
Social Public. SOCPUBLIC: reviews, prospects and the possibility of earning. How to perform tasks in socpublic

- A project based on providing opportunities to make money in the Internet without special talents and cash investments, on active advertising. In other words, this is a conductor between customers and performers.

The service was created relatively long ago, but at the moment a lot has changed. The site owners changed the appearance, and even the domain itself (once it was the WMPuplic project).

Not so long ago, honestly earned money was displayed only in the "American bucks", at the moment all incomes - in our blood ruble. The moment came when the creators of the site dramatically changed the Socpublic service. Reviews of the participants regarding innovations are positive, the majority argue that it has now become much easier to earn money. In addition, this postal service is included in the rating of progressive resources of active advertising. What the social barrier resembles another very well-known project.

In order to increase personal earnings on the start, you need to pick up a promising referrer. Advanced refunds seek to award the highest partners with numerous bonuses and often arrange competitions. Worships of various championships in the amount of earned profits and ordinary participants in such competitions - just need to visit Socpublic. A suitable referrer can be found on specialized forums of earnings - by passing the registration procedure using its referral link, or after entering the personal account on the site - by checking out the company in its account. Or register immediately for this generous link .

Normal registration on the social bargain runs approximately for 5 minutes, after making data to a personal form you need to confirm your email and log in with your username and password in your personal account.

On the site of, there is a possibility of building a career that disciplines and helps to increase your income, and awards with various bonuses for your progress.

The site owners periodically conduct great contests (among all users of the resource) on an increased amount of earnings or inviting more partners to the project. However, and without all sorts of bonuses, it is quite advantageous to attract new participants. For any referral list the percentage of their earned amounts (it is capable of significantly increase when receiving glasses for auxiliary actions).

SOCPUBLIC.COM - Earnings from scratch

There are several earnings on this site. Payment is fairly tied to the complexity of the tasks. Most of the project users earn on a simple visit to advertising sites and the execution of paid actions.

Significant income is possible on the creation of an extensive affiliate network on the Socpublic website, reviews of the authors of such groups are proof.

Thus, the title "Grandmaster" will allow to make a profit from the starting level of the partner 60% (for standard surfing, reading emails and visits to advertising sites). However, it is not enough only to attract a repurrant to the site, you need to configure it for a full job - the profit of the partner directly depends on this. In the role of motivational methods it is possible to apply your example, prize bonuses and substantial competitive payments.

How much can you earn on socpublic reviews

Excellent chance to determine how much it is possible to make money on - reviews of participants. The average user performing standard clicks can earn from a hundred to five hundred "Russian money" per day for 1-8 hours of labor, with short-term breaks for relaxes and meals. Naturally, Socpublic has orders for every taste, from a standard husky and a subscription to the community in the social network, before registering with further activities and participation in games to a given level, for the passage of which it is possible not to spend more than a dozen hours.

The easiest method of earnings

As in all postal projects - view advertising resources through reading emails, automated or hand surfing.

Payment for similar television, naturally, small, however, and labor costs from the participant are not required to open the website, after completing the control time, make a verification code. Then the money for viewing is credited to the account in the Personal Account.

Income from the implementation of paid tasks for the social platform

A huge number of paid actions is present every day on the site. This is perhaps the greatest income on the Socpublic website. In order to quickly find the appropriate task, an intuitive search for paid actions with the required filters is placed on the project. There are even orders with the auto-payment system, by completing which, the user is able to receive cash immediately, and not in the period five days.

What tasks take? There are no unambiguous tips. Some people prefer to fulfill only tasks on social networks, they put likes, subscribe to groups, others are engaged only by clicks on advertising banners on sites and video channels, other earnings on various types of voting or reviews. The Council can give such - any of the participants, having tried themselves throughout the list of work, will deepen the best option.

The main thing is to carefully study the condition of the order and not retreat from the planned plan of its execution, otherwise you can get an order back to re-refinement or a complete refusal of remuneration. As can be seen from the reviews of professional partners on the site of, if you dedicate such work a few hours of your leisure per day, it is realistic to reach additional profits from five to eight thousand rubles.

Register And proceed to earnings, leave your reviews and comments under the article!

In the Internet. You will need to earn in SOCPUBLIC to visit sites, watching the video, sharing the records and entering into groups in social networks. In a word, earn in Socpublic Maybe everyone, since it is simple, quickly and without investments.

To start earning in SOCPUBLIC, you need to register, and it is very easy to do. He is engaged in a couple of minutes. First of all, you need to go to the site of this box: Socpublic.

Next you will transfer to a page with the form of registration in Socpublic, fill it out. It will need to specify the username and password, your e-mail address, enter the captcha and click on the "Finish" button.

Recent step registration in Socpublic. You will need to confirm your e-mail address. To do this, the specified address will receive a letter with a link, while moving on which you confirm your e-mail. This registration in Socpublic will be completed.

How to earn in Socpublic? It has already been said above that the earnings in SOCPUBLIC is very simple, does not require attachments and is ideal for beginners. After you have registered in Socculic, go to your personal account.

In the left list of the personal account you will see the "Earn" link, click on it. After that, the list will be revealed in which you can choose one of the ways of earning in SOCPUBLIC. Above in the picture you can see this menu with the types of earnings. You can earn in SOCPUBlic in several ways and now consider them in detail:

There are three levels of referrals in Socpublic. From all levels you can get a percentage of earnings on clicks and even with the task. This feature is quite rare on similar projects. Income with advertisers is only with the first level of referrals.

The amount of referral remuneration comes to 60% of the clicks and up to 10% from the execution of tasks at the first level of referrals. With referrals advertisers, the maximum percentage is 5%. Socpublic referrals can bring excellent earnings.

All referral deductions are paid directly to the SOCPUBlic project and the referrals do not lose anything in earnings. How to attract referrals to SOCPUBLIC can learn on this site, and get new information first.

How to execute tasks in SOCPUBLIC?

Let's figure it out how to perform tasks in socpublic. In fact, it is quite simple. First of all, go to the Socpublic task section on the link in the menu. Next, select the task from the list and click on it. The task can be sorted by type, price and statistics. As an example, take the task from the category "Social Networks".

Carefully read the content of the task. If you make the conditions for performing the task, then proceed to its execution. To do this, click on the "Start execution" button.

Then we perform all the terms of the task and return to the page with its description. The following will appear in the data entry field that the advertiser is needed to check the execution of the task. Enter the necessary data into this field and click on the "Send Report" button.

If the task was completed correctly, then soon the money will go to your account. As you can see make tasks in Socpublic very easy. It takes quite a bit of time and at the same time payment for them is good. I recommend earning in Socpublic to perform tasks.

How much can you earn in Socpublic?

And now about the most interesting, how much can you earn in socpublic? The amount earned on this project will be fully dependent on your activity. If you do not lazy and perform many tasks, then you can earn a good amount.

For several hours, performing tasks in SOCPUBLIC you can earn about 50 rubles. If you pay tasks more time, then you can earn much more. With the right approach, you can earn at SOCPUBlic 100-200 rubles per day. You won't call difficult work, so this amount is quite acceptable.

If you want to earn in Socpublic only on viewing links in surfing, then your earnings will be about 10 rubles. This earnings can be called elementary, even children will cope with it, but payment for it is lower than the tasks.

Most to make money in Socpublic You can referrals. If you regularly attract a large number of referrals, then your earnings will be significantly higher than for completing tasks. It is on referrals that earn the maximum amounts in the Socpubliclic.

By the way, the maximum per day can be output from SOCPUBlic 1500 rubles. Accordingly, a month can be earned in SOCPUBLIC to 46,000 rubles, which is not a small amount. Choose yourself earnings in SOCPUBLIC, be active and not be lazy, and everything will succeed.

How to withdraw money from SOCPUBLIC?

Bring money from socpublic You can pay such payment systems: WebMoney, I NDEX Money, Payeer, Perfect Money. If you are not registered in any of the listed payment systems, then read them on this site and open your wallet.

