
IPhone 5S Search Network Solution. Standing iPhone Network Search. Determine the cause of breakage

To be "on the hands" with an iPhone, who does not catch the network, at any trip or on a business trip - the situation is not pleasant. The boss will be annoyed by the fact that his employee is not available and did not give a timely report, relatives will be borrowed from concern, potential customers will break down from the hook. Even call help or taxi, happen to something with a car, it will be impossible. It should be recognized that modern person is in severe dependence on the GSM signal.

Fortunately, in most situations to solve the problem of a weak network on their own and quite quickly. In the article, we will tell about common causes, why the "apple" gadget does not catch the network, and about the ways to correct the situation.

FirstWhat you need to check on iPhone, which does not catch the GSM signal - date / time settings.If the settings are incorrect, you should set correct manually. This is done like this:

Step 1. Go along the path " Settings» — « Maintenance» — « date and time».

Step 2.. Find out the exact time in your time zone. To do this, you can use, for example, the service "Yandex. Time. "

Step 3.. Scrolling the drums, set the correct date, hour and minute.

Step 4.. Restart the iPhone and check the network.

If you have access to Wi-Fi, you can avoid manual setting time. In the subsection "Date and Time" there is a "automatically" slider. After its activation, the iPhone independently determines the time in the installed time zone - but only if the gadget is connected to the Internet.

Your humble servant prefers not to use automatic setup time, because his iPhone "has" for an hour more laid.

Problems with the settings of the cellular operator

If the time is set correctly, but the iphone network does not catch anyway, you can suspect that the settings have come down cellular operator. A set of such measures will help solve this problem (each subsequent step must be performed only if the previous one did not give the result):

Step 1. Turn on and turn off the airrest. The corresponding slider is at the very beginning of the menu " Settings».

Step 2.. IN " Settings»Go to section" Operator"And deactivate the toggle switch Automatically».

Step 3.. Check if cellular settings are correct (APN, username, password) are true. Proceed along the way " Settings» — « cellular » — « Cellular data network" In the block " Cell data"And there are necessary details.

Correct parameters for 3 leading operators you will find in our article dedicated to that. In case of inconsistencies, change the settings of cell data on the "apple" gadget manually. After changing the settings, do not forget to restart the device.

Weak GSM signal

If the cause of a weak signal is that the place of stay is not included in the GSM coverage area, do not correct the problem on your own. We will have to buy sim card for temporary use. Although in fact the territory where top No GSM signal, you need to search yet.

Plots where the signal is very bad, there is also in major cities. As a rule, the iPhones are not caught in the subway, basement, elevators. The network may disappear inside the building due to the fact that the concrete walls of the room are duffling GSM signal. In some buildings, devices are intentionally used, "jams", preventing unnecessary employees of the Internet surfing. Look "muffler" like this:

Previously, the "muffler" willingly been placed in educational institutions. Now the use of such devices has been minimized - the modern educational process involves the active appeal of the student to the mobile Internet.

If a gSM signal weaken in the house of the userThis is a reason to present the claims provider. The owner of the iPhone you need to call the number hot line And complain to the absence of a network. The application will be transferred to the technical department, whose employees will make a maximum effort to solve the problem.

SIM card is damaged

Mechanical SIM card damage or its irregular trimming can notbecome a reason why there is no network on iPhone. If the card is defective, the SIM gadget does not recognize at all. This is a completely different problem. possible solutions Which we offered in the article "".

However, the user suffering from the lack of network on the smartphone is still worth a visual inspection of the SIM card. If there are dirt on the contacts, you need to safely remove it. To help return a normal GSM signal can even be what the user seized the SIM card and installed back to the slot.

If the owner of the iPhone has suspicions that the gadget is badly catches the network because of a SIM card, he should contact the service office with a passport and replace SIM. This procedure is free and takes just a couple of minutes.

IOS failure

Inconsultity of the measures listed above tells the user that the problem may be in the software. For correct operation of the gadget required latest updates Systems. To check if there are available updates, the user needs to go along the way " Settings» — « Maintenance» — « Software Update».

There was a breakdown of the gadget

If there is a physical breakdown of a visit to the masters not to avoid. To the failure of the gadget to catch the network, as a rule, causes a malfunction of an antenna module. The antenna breakdown is a consequence of the fall or the influence of the gadget. The cost of repair in this case will depend on models iPhone.. Approximate prices We collect in a sign:


IPhone does not catch the network after Annoka: what to do?

Network problems may appear after the user unlocked the SIM-LOCK device using one of the following programs: RedSnow, Ultrasnow, Sam Tool, Samplefs. The following measures will help to eliminate the problem:

Step 1. Reset network settings. To do this, follow the path " Settings» — « Maintenance» — « Reset", Click on the item" Reset network settings"And enter a password.

To remove personal data, this measure will not lead.

Step 2.. Restore the iPhone through iTunes and. The probability that this measure will help - 90%. Remember that recovery leads to the device memory clearing. Before proceeding with the recovery procedure, make backup data.

