
What does Ctrl Alt Del Restart mean. BootMGR Is Missing Error or how to change the active section on Windows7. The main causes of the download manager error

Any novice PC - the user inevitably at least once caught in this situation when the computer hung hopelessly and refused to work further. After passing in the mind all the instructions necessary for this case, and feeling ourselves "kettle" you can try to "reanimate" the car. If the computer science teacher managed to inspire you that turn off the computer mechanically, using the button located on the power supply button is not good, then you should try the magic key combination - Ctrl + Alt + Del.
It is assumed that this combination will immediately cause a system dispatcher windows tasksAnd from there it will not work to restart or turn off the car. Sometimes it really helps, but in most cases there is no. For example, all modern games usually work quite stable, but if it happens to "hang", then the computer will not reboot such simple method. When you do not help standard options - Alt + F4; Ctrl + Alt + Del, then the user remains only to cut into a fist in a small and inconvenient button reboot. This action may not like the entire system. It may turn out that after rebooting the PC refuses to "see" the OS Operation, which threatens it to reinstall.

Contrary to popular belief installing Windows Not such a difficult procedure, affordable even "kettle". It is only worth inserting the installation disk, agree with licensing requirements, and then the system will perform everything automatically. It is a pity there will be only lost files, because from under the old Ourser, it will not be able to pull out.

The use of the magical combination of the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys may be required in another, more exotic case. Any user of the Internet is not insured from all kinds of viruses - everyone is convinced of this in the first month of operation of services. At the same time, it is not necessary to climb on suspicious sites for adults - you can catch the virus anywhere. As a result, the following situation is obtained - I woke up, turned on the computer, and on the screen - a pornographic banner. Naturally, it will not work. The attackers will not fail to set their requirements - send SMS to the number, and so on, and the like.

In such a situation, the first encouraging of the "kettle" will take advantage of the Council of Senior Comrades who have experience in solving such a situation. Since it is not always convenient to take advantage of someone from acquaintances, it remains one option - find information on the Internet. That's just there is one little problem - The malicious banner is hanging just in the center of the screen and covers an icon to start exporing.
If the Start menu in the "All Programs" tab also does not have a start icon, it remains to refer to the Ctrl + Alt + Del combination. There, in Windows Task Manager, there is one very useful command in the menu: File--> New task (execute ...). From this menu you can get to any computer resource, including the Internet.

If you need to close a hopelessly dependent program, but I have no special need to restart the computer, you can also use this familiar combination -CTRL + ALT + DEL. And in the tab Processes Find your process and clicking Del kill it. In the menu that opens there is a command that allows forced to complete any process. It should only be borne in mind that not all processes can be removed, since some of them (system) will result in a failure and reboot. It is not necessary to use this method too often, and it will not fit for beginners - there is a risk to disable some system process.

The main use of the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys was and will be rebooting the system. Indeed, why try to complete a specific process when you can quickly and effortlessly provide this task to the computer. If the reboot is carried out mechanical, and software, I will not happen any trouble upon subsequent launch. And if I still needed a mechanical restart and system parameters got knocked out (which happens quite rarely) you can always return Windows to the previous state using the system recovery function.

Despite the fact that many have already switched to Windows 10, I still remain on 7. And, the other day I came with the problem of launching your computer, when it seemed to me an alert with the notorious combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. When you click, everything was repeated again and again.

After correction, I decided to write an article / instruction how to get rid of this error, why the computer does not turn on, writes Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Causes of this notorious BootMGR error

If you delve into the essence of the message, you can clarify that the error comes out due to the compression of the bootmgr file.
By this the cause of Windows It does not have the ability to download, which appearing messages say.

After pressing the keys, a computer is restarted, but very often again when you turn on the computer, writes Ctrl + Alt + Del.

The whole base of this error is that the hard disk is connected to the compression option, which helps save space on the carrier.

To never meet with such a problem, it is worth seeing whether the parameter "squeeze the disk to save space" is noted.

