
Connecting samsung VR to PC. Tips and recommendations on the use of Samsung Gear VR. Load applications before use Gear VR

Samsung Gear. VR - glasses virtual realityMade in collaboration with Oculus. The equipment gives you access to movies, games and other materials in which we can "log in" to get a complete 360-degree review.

Virtual reality with SAMSUNG Gear VR glasses

The points themselves are a fairly simple device. The most important element of the design is a set of lenses through which we see the phone screen. In our case it was a screen Samsung Galaxy S6, as SAMSUNG Gear VR Innovator Edition was tested for S6. Samsung also offers a version designed for smartphones Galaxy Note. 4. Differences are available in the phone mounting system.

SAMSUNG GEAR VR device and connection

Lenses are made of plastic. Parts in contact with the skin are made of soft foam, and in some places from the leatherette. There is a small device on the device touchpad, "Back" button, volume adjustment and focus. SAMSUNG GEAR VR glasses do not have their own battery, because the smartphone battery is used. However, you can connect the charger, the micro-usb port is here for this.

The equipment can also be used with headphones, but they are connected to the nest on the smartphone, although there is no particular need for operation, there is enough sound from the phone speakers.

Smartphone connects B. uSB port On glasses and placed in special attachments. Gear VR has a sensor that determines when the glasses are used. After equipping the equipment on the head, the Oculus Gear VR application automatically starts, and we immediately begin to dive into virtual reality.

Features of using SAMSUNG Gear VR glasses

Immediately tested compatibility with diopter glasses. Users with problems of view also have the opportunity to use this device. Unfortunately, inside the Samsung Gear VR is not so much space, and therefore it will be very difficult to wear a device on top of the glasses (if possible), therefore it is preferable to wear lenses or shift the device further to the tip of the nose, but it is hardly possible to get full pleasure from such a view.

Virtual reality glasses are very comfortable in use. Peng in contact with skin is soft and pleasant to the touch. Gear VR has a significant range of adjustment, so the device easily adapts to the head. More importantly, the device completely limits the penetration of light outside, it increases the effect of full immersion in the virtual world.

Samsung Gear VR excellently reads the movements of the head, during testing never happened such that the glasses misunderstood the movement. If such problems suddenly appear, you can calibrate the device without removing it from the head. Unfortunately, all the screen pixels can be seen with the naked eye, which affects the image quality. Even QHD permission (1440 × 2560 pixels) Samsung Galaxy S6 can not help here.

Samsung gave a very interesting option - built in the pause menu. If you need time to return to the real world, but it's inconvenient to shoot glasses, that is, the opportunity to get an image on the screen from the master camera of the smartphone on the screen. As a result, everything is visible that is in front of us.

Samsung did not forget about notifications. They arise within the virtual world in the form of small plates suspended in space. This is standard android notificationsthat represent preview Posts or incoming call. This allows you to immediately decide whether it is worth going out of the virtual world or let things wait.

View video with Samsung Gear VR

Initially, it should be emphasized that 360-degree videos are not similar to 3D video. The video of 360 degrees is a dive in the image within which the viewer can be inspected and rotated. Stereoscopic 3D, in turn, creates a similar impression of space, as when viewing 3D films in the cinema.

The most important news is that the Samsung Gear VR can reproduce both types of video materials, as well as their combinations, for example, 3D films. Moreover, the glasses also allow you to watch removed and downloaded video. It is enough to simply move the files to the appropriate directory in the memory of the smartphone.

Samsung Gear VR has two main applications for watching video - Oculus 360 Videos and Oculus Cinema. The first is used to watch movies. Initially, we are immediately available a few examples, among which there are both 2D, so 3D video. It is interesting, although the demo granted short, but leave incredible impressions. The application also allows you to watch downloaded movies, the base of which is already extensive on the Internet.

The second application Oculus Cinema is used to view "flat" films. The application simulates a virtual cinema, the picture takes almost the entire field of view. Rotating heads, you can even see the scenery of the cinema. Interesting is the ability to change them into somewhat more extravagant. Video can be viewed, for example, on the lunar surface or from the point of view of an ant on the smartphone left in the forest. Impressions are awesome because environment Dynamically reacts to the color changes and brightness of the film.

