
Clearing all traces of work on the computer. Privazer program for cleaning the computer for the benefit of performance and in order to notice traces of activity. How to do it better

Privazer is a free highly specialized program designed to clean Windows. The program does not have additional functions of the type of uninstaller, disk space analyzer, an impressive list of tweaks, etc., but offers extensive capabilities specifically for cleaning Windows-based computers.

About her, we will talk about her work in detail below.

1. About Privazer Program

In addition to the standard list of functions of a cleaner - deleting temporary and unused files, cleaning the system registry, the destruction of the tracks in the operating system and on the Internet - Privazer also helps get rid of Windows previous installation files and system update installers. The program does not just clean the computer in order to improve its performance, it is a professional tool for noticeing tracks on a computer and ensure user privacy. In the process of cleaning, several passes can be assigned to delete data from disks (including 35 passes according to the Gutman method) to completely erase the information and the inability to restore it in the future. From the optimizing functions of the program - disconnect the sleep mode, stop the Windows Search Local Data Index and delete the Page File.sys paging file.

Privazer has a friendly Russified interface and is equipped with a step-by-step master of the primary settings with an explanation of their essence. Privazer is designed for both the audience of experienced users and newbies. For regular and advanced users, the program provides separate environments with the corresponding level of experience in settings. The operation of the program is flexibly configured: for scanning and, accordingly, cleaning can select individual types of deleted data, separate disk partitions, separate removable devices. Privazer works not only with computer hard drives, but also with a number of connected external media (USB flash drives, USB-HDD, memory cards, etc.) and with network storage facilities.

2. Installation

With the flexibility of Privazer, already at the stage of its installation. Distribution from the official website, the distribution is not only installing Privazer in Windows, but also allows you to start the program without installing the system to perform disposable cleaning and provides for the creation of a portable portable version.

3. Optimization of program settings when you first start

When you first start, it will be proposed to optimize Privazer for user needs. This is mentioned above the step-by-step master of the primary settings. With it, the user gradually sets the cleaning parameters, including this process or eliminating certain data types from it.

First of all, you need to select a computer proficiency level - a simple or advanced user. At first, naturally, it is better to choose the level of a simple user.

  • data used programs;
  • story of documents of office applications and programs for working with graphics;
  • windows Card Games;
  • cache sketches;
  • forms of authorization in browsers;
  • internet cache;
  • files of the previous Windows installation;

  • windows installation files;
  • other types of data.

The last configurable parameter will disable the sleep mode of the computer. Without a particular need to use this opportunity, Privazer is not worth it. At the final stage, we save the parameters.

PRIVAZER optimization for the user needs are constant settings used for each case of cleaning the computer. You can change them herein by selecting the "Options" menu in the main window and passing the wizard steps again. And directly in the Privazer working window, we can choose the settings for each individual cleaning case.

4. Scanning

Upon completion of the cleaning parameter setting, we can immediately start the scan, selecting the first option with the inscription "ready to perform my first analysis" in the next window. In this case, it will start scanning all the available data types on the S. disk. To access the configurable cleaning of the computer, you need to go to the main menu Privazer.

Since Privazer also works with connected data carriers, in the main menu, first of all, you need to select the operated device. Click "Computer".

Next of the drop-down list, you can select the ready-made scan templates for the search for individual data types. An "In-depth scanning" option provides for a selection to scan all possible data types, this is a template for comprehensive cleaning of a computer.

Whatever the pattern is selected, in any case, directly in the operating window of the data type operations are re-elected with the removal or installation of the desired ticks. In the upper left corner of the window, the scan areas are specified. You can add non-system sections to the pre-installed system partition, so that the search for cleaning data is carried out on them. To start scanning, press the "Scan" button.

According to the results of Scanning Privazer will present results with the number of objects found for each data type. With a specific list of objects, you can find in a separate window by clicking the link of the data type of interest.

Users who are noticeable on a computer and worn about their confidentiality, users before the cleaning stage can still do something: when you click the "Watch Cleaning Options" links, a selection of the number of passages for data carriers and RAM will be available.

Before starting the cleaning process, it is desirable to use the PRIVAZER feature to create Windows recovery points and backup registry copies. After that, you can run the cleaning process.

5. Cleaning

Privazer is so flexible that even directly the cleaning process is offered in three versions. Two of them are "Fast Cleaning" and "Turbo Cleaning" - can be applied in the future with regular deliverance from the system garbage. For the primary integrated cleaning of the computer and ensure confidentiality, it is better to choose the first option - "Normal Cleaning".

I wondered if the company makes good free products, then what will be the paid product? And not in vain I wondered, the program I found was for Total cleaning of a computerBut why a thousand programs when there is one good?

