
WiFi WiFi Distribution Restriction. WiFi Distribution Management from Laptop. Command Creating an Access point Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d ACHS KEY \u003d 180419721804 KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent

In this issue, we will try to figure out how to enable Wi-Fi in Windows 10 If there is no Wi-Fi button. Where to search for settings wireless network To enable Wi-Fi and why such a problem appears. I'll tell you about the error "Failed to find wireless devices on this computer" in Windows 10.

I will say right away that when you cannot find "Wi-Fi" on your laptop (there is no power button, there is no item in the settings, etc.), most likely that you just have no driver for Wi-Fi, You do not have a Wi-Fi receiver or it is turned off.

Let's deal with everything in detail.

So the essence of the problem:

The whole problem is that we cannot connect to Wi-Fi network On Windows 10. I already wrote a detailed article on connecting to Wi-Fi. But when we open the connection management window, then there is simply no button wi-Fi Control adapter.

If we proceed to the settings, in the network parameters, then there will also not detect the Wi-Fi item. And on the tab Mode "On the plane" We will see a selected error.

Such a problem may mean:

  • On your computer, it is simply physically no Wi-Fi receiver. If you have a laptop, then it must have a built-in wireless adapter. On a computer, you can use external Wi-Fi receiver. If you are exactly sure that you have Wi-Fi in your computer (used before windows installations 10, looked in the characteristics, connected an external receiver, etc.), then you need to check other reasons.
  • The driver is not installed on the Wi-Fi adapter. In some article, I already wrote that Windows 10 itself installs the driver for wireless adapters. But not always. And not always, these drivers work as needed. Therefore, the most frequent causeWith such problems with Wi-Fi in Windows 10, this is the lack of a wireless adapter driver, or an inappropriate driver.
  • Well, maybe such that the "Wireless Network" adapter is simply disabled.

One small nuance. If you have on the notification panel instead of the Internet icon, the "aircraft" icon, simply disconnect this mode by pressing the icon itself and turning off the "airplane" mode.

Let's check and correct.

No Wi-Fi on a laptop with Windows 10: solving a problem

Let's check the first thing if the adapter is enabled "Wireless network"And if this adapter you do not have at all, you will make sure that the problem is in the driver, or in general in the absence of this adapter in your computer.

Right-click on internet connection icon on the notifications panel and open Network and Common Access Control Center. In a new window, select item Change adapter settings.

If you see an adapter there "Wireless network" (or something like that), and it is disabled, then click on it with the right mouse button, and select Enable. After that, Wi-Fi should appear on your laptop, and you can connect to the wireless network.

If the "Wireless Network" adapter is not at all, then as I said, you most likely not installed the driver on Wi-Fi. Or it is installed, but it works not stable.

Problems with Wi-Fi driver adapter in Windows 10

We need to go to the device manager, and see what. Is there a wireless adapter, and how it works. To do this, click on the menu Start and select Parameters.

The network you can find a lot of manuals applicable to the operational systems of the two previous versions - "seven" and two editions of the G8. And at least these instructions can be applied for the latest windows version 10, we will show on our own example, how to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi wire, configuring the access point.
Virtual WiFi is a technology that emits the network card and creating virtual adapters. With these adapters created on wireless technologyThe Internet is distributed on any devices. For example, on your personal Computer The Internet is connected via cable. You want other your devices - tablets, portable PCs, smartphones - were connected to the Internet. This can be configured using a router. And you can not spend money on equipment, but turn your laptop to the router and distribute the Internet to smartphones, netbooks, etc.

Hot spot - literally means "hot spot". This is a certain area where any devices in its zone get access to information technologies through a wireless network. So, now we will tell you how to set up hot spot on Windows 10.

If your laptop is already installed already editorial office 10, these settings can be made through the "Mobile Hot Spot" option

To do this, go to "Parameters"

Go to the "Network and Internet" section

Choose "Mobile Hot Spot"

Hot spots are perfectly configured program methods, and such utilities in the network abound. Many of them are free, available for development, have a simple interface and allow one movement (click) to produce the desired settings. They can be used on any versions and editors. operating system from Microsoft. But we will talk about another method - setting the hot spot using the cmd.exe service, command line interpreter. There is nothing complicated or impossible in these settings, and even the most unprepared user can easily cope with them.

