
The installer launches Windows 7 services. Why are not installed programs from files.msi? Windows Installer does not work. Removing outdated version

Hello everyone, today I will teach you how to enable Windows Installer safe modeSince by default it does not work there, which is not always convenient and necessary, there are times that the computer is loaded only in this mode and it is possible to correct the problem by removing software, but if you do not work, it is not possible to implement. The benefit has workarounds.

When you try to delete any application you get this error.

The Windows Installer Service is not available in safe mode. Repeat after completing work in safe mode, or use the system recovery to return to the previous operational state.

Turn on Windows Installer Service

Probably 99 percent of Windows applications for normal installation or removal use windows Installer ServiceAnd if it turns out that it does not work you can not do anything. Earlier, I told about the error 0x80070570 in Windows 8.1, there I had a problem that the computer was wildly slowed down and did not load, it was not possible to restore because of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. It was possible to boot only through the safe mode, but remove the antivirus did not succeed because of the disconnected service, I make a note to the future to get around.

It is probably logical that each of you will think, and I will run as I serve a Windows Installer in manual, for this press Win + R and write Services.msc.

Find the Windows Installer Service, click on it with the right click and say to start and in the end it turns out Error 1084: This service does not start in safe mode

But we are not accustomed to you to retreat and make such a maneuver. Open the registry editor and go to such a bush.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ SAFEBOOT \\ minImal (if the system is running in the usual Safe Mode.) or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ SAFEBOOT \\ NETWORK (if a secure command line support is used)

Now in the right place of the registry, create a new directory here with this name MSISERVER and the Default parameter will automatically appear, set it the service value, for this, click on it with double click.

Errors When installing applications from files with extension. MSI is one of the manifestations of the Windows Installer service (in the Russian-language version - Windows Installer). Such a phenomenon face users of all versions of this OS, with the exception of the earliest. Until now, the problem with the installer is one of frequent reasonsBy which users are resolved to reinstall the system. Let's try to figure out how to avoid it. The reason for Windows Installer does not work, maybe the following:

  • viral infection, and the removal of the virus does not always solve the problem;
  • incorrect installation windows updates;
  • the protection software fails when, instead of blocking one suspicious MSI file, the installation service is blocked entirely;
  • changes in security policies on a computer;
  • damage to system files or registry for reasons not related to viruses (removal of installer components, unqualified edit registry, "Curve" software, malfunction hard disk etc.).

Check the integrity of the Windows Installer structure

Windows installer is represented by the following components:
  • c: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe file - directly by the installer appointment;
  • c: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ MSI.DLL file - Windows Installer library;
  • the MSISERVER service, the parameters of which are stored in the Registry section.
Before diagnostics, it is important to make sure that there are both of these files in the system, which in the registry has the above section and its parameters have normal values \u200b\u200b(values \u200b\u200bcan be viewed in the registry of a similar, working system). Also open the list of services (click Windows + R and enter the "Open" line to "Run" the Services.msc command). Find the Windows Installer and make sure it starts. In the absence of files, copy them from another system of the same version or from the installation disk. If there is no registry key or damaged - also transfer it from the working system. To do this, on a good computer, run the registry editor (C: \\ Windows \\ regedt.exe) and find the above section. Expand the MSISERVER folder context menu and click Export. Save the file in format.Reg and transfer it to a problem machine. Click twice this file and confirm your consent to add data to the registry. Restart the computer. If the MSISERVER service is still not started, check if the RPC service works (remote procedure call) from which it depends. You can re-establish the installer files and restart the service using a set of special commands, on the command prompt. For convenience, you can create a command file: Insert a set of actions in a notebook and save both with the extension.Bat. To start the file, just double click on it. To make changes to act, click on the desktop and press F5.

Check the security settings and access rights

Windows Installer may not work and due to the fact that it blocks the protective software or operating system No right. To begin with, we will deal with the software. If you have installed antivirus - temporarily disconnect it. Methods for disconnecting each product, but most often this is done through the antivirus icon context menu in the system tray. Now we will deal with rights. Open the msiexec.exe context menu and expand its properties. Check the list of groups and users on the Safety tab. Among them, there must be a "system" and the "TrustedInstaller" service, and the latter must have full access To the file and be its owner. The system must have the rights to read and read and execute. The TrustedInstaller service first appeared in Windows Vista, so in Windows XP full access must be provided with the system. Everything that is written below relate to versions released later than XP. To check who owner Msiexec.exe, click the "Advanced" button on the same tab. In the next window, discover the "Owner" tab. Make the owner of the TrustedInstaller service if something else is specified as it. If you do not have it in the "Change Owner to" list, click the "Change" button, and next - "Other users and groups". Enter TrustedInstaller in the field "Enter the names ...", click "Check Names" and OK. Return to the previous window. On the "Existing Permissions" tab, assign TrustedInstaller and the system necessary rights. Exactly the same security settings must be at the MSI.dll library. Now check if there are no restrictions for the user "System" to access the following:
  • system disk (usually drive C);
  • temporary folders (this is C: \\ Windows \\ TEMP and C: \\ Users \\ Current user \\ APPDATA \\ TEMP);
  • c: \\ Config.msi folder;
  • the folder where the MSI file is located from which you are trying to install the program.
All these objects system must provide full access. It is also done as we disassembled above. After these operations, in most cases, the problem with the installer is successfully solved. If our tips did not help you, the reason for the failure lies in something else and experts should already be dealing with her.

