
The official firmware Android 5.0 in Russian. Ten best Android firmware for the most arring users. Changes screen blocking

Prior to version 5.0, though thinking. The reasons for which you do not "arrive" update automatically may be two. Either this is an error (when mailing, upon receipt, etc.), or for your device, the manufacturer did not plan to update software. And if in the first case it is not easy to fix it, then the second option makes thinking. Of course, the point here is not that the manufacturer has no business before your device or he forgot about you. Everything is much prosaic.

Each manufacturer, whether samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, or any other, perfectly remembers each device. But he knows everything in detail specifications Each model. Much better than us with you! And no matter how many developers of the OS developers about increasing the performance of gadgets after their update, numerous tests and user feedback speak either a meager or zero "add" in the speed of work. But most often, users declare deterioration of the device after the update. Explanation of this simple: Android 5.0 Lollipop is brighter and functional than its older brother, and this requires more resources for work. And all manufacturers know about it too, therefore they do not send an update to your device.

Therefore, we will start with the council: if it seems to you that your device on Android 4.4 Kitkat works at the limit of its technical capabilities, then you most likely do not seem! Of course, you can experiment with the removal of photos, video recordings, games and applications, installation of accelerator programs, virus testing and other things. But the risk of getting "brick" after the forced update still remains!

It is worth reminding that before installing installation, you need to take care of some things. Surely you know perfectly well about them, but, as they say, "Repetition is the mother of teachings!"

First, you need to make backup. After installing the update on your device there will be nothing but the most operating system and default programs. Therefore, SMS, applications, games and all that you downloaded, will have to be independently. Good, special programsthat will help you do, very much.

Secondly, if you decide to establish a custom firmware, which is now an incredible set, you will have to take care of root rights. Just as in the case of Backup, you will need special software.

Thirdly, before starting manipulations over the system, take care that the battery is fully charged, and at hand there was a USB cable (desirable original).

Before moving directly to the Android update process, it must be said that the options do not do this much, only two: "By air" (that is, via the Internet) and through the computer.

Option number 1. "By air"

As mentioned above, there may be two situations here. Either the update came automatically, or it must be checked and installed forcibly.

If the update came automatically, there are no problems at all. You will see a notice that new is available. android version 5.0 Lollipop. As a rule, in the same notice it is proposed to "update now" or "postpone update". You know what to choose!

In case of your Android update It did not come automatically, you can check its presence manually. To do this, you need to open the "Settings" menu, go to the "On Device" submenu, then to the "Update" section. In the window that opens, the taper on the "Update Check" button. If the update "found" - install.

It happens that this method does not work. Then you can go to another way. To do this, you must pre-erase the data from google Apps Services Framework. And you can find this application at "Settings" - "Applications". After the strata data, restart the phone and check the availability of updates.

Before moving to the next way to update OS, I would like to note that the options described above will install the official firmware on your device. Therefore, you do not need to think about and some other nuances. But the backup is still better to do!

Option 2. via computer

This method will be interesting to those who want to put the custom firmware, as well as for all owners, who Android 5.0 Lollipop was originally "not intended."

Immediately I want to note that for everyone specific device, Whether it is a smartphone or tablet, the installation process of the OS through the computer is individual. Before starting the installation of the update, examine the algorithm in detail in detail in theory. Read forums, reviews, ask questions. Assembling firmware individual for each device separately. Install only the one that is suitable for your.

In essence, the update process through the PC comes down to what you need to download the firmware to the computer and using a specific bootloader program to install it on the device. For many gadgets in the network there are detailed instructions Installation, and even video materials with visual reviews. Especially for popular model of a tablet and smartphone world.

The update method will be envy of a particular device.

We will focus on the main actions that will have to do, based on the fact that you have already downloaded the firmware, root-, bootloader and backup programs, all unpacks, installed and ready to start.

  1. Translate the device to the firmware mode (see the instruction to your device).
  2. Connect to a computer.
  3. Run the bootloader, download the firmware into it.
  4. , run the installation process and wait a bit.
  5. After completion, the device will reboot and turn on with new version Android.