If it is worth it, it needs to be removed, otherwise you will find out what kind of problem.
Unfortunately, this is the launch of Microsoft specialists, the launch system is not able to bypass the compression of the system disk.

Another reason for the occurrence of this problem may be what system Disk "Buggy" due to errors of the controller or there are damage. In such a situation, the disk replacement will be the most correct decision.

How can I remove Ctrl + Alt + Del when booting windows

Now let's try to figure out what to do if when you start the computer, it is asked to press Ctrl + Alt + Del?

The "Practice" function of the file on the instructions of the system, the developers did not provide.
Because of this, the ability to restore the file appears only if the user has an installation disk containing the source version.

First you need to insert a disk into the drive and try to restart the system.

If attempts were not crowned with success, go to the BIOS and set a CD player as a boot device.

After a few minutes, a window should appear where it will be proposed to choose a language.
Choose the Russian language and click "Next", after the "Restore System" appears, you need to click "Continue".

After that, the OS search installed on the computer should begin. You will need to choose the system.
Click Windows 7, then "Next", the window should appear with different recovery methods, select "Command Line".

After the black window appears, we write in it at the specified order:
C: → Click Enter

BootRec / FixMbr → Click Enter

If confirmation is required, then we click the ENTER button again.

Now it remains to get the installation disk and restart the system.

If everything is done according to the instructions, the error will disappear.

But maybe it will turn out, but rather it will not work out, then, only. If there were data on the computer and you need to save them, the output one, to put the system without formatting the disk on top of the old one. After such an installation, first pick up the desired data and then re-install, but already by the mind and with the disk formatting.

An error in loading the Winodows 7 operating system is not the best with which you can encounter in working with the Microsoft operating system. But sometimes similar things happen (you need to admit that in Windows 7 is much less and less than, for example in Windows XP). Reinstalling the operating system is often the extreme method of eliminating the problem. In this article I will describe how to fix the error when windows downloads 7.

So, after turning on the computer / laptop we have an ominous inscription " Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart". Often such an error occurs after unsuccessful experiments with partitions hard disk.

To eliminate this error, you must insert a disk with your operating system and boot from it. How to do this is described in the article how to boot from the disk .
After that, choose the language and other parameters, click " Further».

Then click " System Restore».

After that, automatically start restoring the computer using the image created earlier. In the system recovery parameters, click " Not».

If you do not have a backup system, then in the following windows click " Cancel».

In the window System recovery parameters Run the command line.

Now you need to use the DiskPart utility to change active section.

Active section - This is the main partition from which the computer is loaded. The computer may contain several main sections with your own operating system. At the same time, the download occurs from the main partition that this moment is active.
For example, if you click right-click on a computer shortcut, select " Control - Disk Management»You will see all hard drives and their sections. For Windows 7, an active partition should be a section of 100 MB (in Windows 8 - 350 MB.). The attribute "active" is needed by BIOS, in order to determine the in the shortest way to some of the main partitions are the download files, and the fact that this section is not displayed in windows Explorer And marked as "reserved by the system", pointing to its extreme importance and not cost anything to him.
We repeat commands:
1 Diskpart. - Work utility with sections hard disk For the command line included in the Windows NT Linek version starting with Windows 2000, which replaced FDISK that was under MS-DOS.
2 LIST DISK. - The command will display a list of all discs connected to your computer and assign them numbers.
3 SELECT DISK X. - Where the X-number of the disk containing the section you want to make active.
4 List Partition - Master viewing all sections on the disk selected earlier.
5 SELECT PARTITION X. - where x-number section that must be done active
6 Active. - Make the selected section you are active.

After that reboot Windows 7. If everything is done correctly errors Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart It should not be operating system should be booting in normal mode.

One of the most unpleasant, and at the same time a very common error that can be observed on computers with Windows 7/8/10 - "Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart". Means this only one - the bootloader of the operating system is not found. Do not panic, the computer did not break, just need to do something to solve the problem.

