
Light measurement: Theory and practice. Measurement of illumination of the camera Measuring the level of illumination in the room

The LUXmeter Yu-116 is designed to measure the illumination created by luminescent lamps, incandescent lamps and natural light.

The device consists of a meter (galvanometer) and a selent photocell with nozzles. Principle of operation: Under the action of light in a selenium photocell, electric strokes, current force, proportional to the power of the incident light, which is recorded by a magnetic and electric meter occurs. The instrument readings are expressed in suites (LC).

There are two scales on the instrument panel (from 0 to 1 lux and from 0 to 30 LCs) and two switching buttons with a light recalculation plate on the type of nozzle applied. On each scale of the point marked the beginning of the measurement reference: 1st range from 20 Lux, 2nd range from 5 LC.

On the side wall of the device there is a pole fork to attach a photocell. Selenium photocell is located in a plastic case.

To reduce the cosine error, a photocell nozzle is used, consisting of a hemisphere, made of white light scattering plastics and an opaque plastic ring having a complex profile.

The nozzle is indicated by the letter "H" and is applied only in combination with the absorbing nozzles "M", "P", "G", each of these three nozzles together with the nozzle "K" forms three absorbers with a weakening coefficient: "km" - at 10 Once, "kr" - 100 times, "kg" - 1 time, which significantly expands the measurement range.

The procedure for performing measurements:

1. Like and install absorbing nozzles (indoors are usually started with nozzles "kr", on the street - with noadasses "kg").

2. Singing a photocell to the meter (observe the polarity 1).

3.PhotoElement Place the surface (plane).

4. Put the right button and remove the instrument readings on the scale of 20-100

a) if the arrow is ranging from 0 to 20 lk, press the left button of the testimony on the scale of 5-30 LCs;

b) If the arrow is ranging from 0 to 5 lk, it is necessary to go to the nozzle "KM".

5. flow of testimony. The testimony of the device is multiplied by the degree of attenuation of the nozzle and the correction coefficient (for incandescent lamps 1.0, for LB LE LB - 1.15, LDC-0.95, LCB- 1.03).

For example: Luminescent bulbs White LB, instrument readings 36 LCs, nozzle "CR", E \u003d 36 x 10 x 1,15 \u003d 414 LC.

6. Include the device, disconnect the photocell, remove the nozzles.

Determination of lighting indicators of natural and artificial lighting using the LUXmeter Yu-116.

1. The definition of horizontal illumination with natural light is carried out at several points with the best and most worst light conditions (by the window, in the center of the room, in the inner wall). The average light value is calculated.

2. Determination of CEO. The average horizontal illumination indoors and illumination in the open air is determined. Keo is calculated by the formula:

Keo \u003d (e internal / e outer) x 100%

3. Determination of horizontal illumination in the workplace (performed in the dark). When studying the study, it is necessary to determine the illumination when the light is turned on, then when the off is turned off. The difference will be artificial lighting.

4. Determination of non-uniformity coefficient. The illumination is determined at several points on the working surface at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. Illumination should differ by no more than 30% (0.3).

5. Determination of the surface reflection coefficient. The illumination of the surface (wall, ceiling, table, etc.) is then the photocell is rotated 180 degrees and determine the reflected illumination at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface.

Calculation by the formula:

E ration

K.OTR. \u003d X 100%

E common.

Determination of horizontal illumination of artificial light sources with a simplified method "Watt" (by specific power).

This method allows us to approximately assess the level of artificial lighting in the room under the condition of uniform placement of the lamps.

The calculation is based on the dependence of the average horizontal illumination from the total light flux of all sources and the size of the room.

1. The specific power of all sources is by the formula:

P \u003d. W 1 + W 2 + W n/ S, WHERE

P - Specific power, W / m 2

S - Room Square, M 2

W 1; W 2 ... .. W n - Power of individual light sources, W.

2. Horizontal illumination is in the formula:

E \u003d R x inwhere

E - horizontal illumination, lk

P - Specific power, W / m 2

B - light return of sources, LM / W (or illumination created by the incandescent lamp - LCs, with a specific energy flow rate of 1 W / m 2).