Theoretically, the Oculus Cinema application replaces the cinema. We can lie on the bed with Samsung Gear VR + headphones on your head, and will go to the movies without leaving home. However, such a system will become truly interesting only when the screen resolution of the smartphone will improve at times.

The main application with which you can use the Samsung Gear VR is Oculus Gear VR. It starts automatically as soon as the glasses are put on the head. This is a kind of store with various materials.

Oculus Gear VR provides access to multiple types of content: games, apps for watching movies, concerts recorded with an angle of 360 degrees, or film trailers adapted for virtual reality glasses. Some content is paid, but the overwhelming majority is in free access. When we open the application without glasses on your head, it uses the most common design. But it is necessary to connect Gear VR as it takes the form of a virtual room in which the menu is soaring in the air.

As for the quality of available materials, the most impressive trailers of films, especially the "Jurassic World" and "Avengers: Era Altron". The biggest impression was produced by Circus du Sali Kurios. Choreography, costumes, atmosphere and quality of scenery are extremely high level. On the stage there is so much that even after multiple views, you still find something new. Other good example - Concert records, including Paul McCartney.

Unfortunately, not all materials are performed at such a high level, as illustrated in the demo. Most of them are very simple, and it rushes into the eyes. After a few minutes, the initial delight falls due to the monotonance and the absence of any meaning. Bluetooth controller is required for game content.

Additional applications SAMSUNG GEAR VR

Compatibility with various applications in the VR is also present, unfortunately, the big defects. As already mentioned, once the Gear VR turns out to be on the head, the Oculus Gear VR is automatically started, which does not turn off. We cannot use other VR applications, which Google Play. Now offers a huge set. An example is the same Google Cardboard.

The problem with the Gear VR is that the use of Oculus VR runs automatically when points are on the head. You can, of course, go by bypass tracks. Smartphone can be inserted into fasteners without connecting to USB built into points. It is physically possible, but the phone is placed with a small bias and, as a rule, it does not confidently keep in the clasps. This solution works well and allows you to view content, but has its drawbacks. In this position of the smartphone, we do not have the ability to control the "action" on the screen. If, for example, we want to suspend the film, we must remove points from the head, remove your smartphone and simply press the pause button.

This is somewhat strange, because the opportunity to watch "spherical" materials with YouTube is a practically generally accepted standard. It is a pity that Gear VR does not allow this.

SAMSUNG GEAR VR and Labyrinth

SAMSUNG VR glasses have also become a challenge for a labyrinth. Some of these materials cause dizziness and nausea literally after a few seconds of viewing. The dynamic games are worse, in which we look at the world through the eyes of the hero. Our eyes see a picture in which we supposedly move quickly, although at this time the body is simply on the stool. The brain receives conflicting information and cannot cope with it. We tried to get used to this effect for a long time, but in two weeks it was not possible.

This unpleasant effect concerns exclusively the labyrinth. In most other materials, we can simply look at, being at one point. And viewing such materials does not entail any unpleasant sensations. Thus, Samsung Gear VR is much better manifest itself in films than in games.


This is a big question: Is it worth buying Samsung Gear VR? On the one hand, the device gives something new, and the virtual reality is that it is just necessary to see. I think this is the future of entertainment spheres. The first contact with the BP gearbox is simply stunning, and I think that there is not a single person who does not impress the device.

On the other hand, the equipment is very limited, and too expensive for those capabilities. Samsung Gear VR costs about 250 dollars, and for it you need to have smartphone Samsung. Galaxy S6. In addition, in this generating equipment, not everything is perfect.

The Oculus VR application contains quite a lot of materials, but most of them are for sufficiently disposable short pleasure. Thus, after two weeks of fun, you can get acquainted literally with everything that the equipment offers. Salvation will be, of course, your own movies that can be viewed in VR.