For a general understanding of the situation, I will tell you what happened. When you enable the computer, searching on a hard disk of a mini-program that knows how to download operating system. This mini-program turns out to be inaccessible or damaged. The problem may appear by different reasons: voltage failure in the power grid, improperly shutting down the computer, illiterate manipulations in the BIOS, the virus is finally.

We will go from simple to complex. So, possible paths solutions:

  • Check if the boot disk is correct in BIOS
  • Windows loader recovery - bootmgr. in automatic mode
  • BootMGR IS Missing Error Correction Using the Command Line

Checking the BIOS settings

We consider this option if you have more than one hard disk. I mean physical hard disk, and not sections C, D, E, and the like. Otherwise, go directly to the next item. But still try to pull out of the computer all flash drives And external hard drives and reboot.

It happens that the non-one in the BIOS settings is accidentally selected. What it is and read in my article. You need to check which disc is selected or just try to change it to another and reboot. Bios are very different, so I dedicated a separate large article.

Automatic fix "bootmgr is missing" in Windows 7/10

We were lucky, Microsoft has developed a special recovery environment, from which you can make many problems with the OS. To start it in Windows 7, you need to press the "F8" button until the error appears all the time until the menu appears on a black background:

If this does not happen or you have Windows 8.1 / 10, you will have to look for a recovery disc or installation disk with your windows version (also suitable). Loading from this disk or flash drive. Do not forget to click Anyone Button If you appear on the black background "Press Any Key to Boot from CD or DVD", otherwise the download will go from a hard disk and you will see your error again. Instead of installation, choose at the bottom "Restoration of the system"

The recovery utility will diagnose a hard disk and will try to automatically determine possible problems. We can only take fixes and restart

If nothing has changed, you will have to boot again with installation disk, select "Restore System" and on the list of available operating systems Press "Next"

Click on "Run Recovery"

If everything went smoothly, you can rejoice - BootMGR IS Missing error is fixed!

Solving the loader problem using the command line

This is a more laborious process, but effective. You also need to download the recovery environment, but this time it is not "Start Restoring", but "Command Line"

Here is what the matter is. Usually, when installing Windows, a special hidden section of 100-300MB size is created and is reserved by the system. When Windows loaded, it does not have the letters, for example, as C, D, etc. But this section lies a mini-program for loading the operating system and there must be a file bootmgr.. If he "breaks" or disappears, then this very error occurs " Bootmgr Is Missing.PressCtrlAlt.Del to Restart." Our task is to restore the file by copying it from the installation disk.

Take this operation to us just the same and will help the command line - the black window that you have already launched. To begin with, let's determine which disc and what to copy the file to, because Depending on the configuration and God knows what else, the letters of the disks can vary on different computers.

We recruit B. command line Team:


Following the greeting, we recruit the second team:

list Volume

We look at the section of 100-300mb - it is assigned the letter "C", and the CD / DVD-ROM is under the letter "F". Under the letters "D" and "E" - disks with my data.

Now enter the command sequentially:



2. Go to the letter CD-ROMA, in my case it is "f"

3. Copy the file bootmgr. on the disk volume 100MB, in my case it is a "C" disk

copy Bootmgr C: \\

You must see a message that one file has been successfully copied. If you write "denied access" or "Access denied", then this means that such a file already exists. Those., Then you first need to be removed by the "Del" command, but most likely the problem is generally in the other.

Sometimes sometimes, when installing Windows, you will not find the hidden partition of 100MB. In this case, copy the bootmgr file directly to the root on the discs with the data. In order not to complicate your life with the definition on which of the disks are the operating system files, copy the file to all discs. In my example, these are disks D and E, i.e. These will be two teams:

copy Bootmgr D: \\

copy Bootmgr E: \\

Reboot and look. In no way? Open the command prompt and enter one command:

bootSect / NT60 All

Reboot. If the BootMGR IS Missing error does not disappear, then only one option remains - not that disk or section is not labeled as "active".

