
Running Windows programs with prescribed parameters in a shortcut. Setting the game startup settings How to specify the startup parameters

Surely many of you at least once used the launch parameters when using personal windows ApplicationsFor example, when you needed to run any application in the window. In the appropriate settings for the window mode, you could write "-Window" parameters, and the application started in the window. Even though there was no convenient settings in the program itself, the startup parameters could be changed through the label properties. To do this, you needed to click the right mouse button on the program shortcut, select "Properties" and then write to the appropriate string necessary parameters. Steam game startup parameters act likely. In order to apply any startup parameters in Steam, you need to find the library of your games. This is done through the top menu of the STEAM client.

After you go to the game library, click on the application to which you want to set the parameters. After that, select "Properties".

In the window that appears, select "Set start parameters".

The launch parameter entry string appears. Parameters must be entered in the following format:

The example of the launch parameter is introduced in the above: NOBORDER and LOW. The first parameter is responsible for launching the application in window modeAnd the second parameter switches the priority of the application. In a similar way, other parameters are introduced: first you need to enter a hyphen, then the name of the parameter. If you need to enter several parameters at once, then they are separated by a space. It is worth considering that not all parameters work in any games. Some parameters will only act in separate games. Almost all known parameters operate in Games from Valve: Dota 2, CS: Go, Left 4 Dead. Here is the list of the most commonly used parameters:

Full - full-screen game mode;
-Window - window window mode;
-noborder - mode in the window without frame;
-Low - setting a low priority for the application (if you run something else on your computer);
-High - setting a high priority for the application (improves the performance of the game);
-Refresh 80 - setting the monitor update frequency in Hz. IN this example Installed 80 Hz;
-nosound - disabling sound in the game;
-Nosync - turning off vertical synchronization. Allows you to reduce Input Lag, but the picture can become non-oscillate;
-Console - Enabling the console in the game, with which you can enter various commands;
-Safe - turn on the secure mode. Can help if the game does not start;
-W 800 -H 600 - Starting an application with a resolution of 800 per 600 pixels. You can specify the values \u200b\u200byou need;
-Language English - installation of the Russian language in the game if it is available.

As already mentioned, part of the settings only works in games from Valve, which is a Steam service developer. But settings such as changing the format of the game window, work in most applications. Thus, you can forcibly set the start of the game in the window, even if it is achieved through changes in the parameters inside the game.

Now you know how you can apply the startup parameters to play games; How to use these parameters to run games as you would like, or get rid of problems with the launch.

Probably, each of those who play a long period of time in CS GO knows or heard that in addition to the setup, you need to select the startup parameters.

So, what are the startup parameters? These are commands that make the action when you start CS GO. For example, you can skip the screensaver with the "-novid" parameter engine.

How to set the parameter (s) of the launch?

Everything is very simple, follow the instructions on screenshots!

Below I will give some launch parameters from which you yourself can choose what you like. (Startup parameters are installed via space, as in the screenshot)

-Novid. - Removes the screensaver with the engine (allows you to accelerate the download)
-W 640 -H 480 - Run the game with a screen resolution of 640 × 480 pixels (optional)
-full - Run the game in full screen mode
-Window. - Runs the game in the window mode
-Noborder. - Run the game in the window without frame
-Dxlevel 81. - To use DirectX 8.1
-Dxlevel 90. - To use DirectX 9
-Heapsize 262144. - highlights 512MB to play random access memory
-Heapsize 524288.- allocates for the game 1GB RAM
-Heapsize 1048576. - Allocates for the game 2GB RAM
-Noaafonts. - To disconnect the smoothing of the screen fonts
-Freq 100. - To change Hertz for HL1 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85 \u003d COMMON LCD 60-75 72 \u003d COMMON
-Refresh 100. - To change the hertz for HL2 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85 \u003d COMMON LCD 60-75 72 \u003d COMMON
-soft. - To start the game in graphic mode Software
-d3d. - To start the game in graphic mode Direct3D
-gl - To start the game in graphic mode Open GL
-Nojoy - To disable joystick support
-Noipx - To disable the LAN protocol
-Noip. - To delete an IP address without connecting to servers
-Nosound - forcibly turns off the sound in the game
-Nosync. - forcibly disables vertical synchronization
-Console - To gain access to the developer console
-dev - To enable modes for developers
-Zone # - To highlight a larger memory files such as autoexec.cfg, etc.
-Safe - to start the game in safe mode and disconnecting audio
-Autoconfig - recovery standard settings Video parameters
-Condebug. - to save all console logs in text file. Console.log.
-Nocrashdialog. - To cancel the display of some errors (Memory Could Not Be Read)
-Toconsole - To start the game engine in the console, if the card is not defined with + Map
+ A + R_MMX 1 - to start the game with console team or CVAR command in command line (instead of CFG)
+ Exec Name.cfg. - To connect the config with the name "Name"
-lv - This parameter includes the "low" violence mode.

