
How to restore the lost room of Kyivstar. Cellular communication from Kyivstar. How much does it cost to restore the SIM card Kyivstar

Kyivstar first in the Ukrainian market introduces the service " Independent replacement SIM "for prepaid communication subscribers.

Now in case of loss or damage to the SIM card, you do not need to come to the Kyivstar store - it's enough to buy starter pack and "assign" old number New SIM card.

Innovative service "Independent Replacement SIM" is simple and safe: these are two actions, a few hours of waiting - and mobile number Works again, but already with a new SIM card. Wherever the subscriber is, now he can always restore his number without contacting the Kyivstar store. The cost of the service is 5 hryvnias that are removed from the subscriber account after the resumption of the room.

"Residents of villages and small cities were difficult to restore the mobile number, since it had to look for" service points "of their telecom operator in other cities. It is much easier to buy a new starting package. Now every Customer Kyivstar will be able to stay with its usual number. We hope that, thanks to this service, cases of use of new numbers are reduced only because of the loss of the SIM card, Pavel Dennaya comments, head of the Kyivstar Value Deal Department. - At the same time, we took care of protecting all customers from the action of attackers. "

The service "Independent Replacement SIM" will come in handy and when buying a new mobile deviceIf the SIM card is not suitable for a new format slot - Micro or Nano. However, if the subscriber contact the Card format to the Kyivstar store, now it will be this service for free.

To restore your phone number and assign it a new SIM card, you need to perform two steps. First, buy a Kyivstar Starter Package, insert a new SIM card into the phone and activate the number - dial a combination for checking the account * 111 # (call), without raging the bill. Secondly, dial a combination * 245 * 380xxxxxxxxxxxx * z ... z # (call), where 380xxxxxxxxxh is a phone number that will be assigned a new SIM card, and Z ... z - the "old" SIM card data: 19 digits of ICC code (number on the back of the SIM card itself) or 8 PUK1 digits (specified on the holder to which the SIM card was mounted). If the SIM card or holder is not preserved, you can find out this data in the "My Kyivstar" system in the presence of a personal password or an expert help service Kyivstar, calling 466. When contacting the call-center, the operator will check the ownership of the number by specifying clarifying questions.

After that, the client number will be restored, cash Basic and bonus accounts and connected services. It is important that from the moment of sending a request before the application of the old SIM card is not registered in the Kievstar network for 7 hours. If it was found and the need to assign the number of the new SIM card disappeared, you just need to insert an old SIM card into the phone and turn it on, without waiting for the application.

Kyivstar also took care of the convenience of customers who need to be in touch during the resumption of the number. Immediately after sending a successful USSD request to replace SIM to the temporary number account, 100 minutes for calls within the network of Kyivstar and 100 MB to use the Internet will be accrued. This is enough to solve emergency issues. You can't replenish the bill number.

Kievistar paid special attention to the safety of the procedure, since most owners bank cards Use a mobile number for authorization in bank self-service systems. To prevent fraudulent actions, check the SIM card registration on the network for 7 hours. If at this time the recoverable number will be registered on the network, the application for replacing the SIM card will not be executed. Additionally, the condition for checking information on the date and sum of the last account replenishment to restore the PUK code is canceled.

Kyivstar is the first of ukrainian operators mobile communications Created a "Single Card Self Replacement" service. On how to resume the work of the old SIM card, it will be discussed below.


For prepaid communication subscribers, there is now a new service that allows you to quickly and easily restore a lost or damaged SIM card. To do this, you only need to make several simple manipulations with a new starting package and can be safely used by the old number.

This service will be very useful and in the case of the acquisition of new mobile gadgets, which for the most part are equipped with slots under Micro and Nano-SIM. But even when contacting the shop Kyivstar with a request to replace the map format this service will be provided for free.

We restore the SIM card, performing simple steps

  1. Acquire a starting package
  2. Insert the SIM card and activate it by set * 111 # (call)
  3. Perform a request * 245 * 380xxxxxxxxxx * y ... y # (call)where 380xxxxxxxxx is the number of your old SIM card, ... y - its 19-digit ICC code or PUK1. If you did not save necessary information - No reason for concern. Enough to go B. Personal Area In the Kyivstar system, or contact the operator (reference service 466 )
  4. We expect an SMS message about the execution of an application for about 7 hours. In addition to the old number, all the money will be restored on the main and bonus accounts, your current tariff plan, active services

Care of the client and the safety of the procedure - above all

The operator first of all took care of customers who wish to be in touch during the implementation of the Card Recovery Application.

After the application is sent, on new number Enroll 100 minutes for calls (only subscribers of the network) and 100 MB mobile Internet (checking the residue using a combination * 115 # Challenge). Minutes and megabytes will be active only at the time of processing the application.