To bring money from SocpublicC to the WebMoney payment system only on WMR wallet, and in PerfectMoney only on a dollar wallet. You can withdraw money to other payment systems by simply specifying the account number.

First output from Socpublic It is carried out with a check that lasts from 1 to 4 days. Subsequent payments from SOCPUBLIC will be automatically passing. There is no minimum amount of payments in SOCPUBLIC, you can output any earned amount.

SOCPUBLIC pays or not?

Many are interested in the question SOCPUBLIC pays or not? I will answer this question to you so, SOCPUBLIC is not a scam and does not understand its participants. Each, without any investments, can start earning in SOCPUBLIC. It follows from this that if you do not invest anything, you can't lose anything.

And if you are afraid that the Socpublic is not paying the money earned, then do not worry. Firstly, this project acts as an intermediary, and advertisers pay you earned.

Secondly, SOCPUBLIC has already been operating since 2008 and for such a recent period does not have a bad reputation. Rather, on the contrary, more than two thousand new participants are registered daily here. And the amount that SOCPUBlic earned exceeds 18 million rubles.

So register in Socpublic and start earning! If you have some questions, ask them in the comments to this article. I wish you success and good earnings!

Is it possible to make money on what makes millions of people every day, - likes, reposits, clicks of mice, comments, watching sites, games? Many dream about it. There are dozens of projects that allow you to earn such simple actions. This article will consider the project, reviews about it, as well as the possibility of earning.

What is

Many wonder what kind of SOCPUBLIC.COM? The project was created in 2008, previously had a name It performs several functions - helps to promote any site and product on the Internet, as well as earn money on the daily seat on the network using likes, repost, Internet resources views.

To date, earnings on the Internet on paid tasks from is one of the most popular in RuNet. For all the time of existence, several tens of millions of rubles are derived from the project.

SOCPUBLIC.COM can be called stock exchanges where customers and performers are found. About 162 thousand active users are registered on the project. For performers, no investments are required.

How it works?

To start working in the SOCPUBLIC.COM project, you do not need to have any special knowledge, it is enough at the user level to be able to work on a computer and on the Internet.

  1. Check in. You must pass a simple registration on by filling out the form. It specifies login, email, password. You need to confirm email. The mail will receive a letter from, where the login, password and pin code will be indicated, just follow the link specified in the letter. PIN is needed to output money and change the settings.
  2. Entrance. Then the input to SOCPUBLIC.COM can be filling through the login (email) and password, through social networks (which first need to add to the account settings), through the login "WebMoney".
  3. Tasks. After registration, you can immediately start performing tasks. Each task is provided for detailed instructions for its execution. Many tasks, all of them are simple, do not require special knowledge.
  4. Search. For convenience of selecting tasks, a search is provided that allows you to select tasks for the price, by type, by lists, by name, number or description.
  5. Bonuses. The first bonuses can be obtained by passing a simple test for knowledge of the rules and conditions of the site and filling out the questionnaire.
  6. Conclusion of money. You can bring money to the Wallets "WebMoney", "Kiwi", "Yandex.Money", "Payer", "Perfect Mani". The minimum amount is small. On "Webmani", Yandex.Money is only 2 kopecks, "Kiwi" - 10 rubles, "Payer" - 1 ruble, "Perfect Mani" - 0.05 USD. For the first time, the output of money may be accompanied by checking.
  7. When entering, you need to check the address of the site. Enter your login and password only on the official project page.

Career growth

The project of also has a career growth, which allows you to earn more with the achievement of a new level. Receive levels easily, you only need to perform tasks, attract new people, and for each action points are accrued. Points can also be losing in violation of the rules and for the lack of activity (minus 1 point for 7 days of absence in account). Each new level gives more opportunities and a greater percentage of attracted people. Total 9 levels:

room Level Percentage of attracted persons The frequency of the withdrawal of funds Maximum value of instantaneous output (rubles)
1. Newbie up to 5% every 3 days 10
2. Student to 10% once every 2 days 50
3. Experienced up to 20% once a day 150
4. Advanced up to 25% once every 12 hours 250
5. Activist up to 30% once at 8 o'clock 500
6. Specialist up to 35% once every 6 hours 750
7. Expert up to 40% once every 5 hours 1000
8. Master up to 50 % once every 4 hours 1250
9. Grandmaster up to 60% once every 3 hours 1500

Customers (advertisers)

A huge number of tasks on is explained by the fact that the project itself is very attractive for many customers. For them, the advantages of this resource are:

  1. Fast promotion of your site.
  2. Orders rates are small, do not have to overpay webmasters to promote the site. And for little money you can enhance the traffic of your online resource.
  3. Using various methods: tasks that users perform, banners, contextual advertising, site visits, letters, surfing. The cheapest are husky, reposits, registration, click comments, the cost of which varies from 0.26 rubles to infinity. The most expensive is to read the letter and respond to test questions with a timer of 30 seconds. The cost of the service is from 58 rubles.

Artists: Positive Reviews of Project Work

For performers, the project is also provided by many advantages, this is what reviews:

  • A variety of tasks. You can try all kinds of tasks and choose those that will like more.
  • Easy and fast registration.
  • The simple interface of the site, with which it is easy to figure out.
  • You can work at any time and anywhere, the main availability of a computer and the Internet.
  • Most tasks are available to all, even beginners. Only tasks with automatic payment are not available.
  • The withdrawal of earned money is possible on various payment systems.
  • No special skills required. All tasks are associated with what everyone does, being behind the computer (likes, reposits, comments, visiting sites).
  • Real earnings on the Internet. Fast payment of completed tasks. Payment tasks depends on the status, the higher the status, the faster the conclusion occurs.
  • Almost no minimum amount for output.
  • There are many high pay jobs.
  • There is carurry. By downloading the program on the site, you can automatically surf by sites.
  • For reliability, you can read comments on the task or leave your own.
  • Bonuses for the new employees.
  • Many competitions held by the project itself are taken into account personal achievements, career growth.

Negative feedback

Despite the many positive feedback, there are negative. Negative reviews about include:

  • Low payment. For good earnings you need to perform many tasks. It's true, for the money here on the trees do not grow. But if you wish, this project can be used for additional earnings. The maximum amount is not limited, depends only on the performer itself.
  • A small number of tasks. This is most likely not true. Since every day many new tasks appear, from 4 thousand per day.
  • Tasks with good payment appear not so often. Income can only bring invited people.
  • Tasks all standard, quickly can bother.
  • Many tasks that require something to purchase or invest money. Often such sums exceed the amount of payment on the task. Although the rules state indicate that the tasks that require any payment for goods or services must cost more than such a sum. But there is such a category as an investment. Investments provide that it is necessary to purchase something or invest money, and for it get earnings, which is often less than investment. In this case, the Contractor invests at its own risk.
  • When surfing there is a visit to different interest sites on the Internet. Not all these earnings are real, there are fraudulent sites. The project prohibits advertising frankly fraudulent sites, but criteria, how to determine the fraudulent site, no.

Negative reviews about SOCPUBLIC.COM few, as the project is really aimed at making earnings and promotion of sites. Negative for the most part is associated with the tasks that are not always honest.

Earnings on

Most people are interested in how to make a First you need to understand: what is included in the earnings? Magnifies of earnings are:

  1. The number of tasks performed and their cost.
  2. The work of referrals - people invited to the project.

In the first case, the earnings directly depends on the work of the performer himself, in the second - from the work of people who invited the Contractor (Refer). Revenue income depends on the level of the reference, the higher the level of the contractor, the higher the passive income.

You can also earn money by participating in the Global Project Competitors and Refer Competitions.

How much can you make money on the project?

As they write in reviews about, the main income of many is still depends on the work of referrals. Therefore, references often hold contests for their referrals to activate their work.

You can earn paid on paid tasks, but it does not have to count on high earnings. For example, in the last competition, conducted in the project, the maximum amount earned in paid tasks in 2 weeks was only about 1750 rubles.

