
How to update the bios netbook asus. How to update the BIOS on the ASUS motherboard. We update the MSI A58M-E33 motherboard BIOS from a flash drive

If it were not for an article for one of my customers. Since I prefer to use in articles only unique original pictures, I had to flash the BioC of the laptop and write an article "How to update the BIOS on a laptop."

This article will suit all ASUS laptop owners, as the BIOS firmware utility for all laptop computers is one-Windows BIOS Flash Utility. You do not need to create bootable flash drives, bathe with DOS and have programmer skills. All you need is to download the utility and run it on the PC. So how to update the BIOS on the ASUS K53SD laptop?

First of all, you need to know the current version of the bios. I have version 2.04 before the firmware. Open the "Start", enter the MSINFO32.EXE in the search bar and open the program found.

In the BIOS version, the current version of the BIOS will be specified after the name of the laptop model.

Then open the "BIOS" tab and download the latest version for our laptop - 2.08. It added support for the brightness control of the backlight with the buttons (Support Windows8 Brightness Control).
Direct link to BIOS 2.08 download for ASUS K53SD.

So, unpack both downloaded archives on your computer. Run the setup.exe file and install Windows Bios Flash Utility to a computer. Close all software on your computer and open the WinFlash utility. If a shortcut appeared on the desktop, look for it in all programs through the "Start" (ASUS folder). To a warning that the program will update the BIOS, click OK. Specify the bios file in the new window with the name K53SDAS.208.

After the program appears in the program, that the "BIOS file is correct", press the Flash button.

Wait until the progress of all three strips does not reach 100%. After the successful firmware of the BIOS, press the EXIT button.

The laptop will turn off the laptop after this, but will not reboot. Turn on the laptop and check the BIOS version of the above method.

Many users do not know the answers to the question. Do not know how to update BIOS. Do not think that updating this program is supernaturally difficult. Believe me, everyone can figure out.

The abbreviation of this system translated into Russian sounds like a basic I / O system.

Why do you need bios?

  1. During the launch of the computer, the BIOS checks the standard equipment and its viability. If any of this equipment burned down, a special beep will serve.
  2. The program launches the boot program that directly loads the operational system.
  3. Provides OS interaction with different peripheral equipment.
  4. Gives the user the ability to customize the components of the PC equipment.

Do I need to update the BIOS and why?

Updating this program - the process is deeper than the usual computer programs. This implies a short algorithm for change. Basically, this is the correction of incorrect operation of any rare components of the system or add support for the latest processor models.

In the event that the computer works without malfunctions, with this program it is better not to have. And it is not worth updating it. Differences between the past and new version you will not see, and even on the contrary, the update can generate unexpected problems for your PC. Most often they arise when more thoughtful testing was carried out in the previous version than in the new one.

Update should be launched only the motherboard designed for your model. If you try to update the BIOS, intended for a different model, it can bring you a number of unpleasant difficulties and problems.

But there are times when updates are needed, and sometimes urgently:

  1. The motherboard requires the installation of a new processor, which is capable of providing an updated version. Update the program in this case is necessary.
  2. You need to connect a hard drive of this size that is not supported by the old version of the program.
  3. It is required to activate the additional functions of the chipset (a set of chips, which are created for mutual work in order to ensure a set of different functions) not involved in the original version.
  4. It is necessary to replace the outdated OS on the computer.
  5. In the event that you planned to overclock your computer.
  6. The system operates slowly or incorrectly due to bio-code errors.
  7. The version installed with you is broken, which is why the system does not function partially or completely.

What gives the renewal of bios?

The update of the BIOS motherboard, as you already understood, is done mainly in order for new processors and new memory that come out very often, supported the motherboard installed on your computer. Because of this, update the program is sometimes necessary.

Is it worth updating the program without need? Is it possible to update it constantly without thinking about the consequences? Programmer's professionals advise this not to do.

How to view an up-to-date version of your system program?

  • The fastest way to find out the current version is to use it. command line On your computer.

