
What you need for Android Pay. Instructions for using contactless payment system Android Pay. What is Android Pay

Will be near the cashier with a full shopping cart and not find a wallet in your pocket - nightmare of any of us. And for someone, not a dream, but a nightmarish reality, after all, the wallets have a leaning property, and the pockets do not dorm. However, we have good news for you: wearing a wallet with you will soon become no need. Today, almost everyone has a smartphone that can be used as a terminal for payment of goods and services, if you become a member of the electronic payment system. Such as Google Pay.

What is Google Pay

- This is an electronic payment system developed by the Corporation of the same name and intended for use on devices running Android: smartphones, tablets and smart watches. Her former name is Android Pay. Today it has been successfully launched in many cities in Russia and Ukraine and soon, it should be expected, will appear in Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.

The system is free (does not charge the Commission), safe, easy to use and presents total 2 device requirements:

  • The presence of a NFC module (contactless contact of the diploma, which is used in cash terminals).
  • Android 4.4 and newer (although the latest version of the service application requires android 5 and higher)

What phones does Google Pay support? Mark and model value does not have. Whether you have a new Xiaomi Mi6 or a nameless handicraft of Chinese schoolchildren in class lesson, the service will work on the other. Of course, if the requirements are followed.

The Google Pay system makes it possible to pay in stores (online and offline), cafes, ticket office, taxis and in other places where we receive electronic payments without carrying bank cards and cash. And there are more and more such enterprises every day.

As for the security of payments and the risk of leakage of confidential data, the first is quite high, and the second is minimal. Information about the user and payment details are encrypted and tightly closed on Google servers. On the device only temporary keys (tokens) are stored, which are useless for intruders.

Installation, Setup and Binding a bank card

Score in Google Pay is carried out through the Mobile Application Simony-to-download in the Google Play store (it sounds like, but not the same thing). Before installing, it is desirable to disable the root access on the device (if received), as it may make it difficult to use the service and at risk your funds on tied bank cards. In addition, be sure to turn on the screen lock. She protects against theft of money by hidden lissing to the phone reader.

By default, the application is established in Russian, so questions, as it works, how to configure it and how to use, few people occur. In fact, almost all setting comes down to the binding of the card. You do not need to create a separate account, as you already have it - this is your Google account associated with the device.

How to tie a map:

  • Run the application and click the Start button.

  • Touch the Add Map button.

  • Select a map. You can, which is associated with your account (top in the screenshot) or another. When choosing a second option, the system will offer enter the number, the end date and CVC / CVV code indicated on the map.

  • Accept the license agreement of the service and bank. Click "Confirm" and enter the digital code sent to SMS. In the same way, you can bind to Google Pay a few more cards.

In addition to banking, the service allows you to tie bonus and gift cards to get discounts in stores.

To view the entire list of your tied cards, tap the "Map" button at the bottom of the screen.

Now to pay for the purchase, you just enable the screen and bring the device to the cash terminal. If the cost of the goods exceeds 1000 rubles or 3 payments were made in a row, it will additionally need to unlock the screen and enter the PIN card code.

What kind more opportunities There are Google Pay:

  • Informing a user about bonuses (according to discount and gift cards), which can be used nearby. To do this, you must enable geodata.
  • Mailing letters with notifications about promotions and special offers in the stores of your city and online stores.

If you are going to use for payments not a phone or tablet, but a smart watch, then you do not have to even install the application. On smart clocks equipped with the NFC module, it is preset from the factory. Clock with Android Pay (Models of 2018 - already with Google Pay) just tie with a bank card.

Does the Internet need for payments through Google Pay? Constantly not needed. In the absence of access to the server, the data is read from the token, which is stored in the device's memory. To update the tokens, it is enough to connect the gadget to the global network from time to time - approximately after 6 purchases.

What cards can work with Google Pay

Unfortunately, the service interacts only with international Visa and MasterCard payment systems. With cards, the world, which actively impose Russian users, and Maestro Google Pay does not work.

To see the full list of supported cards and banks that are released, open the side menu with touching the side menu and select "Banks".