It is located in Table No. 4. (for luminescent lamps B \u003d 10 LM / W).

Table number 4 Light returns of incandescent bulbs LM / W depending on the power and type of lamp

Luxmeter is a device for measuring illumination, brightness and ripples. It is necessary to determine the qualitative characteristics of light. Dummy lighting and high ripple coefficient cause voltage of organsThat negatively affects the general condition of the body: fatigue appears, inexplicating depression, other discomfort. The main element of the luxmeter is a photo sensor. The rays of light falling on it transmit their energy to electrons, resulting in a current of a certain force characterizing the degree of brightness or illumination.

From this article, you will learn how to use the luxmeter, why need to be measured and what measures it is necessary to take the coverage of your workplace, apartment, country houses, cottages and other stays, complied with sanitary standards. We will look at the measurement of the coefficient of ripples, illumination and brightness - the conditions under which these parameters must be determined, as well as their influence on the human body.

Measurement of pulsation coefficient

The pulsation coefficient of the light stream is an indicator characterizing the uneven light of the light stream. Disassemble the lighting pulsation and brightness pulsation. Both characteristics are measured as a percentage. The permissible levels of the pulsation coefficient are governed by the updated editorial board of SP 52.13330.2011 "Natural and artificial lighting. Actualized edition of SNiP 23-05-95" and SanPine 2.2.1 / As a result of medical research, scientists have established that the human eye perceives ripples with a frequency of up to 300 Hz - they affect the brain, resulting in the suppression of natural biorhythms of the central nervous system, violation of the hormonal background, other deviations in the activities of vital organism.

Measure the pulsation is necessary for all lighting devices and devices equipped with displays: laptops, tablets, smartphones and mobile phones, as well as desktop and ceiling lamps and other light sources. To measure the coefficient of light pulsations, it is necessary:

  • put a luxmeter-pulsemeter on a working or school table, on the floor or any other surface, while the light stream must fall to the photo sensor;
  • if a multifunctional device is used, for example, RADEX Lupin, then it is enough to go to the pulsemeter mode - press the "P" button;
  • recall the result from the display.

To measure the pulsations of monitors, screens, LED and other lamps, it is necessary:

  • luxemeter-Pulsmeter Lower as close as possible to the measurement object. In this case, the photo sensor should be directed towards the object being measured;
  • if a multifunctional device is used, for example, RADEX Lupin, then it is enough to rotate the photo sensor towards the measurement object and translate the Luxeter to the Pulsemeter mode - press the "P" button;
  • recall the result from the display.

The following factors may affect the accuracy of measurement results:

  • the presence of additional light sources;
  • move the pulsemeter when performing measurements - the device must remain fixed;
  • other interferences - moving apartments and people, including falling leaves, flying birds and insects, etc.

Important! For accurate measurements of pulsation of fluorescent, LED and gas-discharge lamps, it is necessary to wait 5 minutes until they go to the stable mode of operation. It is more convenient to work with the RADEX Lupin pulsemeter, as it is equipped with a turning photocell.

In accordance with Sanpin 2.2.1 /, the maximum permissible value of ripples for workshops, bathrooms and waiting areas is 20%, for offices - 15%, residential rooms and bedrooms - 10%, children's, workplaces of PC operators, Cabinets and libraries - 5%. It is important to remember, we are not always able to see how the lamp flickes, but the excess of the permissible level of the pulsation coefficient negatively affects the state of the nervous system, and on performance, and on the mood.

Light measurement

Illumination is a physical value that represents the ratio of the light flux falling per unit area does not depend on the direction. Unit of measurement - LC (LM / M2). The lighting measurement of the luxmeter allows you to check the working conditions and life, create suitable conditions for plants and animals, determine the characteristics of the video equipment:

  • luxmeter must be placed horizontally at the measurement point, if it is necessary to determine the illumination of the workplace - the device must be put on the table so that the photo sensor is directed to the source or light sources;
  • when using the RADEX Lupin Luximeter, you need to go to the light measurement mode - press the "E" button;
  • recall the result from the display.

The illumination meter determines the amount of light falling on the surface from all sources, so if you need to find out the parameters of a specific lighting device, all the others need to turn off.