But still, if it is not easy for you, use any utility to configure the "Wi-Fi point". For example, SWITCH is suitable Virtual Router.. A small program is free and allows you to create a virtual access point in two clicks.

No need to install it, it is produced in portable version. Just download to the device, open and make the desired settings.

Access point Wi-Fi on a laptop with Windows 10

Before creating access points, check the connection stability and the availability of the driver to the wireless virtual adapter. If the drivers are not or worth outdated version, upload, preferably from the official page, and update. With a large probability there is a driver, because it is loaded by the system itself when updating or installed. To verify the driver's performance, you need to make sure that the wireless network is running. To do this, see if the Wi-Fi icon is and is actively connected.

If you do not find such an icon and there is no setting, it means that the problem is in the driver. Install and continue on. Open the command prompt on the administrator. In Windows 10, it starts the combination of Win + X keys.

In cmd.exe you need to dial command set. Specify the following text and press the transition key to another string (ENTER):

Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d "SITE" KEY \u003d "12345678" KEYUSAGE \u003d PERSISTENT

The password and network name may be changed:The executed command created a virtual network for wireless technology, called it with the name and set the input password. In the event that you are mistaken when executing the "Netsh WLAN ..." command, you will receive a notice of the inability to create a network. And if everything was done correctly - the notification that the network is created, and many letters and numbers in the form of information.

The next command made in the CMD interpreter, we will run the created network. Specify the following text in the field and run the command:

All if all your actions were correct, the network is running, and the laptop works like a router (router). The wireless network is running, but has not yet earned. You can check by connecting, for example, a smartphone. You will make sure that the Internet is missing. In order for it to earn on the device we plan to connect, one more effort is necessary. Without opening access, the network does not work. Rather, the connection will still be on the laptop. We must allow all devices to connect to this compound.

Make the following:

Click the " Network and Common Access Control Center"With which we will set up access to all devices. To do this, click on the Internet connection icon.

Now we choose in the left menu change adapter settings.

Click on the working adapter to which the Internet is connected on your laptop. You need to open two tabs alternately - "Properties" and "Access". On the last tab, you need to activate the option allowing all users to connect to the network of this device. Mark the check option and find the new connection you created using the command line interpreter. It will be called the same as an old connection, only the sequence number will change (for example, if it was "1" and "2", # 3 will appear).

Activated new network cannot be used yet. First we will stop it, and then start again. To stop, do the following:

And now we run, also in command line:

Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

If all your actions were unmistakable, the wireless network is running and works correctly. Connect one of the devices and check.

If it is still not activated, reboot and restart it by running the start command "Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork"

How to manage the distribution of Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10?

After rebooting the PC, the wireless network will not be activated. And hot spot starts the same team that you have already performed.

In a word, the Netsh Wlan Stop HostedNetwork command stops the network, and "Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork" starts. And you will constantly have to use the command line to activate or launch the created virtual hot spot.

And how to change the password, we have already written the name:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d "SITE" KEY \u003d "12345678" KEYUSAGE \u003d PERSISTENT

The password and network name may be changed:

  • site - Write your own network name;
  • 12345678 - Come up with your own password.

Create files to control

Permanent activation and disabling network (distribution) creates inconvenience. Each time you will have to enter these two commands and press their execution. You can make the distribution process more comfortable if you create special files that will be responsible for disconnecting / connecting hot spot. It is easy to do: two files are created with different names, but in one extension, and they are prescribed to the commands responsible for activation and shutdown. The easiest way is to change the file extension in Total Commander or in any other file manager.
Or go to This computer Next click on the tab View And then put the bird opposite File name extension.

Create a file in notepad and name it by any name, for example, WiFi, but be sure to save it in a special format - .Bat.

In such an extension, save command and batch files.

Copy to this file wifi.bat command netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork.

Save, all that is written there and close.

Now activate the network easier simple: click on wifi.bat and distribute the Internet. Create a second file that will stop the "Access Point". Everything is done in the same way except the file name and command. Name, for example, wifi-stop.bat and save the shutdown command in it. netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork. Now everything is much easier: the launch of one command file launches distribution, and the other stops.

What if the laptop does not distribute Wi-Fi, the Internet does not work, or the devices are not connected?