However, do not forget about Google's proposal, which is an interesting addition to all specialized solutions, including VR. I mean the universal glasses of Google Cardboard, which can be purchased for 10 dollars. The equipment is much less developed, but it allows you to watch spherical films.

In general, if you have a Samsung Galaxy S6 or Note 4, and the price of $ 250 for a few hours of entertainment does not scare you, Samsung Gear VR glasses are an excellent choice.


  • Amazing experience was not so before.
  • Impecable reading of head movements.
  • A large base of games, video and other materials available in the Oculus Gear VR application.
  • The opportunity to watch the video that you shot yourself.
  • Convenient control using the touchpad.
  • Many thoughtful trifles, such as the ability to look into the real world with a smartphone camera without removing points.


  • Separate pixels are visible.
  • The inability to exit the main application.
  • The absence of your headphone jack.
  • Conflicting sensations from games.
  • Only a specific smartphone can be connected.

After a huge wave of popularity that the first collected, the firm also created its device. She decided not to reinvent the bike again, and went in the footsteps already passed. Created along with his version of the virtual reality helmet, which was called. Despite the fact that many users do not know how to use Gear VR, do it is absolutely not difficult

The first versions of the device appeared in 2014. Weigh gadget about 300 grams. Due to the fact that Samsung Gear 360 is designed for use with the flagships of Samsung's company, virtual reality glasses use built-in smartphones sensors, but they have their own "rings", for example, the rotation sensor and head slope.

Make it easy. If you use virtual glasses gear reality VR For the first time, after the first connection, which will occur through the Mini-USB input, the notification will be displayed on the smartphone. It will be prompted to disable it from Oculus Samsung Gear VR to download special program Oculus and configure your account.

Through the interface of the virtual reality helmet it is impossible, but there is also good news, such a setting and calibration will have to be engaged only once.

As you know, the glasses of virtual reality Gear VR were designed for the ruler phones Galaxy, and with smartphones of other manufacturers, they simply are not compatible. At a minimum - physically, because not all phones can be inserted into points.

However, many users who set up and run Samsung Gear VR note that they want to go to other virtual reality applications, such as others, but they do not work. It is not strange, because they are not included in the products. But this problem is solved as follows:

  1. The Oculus process is turned off, which runs automatically during the installation of the phone in the helmet. Make it possible with paid applications, eg Package Disable Pro.
  2. The program is launched, and Oculus services are disabled (three of them three).
  3. Gear VR turns into an ordinary Google Cardboard, which uses the entire content for virtual reality glasses, located in Play Market..

If the user wants to switch back, in samsung mode Gear VR, nothing hurts him - it is enough to resume previous processes.

How to play games in samsung glasses?

For Gear VR headset on this moment Not so much, but choose something that will have to do, you can still. . They can even master new skills, albeit in the virtual world.

In order to launch any game, you need:

  • Install on the smartphone a special market marquer for points, called Oculus;
  • Next, you need to connect headphones to the glasses of virtual reality and install a smartphone in them;
  • Open glasses and download \\ Run 3D game.
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SAMSUNG GEAR VR Virtual Reality Points is an expensive technological toy developed by the Korean Samsung company along with Oculus VR. They are completely autonomous and do not require connections with a computer. Unfortunately, troubles happen and if your Gear VR glasses do not work, then do not hurry to carry them in service center. Sometimes the reason for their inoperability lies in incorrect settings. What to do in this case? Now I'll tell you!

1. Keep in mind that for work in virtual reality glasses Samsung Gir BP Your smartphone must be charged not less than half.

2. Check for all the Gear application used to be updated to the most latest version, like on the phone itself.

3. Please note that the smartphone must be properly placed in the holder. Otherwise, SAMSUNG Gear VR glasses will not work.

4. Sometimes the cause is simply a malfunction of the device. Try to restart the phone and connect to Samsung's glasses again.

5. There are a number of applications that must be actively active for work. virtual points. First of all, these are com.facebook.system and com.facebook.system and com.facebook.appmanager applications. Check that they are not turned off forcibly.

6. Lately Many users began to complain that the gyroscope does not work on Samsung Gear VR. Sometimes it helps restart the phone right in the helmet.

