
How to stretch the window mode. How to start the game not full screen, but in a small window? Problems of the game itself

For a comfortable game on some laptops, you must disable various graphic parameters and reduce the resolution. At the same time B. computer Games Black stripes can appear along the edges of the screen. And all because of the incorrectly configured scaling. In this article will deal with how to stretch the game in full screen laptop. Please note that the image quality will deteriorate a bit.

You can change the scaling in the video card control panel. True find this parameter in Control panel NVIDIA (GeForce) or Catalyst Control Center. (Radeon) You will not work.

IN modern laptops Intel integrated video card is added. It is in the Intel control panel that the scaling parameter is. You can open it right-click on the desktop and selecting " Graphic characteristics ...»In the context menu.

If this item is missing in the context menu, you probably have not installed software Intel. Install it from the disk that is attached to the laptop or download from the company's official website. When you first start, a window will appear with the selection of the application mode. Choose " Advanced mode"(Display all settings) and click on the" OK«.

In chapter " Display»Open" basic settings". If you are using maximum resolution Display, the desired scaling parameter will be hidden.

Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce the permission to appear by the parameter you need. Choose new resolution (for example, it was 1366x768, selected 1360x768), after which we set the scaling parameter - " Scale full screen«.

Save the changes using the button " Apply". Immediately return to the usual screen resolution and save the settings again.

All, you can close the Intel control panel. Now despite the selected resolution, the game will stretch into full screen laptop.

If you are already working in a new operating room windows system 10, I probably noticed that some applications cannot be translated into a full-screen display mode of the usual way. One of these applications is a browser from Microsoft - Edge.

Previously, the problem of lack of space on small screens Laptops After starting, for example, an Internet browser, was solved by developers by implementing the enlargement of the viewing area by hiding the elements of the interface (address string, tabs and taskbar). For this answered function key Keyboard - F11.

Using it, the user received a viewing area deployed on the entire screen. As a result, more in the browser useful informationAnd in the notebook you could print a lot of text, without moving the side scroll bar.

Now translate the application in full screen mode using this key will not work. You, as before, will see the top of the window with the familiar elements of minimization management, increasing and closing.

This does not apply to third-party software, it will interact with F11 as before, for example Mozilla Firefox.. But the programs that are supplied with the default or installed from store store.will not react to it properly.

As you can do in this situation, we will look further. Let's start?!


This is very simple, open the Microsoft Edge browser and click the Win + SHIFT + ENTER keyboard keyboard. The transition to the full screen mode is carried out! The good news is that this method will act in some games from the store, which were not originally developed to display on the full screen.

To exit the mode, move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen, where the standard window controls will be available. Happened?

Unfortunately, the function has some drawbacks:

  • this key combination is not working for all applications;
  • you can not use the ESC key to exit;
  • the browser will not display the tabs and the address line, but Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + SHIFT + TAB and CTRL + T will still work.

That's all the information for today! You need to familiarize yourself with all useful instructions And tips, the list of which is located on a separate page of software. If you wish, you can become a member of our FB group.

Sometimes, after launching a shortcut and before opening the game, the user has time to press another element of the desktop, for example, an audio player. In this case the system can automatically start the window mode. To eliminate this shortcoming, you should switch to the game window by pressing the keyboard Alt + Tab.

Changing the launch parameters

Next method, how to enable fullscreen mode in the gameis edited run parameters in the label properties. This will require:

  • Create or find the game label.
  • Press the right button on it, select the command "Properties."
  • Then there are three options that can help with the opening of the application.
    • 1. Tab "Label", line "An object". Here you should check that the team does not have a team "Windowed". If this is present, it needs to be deleted. It is important to leave the path to the file, otherwise the label will stop working.
    • 2. Tab "Label", Parameter "Window". Set value "Expand to the whole screen." The setting will initially set the window deployment to the entire display area. This is not a full screen mode - Icons will be visible to close or fold the window.

When you start a gaming program or in the game process, difficulties may arise with the output of the game window in full screen mode. This problem has software and hardware and occurs under the following circumstances:

In the case of a hardware fault, you must contact service center For technical analysis. With a program, you can try to make the game on the entire screen itself.

Using hot keys to display a full-screen format

In Windows family systems, there are two variations with the output of the program window in full-format mode, which will deploy the window to the entire screen using the key combinations:

  • WIN. + D. - The combination restores the rolled dialog and program windows. Used if the program has been minimized;
  • Alt. + ENTER - This combination is valid for the configuration built-in feature of the output of the game in full screen. Visits during the program.

