
Why the bluetooth headphones are frowning. Why stutter, interrupted, lags the sound of Bluetooth headphones and columns. What to do. Cable damage - very frequent cause of hissing and cod in headphones

Causes of noise in headphones:

You have connected the headphones to a computer or laptop, and instead of a pleasant and favorite music, hear an annoying hiss or crackle, who will like this? At the same time, you do not understand why there are noise in the headphones, where he appeared and what to do with it.

The most unpleasant in the effect of noise in the headphones is that it is very difficult to find out because of what it appeared and how to eliminate it. There can be a lot of causes of cod in headphones, the usual cause search algorithm bad work The headset is a consistent integrity of potential sources of noise, their exception or isolating and further verification. In theory, it looks simple, but in practice such an algorithm is completely impossible.

For example, you have only one computer that is connected to the outlet, which is inserted into the concrete wall, the apartment has repairs and to install the computer to another place, or another room, is impossible, because There is no place for him. And so we can eliminate all possible causes of extraneous noise in headphones.

However, we can start with the easiest and most obvious potential causes of interference in the headphones, and there is a check of their result, we will not have the result, we will only hope that in the future this problem is self-sustaining. For example, the neighbors turn off the perforator, or after a while you buy a voltage stabilizer through which the computer is connected.

So, let's start searching for the cause of hissing in headphones.

Cable damage - very frequent cause of hissing and cod in headphones

Let's start with the simplest and most common cause of extraneous noise in headphones - a damaged cable or bad contact in the nest.

Carefully consider the headphone cable, it must be absolutely whole, it should be the same density inside inside. Spend the entire cable with your hands, perhaps in some place inside the cable was interrupted or once you beat the cable too much and the copper veins inside it broke off.

If, after a visual and tactile check, the cable does not cause suspicion, check the Jack, its articulation and the audio accession itself, in which you connect headphones.

Check out how well you insert Jack into the nest, it must come easily, with a slight click and keep it firmly. Jack should be in the nest to the end, should not be visible part of Jack.

Sometimes, due to the characteristics of the structure of the nest of about 1 mm, Jack remains visible, but no more and the phenomenon is rare.

Bad contact is one of the most common causes of noise and cod in headphones. Wipe the Jack with a dry soft cloth, it may be contaminated or covered with a layer of oxide.

If the wire suspicion does not cause and jack to the nest plugged, and the noise remains, you need to continue the search.

Technical condition of headphones - the possible cause of white noise

After checking the wire and Jack did not give the result, it is necessary to check the headphones themselves.

Carefully inspect them, perhaps recently they fell on a solid surface, cracks or other traces of damage appeared on the housing.

Be sure to try to connect headphones to another sound source, such as telephone, TV or tablet.

It is very important to understand and establish that the cause of white noise in the headphones is not the headphones themselves, but the device to which they are connected.

If when connected to another device white noise Disappeared, it means that the headphones themselves are in order together with the wire and jack, and we move to a further search for the occurrence of a cod.

Cheap columns can cause noise in headphones

If noise in headphones occurs when connected to a computer or laptop, to which inexpensive multimedia columns are connected at the same time, try to turn off the speakers and check whether the interference in the headphones disappeared.

The fact is that inexpensive columns are harvested from cheap items, but most importantly - when they are assembling, they are strongly saved on soldering, wires and the overall level of construction. Therefore, inside the columns may occur bad contact or closure, which will distort the interference electric chainAs a result, outside the headphones may appear.

The speakers need to be turned off completely, and not only turn off their power.

If the full disconnection of the speakers from the computer did not help eliminate the noise in the headphones, go to next step troubleshooting.

No grounding - the most common cause of interference in headphones when connected to a computer

For some unknown, the reasons for me in many homes do not have grounding. In general, it is not so scary, traditional household appliances, such as irons, heaters, filters and air conditioners work normally. But it costs to connect equipment unnecessary power grid, which is very sensitive to the quality of the power supply, as problems immediately come out.

The computer connected to an uncontrolled outlet is direct expensive not only to noise in headphones, but also the possible reason for the release of the computer is entirely due to the impact on static electricity.

A normal way to solve this problem is to ground the socket to which the computer connects. But it is not easy to do it, if at all possible. For this you need to call the electrician, however, in this case, most likely, it is most likely to shift the wiring across the apartment, and this is already a serious repair.