7. Sometimes the cause of a virtual reality helmet failover is a banal overheating. It is solved by installing additional cooling pribluda from aliespress.

Note: Separately, I want to add a few lines of compatibility. Points Samsung Gir BP are compatible only with a series of phones "S" and "Note": Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8 + / S7 / S7 EDGE / NOTE5 / S6 / S6 EDGE. With Series A and J, do not work yet.

First Commercial Product on Oculus Platform

In September 2014, at the IFA exhibition in Berlin, samsung company Along with traditional mobile novelties Presented and something completely unexpected: SAMSUNG Gear VR virtual reality helmet. The word Gear in the title means belonging the device to the Samsung's wearable gadget ruler (Gear Fit, Gear S, Gear 2), and the VR abbreviation is decrypted as Virtual Reality (virtual reality).

On widespread, the device was received at the end of the year, although it is not yet distributed in all countries. In particular, in Russia, Gear VR is not for sale. However, this did not prevent us from becoming a novelty and make an idea of \u200b\u200bits prospects. But first let's look at the prehistory of the appearance of this product so that in the future it is not confused.

Prehistory: Oculus Rift

In 2012, new technologies fans were extinguished by the Oculus Rift project, which had to create a virtual reality helmet. The collection of funds at Kickstarter brought the authors of the project $ 2.4 million, and most importantly - the attention of investors from all over the world, which are total given by another $ 91 million. This allowed the first set of development in the summer of 2013 (test version of the helmet).

She was a cumbersome, not particularly aesthetic externally, the screen resolution was only 1280 × 800 (640 × 800 for each eye). However, this turned out to be enough to fall in love with the IT industry, and the project decided to buy Mark Zuckerberg himself, and even for the fabulous $ 2 billion. We emphasize that the young company has not yet come to payback and did not release the final commercial product at all, It can be said that two billion were laid out for a classic startup.

The reasons for which the Creator and Facebook leader needed a company that creates a virtual reality helmet is still not entirely understood. If there was a game studio or some kind of investor large player In the ENTERTAINMENT (type Sony) market - then it could still be explained. But what is the connection between social network and Oculus project? Riddle. However, it is already clear that from the point of view of the feasibility of investments, Zuckerberg did not lose: it is probably today the capitalization of Oculus is higher than the amount paid to them.

Running a big kush, the guys from Oculus did not relax, but, on the contrary, began to storm new vertices. In the summer of 2014, the second version of the developer set appeared: Oculus Rift DK2.

The resolution of the picture has grown to 1920 × 1080 (960 × 1080 for each eye), the case has become more compact. It is argued that the commercial version should be released soon, and it will be based on DK2.

And what about Oculus Rift DK2? IFIXIT crafts disassembled device and that as a screen is used there display samsung Galaxy Note 3.

The illustration clearly shows that even the Samsung logo and the slot for the branded button remained intact.

Well, since Oculus still uses the smartphone display, so why not use the entire smartphone whole, in addition finding the use of its electronic filling and sensors? Apparently, it was so reasoned in Samsung and Oculus. Already in June 2014, the Samsung and Oculus together develop a virtual reality helmet working in a ligament with a smartphone. And in September, IFA 2014 it became clear that these rumors were not groundless. True, it turned out that the final version does not work on Galaxy S5, as it was assumed, and on an even more new device: Samsung Galaxy Note 4. And this gave an unattainable quality picture, because in Note 4 the screen has a resolution of 2560 × 1440.

Thus, the helmet in this case appears something like an accessory to the smartphone - unlike Oculus Rift, this is not an independent device. But it costs it significantly lower than it could be in the case of a full-fledged device: on the official website of the Samsung helmet there is only $ 199, so for the owners of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 it turns out a completely accessible option.

To make a first impression of the SAMSUNG Gear VR virtual reality helmet, our video review will help you:

Now take a look at the characteristics of the novelty.


