
NTLDR Is Missing XP What to do. Restoring NTLDR on Windows XP. Application of recovery console

Very often, when you try to start the operating system, "NTLDR IS Missing" appears, after which it is proposed to restart the download, for which click the combination of the Alt + Ctrl + Del keys.

NTLDR IS Missing error when loading

If several boot attempts do not lead to a positive result, it is necessary to say that with a probability of up to 50% damaged system files and 50% the surface itself is damaged hard disk - There are damaged or broken sectors on which these files are placed. In this case, the system can even sometimes boot, but later the whole story is repeated again.

In order to get rid of the error, it is necessary first of all to digitize the condition of the hard disk surface for the presence of broken or damaged sectors with help specialized Software, for example, MHDD or Victoria.

Check hard disk

If there are many of them, they need to think about full formatting In the future, with the exception of these sectors, but for now, start the system to copy important folders with minimal labor to another drive to copy.

If the diagnosis of problems is not identified, it is also worth checking the system for the presence of a malicious code in the system, since it is very often different viruses erase boot filesWhat leads to such an error.

You can make it possible to connect your hard drive to another working computer, or booting from the boot flash drive or disk, where there is a built-in antivirus.

When loading, the MBR is read - the main boot record, which scans all hard drives for the presence of a section having a "boot" flag, which indicates that it has a boot section and a system loader, which is later transmitted to all Running the operating system.

In operating systems, starting from Windows Vista, instead of root NTLDR uses WinLoad.exe, which is located in the System32 system directory.

In order to restore the boot sector and the boot record will be required boot disk or boot flash drive with that windows versionwhich you have installed.

In Windows XP, you need to press R at once as soon as there is a blue window with file download.

The recovery console will start. There you need to choose a number that stands in front of your boot partition. Next, we enter the command:

Restoring the boot sector and boot records in Windows XP

In Windows 7 and higher during booting with installation media And the appearance of the window appears to install the operating system in the lower left corner you need to press the "system restoration".

Login to Windows 7 Restore

Running the command line

We recruit at the beginning bootrec.exe / fixmbr. , and then bootrec.exe / fixboot.

Restoring the boot sector and boot records in Windows 7

If it did not help, but may cause the NTLDR IS Missing error is the erroneous change in the active partition. To correct it, you need to go into the console in the methods described above.

In the console we enter the command diskpart.. Next team lIST DISK.which displays a list of connected hard disks in a computer. If the disk is only one, I enter the command sELECT DISK 0..

Next displays the list of sections by the command list Partition. Display a list of all sections on your hard disk. We are interested in systemic. As a rule, it is the first in the list. Choosing his team sELECT PARTITION 1.. And then enter the team active.which will make it active again.

Change active partition

In some cases, it may be necessary to edit or add a "boot.ini" file containing the name of the operating system and the location (disk) system files. In principle, the operating system will boot and without it, except during the loading system will swear on its absence. But with an incorrectly compiled file, the system will not load at all, so it is necessary to approach its editing very responsibly.

Example configuration file "Boot.ini" for the relevant system can be easily found on the official website microsoft. In the technical support section.

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You turned on the computer and when starting the operating room windows systems 10 download error NTLDR IS Missing, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart. What to do? Is it possible to fix the situation?! Let's deal with! First of all, I want to warn that when this error appears, it is very often not possible to save the data.
If you flew hDDWhat is very likely on the old PC, then the only way out of the situation is to buy a new one. All data on the old carrier usually turn out to be finally lost. Even when the hard drive is alive, the same is the only thing that can restore the computer after the NTLDR IS Missing error - formatting system Disc and reinstalling the operating system.

Instruction What to do with the error NTLDR Is Missing

Step 1. Try to switch the hard disk into another free connector on motherboard.

So we will exclude the possibility of some faction in the work of the motherboard associated with the work of a specific SATA or IDE port.

Step 2. Try replacing the loop connecting the hard drive and motherboard to the new one. This we do in order to be sure that the NTLDR IS Missing error is not caused by damage to the cable or its connector.

Step 3.. Check the priority of devices loading in the BIOS.
It often happens that after connecting the second hard disk, the motherboard itself automatically puts it first in order of loading. And since there is no operating system on it, the loader completely logically gives the error "NTLDR IS Missing" - there is no Windows there and there is nothing to load!

