
SAMSUNG Android devices firmware via ODIN program. SAMSUNG Android Devices Firmware Using Odin SAMSUNG smartphone transition to flashing mode

How to flash Samsung yourself to improve its performance? Many users deliberately "fit" in the phone settings immediately after its acquisition to update the version by or, on the contrary, get rid of unnecessary pre-installed programs.

So, when is the flashing android really needed? It will be appropriate to dig in your gland, if necessary:

  • install the latest version of the platform on the outdated Samsung;
  • get rid of branded services, absolutely unnecessary and significantly slowing down system;
  • remove system unnecessary software installed by the manufacturer;
  • get new settings and functions.

In addition to the listed reasons, the firmware is required to be sophisticated users to improve security and confidentiality. Many do not like " all-seeing eye"Google, so they turn off the services using the changes made to the samsung.

Preliminary preparation before the firmware of the smartphone

Samsung firmware is a serious operation requiring a solid pre-training. If you do not consider important nuances, the procedure will end with full collapse. Before the firmware you need:

  • fully or up to 80% charge smartphone;
  • original (!) Yusb cable for Samsung;
  • reliable network signal without traffic limit.

And most importantly than to stock up before flashing samsung phone- Infinite patience. Get ready to possible problems, analysis of the resulting and repetition of the algorithm.

How to flash Samsung phone

Samsung are flashing both official tools from Samsung and third-party utilities. Legal users take on the manufacturer's website, and it is used for simple update OS T. new version.

Through computer

Consider how to update Android through a computer:

  1. We go to the site
  2. We are looking for a SMART SWITCH program.
  3. Download by Smart Switch to a computer.
  4. We connect Samsung to the PC through the YUSB cord and wait when the computer finds the device.
  5. The SMART Switch itself will find available to update the OS version and offer them to install them on the smartphone.
  6. Click "Update" and wait successful installation new version of OS.

Without a computer

If there is no PC at hand or you do not risk flashing samsung with the help of a Chinese wire, you can use in other way. You can update the OS and just from the smartphone itself, the main thing is to have access to Wi-Fi without limiting traffic.

  1. Go to the Samsung settings.
  2. We are looking for the item "On Device".
  3. Go to the "Update software" tab.
  4. If the "Refresh" button is active, taped on it.
  5. We agree to download, and after it is completed, initiate the installation of the update.

In the process of updating the phone, you can not use the phone, so you will be patient and wait for the end of the process.

What to do after flashing

The official developer after flashing recommends initiating data reset on the device. This measure is needed to avoid probable failures in the work of an updated OS, which can conflict with the available applications related to the past version of Android.

Before reset to factory settings, save all the important files and components: photo and video transfer to PCs, and save these chat data and passwords in Google.

Multifile firmware

The sophisticated users of the simple update of the OS are not enough: they wish to remove unnecessary system services from the smartphone and add new features to their device. To do this, use the method of a multifile firmware, the algorithm of which we will look at the example of the ODIN program. Before starting, you need to consider important nuances:

  • after using illegal tools, you fully deprive the guarantee;
  • all operations are made by users for fear and risk.

The list of preparatory manipulations before flashing Samsung through ODIN, enters the maintenance of important data, networking and sufficient battery charge on the smartphone, as well as customization of services. In general, the process passes through a simple algorithm:

It is worth noting that the combination of the smartphone keys does not always cause the firmware menu. Some samsungs do not respond to these actions, therefore, in the absence of success, it is recommended to search for instructions for the device or in special forms information about the correct way to go to the desired window.

The complexity of the multifile firmware is the need to correct location of files in the fields:

This is all that you need to do for a successful firmware, no checkclips are additionally needed. Click the start button and wait for the installation. Upon successful completion, the RESET button will be active, click on it and expect a smartphone reboot.

After successfully restarting the phone, you can turn off the cord. Now the smartphone is fully ready for operation in an updated form. Sometimes a reboot leads to the inability to turn on the device, in this case, the only output is reset using a special button in the housing.


