
Details and size of the contact network. Design and calculation of the AC contact network. Check the adjustment of the tension tension. Both traction must be loaded uniformly, the tension is checked by vibration when the metallic test delay

Explanatory note.

Methodical instructions are intended for students of day and absentee forms of training of the Saratov technical school of railway transport - a branch of SamGUPX in the specialty 13.02.07 Power supply (by industry) ( railway transport). Methodical instructions are compiled in accordance with the Working Program of the Professional Module PM 01. Maintenance of equipment of electrical substations and networks.

As a result of the implementation of practical work on the MDC 01.05 "Device and maintenance of the contact network" the training must:

send professional competencies:

PC 1.4. Maintenance of equipment distribution devices of electrical installations;

PC 1.5. Operation of air and cable power lines;

PC 1.6. Applications of instructions and regulatory rules in the preparation of reports and the development of technological documents;

have competences:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, to exercise sustainable interest in it;

OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality;

OK 4. To search and use the information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks, professional and personal development;

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities;

OK 9. Focusing in a frequent change of technology in professional activities;

have a practical experience:

By 1. Creating electrical schemes of devices of electrical substations and networks;

4 4 power supply equipment of electrical distribution devices;

1 5. operation of air and cable power lines;

be able to:

In 5 control the condition of air and cable lines, organize and carry out work on their maintenance;

In 9, use regulatory technical documentation and instructions;


Conventional graphic designations of electrical circuit elements;

The logic of constructing schemes, typical circuit solutions, concepts of operated electrical installations.

Types and technologies for maintenance of equipment for distribution devices;

The design of the station's contact network is a complex process and requires a systematic approach when performing a project using the achievements of modern equipment and best practices, as well as using computer technology.

In the methodical instructions, the issues of determining the distributed loads on the carrier cable of the contact suspension, the determination of the length of the equivalent span and the critical, determination of the values \u200b\u200bof the carrying cable tension, depending on the temperature, the construction of assembly curves are considered.

According to a given station scheme, it is required:

1. Calculation of distributed loads on the carrier contact suspension cable for the main and lateral tract.

4. Determining the amount of arrows of the contact wire and the carrier cable for the main path, with the construction of curves. Calculation of the average length of the string.

5. Organizations of safe work.

Individual tasks to perform practical work is issued not mediocre before fulfilling, in the lesson. Time to perform every practical work 2 academic hours, time to protect the work done 15 minutes is among the common time.

General management and control over the course of practical work is carried out by an interdisciplinary course teacher.

Practical lesson number 1

Selection of parts and materials for contact network nodes

Objective:learn to practically choose parts for a given chain suspension.

Initial data: Type and knot of chain contact suspension (specified by the teacher)

Table 1.1.

Table 1.2.

When choosing a support assembly and determining the method of anchoring of the chain contact suspension wires, it is necessary to take into account the speed of movement of trains along this site and the fact that the higher the speed of the trains, the chain contact suspension should be posted.

The adjustment of contact networks is a complex of details intended for fastening structures, fixing wires and cables, assembling various contact network nodes. It should have sufficient mechanical strength, good matching, high reliability and as corrosive resistance, and for high-speed current - also minimal mass.

All parts of contact networks can be divided into two groups: mechanical and conductive.

The first group includes parts calculated only on mechanical loads: wedge and collet clamps for the carrier cable, saddles, coarse fork, cuts cut and continuous, etc.

The second group is the details designed for mechanical and electric loads: collet clamps for dusting the carrier cable, oval connectors, butt clips for the clips for the contact wire, string, string and transitional clamps. According to the material of manufacturing, the parts of the reinforcement are divided into: cast iron, steel, from non-ferrous metals and their alloys (copper, bronze, aluminum).

Cast iron products have a protective anti-corrosion coating, hot galvanizing, and from steel - electrolytic galvanizing with subsequent chromium.

Fig.1.1 Anchoring of the compensated chain contact suspension of variable (A) and constant (b) current.

