
How to connect control. Remote lighting control on the standard wiring. Manage the use of data in a mobile broadband network

To use the remote control function of the desktop, it must be activated before, since it is usually the default for security purposes it is in the off state. To do this, it is necessary, while under the administrator rights, right-click on My Computer, select the item "Properties". Next select "Remote Access" ("Remote Sessions") and check the "Remote Desktop Remote Management".

Providing access

Now you need to select users who will be allowed to access the PC data management. To do this, the "Select Users" button is pressed. By default, this can be done without additional permits administrators, so here you can leave everything as it is. Or those who want can create a new account with a password and add it to the list through the control panel.

Check Firewall

Next you need to check the firewall. Here, remote desktop management must be in exceptions. If this condition is not fulfilled, nothing will happen. Firewall can be found by going to the "Control Panel".

Connection process

On the remote computer from which the connection will be performed, you need to click the "Start" button, then select "Software" - "Standard" - "Communication" - "Connect to a remote desktop". In the window that appears in the "Computer" string, you need to enter the computer name or its IP address. Computers must be on the same network, otherwise, under certain circumstances, nothing can happen.

Before connecting, you need to contact the user in any way and warn it so that he can close all the programs and save documents. Otherwise, they can be lost, since when connecting a session on the target PC will be completed. Next, you must click the Connect button and agree that the user session will be completed. Password and login is entered, and then access to the remote desktop is entered.

Completion of work

After completing the work on a remote PC, you must complete the session. Do not just turn off the remote control program, and complete the session, as for the user for this period the computer is blocked. To unlock, in this case, you need to enter a password from the administrator account.

To connect frequency to an asynchronous three-phase engine, you should at least at least at the minimum level in the scheme of its connection and principles of work. The information below allows you to explore this topic.

Principle of control of the electric motor

The electrical engine rotor functions due to the rotation of the electromagnetic fields under the stator winding. The speed of the rotor is depending on the industrial frequency of the supply network.

Its standard value is 50Hz and causes fifty oscillatory periods according to a second. For a minute, the number of revolutions increases to three thousand. The rotor exposed to electromagnetic fields is as often carried out.

When changing the level of the frequency attached to the stator, it is possible to control the rotational speed of the rotor and the drive connected to it. It is due to this principle that the electric motor is managed.

Classification of frequency converters

According to its constructive differences, the models are divided into:


This includes electrical engines having an asynchronous principle of operation. These devices do not differ in high efficiency and considerable efficiency. In view of these qualities, they do not have a large share in the total number of converters and are rarely applied.


Suitable for the implementation of smooth control of turnover in the machines of asynchronous and synchronous type. Management in electronic models can be done in two ways:

Scalar (according to the pre-entered parameters of the interdependence of the rotational V and frequency).

The simplest approach to control, rather inaccurate.


A distinctive characteristic is the accuracy of management.

Frequency converter vector control

The principle of the vector control is as follows: it turns out to be an effect on the magnetic flux, changing the direction of its "spatial vector" and the regulating rotor frequency of the field.

Create a working algorithm for a frequency converter with vector control using two methods:

Cheerful control.

It is carried out due to the appointment of alternation dependences between the sequences of the inverter's latitude and pulsed modulation for pre-composed algorithms. Regulation of the size of the amplitude and output frequency, which is voltage, is carried out in accordance with the sliding and load current, but the feedback from rotary rotational speed is not taken into account.


Work current devices are adjustable. At the same time, they are laid out to the active and reactive component. This facilitates the possibility of making corrective changes to the workflow (change in amplitudes, frequencies, vector angles, which has a voltage at the output).

It helps to increase the accuracy and range. This approach is very relevant for a device with small turns and high levels of motor loads.

In general, the vector control circuit is more suitable for dynamic adjustment of the rotating torch of a three-phase asynchronous motor.

Connecting transistor keys

All six IGBT transistors are connected to the corresponding reverse current diodes in compliance with the counter-parallel scheme. After the circuit of the power connection, formed by each transistor, the active current of the asynchronous motor occurs, followed by the direction of its reactive component through diodes. In order to ensure the safety of the inverter and an asynchronous engine from the effects of third-party electrical interference, the frequency converter design may include interference filters. If industrial DC sources have a 220 V operating voltage, then they can also be used to powered inverters.