There is a simple way to check whether the ground will help eliminate the noise in the headphones - throw the wire from the computer to the battery.

You need to take the usual copper wire of a small cross section, from two sides with bare contacts. One end to lean to the computer housing (preferably to the back of it), and the other to the battery. To lean the wire to the painted part of the battery is useless, you need to lean to the metal of the battery, so you have to search for such a place. Usually naked metal can be found on the rear of the battery.

If you did everything right, and the noise left or significantly decreased, it means that the matter is grounded.

Remember: it is impossible to ground through the battery count permanent solution. Such a grounding can lead to a complete failure of the entire computer, only your neighbor grounds serious equipment to the battery, like a computer, having received a powerful discharge of electricity to the body, will fail. This is only a method of checking, no more.

But what to do if you know exactly that the sockets have a grounding, and the check with the wire did not give anything? We continue searching the cod in the headphones.

The noise from the microphone is one of the many reasons for the occurrence of interference in headphones.

We looked at possible sources of noise problems in headphones that concern material intervention, now we have problems that relate to the configuration of computer equipment.

One of the most common causes of noise in the headphones is noise from the microphone of the sound card.

Even if your sound card The microphone is not connected, noise from the microphone socket can occur.

In order to check this hypothesis, you need to go to the sound of the sound of your audio card, find the slider that adjusts the volume level of the microphone and reduce it to zero. Either, if there is such an opportunity, turn off the sound from the microphone.

If the cause of noise in the headphones was a microphone input, then the disconnection of the sound from it should be fully corrected.

In order to get to the microphone volume settings, open the control panel, find item "Equipment and sound" And go to it.

Now find item "Sound" And go to it.

In the Sound Settings window, go to the tab "Record", then find an active microphone (in my case it is a microphone Sound Blaster. ZXR), select it and click on the button. "Properties" in the lower right corner.

In a new window, find the tab "Levels", and either slide the microphone volume slider as to the left as possible until its value takes the zero indicator, or press the blue speaker icon, which is located to the right of the volume level. Near the speaker should appear a red crushed sign. This icon will mean that the microphone is completely disabled in the system. It is preferable to disable it, and not just reduce the volume level.

One of the varieties of problems with the microphone entrance or the microphone itself is its high sensitivity. This problem can be solved by incorporating the microphone noise cancellation mode.

Almost all modern sound cards have such a mode. If you find out that the cause of the cod is a microphone, but it is needed, then try to turn on noise cancellation mode if it is. This should solve the problem.

The problem with the volume of sound sources in the sound card may cause hissing in headphones

Not only the interference of the microphone can cause hissing in the headphones, the same interference can also give the adjacent audio card inputs.

Depending on the sound card model, it may be additional inputs To connect additional equipment. They can wear the following names:

  1. What u hear
  2. Line In.
  3. S / PDIF.

Any of them can become a source of interference at a certain coincidence. Similarly, as you have reduced the volume of the microphone, you need to reduce or completely disconnect the sound from all these sockets.

To do this go to the panel windows management.

Then find a point there. "Equipment and sound".

Then click on the section "Sound".

In a new window, enter the Playback tab, select Active Speakers (a device that reproduces sound in headphones in this moment) And click on the "Property" button.

Next, I can't make a screenshot, because In my case, the volume level of all inputs and outputs is adjustable via a special software that controls my sound blaster sound card, in your case, most likely the tab will be available. "Levels"When you enter which you can disable all inputs and outputs of your sound card.

To check, leave only the output to the headphones, and all other possible outputs and inputs, disconnect or reduce their volume to zero.

If the problem of hissing headphones was in one of these items, it will have to disappear.

The volume level is paradoxically, but the fact, it can be the cause of interference in the headphones

In some cases, the volume level may cause interference in headphones.

Sometimes it happens that the headphones have their own volume control, plus there is an additional volume control in Windows, and there is still a volume control knob in the application, the sound of which you listen to (play, player).

In order for any equipment that has its own hardware volume control, it is good, it is necessary to make all the volume control regulators (especially the main volume slider in Windows) were 100% installed. And the final adjustment of the volume is using the hardware volume control.

To resolve Hissing, follow these steps:

  1. Fully disconnect the sound in the headphs using a hardware regulator (buttons or twisters on the headphones themselves)
  2. Volume in Windows 100%
  3. Set the volume in the application 100%
  4. Start gradually add volume on headphones and bring it to a comfortable level.

