
Restoring the Windows XP system. Restore Windows XP to the previous state Restoration of the WINDOVS XP system on the previous date

Windows XP operating system Two years ago was the most popular OS worldwide - she combined simplicity of use, reliability and perfectly suitable for solving most tasks performed on PC.

Although Microsoft stopped technical support XP, the fifth of all computers is still working under its control. One of the reasons for such popularity can be allocated to make the Windows XP system rollback to the working state in the event of any problems.

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Checking the system recovery service

In Windows XP, it is built in the ability to restore the system in case of failure and incorrect work. The mechanism itself is simple enough - "snapshots" of the configuration and settings of important system parameters are created and are placed as the "recovery point" files in a specific folder on the hard disk.

This method, in contrast to the complete reinstallation of the system, usually does not affect the safety of files and user data (depending on the "recovery point" settings when it is created). To check whether the recovery system is active, it is necessary:

  • Press "Start";
  • Right-click on "My Computer" and go to "Properties" -\u003e "System Restore".

Creating a recovery point

Although Windows itself creates recovery points (this happens when installing new programs and drivers, installation of updates and on the scheduled set), it is best to periodically create them yourself. This is done as follows:

  • First you need to go to: "Start" -\u003e "All Programs" -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Restoration of the System";
  • Then select "Create a recovery point";
  • Give a name of the recovery point and click "Create".

System Restore

In the case when the recovery point is created during the stable operation of Windows, it is possible not particularly worried in the case of system failures. To restore the performance of the system, you will need:

  • Go to: "Start" -\u003e "All programs" -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Service" -\u003e "System Restoration";
  • Select "Restoring the earlier state of the computer" -\u003e "Next";

It should be noted that all installed programs and settings made after the recovery point date will be lost (the same goes and files, depending on the settings specified at the time of creating the recovery point).

Safe mode

If the computer is not loaded as a result of a failure in normal mode, but the Windows Recovery Point was created in advance, you can recover from a secure mode ("SafeMode"). This is done as follows:

  • You must restart the computer (or enable);
  • Click when loading the "F8" button;
  • In the window that appears with additional download options, select Using the "Secure Mode" arrows and press "ENTER";
  • Wait for the computer loading in "Safe Mode";
  • Go to: "Start" -\u003e "All programs" -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Service" -\u003e "System Restoration";
  • Select "Restoring the earlier state of the computer" -\u003e "Next";
  • In the left window, select the date of the desired checkpoint;
  • Press "Next" and "Next" (to confirm);
  • Wait for the end of the system reboot.

Sometimes the computer users have an unpleasant situation when the Windows XP software shell is familiar to us begin to slow down, there are failures in other applications, often the computer reboots or pops up "Death Screen".

Such errors can cause recently installed programs, viruses, unnecessary files on disk, damaged system files. At the same time, if you suspect that the newly installed program is to blame, it does not always help restore the stable operation of the system. Here you will come to help the system rollback to that condition when this program has not yet been established.

Now we will tell you how to make the Windows XP system rollback.

Using the built-in program in Windows XP to restore the system

It is called System Restore Application and is automatically installed when Windows XP is installed. It is also started automatically for each Windows loading and monitors the system file structure.

The program uses those disk sections that are supported by the operating shell.

When the program works, it follows such processes:

How the configuration files and the system registry are changed.
How the modular system changes after installing the system updates.
Other important changes that can be returned to the initial state.

When any change occurs in the above files, the recovery data, file sources and service information are stored in folders that are automatically created in System Volume Information. This folder is provided in the root of any letter of the Winchester, followed by the system.

To make sure that the System Restore Application is running and executes its functions, right-click on the My Computer icon and select the "Properties" icon, and it has already "system restoration".

Before serious system events occur, a "return point" is created, in which changes are recorded in order to make a successful rollback of Windows XP.

Usually this point is created automatically before you install some new program.

However, it can be done independently. To do this, go to "Start" -\u003e "Programs" -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Service" -\u003e "Restoration of the System". Then mark the "Create Recovery Point" point and then click Next. Such a window will open.

