normal loading mode. In safe mode are used standard settings Windows, as well as the minimum set of drivers, programs and components for stable work OS. Thus, for example, if the laptop was installed software From an unreliable source, as a result of which the PC stopped being loaded, you can run Safe Mode to restore the system's performance.

If the computer is turned on, it must be turned off or through Start Select in the menu. While turning on the computer, click F8. And hold it. If the Windows emblem appears, it will be necessary to repeat everything first - restart the computer and use the F8 key to wait for the window appearance Additional options Downloads. You can see it in the picture below. If you have a laptop and window does not appear, try using a key combination Fn + F8..

Since we are interested in loading the operating system in a safe mode, select the corresponding cursor arrow point and press ENTER. You may need another mode of operation, so we will decipher them all.

System Restore - Shows a list of system recovery tools that can be used to troubleshoot when starting, to diagnose and restore the system.

Safe mode - Running Windows With a minimum set of drivers and services.

Safe Mode with Network Driver Download - Running Windows in secure mode with downloading network drivers and services needed to access the Internet or local network.

Safe Mode with Command Line Support - Running Windows in secure mode with the command line window.

Logging logging - Creating a NTBTlog.txt file that entered all the drivers installed during the startup.

Enable low-resolution video mode (640 × 480) - Starting Windows using the current video adapter driver and the choice of low resolution and update frequency.

Directory Recovery Recovery Mode - Running Windows in mode that allows you to restore the directory service.

Debug mode - Runs Windows in advanced mode to troubleshoot.

Disable automatic reboot when system fails - Prevents automatic restart of Windows in case of failure in operation.

Disable forced signing drivers - Allows you to install drivers containing incorrect signatures.

Working with the operating system for a long timeThe majority of users did not come across a safe regime and do not know what it is. In order to start the system without additional programs Or parameters, you need to start in safe mode. We offer you dear windows users 7, sort out how to go to safe mode.

Safe mode is a very useful "thing." For example, it happened that you downloaded a malicious application to your computer and cannot be deleted. In addition, the virus probably already loaded into memory and disables it only to reboot. After her, he again returns to memory and begins to "litter" there and inhibit the work of the system as a whole.

You may have deleted some system files And now the computer does not work as it was before. Permanent failures, frequent independent reboots or even shutdown - clear reasons for download in safe mode. What, in Windows 7 there is a wonderful property - loading with the last successful configuration. This feature is available directly from the same menu, from where you can enter the secure mode. To enter the secure mode in Windows 7, you must do the following:

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7. Method number 1

If you need to boot immediately before turning on the computer:

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7. Method number 2

If you need to boot directly from the system:

Related records

Safe mode in Windows 10 is also there, no matter how you denied users early versions OS. It's easy to go to it - it makes no sense, but in some situations it is very relevant and necessary. For example, a virus came to the computer, which when ...

Not loaded as usual mode, you can try to download it in Safe mode.

Safe mode (Safe Mode.) - this is a diagnostic mode (sometimes it is also called it mode protection against failures), allowing to identify problems caused by incorrect work (or improper setup) software or hardware .

IN Secure Windows mode Uses settings (minimum set of devices required to start Windows:, monitor, keyboard, discs, video adapter; Standard system services).

If a not loaded after installing a new software (), try to run it in Safe mode With a minimum set of services and change the settings or delete a new software (or), which may cause a failure.

How to download Windows 7. in Safe mode


- When rebooting, press the key. F8. (If the selection window appears Boot Device. , Select hDDon which installed, click ENTER, later F8.);

- Window appears Additional download options:

· Troubleshooting computer - output of a list of system recovery tools that can be used to troubleshoot problems when starting, performing diagnostics or restore system;

· Safe mode/Safe Mode. - Start Windows Only with the basic and services. It is applied if it is not possible to download after installing a new device or;

· Safe Mode with Network Driver Download/SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING - Start Windows with key drivers and network support;

· Safe Mode with Command Line Support/SAFE MODE WITH COMMAND PROMPT - Start Windows with basic , with the subsequent launch of the command line;

· Logging logging/Enable Boot Logging. - Creates a file ntbtlog.txtwhich lists all loaded during startup, including the last file that was loaded before the failover;

· Low resolution video mode inclusion (640x480)/Enable Low-Resolution - Installation or reset screen resolution. Running Windows in low screen resolution mode (640x480);

· Last successful configuration (optional)/Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced) - Running system Windows using the parameters of the last successful load;

· Directory Recovery Recovery Mode/Directory Services Restore Mode - Running system Windows in the recovery mode of directory services (only for Windows domain controllers);

· Debug mode/DEBUGGING MODE. - Inclusion of debugger Windows kernels;

· Disable automatic reboot when system fails/Disable Automatic RESTART ON SYSTEM FAILURE - ban automatic reboot Windows After a failure;

· Disable mandatory driver signature verification/Disable Driver Signature Enforcement - Allows loading

- Choose Safe Mode -\u003e Enter (If necessary, you can also choose Safe Mode with Network Driver Download or Safe Mode with Command Line Support);

- The operating system will be loaded into Safe mode - with an already familiar background Desktop and inscription Safe mode in the corners of the screen;

- This will automatically start the window Help and support With an open article "What is a safe mode?".


1. Key F8. must be pressed before thathow the logo appears Windows. If you did not have time to do this, wait for the download to complete Windows, then reboot again .

2. On some keyboards function keys F1 - F12. The default is always disabled. To turn on them, you must press a special key (as a rule, this key is indicated by a stylized lock with the inscription F-Key and is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard).

3. If there are two or more operating systemsselect the desired by the arrow keys, and then press the key. ENTER.

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