
On which phones you can install Samsung Pey. How to include a light indicator on Samsung phones. Using Samsung Pay.

Modern technologies Do not stand still, dynamically developing and improving. This concerns and fundamentally new technology NFC, which literally flooded the whole world mobile communications, providing a potential user even more opportunities at minimal cost.

NFS in Samsung phones - what is it?

It is a technology universal data exchange solution between devices. In fact, Samsung NFC positions as a non-contact network of a small radius, which operates at a distance between mobile devices within 10 centimeters. What is noteworthy, despite the possibility at such a distance of working with open data, the network is most secure as possible. Information can not be lost, as well as data are not obtained by third-party persons. Actually, samsung NFC is much safer and complies with high standards of security, rather than a similar Bluetooth, which was relevant over the age of one and a half decades.

All Galaxy Smartphones with Contactless Technology

Currently, mobile device manufacturers are trying to implement the specified technology in their developments, providing an incredible level of quality of the work of the aggregates. Samsung NFC is not lagging behind, the models of which today are presented in the following names and modifications:

  • Galaxy S8 - is flagship modelwhich works directly on the android version 7.0 operating system. Supports simultaneously the operation of two SIM cards, despite the fact that in the mobile phone there is one communication module. The size of the device screen is 5.8 inches, resolution in the range of 2960x1440 pixels. The device chamber has a resolution of 12 megapixels, autofocus is provided;
  • Galaxy A5 - the device of the budget segment, the main emphasis in which is made exclusively on the camera resolution. As the elder modification works on the operating system Android, version 6 and higher (depending on the sale set at the time). Supports the simultaneous operation of two SIM cards, between which it is necessary to switch during the use of the phone. The screen has a diagonal within 5.2 inches, the resolution is 1920x1080 pixels. The advantage of the unit is its chamber with a resolution within 16 meters, with provided for best quality shooting autofocus;
  • Galaxy S7 - the technology was actively used by the manufacturer and earlier, which resulted in creating a whole series of devices supporting fundamentally new standard wireless transmission data. Smartphones operate on the Android operating system, version 7.0, provide for the possibility of connecting two SIM cards. The mobile phone screen is made standard for its market segment, has a diagonal in the range of 5.1 inches, the resolution is at the level of 2560x1440 pixels. You can select a high-quality chamber, the resolution of which is 12 meters, additionally is available and the autofocus option.

Galaxy S8 on Yandex Market

Galaxy A5 on Yandex Market

Galaxy S7 on Yandex Market

Do Android Pay on Samsung Phones

Quite problematic is the issue of compatibility of payment android functions Pay, which are actively introduced into new mobile phone models. Problems is that each manufacturer tries to develop its own standards.

It is worth noting, by its structure, Android, Eilel and Samsung services are fundamentally similar, which allows them to be used in parallel with each other and ensure that all declared payment requirements are fulfilled. According to users of gadgets in responses, sometimes there are failures in work. payment system From android on devices of various modifications of Galaxy S7, which is not surprising, taking to attention the fact that the smartphone is actually the first from Samsung, which uses this technology in full.

Difference Samsung Pay from Android Pay

What is a technology Samsung Pay. on mobile phones Samsung manufacturer? The company not only tried to use the adopted standard in the work. wireless communication NFC, but also made it possible to use not only with separate names of terminals that support the possibility of conducting contactless payment perfect shopping. In its solution, the technology of their own development, which made the name MST (which is translated as "magnetic secure transmission") is actively used.

Thanks to the unique features of the new technology, the user will burn without any problems to pay the purchase made by them almost on any type of terminal, which provides for the use of a bank card as a payment instrument. To do this, it will be necessary to have only a device compatible with the Samsung payment service, which supports this "magnetic" technology. Through the use of MST, the creation is ensured magnetic fieldAccording to its criteria, a completely identical one that has a magnetic strip signal coming from a bank card. As practice shows, even the sellers themselves in stores do not know about such a possibility of mobile devices and are surprised that it really works in practice.

