
What is a map and why it is needed. What is a "universal electronic card" and why it is needed. Moving to watching video

Make purchases on the Internet - modern, convenient and even profitable. Without leaving home, you can buy air tickets, books, a gift to a close person and even products for dinner. It is enough to have a good connection and a bank card. What rules need to be observed not to lose all money from the card, tell specialists of the Tula branch of the Bank of Russia.

Rule number 1

Shopping via the Internet is better to perform from your own computer equipped with antivirus program. In no case should it be done by connecting to the free Wi-Fi with open access - the data of your card can be known to unauthorized persons.

Rule number 2.

To secure your funds, it is not necessary to give up shopping online. It should be more careful, avoid visiting unverified sites and make a virtual payment card. As a rule, a virtual card has no physical media, that is, you cannot hold it in your hands. Instead of the familiar plastic card, the client only receives its details that will be needed for payment on the Internet: the validity period, its number and security code consisting of three digits. A virtual card can be opened in a few minutes, for example, through an online bank application. In addition, the owner has the right to independently establish limits on consumables and replenish the map for a certain amount immediately before purchase.

Fake sites are another trap, which you can please, making purchases online. Sites created by fraudsters offer products and services on behalf of famous companies for theft of money from citizens. For these purposes, the name of the site is used, similar to the name of the current company, the elements of its corporate identity, the logo. The calculation is simple: not all people carefully look at the browser's address bar and do not everyone understand that the site is just like a familiar site, actually being a completely different page. Sometimes scammers change in the title just one letter. What happens after payment "Goods" on such a site? The unlucky client will lose money, in addition, his personal data, which he himself introduced on the twin site, will fall into the hands of chairs.

Sitemap or "Site Map" is needed to simplify the indexation of your site. If easier, Sitemap informs search engines that it is necessary to index and how often to do it. Let's take a closer look more detailed.

What does Sitemap consist of 2005-01-01 monthly 0.8 ...

Our site `s mapif we speak simple consists of a set, т.е. прямых ссылок на страницы вашего сайта. — location, сообщает поисковой системе прямую ссылку на страницу вашего сайта

— last modification, сообщает когда было последнее изменение конкретно этой страницы

— change frequency, сообщает с какой частотой изменяется эта страница, варьируется от hourly до never

— priority, сообщает какой приоритет у этой страницы, по отношению к другим, варьируется от 0.1 до 1.0

Как создать карту сайта (sitemap)

Существует 3 способа как создать site-map:

Написать весь код sitemap вручную:)

Вы безусловно можете создать sitemap.xml и вручную прописать все страницы вашего сайта, но после, когда вы будете в процессе работы с сайтом добавлять страницы, менять url — вашу карту сайта придется переделывать ручками. Это очень трудоемкий процесс, особенно если на вашем сайте более 100 страниц.

Создать sitemap онлайн

Вы можете воспользоваться онлайн-сервисом по созданию таких sitemap’ов. Я уже писал статью о . Данный метод неплохо работает, особенно если у вас на сайте не сделан на какой-либо CMS. Минусы тут тоже присутствуют — при каждом изменении url или добавлении новой страницы необходимо будет скачать новый файл sitemap . Но все же следить за сайтом проще, чем в первом варианте.

Создать sitemap на вашей CMS

Скорей всего ваш сайт сделан на какой-либо . В данном случае вам необходимо воспользоваться плагином или модулем для вашей CMS, выставить необходимые настройки и больше не вспоминать о карте сайта. Для одной из таких CMS я уже писал гайд .

Проверить sitemap

Для того, чтобы проверить sitemap, вы можете воспользоваться например,

Карта сайта или Sitemap – это документ, который отображает достоверную информацию о структуре конкретного сайта и его страниц. В котором наглядно видно, какие страницы содержаться на нашем сайта.

Все круто, но зачем нужна карта сайта? А нужна она вот почему:

  • Мы улучшаем индексацию своего сайта, особенно страниц глубокой вложенности;
  • Показываем поисковым системам, какие страницы у нас есть;
  • Мы предоставляем пользователям наглядный путеводитель по страницам сайта.