Of course, millions of earnings will not work here, but no special knowledge is required and much time. Reviews are written that money can be spent on the payment of the Internet, cellular communication or even utilities. Some manages to display 10-15 thousand rubles per month. Maximum is not limited and depends on the performer itself.

How to attract referrals?

For high earnings on, you must attract as many referrals as possible, but how to do it? Here are some ways:

  1. Friends and relatives. The simplest thing is to advise your friends and familiar real earnings on the Internet on
  2. Social networks. Make advertising in your profile "VKontakte", "Facebook", "Instagram", etc. Write a video on your channel in YouTube. Or create a new profile specifically sharpened to attract referrals.
  3. Paid services. You can apply for different exchanges or similar services, where people will join the referrals for a certain amount.
  4. Advertising through banners or contextual advertising.

Who will suit will suit absolutely everyone who wants to receive additional earnings on the Internet, and even those who do not have special knowledge in computers. Such work is good for schoolchildren, students, non-working citizens and working.

Of course, as the main earnings, the project should not be considered, the revenues from it are not large. But if there is time and desire, you can turn your free time into a small income.

Conclusion by

Judging by the reviews, the can not be called. Payments occur regularly. Make money on this project can be real, but effort will have to make. Since good earnings depends directly from how much time and time is spent on it.

SOCPUBLIC.COM is a good project for earnings, but you need to carefully relate to tasks. For example, to this: "Buy an item for 300 rubles on our site and get 50 rubles earnings." The difference in 250 rubles, most likely, you will not return. And whether you need this product, and do you trust a specific advertiser, you already solve you.

SOCPUBLIC - continuation of the oldest tank in RuNet, previously worn by Wmpublic. Since December 2014, launched on a new engine with the widest opportunities of earnings and advertising. This BUX is not similar to others and was developed aside from the template scripts, which makes it unique in this area of \u200b\u200bearnings.

Previously left reviews

11.11.2019 15:20

On the Internet almost everywhere any site that offers you earn, it carries an exceptional deception and wants to be progress on such people. All sorts of scams, sites with roulettes, store with keys - all this deception. If you really want to earn, SOCPUBLIC is what you need. Buks, which has been operating since 2014, paid more than 1,000,000 rubles to its users. Everything is simple - perform various tasks to receive payment for this. I myself could earn 300 rubles without investments from scratch. If you do not believe, you can see the reviews on the same YouTube, their more than 10,000. There is also a partner program on the site. Invite people by their link and get the percentage of their income. At first, you will not be obtained, but over time you can earn a solid amount.


17.06.2019 18:39

I registered on the social bargain in 2015 after which I stopped making money on other sites, completely entered the roots here, a lot of tasks are added daily with good payment. Time to withdraw funds is minimal. A convenient referral program, polite and operational technical support, will help to solve the issue in the shortest possible time, daily bonuses, weekly contests from the site administration with good remuneration.

There are no multi-papers, you can not break the rules, the administration is always on the check, I myself earn about 2 thousand a week only on tasks, not counting referrals. You can really earn on this site, I advise everyone to register right now, you will not regret. Thank you!


25.04.2019 20:11

In the project SOCPUBLIC I am about two years. For additional earnings, this site, in my opinion and personal experience, the most perfect. I agree that on the Internet there are similar rates of both domestic and foreign ones. However, SOCPUBlic for me is out of competition. Also, this site has a wonderful job of developers and admins that make everything possible to interest their user even more and more. In a word, a super great project. Everyone who works here, sincerely wish a good profit.


16.03.2019 14:49

Very often saw on the Internet various sites on making money, but did not feed much confidence in them, and there were some doubts. However, soon, some circumstances demanded urgent additional funds to solve them. I was looking for and tried simply a bunch of additional income ways, but could not find suitable, until I came across a review of one lady about my income on Socpublic. At first, I revealed this enough skeptical, but then I decided, why not try, suddenly everything read earlier is true?

I have a millions in my month after a month, "I didn't have a realist, but after a month of using this site I was pleasantly surprised. The income was, of course, not cosmic, but he covered some of my urgent spending. Of course, it is worth mentioning the fact that the money itself is not in hand to your hands, you need to work a lot and spend your own time, in our case, to perform as many tasks as possible and increase your level. By the way, the idea with your level is a very good and comfortable idea. It can become an incentive and motivation for your work. As for my further stay on this wonderful site, I will say this: a month some amount for your needs on this site is real and possible to earn, the main thing to try that I, actually, and I do. The creators of the site want to wish more new and creative ideas for the development of their brainchild.


14.02.2019 18:36

Perhaps this site I love most of all of all those I work. I sit on the SOCPUBlic since 2010, then he was even called differently - Wmpublic, and from 14 years he was reborn and became more than more. Previously, he had only one competitor - SEOSPRINT, but now he clearly escaped forward and left far behind all his competitors, including the latter.

I do not work very actively, but a month stably goes just over 3,000 rubles. Who works in the designers - knows that from one service it is very good, at least as an additional earnings.

Admin on the project constantly raises to be ordering and often improves and updates his brainchild. A lot of additional bonuses from the system that are not on other projects and a flexible system of working with referrals is its main distinguishing features. Works also grabs, both the simplest (click, letters), and more advanced in the form of paid tasks.

There is on the social barrel and a place to communicate, a small forum where you can speak or offer your idea to improve the project, which the admin will be considered, my ideas are repeatedly embodied personally.

In other words: SOCPUBLIC - the site on which everyone needs to be registered, who wants to earn, it is from this place that earnings on the Internet begins.

P.S. And there are enthusiasts that do in a day of 200 tasks. Here they probably have SOCPUBLIC - the main place of work.


19.09.2018 09:43

The site of the social barrier of all the rest I like the most. Here, firstly, there is always a job for execution. The tasks should also be considered low, in contrast to similar. There is no delays with the payment of earned money. I tried a dozen of the boxes, which had to abandon the presence of various "sins", and sometimes direct selling: the arrogless refusal to pay 10-15 rubles earned. In the social barrel there are honest decent people who appreciate the hardworking performers. I am pleased to work there and perform a variety of interesting tasks. Sometimes they are so creative that they do not think about payment, but thank you for contact with beautiful. I especially like the tasks of NEMNASTIA about music, performers, art. Join now and you will open a new page.


29.07.2018 12:44

SOCPUBLIC website, in my opinion, the best of many, where you can earn. I looked at a lot of sites, but I always didn't like something. Here are a lot of tasks and they are diverse. Registered on this site for about 6 months and has never been to the tasks, as on other sites. The cost of tasks varies from kopecks to several hundred rubles, depending on the complexity of the task. Of course, it is difficult for work this activity, but the part-time job is quite worthy. For the evening, on one posts and comments, you can earn about 100 rubles, and if you take high-paying tasks, then much more. By the way, here, as in other sites, there is an invitation of referrals, from which you can also receive earnings.


21.07.2018 09:44

For a long time I was looking for how to make money on the Internet and found the SOCPUBLIC bucks. This is the very first site on which I decided to try something to earn. At first I tried clicking, surfing, but there were a penny there. I started to perform tasks and I have something to get. After that, I started adding good tasks to Favorites and then I performed them after payment. Now it is my best bugs, he is in the first place, in a few hours you can earn about 30 rubles, there are some more good sites and in the amount of about 100 wooden per day, depending on which tasks and what is their price. On this site, the more you perform tasks, the more rating and add more money (refbeks and rewards). So this bex I advise first.


04.07.2018 13:59

On this site, I'm just a week, but I decided to write a review. Here I liked everything. So everything is simple and understandable. And most importantly - unrealistic tasks for every taste. I am actually a weak user and at first took the most simple cheap tasks. But, every day I am gaining experience and try more complex. I want to say that this is the best project of all I visited. I am interested in spending time and at the same time I get rewards. Join - you will not regret. He wrote a review may somehow be impossible, but on the whole soul.


