
How to return money for the electronic ticket. Claim for money refund - a sample of pre-trial. How to return money for a bought a plane ticket via the Internet

The need to return tickets to the train may occur every person. But this is not a reason to panic and get upset, because the Ministry of Transport provides for the possibility of receiving a passenger of money in exchange for an acquired travel ticket, which for various reasons he cannot take advantage. If you hit this situation, then in any case, you have the right to get back money paid for tickets, but only in the amount that is regulated by law. ATTENTION: When returning tickets, you will receive an amount that depends on the time before the departure of the train.

Rules for passing tickets purchased through internet

On the site you can not only buy, but also pass them by receiving your money back. If you managed to place an order, but did not pass the registration and authorization procedure, you can return an unnecessary ticket directly from your personal account.

If the registration procedure was passed, then to return, you need to take into account that the operation can be made no later than an hour before the departure of the composition. Unfortunately, you can't do this from the personal account, so you need to come to the starting point of the route and return to the checkout.

In the event that you ordered and paid a few tickets, you can return them all or some of them.

When calculating non-cash, you can get back not only your money, but also all the documents necessary for accounting. Just download the required receipt from the site and print it. After you have done all the necessary operations, the phone number specified during registration will come a message indicating the amount method and the date of receipt of money.

Rules for renting a ticket purchased in paper format

Paper tickets are surrendered only at the ticket office of the railway station. To get back money and return an unused ticket, you need to present an identity document to the operator, which was used to purchase.

ATTENTION: Money for the passage pass is returned in the same way as payment was made. That is, if you paid in cash, you will be returned with cash, if the bank card will be listed on it.

Rules for passing tickets purchased by another person

If you need to pass a ticket purchased by another person on our site, then you need to specify the order number, as well as the registration data (email address or the contact phone number specified when registering the order). You can do it through your personal account on the site.

In order to return a paper ticket, you need to contact the station station of the starting point of the departure (for example, if the ticket is purchased to the direction of Moscow-Saint Petersburg, then it is necessary to contact the Moscow Station to the cashier) and provide the operator of the following documents:

  • Paper ticket;
  • Notarized power of attorney on behalf of a passage pass;
  • Personality document.

Money is returned in the same way as payment was made.

The term and method of refunding money for paid tickets depends on how you paid for the purchase.

What amount comes back?

In accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, when returning tickets, you get back the amount smaller than the initial cost. When calculating the return amount, the following is taken into account:

  • Mandatory Railways collection - the amount of fee is two hundred three rubles fifty kopecks (data is valid until the end of 2019);
  • Commission of a credit and financial institution, or by the payment system, the services of which you will use for registration of the return;

If you return the ticket to the cashier - backwards you will receive not the full cost of tickets.

It is worth noting that you can and exchange a purchased ticket pass.

Rules for passing tickets after sending a train

Often there are situations where the passenger is late for the train, or can not travel for personal reasons, but at the same time did not have time to pass a ticket to the above time. This case provides for a period of 12 hours from the time of departure of the composition, into which the passenger has the right to make a refund.

This can be done only at the checkout at the station, while the fine will be deducted and all other fees. After 12 hours of time, return the ticket and get back money you will not have the opportunity.

Even experienced travelers may have problems due to which they will have to cancel their trip. And in such a situation there is a question of how to return the e-ticket of Russian Railways. There are several return options. And it is about this that will be discussed in this review.

How to pass a ticket

There are several options for passing an e-ticket purchased on the Russian Railways website. First, you can do this operation via the Internet. Secondly, operators at the station at the station are capable of relevant help.

Each method has advantages and disadvantages. How to return the e-ticket RZD? The operation is most convenient in that situation, if you have learned about the cancellation of the trip in advance. Then the process of renting the ticket will not take much time. However, return the document can be returned and if the trip broke at the last moment. But in this situation will have to go to the cashier.

Return through the Internet

How to return the e-ticket RZD? You can use the Internet. This option is simple and convenient. But there are some limitations. It is necessary to take into account not only the registration method, but also the moment of sending the train from the main station.

How to return the e-ticket RZD? There are several subtleties in this situation. They will depend on whether the control coupon was registered at the station or only an electronic clearance was performed. In other words, to return a ticket via the Internet, we must consider, gave you a travel document at the box office or not.

If the electronic registration has already been made, you can cancel the order. But only no later than an hour before the departure of the train.

And what, e if the design via the Internet was not produced? Then the ticket refund is possible at any time before the departure of the train. Therefore, you should not worry.

If a paper option has already been received, then you cannot pass it over the Internet.