The presented key combinations are used for one-time fixation of the application window in the required format.

Setting the game startup options using a program shortcut

With a full-fledged installation of the program, a label with a branded logo will appear on the desktop, and in the "Start" menu, the corresponding tab. Using this label, as with the help tab, you can configure the position of the process window when started. To expand the game to the full screen follows:

  • press the label (tab) right-click;
  • in the window that opens on the tab " Label"In category" Window»Select the position" All-screen»;
  • at the bottom of the tab click " Apply", And then" OK ".

With a consistent action of actions, the program will start in full screen mode.

Adjusting the video card for full-length game startup

The program process may not start in full screen mode for reasons associated with the video adapter:

  • video card not suitable under the requests of the gaming program;
  • not suitable Software (driver) for a specific game.
  • from using a discwhich comes complete with a video card;
  • download file Drivers from the official site of the manufacturer.

Important!It is undesirable to download driver file from third-party network resources. It can lead to incorrect work updated component.

You can install the driver by running the downloaded file or opening the disk with the executable file (file with extension.exe). In this case, the driver will be installed automatically.

Gaming settings

To enable a visual number of the program process in full screen mode, sometimes it is enough to produce setting up in-game configuration. Depending on the program, the interface may differ, but general view following:

  • when entering the main menu, select the item " Settings»;
  • go to subparagraph " Image settings"(Possibly" screen settings ");
  • choose " Running the game in full screen mode"And press the" key " OK"(At the bottom of the screen);
  • restart the game.

With a new start, the game will automatically be released in full-format.

Monitor Setup (Screen)

When installing the program, it is necessary to study in detail how hardware and software requirements. A possible condition to make the screen to the entire monitor in a widescreen form can be a certain resolution.

As an example, the requirement of the game: 1024 x 768, at the current resolution of 2560 x 1600. Accordingly, it is necessary to change permission to the desired one. The execution order may not differ significantly depending on the Windows Operating System, general Next:

Laptop game settings

In laptops equipped with a hardware and software complex from the company Intel, the problem of starting the process to full screen is solved through special application - Intel graphics and media control panel. To extend the window to the full screen you need:

  • enter the program interface (through the menu " Control Panel»);
  • select item " basic settings»;
  • point certain permission, as well as set the required scale;
  • press Apply", Then" OK ";
  • when completing the actions, the computer is required reboot.

With the subsequent startup of the processes, they will go out in the desired format.

I want to tell you today about full screen mode Work computer programs. It will be about how it can be easily enabled for almost any program or game. First of all, the article is designed for inexperienced novice users.

All you know that almost any window in operating system Windows can be deployed to the entire monitor screen. It is done by the middle button "Expand" in the upper right corner ...

I did not accidentally say "almost any window" - some resist. The newly described USB Ports Disabler program initially does not work in full-screen mode - the average button is not active in general (it is clear that such an opportunity in such small one-barriers actually not needed - brought simply for example). Also, very often questions arise with this regime in games or video players.

I have excellent news for you - you can run in full screen mode almost any program or game. This is done very easily and simply - by pressing the right mouse button on the program label (games) and go to the "Properties" ...

... to the tab "Label" ...

... and in the window "Window" exhibit "deployed on the whole screen" ...

Do not forget to press "apply."

That's all - the program or the game will now start initially in full screen mode.

Mode "All Screen" in the browser

Separately, I want to mark the advanced mode "on the entire screen", which turns on for any browser with the "F11" button on the keyboard (it is also turned off).

From personal observations - almost no one uses this regime for some reason, and in vain. It is very convenient and practical - all panels and browser buttons are hidden, and the information literally differs as much as possible to the entire monitor screen. This is especially true for laptop owners. Lords big Monitors This chip may not be needed at all.

Best of all this magic full-screen mode is implemented in browser Mozilla. Firefox - At any time you can "throw" the cursor over the top border of the window and stop the tab panel and search. Switch to another tab or entered the request and you can move the cursor down - we get the full information screen again.

In other browsers, for this you need to go out of the "full screen" and then return to it - it is sad and inconvenient.

How to make a comfortable fullscreen mode in google browser Chrome.

I want to draw the attention of users and Mozilla Firefox funns to a small nuance - at the end of work in the browser, before it is closed, it is very advisable to get out of the "full screen" mode, otherwise the following tabs can "fly" the following tabs in general . This glitch manufacturers cannot (rather - do not want) to repair for several years, radishes.

That's all the compulsory full-screen program mode - to new, I hope useful, tips and computer programs.

Useful video

I only observe the program! Any claims to their manufacturers!

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