
Activation of the Windows 10 account. Binding licenses to Microsoft account

If you use a local account, this instruction will help link the Windows 10 key to your Microsoft account for simpler repeat activation when updating the computer configuration.

With the release for Microsoft introduced many changes and functions, including a way to simplify the activation process of the system. Although the activation of Windows 10 and so was extremely simple, repeated activation after making changes to the configuration of the computer could cause difficulties.

Starting with Windows 10 Anniversary Update.The product key is no longer tied to hardware components - therefore it can be tied to Microsoft account. The innovation allows you to re-activate Windows 10 without the need to contact the service. technical support Microsoft after serious iron changes in your computer, including replacement motherboard, processor or hard disk.

Binding windows licenses 10 The Microsoft account is an automated process if you use Microsoft account to authorize. When using a local account requires a manual binding of the product key to the Microsoft account.

In this manual, imagine step-by-step instructions, how to link the product key with Microsoft account for easy re-activation.

How to Associate Windows 10 licensed with Microsoft Account

So that everything worked, you need to pre-check the status activation of Windows 10, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Select the Activation tab

A message should be displayed on the activation page: "Windows system is activated using a digital license" (or product key).

After you have seen in the presence of Windows 10 activation, you need to add a Microsoft account to which the product key must be tied. Nevertheless, it is very important to keep in mind that this process Changes the type of account with the local on Microsoft account.

  1. Open the "Parameters" application.
  2. Select the "Accounts" section.
  3. Select the "Your Data" tab.
  4. Click the link "Log in instead with Microsoft Account."
  5. Fill out the account data.
  6. Click "Login".
  7. Enter the current password.
  8. Click "Next".
  9. Click the "Install PIN" or "Skip this step" to complete the process.
After you completed the execution of the steps, you can delete the Microsoft account, but when performing the reverse process, the device will be deleted from the account, which will cancel binding.

Check successfully binding in the following way:

  1. Open the "Parameters" application
  2. Select "Update and Security"
  3. Select the Activation tab

On the Activation page, the message "Windows system is activated using a digital license tied to your Microsoft account". Additionally, you can log in to the Microsoft account using a web browser and turning into the "" section. There you must see your computer in the list, which indicates a successful binding.

What do you think about a new approach to activation operating system Windows 10? Share in the comments.

For cooperation, please contact our or by correspondence. Free help In infection and technical problems it turns out on the forum, and it is necessary to create new topic In a suitable section.

Any point on the map may be the center of the world. It is not bad and not good. He is just there. There is no virtue and dishonor. There are only you alone with your conscience. And so until the race is completed until the end comes until we turn into the ghosts that they themselves seemed to themselves. (c) k / f "Legend"

From indecision we lose more than from the wrong decision. (c) Karmel soprano

IN lately (due to the Windows 10 output), very often in the network there is an opinion: Windows 10 activation system has changed much, the activation is now attached to the device and account Microsoft, and the key is no longer needed. Often references to articles containing this opinion are used as arguments in disputes. Let's try to figure out, is it really so.

To the question "Where does this information come from?" Usually refer to the fact that Gabriel Aul or someone else from Microsoft said something like that. At best, quotes like this is:

If You've Previously Activated A Genuine Copy of Windows 10 ON Your Device, You'll Be Able to Activate Windows 10 Insider Preview Builds of the Same Edition Worthout The Need to Enter a Product Key. This Will Also Enable You to Ree-Install The Latest Public Release of Windows 10 WITHOUT ENTERING A PRODUCT KEY IF YOU NO LONGER WANT Windows INSIDER PREVIEW ON Your Device.

Attentive reader (a little familiar with English), pay attention to the fact that in the quotation there is no word about any changes in the activation system. And personally, I did not come across a single official source in which Microsoft or her employees would report similar changes.

Now let's turn to the practical part:

In VMware Player will create virtual Machine (for Windows 10 x64), depriving it to network access (just in case), and install Windows 10 in it.

Myth 1 - Windows 10 installed keyless: In Windows 10 Microsoft returned the opportunity to skip the product key insertion at the installation phase (as it was in Windows 7), it really is. However, whether the OS is installed without a key?

IN installed system Open the command line (on behalf of the administrator), and enter the SLMGR.VBS / DLV command:

As you can see, the system already has a key (3V66T), or rather:

  • VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T for Pro Editor,
  • YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7 for HOME edition,
  • or BT79Q-G7N6G-PGBYW-4YWX6-6F4BT for Home SL.
What are these keys? These are installation keys (default) suitable for installing a distribution distribution of an appropriate edition (in the absence of a unique key), such keys exist for previous versions Windows. Where did the key come from? Considering that when installing the key, we did not enter, and the system did not have access to the network, the key substituted the installer in response to our failure to enter your own.