Phone firmware - measure in some cases useful, but requires great caution and diligence. You can use official sources to update OS, as well as special utilities, adjusting Samsung's components under the tastes of the user. They delete system services that, in fact, do not need and seriously slow down the operation of the device, and also add new features to the smartphone functionality.

But there is also the underwater part of the iceberg: the unsuccessful firmware is capable of turning the expensive smartphone into a useless brick, and not enough "folk" utilities will not cause system errors. Some users noted that the installed ROM eaten the battery in a matter of hours, and some firmware interact poorly with the "hardware", which manifests itself in the form of dead modules, deterioration of the camera and slowing the search for satellites. Sometimes the possible consequences are much more dangerous than in sufficient system performance or fear to be under the gun gun. So think hundreds of times, before you decide to dig in the gland of your smartphone, there is no sufficient experience and knowledge.

One of the popular directions sAMSUNG. - This is the production of smartphones and tablets. In a short time, the company won great popularity among users thanks to reliable phones.
Most of Samsung smartphones are available on android. But any device is not insured against breakdowns, including the fault of the user. Editing system files, Installing applications from unreliable devices and poor-quality software leads to work with failures.
Unfortunately, the output in most cases is only one - reflash your device.
How to flash Samsung phone with kies
KIES is a specially designed utility from Samsung, designed to synchronize data from a PC, as well as update and restore the OS on the gadget.
What will be needed for the firmware of the Samsung apparatus:
Gadget himself
Computer, and better laptop
USB cable
Kies program
Fully charged battery
What can not be done during the firmware
You can not turn off the device and PC. According to the World Page Law, it is possible to turn off the light during the update, so if you can use the laptop.
Use a device. Tick \u200b\u200bcalls, SMS, access the Internet. It is impossible even for a minute and just look. Ideally, find a SIM card for which one hundred percent will call and will not write.
Pull out the battery and pull usb. Therefore, put the device so as not to touch the cord with a random touch.
If you do all the above-described actions, it is not a fact that after that you will be restored by Samsung even in the service center, so be careful.
Download kies to your computer and install. Next, connect the device to the PC using a USB cable.
If the utility has not started automatically, then click on its icon twice.
With a new version software, Soft will notify the need to update. If the dialog box does not appear, click on the tab with the connected device and click on the "Update".
We agree to download the new software. We are waiting for a few minutes.

Important. In the process sAMSUNG updates can reboot several times. Do not disconnect it, do not pull the cord from the USB port. The device turned off not because the contact disappeared, but because it is updated.
When a message on the successful completion of the process appears on the monitor, you can now turn off the USB cable.
When the device is loaded, and a message on a successful firmware will be displayed on the PC display, you can disable USB cable. We restore data from the backup or from google accountAnd you can use a smartphone.
Phone firmware Samsung using the ODIN program
To do this, you will need:
USB cable
ODIN program
Fully charged battery
PC or laptop
In this case, the software update is forbidden to do the same actions that are described in the previous embodiment.
With single-foam firmware, all data will be saved.
The device must be turned off! Connect the off the gadget to the computer and open ODIN.
Make sure Samsung is connected in the left upper corner The windows will burn yellow. And in the Message window written "Added".
Next, click on the PDA button and select the previously injected archive of the new software. Its extension must be.md5, .tar or SMD.
Now you need to turn on the device into the firmware mode. To do this, shrinking at the same time on the power key, volume and home key. Hold before the screen saver.
Now in the Odin utility by clicking Start. We are waiting for about five minutes, the device restarts and only after the full load turn off the USB cable.
Five-failey firmware
Turn off the phone, connect to the PC, run ODIN, make sure that the device is connected.
Unpack the firmware archive into a separate folder and sequentially add files to the windows:
Pit window - file with extension.pit
PDA - file in the title of which contains the words PDA or Code
Phone - Contains in the name Modem
CSC - Contains CSC word
BOOTLOADER - contains in the name apboot
We put a tick of the Re-Partition, click on the start and waiting for the message Pass. After samsung reboot.
Refracting Samsung Phone Without Computer
To do this, you will need an archive of firmware that can be downloaded on the Internet on the website or forum that specialize in Samsung.
After downloading, write to the USB flash drive or on internal memory And turn off the gadget.
Further, depending on the model, we climb the volume key simultaneously or lower the sound and inclusion.
When the screensaver appears, let go of the key. Use the volume buttons scroll to the "Install Updates" section. Briefly press the power button and select the list that appears the desired file.. Again, briefly press meals and confirm consent.
The second version of flashing without a computer is through the ODIN Mobile program.
Download any single-name firmware and write it into internal memory. The format must be.tar or.tar.md5
If Mobile Odin is not, then you download and install. After that, we open it and choose the Open File item.
In the window that appears, select the desired and click OK.
We check and click on FLASH FIRMWARE. After that we are waiting for about ten minutes.
In the process, a message may appear about the need to reboot. Do not be afraid, just click on the central key of the smartphone.