How to connect frequency to asynchronous engine?

Used to control is often used to power the three-phase engines. With the help of it is also possible to ensure the attachment of such a device to a single-phase network, preventing a decrease in its operating capacity. This is significantly winning in capacitors, which, when connected, cannot save the initial power level. Details about the use of the frequency for the three-phase - see.

When connecting a frequency converter, you must first place the circuit breaker, which functions from the network current to the value of equal to the nominal (or closest to this) level of current consumption in the engine. If a trantener is used three-phase type, respectively, you should use a three-phase automatic machine with a common lever. This option provides fast de-energization of all phases immediately when closed on one of them.

The trigger current in its characteristics must coincide with the electrical engine single-phase current.

In the case, if the frequency converter is characterized by single-phase power, then a single machine can be applied, which is suitable for working with tripled single-phase current.

However, under any circumstances, the installation cannot be carried out through the inclusion of the machine at the site of the zero or grounding wires. In such conditions, only the direct power on the machine is meant.

Further adjustment of the frequency converter is carried out through a connection with the contacts of the electric motor. The phase wires are used. But the electrical engine winding is connected according to the "Star" or "Triangle" scheme.

Work on a particular scheme is based on what is the type of frequency converter and the nature of the voltage produced.

According to the standard, the housing of each engine has a marker with two values \u200b\u200bthat can be equal to the voltage. If the frequency produces the voltage corresponding to the lower boundary, the connection is carried out by the type "triangle". In other cases, for use, the principle of "Stars".

The location of the control panel, which is necessary for the purchase of the frequency converter, should be carefully chosen to ensure the most convenience of use.

Connecting the control panel is carried out according to the instructions indicated in the instructions attached to the converter. After the handle is fixed on the zero level, and the machine is turned on. At this point, the light indicator should be observed.

To use the frequency converter, the "RUN" button should be pressed (it is already programmed properly). Next, a light turn of the handle is made, provoking the start of the gradual rotation of the electric motor. If rotation is carried out in the direction opposite to the required, then press the reverse. After the handle, the desired device rotation frequency is configured. It should be borne in mind that on the body of the control panel is often not registered levels expressed in revolutions per minute, and the frequencies that the supply voltage has expressed in hertz.

To limit the starting current and reduce the starting torque at the time of starting an asynchronous motor with a power level of more than 5000W, the "Star-Triangle Star" type is used. Prior to reaching the rating of the speed, the "Star" frequency converter is activated, and after the power is carried out according to the triangle scheme. At the moment of switching, the start current level is reduced three times with respect to the direct start. At the beginning of work in the second scheme until the engine is accelerated, the current will increase to the level of direct start. Such options are most relevant for having a greater turning mass, allowing after overclocking to reset the load.

It is logical that the use of such a schema is possible only with engines designed for connecting both types.

Work on the "Star-Triangle" scheme is always fraught with sharp jumps of current levels in counterweight rapid growth in direct start-up. At the time of changing the connection, the speed decreases sharply and it is possible to increase it only by increasing the current strength.

In our article we will talk about how to independently make a system of remote control of lighting in the house and on the street. This species is used quite actively not only in residential buildings, but also in offices, in production. The highest popularity of control systems made using radio shutters are most popular. Controllers with remote control of lighting control, motion detectors, computers, and even smartphones are set. Thanks to modern technologies, you can control the lighting not only in your apartment, but also on the site, the country, even if at this moment you will be in thousands of kilometers from them. We will tell about some ways to implement such systems in our article.

Advantages of the remote control system

Using the Elektrostandard lighting remote control, you can solve several tasks at once:

  1. Save on electricity.
  2. The entire process of including and disconnecting the lighting devices in the house will be very comfortable.
  3. You will create due to the fact that the light will turn on and disconnect from time to time. This will scare potential robbers.

And now we turn directly to the control systems.

System varieties

There are wired and wireless systems, automatic, manual. It may be possible to be able to manipulate lighting from devices that operate according to the principles of receiving and radiation of a certain frequency waves. They can work in microwave, infrared, radio frequency, sound, voice, ultrasound bands. Quite interesting view - voice, lighting control is made by submitting specific commands. Next, we will tell about such a management system. And also tell brief about the device for remote control lighting.