In a situation with international travel documents, the conditions are slightly different. If registration was not made, cancel the order is permitted no later than 6 hours before the departure of the composition. Otherwise, one more condition arises: the passage of the ticket can be made no later than an hour before the departure of the train.

It should be noted that in mind there is a time of sending a train from the initial station, and not the landing time at intermediate stops. The subtleties of this nature play a very important role, and they must be taken into account if you need to hand over the RZD electronic ticket.

If a blank document form was received at the checkout or in the terminal, the transfer of the ticket with the help of the Internet will not work. The procedure cannot be performed in the event that an order is expired. In such situations, you will have to seek help at the station at the station.

What should be done to give a ticket?

To check the e-ticket and cancel the order via the Internet, you will need to perform several simple manipulations.

    We must make the entrance to the main website of the Russian Railways, using the login and password.

    Near the description of the route you can see the link "Request Status". After pressing it will open another link to return. By clicking on it, you can complete the procedure for passing the e-ticket of Russian Railways.

How to cancel order via cash

How to return a ticket not via the Internet? In such a situation, it is worth contacting the operator at the station. It is required to take into account that not all cash registers provide similar services. A complete list of places where the procedure can be canceled the order is also located on the main website of the Russian Railways company.

It should be known that the refund of the electronic ticket is possible even if you are late for the train. In this situation, the regulations establishes a clear term. A ticket refund is possible if no more than 12 hours passed from the start of the train from the initial station.

If there is a valid reason, the term will increase to 5 days. Return occurs by issuing a claim by the established pattern. In the claim, you must specify the passport details, the ticket number and the account to which the transfer must be listed. You should also describe the reason for the delay by applying a copy of the document that it will confirm that it is respectful.

If the electronic registration has already been made, and until the receipt of the train remains less than an hour to make the funds return operation will also have to execute the claim. The process of its consideration can delay up to the month. In the case of a positive outcome, the return of funds will be carried out from 7 to 30 days.

Ticket delivery is available to any passenger from the list specified in a specific order. To do this, it is necessary to present a document that confirms the identity.

If registration passed was not, or only an electronic registration was made, the cash register operator is enough to demonstrate the control coupon in printed form. You can also call its number. If paper tickets have already been received, they will have to demonstrate their cashier. Return of funds will be made on that card with which the purchase was carried out.

Returns ticket abroad

If you need to pass the ticket, while on the territory of a foreign state, you need to contact the cash station of the country in which you are. The operator will need to give a ticket printed in the Russian Federation and passport. After that, the cashier will give a document in which it will be said that the ticket was delivered.

Then within 6 months, starting from the moment of sending the train, you need to visit the Railway Cassus with a document on the cancellation of the order issued in another country. Also, you need to take a passport.

A refund

Above was the answer to the question of how to hand over the e-ticket of Russian Railways to train. You should also discuss the amount that returns to the card in case of cancellation of the order. The rules in this situation are simple.

If the ticket is refunded, the collection is held, the amount of which is about 190 rubles. This amount will be paid for each person specified in the order.

The remaining of the money will return depending on when the order was canceled.

    If at least 8 hours left at your station, the entire cost of the ticket will be returned.

    If it is less than 8 to send from your station to the moment, but more than 2 hours, the amount equal to the full cost of the ticket and half of the price of the reserved sector will return to the card.

    If less than 2 hours remains until the landing, only the cost of a ticket for reserved seats will return.

Cash enrollment

If the payment was made by a bank card, funds will arrive later confirmation of the cancellation of the order. Terms in this situation will largely depend on the company's partner bank. Railways rules indicate that refund can be made within 30 days.

In the event that the purchase of a travel document was made by electronic money, refund can be performed within 60 days. And what if cash was made? In this case, money can be obtained at the time of the ticket return.

What else needs to know?

Unfortunately, the exchange of electronic tickets is not provided even if you contact the cashier. Anyway, you will have to cancel the old order and acquire new tickets in full compliance with the rules that have been described above. Therefore, no benefit to get.

It is also worth considering that in some situations of Russian Railways establishes special rules for some directions. In addition, much will depend on the class of the car. The list of exceptions can be found on the company's main website.


If errors were made when the ticket is made, you should not return it to the cashier. In order for the passenger to put on the train, there should be no more than one blot in the name and one incorrect number in the passport issue.

In the checkout, correct typos can not. Make it can only conduct a conductor on a special terminal. For this service will need to pay about 200 rubles. After that, a new ticket will be issued.

In more information (place of birth and date) any errors may be allowed if the age rate does not depend on it.