Myth 2 - Windows 10 can activate keyless: We have already found out that the key in the system is still there. Now let's see what we have with activation: "Start / Parameters / Update and Security / Activation".

Since there is no access to the network, the system invites us to connect to the Internet to activate, or perform activation by phone. Let's see what will happen if we delete the key from the system (after all, according to myth, I do not need) "SLMGR.VBS / UPK".

Surprisingly many references seems to be an unnecessary product key, and not a single sentence to activate the system without it. Apparently the "crucial Indians" again injected something.

Myth 3 - Now activation is attached to the computer, and not to the key: Let's return to activation by phone (with the 3V66T key installed), choose your country, and you see such a window in the next step:

What is this set of nine sequences numbers? And this is an identifier obtained on the basis of a key bundle (installed in the system) and equipment (on which this system is installed). At the moment of activation, this identifier is saved on the server, and a response code is generated (suitable only for this identifier). If you make significant changes to the PC configuration, set the system with the same key to another PC or change the product key on this - the identifier will change, does not match the saved on the server, and the activation will not be executed.

Windows and used to be tied to the device by this mechanism, but it is important to understand that the key is involved in this binding (and now) (without which the identifier will not be formed).

It is worth noting that "boxes" keys have the right to transfer to other devices (i.e., you can delete boxes Windows from one device, and set to another), in which case the server (recognizing the "box" key) will save the new identifier and activates System on a new device.

Myth 4 - Activation Windows 10 is attached to Microsoft account: We have already installed the system above and got the ability to activate it (by phone) - without a single mention of Microsoft account. Even if you install the system (with access to the network), the installer provides the ability to not connect to the account:

How does the device, never connecting to the Internet (activated by phone), or not once not connected to the Microsoft account (using the local), can be attached to the account (which no one created) - remains a mystery.

Myth 5 - the keys will now not be at all: Will! And in boxes and stitched in Bios maternal boards (devices with pre installed windows 10). The key is the only proof (for the activation server) that you have bought Windows in one way or another.

Well, now a little about what has ever changed: One single (small) change has nothing to do with activation mechanisms. Just all who updated their Windows 7 / 8.1 to 10 (at the time of the update), activated with those setpoint keys (default), which is why when (pure) reinstalling Windows 10 On the same device you do not need to enter the key (the installer itself will substitute the key with which the system is activated).

This "course of the horse" is true, creates one small problem (for box license holders), because according to the Windows 10 license agreement:

b. Autonomous software. If the software was purchased as autonomous (as well, if the software was updated from the offline version), you can transfer software to another device belonging to you. In addition, you can transfer software to a device belonging to another person if (i) You are the first licensed user of this software and (ii) new user agrees with the terms of this Agreement. To transfer software you can use the allowed backup or media on which you received software. Before transferring the software to a new device, you must remove it from the previous device. It is forbidden to transfer software to share licenses on multiple devices. "

Those. The license for Windows 10 (received by the update of the box Windows 7 / 8.1) has the right of transfer (without restrictions on time), and on the fact clean installation And the activation of 10 on another device is impossible without (own) key, and the installation of box 7 / 8.1 to a new device with the subsequent update to 10 (this is how it proposes to use the right of transfer microsoft support) will cease to be free after July 28, 2016. But this is another conversation ...

Until today, when the user installed some of the versions of Windows, the introduction of a licensed key was familiar. Now, starting with the new Bield of Windows 10 at number 14371, the activation mechanism has undergone changes - the key from now on must be entered once.

After a single key insertion, the Microsoft license is automatically binding to the MSA account, or Microsoft Account. In case the operating system is installed for the first time, or if the device is updated to new system From versions of Windows 7 / 8.1, the activation status remains saved on the server, and then, during subsequent installations, it is only confirmed.

It should be noted that Microsoft does not disclose everything to the smallest details of how it is precisely the process of activating Windows 10, most likely, this is done so that the hackers have no way. It pleases that the process of reinstalling the system "from scratch" has changed and the previously required key "went into the fly". In addition, when the user updates its device with Windows 7 and 8 to the "top ten", then the creation of a unique identifier, which relates to a specific gadget, which is based on the license key and the combination of components. If the system is set to the same device, then its activation occurs automatically. Of course, for a user, this kind of version will be at least convenient, as if you have to change the iron, or in some other case, reactivate Windows will become easier.