Very many bank card owners tie their phone numbers to banking systems. To prevent the possibility of fraud during application processing, the operator monitors the SIM card registration on the network. In case of detection, the submitted application will be canceled.

Owners of contract numbers

If you are the owner of the contract number, then a slightly different service ("Single Card") is available at the destruction, the stealing card.

In order for it to take advantage of, you need to contact the corporate salon of Kyivstar. Cost will be 25 UAH. Money will be written off from the main account of the Subscriber.

  • you can not replenish a temporary account new card during the resumption of the work of the old
  • the service is not free - its value in the amount of 5 UAH. Will be written off from the main account of the subscriber. Take care of the availability of the required amount on your account
  • to implement a correct request for a replacement card, 4 attempts per day are given
  • request request was supposed to be sent to the operator not more than 7 days after the activation of the starting package, otherwise it would be impossible to use this service
  • the service will not be provided to the owners of some tariff planshaving code 068

Additional information about the service can be found on

Kyivstar is very popular among the inhabitants of our country. Therefore, the company tries to expand the list of services provided. One of which will be described in detail in this article.

Quite often arise situations in which the integrity of the Subscriber's SIM card is violated, the alarms of phones also happen together with SIM., It happens that the subscriber number attached to the map was for a long time Inactive, so automatically blocked by the operator.

In order to replace, you need to learn how to restore the SIM card Kyivstar. Replacing the card, the former phone number will be tied to it automatically. At the same time, the tariff, connected services and balance on the account, will be saved (except for the removal of the card replacement).

Operator office

In order to restore the SIM card, it is advisable to immediately contact the Kyivstar store. Consultants of the company will help both in warranty and not warranty cases.

Warranty lasts for 2 years. The warranty includes those faults that arose due to the manufacturer's error.

Not warranty cases: mechanical and thermal effects, impact of atmospheric precipitation, moisture and oil, blocking, as a result of 10 incorrect introduction of the PUK code.

Express delivery

This opportunity can use residents of Kiev. The service is called "SIM card delivery by courier." It allows you to get a ready-made SIM card after two hours from the moment the request was served, delivery is made at the address that was specified in the order.

How to restore SIM card Kyivstar via the Internet

Information about the replacement of the SIM card can be found by visiting the official website. mobile operator Kyivstar

SIM card recovery time

Before replacing the SIM card, Kyivstar employees must check some data related to the subscriber card. When accessing the Subscriber, you must provide a SIM card that was associated with a lost, as well as a map with PIN and RUK codes.

Data verification passes through one day. When the card ended the validity period and it was automatically blocked, its recovery can take up to the 31st calendar day from the moment of blocking. The procedure allows you to save subscriber experience, services and all stocks that have already been connected to the phone number.

Time to renew the phone number is 30 days.

How much does it cost to restore the SIM card Kyivstar

If the number restores under the guarantee condition, then this procedure It is free.

In ne. warranty case - the "Replacement SIM card" service costs 20.00 hryvnia, taking into account VAT, but excluding the collection in pension Fund. It is worth considering the fact that the amount for ordering services takes off from the account of the subscriber, so with an insufficient amount on the balance sheet, it is necessary to replenish the account.

The renewal of the room costs 15 hryvnia, taking into account VAT, it is further charged 7.5% of the amount on the deductions to the Pension Fund.

The "renewal number" service is provided in the case of closing or long-term non-use of the phone, which led to its cancellation.

To resume the canceled number, it is necessary to pay 30 hryvnias with VAT, as well as 7.5% in PF from the cost of the service (in the event of a resumption period of more than 30 days).

Other ways to restore the SIM card

It is necessary to take advantage of the information and reference center number - 0 800 300 466 or 8 044 466 2 466 (from the city). The operator will require call the recoverable phone number as well serial number SIM cards (located on the back of the card).

The service "Renewal" requires an account replenishment within 30 minutes, but you can up to 7 days, since the application is submitted. Before you need to re-register the phone (turn off and enable).

Quite often, people may encounter such a nuisance when the phone is strongly wet, was lost or stolen. And in such situations, users are not so much pathetic mobile device, how old is the old SIM card, which was installed in it.

After all, the gadget can be quickly used in the nearest store, but to restore all important numbers, is a more challenging task. Accordingly, if such a trouble happened to you, then you should know how to restore the Kyivstar number.

What represents such a SIM card

The SIM card is a small plastic product with a miniature processor and EEPROM and ROM memory. This chipset does not have its own battery, and, accordingly, the power comes from the mobile device.

At the production stage, the set is placed special programswhich determine its behavior. Accordingly, the usual work "SIM cards" implies authorization and access to different areas of the memory of the chipset. That is why before making the card to the active user needs to be logged in by entering PIN1 (2) and when the PUK code is blocked.