1- delay anchor; 2- Bracket Anchor; 3,4,19-core compensator with a steel diameter of 11mm, long, respectively, 10.11, and 13 m; 5- compensator unit; 6-risk; 7- a "ear-dual-oxo" rod 150 mm long; 8-plate adjustment; 9- Isolator with pestle; 10- Isolator with an earring; 11- electrical connector; 12-rod with two rods; 13,22-clamp, respectively, for 25-30 goods; 14- limiter for cargo garlands single (a) and dual (b); 15- cargo is reinforced concrete; 16- Truck limiter; 17 bracket of load limiter; 18- mounting holes; 20- the "Pestik-Ushko" rod is 1000 mm long; 21-rocker for fastening two contact wires; 23- rod for 15 goods; 24- limiter for single cargo garlands; H0-nominal suspension height of the contact wire above the rail head level; BM - the distance from the goods to the Earth or the foundation, m.

Fig. 1.2 Anchoring of semi-permanected chain suspension of alternating current with double-block compensator (A) and direct current with a three-block compensator (b).

1- delay anchor; 2- Bracket Anchor; 3 - Pestik-UCHO Rod 1000 mm long; 4- insulator with pestle; 5 isolator with an earring; 6- Roll of compensator with a steel diameter of 11 mm; 7- the compensator unit; Rod "Pestik-Ushko" with a length of 1000 mm; 9-rod for cargo; 10- cargo is reinforced concrete; 11- limiter for single cargo garlands; 12- cargo limiter; 13- bracket of load limiter; 14- Roll of compensator with a steel diameter of 10 mm, 10 m long; 15-clamp for cargo; 16- limiter for dual cargo garland; 17-rocker for the anchoring of two wires.

Fig.1.3 Average compensated (A-D) and semi-permanent contact suspension for single contact wire (b), double contact wire (g), fixing the carrier cable and medium anchoring cable on an insulated console (B) and on a non-insulated console (D).

1- main carrying cable; 2nd the core of the average anchoring of the contact wire; 3 additional cable; 4-pin wire; 5- clamp connecting; 6- Clamp of medium anchoring; 7- console isolated; 8 - dual saddle; 9- Clamp of average anchoring for fastening on the bearing cable; 10- Isolator.

Fig. 1.4 Fastening the carrier cable on a uninsulated console.

Fig. 1.5 Fastening the carrier cable on the rigid crossbar: a - general view with a fixing cable; B- with a fixative counter; And - triangular suspension with brackets.

1-support; 2- crossing (reiggle); 3 triangular suspension; 4-cope is fixing; 5- Rack fixative; 6- retainer; 7-rod with a diameter of 12 mm; 8- bracket; 9- earring with pestle; 10- Bolt hooks.

Pro account.

1. Select the support node for a given contact suspension and draw it with all geometric parameters (Fig. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,)

2. Select the material and cross-section of wires for simple and spring strings of the support node.

3. Select using rice. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, parts for a specified node, the name and characteristics of which must be applied in Table. 1.3.

Table 1.3.

4. Apply a detail to dock the contact wire and connecting the carrier cable, which also apply to the table. 1.3.

5. Describe the purpose and location of the longitudinal and transverse connectors.

6. Describe the appointment of uninsulant conjugations. Draw a diagram of an in-core conjugation and designate all the main dimensions.

7. Proceed a report. Draw conclusions.

L - the calculated length of the span, equal to the half of the lengths of the spanles adjacent to the calculated support, m;

With f \u003d 200 H - load from the weight of half of the fixative assembly.

Horizontal load on the support under the action of wind on the wires:

where h i j is the tension of the wire, n / m;

R - radius curve, m.

Load on the support from changing the direction of the wire when you tap it to anchor

where a is a zigzag on the direct plot of the path, m.