The fact is that the volume control regulators artificially reduce the volume of the sound, and then in the headphones you have to unscrew the volume to the maximum to listen at a comfortable level. However, for any technique, be it headphones, columns or car engine, long-term work on the limit possible is extremely destructively reflected on the characteristics and properties of the unit.

When setting the maximum volume with hardware on headphones, you strengthen the entire noise that comes from the computer, plus add distortion that appear in the headphones themselves at the maximum sound level.

Therefore, you need to adjust the volume by the method that I indicated to minimize possible distortions and noise from the headphones themselves, as well as remove the artificial increase in unwanted noise.

Currently it is proposed to choose from many species of various Blutuses of headphones, headset and speakers receiving sound through this protocol. Very often when buying inexpensive headphones There are problems with sound quality, namely stuttering sound and its delay. There are several ways to solve this problem ...

The main problem of stuttering Blutuz headphones is the quality of their manufacture and incompatibility of standards. The problem may be in a low-sensitive antenna and the power of the processor built-in to the device. And, accordingly, no power grip can be on the transmitting device: computer, tablet, telephone and Bluetooth module inserted in USB port PC, as well as the incompatibility of Bluetooth version.

It is still noticed that in the room the headphones work well, and on the street there is constantly interrupted. In the room where there are walls close, the signal is reflected from the walls and falls into the receiver of the wireless headset and everything works fine. Where there are no walls, the sound is lost.

It is noted that the same headphones on one smartphone work normally, and on the other they are stuttering. And it happens so that everything was fine, but after installation new program Or update the application, the sound is synchronized. It is also observed when the screen is turned off mobile device Or when switching the phone to the locked mode.

Particularly often occurring sound when installing, deleting or copy files from a flash drive to a USB flash drive. Since the system resources are used at this moment. All this worsens the sound quality in headphones. If this happens, then it must be borne in mind that the power of the processor lacks the sound and transmission to the Blutuz protocol.

Clean, loud noise without wires.

Chief Council, before buying a Blutuz headset, check the quality of playing it, as they say "without departing from the box office", immediately in the store. If this is not possible, keep the check and packing the goods, to return it back to the point of sale.

What if the product is not possible to return to the store?

How to solve sound stuttering in Bluetooth headphones?

1. If you have a PC and USB, the Bloom module is inserted into the rear port of the computer. Move the USB Bluetooth on the front side of the PC. Better to buy a USB hub on the wire, lift it higher and stack the USB Bluetooth module into it. If the Blutuz adapter is old, then it is better to change it to a newer and modern one.

Updating Driver Blutuz in Windows Task Manager.

2. If you have a PC, change the drivers in the device manager to "sound and game devices" and in the Bluetooth subsection. Here you have to start searching drivers windows tools. For this, select "Update".

If it did not help, then you must try to put different versions Drivers and check, somehow can earn.

When synchronizing with a PC, the Bluetooth headphone models may have compatibility problems with Windows drivers.

3. Outside on the street to exclude interruptions in music playback, put your smartphone as close as possible to headphones. Shoot your smartphone from pockets in your pocket, and the higher the headphones, the better. Or put it in the upper, inner pocket jacket. Do not use headphones in the cold.

4. With the player settings or in the settings of the audio device on the PC, lower the quality of the playback of the audio stream, i.e. If you listen to music in 320kbbit / s or more, try the sound no more than 128kbbit / s. Audio MP3 files must be recorded with a low bit rate.

If you have a laptop with weak speakers and when playing the next volume of the volume of the built-in speakers, it is not enough for a comfortable view, you can use tips to increase the volume on a laptop or telephone.

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5. Make the BT mode on the transmitting device "visible to all". In this mode, the system loads less processor.

6. The devices are closer to each other for a few seconds or put the sound playing in the player or youtube pause, it is necessary to synchronize devices. To complete sound synchronization, you may need a few seconds.

7.The Android 6.0 in the settings there is an item: "application permissions", in it "Transmission via Bluetooth". Here you need to remove all the ticks, except for the "volume". Here we click: "Changing settings" and select the item "Do not disable".

8. Android Android OS can be dispersed through special programs Type: Setcpu, Tasker, Antutu CPU, TEGRAK, Overclock and others. Changing OS operation parameters is made in the "Performance" section. You need to change the following values: Government in "Perfomance", Scheduler in "CFQ". Even advise such a solution: Installing Kernel Adiutor C CPU Governor to Ondemand (+ "Apply On Boot" for convenience).