Now update or change the firmware of your device and without contacting specialized centers. You, in essence, while only spend your money and take time. How to reflash the phone yourself? We will give specific answers to this question in our article.

Features for firmware

Now we will list several important elements, which are necessary for flashing your cellular.

  1. First, make sure that the battery is charged by 50 and higher than percent ( optimal option - This is a complete recharging), since the process of flashing can be sufficiently long.
  2. If you are afraid of losing important data contained on your cell phone, make backup files of files and information you need.
  3. For flashing you need a standard USB cable, which is in addition to the phone.
  4. The PC must be appropriate for flashing your phone. All drivers can be found on the official sites of manufacturers or in numerous alternative sources. There are pirated and licensed versions of software that are significantly different by their functional. It should be noted that the official is not always better pirated. At the end of the successful installation, you need to restart the smartphone.
  5. Your device must have pure ESN, that is, not to be in the database stolen or lost.
  6. Next, you need to learn (for some models) MEID and ESN, where the first consists of 18 (starting from 2) or 15 digits, and the last one is from 8.
  7. Today there are 3 types of firmware: from the zip archive, the TAR archive or three-failey. Below we will tell you more about each of them.

Do you still think how to reflash the phone? Believe me, it is not at all difficult. A little later you yourself make sure.

Firmware: "Android" from the zip archive

This is one of best methodsused by a variety of users. So how to reflash the phone ("android") from the zip archive? First, you need to install root- rights. It is worth noting that this possibility is not available on all devices. Plus, having achieved root-rights, you will immediately lose the guarantee on the device. Secondly, you need to make backup, that is backup important files. What is needed for this? Can, for example, install special program To restore the system, an excellent model of which will be clockworkmod. It is designed to flash phones on the "Android" OS, and in the case of some failures it allows you to return to the source. To make a backup using the aforementioned program, you must take the following actions:

  1. Run ClockworkMod Recovery.
  2. Select "Backup & Restore".
  3. Next "Backup".
  4. Confirm the "YES" button by pressing.
  5. Restart your device by clicking "Reboot System Now".

After completing these actions on your microSD, a backup must appear in the ClockWorkMod / Backup folder. At the end of all of the above operations, you can move directly to flashing. So how to reflash the phone ("android") from the zip archive?

  1. After downloading the ROM file, write it to the memory card. The firmware name may contain Latin letters and numbers, and the file itself should be in the zip archive.
  2. Disable the phone from the PC and the charging device.
  3. Next, turn off the mobile phone and run the recovery mode.
  4. In the menu we find the item "WIPE", erasering the current system information.
  5. After you need to return to the root of the menu and select "Flash Zip from SD-Card" or "Install Zip From SDCard".
  6. We find the ROM firmware located in the zip archive.
  7. Confirm the firmware and follow the instructions set out on the screen.
  8. If everything has passed successfully and without errors, restart the phone by selecting "Reboot System Now".

We finished with the first method. Now go to the 3-file firmware.