How to use NFC on samsung

There is nothing easier for the user than learning how to use NFC technology on Samsung. To ensure data transfer, you only need to activate the program chip (provided that mobile phone He has it in his design).

In the settings, it is transferred to the "Advanced" submenu, where the "NFC is turned on" is provided, after which the option is activated. After that B. automatic mode Activated android technology Beam if it did not happen, you can easily perform the operation in manual mode Clicking in the same settings menu to "Enable". For full-fledged work It will be necessary to activate both technologies, it is important that none of the devices are locked or turned off. When a vibrational signal was received - this is the first sign that both devices have found each other and data transmission can be launched within the network. While the data exchange will not be completed, it is prohibited to divide your devices, this will lead to the fact that the information will be lost and will have to be fulfilled.

Even when Android Pay. will be officially launched in Russia, and according to rumors it should happen in the spring of 2017, for the owners of smartphones under android management The most welcome will be Samsung Pay. The reason is simple - Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) implemented by Samsung Specialists allows you to pay even in those terminals where there is no contactless payment support. Some smartphones Galaxy And the Gear S3 watches can create a magnetic field that imitates a bank card strip and transmit information to outdated payment terminals. Other smartphones and smart clocks can not, because Samsung bought a MST developer company and is unlikely to license this technology to other manufacturers.

Android Pay users after its launch in Russia will have to make sure that the terminal supports NFC, and Samsung Pay users can pay for hours and smartphones absolutely everywhere. Do I need to say that it is serious competitive advantage? However, if you want to use Samsung Pay very much, and I don't want to change the smartphone for some reason, I don't have a way out of the position after all. Samsung herself decided this problem - owners of any devices running Android 4.4 and the newer can get all the advantages of Samsung Pay, if you buy a Gear S3 Classic or Gear S3 Frontier.

When running the payment service, the company has made a serious concession and allowed the use of Samsung Pay on smart hours to whatever smartphone they are connected. The only exception is the iPhone for which App Store. Available companion application Gear S3, but function sAMSUNG settings Pay is missing. You can only guess the reasons for this, but it is possible that such a situation was not formed by the fault of Samsung, but because of Apple's requirements for the publication of applications. If possible connections GEAR. S3 K. iPhone back You can understand (because of the functional constraints they lose Apple Watch.), the support of the competing payment system in the iOS application is clearly busting.

So, to use Samsung Pay on the clock Gear S3 Classic and Gear S3 Frontier can owners of any smartphones running Android, if two conditions are performed: the operating system of the device is not older than Android 4.4, and the number random access memory Makes more than 1.5 GB.

How to configure Samsung Pay on Gear S3 connected to any Android smartphone

1. Connect the Gear S3 to the smartphone
2. Run the application Samsung Gear.
3. Click the "Settings" tab and select "Samsung Pay"
4. If you need, confirm the download of the Samsung Pay plugin
5. Create a new profile or log in to Samsung Account
6. B. sAMSUNG screen PAY Click on the Add Card, enter the map information
7. Confirm the data entered and enter the check code from the bank.
8. Put an example of your painting - this may be required at the checkout when paying using MST technology
9. Wait about 5-10 minutes before the end of the process verification process
10. If you need to add more bank cards - repeat the last two steps

How to use Samsung Pay on Gear S3 connected to any Android smartphone

1. Before payment, press and hold the "Back" button, which is located near a two-hour mark, to run Samsung Pay
2. If you need to use a card other than the default, swipes go to the desired
3. Press the payment button at the bottom of the screen.
4. For 30 seconds, bring the clock to the payment terminal
5. If the transaction amount is more than 1000 rubles, confirm the operation input of the PIN code of the bank card on the terminal

It often happens that people go outside without cash and credit cards, but at the same time they almost always take their mobile devices with them. Maybe it's right. Indeed, in the near future, phones can almost completely replace plastic. Thanks to the emergence of various mobile payment services, people will have the opportunity to pay for their purchases, having only a smartphone with them, inside which the data of cards are stored. One of the services that can give a good impetus to this is Samsung Pay.