Methods of recovery

Depending on the situation, the mobile operator Kyivstar suggests several ways to restore the previous number. Consider more details of the resumption of the old number:

  1. If the card is blocked.

Locking "SIM cards", as a rule, occurs for several reasons:

  • Invalid entry PIN and PUK code.
  • If the subscriber does not use the SIM card for a long period of time, then comes automatic blocking cards.
  • Map blocking was carried out on the initiative of the owner.

Regardless of which reason the SIM card became inactive, its work can be resumed in the following ways:

  • Contact specialists in the nearest branch of the company.
  • Connect with an operator 0 800 300 466, name the number you want to return to the operating status. Next, specify the serial number (applied on the back of the card).

Additionally, you will need to replenish your account for any amount within one week.

  1. If the SIM card has become unusable or was lost.

In case the subscriber has lost or "droping" its device, KIEVStar allows you to restore the number in the following ways:

  • Contact the company's service center.

In order to get a new SIM card with old numbers, you will need to take a passport with you and the plastic base with PIN and PUK codes. If you do not have the opportunity to provide the basis in which SIM card was located, then you have to go through the initialization procedure (that is, you need to answer a few questions). Usually representatives are asked when the last time was replenished, or several numbers that you most often called.

After completing the initialization procedure, the specialists will report when you need to come to the service center again to pick up a new SIM card with the same number. Contacts that in the old SIM card will be transferred to a new one. Also, the cost of this service is 20 hryvnia.

  • Independent renewal of the number.

More recently, the company introduced a service that allows users to independently resume the previous number. The service is very convenient for many users, as it is extremely simple and understandable, and also does not require a visit service Center. Accordingly, if the ability to resume the old card, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. We purchase a new starting package KIEVStar.
  2. Insert a new SIM card into the device.
  3. Send a USSD code * 111 # to activate the SIM card.
  4. Next, gain a combination * 245 * + 380xxxxxxxxx (your former number) * PUK code (old SIM card) #=>.
  5. Send.

Within 7 hours your application will be processed and notice of a successful operation. It is important that the account is not replenished before this procedure. Thus, quickly restore the former number. Additionally, contacts and funds located on an old sim card will be transferred to a new one.

Of course, the loss of old sim card different reasons It is a negative fact for each user. However, due to the fact that a large company Kyivstar does everything takes into account before the smallest detail, you can easily restore the former number and communicate with friends, relatives or colleagues to work.

Kyivstar first in the Ukrainian market introduces the SIM Replacement Service for Subscribers of Prepaid Communications. Now in case of loss or damage to the SIM card, you do not need to come to the Kyivstar store - it's enough to buy a starting package and "assign" the old number new SIM card.

Service "Self Replacement SIM" is simple and safe: these are two actions, a few hours of waiting - and the mobile number works again, but already with a new SIM card. Wherever the subscriber is, now he can always restore his number without contacting the Kyivstar store.

Residents of villages and small cities were difficult to restore the mobile number, since it had to look for "service points" of their telecom operator in other cities. It is much easier to buy a new starting package. Now every Customer Kyivstar will be able to stay with its usual number. We hope that thanks to this service will reduce cases of using new numbers only due to the loss of the SIM card

Pavel Dennaya, Head of the Value Office Department Kyivstar

How to restore the number yourself

  1. Buy the starting package "Kyivstar", insert a new SIM card into the phone and activate the number Dial a combination to check the account *111# (challenge), not caught at the same time
  2. Dial a combination * 245 * 380xxxxxxxxx * z ... z #(challenge), where 380xxxxxxxxxxx phone number that will be assigned a new SIM card, and z ... z Data "Old" SIM-card: 19 Code ICC digits (number on the turnover of the SIM card itself) or 8 PUK1 digits (specified on the holder to which the SIM card was attached).

If the SIM card or holder is not preserved, you can find out this data in the system "My Kyivstar" in the presence of a personal password or from an expert of the Hydral Service of Kyivstar, calling 466.

After that, the client number will be restored, cash on the main and bonus accounts and connected services. It is important that from the moment of sending a request to the execution of an old SIM card not registered in the Kievstar network. for 7 hours - this is a precautionary measure to combat fraudsters. If it was found and the need to assign the number of the new SIM card disappeared, you just need to insert an old SIM card into the phone and turn it on, without waiting for the application.


Service cost 5 hryvnia, which are removed from the subscriber account after the resumption of the room.

The service "Independent SIM Replacement" is useful and when buying a new mobile device, if the SIM card is not suitable for a new format slot Micro or Nano. However, if the subscriber contact the Card format to the Kyivstar store, now it will be this service for free.


Kyivstar also took care of the convenience of customers who need to be in touch during the resumption of the number. Immediately after sending a successful USSD request to replace SIM to the temporary number account, 100 minutes for calls within the network of Kyivstar and 100 MB to use the Internet will be accrued. This is enough to solve emergency issues. You can't replenish the bill number.

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