How to reflash android with a three-firmware firmware

For this method, we will need the Mobile Odin Pro application, which is another program for the Android firmware. If you decide to make a flashing in this way, the root rights can not receive. How to reflash the phone with a 3-file firmware? Let us turn to the algorithm of action:

  1. To begin with, you need to record files on your smartphone or tablet (3 files that have CSC, CSC, MODEM word in your names). Preferably all 3 files throw in one folder.
  2. IN application Mobile ODIN Pro Select Open File.
  3. Next, the window should be displayed, where you need to select a file that has the word "Code" in the title. Click "OK".
  4. After selecting the "Modem" item and press the "OK" button.
  5. Check, in order to have data in all sections.
  6. At the end of the check, click "Flash Firmware".
  7. We are waiting for the firmware process, which can last over 15 minutes.

Finally, go to the last firmware method.

How to flash "android" from the TAR archive

Not the most popular method, since there are very few firmware, Koi sparkled by V.Tar archive. Generally speaking, most of the process coincides with the previous way. How to reflash the phone from the TAR archive?

  1. In Mobile Odin Pro, select "Open File".
  2. In the window, find and select the downloaded firmware having a format.tar or.tar.md5, koi previously recorded in the Firmware folder. Click "OK".
  3. After checking, so that all sections had the necessary data.
  4. Next, click "Flash Firmware".
  5. We are waiting for the completion of the installation and reboot the device.

Several words I would like to say about the firmware chinese phones. Such devices are updated absolutely the same, but there are a number of nuances. First, it is very difficult to find high-quality firmware, and it is impossible for some gadgets. Secondly, various fakes (according to iPhone, Galaxy S4 and others) are unreliable, because of which the custom firmware can cause irreparable damage to the device. On this all, we hope that our instructions answered your question how to reflash the Chinese phone and original devices in order to update the already subnamed system. However, remember that overpowing "Android" is an operation for your own and risk that may not have very rainbow consequences.

How to reflash samsung phone

In this section, we will describe flashing using the Multiloader application. After downloading it, you need to start and select "BRCM2133". Next follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the "download" mode by pressing the shutdown key (lock) and volume. If "Download" appears on the screen, this means that everything has passed successfully.
  2. We connect the phone to the PC via USB cable. After detection of the device, press the "download" button and wait a couple of minutes.
  3. Turn off USB and reboot your smartphone. If a mobile phone starts on english language, I make a simple "pre-configuration" by typing "* # 6984125 * #" → "Pre-configuration", after which we enter the password "* # 73561 * #". We choose the country of residence and reboot. Next, in the window, drive "* 2767 * 3855 #", which will help reset the settings.
  4. All is ready. The system is updated. We think you understand how to reflash Samsung's phone.

Nokia firmware

New models support the firmware function "by air", that is, without connecting to the PC. All you need is a high-speed Internet. So how to reflash the phone "Nokia"? First of all, we go into the "Parameters" \u003d\u003e "Phone" \u003d\u003e "Telephone Management" \u003d\u003e "Device Update". You will be presented all important information About phone model and firmware version. Select "functions" \u003d\u003e "Check updates". If more fresh versions According to, you will be reported and offer to update old firmware. Everything is done automatically.

If you want to update the system through a computer using a USB cable connection, just download the Nokia Software Updater application and run it. After follow the instructions that will appear on the screen of your smartphone.

How to reflash the phone htc

First you need to download the firmware itself. In addition, it is important to get root-rights and make a backup on the method described by us earlier. You can also create a backup using the Titanium Backup application. Establish, actually, to the process:

  1. First we make a full "WIPE". How to do it, we have already told.
  2. Next, select In Recovery "Install Zip From SD-Card".
  3. After you need to enable or disable the Toggle Verification Mode signature check.
  4. We find our firmware and launch it. We are waiting for the completion of the update and reboot. At the end, "Installation Completed" should be highlighted.

As you can see, the firmware of the phones of this model largely coincides with the previously described method of firmware from the ZIP archive.

Sony Xperia firmware

For firmware we will need flashTool program and USB cable. We begin the process. So how to reflash phone Sony. Xperia?

  1. To begin with, you load the firmware you need, which will have format.ftf.
  2. This file we throw in folder / FlashTool / Firmwares.
  3. After you want to start the FlashTool utility, turn off the phone and wait 30-60 seconds. Next, click on the button in the application where zipper is drawn, and choose "Flashmode".
  4. A little later, you will be given a message that the firmware is ready for installation, and the device must be connected.
  5. Close the key that is responsible for lowering the volume, after which the FlashTool program identifies your device.
  6. We expect the end of the firmware until "Flashing Finished" appears. Restart the device and enjoy the updated software.

