
How much can be borrowed to tele2. How to get a loan on tele2? What is it for

Mobile communication firmly entered our lives, and stay without a phone for a modern person is inconvenient and can lead to various unpleasant situations. Many mobile operators, knowing this, offer customers the opportunity to get a trust payment for the phone and always stay in touch. In whatever indulgence you are not, you do not have to search for the terminal to replenish the account.

One of the largest mobile communications companies in Russian tele2 calls this service "promised payment from tele2". It uses constant demand for network customers, and it is quite simple to connect it. The amount of funds offered by the operator, small, but sufficient, in order to use them in the current circumstances, and subsequently replenish the account of the right amount.

The proposed information will make it clear how to take a trustful payment of the telephone for the phone. The service to subscribers of prepaid tariffs will provide access to calls, MMS- and SMS messages, as well as the Internet. You can use the service for 4 amounts - 50,100,200 and 300 rubles.

  1. 50 and 100 rubles are provided with a subscriber for a period of 3 days.
  2. 200 and 300 for 7 days.

Upon expiration, the network user must closely close the payment and repay commissions for its provision.

How to get a loan on tele2? Balance of debt to 50, 200, 300 rubles

To replenish the balance on the body2 in debt you can subscriber who uses the services of the operator for more than 15 days. The amount offered by the amount of funds directly depends on the term of entering into a subscriber's maintenance agreement, as well as from the "activity" of the telephone and frequency of the account replenishment. How to take the promised payment on the telephone to 50, 100, 200 and 300 rubles?

You can take funds:

  • If the balance is from 10 to 30 rubles.
  • In case of re-needed, if there was a day between the repayment of the first and taking the second loan.

Suggested amounts:

  1. 50 rubles can be put at the expense of a subscriber whose experience is more than 15 days.
  2. The amount of 100 with an experience of 120 days.
  3. For 150 need 180 days.
  4. 200 will receive a subscriber with experience more than 1 year.

To find out the maximum permissible amount, you must use the * 122 # key combination and the "Call" button. For funds, you dial on your phone * 122 * 1 #. With any version of the dialing on the phone screen, the information you have requested and the payment of payment will appear. You can also use a voice autoinformer by calling 637, or a telephone subscriber support service operator at 611.

The Commission for the provision of credit funds and the deadlines in which they need to return them is:

  • For providing 50 - 5 rubles, maturity - 3 days.
  • For 100 - 10, the maturity date is 3 days.
  • For 200 - 20, the maturity date is 7 days.
  • For 300 - 30 rubles, the repayment period is 7 days.

If you often apply this service, "Write" the above numbers in the "Quick Access Menu", this will allow you to use the tools in the accelerated mode. Watch out for the time to repay the loan, otherwise you risk getting into the "black list" of the operator.

How to replenish the bill on the body2 in debt: video

In the event that there is no money on the balance sheet, but there is no money to replenish it, the operator invites us to take a small amount for a few days. How to take the promised payment on tele2 per 100 rubles in two ways we will tell you this time. So you will see, there is nothing complicated.

Briefly on the topic

You can take the promised payment on the telephone for 100 rubles with a short command * 122 # or on the site of the operator, through the personal account. And one more way through the apps on the smartphone. Commission for the service when taking this amount - 10 rubles.

Two ways to get money to the account in debt

If you have a small minus or zero on your account, and maybe there are not enough funds to pay for the tariff, you can always make a promised payment on TELE2 per 100 rubles. This service is available at almost any balance: for minus - up to -30 r., And positive is not limited. The loan is provided for 3 days, and the commission of 10 rubles is removed for its use.

How to take a promised payment on a telephone for 100 rubles USSD team:

  • We enter through a dialer or keyboard if the phone is button, USSD command * 122 # .
  • Click on the "Call".
  • After a second, a window will appear on the screen, where there will be a list of sums that you can. Choose an option from 100 rubles.
  • Click "OK".