  • We introduce: WMIC BIOS GET SMBIOSBIOSVERSION. A window will open in which you will see the current version.

After you have learned the necessary information for you, you should go to the manufacturer's website of the motherboard, which is on your computer.
There are five most popular manufacturers:

How to update BIOS on a laptop?

Special programs to update bios

Top 3 programs:

  • @BIOS.

General instructions for programs:

Let's look at the option how to update the BIOS from the flash drive:

How to make a boot diskette to update bios?

The method of updating from a floppy disk is considered one of the most reliable in the security issue.

After all these manipulations, the computer is restarted and downloading from a floppy disk. Make sure the BIOS drive is supplied as the first download device. During the reboot, open the BIOS setup menu by pressing the special open keys. Select - Advanced Bios Features, Boot Sequence, which are sometimes called Advanced, Advanced Bios Features.

How to update the BIOS without a battery?

For updating purposes, it is often required to charge a computer at least within 10%. If this condition is not respected, then you will pop up the message "Power Check Error", which is not allowed to update the program.
In order to still update it, you need to know one key. What is needed to do this?

After updating the BIOS, Windows is not loaded

It happens that after the update, Windows stops loading. In this case, you need to start the BIOS computer. Find the parameters of SATA devices and try to change the mode of operation. If the IDE is standing in the settings, you need to activate AHCI (or vice versa). After that, we save new settings and restart the computer.

And remember that you don't need to go to this system without need, as it can harm your computer! If any subtleties, you still do not understand or can not figure out, refer to the specialists!

Excellent day!

Hello everyone today will consider the utility that will help us refresh Bios Asus. On a computer or laptop. The utility is called ASUS Drivers Update Utility or ASUS Update Utility. It is absolutely free and easy to use, I think it's not no secret to anyone that in most cases the fresh firmware of your bios, the key to the stable work of your iron. The method described below can be called the method for the lazy and the simplest of what exists.

Earlier, I already told how to update the server motherboard using the AFUDOS utility. But the AFUDOS utility has an ordinary user can cause rejection as it requires a DOS and command line, much more pleasant to update the BIOS via the GUI program interface from Windows. And so let's essentially. There are minimum 3 firmware update methods:

  • standard BIOS interface

What you need to update the BIOS, the most basic is support for new equipment and improving the support of existing equipment, and the error correction.

Refresh ASUS BIOS from Windows using utilities. You can download them from an official site or lower from the Yandex disk.

At the moment, the current version of ASUS Live Update Utility 3.37 and ASUS Update Utility 7.10.05

We launch ASUS Live Update Utility, you will have a program window where you need to click Check Update.

The scanning of your PC and the search for current updates for your ASUS card will begin.

We'll see another ASUS UPDATE UTILITY, the program allows you to update the BIOS from the new firmware downloaded file.

You can also flash the BIOS ASUS and the usual method through the BIOS interface, how to do it below.

Hello everyone, dear friends! Just the other day, I acquired a new Asus laptop for myself, in which I had to immediately update the BIOS. Therefore, in this article, I would like to tell you how to update the BIOS on your laptop and why this procedure is performed on a new laptop.

So, sooner or later an hour comes when we can no longer tolerate glitches and brakes in the operation of the operating system. Some users prefer to carry their laptop to the service center so that professionals reinstall the system. Other users choose a more complex way - an independent reinstalling Windows. This article is devoted to the second category of users. We will understand how to update the BIOS on ASUS laptops. The procedure requires 10-15 minutes, not counting the installation of the operating system. Rare laptop owners independently decide to perform the BIOS update, the reason is usually an error that does not allow you to put a new version of the operating system. Most often this is a 0 × 000000A5 error. If you are well versed in computers, but did not come across the BIOS update, then immediately go to the relevant section of the article.

In today's material, the following questions will be considered:

- For what laptops is the instruction fit?

- When is an update for BIOS?

- How is the BIOS update process?

- What if the BIOS is new, and Windows 7 is not put?

- What is worth paying attention to the installation?