This is the structure of the process. In fact, for devices of some manufacturers, this process can be much more wise. But you can definitely understand!


In conclusion, I would like to say thanks to those programmers who, despite all the limitations of manufacturers, circle prohibitions and adapt the firmware for our phones and tablets. Also, words of gratitude deserve those people who test these updates, find mistakes and test again. After all, you want to enjoy new opportunities and new design, and not just to those who bought your gadget today!

Conclusion (alternative)

At the end, after the foregoing, I want a little post. Because in the air reports a number of questions:

  • Why do default manufacturers of devices "send" updates only on flagship devices?
  • Why do they decide on the need to update for us?
  • Time goes - Android is growing, overtaking Apple by convenience. The interface becomes more smooth, the number of errors decreases with each new version.

    Changes screen blocking

    In Android 5.0 Lollipop, the notification system and the lock screen is improved, now to read SMS, WhatsApp, enable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth not necessarily climb in the settings, everything can be done directly from the lock screen or from the notifications menu, as convenient.

    What happened to the application menu

    The display of applications now occurs on a white background, the application menu is nice updated, navigation is facilitated.

    There was a change of users

    Manager appeared in the system accountsnow you can create several accounts with different settings and switch between them. Such a functionality can be useful for a common smartphone or tablet.

    Alert menu or notification panel

    The notification menu drop out from above in Lollipop has become translucent and does not close the main information of the screen.

    Settings in Lollipop

    The settings menu has purchased the "contactless payment" section.

    Changes in calendar

    The calendar application was modified, the schedule appeared in it, showing the ribbon of events and the calendar at the same time.


    A function appeared night modeWithdrawing the time on the display off.

    Keyboard in android Lolllipop

    The keyboard has undergone a lot of changes in the animation of the press buttons, design and vibration. Visually became better, and from the point of view practical nothing has changed.

    Novelty Google Fit.

    The system appeared preset application pedometer Google FitGoogle Fit.. In the future, the application will be able to give any information about the health of the user, pulse, pressure and other, in the presence of the necessary additional accessories of course.

    That in the end

    Video review Android 5.0 Lollipop

    Official firmware Android 5.0.1 i9505xxuhod7 in its last update Not the first day is available for the international version. sAMSUNG smartphone Galaxy S4 LTE. However, someone could not update the smartphone nor OTA, nor with using kies.. Or you just forgot. Below is an instruction with recommendations for installing Android 5.0.1 on Galaxy S4 I9505 LTE.

    Android 5.0.1 has a lot of new features and opportunities, if compared with previous firmwareSo your Galaxy S4 will definitely seem like a little new. Before starting the installation, it is best to prepare step by step so that the installation has passed successfully.

    • check the version of your smartphone - it must be Galaxy S4 i9505 LTE (Settings / About Phone).
    • do not attempt to install this firmware on other Android devices.
    • before starting the installation, check the relevance of the USB drivers from Samsung.
    • turn on the USB Debugging option on the smartphone in the developer menu.
    • if you decide to install the firmware manually, then you need to turn off Samsung Kies. and any antivirus programsSince they will block ODIN.
    • and you will need Odin v3.09.
    • it is worth reminding you when installing this official firmware Dry root rights and custom recovery if you have already received all this earlier.
    • you will need to do in advance. full reset The factory settings so that there are no problems when installing the update.
    • as you yourself understand, it is best to make a backup and copy the necessary data, otherwise it all erases.
    • charge the battery to the minimum there is a 50% charge.
    • do not skip the steps in the instructions not to get brick from the phone.
    • all actions you do at your own risk and are responsible for this.