If the network you created did not connect, it was not activated, or there is no access to the Internet, it is necessary to understand the essence of the problem. Right understand where the error is half to solve it.
  1. The very first thing you have to do with any malfunction is to restart the PC. After rebooting, run cmd.exe. Perhaps the problem is that the service does not start with admin rights. This item is important.
  2. Perhaps you did not create hot spot. For example, the launch command did not work, because it was mistakenly copied in the interpreter. And then you must check the wireless network connection. If there are no icons, and there is no connection, maybe there is no driver in general or its version is outdated, loaded from an informal source, or not supported by the computer and version of the operating system. Update and connect "Wi-Fi". Load, repeat, only from the official resource and the version that suits your device.
  3. Hot spot can be activated, but there are still no Internet on devices. It is possible that the network connection is hampered by anti-virus software, Firewall or some kind of software. In this case, turn off all suspicious software. Another possible variant Problems - input incorrect password. Change it (above is written as) and activate the network.
  4. The access point is, the devices are connected, but there is no connection. Perhaps on the main computer there was a failure in connection, and the connection is temporarily absent. If everything is in order with him, see whether the network is available for all devices. And what if you forgot to customize it, or did it wrong.

Error "Failed to run the posted network. A group or resource is not in the right state ... "

The network created and activated by a special command may not start on Windows 10, and at the same time the system will give the appropriate notification. The essence of the problem is that the launch is impossible due to the fact that the devices are incorrectly connected.
This error is the result of the adapter is disabled. It can be enabled as follows:

In the Start menu, you need to open the parameters and go to the Device tab. Now you need to open the device manager.

In order to show everything that is hidden. This item is in the section View.

In network adapters, find the Hosted Network from Microsoft. If the computer is in Russian, the name will be appropriate. Now it is necessary to enable this device.

When the adapter is connected, try again to start hot spot, performing the activation command.

In the device manager, you can not see the Microsoft adapter. This again means the absence or conflict of the driver. Install, update and try again. The driver you may not support the wireless network. Load new versioncorresponding to your brand device and version of the operating system.

Instructions for creating a virtual wireless network with internet access without Wi-Fi router windows tools 10 on a laptop or on a computer. In this article, learn how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop or computer on Windows 10, check if it is possible to do this on the device. We solve the problem of distribution of Wi-Fi from a laptop and offer 3 ways to create a wireless network with Internet access: Hot-Spot, through the console and using special programs. Need a laptop connected to the Internet via WiFi, local network cable or 4G | 3G modem capable of distributing the Internet. Connect on Wi-Fi to the Internet Phone on Android and iOS

For distribution Wi-Fi, a wireless network card with virtual WiFi is required, check it easy. Run a team windows string And execute the command:


In the picture instructions, the procedure is indicated:

  1. open the search for programs;
  2. we write in the search for the "CMD" command - without quotes;
  3. open the command line that appears;
  4. insert the command "Netsh Wlan Show Drivers" - without quotes;
  5. we are looking for the specified string.

In the command prompt, information about Wi-Fi will appear, we look at the types of radio modulus. We find a string: "Support for the posted network", if the answer is "yes", then go to the next item. If not, we update the Wi-Fi drivers of the adapter from the official site and repeat the check again. As an alternative, use the driver rollback to the previous version.

We distribute Wi-Fi tools of the Special Windows 10 Hot-Spot

FROM windows update 10 to version 1607 Microsoft added new programWiFi's facilitating distribution is a mobile hot spot. The principle of operation is the distribution of the Internet on a wireless radio channel of a laptop or a USB modem (in the case of 4G modems). Turn on mobile hot spot:

  • Press the right mouse button on the Internet icon;
  • open "network and internet parameters";
  • in the left menu, choose "Mobile hot spot".

On the hot spot screen, we make 4 actions and enjoy the result:

  • Turn on the slider to the "On" position;
  • choose active connectionthrough which you get the Internet (if I distribute the Internet) and other device will be used virtually network;
  • if you wish, change the network name;
  • if you wish, change password access to virtual network.

Setting the distribution is completed, we connect other devices to the Internet, a laptop or PC. If it did not work, then at the end of the article there will be a block of solutions of frequent problems.

How to distribute wi-fi through the command line

An old good way that turns the kettle in the computer guru in the eyes of others. Open the command line as shown at the beginning of the article when you checked the possibility of connecting. Nuance, the command line should be launched with administrator rights. After starting, enter the command:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d OKWIFI \u003d OKWIFICOM

oKWIFI - the name of the created wireless network, change your taste. OKWIFICOM - Access Password (security key), also change the secure password.