  • Optical lenses: 86 ° field view
  • Sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, approximation sensor
  • Compatibility: SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 4
  • Connection: Micro-USB
  • Dimensions: 198 × 116 × 90 mm
  • Mass: 379 g

Such a short list of characteristics is simply explained: all other components needed to work are used from the smartphone (its detailed features You can find in our review).

Well, now let's study the device intently.


SAMSUNG Gear VR virtual reality helmet came to us in an unusual box with rounded shapes.

In the middle along the entire corps - lightning. Thus, when the lightning is completely unbuttoned, the box is revealed into two halves.

Inside the box - the helmet itself, as well as a rag for wiping the lenses of the helmet and the screen of the smartphone. In our case, a smartphone was also invested in the box, but it is obvious that in a commercial copy, it will not be worth $ 199 dollars, it must be purchased separately. But there will be a map microSd memorythat you want to insert into the smartphone to download the contents of applications.

Draws attention to the disappearance of any charger and control blocks. But the recharging is not required to the slave itself, it feeds from the smartphone, and the helmet control is resolved by the body. How exactly - we will tell about this now.


The helmet is a massive plastic design, which uses two belts on the head so that the main unit is right in front of the eyes.

With the inner (that is, with the user adjacent to the person), the side on the helmet has foam pads pasted on a flexible silicone substrate. Thus, the helmet will be tight and convenient to fit to face, regardless of the shape of the nose, the size of the eyes, etc., however, of course, it will have to adjust the belts a little, so that the whole design was kept on the head firmly and did not move.

When you wear a helmet, right before your eyes, you turn out to be two lenses that are open and on your part, and with the opposite.

It is there that the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 smartphone is placed - so that its screen is facing lenses.

Fixing occurs as follows: Micro-USB connector The smartphone is inserted into the appropriate plug on the plastic protruding part on the left.

And on the right, the smartphone is fixed until the plastic mount is clicking. If the smartphone must be removed from the helmet, then you need to click on the ribbon button.

After the smartphone is fixed in the helmet, with the external front of the helmet (where we see the back of the smartphone) wear a cap from translucent dark plastic. Again before clicking.

Now the most interesting thing: controls. There are three elements on the helmet housing: first, the touch panel on the right; Secondly, the "back" physical button (it is located right above the square touch panel). With the button, everything is clear, and what is touching the touch panel, it recognizes horizontal swipes (they work as turning - for example, when navigating the menu) and single touch (taps) that work as a choice of that object to which the cursor is induced. However, directly inside the applications you do not need a touch panel - all control is carried out simply by turning the head.

The third element is the ribbed wheel on the top. It is necessary in order to adjust the optimal position of the smartphone - a little closer or a little further from the eyes. For example, it can be very important for people who wear glasses (it is obvious that you can not use the helmet with weak points).

Assessing the design of the helmet is generally quite difficult, because it is simply nothing to compare. Yes, and the question external viewwhich usually rises in connection with the wears devices, here is irrelevant: the latter, what a person will think about the helmet is how it looks from the side. If we say exactly about the functional side of the question, then, perhaps, the main claim is the absence of headphones (the sound is reproduced only with the help of the built-in speakers of the smartphone), as well as the absence of the "Home" button, which would be very useful.

Using a helmet and pre-installed applications

Well, put on the helmet and begin to use. The first seconds of stay in the helmet are impressive: before us is a surprisingly volumetric three-dimensional image! We show information about the precautionary measures (and already at this stage the user escapes the amazed "Wow!"), And then we get to the main menu.

It is natural, three-dimensional: in front of us are huge (the magnitude of the film in the cinema) tiles with the names of the applications. So, the starting kit includes: Oculus 360 Photos, Oculus 360 Videos, Tutorial, Cirque du Soleil's Zarkana, Oculus Cinema, VR Introduction, VR Gallery. We comment on each of these applications.

  • Tutorial - manual, allowing to learn how to manage a helmet, first acquaintance with him;
  • VR Introduction - 360 ° commercial, demonstrating the capabilities of the helmet
  • Oculus 360 Photos - many photos of 360 ° (nature, famous sights, space, etc.);
  • Oculus 360 Videos - eight videos 360 °
  • Oculus Cinema - Virtual Cinema with Family 3D trailers and two multi-screen trailers
  • Cirque Du Soleil's Zarkana - 360 ° Circus Show Commerv
  • VR Gallery is a virtual visor keypad and videos that you have on your smartphone.