10.06.2018 15:30

Before moving to Socpublic, I heard a lot about him - and good, and different. I decided to verifically check, because I won't lose anything by registering here. I registered a couple of years ago and still participate in this wonderful, I will not be afraid of this word, project. Here everything is simple, everything can be viewed, check and get reward depending on your status. Interesting career growth, taking into account many factors of your activity. And there is an activity where: many diverse tasks, including with autopayta, visits sites, surfing, letters. Just manage to respond and rejoice in the growing amount on your account. Yes, money is not so big, but they are not too extra, but most importantly - leisure becomes more interesting. SOCPUBLIC is a reliable partner that does not allow to get bored and stay without any amount for payment, say, phone. I would recommend others to look at this project and participate in it.


13.05.2018 02:48

I do not agree with those who say that the site is bad. Yes, on it, as well as on other sites, it is necessary to work, and not expect that the money will fall from the sky. But the site is excellent, work is always a lot and it is for every taste. The only thing that is missing here is tasks for writing articles. And so everything is excellent. And it is not necessary to say that the tasks must be performed in 3 minutes, there are no such tasks here. The minimum execution time is 15 minutes, these are those that can be performed in 5 minutes. And then such little, there are tasks, for the execution of which is given 30 minutes, this time is enough. As for payment, Yulia Sokolova also writes biased. Payment here is also good, for example, for a simple commentaries pay from 1 to 4-5 rubles., And for registration from 5 and higher, there are even tasks for which they pay 150-200 rubles.

So if you work normally, you can earn good money. Well, those who are accustomed to free money to receive, here, of course, nothing shines. So everyone who wants to earn - I invite you to the site, and there are no place for freebies.


11.04.2018 23:37

A lot of advantages and benefits of the Socpublic project said. I would like to make one small but substantial addition. The project developers provided for performers tasks the ability to adjust the text of the report, after its execution in the form of the "Edit" button, which appears after sending a report to check. When the error detection is detected, you can use this useful feature to eliminate the shortcoming and in the corrected form to re-send a task to check. Thus, the performers increase their chances of approval by the customer of high-quality execution. This is one of the know-how Socpublics, which distinguishes him from other bones. Perspective, advanced project!


05.03.2018 18:31

Hello! Some time ago I could not believe that on the Internet it is really possible to earn and even more so without any investments. I tried to engage and network marketing and played economic games, but everywhere you needed to invest, invest, invest ... and only when I registered on Socpublic, believed that it was possible to earn and without investments. In parallel, I tried myself on several such letters, but in the end I stopped only on Socpublic. A big advantage over the rest of the service is that SOCPUBLIC never ends tasks for every taste and any amount of earnings. Withdrawal of money without any commissions and limits, withdraw as much as earned. We need only patience and a great desire to earn. I wish all good tasks and easy earnings. And thanks to great site developers.


13.02.2018 11:43

Hello everyone! I would like to talk about the site Very good site, beautiful design and, most importantly, there is always a job. There are all kinds of earnings on this site: you can perform different tasks, type subscription, view video and any such. You can also read letters, attend a variety of sites, well, and perform surfing both manual and automatic. I sit on this site every day. I do about 100 rubles, this is a passive income. Well, a month comes around 3000 rubles.

What about the withdrawal of money? Money can be displayed at any time and on any wallet. They also have a score system. That is, for payments, for visiting, letters give you points. The more points - the more advantages on the site. There is also a referral system. Again, the more points, the more percentage of referral. I tried different sites, but I personally liked this one. I advise everyone to experience your forces here, especially those who have a full time: for moms on maits, students and who has time at work. At the moment we sit in it with the whole family.


05.11.2017 00:29

Good day to everyone! To whom I wonder my opinion, I tell. Acquaintance with him began after completing the task on another buckle. And this is somehow this BUX, SOCPUBLIC that, I immediately liked (I was right, almost immediately resold on the "market of slaves", having stuck to me the price at the first expensive tasks), but nevertheless. Intuitively understandable (I, as a complete kettle in the boxes, was to figure out there - nothing to do!), The site itself is not litron, i.e. Not stuffed with small links, where you can break the leg, where is your personal account, where the balance, where what is generally?! No, this beech is lightweight, everything is immediately clear wherever, everything is convenient and in its place. Gradually figured out how to make a convenient task execution. Again, sorting is very rich! You can choose, for example, only with autopayta, or reusable, or clicks, or comments / voting (for these, by the way, they pay quite well, I advise you to pay attention to me, my referrer suggested). It is possible to actually earn a good thing when you do and figure out what. There is also a cherry on a cake that distinguishes this bexes from others - the surfing program, and in one program you can do carurry and simple. There are still different pleasant moments, but everyone will choose their own, starting working here.


20.08.2017 20:14

In my opinion, this is the best bugs, both for usability and design, from the fact that it is popular - there are best tasks on it. It is a pity that the refs there are no longer there, since the site is already sisiting with refunds, and the rating is now typing very difficult. But still, no matter what, social barrel remains the best at the moment, IMHO of course! Money is brought instantly. Admins and assistants will always help if you don't understand something, again the refundants will help the advice, a bonus, competition. It happens to fulfill the task, and you send you to refinement, they say you did not have enough to pay for payment, well, there are no problems, you move, compelling, and you pay for you, the friendliness of the Lord! Therefore, do not even think to choose another bugs, only the social bargain, only cache, just like this.


14.06.2017 17:06

I work on this site about 2 months. I figured out in the world almost immediately. Everything is clear and understandable, the tasks are not difficult. The most important thing is that the tasks do not end, they are always different. You can choose to your taste: voting, pinch, social network, posting, to whom it is easier. I carry the money earned on Yandex money, it is convenient then and for the Internet to pay and transfer to the phone. There is a career staircase, after you gain a certain number of points, you can register newcomers and get the percentage of their earnings, plus bonuses and contests. For contests, you can get a good amount, I received 100 rubles for the last place for the first place. I dispersed with such sites with distrust, but I can say for sure about him that you can safely work. For all time I have never been deceived anything, the conditions are maximally transparent, no "pitfalls". For those who are just starting their activities on making money on the Internet, this is a good start. Moreover, the site works for quite a long time. Payment in rubles.


06.06.2017 15:26

Good afternoon. Not so long ago I registered on this site and you know - I immediately liked it. Convenient interface, lungs and affordable tasks. For several days already earned a good amount and continue to earn. The easiest and uncomplicated look of earnings is surfing, he often has. The following appearance - letters are similar to surfing, but it is not difficult to read this article and answer questions. Pay for this normally, from 0.02 kopecks and higher, depends on the viewing time.

Tasks are all clear, they are not difficult to perform them. On them I earned a big amount of money. True, the more difficult task, the more the price, but it is worth it. As for me, I love to fulfill the tasks, and it brings me only pleasure. And the fact that money is paid for, so also a huge plus project! Minuses I did not find in this site, everything comes. I recommend to everyone. Socpublic creators thank you so much!


29.05.2017 23:10

Hello everyone. For a very long time earning on this site, about about a year. I can say only positive things about it, not a single minus for the whole year I have not seen. The only thing that the site is sometimes closed for a couple of hours, preventive works are carried out, but it happens very rarely. You can earn here a bit, about 30 rubles a day, and perhaps more. I work not only on this site, so I do not spend a constant time, but I go for a couple of hours a day. There are surfing, letters, tasks. I love to fulfill tasks and give more preferences to them. And, moreover, it is possible to earn only on them, viewing the surfing is secondary. I bring my money through Yandex Wallet. I advise everyone, try. Thanks to the creators of Socpublic.


11.05.2017 19:44

An excellent site, I have been working for more than two years, I earned a little, using both a hobby and add. Earnings. I am pleased with the fact that there are no minimals and there are no failures with payments, as it is on such sites, I will not speak to which one. Plus, there are many tasks and prices adequate to the social. It can be seen that the admin takes care of his project, as there are no pornography, no viruses on it, they are blocked as soon as they find them. The project can really earn 100-150 rubles per day without straining, there is a forum where they can help in solving different problems and where everyone can offer some kind of innovation. I found a lot of useful contacts on the project that I was helped to increase my earnings on the Internet at times.