Immediately enter the command:

netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

After executing the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork command other wireless devices in the access area will see new network And you can connect to it using the specified password. But to access the Internet, you will need to make another action. Log in to "Network Connections". Click right clicks to connect to the connection that is used to access the Internet, inside the context menu, click on the "Properties" item, go to the "Access" tab. Install the check mark next to "Allow other network users to use the Internet connection", save the changes. The virtual network is ready and distributes the Internet.

Disable the distribution of the virtual network you can command:

netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork

Management commands in the command prompt and files for controlling distribution

To control the distribution of Wi-Fi, you do not need to constantly run scripts on the command line. Teams are recorded in. BAT file. There are three commands to control the distribution.

  • netsh WLAN Start HostedNetwork - Starting a virtual network if access to the Internet is open, then it is available for other devices;
  • netsh WLAN STOP HOSTENNETWORK - Stop the virtual network, distribution via Wi-Fi stops;
  • netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d »OKWIFI. COM »KEY \u003d» OKWIFICOM »KEYUSAGE \u003d PERSISTENT - Change network name and | or password

In order to create command files, create. TXT file with an arbitrary name, change the extension with. TXT on. Bat, change the file (right click on the file - change) and enter the command from the upper examples there. Thus, one is created by three files with names, for example: wifi-on, wifi-off, wifi-chan.

Automatic launch of the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi when running Windows 10 (XP, 7, 8, Vista).

If you task, distribute the Internet through Wi-Fi automatically when download windows 10 Create. BAT file with the "Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork" command (in our example - WiFi-ON. Bat), place the file at a convenient place and create a shortcut. Add a label B. windows autorun. 10. If you use an account without administrator rights, then change the access rights to the file with the administrator's account.

WiFi Distribution with Laptop Other Programs

If you do not manage to update Windows 10 to version 1607, and it does not work out the command line, use special programs For distribution WiFi. Some can be downloaded for free, for others have to pay. Here is top best programs For distribution on Windows 10:

  • Free and Russified Programs: Virtual Router Plus;
  • free programs without the support of Russian: Myhotsspot, MyPublicWiFi;
  • paid program without Russian support: Connectify Hotspot 2016

These programs work both on Windows 10, and on other Windows: XP, 7, Vista, 8 and have an understandable interface.

Errors and problems distribution of the Internet via WiFi

When the distribution via WiFi on a laptop or PC does not work, even though the settings are made true. We will not seek reasons, but we will not share the errors on the distribution of the virtual network, connecting devices and access to the Internet and find solutions to these problems. The first action will be rebooting the PC, since not all changes come into force while saving and make sure that the command line starts with account Administrator. Go to the administrator's account and try to distribute WiFi with full access.

Try to disable the distribution by Wi-Fi, disable the Internet connection with shared access and turn on the Wi-Fi first via the command line, and then activate the Internet connection.

If, after starting the distribution of Wi-Fi from a laptop, a new wireless connection is created, then right-click menu and go to the information. Check what is indicated in the IPv4 address and the subnet mask.

Problems with the creation of a virtual network.

A frequent problem - forgot whether distribution is possible, and Wi-Fi is simply disabled. Turn on the module, update the laptop drivers, make sure that Wi-Fi works and try again.

Error in Windows 10: "Failed to run the posted network"

Cause - A virtual adapter or adapter is incorrectly disabled. To correct the error, go to "Device Manager", go to the View tab and check the box to "show hidden devices". On the Network Adapters tab, we are looking for "Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter" or "Virtual Adapter of the Placed Network (Microsoft)".

With the right click open the context menu and start the adapter. Re-execute a request at the command line: "Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork". The error should eliminate. When the adapter is not in the device manager, update the drivers on Windows 10.

Error: "Unable to provide shared access this connection to the Internet, as there is no connection to the mobile network "

It occurs when using 3G and 4G modems. If the Internet works properly on the distributed laptop, restart the computer. This should help. The fact is that 3G and 4G modems are managed by third-party software and parameters before rebooting are not synchronized.