Infrared management

It is worth mentioning that such a type of lighting management in practice is rarely applied. Usually, such systems operate on radio channels. But it is still worth considering this design. To carry out manipulations with lighting devices IR rays, it is necessary between the lamp and power to include the control unit. For example, you can use the VM8049m remote control unit.

With such an easy device, you can enable or disconnect the lighting devices even by a simple console (for example, from TV or air conditioner). To turn off, you need to bring the console to the device and press the corresponding button (any, but not the one that the TV channels is switched). After that, the command will be recorded in memory. And when you press the button again, you can enable or disconnect the light in the room.

Disadvantages of the system on IR rays

The main disadvantage of such a system is that it is necessary to accurately cut the console to the receiver, as they can work only within visibility. It is also necessary to note the fact that the beam has a very small range, but this problem, by the way, can be solved using the repeater settings.

Radio frequency systems

There are much more distribution systems that are controlled by the consoles, and the signal is fed at a certain frequency to the controller. The latter allows you to adjust the process of turning on and off the lighting instruments. Very often such systems can be found in the remote control of LED lighting.

The demand for such systems is due to the following:

  1. Light can be controlled by both the console and computer, a mobile phone.
  2. The signal has a rather large radius of action - if there are no obstacles, then no more than 100 meters. If any obstacles are present, radius decreases to 15-20 meters.
  3. It is possible to install a repeater or signal amplifier to better transmit commands from the control device.

Before connecting remote control lighting, you need to consider its design. Each such system includes the following components:

  1. Remote control.
  2. Accumulator battery.
  3. The controller for remote control lighting (y7 or similar), which connects to the household network and the lighting device.

Install the controller can be installed in a cup of chandeliers or in the wall. Such a device allows you to control various lamps - incandescent, LED, halogen, luminescent any type. Also allowed to include multiple lamps at the same time. By the same principle, remote control of street lighting can be organized.

Infrared and Radio Frequency Switches

It is possible to meet in the market of infrared-type devices, but they are rare. Radio frequency are much more common. The design of the device is quite simple, it contains a signal receiver. Control is performed using any console, you can use even television. There is also a manual system control function.

With the help of a radio switch, you can control lighting devices both manually and from any remote control. But it will be necessary to bind it to the system to "train" the controller for remote lighting control. The design of the controller is practically no different from the standard circuit breaker, that is, the switch.

We interact with lighting devices of the device using a power unit that connects to the load and AC network. The unit can be connected both incandescent lamps and halogen. It is worth paying attention to the fact that halogen lamps should be connected using a ferromagnetic or electronic transformer.

Also allowed luminescent lamps. You can position the lighting switch anywhere that will be convenient for you. All power blocks are preferably installed in the junction box, but the chandeliers are installed in the glass.

How to use sensors

If you look at the offers of various firms, you can see that a fairly large number of diverse sensors are used to control light engineering. In particular, motion detectors can remotely control lighting devices. Most often motion sensors have infrared emitters. These are devices that closure or blur the power supply chain of the lighting devices if an increase in the radiation level in the infrared range will occur.

If you get into the person's action field there will be an inclusion of light. The fact is that body temperature in a living being higher than in inanimate items. After a person leaves the zone of action of the inclusive sensor, light shutdown. As a rule, motion detectors are installed in the entrances, as well as above the inlet doors. Much less often can be found in the apartments.

Pros and cons infrared sensors

By minuses include the possibility of false response. It is worth noting that the sensor reacts to the sun rays and warm air. When installing on the street, it will not be able to function normally, since atmospheric precipitates are adversely affected. Also, the device may not work, if on a person clothes from a material that does not miss infrared radiation.

Also, the lighting will turn off constantly in 10-15 seconds after a decrease in the motor activity of a person. But there are advantages. With the help of such devices, you can control the consumption of electricity. You will manage to reduce electricity costs. And such devices are quite convenient to use.

How to connect an infrared sensor

In order to connect the motion detection sensor, you just need to use the scheme that is provided in our article. In order to normally implement it, the cable with three veins will be required. With it, the entire control system will be powered by the AC network, as well as connect to the load. And necessarily everything commutes with the controller for remote control lighting.