The total bending moment relative to the console spot


We will calculate the loads on the intermediate support in the straight area

Gakpod \u003d 29.93 * 70 + 150 + 200 \u003d 2445

GCON \u003d 24 * 9.8 \u003d 235.2

Load from the bracket from the field side, n / m

GPDP \u003d 1.72 * 70 \u003d 120.8

RDP \u003d 5.52 * 70 \u003d 387.06

Horizontal load on the support under the action of wind on the wires of the COP

PNT \u003d 6.72 * 70 \u003d 470.8

PKP \u003d 8.39 * 70 \u003d 587.3

Surface area to which wind acts

SOP \u003d (9.6 * (0.3 + 0.4)) / 2 \u003d 3.36

Pope \u003d 0.615 * 0.7 * 25 2 * 3,36 \u003d 904.05

We will calculate the moments

M Og \u003d 9.27 * 387.05-120.8 * 0.6-401.8 * 0.5 + 235.2 * 1,8 + 9 * 470.8 + 2 * 7 * 587,3 + + 0.5 * 904.05 * 9,6 + 3.3 * 2445.2 \u003d 28607.6 N · m

M op \u003d (9.27-6.75) * 387.05-120.8 * 0.6-401.8 * 0.5 + 235.2 * 1.8 + (9-6.75) * 470.8 + 2 * (7-6.75) * 587.3 + 0.5 * 904.05 * (9.6-6.75) + 3.3 * 2445.2 \u003d 8672.1 N · m

Table 6.1.

In the ice mode with the wind, the greatest moment. At this point, we choose the support, provided that it should be less than the regulatory moment. We choose the PC 136.6-2 support with the normative moment \u003d 59000 N. Calculations for the rest of the supports are made on the computer.


In the course of the work on the design of the contact network of the specified section, the load was calculated on the wires of the contact network (for the main path of GK \u003d 8.73 N / m; GN \u003d 10.47 N / m; G \u003d 29.9 N / m) for the specified Climatic, wind and ice dated areas, the results are reduced to Table 1.1. Based on the calculated loads, the permissible lengths of the spans were determined (Table 2.1), the plans of the contact network of the station and distillation were developed. Performed the station of the station's contact network: prepared a plan of the station, the locations of the contact wires were planned, put the supports in the middle of the station and at its ends, carried out the placement of zigzags, tracing the anchor sites at the stations that feed lines, chose supporting and supporting structures. Also performed the plan of the 6-line contact network: prepared the plan of the distillation, carried out the breakdown of the supports and anchor sites, set the zigzags, selected the types of supports. Processing the contact network plans and compiled the necessary specifications.

Based on the calculated loads and the lengths of the spans, the mechanical calculation of the 1st path of the "A" section was performed. With its help, the estimated mode was determined - the ice-ice mode with the wind, i.e. The greatest tension of the carrier cable occurs at a temperature of -5 for the area. With the help of the calculation, assembly curves were built for the construction of the contact network. After that, the loads from the wires and wind loads on the support in three modes were calculated. Chosen by the highest bending moment of PC 136.6-2 with a regulatory bending moment 59000 N.

It was proved that at the station during the passage of the contact suspension under the pedestrian bridge, the method of passage under the Isso without fastening to it was.

During the design, most of the calculations were carried out on the computer, which reduced the time of calculations and made them more accurate.

Designing in order to increase bandwidth and change the diesel traction to the electric, which is significantly cheaper.


1. A.V. Efimov, A.G. Galkin, E.A. Polulgalova, A.A. Kovalev. Contact networks and power lines. - Ekaterinburg: Urgups, 2009. - 88C.

2. Marcvart K. G. Contact Network. M: Transport, - 1977. - 271c.

3. Freyfeld A. V., Brod G. N. Design of the contact network.
M.: Transport, - 1991. - 335С.

Figure 1.6.1 - Calculated scheme for selecting supports

Vertical load from the weight of the contact suspension for the calculated mode is determined by the formula:


-M mode, n / m;

L.- the estimated length of the span, equal to the half of the lengths of the spans, adjacent to the calculated support, m;

G.and - the load on the weight of insulators, received during the calculations on the constant current -150 n;

G.f "- load from the weight of half of the fixative assembly, G.f \u003d 200 N.

Similarly, the vertical load from the weight of the reinforcing wire for the calculated mode is determined - j.