For convenience, name the kickback point so that later it was easy to remember it, then click "Create".

The Windows XP System Rollback also begins with a transition to "Start" -\u003e Programs -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Service" -\u003e "Restoring System", but now just click on the "Next" button.

Now you choose the date on the calendar, to which the system worked stably, click on it, and then click "Next."

The operating system rollback starts to this point.

This process is quite long, so be patient. After completing the computer will restart and this window will appear.

At the same time, all programs installed after the selected date disappear, but all your manually changed files (Documents Word, Excel) will not change, even if you edited them after the recovery point date. The same applies to downloaded files of any kind - they will remain in place.

In the event that this method of "treatment" does not help, it is similar to choose an even earlier date on the calendar.

In rare cases, after recovery, complications may occur, then select the third item in the recovery menu, which before was not. There will be a "rollback" of Windows.

How to make recovery using a third-party Acronis program?

Download and install Acronis on your computer, then run it. The main program window opens.

First of all, create a backup copy of the system, which is displayed as an archive. It can be done using the background mode, so windows will not interrupt the current running processes. As soon as the archive starts to be created, wait for the end of the process.

We describe all the steps more.

To start copying my computer.

Now choose the desired section.

Specify the folder on the hard drive or removable media where the archive will be stored.

After saving the archive, you can be sure that you can make the system rollback at any time. To do this, select "Restore" and specify the folder in which the archive is located.

In the event that you just want to see the contents of the archive, then you need to open the file in the program itself.

Now select the files that need recovery. You can also set the recovery of the main boot record, from the invisible files of which it begins the proper load itself after switching on.

By the way, you can restore files to another folder of the hard disk or removable media.

Important detail. System rollback will not start until Windows XP is running. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that when you click on the "Bring" button, the computer will reboot, so do not be afraid.

After rebooting, the computer will start uploaded, and when loading the BIOS and other programs, the basis of Acronis will also boot into the RAM, which will continue to further all the necessary operations. The system section of five or ten gigabytes is restored in five to fifteen minutes, after which they reboot the computer again.

In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to the previous state in Windows XP, there is a built-in registry archiving system and system data. And although it is largely imperfect, it often helps to solve problems. Name in English System Restore Application that translated means system Recovery Program. Often the process of restoring the system in the former state is called " System rollback". Access to the program can be obtained by different paths. The first thing to do is to check whether you have included system recovery system. To do this, click the right button on the "My Computer" icon (see Note at the end) and select the "Properties" drop-down menu. In the window that opens called

"Properties" Select the Bookmark "Restore System". The window has a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then around each record must be the inscription "Observation". At the bottom there is an inscription "Disable the system restore on all discs", when the system is enabled opposite the inscriptions should not be. When you select the disk and press the "Parameters" button, the window of the same name will open in which the system restoration on this

disk. Here you can also use the disk space allocated to be changed under archiving. The system restore program creates the so-called, system recovery points. By default, the recovery points are created periodically and

important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, batch updates. You can create your recovery points. It is especially useful to do this if it is supposed to produce dubious actions in the system, in the positive outcome of which are not sure.

Take advantage of the recovery system in several ways. The first way through the help and support of Windows. To do this, click the Start button and on the menu right click "Help and Support" and on the right we find "Cancel changes with the help of the system restoration" and click on this inscription. The "Restore System" window opens where you can choose


the earlier status of the computer "or" Create a recovery point ", choose what you need and click" Next ". If you have chosen "Restoration more

the relevant window of the computer will open with the calendar window, where you can select the recovery point by date or time and the "Next" button to continue recovery. When choosing

creating a recovery point In the window that opens, you need to enter your point name and the "Next" button will be created.

Sometimes in the "Start" menu, there is no "Help and Support", then you can try to call it the F1 key. If it does not help, then you are most likely disabled service "Help and Support". How to deal with services, you can read

You can open the System Restore Window by passing along the way, Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Standard\u003e Service\u003e System Restore.