9. You can use the load on the system using a special software. There is such a DROIDWALL program that can control Internet access each application OS android. To reduce the load on the processor, prohibit the applications at the moment in this time. You can do it through the program menu.

10. Put the antenna in the headphone housing or columns Bloom. If you remove the housing cover, then the feet should be a kite-shaped path. To this track, the craftsmen solder a piece of copper wire centimeter 4-5. After that, the signal quality rises and the sound stops stuttering.

Video: My perfect Demon wired headphones Bluetooth.

Video: 5 Bluetooth headphones. Sending from China.

11. The load of the processor on the PC can also be disabling the microphone on the Bloom headset. To do this, you need to go into the control panel \u003d\u003e sound \u003d\u003e record \u003d\u003e microphone \u003d\u003e properties \u003d\u003e Listen \u003d\u003e Remove the checkbox with "Listen to this device" And restart the computer.

12. Performances from other devices strongly affect the quality of the compound. If a wireless column Or SAB stands next to the router, a TV, a computer, microwave and other radio interference sources, then it must be moved.

13. The trouble-charged battery is the reason for the lack of power of the processor of the device Blutuz.

14. The unaware models of Blutuz headsets may not be compatible with new smartphones and vice versa. This is the main reason for the instability and stuttering music. Therefore, before buying a wireless device, you must always check whether these two mobile devices will be well available.

More information about the Bluetooth protocol can be read in the article on There is analyzed the process of loss of signal with screenshots and graphs.

Analysis of human body impact on the transmission power of the audio data via Bluetooth protocol.

In the picture, it is shown that from the dump it is seen, the BitPool value for this portion of traffic is 48, but it cost me to close the way from the laptop to the column, as the BitPool value began to decline, accompanied by interrupts and clicks.

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After the BitPool value settled at level 30, the clicks are disappeared, the playback of the audio has become more continuous. Everything indicated that the codec was performed by auto-adjustment, noting the degradation of the quality of the signal.

But did I really contribute such a significant attenuation? Well, time to look at the indication schedule for the power level of the received signal.

Despite the ease of operation, sometimes we still face definite problems, such as extraneous sounds, similar to hissing and wheezing, because of which the sound quality is generally deteriorating significantly. To eliminate this problem, need to know possible reasons Her appearance.

It is important to know that, despite the entire elementality of this device, a person who has not had to faced problems in his work and eliminate them, this problem may seem very serious.

In order to understand where the hiss in the headphones arises, you need to understand a little about how they are arranged. Pay attention to the fact that you constantly hear hissing sounds or only periodically.

One of the reasons why this problem may occur is incorrectly connecting headphones, or rather, the choice of incorrect settings. In addition, if the headphones are not new, check if the contacts are working with which you connect them.

Recommendations: How to warm up the headphones and whether to do it
How to independently fix the headphones if one stopped working
, Repairing headphones do it yourself

Noise in headphones caused by faulty sound card

Such a part, as a sound card, has the most direct impact on how high-quality melody is reproduced by equipment. If the item is faulty, personal Computer can not accurate sound signalsWhat is why the normal sound is complemented by hissing, a crash, the sound seems to be "rehearsed" and "jumps". In this situation, only replacing the faulty item will help, and then the sound will no longer be accompanied by outsiders.

Faulty wires

For the correct operation of the headphones and the correct transmission of sounds often corresponds to the manufacturer of the model.

It should be known that there are two types of headphones: wireless and with wire. Outsided soundsAs a rule, appear in models running through a cable connected by a plug. If the copper cable live is damaged or stretched, noise noise and jump-shaped sound interruptions.

The damaged wire often leads to noise in headphones on the iPhone. This is due to the fact that the cable material is thin and flexible, it is easy to break. The conductor with damage sends the sound card to incorrect characteristics of the signals, and this is reflected on the sound. How to eliminate the hoarse of headphones? This can be done, removing the overshadled or bare area of \u200b\u200bthe wire, as a last resort, will have to buy new fittings.

Broken usb input

Incorrect sound may occur after connecting other gadgets to a USB connector. Call the problem can mouse, or defective keyboard. In this case, by pressing the key, you will hear clicks. There are quite objective reasons why it happens.