Parameters Rapid FPS!

1. -novid
2. -Console.
3. -Freq (number of your hertz monitor)
4. -Threads (number of processor cores)
5. -High (increases FPS on weak computers)
6. + RATE 128000
7. + CL_CMDRATE 128
9. + CL_Interp 0
10. + CL_Interp_ratio.
11. + FPS_MAX 0

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That's all! All the questions you can ask in the comments, we will try to find an answer for them! Good luck!

(6 estimates, average: 3,67 out of 5)

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Many of you probably heard about the launch parameters in CS GO, but not everyone knows what they need and which of them are able to really bring benefit for your PC. What are the launch parameters? These are the commands that tell the game about the need to make any action when downloading or run the game with specific settings. Good settings The launch will allow you not only to provide a smooth rope, but also make your life easier. For example, you can change the screen resolution when opening CS GO or register the skipping roller skip (for time saving).

Settings of the start of the COP go - useful commands

  • -novid - turns off the entrance roller when entering the game
  • -W 640 -H 480 - You can set the screen resolution at startup. Instead of 640 and 480 put your values
  • -Console - Includes console in the game
  • -Freq 120 - Specifies the monitor the necessary frequency of the screen update. It makes sense to use only if you have 120 or 144 Hz monitor.
  • -High - runs the game in high priority mode. It can help players with weak computers. It does not make sense to use if there is a powerful PC.
  • -Threads 4 - specify the game how many nuclei you have. If you have two cores, then instead of four put a twice; With six nuclei we put the six. Look in the game, whether this team affects in any way. If not, you can not prescribe
  • -FullScreen - Start CS GO in full screen mode
  • -Language English - Specifies language. At the same time, Steam can be in Russian, and CS GO in English
  • + Rate 124000 - maximum amount data taken by host (bit / sec.)
  • + CL_CMDRATE 128 - Max number of packets sent to server
  • + CL_UPDATERATE 128 - Maximum requested package updates from server
  • -NoaAfonts - disables smoothing. Helps to increase FPS in the COP
  • + Exec autoexec.cfg - launch a pre-configured config
  • -Window - to run the game in the window mode
  • -noborder - starts the COP in the window mode without frame
  • -Low - You can ask not only high priority, but also low
  • -Dxlevel 81 - Setting up DirectX to version 8.1
  • -Dxlevel 90 - Setting up DirectX to version 9
  • -Heapsize 262144 - This parameter allocates 512MB of RAM
  • -Heapsize 524288 - allocates 1GB RAM
  • -Heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2GB RAM
  • -NoaAfonts - This command disables screen font smoothing
  • -Refresh 100 is a special parameter to change the hertz for HL2 Engine monitors.
  • -Soft - turns on the COP in graphic mode Software
  • -D3D - includes COP in Direct3D mode
  • -GL - turns on the COP in graphic mode Open GL
  • -Nojoy - turns off the joystick
  • -NioPX - Disables LAN protocol
  • -NoIP - Deletes the IP address without connecting to servers
  • -nosound - turns off the sound in CS GO
  • -Nosync - turns off vertical synchronization
  • -Console - provides access to the developer console
  • -DEV - Includes modes for developers
  • -Zone # - allows you to highlight more memory files such as autoexec.cfg, etc
  • -Safe - allows you to run CS GO in secure mode plus disables audio
  • -autoconfig - drops video settings to standard
  • -CondeBug - Saves logging in the Console.log file
  • -nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (Memory Could Not Be Read)
  • -Toconsole - To start the game engine in the console, if the card is not defined with + Map
  • + A + R_MMX 1 - To start the game CVAR command in the command line (instead of CFG)
  • -Tickrate 128 - Server Update Frequency
  • -m_rawinput - whether to influence windows settings On the mouse sensing
  • Noforcemspd - the mouse speed is the same as in Windows
  • -noforcemaccel - disabling the acceleration of the mouse
  • -noforcemparms - using the settings of the mouse buttons as in Windows

Of course, 80% of the commands described above are for some cyber players. I listed them just in case. BUT optimal parameters Launch for the COP I recommend borrowing the Navi team.