Reference! The BIOS abbreviation is decrypted as Basic Input-Output System, it is translated into Russian as a basic I / O system. The BIOS is a combination of firmware that help optimize computer components, and also load and install the operating system. Here you can read the necessary information about the BIOS itself.

The basic system can even be seen on the motherboard. Look at the photo, the sting of the screwdriver indicates the BIOS chip.

For which ASUS laptops preferably spend the BIOS update?

The answer is simple - for those on which an outdated BIOS is. Usually these ASUS series X551 and X553 laptops. It concerns it and older models. In any case, the computer will independently inform you that you will not get a new version of the operating system for this BIOS. And it will make it using a 0x000000A5 error. We need to install a new version of the BIOS, which will support ACPI, after that the error will disappear, and you can safely put the desired version of the Windows operating system.

I will give an example of updating the BIOS on the ASUS X553 MA laptop. The update procedure passes through the same scheme, so the owners of other ASUS models will be able to use my instructions. If you have a laptop of another manufacturer, then all the difference will be in the firmware download source for BIOS. I download it from the official site asus, you will need to go to the page of your laptop manufacturer.

And what are the reasons for updating BIOS?

First of all, you need to check if you have in your BIOS in the "Advanced" section "OS Selection". If not, you need to update. In other cases, simply set the "Windows 7" position in this parameter, on this instruction will be completed for you.

The following are two main reasons for installing an updated version of the basic system:

  1. Error. The appearance of code 0x000000A5, which is accompanied by a blue death screen. Most users go to an updated version due to this error. In some cases, the owners of laptops with the built-in Windows 8 or 10 cannot deliver the older version of the operating system, in this case the base system update also helps.
  2. Work with utilities. Some utilities are not loaded from the operating system, but from BIOS, as it happens with the installation of the operating system. For example, you can take the Acronis program, with which you can make adjustments to the hard disk, change the number and dimensions of the disk partitions. There are many such applications, and new versions require the BIOS on your computer support the ACPI boot format.

This is how the Death screen looks like with an error 0x000000A5, as a rule, it is she reports on the outdated version of the BIOS.

On the laptop there is an updated BIOS, but the error still pops up when Windows 7 is installed. What to do and how to be?

How to update BIOS on ASUS laptop?

In this case, the reason for the appearance of the error is incorrect for "seven" settings in the BIOS itself. This is especially true of laptop owners with more modern systems. You can correct the situation as follows (try installing Windows 7 after each step):

Let's start with the simplest - reset the BIOS to the standard settings. To do this, we need to get into the "EXIT" section and select the item called "Load Default Settings", as shown in the photo below:

Nothing changed? Then try in the same section to change the position on the "OS OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS" with "Win8 64bit" on "Win7 OS". The image below shows the process of changing parameters.

If you are trying to install an operating system from a flash drive, then it is worth checking in the "Configuration" section called "USB MODE". Try to change the position from "USB 2.0" to "USB 3.0".

IMPORTANT! If the reason was in the third step, and you have successfully installed the seventh version of Windows, then after completing the installation, go to the BIOS again and return the "USB MODE" parameter. Otherwise, the USB 3.0 driver will be disappeared, as a result, all USB devices will operate at a reduced speed.

Update BIOS on ASUS Laptop - Step-by-step instructions

So, you went to the BIOS, opened the "" section to set up the download and did not find the OS Selection parameter there. In this case, we need to upgrade the BIOS. The desired parameter looks as follows:

To put the latest version of the BIOS, you need to go to the official website of the ASUS / At the top of the screen, you will see the Products tab, choose "laptops" there and specify your model in a special field.

We are interested in the X series, since it is the model 553 MA that it belongs to it. You can always find out the series on the laptop itself or on the box. A window appeared before us, dedicated to our model - choose the "Support" section, and then click on the "Drivers and Utilities" button.

To begin with, select the type of operating system, it is worth putting your option. After that, a list of categories with drivers will appear. Here everything is simple - click on the BIOS category, after which the tab opens with the latest updates. Choose the latest, in my case it is version 214. If you read the article later, you will have more recent drivers. In general, you need to choose the highest version.