Sometimes, during the installation of any program, an error with code 1719 may jump on the screen, which states that the Windows Installer service is not available. The reasons for this problem may be several. Let's deal with them and try to solve them.

Windows 7, 8, 10 installer service is not available or answers

Scan system files

So, having seen a similar message on the screen, you should immediately scan system files. To run the scan tool must be launched. command line on behalf of the administrator, click Start On the desktop - enter the CMD search, click on the appropriate command line icon with the right mouse button and select - launch with administrator rights. In the command line window that opens, write the SFC / SCANNOW task and click ENTER. After the verification is completed, your problem can be solved.

Availability Windows Installer

Open Start - execute. In the window that opens, enter the SERVICES.MSC task.

In a new window, find the Windows Installer.

Click on the icon twice. In the window, find the Start Type option and make sure that in front of it is automatically selected or manually. After that, select Run and click OK. Next, you need to restart the computer so that the changes come into force and try to reinstall the required program.

You can also start the installer via the command line. It needs to register Net Start Msiserver and click ENTER. After that, you will see the appropriate alert that the service is running.

Delete and re-registration service

If, after the fraud, the error occurs anyway, try re-register the installer. This can be done in two ways: using the command line and use the service.

Consider the first option. Specify which version of the operating system is installed on your computer 32 or 64-bit. To do this, go to my computer, and right mouse click on an empty place. Select Properties. In the pop-up window you will find the required information.

Enter the command line under the administrator's name (how to do it is described above). For a 32-bit system, type the command msiexec / unregister, which deactivates the installer. Click ENTER And then enter Msiexec / Register, which will again contribute to the system.

If your system is 64-bit, then the commands will be as follows:

% Windir% \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe / Unregister

% Windir% \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe / RegServer

% Windir% \\ System64 \\ msiexec.exe / Unregister

% Windir% \\ System64 \\ Msiexec.exe / RegServer

After that, restart the car.

The second option implies the use of the service to perform, which can be opened through the Start menu. In the line, enter MSIEXEC / Unregister and click OK. Then enter MSIEXEC / REGSERVER. Do not worry if you do not observe any changes on the screen. Your problem, however, should disappear after that.

Changes in the registry

A more radical method - change the parameters in the registry. In the service, enter the REGEDIT command. The registry editor window opens. It needs to go on the branch:


Find the ImagePath item and make sure that its value matches the following: % Systemroot% \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe / V. If the indicator is different, click on the left mouse button on the title of the item and in the window that appears, enter the required parameters. After that, you need to run the Services.msc service, as described.

In the 64-nuclear system, the WOW64 parameter must also be taken into account. Its indicator should be 0, the calculus system must be hexadecimal.

The overwhelming number of users working on domestic PCs of all types, sometimes you need to install new program From Microsoft Corporation. Usually the entire pair of clicking the mouse - and ready, you can use. But, like any sufficiently complex system, Windows can fail. As a rule, the service is to blame the service - "Windows Installer", which is engaged in unpacking programs from installing packages and registering values \u200b\u200bto work in the registry. All files packed using the protocols of this installer are supplied with the MSI extension. Each package is performed using OLE technology (universal solution used for software products Microsoft) and is a well-structured microbase of data from the corresponding to each other tables with the data required for installation. In addition, it is also a set of libraries, scripts and other files, packaged by the CAB archiver. For installation packages from Microsoft for Windows, starting with 2000, it is characterized by the use of this particular service, which was replaced by ACME Setup, standard installer previous versions windows systems. The main differences from the plane of the archaic versions and 9x) - return to the previous state of the system at any time, and the opportunity should be noted that there are a number of widely used alternative installers - Inno Setup, Nullsoft Installation System, Minstaller, Spinstall, Smart Install Maker, Rinstall Wizard And so on, but for understandable reasons, Windows Installer (Windows Installer) occupies a leading position.

In this article, we will tell you how to eliminate possible problems with Windows Installer, performing a set of recovery procedures, which will not allow the OS reinstall, which prefers to make most users. In the worst case, you will need to check and re-register a large number of Libraries, check multiple registry keys or reinstalling the program. But it is quite possible, everything will be done only by the launch of the automated restorative utility that will do everything for you. We tried to collect the most full information On this issue, which will allow you to save time.

So, typical errors When starting installation packages under windows control Installer - "Failed to launch the Windows Installer service", "No access to the Windows Installer service", "failed to run the Windows Installer service on local computer"." Error 5: We try to start the automated correction mode of the problem through microsoft app Fixit by downloading the appropriate patch from the official website of the Corporation. A patch link can be obtained in Article 2438651 (for older than Windows 7, the automatic diagnostic system will be installed, for XP users, you need to update to SP3 before installation).