The program is called Wise Care 365 Pro, it is paid, but for those who do not want to pay, it is in. Of course, I am not a supporter of someone to deceive, it turned out that there was such conditions in our country and we cannot afford to buy all the programs. Especially unknown. In general, in my life, there are few programs in my life, for example, I recently buy a program to design templates for sites, well, if I have already brought me more money much more than a license why not buy? But now all updates are available, all new versions ...

How to make full cleaning computer

So ... For testing, I downloaded the portable version. If you do not want to download in Torrent you can download the trial version to:

Below the free version will be.

We launch, and we see that the program has already collected in this program ... At the beginning it is similar to the program for which I recently told.

After checking the program reports the performance index. To be clearer from where it is all taken to consider the windows on ...

There is a search function for large files, for example, I had those files that I did not use half a year. Perhaps they do not need them, and I have already forgotten about them.

In the Optimization Point, there are also popular sections, such as defragmentation and registry compression, the rest are not important.

I also pleased that there is not only ordinary autorun, but also management services.

Clearing tracks on a computer

For those who want to hide their traces of a computer visit, in the program there is a whole item confidentiality. You can delete the history of the visit, as well as sweep the free space and the files you want to delete. Those. It will be impossible to restore them !!!

Also creators offer useful utilities. For example, on the screen cleaning RAM.

The settings are also flexible. You can put a program to autorun, make the program on errors automatically.

There is a task scheduler.

In the cleaning section, you can protect for example, create a copy of the registry.

And in the Exceptions section, you can specify that you do not need to touch.

In general, I liked the program, especially in my case, when it was a portable, you can keep your computer at hand and sometimes clean your computer.

Deleting the history of visits to sites.

The article provides step-by-step instructions for removing "traces of stay" of the user in Google, Firefox, Dropbox, Facebook, Internet Explorer.

The Internet makes it possible to preserve anonymity. However, it is necessary to comply with certain rules. Otherwise, "in the footsteps" is easy to calculate, on which sites you visited. If we view pages in the browser window, then we are engaged in peculiar "surfing." Because it is the name of the "gliding on the waves" of the Internet. Throughout a certain time, the browser and service accumulate our "personal" data. Some of them can compromise us. Therefore, there is a completely natural desire to clean them quickly.

How to do it better?

Below are the most suitable tips.
1. Clean Internet Explorer. Specialists are not recommended to resort to the help of external utilities, and use their own means. In order for Internet Explorer 10 to delete temporary files (passwords, log, information from the forms), when you complete the work, you must check the box from the "Delete browser log at exit" checkbox. This inscription is on the General tab (in the "Browser Journal" section).

2. Stay all "on the shelves" in Firefox. Currently, Mazilla Firefox offers users to experience new additions. If you have a desire to use them, the address "ABOT: Addons" will indicate you a page where you can easily remove unused additions in the expansion section and thus get rid of unnecessary addons.

3. Clean Dropbox. Famous magnificent online storage. However, so that it does not turn into a landfill, it is absolutely necessary to periodically restore order and here. Moreover, it is desirable to make this procedure very vigorously. WinStat is an excellent utility that will help you quickly streamline data. No need to even go to the site. In Windows Explorer, there is an integrated DROPBOX folder. WINDRSRAT will tell information about the location of individual folders. It will also clearly display their "workload". With the help of multi-colored prompts, the smart program of memory will be discovered, and you can easily part with them.

4. Ordered Facebook. It accumulates the current of the year a huge number of applications. Although you used, perhaps each of them just one time. The optimal option is to view and remove unnecessary. In this case, it is best to do this using the / AppCenter / My program (see section "used lately"). In addition, Facebook gently stores literally every request. "Journal of Action" will help remove them in your profile. It is only necessary to dial "search" again only in the menu, but by clicking the "Clear Search History" button (it is located at the top).

5. "Under the curtain" we clean Google. For this purpose, any Google Service is suitable (at your discretion). Well proven itself, for example, Gmail. From above (in the right corner) next to the picture of your profile (in case you already have a registration), you will see a small arrow. You need to click on it and select the word "Privacy" from the menu. Then (in the Google section) go to the "Personal Account". The category of "web search history" will allow you to see the link you are looking for. It is called "Delete Records from Web Search History." If you go through it, Google will provide a list of all your Internet surveys in which he conscientiously retained. Now they can be removed literally with one click (button - "Delete records").

If you follow the listed advice, you can easily and easily maintain order in your personal data on the Internet even after a long surfing.

You can delete traces of your Internet surfing using a special free utility ( The program erases all the information on which you can determine where and when the user has been on the Internet.

After the application is launched, traces of the network will be displayed in its window. By pressing the Erase button, you can easily destroy them. The program allows you to delete log files, cookies, temporary Internet files, clean the index.dat file, and clear the list of recent open documents and the basket.

FREE HISTORY ERASER. Using the "AutoERASE IS ON / OFF" switch, you can set automatic removal of network "garbage"

Using the "AutoERASE IS ON / OFF" switch, you can set automatic removal of network "garbage". Files will be deleted after disconnecting from the Internet or after the last browser window is closed.