How to make a "active" disc from the command line

The fact is that the OS loader partition should not only contain the bootmgr file, but also be labeled as "active", i.e. With which the download is possible in principle. When not that disk is marked, we get the infamous result. Everything is also solved from the command line. So, enter the team:



You will see a list of numbered physical hard disksexisting in the system. Select a disc with the operating system, for example, focusing on its size. If you have only one physical disk, then you choose it. This is done by the team:

sELECT DISK 0 or 1

where 0 or 1 this number necessary disc. Next, enter the command to get the list of partitions of this disk:

list Partition

You need to find the very section per 100-300mb. This reception is also working for Windows 8/10, in this case, the section must be signed by 350MB. If you have no such sections, then you choose the first or second partition, depending on which disc C: or D: you have installed the operating system, respectively. Now choose the command with the section number:


and we make the section Active:



Before the "EXIT" command, there must be a message, like "Section marked as Active". Reboot.

If the error has not been able to overcome the methods described here, then read about solving the problem in Windows XP. These errors are very similar and tips from there can be useful.

Let's summarize

So, to overcome the error "Bootmgr Is Missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart »You need to restore Windows 7-10 bootloader, in particular the file bootmgr.. The Microsoft Recovery Tool is able to do this in automatic mode, and if nothing happens, then there is a command line at our disposal. In other cases, especially when two or more hard disks are installed, you just need to check the BIOS settings. In rare cases, not the disk "active" is selected.

Please write in the comments, what problem did you have and what method helped to solve it.

Or translated Disk read error tap Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot! It is quite possible friends, you are now sitting in front of the monitor Watch this joyful message in the upper left side of the monitor and think that it can be denoted, also go in mind the options for solving the problem, but do not know which apply first:

Friends, if everything that is written below will plunge you in shock and you are already preparing to say goodbye to your operating system and installed not in one day by programs, it is in vain! There is a way much easier than all these dances with a tambourine around the command line, this method Lit latest, it will be suitable for all operating systems, get to him!

And Disk Read Error OccurRD Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart

I often bring computers with this error often and how anyone periodically faced with some one and the same task I developed a kind of behavior algorithm.

First of all, I ask a person about what he did at a computer before the appearance of an error and I bring information to a special text fileiR. Then, if I do not remember the solution to the memory, in the same file I watch the information was such a problem earlier and how I decided it. With time this file I screamed and even began to look at my colleagues and one of them said somehow: "You would have posted all this on the Internet, it would be useful to many, what's the info then the Ward-s!"

To upload a simple text file into the network was somehow shame, like this, our website appeared!

So here are friends, my memory and history of this file said that mostly error and Disk Read Error Occurred appeared from users after such actions:

  1. IN latelyBefore loading the operating system, the hard disk is often started to check for errors and during the next such check, I simply turned off the computer from the network and turned on again, I thought that Windows starts without this long check, as a result, an error appeared on the black screen And Disk Read Error OccurRD Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart. How can I return the working Windows, there are a lot of programs you need?
  2. Checked the operating system for viruses and the warning was released, which is infected with the boot sector of the rigid disk, after cleaning the system from viruses, the computer began to load with the same error.
  3. I dropped the working laptop to the floor and the mistake was already familiar to us.
  4. Checked hDD On Bad Blocks, the program and accidentally launched a test drive test Erase test in a linear recording mode (sectoral erasing data). He sensed literally after a couple of seconds and stopped the test, but the next time the computer booted with an error and Disk Read Error Occurred. I boot from LiveCD all the files of operating systems are whole, and for some reason I do not load Windows. On the Internet they say that I managed to erase boot record Hard disk (MBR). How can I recover it?
  5. I installed the second operating system to the computer, after installation, only the second was loaded, as a download manager installed, but apparently something is not so tuned there and no Windows is loaded, I sit with an error when downloading and Disk Read ... and that - That there is still. What to do?
  6. With a computer rebooted and an error familiar to us.