Briefly about what SAMSUNG PAY is and how it works

SAMSUNG PAY - Mobile payment system of the Korean company. Her the main feature It is the ability to carry out payments through terminals equipped to interact with the familiar to many maps with a magnetic ribbon. To do this, in modern Samsung smartphones supporting work with the service, MST technology has been implemented. With its help the phone generates alternating currentThereby creating a field capable of dynamically change. It acts approximately at a distance of 8 centimeters from the reader. The terminal is confident that the payment is carried out by an ordinary magnetic card, so there is no need for its re-equipment. Of course, in addition to the MST in Samsung Pay, support for contactless payment by using technology, which, unfortunately, is still not distributed sufficiently.

How samsung pay works

The owner of the Samsung smartphone with the support of the service adds credit card data to the application that subsequently fall into Samsung Knox And remain there in encrypted form. Before making a payment, he chooses the desired mapIt receives access to it by providing your fingerprint or pin-code entry, brings the device to the terminal and waits for the transaction. During payment, the smartphone transmits the device to pay no card data, but a 16-digit code, called token, so attackers will not be able to intercept them during the "communication" of the mobile device and the terminal. If they succeed in getting a token, it is unlikely that they can do something with it, as the system will immediately block it when reuses.

Which devices and phones system runs

Now with the help of Samsung Pay, you can make payment on one of the following sAMSUNG models Galaxy: S7, S7 EDGE, A3 (2017), A5 (2016/2017), A7 (2016/2017), Note 5, S6 EDGE +, S6 EDGE and S6. What is interesting, on the last two devices, the payment is made only with use nFC technology. Versions of samsung Galaxy A3 and A5 2015, as well as S5 and Note 4 service is not available. In addition to smartphones, you can use for payment sAMSUNG smart watch Gear S2 and S3. Please note that Samsung Pay works only on mobile devices from official firmwarenot subjected to routing and modification.

Does other devices work (not samsung)

Samsung provides full access to the payment system only with the owners of their smartphones. Mobile devices owners of other manufacturers cannot use it. At least for the reason that there is no Samsung KNOX technology in their firmware, which stores all credit cards in encrypted form.

How to install, configure and use

If you can not find SAMSUNG PAY among preset applications On your device, you need to install a special firmware update, which adds service support. You can download it through the "Phone Update" section, which is in the system settings. After deploying the update take care of the application to have actual version. You can download it with Google Play. Store.

Setting up Samsung Pay.

These credit cards are inside the smartphone itself and are not transmitted further in Samsung. The phone in this case is a certain set of credit card. At the same time, he does not see the balance of the card and does not communicate with mobile application bank.

Using Samsung Pay.

Samsung does not charge the Commission for using Samsung Pay. Another interesting fact is not required to connect to the Internet at the time of payment. Authorization occurs with a smartphone. It turns out that it is possible to carry out payments and abroad, being in roaming, and even when there is no SIM card in the smartphone.


This firm very popular among users, she seriously competes with Apple and even problems with last model Galaxy Note. 7 did not dismiss the desire of people to buy these phones. If you have stolen or you lost the gadget, there are several ways to find a lost samsung. You can apply Samsung or Android tools to search for the device.

How to find a samsung phone

Mobile and developers creators operating system For them, try to maximize the owners from theft. Phone search Samsung can be carried out using several functions provided that it is still included. For example, the company itself has developed a special service for all sAMSUNG ownerswhich works through the account on the company's website.

Another level of protection is an account on Google's website, which is the developer android system. This is another option of searching for the device if you lost the cell. If the mobile turned off, then you should seek help in law enforcement agencies. The police can realize the communication operator to search for a gadget. The company is obliged to help the fact of theft.