Go to K. last telephoneFor which we tell the firmware process.

Fly Flying

So how to reflash phone Fly.? Follow the algorithm:

  1. We connect the phone (off) to PC via USB cable.
  2. Download, install and launch all the same FlashTool.
  3. Go to the section "Download", where you specify the COM port and speed (we do not advise you to put it above 460800).
  4. Indicate the downloader ("Download Agent").
  5. We load the memory distribution scheme of your smartphone ("Scatter-Loading") and after checking the lines with the device flash drives, koi is subject to programming.
  6. Click "Format Fat", where you choose "Manual Fat Format". In the "Begin Address" and "Format Length" in the 16-richest format, you must specify the initial address (0x0), as well as the memory size of the smartphone you want to clean. Be vigilant, as you can delete calibration data by negligence.
  7. Click "OK", then press the power button.
  8. To start the firmware process, you must click the "Download" button.
  9. After the update is completed, we turn off the phone from the USB cable and reboot it (for the need several times).

As you can see, everything is quite simple.


Many users of phones on the "Android" OS are sooner or later asked about changing the firmware, since the original becomes obsolete, which affects the overall phone performance. At the same time, interruptions of the system are very often happening, which is especially relevant for Chinese phones. Nevertheless different reasons Do not everyone want to go to service center, I prefer to reflash your smartphone yourself. In this article we led many visual examples. this process. We think you were interested.

How to flash samsung gt?

Many telephones with time can fail. Not exception is the Samsung GT phone. In this article we will look at how to make firmware this phoneAnd also let's talk about what it will be needed.

So how to flash samsung gt?

Preparation for the firmware

  1. In order to prepare for the phone firmware, we need to check the connector, and if necessary, clean it from dust. If the phone has a broken connector, it will be possible to flash it only with the help center.
  2. It is also necessary that the battery is fully charged.
  3. For the phone firmware, you will need drivers from New PC Studio. This product contains all required drivers And help keep all the information from the phone. You can download it, for example, on

SAMSUNG GT firmware with New PC Studio

After you install New PC Studio, you can go to your phone firmware. The program will automatically install all drivers, and after that it can be closed. Do not forget to make a backup copy of all photos, contacts and other valuable data before implementing the firmware.

Go directly to the phone firmware. Run the firmware, accept all conditions. Click Next.

  1. You will appear in front of you in which you will need to click the Apps button, then select the apps_compressed.bin file.
  2. Now press the RC1 button, select the rsrc_s5230_open_europe_slav_red.rc1 file from the firmware folder.
  3. Now press the RC2 button, select the RSRC2_S5230 (LOW) file _ser.rc2 from the firmware folder.
  4. Click the Factory FS button and select File FactoryFS_S5230_Open_Europe_Slav_Red_ser.FFS from the firmware folder.
  5. Check the Full Download flag and click the "BOOT" button.
  6. Select the Bootfiles folder from the firmware folder.
  7. In the Control panel from above, select BRCM2133
  8. Translate the phone to download mode. To do this, clamp the volume button + the "Home" button + the power button.
  9. Next, connect the phone with a cable to a computer. Wait for the device definition.
  10. Press the "Port Search" button. Turn on the download mode by pressing "Download".

The firmware update will start automatically.

SAMSUNG GT Firmware Using Odin

Another way to firmware smartphone is the use of the ODIN program. In order to take advantage of it, first will also need to do a number of preparatory actions:

  • Download the driver: samsung_usb_driver_for_mobile_phones_v1.5.23
  • Download the program: odin3_v3.09
  • Download the firmware: i8552xxand3 dated 04/16/14

Before starting ODIN program, do the following:

  1. Remove Samsung Kies., as this program May cause a failure during the firmware operation.
  2. If you have antivirus installed, turn it off, as it is also able to affect the firmware and ODIN program.
  3. Download and install drivers, unpack the archive with the program to any folder. In the same folder you will need to place the firmware files. Now translate your phone to download mode. To do this, you can use the instruction above.