In accordance with Sanpin 2.2.1 / Minimum lighting of the party (tables for hobbies), rooms for engineers - is 500 LCs, rooms for group classes of preschoolers, surface of computer tables and in reading rooms - 400 LCs, cabinets, libraries and plumbing workshops - 300 lux.

Poor light contributes to the development of myopia and other problems with vision, causes fatigue, negatively affects labor productivity. Special attention should be paid to the lighting of training seats, as while reading, letters or work on a computer, with a lack of light, the eyes are severely overwhelmed. To measure the illumination, you do not need to invite professionals, just get to get luxmeter Radex Lupin. It is not expensive as an ordinary household luxmeter, but the measurement accuracy is not inferior to professional measuring equipment.

Brightness measurement

The brightness is the intensity of the light radiation surface of the light source, is measured in Kande on m 2. Depends on the reflectivity of the coating. So, with the same illumination, the brightness may differ. Low or excessively high brightness of lighting devices and screens can cause discomfort. As a result, the ability to concentrate attention is reduced, labor productivity drops.

Basically measure the brightness of monitors, screens and displays. It is more difficult to determine this parameter in the lighting devices - due to curvatinity of the surface it is difficult to obtain a reliable result, in addition, high brightness does not guarantee sufficient illumination. Measurement of this parameter by the RADEX LUPIN household timeline is carried out by the invoice:

  • switch to brightness measurement mode - in the RADEX Lupin, you must press the "L" button;
  • display white background;
  • install a photocell as close as possible to the measured monitor, display or lamp, if the lighting device heats up, keep it at a distance of 1 cm from the surface;
  • count the result.

When measuring, the device should be kept motionless. In order to increase the reliability of the result, it is necessary to determine the brightness at several points of the lamp or the screen, after which it is possible to calculate the averaged value. When working on a PC, it is recommended that there are no light sources in the field of view, the brightness of more than 200 cd / m2.

RADEXLIGHT software for Radex Lupin Luxury

Analysis of the lighting parameters is much more convenient to carry out with the help of free software RADEXLIGHT. To do this, you need to download RADEXLIGHT - software is distributed free of charge. The program can be downloaded from the page description of the luxmeter.

Program features:

  • obtaining information about the light stream;
  • construction of the frequency spectrum of ripples;
  • output parameters of measurement;
  • determination of the ripple coefficient;
  • turning off the 300 Hz filter - this function is provided only in the program, it is missing on the device.

Information on the monitor is output as graphs, which allows you to get a complete picture of the amplitude, frequency and form of the light flux.

How to improve lighting quality?

Most often deviations in the work of lighting devices are caused by their low quality. High ripple is characteristic of low-cost luminescent lamps with electromagnetic start-up adjustment. In devices with electronic password-adjusting devices, the level of pulsations is lower. The best way to lower the ripple level is to replace lamps or lamp. To measure the flickering of the LED lamp and check the quality of the LED and other lamps, and more precisely their characteristics when buying, can be compact luxmeter Radex Lupin, which provides high measurement accuracy.

To reduce the ripple, displays and screens will have to experiment with the settings. For example, raise the brightness until the level of pulsation becomes normal. At the same time, you can adjust the color palette in such a way that when looking at the screen did not occur with uncomfortable sensations. To enhance the illumination, you can replace the lamps or in addition to the main light source to use auxiliary: table lamps or sconces.

How to measure lamp parameters

In accordance with GOST R 54944-2012, it is necessary to use instruments with a maximum error of 10% to measure the illumination. As a rule, consuming expensive luxmeters correspond to this requirement, the cost of which is so high that they are not purchased to measure the parameters of light in living conditions. So it was until recently, until a luxmeter appeared Radex Lupin.With which the illumination can be defined, the ripple and brightness coefficient. The measurement error is 10%.

One of the most common factors in measuring is the largest number of questions in the preparation, measurement and evaluation of the results obtained. Along with the microclimate, the illumination is measured in all types of labor protection, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, production control, when accepting objects to operation and other works.

It would seem that the usual routine operation puts a lot of questions before the meter:

- Where to measure illumination - indoors or in the workplace?

- How to place the point of measurement of illumination indoors?