If you stay on desktops, then in this case, when using Microsoft's account, instead of a local account, the license will "bind" to MSA automatically. For this purpose, the developers have created for Windows 10 service that implements an activation check while maintaining its status on the network. If a license for some reason flies, then with new service Activation Troubleshooter, as well as its own Microsoft account, the license is easily restored.

It is noteworthy that if the user changed the video card or hDD On the desktop, the Windows activation system will not be considered as a computer replacement, as a result of which the user will avoid sets of problems. Only here the new motherboard is still considered by Microsoft, as a transition to a completely new device. In this case, Software Licensing Management will ask repeated activationwhich can be implemented on a mobile device.

In case the user acquired a copy of Windows Not together with the "hardware", the user can take advantage of the right to transfer the system to another computer. But when Windows, together with the OEM license, was pre-installed on the desktop "out of the box", then in this case the transfer to the other device is impossible. According to preliminary data, new opportunity It will appear in the release of the update of Anniversary Update after a month later.

Binding a Windows 10 license to your account is extremely important in case you want to save the right to transfer it to another computer or further use it after changing components. So you need to know how to bind a licenseWindows 10 to account.

It is worth understanding that not all licenses can be saved for use on other computers. For a regular user, in principle, there are two types of licenses for Windows:

  • OEM license. This is the case when Windows is pre-installed and activated directly from the box by the manufacturer.
  • Retail license. This license users buy separately from the computer as a key or installation media. They are used in a wide variety of purposes, most often to activate Windows on the computer collected personally.
OEM license can not be transferred. Bought new computer Or a new motherboard? Have to buy new key For Windows 10. OEM keys remain linked to the device for life and impossible to transfer them.

Retail license can be transferred. You can change computer components (motherboard, for example) or buy / collect a new PC. To save the right to use the acquired key, you need to follow the procedure for binding a license to Microsoft account.

Important: You cannot use Retail keys on two computers or more simultaneously. License transfer will cancel activation on the previous device. One license on one computer.

The whole procedure is done with Activation Assistantwhich was presented in Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Important: Manually tie the license is necessary on the computer where the local account is used. If you enter with the MSA account, the binding will pass automatically.

  • Open Start - Parameters - Update and Security. In the side menu you need to choose the item Activation, and from there click on the button Add Account. The account on which this action is performed must have administrator rights.
  • Enter data on your Microsoft account - login and password. If everything has passed successfully, Windows will inform you that activation is carried out using a digital license associated with Microsoft's profile.
  • After that, your license will be sewn to an account, and you can transfer it to another computer or update the glands in your device.
How to restore a license for Windows 10?
  • On a new or updated computer, open Parameters - Update and Security. In point Activation click Correction of problems.
  • Now the system should notify you about the problems of activation and the absence of the ability to activate installed copy Windows. To solve the error click I recently changed hardware On this device.
  • Enter the account data to which you tied the license. Subject to the use of an account with attached activation, simply skip the step on which the information on the profile must be entered.
  • The next step Windows will show a list of computers where your Windows key is used. Select the one to which the license is transferred and check the item This is a device that I use right now. Then click Activate.
After that, the system will be activated.

Like most licensed software, operating windows system 10 is a paid product. But she also has a "conditional free" version. Each user itself decides whether to leave the test version on the computer or still go through the OS activation process. Those who opted for a licensed version can receive a cherished activation key in several ways.

Why activate windows 10

"Conditionally free" (non-activated) version of Windows 10 almost does not limit functionality OS. Externally, it differs from the activated version only by the fact that at the bottom of the desktop, over the taskbar, the "watermark" is hanging all the time - a reminder of the activation of Windows. In addition, the user of the unactivated version is deprived of the opportunity to personalize the system, that is, change the desktop wallpaper, icons, download screens, color topics and so on. There is nothing critical for work in this, but still these minor, at first glance, restrictions sooner or later can start annoying. In this case, it makes sense to activate Windows one of the methods described below.

"Watermark" can be removed using third-party utilitiesHowever, the limitations of system personalization settings will still remain

How to activate windows 10 without a license key

So, you decided to activate your windows version 10. If you have a key activation, there is nothing difficult in this. But what if there is no key? In this case, too, there are ways of legal activation of the OS. Microsoft offers a choice of two proven and secure methods:

  • digital Entitlement method;
  • activate Windows 10 by phone.

Digital Entitlement method

In Russian translation, the Digital Entitlement activation method was called "Digital Resolution". Initially, it was intended only for users participating in the Windows Insider program created by Microsoft Corporation for pre-testing and windows estimates. Then the "digital resolution" has become available to everyone during the action period of the free update promotion from version 7 and 8.1 to Windows 10.

