
Order 20 UAH to the account. How to Borrow on MTS. Additional information on the service

This service allows you to get 20 UAH to your account, provided you are an active MTS user (spend more than 10 UAH per month), are also a MTS subscriber for more than three months. So find some kind of package insert it into the phone and thereby get yourself into account 20 UAH it is not possible, and this is perhaps the most acceptable way to get money and not to be worth anything.

Unlike the company, Kyivstar with the Extra Money and Life C & C min. MTS provides a loan of it, and in order to use the service "Money to order" again. You will have to reinstately. And this is undoubtedly "+" towards the company MTS, because even if you accidentally connected the service, you will have to pay and pay debt, but next month this innovation will be disabled. And no here - no.

How much is the use of a loan?

After connecting the service, 20 UAH will come to your account, on the main one, if there were less than 2 kopecks on the account, it was more than 2 kopecks on the account. Therefore, before ordering we advise you to spell money to zero. But as soon as you replenish the bill in a week or a month, the loan amount will be removed from your account - 20 UAH and the amount for use - 3 UAH

As a result, the loan costs - 23 UAH.

How to connect the service?

To connect you must send sMS to number 5010. After that, you will receive an amount of 20 UAH on the main or additional account.

Reading time: 3 min.

"Opportunities on zero" - this is how the MTS is called a whole range of services intended for assistance to customers who have fallen into a difficult position. The operator offers seven different ways to exit the situation. Subscribers have the opportunity to pay on MTS using a deferred payment or service "Credit for complete trust". You can use the help of loved ones, you can send a beacon "Call me", using the message to the loved ones "check out" or sending SMS "Thanple me."

How to get "promised payment"

Quickly borrow and replenish the bill on the phone in the amount of 50 rubles. You can use the so-called advance payment. And the more often you use the phone and the higher your monthly fee, the longer the loan amount you can get. But in any case, you can take money on MTS not more than 3 days.

The maximum amount of the promised payment is 800 rubles. You can take money in debt on MTS as much as you often, as soon as you pay off the previous debt.

To connect a trust payment, you need:

  • dial on the cellular combination of numbers * 111 * 123 #;
  • call by operator 1113.

In addition, in order to borrow you can use the personal account on the MTS website or the MTS Service application.

How to take a loan "On full trust"

This service allows the client to take money in debt at MTS from 300 rubles. per month. One of the conditions for granting a loan "" is the complete absence of debts on other numbers owned by the Subscriber, as well as regular accruals over the past 3 months on the balance of the SIM card used by 300 rubles.

You can connect the option "On full trust" in two ways: using the * 111 * 32 # command or selecting this service on the MTS website in the "Personal Account".

Payment of the loan "On full trust" is produced once a month in a row, which is set to the Subscriber for the previous month to the 24th. With the complete absence of payment or incomplete payment of debt, take the next advance you can only after the full repayment of the previous debt. Fines for non-fulfillment of payments are not provided.

How to take money in duty on MTS from friends?

If for some reason you do not want to take into debt at MTS or you have indebted, and or credit "on complete trust" is not possible, then you can seek help to loved ones. The operator offers several ways to exit from the predicament at zero balance replaced by friends:

  • Service "Call me back": Type the USSD command: * 110 * Drug numbers # (for example, * 110 * 89191234567 #). It allows you to send any of your loved ones, simulating the missed call. At the same time, the same phone will go and SMS asking you to call you back.
  • Option "Wash": Call number 0880, and after the autoinformer response, type the last 10 digits of the friend's number (without first 8). The option gives you the opportunity to call another subscriber at his expense.
  • The service "PLEASE ME THE CUMBER": Dial the * 116 *_number # (for example, * 116 * 89191234567 #). After sending the command to you, to the number of the subscriber, the number of which you wrote, will come to SMS with the text "Please replenish me the score."

In addition, all subscribers of the company are provided absolutely free option "Positive zero": if the balance has been exhausted and equal to zero, with any attempt to make a call you will be provided with a voice menu in which you can choose several options: "Call me back", "Take me a bill" or "cut out". With the help of the same menu, you can buy on MTS. Also, to the number of the subscriber who you tried to call will be delivered to SMS with the text "This subscriber called you."

You can also help your friends! If your friends do not have the opportunity to take money into debt at your operator, you can replenish their account not only with the ATM, but also with the help of your own mobile using the "Direct Transfer" option. She gives you the opportunity to throw money from your mobile to another. To take advantage of the command * 112 * number_number * sum # (for example, * 112 * 89191234567 * 100 #). After the translation request was sent to your phone, it will come to an SMS with the payment confirmation code. To complete the translation to a friend, enter * 112 * code_iz_sc #.

Every day the number provided by the services by the waterboron operator only increases. One of these is - "Money to order." Today, this service is very popular because it allows the subscriber to remain in touch. To activate this feature, you just need to send an SMS message to the number 5010. To stay with the minus balance to stay in touch with your loved ones and friends.

Features Services Money to order

Ordered, through the service, money can be enrolled on the main account or additional. Everyone, of course, will depend on the account balance. If there is less than two kopecks on the account, then all cash in the amount of 20 UAH. credited to an additional account. In the case when there are more than two kopecks on the account, the money will be transferred to the main account.

Cash that were taken off, can not be used to pay any content services, but they can be used for the Internet, make calls, and send SMS messages throughout Ukraine. All Vodafone subscribers (MTS) can enjoy a large number of services for international relations, as well as roaming and make payments that have a periodic nature.