The second option is to use the Personal Cabinet features, which is available to each user of the TV2, if it is registered on the site. So, do, do this:

  • Authorize. Here you immediately fall in the profile menu.
  • At the top of the screen we are looking for the "Balance" button, click on it.
  • Now you need to scroll up the screen, we are looking for the inscription "Promised Payment".
  • We click on the "Select Available Available", and then on "110 rubles for 3 days." Extra 10 rubles. - This is the Commission for the use of the service.
  • Click on "Connect".

Please note: the option is available when using communication with tele2 from 1 month and only if it is not connected at the moment. That is, to get another loan, you first need to pay the previous one. And one more restriction: the tariff plan can only be prepaid.

3 way - app:

  • Come in the attacked smartphone;
  • Immediately see "Balance" and.

  • We choose the desired amount, it will be displayed immediately with the Commission and the validity period.

  • Click on "Connect".


At the very beginning of the rapid dissemination of cellular quality communication services from existing operators, there was not a very large amount. It was possible to pay for communication through special express cards, a little later, it was possible to pay for services at the box office, via the Internet and with the help of standard terminals. Now cellular communication companies do not just provide the opportunity to always stay in touch, deciding the issue as on TV2 to take debt, using different payment options, you can even take funds to debt and replenish the account for a minus balance.

Take funds to debt on tele2 - one of the demanded services. Among the orders, such a function is characterized as the departure of the telephone support service a special "begging" or "promised payment". If the phone has ended in the phone, if there is no possibility to replenish the balance, but it is necessary to remain in touch, the operator users will need to take money from the cellular company.

It should be noted that the tele2 operator set certain conditions for the use of the service. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. The use of services for 60 days, no less.
  2. Debt on the balance sheet should not be more than 30 rubles.

When performing such rules and conditions, the standard operator will provide a service for the promised payment. To take a borrowing funds on the tele2, you need to use two simple command operations. The first - * 122 # is used to determine the maximum allowed amount. The second team is * 122 * 1 #, it is intended for receiving funds on the promised payment. If necessary, you can use the service on the tele2 website located in the Personal Account.

Important! These commands are relevant for the capital and for the region, other combinations are provided for other regions.

You can get acquainted with them on the official website of the tele2.

More about the service

Take funds to debt in the operator can be in different amounts in size, there is no accurate limit equal to 100 rubles. Depending on the conditions performed, the user can get a sum from 50 to 300 rubles. The permissible value depends on the overall level of activity of the general process of using the phone number, from the total size and from the frequency of the payment carried out. Direct value has a duration of the number of registration.

The user of the cellular operator of the tele2 at any convenient time can learn the allowed amount available. It will be necessary to make a simple request from the combination of numbers - * 122 #. After the introduction of information, the system will immediately give to know about a possible allowed loan for a certain current time. From the user, it will be necessary to simply carry out the activation of the promised payment, and the question is how to take debt on the TV2 will be resolved.

Terms of granting a loan service

TELE2 Company Options for Borrowed Balance Balance provides for certain time periods. They directly depend on the amount listed at the expense. Here are some major tariff plans for fund loan to ensure communication:

  • It is possible to pay 50 rubles. The Commission will be 5 rubles, and the borrowing period is three days;
  • When replenishing the account per 100 rubles, the amount will be provided for three days, and the amount of the commission will be 10 rubles;
  • 200 rubles will be provided for a 5-day term, and the amount of commission will be equal to 20 rubles;
  • Permanent and responsible clients, tele2 operator can provide 300 rubles for one week. The Commission in this case will be equal to 30 rubles.

The amount of the loan provided depends on the time of using the SIM card directly. Masives the responsibility of the cellular client. If earlier he took a small amount and did not exert it at the prescribed time, to a significant amount of the loan for a more serious time period, you can not count.


In the process of using a loan service for a balance sheet, it will be necessary to return debt in a timely manner, but also the accrued committee. At specified time, it will be necessary to simply replenish your balance with one of the standard methods by selecting the best option. You can use a re-loan about a day after the repayment of the past decorated promised payment.

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