Another program - ( - will allow not only to delete files that are the result of Internet surfing, but also to clear your operating system from a huge number of temporary files that accumulate during operation. A large number of such files sometimes leads to a slowdown in the system, and with CCleaner you get rid of these problems.

CCleaner erases the cache and history of views of the pages in Internet Explorer, cookies, cleans index.dat, basket, Temp files and logs, temporary client software files: Media Player, Emule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRar, WinCE, WinZip. And besides this, which is equally important, the program allows you to clear the system registry from the garbage that is left by remote applications.

After starting the program, three tabs will be displayed in its window. Each of them is designed to clear temporal files of a certain type.

Utility CCleaner

On the Windows tab, you can delete files that remain from Internet surfing, as well as lists of last viewed files or running programs. Two other tabs are designed to clear the temporary files of installed applications (application tab), to check the system registry and icons in the main menu and on the desktop. On each tab, you need to mark the sections that you want to delete, and then click "Run Cleaner". The program window will display the work and a list of remote files.

In the "Service" window, you can set the application uninstallation.

In addition, CCleaner is able to uninstall applications. For this purpose, the "Service" section is designed. In the window that appears, you must select an unnecessary program and click the "Uninstall" button.

During the use of a computer, many programs accumulate on it, which over time cease to be the necessary user. However, they occupy a place and consume computer resources, plus some of them may not be available to delete usable Windows tools.

The programs considered in this article not only remove the files of unnecessary programs, but also help get rid of their traces, paying all the references to the registry and on hard drives. Additionally, they help run the procedure forced deletion, that is, delete those programs that cannot be completely and correctly deleted by Windows.

Revo Uninstaller

A functional program that will suit not only to remove other programs on the computer, but to optimize it. For example, using Revo Uninstaller, you can clean the cache from browsers and other applications on your computer, plus to delete temporary system files, which will have a positive effect on increasing the computer performance.

Regarding the removal of other programs - in Revo Uninstaller there are several removal modes. You can make a quick removal that is relevant for those programs that are uninstalled by the usual Windows functionality. However, if one or another program is not deleted by the tools, it is recommended to resort to an extended removal mode.

Also implemented a special "Hunter" mode, which allows to detect programs that are hidden in an ordinary system utility to remove programs.

Revo Uninstaller has two versions - ordinary and Pro. In the first case, the distribution is fully based on a free basis, and in the second, you can use the program for only the first 30 calendar days. Pro version gives some additional features and has a slightly modified interface.

Uninstall Tool

This is a popular program designed only to delete other applications. Thanks to unique working algorithms, it allows you to get rid of programs that cannot be removed by conventional ways. Also, thanks to its peculiarities, the program performs the uninstall procedure several times faster than the standard Windows utility.

Unlike the above reviewed Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool has not so many additional features. Among them, it is worth highlighting the batch removal function of programs that allows you to delete several programs at once, and not one. Also here you can see detailed information about the product deleted, that is, when it was the last update, change.

Uninstall Tool applies completely free.

Iobit Uninstaller

This program also applies mainly by free, but also has a version with an additional functionality, which will have to buy. The usual version effectively copes with its main task, that is, the removal of programs.

Among useful additional features, it is worth highlighting the ability to delete Windows updates, disable processes and programs in autorun, to make batch cleaning of programs and permanently delete some files.

Total Uninstall

This is no longer a free program, however, it is possible to effectively delete any programs. It is possible to delete programs both individually and entire packages, you only need to select an optional option for you in the settings.

Additionally, using this program you can view all the change made by a particular program to the computer. Some of these changes can be "roll back" using the Total Uninstall toolkit. Also, the program allows you to edit the lists of active processes and startups on the computer, to scan and clean the system from different software garbage.

Advanced Uninstaller Pro.

It applies free of charge, but it is more program to optimize the system operation than to delete for other programs, although this function is laid in it.

Among the functionality of the program, in addition to the possibility of deleting other programs, it is worth noting the tools for cleaning the system trash, search and correct errors in the registry, surveillance for the installation procedure of other programs, as well as the changes in the system.

Soft Organaizer.

This is a popular program to remove other programs that allows you to completely clear their traces of stay on the computer. Additionally, there is the ability to "reassure" those programs that were previously removed incorrectly. Additionally, you can view updates for certain programs, uninstall them, plus the statistics of remote and installed components.


Developed primarily to improve the performance of the operating system by removing errors in the registry and trash / duplicate files. Additionally, a built-in tool to delete other programs. Together with the main functional CCleaner, you can completely uninstall one or another software from a computer.

Within the framework of this article, basic software solutions were reviewed, allowing to make full removal of programs from a computer, either, including all records in the registry and temporary files on the system disk.

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