The main account will have tariffing, according to the conditions of the user tariff plan. All money that is taken into debt will diverge the same as the usual account replenishment. To get more detailed information, you need to call the hotline of the contact center and talk to the consultant. To do this, you need to dial a combination of numbers - 111.

This service is called a kind of loan, that is, it will need to be returned, and even with minor percentages. After the subscriber has replenished his mobile score, the required amount of money will be removed from the mobile account.

If there is not enough money on a mobile account, only half of money from the replenished will be spiked. The priority is made by payment of the tariff plan services, and then the return of money on the loan. The price of such a service is only twenty-three hryvnias. Man takes off 20 hryvnia, and the price of such a service will be three hryvnias. Of course, the Commission is not very small, but when there is no money on the account, but you need to make an emergency call, then the option of obtaining such money is very good. It does not hit the subscriber's pocket, if you need to perform an urgent call.

Additional Information

This service can only be connected by a user who uses a sim card for more than three months. It is also worth remembering that costs for the month should be at least ten hryvnia.

Approximate validity of this package will be a month. The beginning of his action will be the day of connection service.

For people who wish to hide their phone number from other users will be an interesting anti-Priodological service.

How to connect money to order

In order to connect this service just just send an SMS message to number 5010. This message can be with some text or without it. The subscriber will receive an answer to this message immediately.

To check the account you need to dial from your number * 101 #. To check the balance of the additional account, it will only be enough to dial a combination of numbers * 101 * 10 #.

The situation is all familiar when the money in the mobile phone account suddenly end, and there is no opportunity to make the necessary financial sum at the moment. But you should not despair, as the MTS company creates the most comfortable and favorable conditions for its subscribers who provide the opportunity to quickly and conveniently find a way out of any established situation.

In particular, in the case under consideration you should familiarize yourself with the information about how to order money on MTS. The essence of this service is quite understandable from its very name: to each subscriber of the company under consideration is given the opportunity to obtain a certain financial amount in debt directly from MTS. In order to be able to independently carry out any necessary operations recommend that you. Thanks to the authorization in the MTS personal account, you can easily you use, and you can also change it yourself.

Discover, how to order money on MTS in debt It is worth a number of reasons. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that with its help you can replenish your mobile phone account without leaving your home or office. Even being in public transport or a personal car, you can quickly and easily make your mobile phone "workers" and again get the opportunity to make phone calls in any direction.

Favorable feature

So, if you are interested in how to order money to order in MTS, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following information. The most suitable service in this case is a function called "Promised Payment". Most likely, you have repeatedly had to hear this name, since the above option is actively used by modern subscribers of all MTS tariffs, including subscribers.

In order to find out how to order money on MTS (Russia), you will need to dial a simple digital combination * 111 * 123 # and click then on the call button. Further on the mobile phone screen from which the digital combination was performed, a menu will appear in which it is enough to figure out. Please note that if you decide to order money on MTS card via the Internet, you will need to pay off debt for seven calendar days. In the event that you do not remember what day you have been ordered the service in question, you can call the number * 111 * 1230 # and find out the size of your debt, as well as get information regarding the number of you have for this day.

It should be paid to the fact that this service is the most popular service, which allows us to solve the issue with an insufficient amount of financial resources as soon as possible on a mobile account.

Today, situations can often occur when it urgently needs to receive funds to your mobile account, since the requirement of calling or sending SMS messages can be extremely strong. If you need to understand how to order money on MTS, if you live on the territory of Ukraine and do not want to stay at the right moment without the necessary knowledge, it is best to listen to a brief excursion by solving this problem, since a full-fledged complex of information on this issue is located just below. The site portal is always high-quality articles for every taste for any type of problem, the poet all you need is to listen to our opinion and do the way we say it to you. Remember that the order of money on MTS-Ukraine LLC is the ability to replenish the balance of the personal account for a certain amount of finance that will help you at the required moment.

To date, the use of the specified service is carried out by many subscribers of MTS LLC, so right now you can become one of them. Do not think that to make an order is difficult and difficult, since, as a rule, new information is not always convenient for perception. Anyway, just below are the necessary information on this problem, so now we will proceed to solve it.

Important: Please do not forget that over time, published articles may disappear from relevance, since Mobile TeleSystems LLC occasionally change the conditions for the work of their applications and options. In other words, sometimes the subscriber of the company No. 1 in Russia can introduce the proposed USSDs or numbers, but the effect of benefit from such actions will not be at all. In order to avoid such confusion, it is necessary to check the company's chief portal on topical data and news, since it is in this way you can get the necessary information as soon as possible, and the issue will be resolved at the output.

Order cash on MTS LLC

So, if you need MTS Extra money in Ukraine, you are invited to introduce some code, which is the form "5010". Take your phone in your hands and type the specified number. Next in the message text you can enter a completely arbitrary set of characters or numbers, and then send data to the number. During a couple of seconds, a message will be delivered to your phone, in the text of which you will find the necessary words about the confirmation of the stepped step.

Important: if for some reason you do not understand how to order extra money, it is best to contact the main operator of the mobile service, since it is it that has the necessary information in the maximum full.

Remember that throwing money on MTS of your close or relative is real help for which the latter will be extremely grateful. You will save a person from the impossibility of connecting together with the desired subscriber, so do, no doubt, a good deal.

Portal The site ends an overview article on how to work with finance inside the network and wish users to successfully achieve their goals and objectives.

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