With 3-phase VL or DPR load from the wires, it is advisable to summarize and choose their gravity centers. Such actions are carried out with brackets.

Vertical loads from the weight of the bracket console (, are accepted by their type drawings with an increase in this load with ice-free mode.

The horizontal load on the support under the action of wind on the wires of the contact network is determined from the expression


where the wire of the contact network when
i-m mode, n / m;

i.- Cable Contact Network (instead i.the "N" is indicated - for the carrier cable, "K" for the contact wire, "Pr" for a reinforcing wire).

The effort on the support from changing the direction of the wire on the curve is determined by the formula:


where Hij.- tension i.- Wire B. j.-m mode, n;

R.- Radius curve, m.

The load on the support from changing the direction of the wires during the tap of it on the anchoring is determined from the expression:


where Z.\u003d R + 0.5 D.- distance from the axis of the path to the place of attachment of the anchoring of the wire, equal to the sum of the dimension (g) and half of the diameter ( D.) Supports.

Effort from changes in the direction of contact wires for zigzags in direct areas of the path, if they have equal in size on adjusts in the direction of the value, are determined by the formula


where but- the magnitude of the zigzag on the direct portion of the path, m.

The load from the wind pressure on the support is determined from the expression:

where CX- aerodynamic coefficient, for railway supports, CX= 0,7;

V.p- Drawing wind speed, m / s;

S.oP - Surface area on which the wind is valid (the area of \u200b\u200bthe diametrical cross section of the support):


where d, D.- the diameters of the support, respectively, the upper and lower, m;

h. OP - Support height, m.

We will calculate the loads on the intermediate support on the direct area of \u200b\u200bthe constraint for the hardest mode (ice with the wind):

Horizontal load on the support under the action of wind on the KS wires:

The surface area on which the wind operates:

Table 6.1.1 - the results of the calculation of supports, n ∙ m

At this point, we choose the support, provided that it should be less than the regulatory moment. We choose the support of SS 136.6-1 with a normative moment \u003d 44000 N ∙ m.

Choosing equipment

During the reconstruction of the plot of the contact network, the supports of the CC136,6-1 type were applied. Supports type CC136,6-1 were established to the foundations of TCC 4.5-4 three-beablished boss foundations are designed for the anchor installation of separate reinforced concrete and metal supports of the contact network.

For anchoring of the wires, an anchor type of TAS - 5.0 was used. Additionally, the support plates of OPF foundation and op-1 type 1 were used.

The contact suspension was attached to the console insulated tubular types Kis-1 and fixators Direct and reverse (FIP and FULL NAME), MG-III wire brackets.

All equipment was chosen according to the Model Projects of KS 160-4.1; 6291, KS-160.12, developed by CJSC "Universal-Contact Networks".

Note: The labeling of the foundation of the TCS 4.5-4 is decoded as follows: T - three-beam, C is a glass type, C -Co Skosom, 4.5 - size in meters, 4 is a group of bearing capacity, 79 kNm.

The marking of the Anchor TAS - 5.0 is deciphered: T - three-gravel, a- anchor, C - with a bevel, 5.0 - length in meters. Marking Console Kisol: K - console, and - isolated, with - steel. Marking FIP Clamps: F - Lock Articulated, P - Direct, O - Reverse, 1 - Designation of the Sticker Rod Side.

The contact network plan is given in Appendix A.