Phases must be connected to a similar sensor output. All zero conductors need to be connected together. The lamp must be connected to the phase sensor. Then you need to check the performance of the entire mechanism, for which the supply voltage will have to be submitted.

How to choose an infrared sensor

In order to select an infrared sensor, you need to pay attention to such parameters:

  1. The location in which the device will be installed. It should be noted that the devices have a different degree of protection - from IP20 to IP55 inclusive. You can also meet attached and built-in devices. In the apartment it is best to use embedded devices, while the degree of protection does not matter. But if you need to install the device on the street or in the stairwell, it is recommended to pay attention to models that are protected from water and dust. It is desirable that they are installed on the bracket.
  2. Range. You need to know that infrared sensors can catch the temperature change at a distance of no more than 20 m. In the event that the device want to put on the street, it is necessary that he has a large radius of action. If you put the device in the apartment, you do not need this parameter.
  3. Maximum power plug-in. Before you purchase a sensor, find out what load you will connect to it. Depending on this, you must select the device correctly.
  4. It is necessary that the viewing angle is up to 20 degrees, and horizontally up to 360, but not less than 60 degrees.

Microwave sensors

It is worth noting that not only infrared sensors are used to control lighting devices. Quite often you can meet microwave devices that emit and receive electromagnetic waves. There is no barriers yet, the device works so that the length and frequency of the waves that are emitted and reflected from all objects in the room is the same.

As soon as a person or another creature fall into the action zone, a change in parameters will be changed, the switching circuit of the lighting system is activated. Of the advantages of such sensors, it can be noted that this is a high-precision device, it can be able to operate even in conditions of bad weather. But there are disadvantages. These are false responses, high cost, and if sensors have a very large range of coverage, they can harm health.

Ultrasonic type sensors

These devices are similar to those considered above. Inside the sound wave generator is installed, its frequency is not more than 60 kHz. In this case, ultrasound is studied and reflected from all objects that are within the device's action radius. As soon as a person or animal falls into the range of coverage, a sound wave change occurs, which comes to the sensor.

The device immediately begins to register the movement. Disadvantages of such devices are still available. Among them it is worth noting that they do not always respond to the smooth movement of a person or an animal. In addition, they can cause discomfort among pets.

But there is an obvious advantage of these devices. Low cost can be distinguished, as well as the possibility of working with high humidity, large temperature drops, as well as they register the movements regardless of which material is made of human clothing.

Sound and Combined Sensors

Sound devices allow you to respond to a quick and sharp change of sound, its level should be installed using the sensitivity sensitivity change. Surely everyone saw how the inclusion / disconnection of the lighting devices was turned on with cotton. One of the varieties of the sound sensor is voice switches of lighting devices.

As for the combined sensors, several technologies are combined in them that allow you to detect movement. In other words, in one device, both microwave sensor can be installed and infrared. You can find a combination of ultrasound and microwave, such devices are very qualitatively performed by the task that is delivered to them.

Lighting control

In recent years, it is very often possible to meet the "Smart Home" system. It is in them there is a voice control of lighting devices. To do this, voice-switched voice sensors are installed, which can also be switched by a computer or smartphone. On the latter, it is necessary to establish a special program.

Voice lighting switches can be divided into those that require settings, as well as those that work without it. If you need to set up, you have to train the device to various commands. You are supplied, the microcontroller system remembers it. You also specify that it is for this command that the system should make. If the setting does not need to be carried out, then this means that the commands are already in the device's memory, it is enough to study the instructions to learn how to control the lighting. Just do not confuse voice commands.

I continue to talk about the simplest and most affordable ways to control electrical devices via the Internet using cloud services. First of all, such devices are relevant to country house owners, in order to be able to remotely turn on the heating and prevent the home freeze. Wireless Wi-Fi Relays in DIY format from Itead is primarily attractive to its price. The device is ready for operation. In fact, at the cost of the components that are used in it. Is the joke of whether the simplest relay costs less than 5 dollars?