- And how to have a point of measurement of illumination in the workplace, indoors?

- How many measurements are enough to assess the room or workplace on the factor of artificial illumination?

- Averaging needed by an envelope method or several measurements at one point?

- And a number of other questions that I will try to answer this article.

I immediately put the framework of this article - we consider the measurement of the level of artificial illumination in the room and in the workplace in the horizontal plane.

First you need to figure out the terminology, since most of the problems proceeds just because of the ignorance of the factor that we measure. To help us will be GOST R 56228-2014 "Artificial lighting. Terms and Definitions", SP 52.13330.2011 "Set of rules. Natural and artificial lighting ", Sanpin 2.2.1 / "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined coverage of residential and public buildings" as basic documents with the coverage of concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation of artificial lighting.

General lighting - Lighting of open spaces or premises (general uniform lighting) or individual zones (general localized lighting) excluding special local requirements.

Working surface - The surface on which the work is carried out and for which the illumination is normalized.

Average illumination, LK - Illumination averaged on a given surface.

Minimum illumination E.min, LK - the smallest value is litsTI, defined at the points of the specified plane.

Conditional working surface - Conditionally adopted horizontal surface, located at an altitude of 0.8 m from the floor. ( SP 52.13330.2011).

Now we will define the measurement object: the room or workplace. Oddly enough, but these are different measurement and evaluation objects. The room we usually appreciate when we need to evaluate the compliance with Sanpin 2.2.1 / Almost all standards are listed there for premises or for working surfaces inside the surveyed rooms. With the standard for workers is more difficult. At the moment, there are practically no sanitary standards to assess the illumination at workplaces. There is only the SanPine project "Hygienic requirements for physical factors of the production environment", which has not been released from the project stage for several years. Yes, and in Sanpin itself there are standards, but they are again linked to the category of visual work, which implies a lot of preparatory work before the measurement and assessment of the results obtained.

An important condition for the measurement is to take into account the illumination of the room by outer lighting (the light of the sky and the sun). Measurements should be carried out in the dark or when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial indoors will be not more than 0.1. That is, if the normalized value in the room or in the workplace is 200 luxury, then the measurements can be carried out when the level of natural illumination with all the lamps turned off will be no more than 20 lux. Perhaps soon accreditation experts will be put into service this item and will require the records of the illumination of windows from an external source.

Regulatory value of illumination in Sanpin 2.2.1 / at its points minimum value on the work surface indoors. Thus, when evaluating on these sanitary rules, we will look for the minimum value from all the values \u200b\u200bof the indoor obtained. The method of measuring the minimum illumination is described in GOST R 54944-2012 "Buildings and structures. Methods for measuring lighting. " The control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working lights are placed in the center of the room under the luminaires, between the lamps and their rows, at the walls at a distance from 0.15L to 0.25 l but not more than 1 meter from the wall whereL. - Distance between rows of lamps.

Thus, we perform measurements in all the specified points of this exemplary sketch, and our presets will look like:

201 240 180 237 195 H. H. H. H. H.
191 270 215 264 230 H. H. H. H. H.
185 242 230 230 229 H. H. H. H. H.
235 269 235 275 240 H. H. H. H. H.
H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H.
H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H.
H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H.
Note: Empty cells marked x is also needed.

As a result, we received a grid from the preliminary measurement results, where the points are marked under the luminaires, and gray between the lamps. In order to compare with sanitary standards, we need to choose the smallest value from the obtained measurements. In our caseE. mIN. \u003d 180 lux, which will be an estimated value for the entire premises. To calculate the extended uncertainty of the measurement result, we need to carry out multiple measurements of at least 4 times and the minimum value point will be calculated. All the necessary formulas and the course of calculations are inGOST R 8.736-2011 State system for ensuring unity of measurements. Measurements direct multiple. Methods for processing measurement results. Basic provisions. " It is possible to measure once, but then for extended uncertainty, the coefficient of coverage 2 is introduced in accordance with P 50.2.038-2004 "Recommendations for metrology. Measurements are straight one-time. Evaluation of errors and uncertainty of measurement results.You can read more about this in the article:

This case works only for the room without separate jobs or if the entire room is a workplace.

