
Displays an error Disk Boot Failure. Error Disk Boot Failure: What to do? Other reasons for the error "Disc Boot Failure, Insert ..."

Hey! A few days ago brought me system unit. They said that it was not started. I thought there simply Windows to throw off, but it was not there, it turned out everything is much more serious, but it is still early :). I want to tell you today about the error Disc Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter, which may appear at any time and is not clear from what. It was with such a mistake that I met on that computer. I even photographed it, it looks like this:

I tell in order. So I connected this system block, I launched it and waiting for a miracle 🙂 Well, when some error is popped up, because something in any case should occur.

A message appeared that the download is not possible, since there is no floppy drive, etc. There simply sat down to complete happiness battery that stores CMOS memory and loading order. Floppy was included in BIOS, but is physically disabled. But it is not important. I pressed the F1, it seems like checking and there and there are times and error Disc Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter.

Yeah, I have not met with such a mistake. But in principle, it is clear that it says that there is no boot disk.

I rebooted the computer, I turned off that drive (Drive A), set the order of loading, where the HDD in the first place and tried to turn on the computer again. But again got this mistake.

And then, after about the tenth reboot, one thing rushed to my eye when the computer is tested (Post), then the test results are not visible hard disk. Like this? That's how:

See, only one CD / DVD drive has been determined, which is connected by IDE, and hDDwhich was connected via SATA did not determine the computer. Therefore, the cause of the error (in my case) is defined, this is a problem with a hard disk.

I went to BIOS, there is also no it.

Everything is clear, you need to check hard. Well, for a start, I simply turned it off and connected to another SATA connector. But the hard one did not determine the computer, and I again saw a mistake. Then I decided not to play and checked it on another computer. Connected on another computer, through another SATA cable, but also there is not solid disk. That's it.

So he is just not working, I do not know what happened to him there, but it clearly needs to be replaced. So told the owner of this computer.

This is the reason for this error in my case. But this does not mean that you also have serious problems with HDD.

Other reasons for errors "Disc Boot Failure, Insert ..."

Let's consider some more popular reasons why this error may appear, and of course the ways can get rid of it.

1. Check if there are no flash drives connected to the computer, and there is no disc in the CD / DVD drive. By the way, I had an interesting case for a long time. Brought a computer, too, does not start. I started looking it, some error appears (I do not remember exactly what). I look, and in the drive drive some. I pulled it out and the computer started normally. So repair :).

2. If the battery takes, which stores CMOS memory, then this means that after turning off the computer from the outlet, the BIOS settings will be reset. And of course the order of downloading a computer will be reset. Be sure to replace the battery. Read more in the article.

3. Disable floppy drive. This can be done in BIOS (about how to enter BIOS read ) .

4. Go to the BIOS and check the order loading order. Install the hard disk in the first place. I wrote more about this in the article. Also check if your hard drive is determined by your hard drive (I had this problem if I missed, then read the article first).

5. Check all the cables that are connected to the hard disk and CD / DVD drive. Perhaps just something moved.

7. If you have an HDD and drive, connected by IDE, then look at the Master and Slave jumper information - the problem is possible in them.

That's all if you have other ways to solve this error, you can share them in the comments - I will be grateful! Good luck!

First of all, you need to go to the BIOS and check whether the hard disk is worth the first boot device. To enter the BIOS, press the DEL key (less often). In the Bios Device Priority / First Boot Device HDD item should be in the first place. If the hard disk is undefined by the system, then the problem is either in it or in its plume. You can check the disc on another PC. If you accelerated the computer - go back to the standard bIOS settings , Sometimes the cause of the failure in the SATA controller.

2 step

If the HDD was determined normally and is first in the list, then the likelihood of damage system files. Here we come in handy installation disk with OS. Change the BIOS of Computer Priority Downloads to the drive. Insert the disk and select "System Restore".

3 Step

In the selection menu of the system recovery, choose the first item:
"Run Repair". After that, there will be an analysis of faults that impede running Windows and attempt to correct them for normal OS download. In case of success, the system will give a message about the problems found and suggests them.

4 Step

If the previous step did not solve the problem, we do the following. In the System Recovery Tool Selection menu, select the last item " command line”.

5 step

A command line will appear, enter the BootRec command in it and press ENTER. Information about the capabilities of the utility will appear. You type BootRec.exe / FixMBr. After that, you will see a message that the operation is completed successfully. Thus, the main one boot record will be restored.

When you turn on the computer, an error appears " Disk Boot Failure "? It faces many users. And what is the most hijling: it always appears unexpectedly, without any reason. Although the reason, of course, is always there. Just it is still necessary to determine.