When you turn on the computer, press the "Delete" key (on laptops usually F2) to go to. There must be a section responsible for download settings - something like Boot Settings. And already in it - setting the sequence of loading - Boot Priority.. Check that the hard disk stands in the first place on which Windows is installed. If you do not know, do it easier. First, put the first one disk and try to boot. Again the download error "NTLDR IS Missing"?! OK, we go to the BIOS again and put the priority to the second disk and check the new one.

Step 4. Loading using the installation disk or flash drive with Windows.

At the start stage, you need to click on the "Restore System" link. As soon as a blue window appears with an action selection - select: "Diagnostics" - "Advanced Settings" - "Command Line".

Step 5. We restore the boot record. For this, there are special utilities in operating systems from Microsoft. To use them, enter in command line In turn of the team:

bootrec / fixmbr
BootRec / FixBoot
BootRec / RebuildBCD.

After each of them, press the ENTER key to start execution. It turns out something like this:

Reboot and check. If the NTLDR IS Missing error in Windows 7 or Windows 10 appears again - go to the next step.

Step 6. Repeat step 4 again To open the line command. We make the boot section active. We enter the command diskpart. To open the built-in WINDOVS sections editor. We enter the commands:

List Volume

So we choose the first hard disk and see the list of its logical disks:

Find the partition that in the "Info" column is a litter - System. I will have VOLUME 1. The next command is chosen by:


And make active:

Come out of the program by entering the command eXIT.. Reboot and check.

Step 7.. If none of the previous actions helped, one of the files is most likely removed or damaged:


You can try to restore them from the installation DVD or flash drive. To do this, you will need to repeat step 4 again, after which you enter the command on the command prompt:

List Volumes.

In the list of disks we find a DVD or flash drive. In my screenshot above, this is Z Disc. Next, enter commands that will restore damaged files from the installation media:

copy Z: \\ i386 \\ NTLDR C: \\
Copy z: \\ i386 \\ C: \\

After that reboot and check.

P.S.: If, after all of our tips, the NTLDR IS Missing message appears again - try to reinstall Windows. And if it does not help it - apparently your hard disk came the end and it's time to change to a new one.

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If you know such an inscription - NTLDR Is Missing - This means that your computer is trying to download Windows XP installed on it, but the operating system could not find one or more boot files of the system. What could be the reason and what to do with the NTLDR IS Missing error? We understand together ...

Causes of NTLDR IS Missing

So, there are several major reasons under which Windows cannot find the NTLDR boot file.

  • Hard disk or motherboard failed
  • Connecting another hard disk and assigning it priority to download
  • Invalid installation of another OS and as a result of the conflict of two systems
  • Change active disk
  • No NTLDR file due to accidental removal

Unfortunately, the most frequent phenomenon is a hard dick fault or system board - either the disc itself is not read, or a mother cannot read information from the disk due to a faulty controller. In this case, the best solution will be the purchase of new equipment, pre-revealing what it is not working.

But while we do not know that, there is a chance to try to restore the system with your own hands.

NTLDR file has been removed

One of frequent reasons Messages "NTLDR IS Missing" - random or as a result of viruses Action Deleting the NTLDR and bootloader files. In order to restore it, you must boot from the installation disk with Windows XP (on how to do it, and get to the installation type selection menu.

Here we press the "R" key to start the recovery console, from which we will copy our file to the computer.

A black screen with a flashing cursor on the command prompt. We write: "Dir C: /" (or d, depending on which Windows XP has been installed on the disk). A list of files in the root folder will open - we make sure that it does not have an NTLDR or file.

If he is there, then we read the next subsection of this article. And if not, we write the following command:

copy D: \\ i386 \\ NTLDR C: \\
Copy D: \\ i386 \\ C: \\

In this case, the letter "D" is a letter of a disk that is fixed for DVD driveFrom which the file is copied. You can have another (E, F, G, H or some other).

After that, the missing file will be copied in system folder On the computer and Windows will be able to boot.

Purpose of the main source of system loading

Often the situation when you purchased a new hard disk, connected it and at the same time the computer automatically set it as a priority to download Windows. Since there is no OS on it, it is quite legal issued an error "NTLDR IS Missing", reporting on the absence of systemic windows file.

To correct the computer reload and when the very first inscriptions appear, press the key - either DEL, or F2 depending on the BIOS version to enter net. program BIOS.