How to check the e-ticket and pass it? This question begins to worry passengers only at the moment when the service is really popular. And this approach is often accompanied by the loss of both cash and time. So that there are no problems in the future, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for cancellation of the order. We hope that this review helped you understand how to return the electronic train ticket.

Situations when you have to return a ticket, bought via the Internet happens quite often. But people in such cases arises a lot of questions about the procedure for such a return. So, many do not know whether to take a ticket purchased via the Internet in a ticket office or conduct a procedure in the electronic version.

E-ticket. Return Procedure

Today, problems, both with the purchase of electronic tickets, and with their return does not occur. But before proceeding to a detailed description of the procedure, how to return money for the e-ticket Railway ticket, it is worth mentioning three points.

  1. Buying a ticket at the RAZ cash desk for cash, it is worth counting on the fact that the refund will also be made only for cash. If the ticket was purchased at the checkout or on the website for non-cash payment, then the refund will be made in the same form. Cash Return is made at the time of contacting the cashier. Return of funds to the card is made between 7 to 30 days.
  2. Those who were late for the train and does not know whether money will be returned, you should not count on the fact that in the event of a return, you will get the full cost of the ticket. The return amount depends on many factors: time before departure, insurance costs, etc.
  3. A ticket immediately after the return goes on sale again, and any buyer will be able to purchase it. That is, if you bought a ticket through the site, you made any errors with it and decided to exchange it at the checkout, then there is no guarantee that the same ticket will again get to you, since it will be able to buy anyone from the moment of return.

To return the electronic ticket you can go in two ways:

  • Contact the Railway Office, where the employee produces a return procedure independently.
  • Make a refund over the site where the ticket was purchased. This method is suitable for those who do not have time for travel to the Railways cash register, since the return procedure itself is engaged in a few minutes.

To abandon e-ticket through the site, go to the Railways website and log in. Next, go to the tab called "My Orders". After that, it will be necessary to choose in the section of the tab with the purchased tickets, select one of them and click on the "Request Status Status" button. Then the "Proceed Return" button appears near the ticket by clicking on which the user initiates the return procedure. As soon as the user clicks on this button, it is displayed in front of it, the return rules and the amount that it will receive after the electronic ticket will be returned.

Statistical data

The Saapsan trains in 2015 transported 16.4% of passengers more than a year earlier. And since 2010, Russian Railways has increased the number of passengers in high-speed trains almost 7 times.

The return cost will differ from the cost of the purchased ticket. Regardless of the circumstances, a fixed collection of 185 rubles 40 kopecks will be deducted from it. This amount is deducted from each Railway ticket when returning. It does not apply to free tickets for children under 5 years old. After the back of the return coupon appears on the screen, which is desirable to print and save. This is how the procedure for refunding an electronic ticket.

If the buyer acquired a ticket in the electronic version, but already managed to get a ticket at the box office, then it will turn into an ordinary one. Return it over the Internet will not work. You will have to go to the Railways cashier, it is quite simple to do it. You just need to submit a passport to the cashier, and it will do everything yourself in a few minutes.

If you do not want to lose a large amount when you return, then do it no later than 8 hours before sending a train from the station. Otherwise, you can lose the almost complete cost of the ticket.

Calculation of the amount of the return

When calculating the amount that can be obtained when returning a ticket, it is worth considering that the cost of it is folded from two points: the cost of transportation and the cost of the placentar (location in the train). It is impossible to return money for commissions and service fees.

When calculating the amount that can be returned, it is worth considering (for all trains in Russia):

  • If tickets are returned no later than eight hours before departure from the station, you can count on the return of the full cost of the ticket. It is impossible to return only service and commission fees.
  • If the ticket returns from 8 to 2 hours before the departure of the train, then you can get half the cost of the placentar and the full fare.
  • If tickets are returned later than two hours after the departure of the train, then you can count on the return of the full cost, but without the cost of the placentar. The cost of the reserved session is usually prescribed at the LD Ticket Bit.

Interesting Facts

In 2015, the train of JSC Russian Railways transported about 1.024 billion passengers. Among them was a billion passenger of the Russian Railways Holding.

It will not be superfluous to find out the passenger, what to do if I was late for the train and whether the money will be returned. If the passenger is late for the train, then to get his money back, you should contact the Railway Office no later than 12 hours. Then you can get back the cost of the ticket less than the value of the reserimar and all commission fees.

If the lateness occurred for a valid reason, and the passenger will be able to provide evidence to this, then return money within 5 days. Many passengers do not know whether all the money will be returned if late for the train. In this case, you can only count on the return of the cost of the ticket without commission fees and placentars.