Connecting to a virtual network connection

Firewall and Antivirus blocks the distribution of laptop access to other devices. Disconnect the program and try connecting to the network. If the problem is in this, add the network to secure.

An erroneous password is entered. Make sure that you are trying to connect to the network with the password that specified on the command line: When you start our file name, OKWIFI. COM, and password - Okwificom.

If the devices are not connected to the running Wi-Fi network and the password correct, make sure that no programs on the connected devices block the connection.

Internet distribution problems via virtual network

If there are no Internet on the connected devices, make sure that the Internet is connected to a laptop or PC from which there is a distribution.

Make sure that you can use the Internet connection to other devices, as shown above ( general access To connect). Check if the sharing is open to the connection that is used to connect to the Internet.

As in the problem with connecting the distribution of the Internet, data acquisition is blocked by antivirus, firewall, brandmaeer. Temporarily disable blocking programs and try to connect to the Internet.
You may be disabled Windows 10 "Total Internet Connection Single" (Internet Connection Sharing). Turn on the service.

Challenges with hot spot on windows 10

Error in Windows 10: "Cannot customize mobile hot spot. Turn on Wi-Fi »

The error is akin to the one that in the item "Failed to launch the posted network". Enter "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter" if the adapter is disabled as described above. Update Driver T. latest version.

Error: "Failed to customize the mobile hot spot, because there is no computer connect Ethernet, Wi-Fi or connection to cellular network»

This problem is found in two cases, the first is trivial. The laptop is really not connected to the Internet. The second is more difficult and appears on PPPOE connections. In the first case, the solution is simple, connect the computer to the Internet, in the second a little more complicated. This problem is not corrected by Microsoft, but we use bypass paths. Create local connection from using vpn. And squeeze access. Mobile hot spot will appear.

Mobile hot-spot is an excellent application for distributing the Internet by Wi-Fi on Windows 10, but if the program does not work and can be fixed, use the creation of an access point via the command line.

After the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi on Windows 10 is configured, connect the phone to iOS or Android to the network. I will be glad reviews, adjustments and additions in the comments. We will make wines 10 easy to master for everyone!

Laptop, computer or tablet with Windows 10 can be used as a Wi-Fi router, which distributes Internet to other wireless devices. Such a program point access Wi-Fi can be used to organize a local wireless network or general use Internet connections (wired or mobile 3G / 4G connection) exhibiting on windows Computer, multiple devices (telephones, tablets and other devices). In the fore windows relies 10 Create and manage such an access point was possible only from the command line. In Windows 10 1607, a simple appeared graphic interface To create an access point - "Mobile hot spot".

So, today we will look at how to create a virtual access point on the Windows 10 database without using additional third-party programs. We assume that there are two network adapters on your computer: a wired Ethernet adapter (connected to the provider's network through which Internet access is carried out) and wireless Wi-Fi adapter. We want a computer with network card Wi-Fi could be used by other power supplements as a Wi-Fi access point and provided access to its Internet connection.

Council. Instead of a wired connection, 3G / 4G connection via a USB modem or a telephone can be used to access the Internet.

Checking Ad-Hoc Mode Support Driver Wi-Fi Adapter

Before you start creating an access point, you need to make sure that the driver of your Wi-Fi adapter can work in the virtual access point mode (AD-HOC). To do this, on the command prompt, execute the command:


The Line command displays information about the adapter Wi-Fi driver and supported technologies (more on supported Wi-Fi Standards Driver in the article). Availability of string Hosted Network. Supported: Yes (Support for the posted network - yes ) This suggests that this driver supports work in the access point mode. Otherwise, try to update the driver version or install another Wi-Fi adapter.

Mobile hot spot in Windows 10

In Window 10 1607 (Creators Update) and above, a simple graphics tool for distribution of the Internet through Wi-Fi appeared. This feature called " Mobile hot spot"(Mobile Hotspot). There is a function in a separate section Parameters -> Network and Internet -> Mobile hot spot. On this tab, with the help of the entire pair of clicks, you can run the access point on your Windows 10. All you need to include switch " Allow the use of my Internet connection on other devices" The name of the new Wi-Fi network and password will be generated automatically (you can change them) and select the Internet connection, access to which you will provide other devices (list Sharing Internet Connection). If you have only one internet connection on your computer, it will be selected automatically.

Limitation. Thus, you can provide sharing not to all types of connections. For example, PPPoE connection cannot be disappeared.