Find here in the menu section "BOOT" (Hard Disk Boot Priority) or " Advanced Bios. Features - Boot Device. SELECT.

and as the first source for download (First Boot Device), select HDD and exactly the one on which Windows is installed. They are in the list are indicated by the numbers of the models.

Navigating the menu items occurs by the "+/-" or "pg / pgdown" keys.
After that, click "F10" to exit and save settings.

In this article I want to talk about errors when downloading a computer with Windows XP. In some cases, the NTLDR IS Missing error appears, which at first turns simply into a stupor. No matter how many times you have rebooted a computer, this error itself will not pass in any way, although it is written below "Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart". In other cases, only a black screen and an offer to insert the boot disk is that it means that it is damaged. boot record.

Solving the problem of "NTLDR IS Missing"

Literally This error denotes the following "The NTLDR file is not found in the root of the boot partition. This file is vital, this is the bootloader of the Windows XP operating system. Some simply, but in most cases it can be avoided and not to waste time in vain.

The error states that the file is deleted, possibly at the next cleaning of the hard disk or as a result of a viral attack. Remember if you are not sure, in no case delete files in the root of the "C:" disk. The solution is simple - you need to restore this file and, perhaps, some other, for example Next, we will assume that it is due to the restoration of both of these files.

Using the Windows XP installation disk

I put on the archive and other boot files: Bootfont.bin, boot.ini and MS-DOS files. They can also be copied to themselves, will not be worse. Pay attention to different computers, here is the most common version for the system with one installed windows XP on the first section in the folder "C: \\ Windows". To put these files to your computer, you need to copy them through any file manager or conductor.

Since the "NTLDR" file is hidden, to see and copy it to windows ExplorerYou need to turn on the display of hidden files.

After copying files to the root C:, reboot. If the "NTLDR IS Missing" error still appears, then we look further.

A large number of files in the root

For large quantities Files in the root of the boot disk may occur such an error. The file "NTLDR" may exist, but due to the features of the file nTFS systems And the loading mechanism, it may not be visible at this stage of the OS load.

Remember what actions you did before the appearance of an error. Perhaps installed new program And they did not pay attention to the installation path, and eventually the program was installed in the root folder, or simply copied a bunch of files. To solve this problem, you must delete unnecessary files. For this you need:

  • Boot from disk in portable version Windows
  • Delete all files in the root of C:, except NTLDR, and boot.ini
  • Or delete everything and restore files as in the previous paragraph

Problem with boot record

Windows XP will not boot if the boot record is damaged. It contains all information about the download process.


To restore the boot record, we will use the utility developed by Microsoft « BCUPDATE2. » . Download from the Microsoft server is simply so it is impossible, so take me.

We write it on the boot disk, start with it and enter the command:

Bcupdate2.exe C: / F / Y

The program must answer: "The Boot Code Was Updated SuccessFully"

Recovery Console

Boot into the recovery console and give the command:

fixBoot C:

If it did not help, then boot once again and give the team:


Only here you need to be careful, because You can lose information about sections if the problem has been physical or the system is infected with viruses. It is recommended to pre-with special antivirus images. If the sections are lost, we use to restore information.

Boot disk is not active

In order for the operating system to boot, the disk should be marked as "active" at the partition level. The question is solved from the recovery console, see how I did it in Windows 7, when I got a mistake "", but the essence of the same.

In order to make the boot disk active, you can boot from the LiveCD on which there is any partition management program, such as Paragon Partition Magic or Acronis Partition Expert. Select your disc there and mark it "Active" using the context menu of the right mouse button.

Hardware problem

There are cases when data from the disk is simply not read. This may occur due to such problems:

  1. Faulty loop. If the problem is floating, then try to replace the loop.
  2. Hard disk malfunction. These are physical pands (Bad's), poorly read sectors, problems with electronics or disc engine. Some problems can be solved with special programsAs a rule, temporarily, but in the general case.
  3. Problems with motherboard. Very rare, but still. If the hard disk is on the other computer on another computer, the download occurs a little further (fully OS does not boot on a computer with another configuration), then you need to repair or change your motherboard.

Some users working at the computer could meet with a little common, but very unpleasant situation when an NTLDR IS Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart appeared on the screen. Low below, I will tell about the mistake of NTLDR IS Missing and what to do in this case.