Regardless of time, when the railway tickets are returned, the Railways Conditions will foresee the fee from each document in return on the return cash desk, even if it is carried out by one person in one session.

If we are talking about train tickets, which goes abroad, there are some nuances here. Return money while in Russia, you can simply contact Railways. If the passenger is abroad, then it will be necessary to contact the cashier at the station where it is in order to make a cancellation of the ticket. There must be a ticket on the Russian Railways form, where the cashier puts the seal about the cancellation of the order.

Then it will be necessary to contact the RZD cash register in the Russian Federation for six months after the departure of the train. In order for compensation to be as much as possible, in the case of international trains, it is worth seeking a refund as early as possible.

It is impossible to return funds for reserving places in long-distance trains.
The video addresses the features of passing train tickets

Return money for a ticket to the map

When buying an e-ticket via the Internet payment is made using a bank card. Similarly, the refund is made on a bank card. It leaves 7 to 30 days. If for some reason a person will not be able to use the card with the help of which the payment was made (its validity period was completed, or it was lost), then you will have to contact the Railways Support Service to change the details. While the refund is not produced, save checks and printed return coupons.

If the payment cost of the ticket was made by electronic money (Yandex Money, WebMoney), then return can be obtained at the bank's office.
Returns can be obtained for another passenger!

To return money for another passenger, you will need to provide a power of attorney at the cashier's office, which was certified by the notary. You also need to provide a passport of a citizen who made up a power of attorney. A photocopy of power of attorney and passport at the Railways Cassa will not be accepted.

If the ticket was purchased on the site, and the return is made later than an hour before the departure of the train from the station, the procedure occurs in a claim. The passenger will need to provide a claim for a return ticket.

In detail how to return money for the tourist trip by reference

If you have questions about returning money for tickets, write them in the comments

You have the right to return the money paid for a concert ticket, contacting the organization with the relevant requirement.

According to the provisions of Art. 9 of the Federal Law No. 15 of 01/26/1996 No. 15-FZ "On the introduction of part of the second Civil Code of the Russian Federation" in cases where one of the parties is a citizen who uses, who orders, or who has intended to acquire or order goods (work, Services) for personal needs, such a citizen enjoys the rights of parties in the obligation in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights granted to the consumer of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Protection" (hereinafter - Law on Consumer Protection).

By virtue of Art. 32 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the work of the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, subject to payment of the Contractor who actually incurred by them related to the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 782 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of the provision of services, subject to payment by the Contractor of the expenses actually suffered.

Clause 13 of the rules of household service of the population in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1025, also found that the consumer has the right to give it a job to refuse to fulfill the work agreement, paying part of the established price in proportion to the part of the part performed Works before notifying the refusal to execute the contract. The consumer is also obliged to reimburse the Contractor for the expenses made up to this point in order to fulfill the contract if they are not included in the specified part of the price of completed work. The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the service agreement subject to payment by the Contractor of actually incurred costs.

Thus, the above provisions of the legislation provide for the right to refuse to fulfill the service agreement subject to payment by the Contractor of actually incurred costs.

At the same time, these expenses must be confirmed in each case.

As indicated in the review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1, approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on March 4, 2015, the Contractor is obliged to prove the costs actually incurred by them in connection with the user's refusal from the service.

In addition, by virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of the Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Conditions of the Consumer Rights compared with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are invalid.

Taking into account the foregoing, the organization's refusal to return the cost of the previously acquired ticket with the corresponding consumer's appeal on the day of the concert, but before it began, is illegal. This conclusion is confirmed by judicial practice (see, for example, the Resolution of the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal of 20.02.2016 No. 13AP-28964/2015).

To get the return of the cost of the ticket, you need to contact the organization where you purchased a ticket, with a written request for the return price of the ticket. Please note: your requirement will look more convincing if you are tuned to the norms of the laws mentioned above.

Considering that you are in another city, you can send this requirement to the email address specified on the official website of the organization (in some cases, the email addresses are specified specifically for the direction of correspondence). This method of communication will be appropriate.

However, the most reliable option (subject to the presence of a sufficient number of time) is the direction of this requirement by mail with the description of the investment in the envelope and the notification of the presentation. Accordingly, in this case, if you have a dispute, you will have a formal document confirming the direction of this requirement to the organization.

Often the desired and real events do not join with each other. Going on vacation, and take care of the purchase of train tickets in advance, you can "run out" to the call of the authorities about the urgent call to work. What to do in this case? How to return the RZD ticket, bought via the Internet?

Railway Railways purchased tickets purchased on the site is regulated by the rules published. It will only be done when the coupon for landing is not yet printed.