If for some reason the patch did not help and pops up the same error, we try to cope with the problem in another way. Start (Win + R\u003e cmd.exe) in the system administrator mode. Type SFC / ScanNow and wait until the system restores damaged libraries. Re-register with Msiexec / Unregister and Msiexec / RegServer commands. After that, register the Windows Installer library using the REGSVR32 MSI.DLL command. Then you need to try to start the installation file again. Most likely, everything will work. If not, you need to restart the system in typing there Msiexec / RegServer. We try again. If it did not help it, then it's time to re-install the Windows Installer's service. The easiest way to make it using windows utilities Installer Cleanup Utility. You can download it from the official site. microsoft support, at the same time "capture" from the official website of the Windows 45 installer, which itself is up toilen version For almost the entire modern line of Windows. Most likely, this version of the installer of modern one that was installed on your car. Unless you used the Windows 7 installer on licensed copy. After all the Labor, run the program installation file. If you did everything right, then everything will pass successfully.

Windows Installer Service is one of the significant elements of the operating system that is needed for installation. software. This service applies all programs developed for Windows to be if when installing some kind of program, Windows Installer is outside access or simply does not respond, the installation will not be performed.

In most situations, such inscriptions appear on the computer screen:

To solve the task of access to the Windows 7, 8 or 10 Installer service, there are several working methods.

Unavailable Installer Service Windows 7

If there is no access to the Installer's service, then it is not necessary to immediately engage in reinstalling the Windows system, and it is better to make some actions to restore its operating functions. To begin with, you need to find out whether the launch of this service has occurred and is it really.

To do this, we take the following actions:

  • need to open a list of Windows 7 click on the keys Win + R., then enter the command services.msc. in the "Run" window;
  • further in the list you want to find the Windows installer and click on it 2 times;

It is important to know that when launch Windows Installer looks like this:

  • end Stage - Enable automatic launch Windows Installer Services (in the 7th Windows, it is possible to change the type of launch to "automatically"), reboot and re-install the program.

If the first way to correct an error 1719 did not bring any result, then you should try the Windows Installer service to register in the system to be launched on behalf of the command line administrator.

To do this, you will need to find in standard programs Command line, after which it click on the right side of the computer mouse and select "Run on behalf of the administrator."

In order to re-register the Windows Installer Service at 32-BB version, you need to enter two commands:

  • first - msiexec / Unregister;
  • second - msiexec / Register.

It is worth considering that after performing these commands, it is necessary to make a reboot of the PC.

To eliminate the error in the 64-bit version, you must enter successively such commands:

1.% windir% \\ System32 \\ msiexec.exe / unregister;

2.% Windir% \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe / RegServer;

3.% windir% \\ syswow64 \\ msiexec.exe / unregister;


After which you need to restart computer device. After such manipulations, the error should be out.

Unavailable Installer Service Windows 10

If there is a question about how to enable the Windows 10 Installer Service, then there are certain actions designed to solve this task. One of the solutions methods is the reset parameters of the Windows Installer service in the registry.

This happens in this way:

  • you need to click on the "Start" key and open the "Run" section;
  • enter team regedit.;
  • in the window that opens, the editor needs to go on the branch - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ MSISERVER;
  • checking the conformity of the ItemPath item with the value - % Systemroot% \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe / V
  • if the indicators have the difference, they need to be balanced by entering the required parameters in the window of this item, which opened after pressing (2 times) with the left side of the computer mouse;
  • running service services.msc..

With a 64-bit version of the system, the WOW64 parameter must be taken into account, whose parameter is equal to zero. At the same time, a hexadecimal calculus system must be used in the properties.

At the end of all manipulations for changing the registry parameters, it is required to make a restart of the computer.

If after all methods used and there is no access to the Windows Installer Installer service, you can try the radical method to change the registry settings: Creating a registry file using a notepad program with a subsequent startup file and updating the registry point:

  • after pressing the "Start" key, you need to enter a notebook in the "Search" window;
  • file opening Notepad.exe. in the program "Program";
  • in the notepad window you need to insert the text copied on the official website of the registry update;
  • you need to select "Save As" in the "File" menu and enter the file name. Msirepair.reg.;
  • in the "File Type" window, you must designate all files (*. *);
  • in the "Save" field, you need to mark the desktop, and then the action is directly to "save";
  • to close the notepad you need to click the command Output in the "File" menu;
  • then the desktop requires the right mouse button to open the file. Msirepair.reg. And select the "Startup on behalf of the administrator" section. After entering the required password, you need to click "Continue";
  • after the proposal to set the registry sections, you need to click on the "Yes" item;
  • reinstall the required program.

It should be borne in mind that when using this method, a registry change occurs. So that this action There were no critical problems, the entire parameter reset procedure should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. It is also recommended to create backup Registry as an additional data protection tool. This is done to recreate the registry after serious problems.

Removing outdated version

In some cases, the Windows Installer service cannot be launched due to the presence. outdated version. It must be removed. This is done by switching along the track "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs". In the last point you want to find "Delete / change the program" and use it for the necessary label. As a result, as usual, you need to reboot and re-install the system.

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