When the information is transmitted, the load on the PC is raised. To reduce it, you need to do the following:

1. Switch the plug to another port.

2. You can also purchase a splitter and repair old connectors for connecting.

3. Start using wireless devices.

The problem is that very often users do not pay due attention to the computer, they do not immediately repair the emerging problems. As a result, USB connectors one after another come to unsuitability, and only one remains, in which the splitter connects and it is all the load that it becomes the reason for its increase.

How to wear intracanal in-ear headphones

Noise from working with mouse

When you make a scrolling page with the mouse, sometimes you can also notice noise, sometimes they are simply unbearable. Solution of the problem will be the replacement of the mouse, switching the mouse to the neighboring USB port or setting an external sound card.

No grounding sockets

This problem is not often, but still arises, interfering with the normal operation of headphones. The absence of grounding can also cause a cod, clicks and other noise in headphones. If you have already checked the headphones and did not find any problems, check the sockets to which the computer is connected.

This nuance concerns only stationary computers, laptop fees are usually ground at the stage of their production.

When you use headphones connected to a laptop, incorrect sounds Most likely provoked by internal malfunctions of the device. Should not tighten with the appeal to service centerwhere your device is propagated for troubleshooting.

Sound source itself does not work correctly

Violation of the rules for using headphones often leads to a violation of their work, and in particular to the sound. Also, problems occur in the work of the main sound source. Rarely, but still occur the driver errors. Program errors and malfunctions operating system cause interference in the form of noise and cod.

The problem can be detected by checking the device using the connection of various headsets. If their work is equally unacceptable - unpleasant sounds will be heard in all headphones, it means that the problem is hiding in the device driver.

If you are used to listening to very high volume music, you can also notice the appearance of hissing and cod. As a rule, it happens if you purchase inexpensive headphones.

There is not enough powerful power supply - another reason for extraneous noise at the sound of headphones (such a problem is sometimes found at the owners of laptops, which have not yet understood with all its features). Eliminate this problem simply using the following prompts.

On your laptop, go to the "Control Panel", then in "System and Security" and, finally, in "Power Supply", and select High Performance Mode. At the end of the setup, check the sound quality in headphones.

Get more and more distribution. Pushing the manufacturers of smartphones themselves, eliminating the 3.5-millimeter audio jack from the new models. Everything would be fine if not one "but". The sound quality in wireless headphones is most often medium or even low. And the user may encounter a sound latency in Bluetooth headphones. What caused these two troubles? Surely large companies still can't come up with a normal method of transmitting sound through air?

If with the average quality of sound, it is quite possible to terms, then when the music is interrupted - it quickly displays. These second or even semi-acean pauses make it back to wired headphones, connecting an accessory at least through the adapter.

Unfortunately, to find out the exact causes of the micropause almost impossible. The fact is that Bluetooth is very different from the same Wi-Fi - this method of transmitting the signal is less standardized, and there is often not enough power to be "Blue Zeub". If Wi-Fi quietly penetrates even through the walls of the house, then the Bluetooth signal can also interfere with the lining of the jacket. That is, try to pull the smartphone from the inner pocket - it is possible that the sync cleanliness will significantly improve.

Unfortunately, he derses sound in Bluetooth headphones and then when the accessory is right next to the smartphone. This indicates the low compatibility of the chip in the headset with the module located in the phone. It is possible that the latter is used by some unsuitable codec. After all, if you did not know, no analogue is transmitted by air, but digital sound. Headphones still need to be decrypted, only after that playing. If the electronics in the product is not the most powerful, then from time to time, micropauses can really occur.

If the purchase of Bluetooth headphones is only to be, then be sure to read technical characteristics Accessories. Try to choose such an instance that has supported precisely those profiles that are built into the Bluetooth of your smartphone. It is also desirable that the version of the "blue tooth" was also the same. In particular, now many smartphones have on board Bluetooth 4.0 - a similar version should have a wireless headset.

If the headphones are connected to the computer, you can "fold" with the settings to remove the audio interrupt music players. Change the sound output from the DirectSound on Waveout - sometimes it can help. Unfortunately, in the smartphones, the Bluetooth-connections settings are noticeably less, so it is impossible to favor experiments here.