The readers, of course, the question arises: what is in this case "360 °"? It is easier for this to understand, just putting the helmet. But we will try to explain on the example of real life. When you are in real space, then the visible (or potentially visible) you are a picture - not just a three-dimensional, like in a 3D film, and surrounds you from all sides. You can turn to the right and see one, left - more, back - the third ... while all this is not separate images (as in a multi-screen cinema), namely that a single space.

That's exactly what is a 360-degree image in Samsung Gear VR. For example, in Oculus 360 Photos We can open a photo of the Casa Mila Building of the Great Gaudi in Barcelona - and feel yourself on his roof. We see objects not only in front of ourselves, but on all sides, including under your feet and above your head. And in order for them to fall into sight, it is enough just to turn to them - just like in the real world.

Differences from the real world Three: first, you can't see yourself (your hands, legs, body) - as if you became a people-invisible; Secondly, you cannot move (that is, even if you do a real step, the image before the eyes does not change); And thirdly, you cannot touch the items and somehow interact with them.

However, even despite this, the immersion effect turns out many times stronger than even in the best IMAX cinema. In fact, you deceive your brain: he does not have evidence of your presence here, and not in the visible space (except that the indirect signs of the unreality of this space). Sitting in a cinema or playing video games, you can look at the other side or for yourself - and see the real world. In the helmet, nothing but virtual space does not fall into your field of view. And it amazes. You are in the matrix :)

The Oculus Cinema application is very curious. It mimics the cinema, that is, to the right and left of you - the chair, you sit around in the center of the hall, in front - big screen. On it you can view one of the seven 3D trailers: "InterStellar", "Transformers 4", "Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Militans" and others. Feelings are almost the same as in the present cinema. It seems to you that the screen on which the video is shown is really huge. By the way, if you get tired "ordinary" cinema, you can "move" to a more chamber home cinema and even in the cinema on the moon. There will be available the same seven trailers, only the screen will stand right on the lunar surface, to the right of themselves you will see the chair with the projector, and in the distance at the top - the ground. It would seem puffy! But impressive incredible!

Alas, no full film is not here, and in general the preset application kit resembles, rather, a certain advertising set: trailers, commercials ... Is that Oculus 360 photos and Oculus 360 videos can take you for a long time. And for additional content, you need to go to the virtual store, affordable and from the helmet (of course, in the presence of an active Internet connection on your smartphone), and from a smartphone.

Smartphone applications

For a comfortable installation of additional applications or delete existing, the Oculus application will be required. On our instance of the smartphone it has already been established.

If we enter the application itself and click on the menu on the left, we will see four items: Featured, Games, Apps and Experiences. For these categories, there are those few applications for Gear VR, which are currently available. In total, their 18 (including those already installed on the helmet).

Yes, yes, thousands or even hundreds of applications are not here. And among the fact that there are no real hits or things that could live for a long time in your helmet. On the other hand, the purpose of these applications is an experiment: to understand how and in what area you can use a helmet. Therefore, the developers were not chased for the quality and volume of content, but did a bet, rather, on the idea. For example, what if you place the user on the scene next to the real rock band? It is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe NEXTVR application that allows you to be behind Chris Martin's back from Coldplay, performing a Sky Full of Stars.

But of course, games are particularly interesting here. For example, Vanguard V. Imagine: You fly in space, and it is necessary to dodge the oncoming asteroids, along the way, still knocking the various space objects with a laser. For a shot, it is enough to turn your head towards the object so that the sight is hit on it. Well, in order to successfully fly the stone block, rapidly approaching you, sometimes you have to go up, and bounce, and to twitch ...

So far, all this is very simple toys, but from one thought that it will once be able to play Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed, the spirit captures!