You can get a "digital license" on the PC, by attaching a Microsoft account to the installed OS through the "Activation" setting in the "Update and Security" settings, after which you will disappear any need to activate Windows 10. But still it will be necessary to introduce at least once PC licensed key key.

After creating a Microsoft account in the activation settings, an appropriate entry will appear

To get to the number of Windows Insider users and get a cherished "digital resolution", it is necessary:

  1. Go to the "Start - Control Panel - Update and Security" menu. Go to the "Windows Pre-Evaluation Program" section and click the Start button.
    Open the setup window can also be found required parameter through the windows window Windows
  2. In the window that appears, you must log in to the Microsoft account (if not, then you will be asked to create it).
    Create Microsoft account can also be on the official website of the Corporation
  3. The user will then be offered to choose from one of the three packages of Windows Insider builds, which are "damp" system components. These packages, respectively, allow:
  4. After selecting the package build Windows Insider must be rebooted by PC.
    PC reboot can be performed later
  5. Upon the next system boot, you need to enter the "Update and Security" setting, then open the Center window windows updates"And click the" Checking Renewal "button to download the necessary windows package Insider.
    Sometimes the download of the required assembly of Windows Insider is automatically produced immediately after rebooting the PC
  6. Ready, now you own "digital resolution" of Windows.

Video: how to become a member of the Windows Insider program

The author of this article would like to warn users who gathered to resort to this method for obtaining "digital permissions". First, the downloaded version of Windows 10 will be a test and will not be able to guarantee stable work All components. Secondly, you will often have to update OS, since the number of leaving tests windows components Great enough. And thirdly, this type of activation of the system actually provides the user not the official licensed version of Windows, and its trial version that operates 90 days with the subsequent automatic extension for the same period. Sometimes about the fact of use trial version May warn appearing on the desktop "watermark".

When you hover the cursor to the "watermark", a message will be displayed with the use of the Windows Pre-Evaluation Program

Activation of Windows 10 by phone

This is another one official way Activation of Windows 10 offered by Microsoft. Need to do the following:

  1. The combination of the Win + R keys call the command windows string, Enter the SLUI 4 command and press ENTER.
    You can also run the Windows command line by right-clicking on the Start icon and selecting the appropriate menu
  2. In the Windows Activation Wizard window that appears, after selecting a region of stay, the information number with the phone number will be called, and the installation code.
    Click the "Enter confirmation code" button only after the answering machine confirms the correct installation code entered by you.
  3. Call provided free Numberfurther follow step by step instructions answering machine. At the end you will be asked to enter the installation code on the phone.
  4. After entering the installation code, the Robot answering machine will prejudice you to confirm the Activation of Windows. It will need to be entered in the confirmation window.

    If the confirmation code is entered correctly, after clicking the "Activation of Windows", a window will appear confirming the end of the activation process.
  5. Entering the appropriate code, place the tube, click the "Windows Activation" button, and then "Finish".
    After the Windows 10 activation process is completed, the corresponding entry will appear in the "Activation" parameter settings.
  6. Restart PC. Now your version of Windows 10 is activated.

Video: Activation of Windows 10 by phone

Windows 10 activation security level by phone

This way of activating Windows 10 is one of the safest, since the entire process is confidentially, without the participation of any third parties (activation conducts a robot answering machine). In addition, you do not pass any personal data or information threatening your PC and the operating system. It is worth remembering only one rule: call only by numbers specified in the "Windows Activation Wizard by phone".

Problems when you activate Windows 10 by phone

Sometimes the way to activate the phone may not work. Most often the following problems arise:

  1. "Data is not recognized." Or incorrectly entered the key to confirm the activation of Windows - check and enter it again. Either the key is not suitable for set version Windows - then you need to contact Microsoft Technical Support).
  2. "Relief call." The reason may be failed on the line or the technical work of the Microsoft call-center. It is best to call on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00 Moscow time.
  3. "Synchronization error". Occurs when the time settings fail windows dates. If the time and date are exhibited correctly, try to synchronize using the Internet through the bottom control panel "Date and Time".

Windows 10 activation delay

As you know, the non-activated version of Windows 10 is available for use only for 30 calendar days.. After the end of this period, the system simply stops loaded, issuing only a window with a message about the need to activate the OS. However, in fact, Windows 10 can work without activating as many as 90 days. To do this, you need to use the Microsoft Corporation Function to defer an activation.