One of the key errors of laboratories performed by specialists is the calculation of the average value according to the results of the measurements obtained and comparing with the hygienic standing. As I already wrote above, SanPine 1278-03 rations the illumination at the points of its minimum value on the working surface, which means that we should choose the minimum value. The average is always greater than the minimum and for our case will be the ESR - 230 lux, which, with a 200 lux in 200, will in the first case, it will make it possible to make a conclusion about the inconsistency of the premises by sanitary standards, which is correct, and in the second case it will make it possible to make a positive conclusion about what will happen To be considered a mistake in the work of the laboratory or the expert who did the measurement and evaluates.
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The poor lighting of the premises, the workplace or room in the apartment negatively affects human health, reduces the concentration of attention, performance, irritability and failures in the psyche appear. Very bright light is also a stimulus, and does not give anything positive for a person.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure normal illumination of the premises, which is regulated by a specific SNiP standard. This requires a simple installation of the corresponding lighting lamps for each room.

The illumination of the premises in the nominal expression is the flow of light, which is emitted to the surface at a right angle per unit area. When the light falls under an acute angle, illumination decreases depending on the angle of inclination.

The illumination is measured in suites, which is 1 lumen (light flux unit) on m 2.

The illumination of the premises directly depends on the power of the light, which comes from the source. The greater the distance from the light source to the surface, the less the lighting parameter.


Each type of room has its own light standards. For example, for the premises of the sale store, the largest pulsation value is set to 15%, the illumination of 300 suites, however, for the department of sports goods or building materials, the norm is completely different. The rules also establish a certain permissible illumination for a clinic, kindergartens, car services and other objects.

An example of the calculation of illumination

We define the necessary illumination for the bedroom. The bedroom area is 25 m 2. The value of the rules according to the rules for the rooms of this type we multiply on the area: 150 x 22 \u003d 3300 lux. The total lighting of the lighting devices at such an illumination must be equal to at least 3300 lumens.

Now it remains to choose the suitable lighting lamps for the bedroom. When choosing, you can, for example, purchase three such lamps of 12 watts. This will ensure the creation of a light flux of 3600 lumens, which can be seen by the table values.

This calculation is approximate, since the LED lamps have different light parameters depending on the manufacturer. Thus, it is easy to independently calculate the required power and type of lamps to create a normalized illumination of any room according to the rules of SNiP.

Light measurement devices

For measuring the illumination of premises, various devices that have their own design features and measurement methods are used. Major devices Consider in more detail.

Luxmeters are divided into electronic and analog, which are no longer produced, and only old samples of such models remained.

Such a luxmeter is used:
  • Checking the compliance of light illumination with regulatory data.
  • Measurement of lighting parameters during work on assessing working conditions.
  • With electrical workflows to compare illumination indicators with calculations for lighting devices.

The principle of the operation of the luximeter is to work the built-in, on which the flow of light is sent. At the same time, a significant flow of charged particles occurs in the photocell. As a result, the flow of electric current appears, the strength of which depends on the strength of the light stream aimed at the photocell. Usually this parameter is displayed on the instrument scale.

Types of Luxmeters
Depending on the location of the sensor measuring the illumination of the premises, the luxmeters are divided into types:
  • Monoblock (solid device) . The sensor is fixed in the case itself.

  • Device with remote sensor connected flexible wire.

To make simple measurements, the usual luxmeter monoblock is suitable, without auxiliary different functions. To determine several illumination parameters in the production of professional calculation, it is necessary to use devices that have an additional feature set. Such devices have built-in memory and can determine the average parameter values.

A significant advantage for the luxmeter is the presence of special light filters that help more accurately determine the value of the power of light, which comes from lighting devices with different shades of colors.

The presence of a remote sensor in the luxmeter makes it possible to determine the illumination with greater accuracy, since the effect of external factors is reduced. On modern models there is a liquid crystal display. With it, it is much easier to remove the instrument.

Footage for photographic equipment

In photographic equipment uses such devices as exposters (exposimetters) . They are intended to determine the parameters of the brightness and illumination of the exposure. By defining the values \u200b\u200bof these indicators, a professional photographer can get high-quality photographs.