The list is quite large, so the application does not accommodate it - it opens in the browser. Among the banks participating there is Sberbank (by the way, the service is integrated into the Sberbank mobile app), Alfa-Bank, VTB24, Russian Standard, opening, Binbank, Tinkoff and many others.

Samsung Pay or Google Pay - What is better?

Perhaps you, as the owner of Android Gadget, has already had to use the similar system from Samsung. And questions arose questions: what is better, Samsung Pay or Google Pay and whether to move from one to another?

The choice of payment system is dictated by personal taste, but there are factors that play a more significant role. For example:

  • Samsung Pay only works on some devices of the manufacturer of the same name, Google Pay on any, which meet the above requirements.
  • Samsung Pay appeared earlier and is available somewhat wider. Analogue from Google in some settlements is still at the implementation stage.
  • Google Pay works only with non-contact cash terminals that are far from everywhere. Samsung Pay works with contactless, and contact.
  • In Google Pay, payment of amounts up to 1000 rubles is made by simply submission of the device to the terminal. In Samsung Pay, with each transaction, you need to enter a password or scan a fingerprint. It is not always convenient, however, more reliably and safely.
  • The Google Pay application is intuitive and easier to configure that it is important for people in solid age.

In a word, the other has the pros and cons. And what is better for you, decide, of course, you. Connect and compare.

Recently in the Russian Federation Google Finally, I launched my new Android Pay payment system - payment by phone instead of a card. She came to our country with some delay, as it was announced on May 16, and much later than in a number of other countries. In general, Android Pay exists on the market for almost two years, and Russia has become only 11 countries where this payment system has become available. By the way, competitors from Apple. Ahead GoogleBy launching its similar Apple Pay service in the Russian Federation by last fall. At the same time, the Russians were able to use Samsung Pay - payment service designed exclusively for the equipment of this Korean company.

What is Android Pay and what she needs

Android Pay is a very convenient and practical thing. Thanks to the application no longer need to carry all available bank cards in the wallet. It is enough just to tie them to Android Pay installed on a smartphone or a different gadget with an operating system from Google. In the future, it is possible to pay for goods and services using a mobile device anywhere where the terminals of contactless payments are installed. At the same time, the Android Pay user will pay exactly as much as indicated on the price tag, since Google Does not take a commission for using this service.

Customers of which banks can already use Android Pay

Now to the payment service Android Pay, you can connect the Visa and MasterCard cards Raiffeisenbank, Bars Bank, MTSBank, VTB 24, Sberbank, Alpha Bank, Rosselkhozbank, bank Tinkoffas well as bank Discoveries Together with his satellites RocketBank and Point. Also service partners are Binbank, Promsvyazbank, Bank Russian standard and Yandex money. However, in this case, only the MasterCard payment system cards can be connected to Android Pay. In the future, Google promises to expand the list of banks whose cards can be connected to Android Pay.

What mobile devices can be installed Android Payments

The Android Pay payment system can be used on all mobile devices equipped with operating systems. GoogleStarting from Android Kitkat (4.4) and newer. However, it is worth remembering that the smartphone should be equipped with an NFC chip. This technology is intended for wireless data transmission to a small distance and it is it that allows you to interact with the mobile device with the payment terminal.

In addition, Android Pay will not work if the smartphone is not the official firmware of the operating system, as well as root access. The latter allows the user to "dig deeper" in the device software. Do not like the Android Pay, and unlocked operating system boot tool - bootloader. All these restrictions are necessary for the security of payments and prevent fraudulent actions with bank cards.

How can I connect a bank card to Android Pay

First you need to contact the Google Play Store and download the Android Pay application from there.

After the application is installed and running, it will propose to add a bank card itself. At the same time, if earlier the user has already connected to his personal account in Google any card, it will be enough to simply enter the CVV code in the Android Pay.

If the card is added for the first time, it will be necessary by the smartphone camera or manually enter the map number, its validity period, the CVV code and the address of the owner. After that, the bank will send the user a verification code, the introduction of which will complete the Card Connection Operation.

Payment by phone is a very simple procedure, just bring the smartphone to the terminal.