04.05.2017 06:18

Hello everyone! I work on the SOCPUBLIC website for only a month, but has already taken money three times, and instantly, which is very pleased. In general, it is very interesting and a lot of useful information recognize, and rest from the main work, even pay for it. Everyone who is looking for work on the Internet, I would advise you to start from this site (I think you will stay there for a long time). Tasks a huge amount, surfing, visiting, letters. In general, come, I am sure that you will not regret!


30.03.2017 07:56

I always read articles with interest on your site, and always find something new and useful for myself. And although I have been working on the social bargain for a long time, I registered exactly thanks to you. I want to say that you can't find more reliable and promising letters on the Internet. Here, just a huge number of tasks and visits, the referral system is clearly. The project is paying regularly, with the minimum translation limit - 10 rubles, which are earned quickly and can be checked immediately, as the output system works, it is also very convenient, especially for beginners. There are a bunch of contests and on them, too, you can earn a lot of money with your efforts. I personally like this project more than all, although I work somewhere on 20 almost simultaneously (from several computers). If anyone has not registered - then hurry. You will be surprised by the ease of making money on this box.


17.03.2017 20:24

Good day, dear friends and just not familiar people! About the site I can say one thing, the site pays! It is possible and you need to earn and earn a lot and there is a very good referral system for which you can also earn a lot. There are various types of conclusions, such as Webmoney, Payeer, Yandex Money and others, a very convenient site design and almost never had delays and lags. It looks like seospite, but this site is already a new generation, everything is new. On a day, paying 2-3 hours a site, you can earn about 100 rubles, and even more. So dare than before you start making money on this site, the faster you will earn your first what no money! Thank you all, successful earnings!


08.03.2017 11:03

SOCPUBLIC - BUX with good history, cookies, tasks and a referral system, this is one of the few sites on which you can earn. I like this site most of all, here 2 times a month contests are held, if you get to the top ten during the competition, then you can do well. And in order to get to the top 10, you need to view surfing, letters and tasks. Tasks on the site a lot, diverse choice. I prefer to join groups and ordinary voting on a variety of sites. There are also many other advantages. Suppose, for the execution of 10 tasks, points to rating and money are given, it also acts on surfing, letters and visits. I got a very good reffer, the amount of the bonus for viewing a variety of sites depends on the repurrant. I work on this site for three months and do not regret and you try, you will certainly like it, and there is nothing difficult, everything is easy and simple. Additional earnings will not prevent anyone ...


05.03.2017 06:05

Came to SOCPUBLIC after three other Russian-speaking traces. Impressions are very positive. Starting from the main one: SOCPUBLIC is the most cost-effective BUX from all I tried to work. There are always a lot of different types of earnings. Moreover, a rather annoying clickey can always be diversified with interesting, and sometimes cognitive tasks.

Secondly, a very convenient and understandable interface. What I liked it very much - this is what your password does not ask you every time, do not make a penalty at every step (this, as I understand it, took the example of foreigners). On other Russian-speaking letters, it has already been about to strain. There is an irresistible desire to jump from them.

So, the big respect for you and success in developing your business.


25.02.2017 15:29

Relatively recently began to engage in online earnings. I reread a large amount of information from different sources ... I tried a sufficient number of sites ... and made a choice on Socpublic, which, by the way, found a lot of positive feedback on the Internet and from your friends.

    For me, this is the most attractive service based on the following criteria:
  • An excellent interface is a convenient and intuitive resource navigation.
  • Excellent systematization of tasks by category - Easy to find the tasks you need to add to favorites, and then quickly return to them for re-execution.
  • The number of tasks is more than enough!
  • Competition with good prizes are systematically held.
  • No restrictions on the sum of the output of funds.
  • The service works with payment systems necessary for me.

I think the arguments brought enough why made the choice in favor of SOCPUBLIC! I recommend this great service to everyone, to keep developers!


08.01.2017 13:24

I always wanted to be able to make money on the Internet, but I did not know how. Before you found this site for earnings - Socpublic, there were many attempts to make money on other sites. They all differed from Socpublicic, and not for the better. The money was paid less, it was necessary to wait for the tasks much more, and in general the site itself produces a pleasant impression. I earn not so long ago, but I already understood that he was exactly what I was looking for. What else is important - there are no scammers. I never cheated, and did not even try. So I can feel free to tell you that this is the best project for money, which I know. And I did a lot. I advise everyone to register there and earn - you definitely do not regret.


19.12.2016 23:05

For a while I, being on maternity leave, was looking for ways to earn at home, and the idea of \u200b\u200bearning the Internet was like this, as the way. The site is honest, and in this I was convinced personally, the payment of earned funds occurs instantly. I work on it for more than a year, and I like it very much. Work here is always there, any person, coming here, will find the tasks that come to him most. Tasks are well paid, there is still surfing, letters, visits.

Registration on the site is absolutely free, you will not require buy all sorts of levels, will not require pay for activation of the account. And there is nothing to do different sorts here, they are calculated immediately and very quickly. I advise you to work and good earnings to you!


14.12.2016 18:23

Guys, the project really pays! Suitable for freelancers, moms on maits and for anyone who wishes to increase their income. Just come and register absolutely free, and try yourself. It is not necessary to invest, sell too. The withdrawal of funds is instant.


18.11.2016 09:06

About 2 months ago, I decided to try to make money online. I immediately want to say that it was very, very much failure - that I just did not try: played in the economy of the game, Poker, watched movies for money tried to create my channel in YouTube, but for me to keep the video blog it was difficult because I have a disabled video group 1.

Then, when the experience gained, I began to search only for proven sites and here it would seem, I found the same on which I could work - I worked on SEOSPRINT, well, about a week, but then something did not like it and I decided to continue Want in search of a good site. And most recently, a miracle happened - I found a site called Socpublic. To tell the truth, after all that I experienced in the past, I did not immediately register on it - I began to study it, read reviews, watched the video. Basically, I received positive emotions in the study process and therefore decided to register on it.

For the first time I found the very site that really allows me to earn - it is comfortable, understandable and very easy to use. In it 4 types of earnings: visits, surfing, reading letters, tasks and much more. But the most important thing is that it allows you to earn without investments at all ...


17.11.2016 06:56

This site is very good, I work on it for half a year, I like that there are a lot of tasks. A week I earn 400 rubles and I am very pleased with the income! I am attracted to the fact that the tasks of simple and timely payment can also be earned here on referrals: the more people work on you, the more cash comes to your account. Also, there are various contests in which everyone can take part. In general, there is a lot of interesting things here and I am proud that I am an employee on this site and advise those who are not registered here, to join and begin to build your career and have a good income!


11.11.2016 22:53

I was looking for a site to start at least something to earn, SEOSPRINT did not help, WMMAIL, too, and so on, now only found SOCPUBLIC - a really fast site for making money, in a couple of days (if not lazy) can really earn about 100-500 rubles ! For me, it's just joy! I advise this site all!

It is pleased that there is a career staircase system, it is possible that you can really largely improve your status on the site. Especially pleased that there are full of tasks for different taste, from the simplest - clicks, before - earnings on any other site. In short, full of all, it is not to list! The referral system is also very simple, in a couple of days you can gain yourself an audience, and earn it additionally!


11.11.2016 13:58

Hello everyone! I really like this site for earnings. It is very convenient and easy to earn about 500-600 rubles for a week. I am on the project not so long ago, but I was able to earn a good amount of money (I attached a picture of my earnings). Here, as on all the boxes, there are easy sections of earnings, such as visits, surfing sites and letters. There are still a lot of different tasks on your taste and color.

Also, at SOCPUBlic you can quickly gain experience points and with each increase increases the amount of output. More on the project there are various contests in which you can also get a small prize, but very pleasant! Therefore, I advise everyone to earn on this site!