Return is subject to both multi-order and one ticket. But there are nuances:

  • By purchasing a travel document online, you can see that the wagons are differentiated by classes. In "Sapsan" there is a type of car 1 p - coupe negotiating. It assumes the presence of leather chairs, a dressing room, a projector, the flow of drinks, other services. Tickets are sold for 4 people and return exclusively when renting 4 tickets at the same time.
  • A partial refund is not possible for the application made at the same price for a certain number of trial of Finland - RF.
  • The same is for the "luxury" coupe, belonging to the category 1 b (business class) designed for two people, including types of service: feeding beverages, food, newspaper supply and magazines, implementing small pets. But it only applies to foreign flights with a large distance.
  • Special rules exist for the "Sapsana" on the special tariff - one way and back. On it, return the e-ticket on the site is allowed:
  • If you refuse to travel "There and back", the first to return the document on the reverse trip, and behind it - the ticket of the original direction.

For it is necessary to take on the cash desk paper confirming the refund and form of application. By filling out the application, it, together with the documentation for the trip, testifying to the release of the place, you need to give a cashier or send by sending to the leadership of North. -Check. Messages, at the address specified by them. From funds to be returned, 20% of the amount paid for the trip is held in the opposite direction.

Registration order

There is a difference between situations where the electronic registration has not yet taken place, and already produced. With the second version of the development of events, it is impossible to pass the ticket. When canceling a request for several places, when coupons were already received on some of them - the latter are excluded from the return mechanism.

When paying for the RZD electronic ticket is printed to control the order numbering coupon. It applies to the rules on strict reporting required for the work of calculations on the map. But it is invalid if the boarding pass is not received.

Its obtaining is carried out:

  • registered online;
  • on the ticket for a ticket at the checkout;
  • in the terminal, located in the Russian Federation.

Registration on trips within Russia is carried out no later than the 1st hour before sending the composition from the initial item. The option is present in those compositions whose data contain a sign of "ER".

It is produced:

  • The composition has a "er" marker.
  • After payment of the passage - for all going on a trip together (if there are their details in the application).
  • The second time in the Personal Account - in any time.
  • One-time for several departures or one Russian Railways ticket.

Cancel electronic registration really no later than 1 h. Before departing the composition from the initial point of the trip.

This is carried out:

  • on the Internet portal;
  • after receiving the coupon for landing at the cashier or terminal in the Russian Federation.

Mechanism of commissioning

How to return RZD tickets to Cassus? There is a dependence on the appeal period.

Returns on the Russian Railways

When returning tickets ordered on the Internet and purchased at the checkout, there are always losses. Their value depends on the time of return and movement direction.

How to return the electronic ticket on the portal? This is taking into account the time interval remaining before shipping, and the direction of movement.

When a ticket is returned, bought on Russian Railways for a child who has not reached five years, not providing for the place, the collection is not deducted.


Steps on the delivery of tickets purchased via the Internet are quite simple.

Here is a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open your personal account at the railway portal.
  2. Find your details or log in to "My Orders".
  3. Choose from the list of interest to the coupon.
  4. Make a request for the status of a travel document.
  5. When a proposal for a return, accept it by using the "Proceed Return" button appears.
  6. After the appearance of the amount and conditions - to study them.
  7. Accept if I agree by clicking "Yes."
  8. Wait for the emergence of the alert that the refund is issued and the status of the coupon changed.
  9. Click the "Return coupon" to make it a printout.
  10. Close to "out" - at the top of the right side.

Money for ordered tickets is transferred to that expense from which payment is made. It happens in a period of time between the 7th to the 30th day from the date of registration of the return. You do not need to enter account details or wallet.

If you failed to return the funds within the set time, you will need to send a card issuer or the wallet operator (according to the type of payment), decorated on paper.


In Article 83 of the Charter (Zn No. 18-FZ dated January 10, 2013) it is indicated: Return a travel document on the train can be if an unscheduled break appeared in motion for more than 1 hour.

But there are electric trains with the 7000th numbering on which places are provided. They are called "interregional express", as they move over long distances between cities. Tickets for them can be bought and return via the Internet. In 2019, the collection is 50 rubles.

If the refund is drawn up for 2 hours. To the flight, the cost is obtained minus 50 rubles. Less - about 50% and more, in accordance with the ticket price. What it is lower, the bigger amount will come back. When the composition has already been departed, the return is not foreseen. In recent years, Russian railways seek to follow global standards in the provision of services. One of the evidence is to order and refund e-tickets on their website. This method is associated with great convenience and time savings.

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