It is required to do the following:

Video: How to extend the introductory period for Windows 10 through the command line console

Activation of Windows 10 After replacing component PCs

If you have been set by the licensed version of Windows 10 and you decided to replace components on your computer, it may lead to a discharge of an OS activation key. At the same time, it will be impossible to reuse the current license. Most often, such a problem occurs when replacing the motherboard. To activate the OS, do the following:

  1. IN windows settings Enter the "Update and Security" console and open the Activation window. Select Troubleshooting menu.
    When changing the hardware component, an entry will appear in the activation section, warning that your version of the OS is not activated
  2. The activation system will display a message type: "Failed to activate Windows on this device." Click on the line "Hardware components have recently changed on this device."
    You will also be offered to go to the Windows Store for Acquisition. new version OS.
  3. Then you will be asked to log in through your personal account Microsoft.
    If you are already authorized, this step will be automatically missed
  4. A window appears with a choice of hardware component, which was replaced on your PC. Putting a tick in the appropriate paragraph, click the "Activate" button.
    If you changed several hardware components at once, then in the list you need to select them all
  5. Ready. Your version of Windows 10 is activated again.
    After troubleshooting in the settings, an entry on the successful completion of the Windows 10 activation will appear.

Methods for purchasing a Windows 10 license key

There are several ways to purchase a license key to activate Windows 10. Consider the most popular of them.

Digital store Microsoft.

This is the fastest and safest way.. After completing the purchase, you will receive a digital key to activate your version of Windows 10. To purchase:

  1. Go to the official site of Microsoft Corporation. IN section of Windows Click on the "Buy Windows 10" button.

    To quickly navigate the site, you can use the search string.
  2. To choose from you will be offered to purchase two versions of OS: "Home" and Pro ("Professional"). The difference between them is that version pro. There is an extended functionality and an improved data protection system. Click on the button "Buy Windows 10".

    Clicking on the button "Buy", you will go to the page with detailed description functions and features of each version of the OS
  3. On the next page, where the advantages of the new OS will be described in detail, you must click on the "Add to Cart" button, and then on "Order Design".

    VAT tax automatically turns on the order price
  4. After selecting the payment method, click on the button "Place an order".
  5. Ready. License key will come to your mail, which is used in Microsoft account. This key will need to be entered in the "Activation" settings "Update and Security" console.

Other ways to purchase a key

There are other, quite comfortable, but differing and degree of reliability methods for purchasing the activation key of Windows 10.

Reliable, but less cheap way to acquire licensed version of the OS.When using it, the benefit may be about 1-2 thousand rubles. You can not purchase a box version on the official Microsoft website, you need to buy it in digital technology stores.

The kit includes:

  • boot USB device with Windows 10;
  • digital activation code;
  • paper system installation instructions.

Before buying a box version, check availability of licensed authentication certificates.

Buying equipment with installed Windows 10

The most expensive way to purchase OS.In that the case of Windows 10 will, in fact, only an addition to the components. Most often, users who have decided to fully update the hardware part of the PC are resorted to this method. In this case, the system unit with Windows 10 installed in the store will cost cheaper than when buying sets and OS separately.

Usually in the characteristics of the system unit assembly, there is an entry on the presence of installed Windows

Purchase through third-party trading platforms

The least costly way to purchase a Windows license, but the most unreliable. You can buy a Windows 10 digital key on any well-known trading platform, for example, on Risks with such a purchase are different. You can sell non-working key or its OEM version (the key that is already tied to specific equipment). The seller can make the substitution version of the OS (for example, instead of 64-bit to sell 32-bit). D.for example, if on the site (how, for example, on eBay) there is a function of returning funds within 30 days, it still does not guarantee the safety of the transaction performed.

All prices on the eBay shopping area are immediately automatically translated into rubles at the current currency rate.

The author of this article has repeatedly had to hear negative feedback from users who carried out the purchase of licensed digital windows keys on third-party trading platforms. Sometimes the keys turned out to be simply non-working. Sometimes, after a certain period, such keys "respond" (became unsuitable) due to the fact that the purchased digital license was the "OEM version". Therefore, the author advises: if you decide to buy a key, for example, on eBay, then carefully read the description, check with the seller information about the type and version of the key, as well as check the availability of a refund function.

The legal ways to activate Windows 10 there are quite a lot in order not to resort to illegal methods. Any user can register in windows program Insider from Microsoft Corporation, having received the appropriate digital license, or activate OS by phone. In addition, there is always the opportunity to buy both digital and physical (boxed) version of Windows 10 or purchase it complete with already collected system block. And if you need to save maximum, then you can buy a key on third-party trading platforms, however, only at your own risk.

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