Where you can pay with Android Pay and what is needed for this

In Russia, it will pay off using Android Pay in all major trading networks, network institutions, as well as in many other places where there are payment terminals. For example, Sberbank Plans until the end of this year to equip the system contactless payment of more than 1 million such devices. You can understand whether or not to make payment with the help of a smartphone easily - it is enough to simply pay attention to these characters here:

In order to make a payment, you just need to bring the included mobile device to the terminal for a moment. After that, in the case of a successful operation, an image of the map and warning about the planned operation will appear on the smartphone screen. Most often, the introduction of the PIN code will not be required. This operation will need to be carried out only in the case of the settings of the bank itself or the amount of payment over one thousand rubles.

In case more than one card is added to Android Pay, you will need to select the basic to be used by default. To select the other bank card, you will have to go to the application and inform the device about it.

Android Pay for payment in online stores and applications

Android Pay allows you to make purchases in online stores and pay for services in some mobile applications. To do this, use the mobile version of the Google Chrome browser. Now in Russia such an option is available in Lamoda, OneTwotrip, Rambler / Casse, "Aphi". When you try to make payment, a special button will appear on the screen, which reads "Pay through Android Pay". A little later, the number of available services will expand - Delivery Club, "Cinema", Ozon, Yandex.Taxi and a number of other applications will appear.

Bonus in the form of loyalty cards

The Android Pay application also allows you to make various gift and bonus karas. A very useful feature, since sometimes the number of such promotional cards is calculated with tens. In order to connect such cards, you just need to bring the phone to her barcode. After that, to get the benefit on a bonus map it will be enough to show it on your mobile device to the cashier. By the way, Android Pay will also be also suggested by the user about nearby stores, whose cards are listed in the app.

Are payments safely with Android Pay

In company Google Take yourself for all payments through Android Pay absolutely safe. The fact is that this application does not use information about the connected maps, and send the seller to pay only only a virtual copy. Nevertheless, current data on bank cards are saved on servers Google.

In addition, when installing Android Pay, the user adds protection, which will turn off the full removal of all cards. In the event of a loss of a mobile device, data from the payment service can be destroyed by the special Android Device Manager service.

More recently, in May of this year, Russians were able to familiarize themselves with contactless technology on phones running the Android operating system. The main competitors of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay for half a year earlier, but huge coverage of devices that support Android Pay can play on Google's hand and help her to win a new audience. In this material, consider a new application for Android smartphones. How Android Pay works, how differs from its competitors, is it safe to use it and with what difficulties I had to face users.

System requirements

To begin with, it is worth finding out what devices android pay is running on. The requirements that Google places are not too overestimated. The NFC chip must be installed on your phone (for payments) and Android version 4.4 (to install the Android Pay application). It seems that everything is simple, but in fact there are a number of restrictions that may interfere with the inclusion of Android Pay:

  • First, the service only works on those gadgets that operate under the official firmware (version for developers and low-foot upgrade assemblies are not supported).
  • Secondly, there is a list of smartphones on which it is impossible to turn on Android Pay. This is an Elephone P9000, Samsung Light and S3.

As for the terminals, everything is quite simple. To pay any terminal supporting PayPass or PayWave technology. Such terminals are installed almost in any, not even the most prestigious store or point of sale.

What banks and cards work?

Just as in the case of other payment systems, Android Pay started only with part of banks operating in Russia. Fortunately, among them all the most popular institutions that are in great demand: "Raiffeisen Bank", "Russian Standard", "Rocketbank", "Opening", Sberbank, Tinkoff, a number of other, less well-known organizations and payment service from Yandex ". With shops, the situation is no worse. Almost all popular trading networks have shown interest in the new technology and have pledged to support her work. It is quite natural, since the same networks are already working with Apple and Samsung.

How to connect?

On which phones android pay is working out, now you need to connect this service. If you have already paid for some of the Google services and tied your bank card to Google account, then by installing the Android Pay application, immediately detect them in the list. If there are no tied cards, then you will have to enter all the details on their own. You can use the built-in credit card scanner, but it is often mistaken with the number (it is not clear why Google could not bring the technology to mind).