When an NTLDR IS Missing error occurs, the novice user immediately tries to reinstall Windows, but reinstalling can take longer than the correction of the situation for a shorter time. Let's make sure you go to the desired page, I will show what this error looks like:

Causes of error

Before you proceed to the NTLDR IS Missing error solutions, you can read the list of reasons why it may appear on the computer.

  1. If multiple systems are installed on the computer.
  2. The NTLDR file can be deleted or damaged due to non-acceptance of the user or error (s) of the software.
  3. Change active partition on the hard disk, can also cause this error. To download Windows, it is necessary that the system files with which Windows works were on active terder section disk.
  4. The NTLDR IS Missing error may appear not only because of the software error, and the hardware part of the computer can also call it. When such an error appears, you should pay attention to the hardware of the following components: hard disk, hard disk loop problem, outdated version BIOS on the motherboard, another hard disk in which another Windows system has been installed.
  5. I noticed the error also at other cases.

So, we figured out why this error may occur, now let's talk how to fix NTLDR IS missing Error On your computer.

Tip No. 1.. If you have another computer at hand with the same operating systemwhich is installed with you then copy NTLDR and files Or use the console windows restoration (about it just below).

If there is no computer at hand, but there is a hard drive with the system, then you can copy nTLDR files and using programs: Windows LiveCD, Linux Livecd, Acronis Disc Director or other programs that can work without the operating system. To boot from such disks, you need to go to the BIOS and set the boot priority from the CD-ROM.

After rebooting, the NTLDR IS Missing message must disappear.

Tip number 2.. In the boot.ini file, you need to check the path to the operating system for correctness. To edit this fileYou can boot through the programs that I said above.

The structure of the file "boot.ini" with one operating system, looks like this:

Timeout \u003d 30.
Default \u003d Multi (0) Disk (0) RDISK (0) Partition (1) \\ Windows

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDISK (0) Partition (1) \\ Windows \u003d "Windows XP Professional" / FastDetect

Tip number 3.. How to fix NTLDR Is Missing if the methods described above did not provide? Each experienced user must have a distribution with the operating system, which is installed on its computer. This method considers the fastest to get rid of the mistake of NTLDR IS Missing, because it will be necessary to make a minimum of actions, although at first glance everything seems a bit incomprehensible. If you do not know how to set windows download C drive, then click on the link below and read at about the beginning of the article This information: ".

To do this insert Windows disk into the drive , Do not forget to put in BIOS Download With CD-ROM. After booting from the disk, press the R key to open the recovery console.

Now proceed to restore. If one OS installed on the computer, the following information will appear:

In which a copy of Windows Do you need to log in?

Enter 1., click ENTER.

A message will appear:

Enter the administrator password:

If administrator no password, just press ENTER.

The following message will appear:


There is a non-standard or unacceptable main boot record on this computer. When using FixMBR, you can damage the existing partition table. This will lead to all sections of the current hard disk.

If there are no problems of access to the disk, it is recommended to interrupt the operation of the FixMBr command.

Confirm the recording of the new MBR?

Enter the letter Y.(yes, yes) and click ENTER.

A message will appear:

A new basic boot record is performed on the physical disk \\ Device \\ HardDisk0 \\ Partition0.

New basic boot record has been successfully done.

After the system invitation appears: C: \\ Windows\u003e

Enter fixBoot and press ENTER.

After that, a message will appear:

End section: C:.

Want to record a new boot sector in section C :?

Enter the letter Y. (yes, yes) and click ENTER.

A message will appear:

File system B. boot section: NTFS (or FAT32).

FixBoot command writes a new boot sector.

The new boot sector has been successfully recorded.

The C: \\ Windows\u003e Invitation appears

All necessary operations have done, now leave the recovery console. To exit the recovery console. Enter the command eXIT. and press ENTER. After that, the computer will reboot.

The next action in the BIOS is removing the download from the CD-ROM by setting the download from the HDD (hard disk). Now you can pull the installation windows disk And check the presence of an inscription NTLDR IS Missing.

Method number 4.. In some cases, it helps reversing the loop (disconnect and connect) or connect another loop. If the NTLDR IS Missing message is not gone, then try to connect another hard drive, and then connect your disk.

From what this error may appear, and what to do with NTLDR Is Missing you know, it remains to take advantage of one way. If you have not met with such an error, then print this article, because at the most appropriate moment you can be in such a situation.

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