Firmware process

  1. Run the program and click the PDA inscription.
  2. Specify the path to the downloaded firmware file, then the firmware check will begin. Upon completion, connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable.
  3. Click Start. As soon as the process of updating the phone firmware is started, you will see the field history of the update stages.
  4. You do not need to take part in updating the firmware, just wait for the program will completely update the firmware of your phone.

Please note that you must download such a firmware that matches the model of your phone. In addition, you should not forget that the firmware of the phone can harm the device and relieves responsibility from the manufacturer for further errorswhich may occur during the work with the device.

Updating the firmware of all SAMSUNG GALAXY models.

  • What gives the firmware?
  • What kind samsung Models Galaxy is stitched?
  • What version of the firmware will be installed?
  • What to take with you?
  • How long will you need?
  • What about the guarantee?

    SAMSUNG GALAXY firmware is an update of the Android operating system. These updates improve the operation of the device (speed up the launch of programs) and eliminate the identified errors and system vulnerability.

    You can also contact us to:

    • eliminate SAMSUNG GALAXY Failures and Waving
    • restore your smartphone or tablet if it does not turn on
    • fix the consequences of unsuccessful firmware

    Rebuilding the broken Samsung in our service center will solve these problems.

    We flash all models of tablets, smartphones and SAMSUNG GALAXY smarts. In particular:

  • Samsung Galaxy Note.
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab.

and any other models including cameras (Samsung Galaxy Camera) and SAMSUNG (Samsung Galaxy Gear.)

Whatever Samsung Galaxy, bring it to our service center for firmware.

  • There are 2 types of firmware:

    Official firmware. Updates issued by developers with error corrections and other improvements.

    Unofficial (custom) firmware. These firmware are made by enthusiasts (community). Such firmware provide the user more wide functions, for example, root rights.

    In our workshops are installed latest versions official firmware SAMSUNG GALAXY. Also contact our workshops if you need root access to your device. Experts will establish a proven and consistently working version of custom firmware.

    If you want to flash your Samsung Galaxy, bring it to us. Just only the apparatus, no additional accessories take with you.

    Samsung Galaxy Firmware does not take much time. For an hour you can get your phone already with the firmware.

    Our workshops provide warranties for all repair work. The SAMSUNG Galaxy firmware warranty is 2 weeks.

    SAMSUNG GALAXY devices

    All variety SAMSUNG series Galaxy

    Samsung Galaxy - This is a series of a wide variety of devices: smartphones, lights, tablets, players and cameras.

    In 2009, a smartphone was released under this brand. It was the i7500 model. First Samsung Galaxy worked under android management 1.5. For this operating system, there is only 1 official update to version 1.6. With the help of custom firmware, you can update the phone to Android 2.2.1 or 2.3.4.

    Until the end of 2014, 46 versions and modifications were issued sAMSUNG smartphone Galaxy. The latter at that time the model of this series is SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 DUOS With two symcards. Under this model are available official updatesand custom firmware.

    In 2010, a tablet appeared SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB. With Android 2.2, which can be updated to version 4.3 (this is an unofficial firmware). The Galaxy Tab line is regularly replenished more powerful models Tablets, with new versions of Android. For example, by the end of 2014 was released Galaxy Tab S 10.5 " with android 4.4.

    Parally produced a ruler SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE.. A distinctive feature of this series is a Pen stylus. The line includes several tablets (Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 and 10.1), and so-called lights or smart posts - cell phones, sizes close to tablets.

    In addition to smartphones and tablets in the Galaxy line, cameras are available ( SAMSUNG GALAXY CAMERA.), players ( SAMSUNG GALAXY S WIFI) And hours Samsung Galaxy Gear.. All these devices are managed operating system Android (Some - Tizen), which you can update or reflash in our workshops.

    Didn't find required services? Find out the price of consultants by phone.

    Tags: firmware samsung Galaxy, flash the Samsung Galaxy phone, custom firmware for Samsung Galaxy S3, how much should the phone

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