Professional players launch parameters

About players certainly know that there must be prescribed. It is unlikely that they are missing something. Let's see what the players are Natus Vincere. Startup parameters Top players Natus Vincere CS: GO

Parameters of the launch of the Arseny "CEH9" TIPENKO:


Yes, I am presented the old one, but in fact all the cyberports are similar to the + they change them periodically. So it is not particularly bothering. Take the one that you like more.

How to set the startup parameters in the COP - Step-by-step instruction (in pictures)

Yes, I forgot the most important thing - to tell you how to install them (or rather, where to prescribe). To register the startup settings in the COP, you need to click on the right mouse button, select the Properties tab and switch to the tab called "Set Start Parameters", as shown in Figure below:

Popular questions

Let's quickly run on common issues that you may have.

Why do you need startup parameters

For convenience. In fact, you can not use them at all .. I personally did not use. I have enough for those in the game.

How to set the screen resolution through the startup parameters of the COP.

This is done using the -W 640 -H 480 command, where instead of data numbers you can put any permission you need.

How to run the kc go in the window

Commands that allow you to open the COP in the window mode (this can be done in the settings inside the game or without going into the game, speaking into the properties what is indicated below):

  • -Windowed -W 1024 -H 768 - Run in the window mode, where W is the width, and h - height
  • -NoBORDER - Windows will not circle a window with the game borders. It makes sense to use only when starting in the window. In this mode, you can move it. To do this, are used -X (distance from the left edge of the screen) and -Y (distance from the top edge of the screen)

What you need to write in the launch parameters CS GO

You can not write anything at all. I played all my life and did not cause any problems. Yes, weak PC, seeding FPS, etc. All this is unpleasant. But it is possible to influence them in fact only by one - update of iron. So do not bother especially. If you have a weak PC, I recommend first and then register in the console:

NOVID -CONSOLE -FREQ 60 + RATE 128000 + CL_CMDRATE 128 + CL_UPDATERATE 128 -THreads 4 -High + Cl_interp 0 + Cl_interp_ratio 1 + FPS_MAX (Your value)

Standard startup parameters COP

To return standard rates values, write the following:

rATE 80000; CL_UPDATERATE 64; CL_CMDRATE 64; Cl_interp 0.03125; Cl_interp_ratio 2; Cl_LagCompensation 1.


I'm trying to build an SSRS 2008 report so that it displays a table based on the initial and end date parameters. But when I set the default values \u200b\u200bfor these date parameters, it displays the same records in my table, regardless of which parameters I chose, because they are default. Therefore, I tried to set default values \u200b\u200b\u003d available valuesBut it does the same. So, how can I create cascading parameters so that the table is filtered correctly based on the date logic?

I have three parameters: "Parameter_week", "Start_Date" and "End Date". All of them are taken from one set of data, where Parameter Week is in line format "6/12/11 - 6/18/11", and the start date is "6/12/11", and the end date is "6/18 / eleven ". In the same dataset, there are 4 different records that are always equal to the last 4 weeks.

And the table data table receives only 2 of the following parameter: the start and end date. Therefore, I want this table filtering records based on these dates. However, I get an error below if I set the default values \u200b\u200bfor these two parameters in "None".

The "start date" parameter does not matter.

(and the start and end dates The parameters are hidden, since only the parameter parameter of the week must be visible.)

So, let's sum up, I tried all the combinations to set the default values \u200b\u200bfor these two date parameters if I set the default values \u200b\u200b\u003d no, then I will receive an error message above. But if I set the default value for anything else, then it always returns the same records in the table as the default.

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That's what I did:

    Create a data set to determine the list of weeks

    Create a parameter (@DateString), which sets these available values \u200b\u200bfrom a new dataset, set the label and fields of the value in the DateString field (created from the row of concatenated dates (i.e. 6/12/11 - 6/18/11)).

    Creating a 2nd set of data that is almost the same as the first, except for the addition of filter parameters

    Where DateString \u003d @DateString

    Create 2 parameters @ DATE1 and @ DATE2. Install visibility to "hidden." Get values \u200b\u200bfrom the query and set a data set for your second dataset and the values \u200b\u200bfield for your date1. Go to the Advanced section and select "Always update". (Do it for @ date2 change the value field for DATE2)

    Create a data set for a table with date parameters:

    SELECT * from events Where Date Between @ Date1 and @ date2

    Create a table with values \u200b\u200bfrom this data set.

    Run the report and change the parameters to different dates, and the table is updated as the parameters change.

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