In the same window, a list of devices that are connected to your access point at the moment are displayed. The name and Mac address is displayed, as well as the IP address assigned to it. As you see, at the same time, up to 8 devices can be connected to 8 access points.

Common Windows 10 errors when creating a mobile hot spot

In the event that when trying to create an access point, an error appears' Cannot customize mobile hot spot. Turn onWi-Fi.', Try updating the driver of your Wi-Fi adapter and / or delete virtual Microsoft. Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter According to this virtual adapter, distribution of the Internet is carried out). After that restart the computer and try to include mobile hot spot again.

Another frequent error - ''. Try just restarting your Internet connection.

Another error: ' Could not configure mobile hot spot because the computer does not have a connectionEthernet, WI-Fi. or connection to cellular network'. Most likely there are problems with your Internet connection (no network). Check the connection. Also, this error appears in case you are connected to the provider via PPPoE, this type of connection is not supported by mobile hot spot.

Create a virtual Wi-Fi network from the command line

Consider how to create a Virtual Wi-Fi Access Point from the command line.

Suppose we want to create a wireless network named Hotspot. (this is an SSID network) and password for connecting 3 i3ipass. Open the command prompt (with administrator rights) and execute such a command:

If all is correct, the command will return the following text:

The network mode is allowed in the wireless network service.
The SSID network identifier has been successfully changed.
The password phrase of the user key placed network was successfully changed.

This command will create a new Virtual Wi-Fi Wi-Fi System Adapter Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter, which will be used by other wireless devices as an access point. Now turn on the created virtual adapter:

Line Their Hosted Network. Started. (The hosted network is running) suggests that the Wi-Fi access point is successfully launched.

Network and Sharing Center (Network and Sharing Center) will appear a new wireless connection with the name Hotspot..

Others Wi-Fi devices Now can see and connect to the created access point. Inside such a network, the device can use common documents and periphery, but the Internet access is still impossible through this access point.

Let me use the connected devices to use the Internet connection

Now allow all devices connected to our Wi-Fi virtual access point to use a wired network connection to access the Internet. To do this, in the Network Management Center, click on the name of the network adapter through which the Internet is possible. In our example, this is a connection with the name Ethernet.

In a window with a network adapter statistics, click on the button. Properties..

In the network adapter properties window you need to allow access to the Internet through this connection. To do this, go to the tab Sharing. (Access). Check the check box " Allow. Other Network. Users. to. Connect. Through. THIS Computer'S. Internet Connection"(Allow other network users use the Internet connection this computer), and in the drop-down list, select the name of the virtual adapter, which we created earlier.

Save the changes. In the Network Management Center window, the HotSpot network will change InternetWhat means that this network (and all devices connected to it) now have Internet access.

Now all devices that are connected to the Windows 10 access point created by us are Internet access via the external network interface of the computer. Try connecting to the created point of access from your phone, tablet or other laptop.

View current access virtual access settings

The current settings of the access point you created can be viewed using the command.

Netsh Wlan Show HostedNetwork

The command will display the name (SSID) network, supported authentication and encryption types, maximum amount devices that can simultaneously use this access point (Max Number of Clients) and the current number of connected clients (Number of Clients).

The following command displays various security settings your access pointWi-Fi and connection keys:

Netsh Wlan Show HostedNetwork Setting \u003d Security

The access point on Windows 10 does not know how to work in the hidden SSID mode.

Possible errors and ways to solve with Wi-Fi access point on Windows 10

Question. After windows reboots, Wi-Fi access point does not turn on.

Answer. To restore the wireless network, you need to start the placed network command
Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork
Re-specify the network name and password is not required.

Question. When you try to start the hosted network, the "The Wireless Autoconfig Service (WLANSVC) IS NOT RUNNING (WLANSVC) appears. The Hosted Network Couldn't Be Started "(the auto-tuning service of the wireless network is not running).

Answer. Run the service WLAN Autoconfig (WLAN auto-tuning service) from the Services.msc console or from the command line:
Net Start WLANSVC.
and repeat the start of the virtual access point

Question. When you start a Wi-Fi network, an error appears "Failed to start the posted network. A group or resource is not in the right state. "

Answer. Check if your Wi-Fi adapter is enabled. Then open device Manager, on the menu View Select Show hidden devices. In the network adapters section, find Microsoft. Hosted Network. Virtual Adapter. and enable it (use). If it does not help, follow the commands:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d Allow

Then re-create an access point:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d HotSpot Key \u003d 3i3IPass
netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

Question. How to see the status and settings of the access point?