The exposure meters are divided into types:
  • Internal.
  • External.

Such instruments are designed to measure illumination when photographing. In this case, an additional element uses a pulse type lighting devices (photo flash drives). In modern models of cameras, the flashmeter is located in the housing. It changes the photographes power at different levels of light.

Professionals apply flashmeters with a remote sensor, they are more accurately determined illumination.


Such a device is called a multimeter. It is a more modern option for a flashmeter. Its dignity is the combination of the options of the exposure meter and the flashmeter.

Pulsation of light

The uniformity of the lighting lighting devices leaves much to be desired. The effect expressed in the presence of oscillations in the light stream is not visible to the eye, but its impact on human health is of great importance.

The danger of such a light is that it is visually impossible to determine the presence of light pulses. And as a result of their actions, sleep may break, discomfort, depression, weakness, heart failures and other symptoms occur.

The pulsation parameter is its coefficient, which expresses the change in the flow of light, directed per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe surface over the time interval. The formula for calculating this coefficient is quite simple. The refuse rate ratio is determined by the difference between the greatest and smallest illumination during a certain time, divided into double medium light, and the result is multiplied by 100%.

Sanitary rules define the upper limit of the ripple coefficient. In the workplace, it should be no more than 20%, and depends on the degree of responsibility of the employee's work. The more responsible work, the smaller there should be a rating coefficient of lighting.

For the premises of administrations and offices with tense visual work, such a coefficient should not rise above 5% of the mark. At the same time, the flow of light of the frequency of pulsations up to 300 hertz is taken into account, since there is no point in account, due to the fact that it is not perceived by the human eye and does not negatively affect.

Determination of pulsation lighting

To determine the pulsation of light, an effective simple device is used, which measures the brightness, ripple and illumination of the rooms, and is called a luxeter-tuft meter.

Functions of the device
  • Measurement of pulsation of light waves arising from the flickering of various lighting devices.
  • Measurement of pulsation lighting monitors of computers and other screens.
  • Determination of the illumination of the room.
  • Determining the brightness of lighting and monitors.

The principle of operation of the device consists in checking the level of illumination using a photo sensor with a further signal conversion and output of the result on a liquid crystal display.

The pulsation coefficient of light can be determined using the program on the computer, or independently analyze the measurements. To analyze measurements, a special program "Ecolat-AP" is used on the computer, which works with the Ecolight-02 instrument.

Distinctive signs of measurement instruments that determine the ripples are the levels of sensitivity, the type of power and the quality of photo sensors.

The largest ripple coefficient is given LED lamps, when using which this parameter sometimes reaches 100%. And have a minor ripple coefficient. Incandescent lamps have a pulsation coefficient not higher than 25%. At the same time, the cost and quality of lamps do not play roles. Even expensive lamps can produce significant rastation indicators of light.

Methods reduction of pulsation lighting
  • The use of lighting devices operating on alternating current with a frequency of more than 400 hertz.
  • Installation of lighting reinforcement on different phases at a three-phase network.
  • Installation in the control device Lighting device Pra () and a special connection of shift lamps. The first lamp works on behind the current, and the 2nd on the ahead.
  • Installation of lamps with EPR. They are equipped with an electronic port-adjusting device, which smoothes the ripple and stabilizes the voltage.

If the lighting devices are connected to the same phase, then connect them to different phases will be problematic. Therefore, it will be more convenient to purchase lamps with EPR. Their dignity is compliance with all rules.

Control of the level of pulsation of lighting is necessary for human health, as the deviation from the norms leads to a violation of the performance and well-being of employees.

For residential buildings, the illumination of the premises is also important. The pulsation of light is not visible, but over time its negative impact is manifested.

Measurement of artificial illumination and ripple coefficient in the presence of natural lighting

Measuring artificial illumination and pulsation coefficients in the presence of natural lighting.

Measuring artificial illumination during the daytime.

In Muk 4.3.2812-10, the requirements are established that it is allowed to measure artificial illumination and pulsation coefficients only if the natural background of illumination in the examined point does not exceed 10% of the measured artificial illumination. That is, this means that for most rooms with external windows, such measurements must be carried out in the dark time. Such requirements are introduced in order to eliminate the impact on the measurement results of natural daylight lighting.