If the gadget is locked under AT & T, it will not work with Russian SIM cards, whatever their efforts has attached. The unfortunate owner of such a smartphone is better to seek official anlock.


In the absence of a network on the iPhone, you should not rush to the masters for repair. Specialists of service centers are interested in finding a malfunction in the gadget - and they will most likely find it, "blowing out of the fly of an elephant." Before you give the phone to the repair, the user is worth accepting a number of simple measures - check the time, network settings, restart the gadget, update iOS. The chance that one of these measures will give the result is very large.

If your iPhone is constantly looking for a network, do not rush to immediately carry it in service center. In most cases, it is possible to eliminate the malfunction yourself. Below is four ways thanks to which you will understand how to fix the problem on the spot.

First, check the adjustments of the aircraft, when you turn on which Wi-Fi can work, and the honeycomb search is always turned off. If this mode is turned off, and the smartphone does not see mobile operator, Try the actions described below.

Check the date and time settings

If your iPhone is constantly looking for a network after firmware iOS. or component repair, the cause of the network loss can be the confined date and time settings. To restore the search and on the iphone screen, the cellular operator icon again appeared, try the following steps:

  • connect the iPhone to Wi-Fi, which is caught without a SIM card
  • go to the "Settings" menu
  • sequentially select the "Main" tabs, then - "Date and Time"
  • turn on the "Automatically" icon (turn off and turn it on again if it is already active)
  • reload an iPhone that stopped catching a cellular communication

After repeated download iPhone Must catch a network, and the icon of your operator will appear on the mobile device screen. If the search mode is not recovered, go to another method.

Make sure the SIM card is working

Sometimes iPhone "does not see" the network is not due to the cellular operator, but because of the fact that the SIM card has failed. Mobile device without a SIM card that works properly, will "hang" infinitely long. Action options how to fix this situation:

  • rearrange your SIM card in another iPhone and check its performance
  • purchase a new SIM card for your smartphone

Ayphons acquired in other countries can be "locked" under a certain mobile operator, as a result of which they do not work with cellular networks of Russia. You will need unlocking smartphone Apple. and it repeated activation. Perform this action using iTunes programsBy creating a copy in advance. With this procedure, the settings set by the owner and the loss of data on the phone take place on the phone. But in the end, you restore the cell's search mode.

Try to reflash the phone

Perhaps your iPhone is constantly looking for a network, because the program crash occurred. This happens when installing new applications or illiterate modem firmware. You can return the original state of the instrument by resetting the parameters set recently, or reflashing the phone again.

To reset the cellular settings, go to the "Basic" iPhone menu, select "Reset". The system will offer several options for:

  • reset all settings
  • erase content and settings
  • reset network settings
  • reset the "Home" settings
  • reset geoctoque

First of all, try updating the iPhone through the reset of the settings associated with the network. If the constant network search continues, perform full reset and refund to the factory parameters of the smartphone. If, after that, the phone is infinitely "hanging" and does not catch the signal of the mobile operator, try to eliminate the malfunction using flashing software. To do this, follow the installation instructions. new firmware Modem:

  • update iTunes on your computer to the latest version.
  • create backup
  • download the current iOS phone model
  • open iTunes again, press the SHIFT (ALT-Option) key and the Restore button.
  • select the downloaded file of the new software and run the update.

These are all the ways telling how to fix at the site of a cellular settings failed. If, after reset, your iPhone is constantly looking for a network, take it to masters to diagnose the device and its recovery. Most likely, the device stopped catching the network due to malfunctions internal electronic components. Here will be required professional diagnosis Devices that will help determine the type of repair required.


Often diagnosis apple devices, stopped catching the network, reveals the oxidation of the internal elements of the smartphone as a result of moisture. If you often use the phone on the street with adverse weather conditions, this situation is quite possible. Also, the diagnostics of the device may show the need for the following events.

In the use of iPhone gadgets there are nuances, so if you encountered the fact that the phone does not find the operator signal, do not panic - this can happen with anyone. There are many reasons because of which the iPhone does not see the network, they concern the settings of the device or external faults. Let's look at why problems arise and what to do to fix them.

The problem with the connection on iPhone is not single, but there are options for its rapid solution

First of all, try simply to restart the device - a little failure occurred in the system.

If this does not help, refer to the iPhone settings. Why no connection with the operator? In most cases, the problem with the search for the network occurs due to incorrect settings of the time zone and time. To check this, follow these actions:

  • Go to the Settings menu and turn on Wi-Fi.
  • Return to the basic parameters, select Date and Time menu.
  • Here you will see the "automatically" string - this feature allows the device to independently determine the time zone and time. Put the B button active position Or, if the string is turned on, turn off and then activate this mode again.
  • Wait about a minute, restart the phone.

Sometimes the device does not catch the signal due to the fact that the operator does not provide its services in a specific region. To check whether it is in fact, go to the menu with the operation modes and select the option "Airly" - turn it on, wait a few seconds. Then disconnect it - after these actions will be rebooted by the network, after which the iPhone will search the signal.

If no changes, check the settings of your provider. To do this, do the following:

  • Open the parameters of your iPhone, clause operator.
  • Make sure the auto definition of settings is set.