Before you add a map, do not forget to install a password to your device, otherwise Android Pay will respond with an error and forbid anything to pay. After adding a map you will need to confirm. You can confirm the card using an SMS code or by calling the Bank's technical support service and make sure that you connect your card to the mobile payment system. For confirmation with you will be taken 30 rubles, but after some time will be returned.


Your card data is stored on Google servers and are securely encrypted on them. For payment, not your real details are used, and specially formed sets of numbers are tokens. This does not mean that a permanent connection to the servers is needed. No, tokens are created on servers, but then unloaded to each individual device and stored there until any payment is made. In devices from Apple and Samsung, a separate physical space is assigned to storing tokens, which significantly increases the level of security. Plus, Android Pay, one way or another, will ask access to the Internet, when tokens will end in the device, and this is a significant disadvantage.

To make each purchase, you will have to enter a password, a key code or attach a finger to the fingerprint scanner (it all depends on which protection method is used on your phone). If any of the blocking methods are disabled, then all data relating to your bank cards will be destroyed. If the gadget was lost or stolen, then you can remotely erase information about tied cards. In general, it is not worth worrying for safety.

How does Android Pay?

When working with terminals and pay for the purchase in the amount of 1,000 rubles or less, it is enough to include the display of the gadget and attach it to the terminal. In the case of larger amounts, you will need to enter a password or attach a finger to a finger-block sensor. For payment you can use and smart clock.

Android Pay works, both in the physical outlets and online. Many do not go to the shops at all and make purchases on websites or in applications, so Google has taken away the introduction of technology and there. For the work of Android Pay on the site requires support for technology from the owner of the resource. The buyer needs to find a button with a green robot and the letter PAY and press it. Immediately after that, it will be redirected to the application itself, where, as in the case of paying in real life, it will be necessary to remove the lock and confirm the operation. On this, everything, the site or application will instantly understand that the order is paid and issue it.

Possible problems

The most popular question that tweaked on the network after the start of the payment system is "why Android Pay does not work on Xiaomi". The problem really exists, and with it all the owners of Chinese gadgets faced. Yes, Android Pay does not work on Meizu. The reason is the international firmware that users put to translate the language of the interface into Russian.

Another problem with which users encounter is to return the goods. The fact is that the token hiding your details will be saved only for one terminal, and to make a refund, you will have to look for the terminal.

Shares and discounts

The launch of each payment system is accompanied by discounts and shares, which are designed to popularize services in the masses and make people try to try it at least once. From those known today, the shares are worth highlighting a 50% discount on travel to the Moscow metro. 50% discount on the payment of the ticket to Aeroexpress and the same discount on the purchase of any burger in the Burger King fast food network. It works as follows - you pay the full cost per ticket or any other product, and for some time half of the amount returns to you on the map. This means that in the absence of the required amount, it will not work out.

How to enable Android Pay on a hacked phone?

Owners of some devices on which an unstable or hacked version of the operating system are installed with a number of problems when entering bank card data. The fact is that Google (for security purposes) prohibits the use of financial applications in any Android systems other than the original. The problem can be solved by deceiving the Android Pay program. To do this, you need to hide from it information about the burglary of the system. So, first, you will need the Magisk Manager utility, which will allow you to install and update the Magisk program. Opening the Magisk program, find the Magisk Hide item in it and activate it. Restart the gadget and turn on Magisk Manager again. A list of programs from which you can hide the fact of hacking. We find Android Pay and turn off. As soon as you do, restart the device and try to use the payment system again. Just in case, check whether Android Pay works with your phone (maybe Magisk does not help).

Instead of imprisonment

So what do we have? Another payment system that has been launched too late or a really decent product that people like? Rather, the second, for his army of Google's fans can, without any special problems, compete on equals with Apple and Samsung (given the fact that Android Pay works both on the devices of Google itself and on devices from Samsung). Yes, and people themselves are ready for the new step in this direction. Bank cards are convenient, but the younger generation is much more likely to keep your smartphone in the hands, and therefore, it will be more willing to pay it with the help of it. The discounts also played an important role, possibly promotions will be repeated, and the interest of users will actively warm up for a long time.

Pluses of the Service:

  • A huge number of devices running with Android Pay.
  • Different options for protecting payments.
  • Discounts and promotions.