Netsh Wlan Show HostedNetwork

Answer. Stop access point by command:
Netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork

The access point is removed (SSID and network password are deleted) so:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d Disallow

Question.The device connected to the Wi-Fi access point, and the Internet does not work on it.

Answer: Check if your configuration device got DNS Server (Try manually to specify the address of the public DNS server Google server - in the settings of your client. Also try to restart the General Access Service (ICS), or disable and re-enable sharing for the adapter, through which your computer / laptop with Windows 10 is connected to the Internet. .

A few more typical problems, due to which you may not work the access point on Windows 10:

Often there is a need to distribute the Internet via WiFi from a laptop on Windows 10, but not everyone knows how to do it better. There are many different ways to hand out WiFi from a laptop. The main thing is to be installed on your laptop recent Drivers WiFi adapter and it was fully operational. If you have an external or internal WiFi adapter on your computer, then you can easily distribute the Internet from a computer.

This article will tell how to distribute the Internet with windows laptop 10 Using as an operating agent windows systems 10 and on the example of a third-party software. We recommend paying attention to WiFi distribution options from a laptop through the command line, as well as using mobile hot spot in Windows 10.

After upgrading to Windows 10 Build 1607, users have the opportunity to distribute the Internet through the control panel using mobile hot spot. You can enable the ability to use other devices only if your WiFi adapter works for you. If you have a WiFi adapter on a computer with all drivers, then the Mobile hot spot section also appears in the system parameters.

  1. Open the parameters by clicking on Pup\u003e Settings\u003e Network and Internet\u003e Mobile hot spot.
  2. Next slider item Allow the use of my Internet connection on other devices Talk to the Regulation Included.
  3. In point Joint use of the Internet connection Specify the working Internet connection.

And if necessary, you can easily change the network name and network password. To do this, press the button Change In chapter Mobile hot spot In the system parameters.

Mobile hot spot greatly facilitates user life, because after one-time setting you can distribute the Internet from a laptop on Windows 10 literally into one press. Moreover, problems using mobile hot spot does not occur compared to third-party programs.

How to distribute wifi from a laptop through the command line

WiFi distribution method through the command line works both on the Windows 10 operating system and on previous versions. It is the second for easy use because it also does not require uploading third-party software. Here the user has enough to copy and execute several commands in the command line. We recommend creating a executable file, with which the user can quickly run your own WiFi network.

  1. Create text file With any name by changing the extension of the file S.Txt on V.Bat. If you default, you do not see the file extension, see the instructions :.
  2. Continuing the right mouse button on the created file and select item. Change.
  3. In the notepad window that opens, insert the following text:
Netsh WLAN Start HostedNetwork Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d "SITE" KEY \u003d "SITE" KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent

The above command contains the name of the wireless network - well as a password of the future wireless network - key. Therefore, to change the parameters of the wireless network to the user just enter other values \u200b\u200bfor SSID and KEY.

Further, run this file on behalf of the administrator. After that, a wireless network will be created, but most likely without access to the Internet. Therefore, you need to go further Properties Wireless network

and set the mark to the item.

Ease of using the executable file is that after the system is restarted, it is enough to run just one file to turn on the wireless network.

MypublicWiFi - free analog Connectify to create a free access point. MYPUBLICWIFI - one more excellent option Creating a Point access WiFi. On the laptop, and completely free. The program is very light and smart. After installation, it is enough to run the utility on behalf of the administrator:

Then, you will see a window in which 3 main access point settings are available: Network Name (SSID), Security Wrench (Wireless Password), Internet Connection, which will be available to customers.

  • Network Name (SSID) - Set the name of the wireless network that will be distributed.
  • Password - Password on Wi-Fi, consisting at least 8 characters (WPA encryption is used).
  • Total connection - In this field, select the connection through which your laptop is connected to the Internet.


So we looked at 4 ways to create, wireless access point on a personal computer or a laptop running the Windows operating system 10. And there is also a possibility that you have to make it possible to exclude the possibility of distribution of the Internet compound.

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