Note: Sometimes users are not knowing how to display a full-fledged "My Computer" icon on the desktop, pull out a label (which is with an arrow). Then, when choosing "Properties", a shortcut properties window opens, and this is not what we need. To solve this problem, you need to go to the "Start" menu and select the right button "My Computer", and then as described above. Either bring a full-fledged icon on the desktop. You can read about it

Sometimes there is a situation where you need to quickly cancel unwanted changes in the system: for example, after updating the software, the installation of drivers or cleaning the registry began problems with stability of work Windows. However, not all users know as make a "rollback" as and when Independently to roll back points, and in what cases the OS makes them in auto mode - in general, on all pressing questions on this important topic I will try to compactly reply in this notes.

Let's start with what to check whether the system recovery is launched (process rstrui.exe. ). For this, through the button " Start", right-click on" A computer "→ Next, in the drop-down menu choose" Properties" → "System protection ". In the" Protection Settings "area, the available local disks and their degree of security will be displayed. By default, the system recovery is enabled for a disk where installed Windows (C: \\). However, it can be turned on for any other disk, noting the desired (for Vista. This is all manipulations!) And clicking on the button " Tune "(First screenshot).

In the window that opens, activate " Restore system parameters and previous file versions"And confirm the changes to the button" OK ". Besides, in Windows 7. returned the ability to control the disk space under the restoration of the system, as was in Xp.but for some reason "forgot" in Vista. (Screenshot below).

When Windows itself (automatically) creates recovery points ?

This happens in the following cases:

  • when installing programs and drivers;
  • when installing OS updates via the Internet;
  • on schedule (every 24 hours in Windows Vista. and every 7 days in the "seven");
  • with system rollback to one of the earlier recovery points.

Of course, the user can independently create a kickback point before any potentially dangerous actions (such as changing system files) on the principle " more - no less".

How to make system rollback ?

All recovery points Windows are in a hidden system folder C: \\ SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION. Alone "roll back" to the desired point can be in several ways, for example:

  • through the button " Start", click" Help and support " → "Cancel changes by system recovery " → "Restore the earlier status of the computer "And" Further "(for Windows XP.);
  • through " Start", click" Control Panel " → "System Restore "(or" Restoration ") →" Running system recovery "→ In the final, choose the desired kickback point (screenshot);
  • through the "hot" key combination " + R."→ enter in the window rstrui. → "OK "(the most convenient option for Windows 8.).

Several important comments

  • Quote a reference article from Microsoft: " The system restore means does not protect the disks with the FAT32 file system and other FAT file systems, since such discs do not support shadow copies". IN Xp. When creating a rollback point, only key system and program key files were tracked, unlike Windows Vista. / 7 / 8 where, thanks to the service of shadow copying Tom (English. VOLUME SHADOW COPY SERVICE or VSS. ), Changes are recorded throughout the section. In any variant, personal files are not included in the OS recovery points, i.e. All your documents and photos after the "rollback" will not disappear.
  • If you have any problems with the download and stability of the "Windows" work, you should take advantage of the last point of recovery created shortly before the date and time when problems began. If the situation has not changed, you can always choose another (earlier) point of kickback.
  • Novice computer users recommend to read my

Restoring the system, this is one of those functions on the computer, which, as I think, should know each. After all, sometimes, even an experienced master, it can not always determine for what reason, one or another computer crash happened. However, the developers of the Windows system have provided it and it is for such cases that the function was invented such as system rollback Until that moment until it was all right.

In which cases it is necessary to do the restoration of the Windows system?

I will not go far and give an example on my situation.

Once it happened that I "flew" the Microsoft Office Word program, there was some kind of failure in it, and she stopped running! For me, it was really a problem, because in this program I very often work and who my husband, this program I had licensed. That is, I lost not only the program, but also the money that paid for it. At first, I started panicing, but one familiar computer tells me - " Why don't you make the system restoration?", I say - " Does she help return the program?", is he - " Sure!" I thought, an attempt was not torture, as a last resort, I won't lose anything. As a result, I performed windows 7 system recoveryAnd about the miracle - the program has earned!