The presence of windows in the surveyed rooms even relatively small sizes leads to significant distortion of measurement results of artificial illumination and ripples coefficient, especially on sunny days.

The ability to measure artificial illumination and ripples in the dark time of the day is often complicated by the fact that many objects are closed into access to many objects. However, there is no possibility to organize personnel of these objects to provide access to them at night.

Another obstacle to carry out measurements of artificial illumination and its pulsation coefficient in the dark time of the day, is a polar day set by summer in many northern regions of Russia. The round-the-clock presence of sunlight makes it impossible to conduct such measurements within a few months.

Measurements of illumination with subtraction of a natural background.

By solving the problem of the presence of a natural background during measurements of artificial illumination, measurements could serve as the windows closed with light-tight materials (curtains, blinds, shutters, etc.). However, it is not always possible to close window loops, especially in manufacturing, public and office buildings with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing.

In such cases, the only way to measure artificial illumination remains a method for subtracting a natural background from the value of the total (total) illumination. The basis of this method is the fact that at each point of space the resulting illumination is the sum of all illumination created at this point by each individual light source:

where E1, E2, E3, ....., EN - the illumination created at this point the sources of light number 1, 2, 3, ...., N.

That is, in the presence of natural and artificial lighting, the overall illumination will be their sum:

where is the background of natural illumination, the need for artificial illumination.

On the example shown in Figure 1, we see

that the background of natural illumination of 100 LCs (heest, yellow line) was added to the level of artificial illumination of 200 LCs (EISC, blue line) and the total level of illumination amounted to 300 LCs (E, greene line).

Thus, if with an artificial illumination turned off in the surveyed point, the illumination due to the presence of natural lighting is measured, and subtract it from the value of the total illumination at the same point, then we will get the value of artificial illumination:

The boundaries of the main relative error of the measurement result made in this manner, subject to the insignificance of the contribution of the random component, can be estimated as θ \u003d 1.1 √2 θpr, where θpr is the relative error of the measurement tool, (θ \u003d 12.5%, with θpr \u003d 8 %), with a trust probability p \u003d 0.95.

Measurements of artificial illumination with the subtraction of a natural background can be performed, for example, an ordinary luxmeter-02-02 tulsmeter. However, it is necessary to take into account that the conduct of such two-stage measurements is possible only under the condition that, during that time, both stages of measurement will be performed, the level of natural illumination will remain constant. Those. Such measurements should be carried out in the conditions of the maximum stable luminous setting, namely:

  • dense cloudiness;
  • lack of movement of people and objects in the area of \u200b\u200bthe measurement point;
  • minimum time between measurement stages
  • etc.

Measuring the fault coefficient of artificial lighting in the presence of the background of natural light.

We described a method for measuring artificial illumination in the presence of a natural background. Even showed how this can be done using a conventional luxmeter and manual recalculation of measurement results. However, this method cannot be directly applied to measure the coefficient of pulsations of artificial lighting. We will illustrate this on the example.

If you look at Fig. 2, you can see that in our example the maximum value of pulsations of artificial lighting (blue curve) EMAKS \u003d 200 LCs, while the minimum value of EMEIN \u003d 100 LCs. Then, according to the formula for calculating the coefficient of ripples from the article "Pulsation of illumination and brightness" we get that:

those. KP \u003d (200-100) / (200 + 100) \u003d 100/300 \u003d 33.3%.

However, if we measure the usual luxmeter-ralsmeter (for example, the same "eclait-02", which helped us in the previous example with the background subtraction) of the pulsation coefficient of total (artificial and natural) light, then, in the presence of the background of natural illumination, Xesta \u003d 100 LCs (yellow straight), we obtain the values \u200b\u200bfor the total illumination (Fig. 2, green curve) EMAKS \u003d 300 LC, EMEIN \u003d 200 LC. Substituting these values \u200b\u200bin formula (4), we get:

KP \u003d (300-200) / (300 + 200) \u003d 100/500 \u003d 20% (!).