In the literal translation into Russian - " Boot disk damaged, connect other system Disk And click Enter. " That is, you are told that there are problems with the hard drive, but the reasons are where it is a clinker. And this is good, because they are easier to fix.

There is a lot of ways to eliminate it yourself. And, before carrying a computer in service centerIt is recommended to try them - you may need to correct the error on your own.

How to fix the error Disk Boot Failure?

Immediately, I note that the error "Disk Boot Failure" appears on any PC. OS version can also be different - Windows 10, 8, 7 or XP. Therefore, if the computer writes "Disk Boot Failure", you can try any ways. After all, they are universal.

There are several methods. Let's start with simple:

  1. Check if there is no disc in the drive. You may have recently copied files from it. Or installed the game. If the disk is in the drive - get it, and restart the PC. After that, the error may disappear.
  2. Disconnect flash drives and external hard drives. The same case as above. Disconnect the USB flash drive and restart the computer or laptop. Sometimes it helps.
  3. Disconnect the floppy disk drive (you can hardly use it today). This problem concerns old PCs, on new - it is no longer put. To disable it, go to the BIOS and in front of the Drive A string, select "NONE".

Also, first of all it is necessary to check the performance of the HDD disk. To start, look at the download screen - it is determined or not. If not, this is the first alarming bell.

It is recommended to check the hard drive with friends or acquaintances. If they also have a computer when turned on, "Disk Boot Failure" writes, the Winchester has failed (you need to buy a new one). If friends are fine - then the problem is on your side. We are looking for further.

Very often, this error appears due to incorrect settings in the BIOS. Moreover, they could be lost due to the seed CMOS battery. This is usually due to improper PC shutdown.

Also, the settings are reset when the PC is cut off with a power outlet. In this case, you need to replace the battery to the new one.

If you yourself changed the BIOS parameters, then reset them manually. To do this, remove the CMOS battery, wait a few minutes and connect it again.

Sometimes an error when you turn on the computer appears due to loop problems (cable connecting the hard drive with motherboard). Strangle it or disable and connect again. If the train was damaged - then replace it with a new one.

You may have a hard drive and the DVD drive connected via the IDE interface. This is another reason that writes when running a computer "Disk Boot Failure". Solution here is simple: Disconnect the DVD drive and turn on the PC. If there are no more errors, then you need to experiment with Slave and Master torture (they are located near the IDD-drive IDE and drive).

Check and change device load priority

Another common reason for which the Disk Boot Failure message appears when the PC is loaded is incorrectly displayed the priority of devices. Here you have to go to the BIOS and set the settings so that the HDD drive is loaded first.

In Award it is done like this:

In ami. this procedure It is followed as follows:

If you have 2 hard drives, then you need to put the one on which Windows stands. If you do not know - try both options alternately. In Award, the priority of loading two hard drives is configured in the Hard Disk Boot Priority point, and in AMI - "Hard Disk Drives".

What should I do if the error "Disk Boot Failure" still appears? I will give a few tips taken from the comments of the users themselves:

  1. Check the power supply. Although nothing clearly indicates that the problem may be in it. If you can - lend a block from friends or acquaintances and connect on your computer.
  2. Restore windows. If the HDD disk is determined, running on another PC, with the BIOS parameters everything is fine, but the error still appears - the reason is that the system disk was damaged. Try (at the time when everything worked fine). Provided that it is, of course.
  3. Contact your service center or call the wizard. If you tried everything, but the Disk Boot Failure error failed - contact your professionals. You have already done everything that could - let them seek the cause.

Hello, I have a problem, when downloading comes. "Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter"I have two hard drives, old sample and new, that is, one IDE interface, another SATA-II.

I decided to disconnect the old at all, as it's time to retire, well, it disconnected, then turned on the computer and this error came out. I went to the BIOS (I have award), and there is a surprise. Not visible new hard drive SATA-II., although I did not touch him, I decided to connect the old IDE"The disk back and how you guessed the sense of this was a little, now my BIOS does not see both hard drives.

Apparently at the moment when I disconnected the old hard drive, the BIOS settings were killed. I don't thinkally not think myself, I want to understand myself, everything is written about this error On the Internet I read and consistently applied, namely:

  • The first boot device in the BIOS is set to Winchester, in the FIRST parameter Boot Device.responsible for the first boot device is HDD. Disconnected FLOPPY drive. Changed battery CMOS. on the motherboardSo they say that due to this seed battery, the previously set settings in the BIOS are knocked. Reset the BIOS settings to default, for some reason it did not help. The hard disk connection cable has changed new, just disconnected the drive disk, disconnected and connected both hard drives alternately, the jumper on the old Winchester exhibited three different ways: Master and Slave., as well as Cable Select., everything is useless. Still speak BIOS is the Hard Disk Drives option, but for some reason I haven't found it, you can put the departure in it hard disks (When there are several of them in the computer), if in this option it is the first Winchester on which there is no operating system, then the error Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter or similar to it is still provided.