    Installing Android 5.0.1 Lollipop i9505xxuhod7 on Galaxy S4 LTE i9505:

    • Download the i9505xxuhod7 firmware by reference.
    • After the download is complete, remove files from the archive and save everything to the PC.
    • The update file has the extension tar.md5 and in its name must be i9505xxuhod7.
    • Download Odin v3.09 by reference if you do not have it.
    • Remove the content on the computer.
    • Turn off your smartphone.
    • Upload Galaxy S4 in download mode.
    • Run on ODIN PC.
    • Connect the Galaxy S4 to the computer via USB cable.
    • Wait until the smartphone is determined by the program. If it is not found, then you need to reinstall the drivers.
    • Now install the firmware. Click on the AP in ODIN. You need to select the TAR.MD5 firmware file.
    • Check that the Re-Partition item in ODIN is marked.
    • Now click Start and wait for the end of the firmware installation process.
    • The smartphone must reboot on their own.
    • Please note that PASS notification must appear in ODIN.
    • By the way, the first load smartphone Galaxy S4 with Android 5.0.1 will take about 10 minutes.
    • Now enter your user data on your phone and restore the desired information.

    Recently, Google released Android 5.0 Lollipop factory images for Nexus models. If you are owner Google Nexus. 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 Wi-Fi, Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi or Nexus 10 and you want to see the new version of the operating system, then specifically for you we have prepared the instructions in which the process of installing the factory firmware is described in detail. Remember that all you do - you do at your own risk! The author of the leadership is not responsible for your actions! By the way, we suggest see our Android 5.0 Lollipop review on the example of LG Nexus 5, and then appreciate its main charm on its own experience.

    Preparation for the firmware

    1. To start the firmware, it is necessary to download additional on from here.

    2. Run the downloaded installation file. On behalf of the administrator

    3. You will appear the installer program window, enter the Latin letter Y on the keyboard and press ENTER. Repeat this procedure 2 times.

    4. In the third stage of installation, the program will ask you to put the driver for the firmware, in the dialog box that appears, click "Next", then "install"

    5. Installation of additional software is completed.

    Of course, we need to download the firmware image for your device: from here for Nexus 4, from here for Nexus 5, from here for Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi version), hence for Nexus 7 2013 (Wi-Fi version) and from here for Nexus 10.

    1. Download the image of the firmware and unpack at any convenient place for you. The unpacked archive looks like this .zip files do not need to unpack:

    You can proceed directly to the installation.

    Installing Android 5.0 Lollipop

    1. The firmware process is performed in the command windows stringTo start it - press the Win + R keys combination, dial CMD in the input window and click Open / Enter key.

    2. B. command line Type:

    and press ENTER.

    3. Move your device to bootloader / fastboot mode, climbing the buttons simultaneously: The Volume Down + Power Button (Volume Down + Power) and connect it to the computer. The bootloader looks like this:

    4. Run on the command prompt (enter and press ENTER):

    fastBoot Devices.

    If your smartphone appears in the list - then you did everything right.

    5. Unlock bootloader

    If your bootloader has not been unlocked earlier, or you were blocked back, then it must be unlocked for the firmware.

    Run the command:

    fastBoot OEM Unlock. (fastBoot OEM Lock. for lock)

    On the screen of your device, a message is displayed about the warning of the loader unlock, select YES buttons and confirm the selection of the power button (POWER).

    6. After erasing the inscription "ERASING", run the Flash-All.bat file from the folder where the image of the firmware is unpacked.

    7. The firmware process of your device will begin.

    8. Wait for the firmware process to complete.

    9. Smartphone / Tablet will reboot in standard mode, and then you will see an animation android downloads 5.0 Lollipop. Download may take about 5 minutes, and then you will see the original setup screen.

    10. Installation is completed!

    Alternative method Firmware for those who pop up errors when trying to perform through.bat. You do everything up to 5 points inclusive, and instead of 6 points unpack the contents directly to the C: \\ Nexus folder. Next in CMD, enter the following commands:

    fastBoot Flash Bootloader Bootloader.img

    fastBoot Reboot-Bootloader

    fastBoot Flash Radio Radio.img

    fastBoot Reboot-Bootloader

    fastBoot Flash System System.img

    fastBoot Flash UserData UserData.img

    fastBoot Flash Boot Boot.img

    fastBoot Flash Recovery Recovery.img

    fastBoot Erase Cache.

    After that go in the volume keys in menu Recovery., wait for the appearance of the robot on the screen and clamp the VOLUME UP and POWER keys (volume up and power). Select "Wipe Data / Factory Data Reset", and after reboot.

    Based on XDA-Developers,

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