Перейдем к просмотру видео:

Какие бывают виды карт

Карты сайта бывают двух видов: HTML и XML. У них различный способ построения и немного разные назначения.


Это самый первый вид карт, представляющий собой структурированный список в формате HTML, отсюда и название. Уверен, есть какие-то сервисы по генерации этого вида, но я таких не встречал, да и не нужно это.

Не сложно и занимает немного времени создать данный вид sitemap вручную в Notepad++ или любом другом редакторе. Просто не стоит сюда пихать каждую ссылку, выгоднее сделать нужные пользователю разделы и страницы.


Этот вид появился гораздо позднее и предназначен для поисковых систем. Чаще всего именуется, как sitemap.xml и находится в корне сайта. На примере моего блога, вы можете увидеть ее – , правда она создана с помощью плагина.

Как создать карту сайта в XML формате

Формат HTML не имеет смысла разбирать, т.к. это простой список в тегах

    с ссылками. Это можно найти в любом учебнике по верстке.

    Сейчас же мы разберем, как создавать стандартную карту сайта своими руками, без сервисов. Немного разберем служебные теги:

    • — тег для сведений об определенном адресе сайта;
    • — контейнер;
    • — тег для указания адреса. Начитается с префикса (например http) и длина не более 2048 символов;
    • — в теге указывается дата последнего изменения документа в формате ГГГГ-ММ-ДД.;
    • — указывает периодичность изменений страницы (атрибуты: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never);
    • Указываем относительный приоритет документа (значения от 0.1 – низкий приоритет, до 1 – высокий приоритет). По умолчанию – 0.5.

    Теги , и являются обязательными, а , и Могут не указываться в файле Sitemap.xml.

    Если мы применим знания тегов и структуры sitemap (она стандартна), то получаем нечто такое:

    https://сайт/ 2014-10-11 monthly 1.00 https://сайт/seo 2014-10-11 monthly 0.80 https://сайт/seo/post1 2014-10-11 monthly 0.80

    But for large projects, creating a site map will be tormented, so we read the next partition.

    Sitemap.xml generator

    The most popular and optimal free solution is the service -, but there is a limit of up to 500 pages. In the service, everything is simple, drive your site address, install the update frequency, put the latest modification and priorities in auto mode. Next, click the start and wait, then download the card and place on your site.

    My option is paid. They collect all the site data and generate a map of any size.

    There are another 1 free option, this is a program - Xenu Links Sleuth.

    Here everything is also quite simple, open the program (it is free) and fit the site, while turning off the check mark:

    The exchange card is the main document of the future mother, which is desirable to always have with you. What does he represent, what is needed and why is it so important for any woman waiting for the birth of a baby?

    The exchange map of the maternity hospital, the hospital's maternity departments is intended for continuity in monitoring a woman and her child in female consultation, obstetric hospital and children's clinic. The information contained in the exchange card is important for any physician consulting a woman during pregnancy and in the postpartum period in the conditions of a polyclinic and hospital, the leading childbirth of this woman, and for a pediatrician pediatrician of the maternity hospital and children's clinic.

    According to Order No. 50 dated February 10, 2003 "On the improvement of obstetric and gynecological assistance in outpatient polyclinic institutions", the exchange map of the maternity hospital is issued by a pregnant female consultation by the doctor in terms of 22-23 weeks. This is due to the fact that the last stage of diagnosis is carried out on the presence of congenital malformations from the fetus, in addition, after this period, the interruption of pregnancy will already be considered premature childbirth.

    What parts is the exchange card?