Search for updates

Your iPhone may not catch a signal due to the fact that you have not installed the latest updates for the system - they are necessary for the correct operation of the gadget. Go to "About this device", if you see that there are new iPhone system files, Connect to the Internet and run the update process.

Note. If you do not have the ability to connect to the Internet for one reason or another, connect it to the computer, go to iTunes, start searching for updates and install them.

Malfunctions after factory unlocking

Why there is no network after activating iPhone? If after the factory unlocking the device does not catch the signal, it means that he sees the card itself, you only need to eliminate the problem in the parameters.

To do this, reset the settings - insert the SIM card, go to the main parameters, the Reset point and stop at the "Reset Settings" option.

Signal search problems occur when the iPhone is activated using SAMPREFS or REDSNOW programs. If unlocking has passed successfully, but there is still no connection, you need to reset the installation of the smartphone, which is done in the following way:

  • Insert the SIM card and connect it to the computer, open iTunes.
  • Make backup, then click on the recovery point.
  • After the recovery is complete, you will be prompted to recover an iPhone from an existing backup or recognize it as a new device - select the second option.
  • After the activation procedure, the phone will search the network and connect to it.

Note. If the iPhone is still programmed to work with AT & T, it will not catch the signal of Russian providers in any case. It is necessary to unlock the imay number - it is best to contact a specialist for this.

Other reasons for lack of network

The iPhone may not catch the signal due to external problems with the card or the mobile equipment itself. This happens in such cases:

  • If the SIM card was covered incorrectly, the phone can recognize it incorrectly - contact directly to the communication service provider and order the correct card under the iPhone.
  • IN mobile device There were malfunctions in the work of the antenna - in such a situation, it is necessary to refer to the specialists and give the apparatus to repair.

If you insert another SIM card, and she catches the network, the problem concerns a specific operator - he blocked the map you want to use. This happens for such reasons:

  • Communication is inactive, because you do not have the funds in the account or you did not fulfill other conditions for the provision of communication services.
  • The map is blocked by imay code. In this case, contact the service center to activate it.

As you can see, various factors can affect the operation of the network in the iPhone, but all the problems that have arisen are quite easy and in most cases it can be done independently and without extra cost time and money.

The problem of searching for the network on the iPhone is not so common, which, of course, pleases. Nevertheless, this happens and since you read these lines, then this problem touched you.

It happens, the iPhone does not immediately puzzle its owner a sudden transition to the permanent search of the network. As a rule, it is preceded by interruptions due to some time, after which, one day you just can't call anyone.

Or, perhaps, you dropped a device or somehow damaged the device. In any case, the problem needs to be addressed.

Causes of the permanent network search should be sought in three directions:

  • problems with SIM card;
  • software problems;
  • problems with iron mobile device.

Standing iPhone Network Search, what to do?

1. First of all, make sure you are in the coverage area cellular network.
Run the "Settings" application, go to the "Cellular Communication" section (or "Cell data" on the iPad). Check if you have the transfer of cell data.

2. Restart the mobile device.

3. Pay attention to the SIM card. For a start, try simply shut it. If it does not help, you need to check the performance of the SIM card. Make it can be lent in colleagues or friends of their iPhone and trying to exchange SIM-cards.

4. Reset network settings. Go to "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Reset"\u003e "Reset network settings". Keep in mind that it is also reset wi-Fi network and passwords, cellular settings, as well as VPN and APN parameters.

5. If nothing helped and the device continues to report on the search for the network, go to "Settings"\u003e "Basic"\u003e "On this device". Here we are interested in the line "modem firmware". If the string is empty, there is no information, probably the reason for the eternal search of the network lies in the breakdown of the device modem.

In this case, you should not hurry to reflash the device in iTunes, as is often recommended, simply because the lack of food on the modem chip will not allow this to do. Probably, iTunes will give you an error, and the iPhone will stop turning on. In this case, the most reasonable to contact Apple's equipment repair.

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Quite often, users face the following problem - after hardware repair iPhone. or reinstall operating system The device cannot connect to the cellular network (the status bar displays the search). In this material, we will consider an alternative solution to the problem.

In contact with

In most cases, the method can be helped, we have earlier - just connect the iPhone to Wi-Fi, go to Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Date and time and switch checkbox "Automatically" In an active position (or switch several times).

However, quite often the user does not have the opportunity to produce this procedure due to absence Wi-Fi connections - The device is connected to the point wireless accessHowever, data transmission does not occur. In this case, it will not be possible to make an iPhone with an active function.

Solution problem can be found pretty simple way - You need to "distribute" Wi-Fi from another iPhone and take advantage of the method described above. After rebooting, the smartphone should work correctly.

If the method described can not solve the problem, then you will have to use the function. To do this, you need to connect the iPhone to the computer using the Lightning cable, select the device in iTunes, click on the button "Restore"Climbing Shift (Windows) or Alt (Mac). After that, it remains to select the desired IPSW file with a firmware that can be downloaded. An important nuance is, when restoring the system, all information will be removed from the device.

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