Earlier, I am already talking about compact relays that allow you to remotely control the load. Today I will show new devices. First, this is a device with two independent Sonoff Dual relay, and secondly, Sonoff Th, having an inlet to an external temperature / humidity sensor. Such a relay allows not only to obtain remote monitoring of temperature and humidity, but also automate the process of maintaining these parameters in a given range.

So let's understand!

2. First of all, the relay acquired a new corps. In size, they became about 2 times more than the first generation relay. There was a more distinct labeling and a more convenient button for programming and manual control.

3. Screw terminals are replaced with spring. A very correct solution that allows you to reliably connect the load without the risk of threading the threads on the contacts. Sonoff th is available in two modifications, with a relay designed for a load of 10 or 16 amps. That is, in the second case, you can switch the load with a power up to 3,600 watts through the relay. Modification with a 10 amp relay costs $ 7.5. With a 16 amp relay - $ 8.6 (as much as the Dual 10a Sonoff Dual relay).

4. The relay can work independently, or you can connect external sensors to it. The choice of the temperature probe DS18B20 (in the photo in the center), worth $ 3.5, or a temperature / humidity sensor AM2301 worth $ 4.3 dollars.

5. On the left is a single relay with a connector for external sensors. Right - double relay, without a connector for external sensors.

6. The device is built on the basis of the well-known ESP8266 chip. The entire low-speed part is at the bottom of the board. On the left you can see the connectors that allow you to connect the USB-TTL adapter. Those who do not trust the public cloud service can always pour the modified firmware on the device and adjust it to their needs. On the Internet there are examples how to do it.

7. Collect the simplest scheme to demonstrate the operation of the device. As a load, we have a small LED floodlight. We connect it to the 220 volts network through the Sonoff Th10 relay. To be able to remotely manage the relay, you need to make the "pairing" procedure with your home Wi-Fi network operating in the 2.4 GHz band.

8. The setting is done through the ewelink branded app on your smartphone, available for both IOS and Android.

9. After the initial pairing procedure, you get the ability to control the load both manually (from the button on the relay housing) and remotely (through the application on the smartphone). You can also configure timers to enable and automate management by specifying the working ranges of temperature and humidity.

10. One of the options for applying the Relay of the first version is the control of the scabs next to the bed in the bedroom. The only drawback is that from an extestary point of view, it would be better to relays in the case of a conventional fly switch, because In this form, as now, press the small button on the housing, it is not completely inconvenient to turn on light. The presence of a timer allows you to program the switching on / off of the light, for example, for the period of your vacation, to create an imitation that someone is in the apartment.

11. Options for using the relay are a huge set. In particular, I have a desire to finally automate control using the Dual Sonoff Dual relay (one relay to lower the cable, the other is on the rise). How to do, I will definitely write about it. I also use the relay for the remote switching on the light when I approach the country house in the dark.

There are many applications. You can, for example, make a homemade heat accelerator from a tank with water, programming it for heating at night, on a cheap tariff. You can make storage for potatoes on a heated balcony or a remote opening of the gate in the garage. You can automate the inclusion of the fan in the bathroom when the specified moisture level threshold is exceeded. In general, it all depends on your imagination. For programming and remote control, the relay is needed to have access to the Internet. If they are pre-programmed to work on the timer, they can work autonomously. Order the relay is better on the company's official website, delivery to Russia costs 6 dollars.

All materials about the construction of a country house with their own hands in chronological order can be viewed.

Music in the car is an excellent addition to comfort and a good mood while driving. A wide variety of radio tape recorder in the automotive market, regular installation and abnormal, allows the consumer to choose equipment for individual taste and for a particular firm and machine brand.

Push-button automatic control of the audio system

During the control of the car, it is not always convenient to use a key-button magnetic to search for specific audio recordings, radio wave and to adjust the volume. Selectable to use regular control buttons on the steering wheel. This feature is installed in automotive salons as an additional or as part of a premium kit for the new transport. The regular devices of the middle class car (for example, Chevrolet Lacetti) have minor possibilities.

Sometimes car owners prefer to replace the standard audio system to a new multifunctional one. Then the signal from the buttons on the steering wheel does not go to the installed radio, and the driver has to contact the installation center.