A set of devices for transmitting electricity from traction substations to EPS through current receivers. The contact network is part of the traction network and for rail electrified transport usually serves its phase (with alternating current) or pole (with constant current); Another phase (or pole) is a rail network.
The contact network can be made with a contact rail or contact suspension. The running rails were first used to transmit electricity a moving crew in 1876 by the Russian engineer F. A. Pyroatsky. The first contact suspension appeared in 1881 in Germany.
The main elements of the contact network with contact suspension (frequently called air) are the wires of the contact network (the contact wire carrying the cable, enhancing the wire, etc.), supports that support devices (consoles, flexible crossbars and rigid crossbars) and insulators. Contact chain contacts are classified: by type of electrified transport, for which the contact network is intended, - a trunk, including high-speed, J.-D., tram and career transport, mine underground transport, etc.; by the nature of the current and the rated voltage of the EPP feed from the contact network; on the placement of contact suspension relative to the axis of the railway-for central (main railway transport) or lateral (industrial transport) current; by contact suspension types - contact networks with a simple, chain or special suspension; According to the features of the implementation - contact networks of distillation, stations, for arts, structures.
In contrast to other power supply devices, the contact network has no reserve. Therefore, the reliability of the contact network impose increased requirements, with which the design, construction and installation, maintenance of the contact network and repair of the contact network are carried out.
The choice of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe wire cross sections The contact network is usually carried out when designing a traction power supply system. All other issues are solved with the help of the theory of contact network-independent scientific discipline, the establishment of which in many ways contributed to the works of owls. Scientist I. I. Vlasova. Based on design issues The contact network is: the choice of the number and stamps of its wires in accordance with the results of the calculation of the traction power supply system, as well as traction calculations, select the type of contact suspension in accordance with Max, the speeds of the EPS movement and other conditions of the current; determining the length of the span (mainly by the condition for ensuring its wind resistance); Selection of support types and support devices for distillers and stations; Development of designs Contact network in arts, facilities; Placement of supports and drawing up plans Contact network of stations and distances with coordination of wiring zigzags and taking into account the performance of air arrows and elements of partitioning of the contact network (insulating interfacing of anchor sections, sectional insulators and disconnectors). When choosing a construction and installation methods, the contact network in the course of electrification of the railways tend to significantly reflect on the transportation process while unconditional provision of high quality work.
Basic production, enterprises for the construction of contact network - construction and installation trains and electrical train. The organization and methods of maintenance and repair of the contact network are selected from the conditions for ensuring a given high level of reliability of the contact network with the smallest labor and material costs, the safety of workers of the contact network of the contact network, less influence on the organization of trains movement. Production, enjoyment of the contact network is the power supply distance.
Main dimensions (see Fig.), Characterizing the placement of the contact network relative to other post, devices. d., - Height of hanging the contact wire above the top of the rail head;

The main elements of the contact network and the dimensions characterizing its placement relative to other permanent devices of the main railways are: PKS - contact network wires; O - Support of the contact network; And - insulators.
distance A from parts under stress to grounded parts of structures and rolling stock; Distance from the axis of the extreme way to the inner edge of the contact network support at the level of rail heads.
Improving the designs of the contact network is aimed at improving its reliability while reducing the cost of construction and operation. J.-B. The supports of the contact network and the foundations of the metal supports are carried out taking into account the electrocorrosive impact on their immature of wandering currents. An increase in the service life of the contact wire is achieved, as a rule, using coal contact inserts on current users.
With the maintenance of the contact network on domestic w. With no tension removal, insulating removable tower, mounting automotive machines are used. The list of works performed by voltage was expanded due to the use of double insulation on flexible crossbars, in the anchors of wires and other elements of the contact network, many control operations are carried out by means of their diagnostics that are equipped with laboratory wagons. The operational of switching sectional disconnectors of the contact network has increased significantly due to the use of television management. Equipment of power supply distance with specialized mechanisms and machines for the repair of the contact network (for example, to dig meat and install supports).
Increased reliability of contact networks contribute to the use of ice melting methods developed in our country, including without interruption of trains, electrivatelent protection, wind-resistant diamond-free contact suspension, etc. To determine the number of areas of contact networks and the boundaries of service sections, use the concepts of operational length and deployed The length of electrified paths equal to the sum of the lengths of all the anchor sections of the contact networks at the specified limits. On domestic railways, the deployed length of electrified paths is an accountable indicator for the K. e., Power supply distances, road separations, and more than 2.5 times higher than the operational length. Determining the need for materials on the repair and operational needs of contact networks is made by its deployed length.