    The exchange card consists of three parts-tickets.
    When filling in the first coupon "Information for women's consultation on a pregnant man" The female consultation doctor records information on the features of the current pregnancies, childbirth, postpartum period, and the peculiarities of the current pregnancy and the state of pregnant women, knowledge of which is important for a doctor who has given birth to this woman and for a doctor - Pediatra of the maternity hospital. With subsequent visits to consultations, pregnant brings a exchange card for records of these subsequent inspections and research. When entering the hospital (for childbirth or in the pregnancy pathology), a woman is obliged to present a exchange card. With its absence, a woman is hospitalized in the 2nd obstetric department, in which women usually do without a survey, as well as pregnant women who identified certain infections to avoid possible infection of the examined pregnant women. In the event that the woman is hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department before the expiration date of the exchange card in (22-23 weeks), it should issue a exchange card before this period and put in it the results of existing surveys and analyzes.

    Second coupon "The information of the maternity hospital, the maternity hospital of the hospital about the maternity hospital" is filled in an obstetric hospital before the discharge of the parental and is issued to it to transfer to women's advice. The obstetric hospital doctor when filling in the second coupon details information about the peculiarities of the flow of childbirth, the postpartum period and the state of the parental, which cause a special observation of it.

    Third coupon "The information of the parental house, the maternity hospital of the hospital about the newborn is filled in the children's department of the obstetric hospital before the discharge of the newborn and issued a mother to transfer it to the children's clinic. The doctors of the obstetric hospital (obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician) When filling in the third coupon, the most detailed records information about those features of childbirth and the state of the newborn, which cause the need for special observation after it is discharged from the hospital.

    What information is contained in the exchange card?

    1.F.I.O., age, address.
    2. Amented general, gynecological diseases, operations, features of the current premium pregnancies, childbirth, postpartum period, what is the pregnancy in the account? What kind of birth do you think? How many abortions were (year, at what time)? Premature childbirth (year, term).
    3. Next menstruation. Indicates the date of the first day.
    4. More pregnancy at the first visit.
    5.Well visited times.
    6. The first movement of the fetus.
    7. Features of the course of this pregnancy.
    8.Size pelvis. The weight is determined at the first turnout. A weight gain in the entire pregnancy should be 10-11 kg.
    9. Put the fetus. Fetal heartbeat per minute.
    10.Laboratory tests. Diagnosis of syphilis, HIV infection, viral hepatitis B and C. Rhzes factor, antibody titer, blood type, clinical blood tests and urine, blood clotting factors, general urine analysis, vaginal content analysis, smear, worm worm.
    11.Arterial pressure (AD). Table control AD \u200b\u200bfrom 30 weeks.
    12. Data issuance of a sheet of disability on antenatal leave (30 weeks).
    13. Data of the alleged childbirth. The prescription of the fetus.
    14. Suzy: on time 10-14 weeks, in 20-24 weeks, in 32-34 weeks.
    15. The conclusion of the therapist, oculist, dentist, otolaryngologist. Conclusion of the endocrinologist - if there is indications.
    16. List for the linings of analyzes and other documents. The section filled in the maternity hospital:
    19. Date and features of the flow of labor (duration, complications from the mother and the fetus).
    20. Operational manuals in childbirth. It is indicated whether the cesarean cross section was listed for it.
    21. Anesthesia (applied or not, what, efficiency).
    22. The course of the postpartum period.
    23.Well (on what day after childbirth).
    24. The state of the mother when discharge.
    25. Condition of the child at birth, in the maternity hospital and at discharge.
    26. The mass of the child at birth and at discharge.
    27. Growth of a child at birth.
    28. Does mother (testimony) needs in patronage. For children's clinic:
    29. From what pregnancy a child was born. At what week of pregnancy there were childbirth. Previous pregnancy ended with an artificial, spontaneous, childbirth, including a dead fruit.
    30. Gift one-bed, multiple. It is indicated how the child was born, if the childbirth was multiply.
    31. Features of the flow of labor (duration, complications of the mother and the fetus).
    32. Anesthetics (whether it was applied). Efficiency.
    33. For the postpartum period.
    34. Disposable (for what day after childbirth).
    35. The state of the mother when discharge.
    36. Paul baby.
    37.The birth at birth at discharge. Birth growth.
    38. Condition of the child at birth along the scale of apgar.
    39. Shrew whether immediately?
    40. Are there measures to revitalize (what)?
    41. Attached for the first time to the chest in the maternity hospital (on what day of life).
    42. Feeding (breast, writing milk mother, donor, mixture).
    43. Pupovina disappeared (on what day of life).
    44.Bolly or not sick? Diagnosis, treatment.
    45.The vault.
    46. \u200b\u200bVaccination.