Cons of service:

  • Does not work on hacked devices.
  • Tokens for payment are stored only on Google servers.

Innovative banking payment technologies gradually walk throughout the world, coming to new countries. In turn, Russia. From May 23, 2017, the long-awaited launch of Google Pay in Russia, which was previously called Android Pay. In this article, let's talk about all the advantages and minuses of the payment system, we will understand how to connect and set up Google Peies and which banks and smartphones support this technology.

Google Pay - what technology and why need?

Google Pay is a payment platform for Android smartphones from the famous American Google Corporation, which was launched for the first time in 2015. Today, this billing technology is already working in such major countries as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and TD.

Many people ask what the essence of this technology? Google Pey allows you to pay for your daily purchases using a smartphone or smart clock on the Android operating system by contactless way, pre-tied by a bank card card that supports this technology.

The Google Pay payment platform on the principle of action is similar to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. But in contrast to the above-mentioned systems, it has several advantages.

Pros and cons of payment service

In order to understand how comfortable this platform is and whether it is worth using it, it is necessary to understand what its advantages and disadvantages of payments via the NFC module on the phone.

To begin with, we consider pros of contactless paymentsGooglePay.:

  • No need to carry plastic bank cards with you. For payments, it is enough to use your smartphone, without which most modern people do not come out of the house.
  • One smartphone instead of several payment cards. That is, you can "link" maps of several banks to Android Pay and when you pay to decide which card you want to make a payment.
  • The principal advantage of Android Peies, unlike Apple and Samsung Pay, is that this system not tied to a certain smartphone brand. The main thing is that the smartphone is on the Android operating system. And in the world of such smartphones there are about 85% of the entire smartphone market.
  • Payment rate.Payment by physically bank card by time takes usually much longer than a non-contact way.
  • Security of payments. Now it is one of the main aspects of the use of new payment technologies. In contrast to paying a bank card, firstly, you will not be able to copy a bank card, and secondly, the payment is confirmed by the fingerprint or special code. In addition, data transmission when paying occurs in encrypted form and securely protected from fraudsters.
  • In the application GPAY In addition to bank cards, you can add most loyalty cards, discount and other cards that you usually wear in your wallet.

Cons of the contactless payment platform:

  • Unfortunately, so far not in all stores there is a system of contactless payments.. But every year, the number of banks supporting the novelty from Google and the number of payment points that contactless payments take, including Google Pey, grows very quickly.
  • No opportunity to use cash withdrawal technology. At the same time, most ATMs in Russia are not configured to read contactless gadgets.
  • Ended the charging on the smartphone - it remained without money. If you can only use a smartphone as a payment agent, and if the charging is completed on the gadget, you can stay without a payment.

So, in order to connect Google Pay, you need to have a bank credit or debit card of Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express in a bank that supports this technology, as well as enjoy a gadget suitable technically for contactless payment.

Banks supporting Google Peies in Russia

So, what banks support GPAY? As of May 23, 2018, you can connect the maps of the following banks:

  • Sberbank
  • Opening
  • Promsvyazbank
  • Point
  • MTS Bank
  • Binbank
  • Rosselkhozbank
  • Yandex money
  • Some regional banks ...

Each month, the number of banks connected to the system will certainly increase. More detailed and current list? And also which cards can be added to the application can be found on the official website.

Devices supporting paymentGoogle Pay.

As already mentioned, unlike Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, the main condition for using the new technology is the Android operating system version 4.4 and above, as well as the presence in the NFC smartphone module (chip for contactless payment).

Attention! Many collided with such a problem that the appropriate application does not find on Google Play, or the message comes out: "Not supported on your device." This message, as a rule, see those who bought their smartphone through Aliexpress. The fact is that on such gadgets as a rule is not official firmware or open root access. Therefore, on such devices, install the Jeepi (GPay) application (GPAY) does not work (it applies to such Chinese brands as Meizu, Xiaomi, Elephone and TD. Bought not in Russia).

The most affordable smartphones with the NFC module today produces the company Huawei under the Honor brand. I myself am the owner of the gadget of this brand and can say that contactless payments are performed without any problems. Everything is simple perfect, unlike Samsung other brands, where glitches and hangs are very often there.