Impressions and conclusions

Samsung Gear VR, as well as its progenitor Oculus Rift - this is still an experimental project for enthusiasts. Practical use Devices rests on the lowland content. Yes, and the quality of the image is imperfect: the picture is too grainy, and it rushes into the eyes, so we are waiting for a permit even more (so why should ultra-high resolution in smartphones!). There is also a problem with the fatigue of the eye: while in the helmet, you get quiet quickly quickly.

In general, problems can be listed for a long time. This is the lack of headphones (because of this, the user of the helmet can not be with other people in the same room, as it prevents them), and a small duration autonomous work (The smartphone in the helmet is discharged rapidly). There is where to move and in terms of interaction with the smartphone. For example, if a call in the smartphone, inserted in the helmet, you cannot answer, without removing the helmet - the phone must be pulled out (well, even though you can beat off the call without removing the helmet). It also surprises the impossibility of using a smartphone camera to create augmented reality (although it would seem technically no obstacles for this - the smartphone is turned by the desired side).

But it is necessary to understand that this is the first step, and he is really impressive. During testing, I gave to put on a helmet to colleagues and relatives. All the impressions were the strongest, almost no one left indifferent. Because it is really something completely new, not comparable to the Wow effect with 3D in all forms, nor even with smart Glass glasses. Now you can say boldly: virtual reality - no longer just words!

This innovative device undoubtedly deserves our Editorial Award Original Design.

Many users who are interested in VR technologies are also trying to monitor new products. The Samsung manufacturer does not lag behind competitors in this matter and presents its own modern products. Thus, this article will consider how to connect the Samsung Gear VR to the computer, and also to the phone.

Samsung Gear VR is a joint product of the company Samsung and Oculus VR in the form of a virtual reality helmet. This device It is enough easy to use, it has optimal weight and dimensions. The design version is intended for comfort and convenience in operation. Regarding the functional features, the model under consideration has all the parameters corresponding to modern requirements.

It is worth noting that in terms of price and quality ratio, this offer is one of the most attractive virtual technologies in the market.

The main purpose of the device is associated with its use with Samsung Galaxy S-series And with other smartphones, it often does not work. This can be both with software features and trite with dimensions of other smartphones.

However, the problem of connecting to other phones is solved as follows:

  • During the installation of the phone, the Oculus process is automatically started in the helmet, which must be manually disabled.
  • All such processes are three and disconnected by special, but paid programs, for example Package Disable Pr..
  • After that, Gear VR will be equivalent to the ordinary Google Cardboard and can be used with any VR applications from Play Market.

If necessary, all changes made can be canceled and the device will restore its default operation mode. Care should be taken when carrying out similar manipulations so as not to disturb the performance of the device.

Read more about Package Disable Pro

This application is designed to work purely with devices from Samsung, and its price does not exceed $ 2. For start this application It does not require root, and it is installed as an ordinary APK file.

Its main purpose is the complete freezing of other processes and applications on the smartphone. A similar function can be useful in the case when it is necessary to reconfigure Gear VR from Samsung to work with smartphones of other manufacturers. The program has a convenient design and good speed when analyzing the system and performing tasks. It can also be used to optimize the power consumption of your device.

How to connect to a computer

In order to connect Gear VR from Samsung to its personal computerThis will require the following:

  • Selected virtual reality glasses;
  • Compliant with smartphone;
  • USB cable or Wi-Fi distribution point;
  • Special program Trinus VR, which broadcasts the image from the computer directly to the smartphone;
  • Customized games and other BP applications.

The Trinus VR program can be installed on your smartphone via Play Market for free. Should be attentive during the inspection of its android versionWhat directly affects the installation process.

  1. First you need to connect a smartphone to a PC through USB cable or via Wi-Fi;
  2. Next you need to make sure stability and proper setting connections that it is better provided by the USB cable;
  3. Next, you can run the mentioned Trinus VR program on the phone, and then on the computer;
  4. In both windows, the program must click on the triangle icon;
  5. After that, the image from the smartphone screen will begin to be displayed on the computer, and all data is read by motion sensors, etc., are also available on the PC.

Video instruction

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