Installing Windows is best from the flash drive, so the BIOS firmware files are best thrown into a USB carrier. Unzip the archive and throw off the contents in the root folder of the flash drive folder. We will also need the utility "Start Easy Flash", which is located in BIOS. Perhaps she is already with you. In another case, the utility will need to be downloaded, you will find it on the official website.

Insert the flash drive with the BIOS firmware in the laptop and run it. In the first seconds, you press the "F2" key on the keyboard to get into the BIOS. Here we are interested in the Advanced tab, immediately go to it. Here you click on the "Start Easy Flash" button

Now you need to select the firmware file, which is on the flash drive. He will have exactly the same name as when downloading. Press the "ENTER" key to start updating the BIOS.

After that, the screen will appear on the screen, you can wait for the completion of the process. Do not turn off the laptop while the firmware is updated, it is recommended that it is connected to the network. After completion, the laptop process will reboot. We go into the BIOS again and go to the Advanced tab. Now there is an option "OS Selection". Click on it to set the installation mode "Windows 7".

If you are going to install the seventh version of the OS, you need to then go to the "BOOT" section and select the media from which you will set the system.

If it is a flash drive, then the title will be the word "USB" if the disk is "DVD". It looks like this (in my case a flash drive is used):

Now you can safely insert the media with the installation files of the operating system and go to the installation of Windows 7. Do not forget to immediately set the priority for downloading from the hard disk, otherwise, the computer will try to boot from the flash drive every time.

As you can see, the update process passes quite quickly. In 95% of cases, the BIOS update will help solve the problem with an error 0x000000A5. Do not touch the remaining settings, follow only those steps that are specified in my instruction. Experiments may adversely affect your computer. Ready, now you can fully use the seventh version of Windows.

In order for any laptop to work well, and to use it easily and conveniently, it must be configured. The setup requires both new, only purchased models and laptops that have already been in operation, after reinstalling the operating system.

As a rule, all ASUS laptop drivers and programs are located on the installation disk. If the disk is available, it makes much easier for the task - just install it in the DVD drive and follow the instructions of the installation program. After installing the driver's laptop necessary for the correct operation, you will need to restart the system. In the absence of an installation disk, all drivers and utilities can be downloaded from the ASUS official website. Drivers, that is, special programs that ensure computer interaction with devices, are needed for keyboard, webcams, touchpad, microphone, Wi-Fi, etc. But, fortunately, in the case of laptops, the necessary programs will not have to look for all Internet resources. They are focused on the above site and are combined into collections for each ASUS model. To find a suitable driver package for your device, go to the section. In the search bar in Latin letters, enter the full name of the model (listed on the back cover of the laptop in the MB VER line). The search engine will find all the information on it, and clicking on the name of the laptop, you will fall into the "knowledge base" section. Click on the "Driver and Utilities" icon, the corresponding partition will open, where you want to specify the operating system installed on your laptop. Found drivers will be grouped by partitions, a rather big file list causes a natural question - what to download? For efficient laptop operation, you will need fresh versions of drivers from almost all sections, except for Emi and Safety (there are security certificates there, without which the usual user can do). In the "Guide" section collected instructions for ASUS users in different languages. From utilities necessarily set:
  • ASUS SPLENDID VIDEO - designed to optimize the quality of the image and setting the colors;
  • ASUS Wireless Switch - to manage wireless communication;
  • Life Frame3 Utility - to record and edit video and audio;
  • ATKACPI DRIVER AND HOTKEY-RELATED UTILITIES - For the operation of additional keys and display processes on the screen (for example, when the volume changes, the column image appears);
  • ASUS Live Update Utility - to automatically update drivers and ASUS utilities;
  • Power4Gear Hybrid Utility - to optimize work and increase the battery life of the laptop.
After downloading all the drivers and utilities, alternately start the installation process. After completing the installation, restart the laptop.

Always be careful, setting new software, do not trust unverified sources - then your laptop will work as flawlessly as possible.

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