The understatement of the lighting pulsation coefficient is due to the additive of a constant level from natural lighting. Since, the usual luxmeter cannot take into account when calculating the ripple coefficient, the presence of a natural background, then the device will measure the pulsations of artificial lighting, if there is a natural background, it is impossible !!!

However, there is a way to obtain the correct value of the fault coefficient of artificial lighting in the presence of a natural background. To do this, it is necessary before calculating the KP to deduct from the maximum (EMAKS) and the minimum (EMEIN) values \u200b\u200bof the total illumination value of the background at this point. By performing the specified subtraction of the background, we obtain the following expression for the ripple ratio:

We simplify and get the following formula:

Acting for such an algorithm, we will get the true value of the fault coefficient of artificial lighting. Let's try to calculate the KP from our example on it in Fig. 2., Where we have the level of natural illumination hees \u003d 100 LC (yellow straight), the maximum value of the illumination EMAKS \u003d 300 lk and the minimum elevation value of EMEIN \u003d 200 LC. Calculate by formula (5) the coefficient of pulsation of artificial lighting taking into account the natural background:

KP \u003d (300-200) / (300 + 200-2 × 100) \u003d 100 / (500-200) \u003d 100/300 \u003d 33.3%

We see that by conducting calculations on the proposed algorithm, we obtained the same value of the fault rate of artificial lighting, which, when calculating it in the absence of a natural background. That is, if in the luxmeter-pulsmeter is implemented by such an algorithm for calculating the ripple coefficient, taking into account the presence of a natural background, then, as a result, we will get the correct value. Of course, subject to the same requirements for the conditions for carrying out such measurements, which were formulated above for measuring artificial illumination, taking into account the presence of a natural background.

The error of measurements of the pulsation coefficient of artificial illumination in the presence of a natural background can be estimated by the magnitude of the main relative error of the measurement tool, which for this parameter is 10%.

How to measure the coefficient of pulsations of artificial lighting in the presence of a natural background with the "Ecolat-01" Pulsmeter Luxemeter.

The proposed algorithm for measuring the pulsations of artificial lighting in the presence of a natural background is implemented in the "Ecolat-01" pulsmeter luxemeter. In this device, there is a special measurement mode, taking into account the presence of natural illumination. We give a fragment with a description of this regime from the operating manual, to Ecolait-01. Measuring the illumination and pulsations, taking into account the level of background illumination, is carried out in the mode of stopping the current measurement by selecting the menu item "Accounting Background".

Before starting the measurement mode, taking into account the background, it is necessary to leave only the source of background illumination (for example, to pay off all artificial light sources). After starting the measurement mode taking into account the background, the device at the first stage, for 10 seconds, goes into measurement mode and averaging the background value of the illumination (Fig. 10).

After starting the measurement mode, taking into account the background, a flashing icon appears in the upper information row, about the inclusion of this mode.

ATTENTION!!! When measuring the averaged background value of illumination, it is strictly forbidden to perform actions that can lead to distortion of the result of its measurement. For example, change the position of the photo heads, change the lighting atmosphere at the measurement point (on / off light sources, opening / closing window and doorways, moving objects and persons in the vicinity of the photo head heads, etc.).

After measuring the background values \u200b\u200bof illumination, the device switches to the display mode of the overall illumination level minus the foundation of the background illumination. Because At this stage, the light sources are not yet turned on, then the illumination readings are zero (or close to it). (Fig.11)

After turning on the light sources, the BOI-01 screen will display the illumination value obtained as a result of subtraction from the overall level of illumination of the background illumination level. In the second line, the pulsation value of the included light sources is presented, which is calculated after (!) Subtract background values, which avoids distortion of the ripple coefficient when using the subtraction method "manually". (Fig.12).

ATTENTION!!! The "Background Accounting" function ensures the accuracy of the measurements carried out only under the following conditions:

  • measurements of the background and subsequent general illumination are made at one point of space;
  • when measured, movements are excluded and changing the orientation of the photo heads;
  • when measured, the fluctuations of the background values \u200b\u200bare excluded;
  • measuring the background and the subsequent measurement of general illumination must be carried out as a maximum possible short time to minimize the inevitable changes in time.

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