Friends, any geek will tell you that in all the listed cases, for the most part of the actions of users suffered a hard drive of a hard disk (MBR) and only in the fifth case, the Windows download files 8 were injured. The causes of the error, I listed you, go further.

It is important to know: Any operating system is loaded the same - BIOS reads the first sector to load the device (whether it's a CD, flash drive or hard disk), this first sector and is the main boot record MBR (Master Boot Record). MBR is always in the first sector of the boot device and takes 512 bytes. If in this sector is incorrect information, then the computer displays an error and Disk Read Error Occurred to the monitor Reboot and Select Proper boot Device. Or. insert Boot Media.

The correct MBR has code (signature) in the last two bytes - 55aa.

The presence of the code checks the BIOS and if it is not, the disk is not bootable and we get our error.

MBR in the Victoria Hard Drive Diagnostics Program

It is important to know: if the information in the MBR main boot record is correct, then the relay wand is transmitted further into the hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system).

We all know that in Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, the download occurs from the hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system) having a volume of 100 MB (Windows 7) and 350 MB (Windows 8).

The main purpose of the hidden partition is to store Windows 7 or Windows 8 download files.

The hidden partition is always "main" and has an active attribute that hints biosa - this section contains the operating system boot files. If you assign the letter to the hidden section, then we will see the boot manager of the bootmgr file and the BOOT folder, it contains the download storage configuration files (BCD). These files are hidden and to display them in the system you need to turn on the display of hidden protected system files.

BootMGR file and download storage configuration files (BCD) are responsible for loading the operating system and if they are damaged Windows 7 or Windows 8 do not load errors, for example, "bootmgr is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del" or "NTLDR IS Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del "or A Disk Read Error OccurRD Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart!

How to get rid of an error?

It does not matter if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed, we do all the same.

The first reason. The hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 100 or 350 MB ceased to be active.

If you have a boot disk program Acronis DISK. Director, download a computer from it and look in the program window for such information.

The System Reserved hidden section (reserved by the system), the volume of 100 or 350 MB should be active marked with a red flag. In the test it is clear that he is inactive, because of this, our error may well go when loading.

We make the hidden section System Reserved active, taking on it with the right mouse and choose to note as active.

Click apply the expected operations.

Tom "Reserved by the system will be marked as active.

Reboot and mistakes did not happen.

What to do if you don't boot disk Acronis Disk Director? Answer, all this can be done on the command line.

Load from recovery disk or installation windows disk 8.

Press any key and confirm your intention to boot from the disk.

System Restore


Extra options

You can try Automatic recovery Systems (in my way a useless thing). I tried and returned here again! Select the parameter Command line

Note: Friends, Now we will work with the command line of the environment windows restoration 8. The necessary teams I will give you, but if it is difficult for you to remember, you can. It greatly facilitates your work.

The system has one hard disk.

We make an active hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 350 MB.


lIST DISK. - all the hard disks available in the system are displayed

sEL DISK 0. - I choose the only hard drive 0

list Partition - all available sections on the hard disk are displayed

sEL PART 1. - I choose Section 1 - System Reserved (Reserved by the System), Volume 350 MB

active. And the section becomes active.


If this does not help or section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 100 or 350 MB you already have an active, which means try others.

We restore the hard disk boot record (MBR)

Once I had an interesting case with this mistake on Win 8. What I didn't do, she went over and again, but helped this.

Loading from the recovery disk or Windows 8 installation disk. And we do everything as in the previous case. Loading in the Select action menu

We enter BootRecand press ENTER.

We see information about the possibilities of the utility: Restoration of critical disk structures. / FixMBr - Record the main boot record (MBR) system partitioncompatible with windows.

We enter the commands:

Bootrec / fixmbr - The main boot record is recorded (MBR) compatible with Windows 7 or Windows 8.

BootRec / FixBoot - The utility writes a new boot sector.

BootRec.exe / Scanos -the utility produces a search for all hard disks Windows XP operating systems, Windows 7, Windows 8. Two are found.