    The female consultation doctors will probably invite you to a regular admission according to all the same "instructions": with normally proceeding pregnancy - once a month to 28 weeks, after - once every two weeks. However, if you feel well, and the hike in the female consultation does not bring harmony to your life, you have the right to refuse regular visits to the gynecologist. If you have taken such a decision, the doctor is obliged to treat it with respect and politely clarify you possible consequences for your health. Beating, increasing the voice, insults and threats in refusing to issue a exchange card are not allowed for a doctor. If something like this happens, you can immediately go to a conversation with the head of women's advice. If, and there you did not find an understanding, in the consultation you can find out the contacts of the superior health authorities of your city, where and report about what happened.

    Creating A Sitemap.xml Is a Very Important Step in Site Inner Optimization. Search Engine Robots Do Not Travel Across Your WebSite At Random. Bots Cannot Jump Over The Pages; THEY FOLLOW THE LINKS THEY FIND ON PAGE. That is Why It Is Important to Build The Site Structure Properly. This way, The most Important Material Will Be on Easily-Accessible Pages and All the Links on the Page Will Be Well Organized. The Less Navigationsal Depth There Is, The More Accessible Pages Are for the Search Engine. AS During Its Visits The Search Program Only Follows a Few Links, The Website Owner Has to Wait Until It Goes Around The Whole Site and Delivers It To the Search Results. Depending On The Volume of the Web Project, It May Take Sevel Weeks to Several Months, Depending On The Number of Pages and The Quality of their Content.

    What is a sitemap?

    However, Google Came Up with A Special Tool, Which Makes The Work Of Its Search Program Significantly Easier. For this, The Site Owner Has The Option to Prepare a Document Called A Sitemap. This is a list of Links Either to all the pages, or at Least The Most Important Ones, On Your WebSite. With this File, It is Much Easier for the Site and Follow the Links to view Content. The Search Engine Reciprocates Such "Care" by Making Access to the Site Easier for Other Internet Users, I.E. RAISING THE SITE IN THE SEARCH-ENGINE RESULTS.

    How to Create An Xml Sitemap?

    Sitemap is an XML-File, Which Lists The Links to All The WebSite Pages in Sequence. The File IS uploaded to the server in the site root folder, and in its Special Field There File. During Its Next Visit to the Site, The Search Program Reads The File and Passes QUickly Through The Links Provided There.

    There Are Three Ways of Creating A Sitemap:

    • you can create sitemap.xml MANUALLY, BUT THIS IS VERY INCONVENIENT;
    • you can Generate A Sitemap with the Help of Special Online Services. This Way Is More Convenient The First One, But It Is Also A Little Unreliable, Because You Cannot Control The Process;
    • you Can Install The Sitemap XML Module to Create The Sitemap Automatically.

    You Can Create The File Manually, But It Is Easier to Entrust Experienced Specialists With this Task. You Only Need to Give Them The Link to the Site, And thely Prepare The Appropriate File. By Creating The Sitemap, You Will Get The Following Benefits:

    • the Process Of Adding Pages Of Your Site to Search Engines Index Will Accelerate;
    • the Search Engines Will Detect Any Changes on the Site Pages more Quickly;
    • the Users Will Receive Recent and Relevant Content in Response to their Questions, and You Will Get more Traffic from Search Engines in Turn.

    Theraefore, if your Drupal-site Has No Sitemap.xml File Yet, Be Sure to Get One! IT Will Improve Your WebSite Ranks On The Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

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