How to use Google Pay

So, if you have a map of a supported bank and a smartphone on the platform of the same name with a NFC module, then you need to pay for your smartphone:

  1. Download the Official Google Pay application at Google Apps.
  2. In the settings of the application add "to link" a bank card supporting bank.
  3. Install in the application settings Main card for payments (for example, if you added multiple cards)
  4. Also in the NFC settings of the module of your smartphone, you must select the default application for contactless payment. Choose Google Pay.

Directly in the store payment is carried out in a standard way. When the cashier asks you to insert a map, you must unlock your smartphone and bring the back side of the smartphone to the banking terminal. Payment will occur from a bank card that you indicated as the main in the GPAY application. If at the time of payment you wanted to make a payment from another of your card, for this simply open the GPAY application, select one of the added cards and bring the phone to the terminal.

Below is a detailed video review about Google's contactless payment technology on Android smartphones.

The volume of mobile payments in Russia is growing rapidly. Payment technology with a smartphone simplifies and speeds up financial operations. Google did not remain aside, which launched its payment service on May 23, 2017 - Android Pay. Let's see what Android Pay is and how to use it

What is Android Pay

Android Pay is a kind of virtual wallet, with which the cashless payment of goods and services is happening using a smartphone running the Android operating system. As a means of means, the bank card is a bank card of one of the bank partner bank registered in the payment service and attached to the application in a smartphone or other mobile device that supports technology.

To make payment enough to bring the smartphone to the POS terminal, also supporting NFC. In the absence of NFC terminals, payment will have to be produced.

How to use Android Pay to pay

To use the payment service requires the following conditions:

  1. Device with support for contactless data transmission NFC. On the presence of NFC indicates the corresponding abbreviation on the back of the device or can be viewed in the Android settings " Settings\u003e Wireless Networks\u003eNFC.»
  2. The device must run android 4.4 and higher.
  3. For security purposes, only the official firmware must be on the device, there should be no unlocked loader.
  4. Availability of a partner bank card. A map of another bank will not register.

If all the conditions are observed, then you can bind a map in the payment service. In case of non-compliance, at least one of the requirements for working with the payment service will be impossible.

How to tie a map to Android Pay

At the time of publication of the article with Android Pay, the following banks work:

  • Sberbank;
  • Yandex money;
  • VTB 24;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • AK Bars;
  • Opening;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Raiffeisen;
  • Point;
  • Russian standard;
  • RocketBank;
  • MTS Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank.

To tie a map of one of these banks Follow the instructions:

  1. Google Play find and install the Android Pay application.
  2. Open the application. If you have already tied the map to the Google PALY account, you can choose it. If there is no binding or you want to register another card in the service, then enter the requested data.
  3. Take the terms of payment service and the bank that has released the card.

  4. Wait for the validity of your card validity.
  5. For security reasons, the application will ask you to set the screen lock if you do not have installed. This is a reasonable requirement: if someone gets access to the phone in the event of theft or loss, it will not be able to take advantage of your money. Although the lock can be removed by some methods, but at this time you already turn off the Android Pay card.

  6. During the registration process, the service will receive a check SMS with the code to enter the appropriate application field.

In the process of binding a map to the service, a check-off of 30 rubles will occur with it, which will return back to the card after a while. Do not be afraid.

After all items are fulfilled, you can fully use the services of Android Pay.

How to delete a map from the Android Pay service

If you want to delete a tied card from the payment service, you can do this in two ways:

How to pay with Android Pay

Pay with Android Pay as convenient as possible and easy. Before paying, unlock the screen, make sure that the NFC is turned on. Then just bring the smartphone to the terminal (you do not need to start the application) and follow the instructions on the terminal. When paying up to 1000 rubles. Doing the PIN Code do not need. Wait for the successful payment confirmation and take the phone. With a mobile bank connected, the SMS will receive a message about the balance of funds on the map. No commission or subscription fees payable service does not take.


During payment using Android Pay, the data cards are not transmitted, a disposable code is transmitted, which even in case of interception, no value for the attacker does not represent.

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