BootRec.exe / RebuildBCD. - Schedules a hard disk for the presence installed windows And when it is discovered, it will offer to make them in the download menu. We agree and introduce Y. If you need the second system, we enter once again. Everything can be seen on the symbol.

But in my case this did not happen and when downloaded, an error came out again. Then I boot from the emergency disk (you can use simple LiveCD)

And looked at the content of the System Reserved section (reserved by the system), the volume of 350 MB containing the main components required to load Winows 8, such components are file bootmgr. And at the same time the BCD download storage configuration files (located in the folder Boot.). So, the BOOT folder was, and the bootmgr loader was not, so Windows did not boot.

I simply copied the bootloader from the Windows 8 installation disk to the System Reserved section (reserved by the system). This is done so.

We load S. windows 8 installation disk And again make your way to the command line of Windows 8 recovery environment

We type on the command line


list Volume

We see that the drive is assigned a letter G:hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 350 MB, the Windows 8 restore environment assigned the letter C: (operating system files, windows folder Located on the disk E:).

We enter eXITand come out from DiskPart.

On the command line to drive G:, We enter the Windows 8 installation disk.

We enter the command

copy Bootmgr C: \\ That is, copy the bootmgr bootloader from the Windows 8 installation disk to the hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system) C:. That's all.

After such manipulations, the error and Disk Read Error Occurred disappeared and Win 8 booted.

If you have a failure when loading, then the case can be in another.

We restore the file loader Windows BootMGR and at the same time the download storage configuration files (BCD)

So the problem is in incorrect file download files

We use the bcdboot.exe e: \\ Windows command (in your case the command can be different, details further), this command restores the Windows 7 bootloader and Windows 8 - BOOTMGR file and at the same time the BCD boot storage configuration files (BOOT folder content)!

Loading in the Select menu windows actions 8

Check for errors

Error and Disk Read Error OccurRD Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart may appear due to errors file System On the disk with the operating system C:.

Check and fix the file system errors can utility Chkdsk.Even if your operating system is not loaded, we have a detailed article on this topic.

In a nutshell, you will have to boot from the Windows 8 recovery disk or the installation disk, then log in the selection menu,

File types Select All files and click on A computer.

In the window that appears, we can easily determine the hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 350 MB under the letter C: also we can find the disc on which the operating system is installed. We will view the contents of all disks and find on the disk E: Operating Folders windows systems and Program Files.

We close the conductor and notepad and turn out to be on the command line. Check on errors partition with an installed operating system, we need to be entered on the command prompt

chkdsk E: / F

Also check the hidden section System Reserved (reserved by the system), the volume of 350 MB under the letter C:


The easiest and latest option to get rid of the error and Disk Read Error OccurRD Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart

Friends, if everything that is written above has plunged you in despondency and you have already sought up with your operating system and installed in one day by programs, it is in vain!

There is a way much easier than everything described above! Once I got such a case, I tried everything famous methods And it remains only to reinstall Windows, but why reinstall when you can simply select the space on the rigid disk and set the same operating system next to the same operating system. Home Download Recording (MBR) will also be updated, Windows Loader will also convert and automatically find lost Windows. After installation second WindowsThe download menu will appear in which you can select an old operating system or a new one.

It is all like this.

First of all, you need to highlight the free space on the hard disk to install the new Windows. We load from the boot acronis disk Disk Director and separate from any section of 20 GB, which is so much necessary for windows installations 8 64-bit.

If you have a section with unnecessary data you can set the second Operation on it.

In my case, it was not necessary to create anything, I had a section on a hard disk with unnecessary data with a volume of 40 GB. I boot into the Windows 8 installation program

Chose need section and installed Windows 8 on it. The main thing is not to confuse the sections and do not install new Windows 8 on the already valid.

After installing the second Windows 8, a menu appears in which you can choose old windows 8 and new, both perfectly loaded and worked.

If you do not need the boot menu when loading the system, you simply select Windows 8 to download by default here on this article.

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