Find Samsung on Account

This is the first thing you need to know if you are interested in how to find samsung yourself. This is an internal service of the company to search for devices that works through the Samsung account. All users should be in the settings to enter Samsung Account. If you pass the procedure for the first time, you need to perform simple registration. Next in automatic mode, the function will turn on remote control Devys. Through a computer from his account You can:

  • block the device;
  • turn on the full volume signal;
  • show on map Last defined gadget location;
  • fully remove all the contents from the memory (restore after no longer work).

Find a Samsung phone via satellite online

When the device was stolen, finding samsung becomes more difficult. The attackers often turn off the device, extract the SIM card so that there is no possibility to set the position of the device on the map by the card number. In such cases, the only output is to appeal to the police. You must write a statement and specify the IMEI device number.

It should be rewritten in advance, are the desired 15 digits under the battery. You can also see it often on the box from the phone. According to this unique serial number At the request of law enforcement agencies, the mobile provider can try to track even off cellular. The system will show the last detection location on the map. Further investigations are engaged in police officers, which will then return the device. If he was found at the address of the victim, he faces a penalty for a false appeal.

Find Samsung on Google Account

There is still a way to find Samsung on account google records. Everyone who uses telephones on the Android system can tie a Google account with their mobile. This requires account in this system. Then the entrance to it from the cellular one. Go to the Gadget Settings, select the Account section, click on Google's inscription and enter data from your account. After that, on all devices with version Android from 5 and higher automatically activated remote control. To everyone who has the younger OS, go to the "Administration" section and activate this feature.

Lawyer, economist. Experience in the bank. Date: December 29, 2016. Reading time 3 min.

Using the Samsung Pey application usually does not cause difficulties from the owners of devices supporting this technology. If you briefly, it is enough to bring the phone to the terminal and payment will pass, however, as in any case, there are nuances here.

Make sure the Samsung Pay application is installed on the phone and that the device supports this technology. Samsung's smartphones Galaxy 5,6,7 Series (not all models of these series) support the application of the application, but most often it is not pre-installed on the gadget. To figure out how to use Samsung Pey and start working with it, you need to reflash (update the phone software) to latest version.

How to "reflash" phone

Update smartphone software in several ways:

  1. Without the use of a computer - this method is called fota;
  2. Through special programwhich you want to install on a computer - Smart Switch.

Important moment: to previous version software After flashing, return will not be possible, so before proceeding with the procedure, it is desirable to keep all necessary informationcontained in the phone to another device (computer, laptop, telephone, flash drive or disk).

Without a computer

When updating without a computer, you need to do the following:

  • To charge the phone at least up to 80%, connect it to the Internet or to the Wi-Fi network (if the update download mode is selected only through Wi-Fi), the speed must be at least 5 Mbps.
  • In the menu, go to "Settings", "About Device" and select "Update by";
  • Click on "update" or "update manually", after which the check will be performed for the presence of a new software versionIf it is, it will be prompted to download it. If not, the appropriate inscription will appear.
  • Next, you need to take an offer to download software updates and you will need to click on the Set button.
  • The phone will turn on and turn off and update will begin.

Important: You can not turn off the smartphone in the process of updating the software - it will fail. After the update, you need to make a discharge of data so that the phone works fine. If this is not done, errors may occur during use.

Using a computer program

When updating the software using SMART Switch, all steps are similar, only first you need to connect the phone to the computer and run the program. Both devices can also be turned off during the download process. Reset data also needed at the end of the installation, in the Smart Switch program there is a function reserve copy.

And the third, most reliable, but also requiring cash outlets is an update at the service center. Also, if in the process manual update There were problems, you need to contact service center.

How to use samsung pay

After flashing the device, the Samsung Pey application icon will be displayed on the working screen, to which it will be necessary to enter the Samsung account account account, perform all instructions of the system.

The application has an intuitive understandable interfaceusing the tips of which you can add to the system bank cards.

To polish Samsung Payi to pay for the purchase, bring the phone to the terminal

December 2016 sAMSUNG application Pay supported Master Card debit and credit cards of the Thirteen Russian banks, including the map of the three banks and the card of the Yandex-money payment system.

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