26.10.2016 22:30

SOCPUBLIC is a quick-earning site for which some special skills, primary funds, and only free time and perseverance are not required. I started with a lung: reading letters, visits, and then moved to the tasks for which a greater amount of money is given. This project supports a referral system that will give a significant bonus to earnings. Experience glasses are gained easily, and it opens up opportunities for the output of the amount of money faster and more. Supports such wallets as well-known Webmoney, Payeer, Yandex Money and others. It is more interesting to spend time on this site at the expense of numerous contests.

If you are interested in promoting your resource or cheating on social networks, then for reasonable prices, you can attract a lot of people to fulfill your task. SOCPUBLIC is easy, interesting and profitable. Join now!


25.10.2016 17:04

Good day! Today I would like to tell about earnings on the SOCPUBLIC website. This is a site on which for about 2-3 weeks I earned about 700-800 rubles just for the performance of different tasks!

The tasks so much that they are unrealistic to fulfill everything, they are usually about 3,000 for every taste and in any social. networks. You can earn in touch in contact or watching video in YouTube, and prices are very worthy. I have more than once in a few minutes by viewing one video received for 20 rubles.

In general, who is interested, I suggest to go to the site, not a medal to register and earn.


22.10.2016 19:56


22.10.2016 01:02

Posted this site, they said very good. Checked - I did not regret. Indeed, a very convenient interface, everything you need on the site. There are a lot of tasks in various categories that only for the better, since the choice is very large, and you can choose any of them. The tasks themselves also do not require a lot of effort. Pay everything very quickly, there are no problems with it. If something has done wrong, you will explain everything. There are so many comfortable chips on the site, with whom, if you use correctly, then work can go faster. In addition to tasks, there are also other categories that are also paid. In general, I did not regret how I registered on this site. We all advise everyone and recommend. I will offer to friends. Register and you will not regret!


21.10.2016 02:25

Good evening! I would like to leave your feedback about this site. I learned about the SOCPUBLIC website relatively recently. I was looking for work on the Internet, revised many sites, in the reviews about working on the Internet they wrote badly: deception, dropping money, etc. Yes, and parents were against. But one day, spending time in search of work in the Internet, I came across this site, read about it reviews (many positive) and decided to risk. And you know, I did not regret! Registered about 3 days ago, and very satisfied. Very much accessible, interesting and even easy tasks. It takes 2 hours on this site on this site (as I combine with school at school) and profit goes. The site design is very pleasant, everything is clear, and if there are questions, there is a special section that will explain everything, it pleases!

With the output of money problems did not arise, everything quickly, without problems. In addition to profits, this site brings and pleasure! SOCPUBLIC, oddly enough, is not a job, but is a very fascinating and developing hobby, which produces a lot of positive qualities for my (and each of you) the future. So those who want to find a lesson in the soul, and at the same time also paying, I advise you to register on this site.


20.10.2016 02:18

I earn on this site, and you know, I really like it. Everything is very simple and understandable. You can perform tasks, read letters, pass the surfing, as well as visits. I really like to perform tasks. You can choose a category: Earn on clicks, in social. Networks, in Utyube, etc. 100% come money and you will be able to take them into a wallet. For example, I use Webmoney, money is listed quickly and without problems.

Works here always enough! There are also reusable tasks, for most tasks pay well. I tried a lot of sites, but it stopped. I just liked it anymore. Without trouble. Everything is clear and understandable. So try and do not be afraid, you will succeed. True, you will not immediately receive thousands, but everything will be, the main patience. This is a simple job, but still this work.


12.10.2016 20:56

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best sites for earnings on the Internet. There are many different tasks in it, and everyone can find what he soul. The interface is quite comfortable and easy to learn. There is nothing superfluous in it and sorted. But still not without minuses. Many tasks, but the authors themselves may not pay for work and throw into a black list. What is bad, so that the other authors will not want to cooperate with you. And one more is not such an important minus of the site, few tasks on the comments. Since I am a fan of this case, I would like more such tasks. However, in general, this is the best site in this category of earnings, so I recommend to visit him and yourself to try.


10.10.2016 18:16

Hello everyone! Here in the description is not accuracy - 2014 is the year of moving the box to a new script and address, but it is based in 2007, which only adds respect and trust. In my subjective opinion, the best SAR in Runet: There is always work with a worthy payment, plus a fast AppCead, plus avtival payment.


25.08.2016 18:25

I have been working on Socpublic recently, but I have already managed to love this project. It is not at all similar to other such letters either by design or content of the site. Admin on the project is responsive and will always help to deal with a difficult situation.

Socpublic has a lot of surfing (there it is called visits) - more than 3000 tasks. I work not every day, but when there is a time in 2-3 hours it is easy to fill 100 rubles. Tasks are interesting and varied. Each user will easily pick themselves work to his taste.

More on Socpublic is constantly held contests from the system on 100 prizes and the main prize of 300 rubles. This is a very pleasant stimulation to work. I did not meet this in any of those known to me. Plus, the bonuses from the repurrant and refbequet slightly increase the earnings.


18.08.2016 11:16

An excellent site for earning, on the same level with it only SEOSPRINT, but the SOCPUBLIC has enough benefits before the last. In particular, the social bargain is not deprived of refbek, and my Refer made a progressive reflection - the greater the referral rating, the greater the refund of referral interest. In addition, on this site, activity contests are held not only from your referral, but also from the system, and regularly, every month. A separate chip, which I have not met any other project is the so-called achievements. At SOCPUBLIC there is a huge number of different achievements - for the number of sites viewed in surfing, the number of tasks made attracted referrals and many-many others. For these achievements, you also receive additional cash prizes. Well, in general, sites for clicks, letters and tasks on this project there are quite a lot. Does not earn here only lazy. If we take a little bit, then I have 200-300 rubles per day. SOCPUBLIC, definitely, I recommend everyone!


15.08.2016 21:02

Good afternoon friends! I want to tell you about the best site for earnings on the Internet. SOCPUBLIC is a wide choice ... you can earn on surfing, reading letters, visits and of course on tasks. Tasks - for every taste: from the lungs that are performed in 1-2 minutes before money, but to perform which it is necessary to make a little effort and time.

There is also a referral program that brings 15% from each referral. Invite friends to the project and your earnings will increase at times. At first, it seems that everything is confusing and difficult, but ... Quickly get used to the tasks no longer seem complex and are performed on the machine. My advice is more reusable and put them in favorites. Come and earn! I wish everyone good luck and quick earnings!


15.08.2016 13:25

Recently began to earn money on this site, per hour can earn up to 100 rubles. The interface is intuitive, and easy to navigate the service. Tasks are always in sufficiency and you can go any time for their execution. Also on this project there is a career ladder, the maximum output depends on your status, interest from referrals and so on. Status can be obtained using the points you received for achievements on the site. In general, the site is suitable, it is possible to earn quite well on it, because sometimes you can get up to 20 rubles for a five-minute task, which cannot but rejoice the eye. I recommend this bug everyone, because it is the best one!


25.07.2016 10:12

For 5 months for 5 months earn at Socpublic and 4 months on. So far as a performer. It is possible to compare. Both sites are good, but personally I liked SOCPUBLIC more, although SEOSPRINT is also good. He studied at what time of day it is better and more can be earned. Try and you, compare. Everyone will find for himself what he personally likes ...


10.07.2016 21:20

Accidentally ended with the Socpublic website. I heard from friends that you can earn with clicks, but I did not know what it was. I decided to try. It turned out that clicks, letters, visits are very simple. Nothing is difficult. I tried to perform tasks. Unfortunately, not all tasks can be performed immediately. We need experience in the direct and laptop washing of this word. In the straight, - since, starting with simple, you begin to really understand what. And in the portable, it is necessary to dial a certain number of points to make more complex tasks. In general, an interesting site that can fix the financial situation. And most importantly, it can earn every way independently of mental abilities. It is not necessary to sit here for days, enough to allocate several hours a day. Best part-time for a beginner is not found. And if you gain experience, it can become a major earnings.