To create the relationship between auto-control and audio engineering, the steering controller is used, which changes the signal from the button on the steering wheel to the signal to read the radio. It has all the necessary wiring in the machine. Steering adapters are suitable for almost all radio tape recorders who have an infrared port and / or mini-jack output.


  1. Resistive. In the memory of the module, the measurement indicators are recorded, as a result of which the control of the power steering buttons arises above the radio.
  2. Supporting CAN bus. This adapter modifies only digital signals in those that take the established non-standard audio system.

Independent connection Multi-mallow

The control service of the radio control on the steering wheel in the auto center requires certain cash and attract experienced specialists with the knowledge in the field of auto electrician.

But connect the remote and the buttons on the steering wheel can be self-yourself. So how to connect control on the steering wheel to the radio?

Consider the algorithm for reinstalling the control of the radio tape recorder on the steering wheel when buying a new magnetic on the example of the Chevrolet Lacetti car. Work will take 1-1.5 hours with all actions.

Instructions for reinstalling the regular console

  1. The control panel is removed on the steering wheel by removing the bolts.
  2. The connector is removed from it.
  3. The remote is disassembled by unscrewing the three screws.
  4. On the board with a soldering iron, resistors of certain denominations are soldered.
  5. In the remote control cover, ribs are cut and collect it back.
  6. One wire from mini-jack is soldered into the central entrance, the second is in the side. Wires are isolated with a tape.
  7. In the car, the connector from the radio crawls is cleaned, attached to the mini-jack on the terminals and is also isolated.
  8. Mini-jack connects to the radio through the connector in the rear wall of the body of the equipment.
  9. The connector is inserted into the console, which after it is placed back by screwing in two bolts.
  10. Turn on the radio and check the results, whether the control of the radio control on the steering wheel.

Instructions for installing a console on the steering wheel with a compatible car machine

  1. Bardech is removed.
  2. Cable stoves are disconnected.
  3. Removed beard on the panel.
  4. The magnetol is taken out, from which three wires depart - black, brown and yellow and brown-orange.
  5. In the connector from the radio in the left corner (yellow-green chip) there are two wires from the control panel on the steering wheel.
  6. Two wires are connected from the console and black and brown-yellow wires from the radio.
  7. Magnetola, beard and glove box are put in place.

Installation instructions and control with Chevrolet steering wheel

  1. The control panel is purchased, the power steering group with the possibility of connecting the remote control itself.
  2. The steering wheel is removed:
  • On the right side of the steering wheel, the screw hole of the screw holes intended for fastening the airbag module;
  • Screws for fixing the block are unscrewed;
  • From the block is disconnected and the connector is removed;
  • Two screws fixing the airbag module are unscrewed;
  • The module is cleaned;
  • The pad holder opens;
  • Disconnects the connector and the airbag module is removed;
  • Disconnects the connector from the audio signal;
  • The key of the steering wheel is weakened, then completely unscrewed;
  • Removed steering wheel.
  1. A steering group is installed or replaced.
  2. Removed airbag.
  3. In the extended steering wheel, three wires are installed - on the signal and two for the control panel of the radio.
  4. The wires are connected from the steering group with the wires from the radio (they are also three).
  5. Puts to place the console, airbag and steering wheel.
  6. Installation and programming of the automagnet control adapter on the steering wheel:
  • The central panel (beard) is removed;
  • Removed radio;
  • The black wire of the yellow-green steering chip is connected to the black adapter wire;
  • Blue wire of yellow-green chips with green wire from the control module (not with blue);
  • The red wire of the adapter is connected to the red power wire from the magnetic;
  • To connect to the audio system, an MINI-Jack is used or an infrared port;
  • The adapter is fixed by clamps under the radio;
  1. The performance of the buttons on the steering wheel is checked.
  2. Magnitol is installed, the panel is collected.
  3. Verification of programming and connection.

Following all the points of the algorithm, each car enthusiast can install the control panel on the steering wheel, reinstall it in connection with the purchase of a compatible audio system, as well as install and connect the control of radio tape recorders on the steering wheel. Thus, the driver will save money and a little time.


The remote control of the audio system on the steering wheel - the comfort and confidence of the car owner at high speed driving, while talking on the phone, with bad visible weather conditions. This is necessary, and sometimes an indispensable addition to the car functionality.

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