The contact network is a special power line, which serves for the supply of electrical energy to the electro-rigging composition. Its specific feature is that it should provide a current-moving electric locomotive. The second specific feature of the contact network is that it cannot have a reserve. This causes increased demands on the reliability of its work.
The contact network consists of a contact suspension path, the contact network supports that support the contact network of devices in the wirespace. In turn, the contact suspension is formed by the wiring system - carrier cable and contact wires. For DC thrust system, there are usually two contact wires in the suspension and one for an AC thrust system. In fig. 6 shows a general view of the contact network.

The traction substation supplies electricity the electro-moving composition through the contact network. Depending on the connection of the contact network with traction substations and between the contact suspensions of other paths of the multiplinary section, the following schemes differ within the boundaries of the individual intermetunction zone: a) once a delta double-sided;

Fig. 1. General view of the contact network

b) nodal; c) parallel.


Fig. 2. The main power schemes of contact suspension paths a) - separate; b) - nodal; B) - parallel. PPS-points parallel connecting contact suspension of various paths; PS - post partitioning; TP - Tracting substation

Separate bilateral scheme - the power supply diagram of contact suspension, in which the energy into the contact network comes from two sides, (adjacent traction substations operate in parallel to the traction network), but the contact suspension is electrically connected to each other in the intermetunction area boundaries. The scope of such a scheme is the power of the sections of the electrical railway with unlencing intermetosant zones and relatively uniform power consumption in directions.
The node scheme is a diagram differing from the previous presence of an electrical connection between paths of paths. Such a connection is carried out using the so-called contact network partitioning posts. The technical equipment of the partitioning of the contact network allows, if necessary, to eliminate not only the transverse connection between the suspensions of paths, but also a longitudinal, breaking the contact network within the intermetraction zone boundaries into separate electrically unnecessied sections. This significantly improves the reliability of the driving power supply system. On the other hand, the presence of a node in normal modes allows you to more efficiently use the contact network of paths for transmitting electrical energy to the electrical composition, which gives substantial energy savings during uneven power consumption in directions. Consequently, the scope of such suspension is the sections of the electric railway with extended intermetosnation zones and significant uneven power consumption in directions.
The parallel diagram is a diagram, differing from the nodal circuit, a large number of electrical nodes between the contact suspension paths. It is used with even greater unevenness of electricity consumption in paths. Such a scheme is especially effective when driving heavy trains.

Contact network devices

COP is a complex system consisting of a variety of devices. Each of them performs its own individual function. Accordingly, the functions differ and the requirements for individual elements of the COP differ. General requirements relate to mandatory health, compliance with quality, safety standards.

The devices are customary to the COP: all supporting and maintenance structures that are designed to ensure a reliable and stable position of the driving current elements of the COP organized by the suspension method; Details of fastening and fixing the COP on the supports of the COP or the lines of the VL on the individual plundes of the VL; cables bearing and auxiliary cables of different designs and various purposes depending on the design requirements of the COP; Actually, the KS wires, which represent the main wire (it is called contact), as well as the wires of another destination - reinforcing, sucking, nutrition, power supply Autoblock. Devices, power supply and so on.

In the process of work, virtually all elements of the COP are influenced by various factors. Natural environmental factors from this influence occupy the greatest share. COP throughout its work period is in the open air, therefore is constantly influenced by atmospheric precipitation, wind, sharp change temperatures, ice, and so on. All these conditions adversely affect the state of the COP and its work, causing changes in the lengths of the wires, the emergence of sparking phenomena, email. Doug, corrosion phenomenon for supports and other metal elements. It is not possible to completely get rid of these phenomena, however, it is possible to improve the stability of the network to the external environment by various technical and technological methods, as well as using persistent and reliable materials in the construction.

The COP should issue the maximum resistance to external environmental factors, moreover, to implement the uninterrupted movement of the EPS over the line with the installed weight standards, speed, graphics and interval between the compositions passing by each other.

Special attention should be paid to the sustainability and reliability of the COP even because it, unlike other lines of electrical support, does not provide for the presence of a reserve. That is, this means that when it fails, any of the COP elements, this will lead to a complete shutdown of the line. It will be possible to resume moving movements only after the necessary repair work and the supply will be restored.

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