29.06.2016 13:24

SOCPUBLIC is an excellent alternative, there is also a surfing and many entertaining and highly paid tasks. It seems to me to make money on SOCPUBlic is not so easy, but much easier than on other alternative sites, I earned about 30 rubles on the site for 3 days, while I look through all the surfing and perform 3-6 tasks per day. In principle, everything is simple: register and you can already start earning, surfing, performing tasks, reading letters, visits, in general, many opportunities for earnings. I want to say a separate thing about the tasks (since I love to execute them very much) I really like the task filter, instead of floring the pages in the search not difficult to use, but also a well-paid job, you can simply cut off extra tasks (for example "Translation") and You will be much easier for you. The output of money occurs on any wallet and instantly, the site can be trusted. Successful to you earnings.


29.06.2016 11:40

Started using Socpublik today in the morning - pretty nice service. It is very easy to earn money, how many other sites have tried - there was a scam! The most optimal and simple site among the like this is SOCPUBLIC! During the remainder of the summer, I will try to earn a decent amount of money. After all, it is not so difficult to do the same as in everyday life, but only for money))) The site is made pleasant to the eyes and understandable for beginners (for people like me). Neat menu on the left side of the site, the report on the payment of tasks and their execution. For today I earned ten rubles by spending only half an hour on the site (other tasks for consideration). From this site, you can transfer money to any Internet score, for example - "Yandex Money" - "QIWI" - "WebMoney WMR" - "PAYEER" - "Perfect Money". I am sure of each of us at least something from the above is available, but there is no ate, then you don't need to create a lot of mind (effort too). I advise everyone this wonderful site!


29.06.2016 00:07

Guys, I want to write a review about this beautiful way of earning! Seriously, SOCPUBLIC.COM Watching a steep site, which is easy to earn without leaving home. Money you get over the sites on sites a different period of time, for the breakdown of the cross, different tasks from the entry into groups and publics of different social. Networks to comments and likes, etc. I myself only a couple of days ago I learned about the existence of such an excellent way of earning and because I am a student and I can not combine study and work in real life, then the social bargain for me is just salvation! For 4 days I earned 750 rubles. I believe that for the modern student it is very not bad, despite the fact that I have only 1200 rubles per month. I think it definitely stands at least to go and try myself, still do not lose anything, you don't need to pay on the site for anything, you go and start earning yourself on pocket expenses! Good luck to you, friends, try - you will not regret !!!


28.06.2016 19:50

I use this service for about a month. Pleasant appearance, good payments. Hat 1-2 hours a day - I have 200-300 rubles a day. On the given site there are very many ways to earn. Surfing, reading letters, various tasks. The most pleasant thing is the tasks are divided into categories. You can choose the same amounts of tasks.

There are also visits there. The most profitable actions are tasks. What else is more pleasant - this is what payments are regular. Pretty pleasant administration. Personally, on your experience I will say - I only work on tasks. Reading letters, surfing and visits - I am very tired. Only positive emotions, when used. Definitely 5+


21.06.2016 13:44

At Socpublic, I have for about one year and I must say that this is the best site for earnings. During this year I earned about 3200 Russian rubles, which is not very bad. I tried to earn on SEOSPrint, but I did not like it. Then my friends advised SOCPUBlic and I really liked this site. I immediately started earning. There are a lot of ways to make on the site. One of them is tasks. This is the most paid method, on the tasks you can earn from 1 to 120 rubles, which is very good. The following type of earnings is visits, not bad. I earned my first ruble on visits. I don't really like letters and I didn't do it almost. Surfing is for beginners, those who have come only. More on Socpublics can be earned with the help of referrals, but it is difficult to attract referrals. But it can be made a lot. I like this site, because you do not need to invest in order to earn.


21.06.2016 11:08

Hello everyone, I have been at SOCPUBlic for two weeks that I am happy to, managed to bring about 300 rubles by paying this site for only two hours. Site is very pleased for the money they pay real, no restrictions on the conclusions. How much I earned - so much brought, or rather how much I wanted to bring - so much and turned out. On this site, a lot of diverse tasks, naturally, than the task is more difficult, the more they pay. On average, I left half an hour on tasks of 80-100 rubles. You can attract referrals that cool, and you can not, all of your taste. It is much easier to work here and better as it seems to me than on a sepper. In short, register on you will not regret. Good and good luck!


19.06.2016 19:22

I on Socpublic only a week, but I have already managed to bring about 1000 rubles to my bill. The site really pays money. For the sample from the very beginning, only 10 kopecks were removed, and when they came to the wallet, realized that here, indeed, you can earn. Very pleased that we started to work here. The tasks are simple, many do with pleasure, sometimes the rollers that need to be viewed are a bit - we will visit to the end, as it is very exciting. The huge plus is that no one imposes, you yourself choose that you taste - comments, clicks, or something else. It is interesting to view letters, answer the control question. Visits are generally beauty: waited for a timer and earnings in your pocket. There are also global contests. Referrals are not involved, only if you want. In general, there are no costs, no contributions do not need. You can solve yourself how many tasks need to be done.


19.06.2016 17:41

Long thought about where you can still earn money in your free time using the Internet. As a result, I decided to stop your choice on the Socpublic resource. I am satisfied with the choice. First, a convenient and intuitive interface. Secondly, you yourself are the owner and select those tasks that you easier and faster. Of course, you should not forget that more costly tasks are paid accordingly. Probably, you should not configure yourself at home on a big daily earnings. Everything like in real life - you want to earn a lot, take and perform more tasks and not be afraid of time-consuming tasks.

I want to add from myself, in order to move on with this resource, it is worth finding a reforter, and then everything is in your hands. I put the highest assessment of this trance.


17.06.2016 18:50

Registered a couple of weeks ago, the service is suitable, it was difficult to initially with a reputation, but then quickly nubble. I checked the payout first thing - it works, brought money on Yandex 15 rubles, of course I want to earn more, but if you combine this site with others, you can earn good. Like this: tasks a lot and there is always something to take yourself, there are many orders. The interface is understandable and pleasant and not buggy, for for example, I could not register for sepper, there was some kind of mistake. I recommend for those who want to make money on the Internet on clicks, comments and easy tasks. An interesting idea with letters, too, like it. On a day, it is possible to easily do rubles 50, and if you put it, then it is also not tightened to one hundred rubles. There is in the overall tasks expensive, but they are more difficult.


17.06.2016 00:02

Full bucks. All sections are well thought out, made "for people." So I usually say when there is everything you need for work, and there are no unnecessary frills. For the short time that I perform the tasks there, the payments were never delayed. Does not refer to the category of bezes, which for the lack of activity deduct your points to such a level that you simply cannot withdraw earned money. (Such letters I immediately bring to my personal black list). The last few days the problem appeared on their site: they are asked not to restart the pages of letters often, because it creates a large load on the server. It looks a bit strange for the site, which should stimulate the maximum activity of the performers. True, the problem is promised to eliminate over the coming weeks. In general, the assessment is positive, and this BUX is not ashamed to recommend.


16.06.2016 16:09

I am quite recent on this project, but of all I visited, I liked it most. Comfortable, modern, stylish, really paying money. Of course, I was completely able to earn very little, because I also reveal into the process. Yes, actually I enjoy the work of the work itself than from the amount on the balance sheet. I like to perform surfing, letters, tasks (especially reusable). I like that the authors do not delay payment, and money is displayed very quickly on the wallet.

Of course, I would like some authors of the tasks to make a more intelligible description, because the project has amateurs and have to work a lot to sometimes understand what to do. But that's my personal opinion. Good luck and prosperity to this project.


16.06.2016 13:31

Registered on the site relatively recently, but very pleased. Before this site passed a lot of registration and was very upset by the results. When I found Socculic, I was surprisingly from ease of earnings. The most important thing is that I do not spend a bunch of time, literally at the hour per day. It turns out good income. You can scale to minimal waste or needs. Everyone can choose what it fits it more. I mainly perform tasks. Tasks are very available and good payment. Of course, I started from visits (and now sometimes I go), although the minimum payment, but it takes the same at least))))). I advise this site to all beginners and not only who want to work on the Internet. There are many analogues of this site, but SOCPUBLIC is the best thing I have opened for myself. I also want to note the simplicity of dismissal of funds on the electronic wallet (which is also very important). Thanks to the great developers of this website, which give such an opportunity to work out without applying a lot of effort!