So do the system rollback, you can not only if anything is not installed (before that moment I used it only in such cases), but also when "flies" any serious program.

What principle does the Windows 7 and Windows XP system roll back?

The principle of restoring the system is pretty simple. Your Windows OS makes the recovery points of the system. What is this point?

Points are a conditional name, because in fact, the recovery point is a saved copy of the system, at the time when your system is working normally and without errors. That is, OS, herself remembers its normal working condition and makes himself a mark that if some failure occurs, or we will install something on our computer, it must return to such a point . Hopefully the answer is clear. By the way, from this answer you can find another question - and where does it store a copy of the system? And the truth is where, who is the husband of such copies, is somewhat, where are they all fit? Let's figure it out.

To do this, we will return a little by the time you just. Most often, when installing, disk space to share into two sections (if you have one partition, then it is necessary to scatter it, how to do it, I told in the article) one systematic and the other for the rest (games, movies, your videos, photos and photos and etc.). But, if you ever paid attention, then several gigabytes, after installation, somewhere disappear. Those. For example, when I bought a computer, I was stated that the hard disk has a volume of 720 gigabytes. And now look at the picture below.

One disc has a volume of 98 gigabytes, another 600, total - 698, then you disappeared a 22 gigabyte somewhere. It is these 22 gigabytes that are the same memory in which all my system restore points are stored. By the way, this is not a limit on many computers to this case, much more disk space is given, for example, on my laptop, which I did not bought so long ago, for the "Restoring system of Windows 7" function, it is already 40 gigabytes!

And now, let's tell you how to make the Windows 7 and XP system rollback. By the way, if you notice, I say that rollback, then restoration, do not be scared, it is the same. So, proceed.

How to recover Windows 7 and Vista system?

Since these two system Restore It happens the same, then I will show everything on the example of Windows 7.

  1. First you need to press the Start menu, and select All Programs
  2. After that, almost at the bottom you will find the item Standard. After you find, open it.

  3. In the Standard Point, again almost at the bottom, there will be a service tab.

  4. Opening this folder, you will see the long-awaited system restore system. Click on it.

  5. After that, you have a small window to start restoring the system on the monitor. I will not show you, because It was loaded very quickly and disappeared, did not even have time to read.
  6. Now you will have the main program window, click Next.

  7. After that, you should open a window where you can choose a recovery point for the number you need. By the way, if you click on the item to show other recovery points, you will see all the points for all the numbers that are on your computer.

A slight retreat. If you see on, screensate above, under the title Description, the reason for the recovery point is made, this is the reason for the Windows Update Center. Those. If some incomprehensible errors began after the update, or the OS began to boot longer, then you can do rollback of the Windows 7 system Before she worked without this update. But the reason for the appearance of the point may not only be updated, also, in this line you can see the inscription "Planned Recovery Point" or something on the like "Installing such a program", "Deleting such a program". Of course, on the site of such a program is the name of any serious program, such as Microsoft Office Word.

We were distracted, we continue

After that, in fact, the process will begin. Do not restart the computer until it all end. At the end, the computer is rebooted and you should jump out the window about the successful completion of this special operation.

In Windows Vista, everything is almost also. Only the first window that opened is very different.

How to restore Windows XP?

To begin with, I would like to warn the owners of computers who have old versions of Windows XP, they may not be such a function as system Restore.

Unfortunately, I can't show you on screenshots how to perform the same operation in Windows XP. But I know for sure that it is done on the same path, i.e.: Start -\u003e All programs -\u003e Standard -\u003e Service -\u003e Restoration of the system. How do you see everything just, then you just need to choose for what number you want to do switchless Windows XP SystemAnd then the process itself will go.
All let me out.

P.S. For clarity, I recorded a video lesson, it goes only five minutes, so look for fixing the material.

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