Both hard drive workers, connected to a friend's computer, are perfectly determined, but the BIOS is different and how it seems to me more understandable. As a result, I came to the conclusion that somewhere in this interesting and confusing BIOS -AWard, there is some kind of setting, about which I do not know and I can not find information on the network. On one forum, they gave a link to your site, they said for beginners to begin the most, detailed articles and good exercises, but unfortunately what I didn't find it, I did not find it, in short, I surrender. Several of your articles read:, and also it seems to me that you probably know the answer. Sergey.

Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter

Friends, many users, as I noticed, are afraid Bios Award And in vain. You can figure it out in our time in everything, you only need a desire and perseverance, do not depart, arm yourself with books, and there are many online good articlesYou only need to find them and choose what you need. Error Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter comes across quite often and I, in turn, try to tell you all famous methods Solving the problem and of course I will explain what exactly helped our reader Sergey.

A separate conversation deserve old IDE hard drives, very often old 40- and 80-core loops fail or are not correctly connected, breaking contacts, you can read our article about it. Also a separate conversation about jumpers on old IDE hard drives and how to put them correctly, we have two detailed articles about them: BIOS does not see the hard disk or jumper on the hard disk (links to them at the beginning of the article, you can read) This will not.

Now let's get to the BIOS settings, it is here that the reason for the error Disk Bot Failure is most often lied, Insert System Disk and Press Enter, what we can do wrong here, look in both existing bIOS versions, when there are two types, namely Award and AMI. I suggest starting with our favorite Award, then in the article We will analyze the AMI BIOS settings. We choose the option with one SATA-II hard drive in our system unit, but set up the settings so that we have two hard drives, for example, another IDE, both of them will be perfect and work. Let's start with simple and finish more complex.
Award BIOS-main window. First go to the option Advanced Bios Features. :

Here we need a parameter First Boot Device., it is he who assigns a device from which the computer needs to be boosted if we do not want to boot from the CDROM drive, in most cases it must be set in (HDD-0)which means loading from a hard disk.

Sometimes instead (HDD-0) may be a parameter Hard Disk.,

In the menu of the boot device, we can choose the same USB flash drive.
And in AMI - BIOS is responsible for this Boot Device Priority.In it, the first device should be set a hard disk.

If you have several hard drives in the system unit, then in Award BIOS we need the Advanced BIOS Features option, and in it the parameter Hard Disk Boot Priority.

In AMI-BIOS, if there are multiple hard drives, the parameter appears Hard Disk Drives.,

these options in different bios are called differently, but carry one function, they are responsible for the primacy of hard drives in the system and how our reader has noticed correctly if the hard drive is displayed without the operating system, then Windows can boot with an error. But even more precisely, the first hard drive must be set to the hard disk, where the main boot record is located (MBR) - the first sector on the rigid disk, it contains the partition table and utility loader, reading the data in this table, from which partition of the hard disk to produce windows downloadThen the information is transmitted to the section with the operating system installed, to load it. As we see, in the Award BIOS, in the parameter Hard Disk Boot Priority, the first w drive WDC, that is, hard drive Western Digital.That is, it is on it according to the rules the operating system must be installed.

Find in Ami-BIOS, this Hard Disk Drives option is not difficult, it is in the Boot tab. We look at the BOOT tab and see the Boot Device Priority item (we have three hard drives and the first Winchester Maxtor's hard drive), it is on it that it contains Windows, by the way I have on the rest of hard drives are also installed oSbut it is on MAXTOR STM3

the one installed that I installed last - Windows 7 and MAXTOR is the main boot record ( MBR). If now, instead of Maxtor, set WDC, that is, Winchester Digital, the download of the computer will end with the error Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter or another No hard disk is detected.

Now more complicated, but we will analyze where our reader, and many users allow a mistake? We go to the Integrated Peripherals option,

Select the option ON-CHIP SERIAL ATA.

Possible values: Disabled., AUTO., Combined Mode Enhanced Mode, SATA ONLY.

This option is managing the IDE / SATA controller of the chipset. That is, it decides in which item to work hard disks in your computer, if you do not correctly choose the mode of operation of the hard drives, then the BIOS will simply see them simply. Here are friends, lies the answer to our question. Why our Bios Award does not see the hard disk and gives an error: Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter. Now about all modes in detail.