12.06.2016 16:17

Cool website Socpoblik, I'm there for only 4 days and already brought 57 rubles to perform the tasks of surfing, and a lot more. Well, letters for earnings do not advise, because the earnings are small on them, and you will spend time just like that. And a very beautiful design, I bring to Kiwi, at first the delay was 1 day, brought 5 rubles, now I continued and earned 57 and even invested 130 rubles and created a task of 5 rubles and 50 kopecks so that people became my referrals and viewed 30 visits and 5 tasks, here is my story, I advise everyone! And below to confirm the words I attach the screenshot! All successful earnings! And good luck! And yes this site super a lot learned useful, and now earn okay! So far!


10.06.2016 17:30

In the project recently, but I have already earned quite a lot! Socpublic is most likely the best bugs! I have not worked so much so much. I can confidently say that SOCPUBLIC is much better SEOSPRINT-A! Competitions Very often, letters enough, tasks too, but there are little surfing: (you work for a penny on a september, and you will find tasks for 20 rubles and they are pretty light! The referral system, in principle, like everywhere you give your link, And people who have passed on it are registered and you get referrals. Referre quite often arrange contests, so if you have not won in one competition, lucky in the other! In general, the project is worthy, my rating is 4+. I did not like that there are creators of tasks, Who are cheating: You fulfilled the task, and they do not pay it ... and the overall impression is positive!


10.06.2016 17:07

SOCPUBLIC SITE SUN INSTRUCTION I recently regained but in a quantity, it is forgiven for example. Specifier passes the majority of Youtube, as well as leave comments. The smoke is small since the vip will be set to the Suma 20-50 kopecks. ІNKOLI І Vikona for 1-5 rubles. Easy for yourself excuses. Website will be recommended by VIM I know. I recommend the navigation of є Tіlki Bulo bladoia ... On the day I can raise 10 rubles just stitched for more than 1-2 hours per day you can swallow Nabagato. Just the Jacket We will be stained by the 3rd year, you can raise 100 rubles. And then b_lsh. SUMT GOOD SUCHCH!


09.06.2016 11:00

Well, I will try and write my story of dating from Socpublic. Began to work on a sepper, in principle, an acceptable design, absolutely everything is clear, but browsing sites on it, I began to register wherever neither getting up and so hit the Socpublic. What I liked most is intuitive simplicity and convenience, everything you need before your eyes. First embarrasses that funds can be output every three days unlike sessions, and then only small amounts according to the status, but when the status is growing up - you forget about it, and the sum of the withdrawal there is 1500 rubles three times a day, the maximum. The only thing that confuses is the purchase and sale of referrals (in principle, as elsewhere), but because of the sums of the output, it really begins to look like a bazaar. Nevertheless, it is more pleasant to work on it than at CEO, my verdict 4 ++


09.06.2016 06:13

In my opinion, this service is one of the best bells and is almost no less inferior to a sepper. Slightly less tasks, but still enough for everyone :) The interface is simple and pleasant, you can figure it out quickly and without problems. I especially like the task search menu: all subsections like on the palm, you do not need to open an additional submenu - you just mark the necessary parameters and click "Search". Plus, you can set the minimum price of the task, and the system will display only those options that begin with this amount. It allows you to save time to save. As a rule, tasks are paid quickly. The auto-payment function is also provided, and here you need to wait only 5 days, and not 10, as in some others, it would seem so popular projects.

Career growth here is also quite quick, and restrictions on the withdrawal of funds are much less than in similar letters. You can remove almost all known e-wallets: WM, QIWI, Yandex Money, Payeer and Perfect Money.

On the day I earn 25-50 r., I mainly do clicks and social networks, sometimes comments and youtube. Keeping good reusable tasks to the "Favorites" and I do constantly, what and you wish :) In a word, SOCPUBLIC is a great project on which you can work well or make well earn. It all depends on your desire. Recommend!


07.06.2016 18:55

For me personally, this is the best earnings service. I work on it every day, earning 50 rubles a day! On this site there are several ways to make money. For example: tasks, visits, letters and surfing. Personally, I perform tasks, namely clicks and social networks. Clicks are lightweight and well-paid tasks. You can withdraw your earned money to any (almost any) email (WM, QIWI, Yandex Money, Payeer, Perfect Money). Also you can invite referrals, and get money for them! If you have a lot of referrals, then you can arrange a contest for them. For example: who will fulfill tasks or invite referrals! For me, this is the best site for earnings on the Internet! I recommend!


01.06.2016 00:21

Hello everyone!!! I also would like to say a little about SOCPUBLIC! I have been working on this site for a long time and I can say that in the total site by 5 with a plus! And all because working on a variety of similar sites for quite a long time and have greater luggage experience behind your back, I can make such a conclusion by personal comparison with other available! The site itself is quite comfortable, practical and functional. Intuitively, almost instantly, you can understand everything. A very bad set of tasks, with a standard filter you can choose for every taste and color, there are no problems with this. As for payment - everything is super! The tasks are not bad (I personally, I never do less than 3 p) and with such an account number allows you to work all day without stopping! I advise you to type in the "Favorites" for more reusable tasks and work with your list every day, you can not very badly earn !!! I have everything, work and earn !!!

Here is a sea of \u200b\u200bsurfing and letters, tasks! There are two components of success: active tasks and continuous attraction of referrals. Following these simple conditions, you quickly climb on the site and build your own referral system, which will definitely bring good profits. Yes, it will take some time, but later you will be glad that I did not spend in vain, but they joined the SOCPUBlic system.

If you choose, on what akin make money, do not doubt. SOCPUBLIC - exactly your option!

Project SOCPUBLIC It offers its users to make money on watching other people's sites, performing simple tasks and activity in social networks.

There are many similar sites on the Internet, however, it is SOCPUBLIC that is at the moment one of the most favorable conditions. Therefore, let's deal with what it is better than others and why this project is not suitable for everyone.

SOCPUBLIC website review

SOCPUBLIC Appeared back in 2008 and then called WMPUBlic. The initial idea was to find people on the Internet, which will be ready to help in the promotion of the site and accounts on social networks. And for this, people were awarded a small fee.

For 10 years of active work, the project paid more than 40 million rubles And this proves his honesty! He gave out the leaders in his segment and with him can only be compared and wmmail.

How to earn at Socpublic:

  • Tasks - This is the execution of small orders (logging on the site, writing comments, installation of applications). We recommend choosing simple tasks where payment is 10-50 kopecks, they require a minimum of time to actions!
  • Visits - This is the transition to the websites of advertisers for money, that is, surfing. The fee from half a penny to two at the same time is almost everywhere worth the timer - 100 seconds of advertising. It does not earn a lot about it.
  • Letters - 1-5 kopecks give 1-5 kopecks for reading letters, but very few things are given. Therefore, they can be quickly executed in 30 minutes of active reading. This is one of the best sections on the site.
  • Surfing - This is the same visit site, only you automatically find an advertisement where you need to forward. Your case is just waiting for a timer and correctly solve Capture.
  • Referrals - There is a separate tab of the "Referral Exchange" tab there you can buy and sell referrals. That's exactly here and earn most money. The main thing is to know which users need to buy so that they bring you a stable income!

Points are easy enough. Personally, we were able for 6 months to become " Grand Master"And this is the highest level! You will open all the privileges on the platform.

But if we compare SOCPUBlic with others, we put it only on 7th place. All because income is limited to the number of tasks and the ability to find fatty referrals.

Well, the last thing it is worth noting on this site is a good income from partners. The most important thing to move through the career ladder and then your income will grow from 5% to 60%. It is really a very big difference, so score points!

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