Bad sound

The quality of sound depends on several factors. Basically, this parameter affects the Bluetooth version. In each fresh version, some new profiles and technologies appear. For example, now smartphones and wireless headsets Gradually go to the APTX HD codec, providing sound transmission in hardly CD quality. If you are not limited to financial resources, it is better to purchase an accessory with support for this codec. But do not forget that then the smartphone will need the appropriate.

The sound quality depends on which music files are reproduced. Pay attention to the MP3 Music Bitrate - the best sound will be with files with a 320 Kbps parameter. The real music lovers must go to files with a lower compression degree - for example, on FLAC. Weighing such music will be more, but when it is saved to these compositions, too high or too low frequencies. However, an increased bit rate can lead to micropauses - Bluetooth data transfer rate is strongly limited.

Of course, first of all, the purity of sound depends on the design of the headphones themselves. Stupid to expect good sound From the simplest "plugs" for 2000 rubles. Want to enjoy music without using wired connection? Then you will have to fork out for an expensive headset from the well-known manufacturer. Difficult to choose from? Focus on the selection.


Alas, but modern wireless technologyserving to drive sound, do not let somehow play the settings. If some problems arise, it most often talks about poor compatibility of headphones and smartphones. And in the case of not enough good sound It is necessary to blame the flawed structure of the headset (or a weak chip). That is why when choosing wireless headphones should not save.

The world stepped into a wireless era. Keyboards and mice, data transmission, Internet access - everything has already left the cables for a long time. However, there are still certain things that literally keep us in this terrible world of wires. And besides the most obvious - for example, charger, remain and less noticeable, but far from less important accessories are headphones. After all, you will agree, not everyone falls on the temper every time to think about where and how to "push" the wire only to go out. And when sports about the headphones, it is generally better not to remember. Why so there - did you never annoy you that they should be removed to stand because of the computer? Therefore, for many, the issue of buying wireless headphones is quite acute. It would seem that everything for this is - at the moment this market is already saturated enough to find a suitable option. But, unfortunately, there are a certain number of problems. After all, in essence, Bluetooth headphones did not make significant high-quality jerks from the very moment of their appearance.

But on a certain day, such a question became before me. Being confident in the fact that the current year did the technology, I quickly chose my gadget - Jabra Halo 2. [Lyrical retreat]: Yes, we can say that Jabra Halo 2 is not an indicator and a bad example. However, not every average buyer can afford an advanced technique like or - although it is possible that they will be deprived of all the following flaws. Moreover, even Jabra Halo 2 budget can not be called in no way - I will remind you that for the same one thousand hryvnia you can buy quite serious wired headphones [End of lyrical retreat]. And after almost a year since the start of operation, it is ready to tell about all aspects of life with Bluetooth middle class headphones.

The first minus surfaced almost immediately - as soon as the phone turns out in pocket jeans, the signal begins to get lost. We had to put the phone in the pocket of the jacket, the jacket, or in the bag (however, it turned out that the connection is much better in the right pocket of jeans, but it did not solve it completely). And in general, the interruption of sound is the most common problem. Interference can catch you literally at any time, and they are so nasty that you start to unwittingly turn the phone in your pocket in the search for "optimal position." Moreover, it happens that the environment affects the environment - near the local stadium, for example, interference is observed almost always. Also, the gap will pursue you in the first minute or two after connecting to the device.

Second problem - sound quality. Yes, in fact, Bluetooth headphones sound perfectly - but with a connected wire. On the wireless connection, they are suitable except for listening to podcasts, radio, watching rollers with YouTube and communicating with friends. Music connoisseurs will be increditious to turn her nose (and fairly), although not particularly proper users (like me) and those will be satisfied.

And it is logical that a little lame speed of work. From the sound itself until its playback in headphones, there is some time within a second. And from the very first day, the user will notice that before you start playing the sound, the headphones will turn on the barely noticeable noise (on the background of the music, it is completely lost), and when reproduction is over - this noise will disappear, while with a sufficiently sharp click, which on high level Volume can noticeably hit the ears. However, it is possible to get used enough to this.

And at least these three minuses are already predetermined by the fate of wireless headphones. There is no practical meaning in them. It can be seen that this direction is gradually developing, but specifically at the moment - this is a waste of money. It seems that the market exists in order for it to be at all - and the user still finds. Believe me, freedom from the wires are not worth all the problems described above. Although there are positive moments with such headphones, but my advice to you: either buy expensive Bluetooth headphones, or take good and wired.

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