  • Enhanced Mode. - The controller is an advanced mode, allowing you to use all available SATA and IDE channels, respectively, we can use the SATA, SATA-II and IDE hard drives, and they will all be determined in the BIOS and will be seen by the operating system.
  • Combined Mode. -ded mode jointly uses sATA disks and IDE, but only two SATA channels and one IDE (all four devices are obtained).
  • SATA ONLY -Reply uses only SATA hard drives.
  • AUTO. - Automatic sets the necessary mode, based on the type of interface and the number of connected drives. For some reasons, this parameter did not work for our reader Sergey, after we switched to Combined Mode mode, his BIOS saw two hard drives, one SATA-II, another IDE and another drive, besides.
  • Disabled.-Telects IDE / SATA-controller chipset.

So, if we with you in the system unit are installed two hard drives different types or Winchester and drive of different SATA-II and IDE interfaces, then it is better to set the ON-CHIP Serial ATA option to position Enhanced Mode. or Combined Mode. or AUTO. (The last option, unfortunately we failed).
If you have only devices installed in the system unit sATA interface, SATA-II, then you can use SATA only mode.

We leave from the BIOS and we save the changes made by us.

What other may be the causes of this error? If your hard disk is perfectly defined in the BIOS and all settings are exhibited correctly, then try to read the article. When the IDE Winchester is installed in the system unit, we look at the IDE controller itself in BIOS, in more detail in the No Hard Disk Is Detected article.

What eventually ended the story.

Hello COMSERVIS Blog readers (Naberezhnye Chelny)! A few days ago brought me a system unit. They said that it was not started. I thought there simply Windows to throw off, but it was not there, it turned out everything is much more serious, but it is still early :). I want to tell you today about the error Disc Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter, which may appear at any time and is not clear from what. It was with such a mistake that I met on that computer. I even photographed it, it looks like this:

I tell in order. So I connected this system unit, I launched it and waiting for a miracle, well, when some error rushes, because something in any case should happen.

A message appeared that the download is not possible, since there is no floppy drive, etc. There simply sat down to the full happiness of the battery that stores CMOS and loading order. Floppy was included in BIOS, but is physically disabled. But it is not important. I pressed the F1, it seems like checking and there and there are times and error Disc Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter.

Yeah, I have not met with such a mistake. But in principle, it is clear that it says that there is no boot disk.

I rebooted the computer, I turned off that drive (Drive A), set the order of loading, where the HDD in the first place and tried to turn on the computer again. But again got this mistake.

And here, after about the tenth reboot, one thing rushed to me when the computer is tested (POST), then the test disk is not visible in the test results. Like this? That's how:

You see, only one CD / DVD drive, which is connected via the IDE, and the hard disk that was connected via SATA did not determine the computer. Therefore, the cause of the error (in my case) is defined, this is a problem with a hard disk.

I went to BIOS, there is also no it.

Everything is clear, you need to check hard. Well, for a start, I simply turned it off and connected to another SATA connector. But the hard one did not determine the computer, and I again saw a mistake. Then I decided not to play and checked it on another computer. Connected on another computer, through another SATA cable, but also there is not solid disk. That's it.

So he is just not working, I do not know what happened to him there, but it clearly needs to be replaced. So told the owner of this computer.

This is the reason for this error in my case. But this does not mean that you also have serious problems with HDD.

Other reasons for the error "Disc Boot Failure, Insert ..."

Let's consider some more popular reasons why this error may appear, and of course the ways can get rid of it.

1. Check if there are no flash drives connected to the computer, and there is no disc in the CD / DVD drive. By the way, I had an interesting case for a long time. Brought, too, does not start. I started looking at him, some error appears (I do not remember exactly what). I look, and in the drive drive some. I pulled it out and the computer started normally. So repair :).

2. If the battery takes, which stores CMOS memory, then this means that after turning off the computer from the outlet, the BIOS settings will be reset. And of course the order of downloading a computer will be reset. Be sure to replace the battery. Read more in the article.

3. Disable floppy drive. This can be done in the BIOS (you read about how to enter the BIOS).

4. Go to the BIOS and check the order loading order. Install the hard disk in the first place. I wrote more about this in the article. Also check whether your hard drive is determined by your hard drive (this problem I had, if you missed, then read the article first).

5. Check all the cables that are connected to the hard disk and CD / DVD drive. Perhaps just something moved.

7. If you have an HDD and drive, connected by IDE, then look at the Master and Slave jumper information - the problem is possible in them.

That's all if you have other ways to solve this error, you can share them in the comments - I will be grateful! Good luck!

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